
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544815 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2100 on: October 30 2005, 05:38 am »
Especially if it happens twice in one year.
Five months apart! Ahhh! Why me?!?!!?

Well, I'm not sure if it was kidney stones this time, since the doctors didn't even test me for anything (I was there on Tuesday this week). But it sure as hell felt like it! Pssh. Cheap.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2101 on: October 30 2005, 05:54 am »
Ouch. Kidney stones? Never had them. Poor Endoh and Starfire. It sounds like you went through a lot of pain.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2102 on: October 30 2005, 06:07 am »
Yeah....  Afterward was worse. 
They put me on a diet for low calcium, low protein, and low sodium!  All I could eat was rice cakes!!!  (no beloved french fries)
They called it   Idiopathcihypercalciriya  (or something close to that anyway)

I certainly hope you feel better Endoh!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2103 on: October 30 2005, 06:15 am »
There's a history of Kidney and Gulbladder stones in my family (yeah, thanks, dad!) so I was bound to get it.
But they were just suprised that I got it so early.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2104 on: October 30 2005, 08:18 am »
my mom had gall stones.. really bad stuff. they made 4 incesions in her body and lasered them. she's okay now buy yeah.. the thought of that kind of pain just scares me.

poor endoh and starfire. i hope you guys don't get them again!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2105 on: October 30 2005, 09:50 am »
Ow...that sounds painful....yeah, I hope you don't get them again!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2106 on: October 30 2005, 10:12 am »
After I was sexually abused my brother would constantly say it was my fault.

I made it clear when we contacted the police not to make it public. I didn't even want to go to court. It was too embarrassing for me. I got over it now though. Part of it helps that my brother doesn't live here anymore.

So sorry, really, i know how u feal cus i had a similar experience, and don't pay attention about what your brother say, this is a male world, everything we do is always critizied first, that's what i hate about this world.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2107 on: October 30 2005, 12:46 pm »
So sorry, really, i know how u feal cus i had a similar experience, and don't pay attention about what your brother say, this is a male world, everything we do is always critizied first, that's what i hate about this world.

Thank you, but I'm alright now. I haven't seen my brother in 9 months. I'm not completely sure, but I don't think I'll ever see him again. Long story.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2108 on: October 30 2005, 12:56 pm »
It really is terrible. After I was sexually abused my brother would constantly say it was my fault. He usually did it when we were fighting verbally. He couldn't compete with me at verbal fighting so that was his defense. I always got panic attacks when he said it. At least I didn't get pregnant. I'm thankful for that.

I made it clear when we contacted the police not to make it public. I didn't even want to go to court. It was too embarrassing for me. I got over it now though. Part of it helps that my brother doesn't live here anymore.

That's horrible! Oh my, moezy-chan, I'm really so sorry for you. Thank goodness you're alright.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2109 on: October 30 2005, 01:06 pm »
That's horrible! Oh my, moezy-chan, I'm really so sorry for you. Thank goodness you're alright.

That was almost 4 years ago. I'm getting over it. Thank you for your concern though.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2110 on: November 01 2005, 12:59 am »
Time will heal your wound moezy chan...

(Change topic)

I got a friend who i really can't stand her. I don't know what happen to her or she is like this all along. Conversion around her is all about boy girl relationship, she is fonds of matching people and teasing them trying to matchmake which I hate that. I and my guy friend (ex-classmate) went back to school during holiday to prepare for the next semester. Do you know what she did? she called just to check me up: where are you? You not in school really? I thought you and so and so so close everyday study in school? I really can't stand her, She called from  mon to fri for a week everyday without fail ! she is worst than my mum.

Another day me and that guy friend wanted to go out so we intend to go out as a big group of friends and asked her. I don't know what she did or say or is it such a coincidence that none of them is free except him and me. In the end didn't turn up and my another friend called me on that day and asked: hows your outing? are you and him dating? What i felt is that they are so stupid and busybodies, if i really want to go dating, i will have went secretly with him why will i have to tell the whole world.

On another occasion, that guy friend asked me whether to go to school and study , I replied him I had something on, he asked her too. That day me and she went back to school to do a project and I had tell her about that beforehand what i had replied to him, during lunch time she purposely called him to asked him is he in school to have lunch together with us. I do a hand sign to her to tell her not to tell him that i am with her as i had replied earlier on to him that i had something on I won't be in school. Do you know what she did, she tell him that I was next to her wanting to say Hi and Bye to him. I feel like taking off my slipper and whack he :angry:r. After she hung up,I asked her why to you say i wanted to say hi and bye to him, she sayed she misinterpreted my body language and thought that i want to say hi and bye to him -_-

Now i have to avoid him to avoid the teasing. I really can't stand her, feel like killing her :hmp:.
Ok long post ....finished throwing my things out hee...

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2111 on: November 01 2005, 11:40 am »
*pats mallow*  Haha, I'm a complete loss for words....cookie?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2112 on: November 01 2005, 11:53 am »
Well, maybe she is trying to make you a favor, but it is still no reason for her to keep butting in at every plan you make. I

had a friend just like that, and when I tried to talk to her, she got offended and we have never talked ever since....

Not that I really cared...  :dodge:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2113 on: November 01 2005, 07:08 pm »
Man.....friends can be bad for our sanity, right?

I have one who doesn't seem to get it when I say 'no' if she asks me somewhere. I only turn her down if I have too much homework or other plans already, but she never gives up! She spent nearly an hour trying to convince me to not go and see my Grandparents on their golden wedding anniversary, and to go to the cinema instead!

If she gets bored, she seems to think that I'll just drop everything to go entertain her - I don't even get how she could be bored, with a street full of kids, a computer, a playstaion and pratcically everything you could want! Plus, she even starts conversations with 'I called everybody, and they're all busy! Meet me on the grass!'

So what? You practically tell me I'm your last resort, and then expect me to go drop everything to pamper to your needs? Either that, or she's lying to try and make it more likely for me to go out......grrrr!  :angry:

Sorry.....needed to rant there!  :sweatdrop: She drives me crazy sometimes, especially since everything has to be on her terms, but not mine. If she wants to see a film I don't want to see, she'll drag me there, and ignore my protests. If it's vice versa, she'll just say that the film looks c**p, so why should she fork out money to see it?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2114 on: November 02 2005, 08:30 am »
I know what you mean. You could say I am the idol of this litle 11 year old girl that lives across the street.

She comes everyday and asks me to go to her house or to spend time with her. Normally I tell her the thruth, but it really gets annoying sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I spend time with her, if her mother asks us what kind of ice cream we want: chocolate or vanilla, she always wait to see what I have chosen to chose the same, even if she hates chocolate  :dodge:

She wants to spend time with me 24-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the rest of my supposed *friends* make fun of me because I am *different*

I don't even consider them as friends anymore!!! Wow, I am glad I joined this forum, I have found funny, nice people that share opinions and great ideas. I suppose, you people are the ones I count on, not my "friends" in school  :dodge:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2115 on: November 02 2005, 08:41 am »
sorry pal,  have you tried talk to her???

 i had a similar experience but this friend was trying to be me, when she copy my hair style i knew that this wasnt normal ,she tried to take away all my friends for me and she even was trying to take away the boy i like from me (great it didn't work), talk like me, walk like me, it was like those scary movie and that the bad guy want to take away the identidy of the good one, it was scary.

So i go straight to her and say all i had to say, and she said "sorry i didn't know you think like that, it's not my fault people like me more than you" i was so mad, i wasn't yelling at all but when she said me that i was so so mad, we yelled so hard and ended in a real fight, we were suspended from school that day, at least i left her a black eye and a big headache cuz i pulled hard his hair. As it was expected she never talk to me again =o), and at least she stopped with that bad habit to act like me.
« Last Edit: November 02 2005, 02:52 pm by pretty »

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2116 on: November 02 2005, 08:43 am »
I suppose, you people are the ones I count on, not my "friends" in school  :dodge:

Yeah...it's sad but true. All of my really close friends....just fail as friends really. The people who really understand me are actually the people I'm less close to, so recently I've started hanging out with them more often, trying to get to know them better. Other than that...it's you guys! Coming onto this forum was the first time I actually felt that if I expressed an opinion, I wouldn't get shot down for not fitting in with the crowd, or seeming stupid.

So guys....thankyou!
« Last Edit: November 02 2005, 08:54 am by Ruby Chan »

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2117 on: November 02 2005, 08:48 am »
sorry pal, have u tried talk to her???

Tons of times. But it gets really hard, because she starts to say things like "BUT I WANT TO BE LIKE YOU!!"
"But I want to be with you, the rest of my friends are boring"

And when I try to explain to her she has to be herself, she simply goes "Ok"

Half hour later, she comes over to see me brush my teeth  :sleepy5:

When I tell her I want to spend some time with my other friends, she wants to come over too. She invites herself, even if I am going to the dentist.  :XD:

It has been like that for 5 years now. When I left for a year, and then came back, she practically lived in our house for at least 2 weeks :dodge:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2118 on: November 02 2005, 01:17 pm »
Yeah...it's sad but true. All of my really close friends....just fail as friends really. The people who really understand me are actually the people I'm less close to, so recently I've started hanging out with them more often, trying to get to know them better. Other than that...it's you guys! Coming onto this forum was the first time I actually felt that if I expressed an opinion, I wouldn't get shot down for not fitting in with the crowd, or seeming stupid.

So guys....thankyou!

Oh my god, I'm in that exact same situation right now! I have a "close" friend in RL, and she won't let me hang with ANYONE except for her, but as soon as she wants to hang with other people, that's OK!

She's SO annoying! All she does is copy me and claims she's just like me and loves everything I love and hates everything I hate, she buys everything I buy, wears everything I wear, plays every video game I play, watches every anime I watch, and then she'll even copy which characters I like and dislike!  ((This one time, just to prove it, I showed her a character I knew she'd think is ugly, although I think he's adorable, and so I found his pic and showed him to her without telling her how I felt about him first and she says "Ew, he's DISGUSTING!" And I'm like "Are you KIDDING?! He's my huggle muffin!" and then she said, "Well I guess he's OK.." and the next day she acted like she liked him all along! And now, he's all she ever talks about!! *vein vein*))

But anyway, so yeah, I'm trying to find oppurtunities to hang out with other people, too, though it's hard because most of them are our "mutual" friends ((meaning they were my friends and I made the mistake of introducing her to them and now she bugs them, too..)) But I don't mind, I like you guys at CW much better, anyway! ^_^ And that includes ALL my friends in RL! XD
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2119 on: November 02 2005, 01:39 pm »
I used to have a friend like that!

I know it sounds selfish, but I'm starting to get bored of some of my friends in the group I most often hang out with. I've know most of them for 5 years. I'm starting to want to be close with some other people who I'm not that close with. But for some odd reason, I don't want to let go of the old friends. Sounds weird, eh. Maybe I'm just afraid of being alone. Maybe. But yeah, I agree, Ruby Chan and AkaiYuki, CW people are the best! I owe it all to you guys for taking a different perspective on life.
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