
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544802 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2120 on: November 02 2005, 01:42 pm »
I used to have a friend like that!

I know it sounds selfish, but I'm starting to get bored of some of my friends in the group I most often hang out with. I've know most of them for 5 years. I'm starting to want to be close with some other people who I'm not that close with. But for some odd reason, I don't want to let go of the old friends. Sounds weird, eh. Maybe I'm just afraid of being alone. Maybe. But yeah, I agree, Ruby Chan and AkaiYuki, CW people are the best! I owe it all to you guys for taking a different perspective on life.

I know what you mean! I've only been with that girl I'm talking about for about 2 years, and I'm just so bored.. But keep in mind, it's been ONLY me and her for 2 years, NO ONE else! Our mutual friends we only saw during class or if we bumped into them when we were out together. I see her no less than five days a week (usually more) and it's just getting old...

Yay for CW peeps! You guys really know how to be friends!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2121 on: November 02 2005, 01:45 pm »
I know what you mean! I've only been with that girl I'm talking about for about 2 years, and I'm just so bored.. But keep in mind, it's been ONLY me and her for 2 years, NO ONE else! Our mutual friends we only saw during class or if we bumped into them when we were out together. I see her no less than five days a week (usually more) and it's just getting old...

I understand completely! I'm always hanging out with my best friend, and it's always the same thing day in and day out, but I feel so bad to think that.

Yay for CW peeps! You guys really know how to be friends!

I couldn't agree with you more!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2122 on: November 02 2005, 01:48 pm »
I understand completely! I'm always hanging out with my best friend, and it's always the same thing day in and day out, but I feel so bad to think that.

I know!! It makes me feel guilty, too.. Because she doesn't really have anyone else (trust me, she lacks the ability to make friends..) So if I left, she'd be alone. But it is just SO boring and SO repetitive, every single day she just finds another way to imitate me or talk about something she's talked about a MILLION times and it just gets old.. *vein vein* Our situations sound rather similar, ne?
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2123 on: November 02 2005, 01:49 pm »
I wish I had a friend that wanted to be me.
I seem to get the friends who use me, stab me in the back, ditche me, and then come back whenever they feel like it.
Argh, I'm such a pushover too, I just forgive them. They know I will too!
In fact, I'm mad at two of my friends right now since I had a "get-to-gether" planned last Friday and at the last minute they came on MSN and was like, "Oh my god, Jen! We're invited to this party downtown at UVic (University of Victoria), and it's so awesome we can't pass it up!"
Hmm. Wow, I'm being ditched for drunken frat guys. I'm suprised I have any self-esteem left.
Argh, now they're trying to talk to me like they did nothing wrong. In fact, they're getting angry at me because I didn't come along with them. Hmm, well, I didn't want some sort of drug slipped into my drink and wake up in a dorm room with nothing but my socks on, thank you very much!
Blah, and they think I should forgive them because they "apologized"  Wow, a quick misspelled "sworry" on msn isn't an apology, it's an insault. Well, I guess I'm not good enough for a decent face-to-face apology. Again, why do I have any self-esteem left? Haha.
Well this has had to have been the Crappiest. Week. Ever. I was in the hospital, I sprained my wrist, I was ditched, I was rejected, I messed up my knee, my brother had another breakdown and went running back to his witch of an ex-girlfriend and my other brother got in a car accident today (he's fine, the car isn't haha)!
Oh and my cat thinks my bed is a litter box. Lovely.

Err...sorry for ranting...I just had to let it all out, haha.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2124 on: November 02 2005, 01:54 pm »
It's OK Miharu-san, it sounds like you've had it pretty rough this week... O.o.. ((And it's funny that you said your cat seems to think your bed is a litter box, as my dog seemed to think the same thing about my pillow last night.. *vein vein*)) But you made the right choice about not going to that party. You're right, it COULD have been very dangerous, even if it ended up not being so, it's better safe than sorry. And I'm sorry about both of your brothers, and your hospitalization. That's very unfortunate that all of that happened at once.. But about your friends, you know, mine does that same thing (stab me in the back, ditches me, etc etc.) Her wanting to be like me doesn't change that one bit. What she does is imitate the crap out of me until we're Mary Kate and Ashley Olson and then takes credit for it all... *vein vein*
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2125 on: November 02 2005, 01:58 pm »
THank-you AkaiYuki! I gave you a cookie.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who had to change some sheets.
Well, not GLAD that you had to just....well, you know :tongue3:
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2126 on: November 02 2005, 02:01 pm »
Aww, Endoh, that's too bad. I hate friends who ditch me. But I can't help forgiving them, either, because I've known them for a long time and I just don't have any guts to let them go. Again, I'm probably afraid of being alone. Also, whenever I'm ditched, they always say to me, "Sorry! Are you mad at me? Are you okay?" Gosh. It's like an automated message. Also, they put this stupid puppy face on. It gets me irritated, so I blurt out, "It's okay. I'm not mad, really." And then we go back to laughing and smiling and the same boring old crap.

I remember a time where I got ditched and had to do "community service" (jobs around the school i.e. cleaning the outside of lockers) and get a lecture from the principal, all because my friends had left for school and didn't even bother to say they were going already. I sat in my house waiting for 30 minutes after were supposed to leave. I hate this about me: I always worry that I'm going to hurt someone in whatever I do, so I end up suffering for it. Plus, when I'm nervous or in panic-mode, I don't have any common sense to do the right thing or take control of myself. So I came to school, got a stupid glare and a "meet me after school for a little discussion and your community service" my friends at lunch saying, "Kim! We were worried! Where were you?" And I stand there, speechless. Then I blurt out, "Where were YOU! You were supposed to stop by my house and get me!" Then, "I thought you knew I had Drama Club!" Then me, saying, "uh, no." Then (see automated message in first paragraph). Sorry bout this. I'm so retarded.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2127 on: November 02 2005, 02:01 pm »
THank-you AkaiYuki! I gave you a cookie.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who had to change some sheets.
Well, not GLAD that you had to just....well, you know :tongue3:

Heh heh, you got a cookie, too.. But yeah, I did have to change some sheets cuz washing didn't help... She (my dog) had to pee on the ONLY white pillow case I have... *sweatdrop* Why she couldn't pee on a black one, I don't know... But anyway, yeah, so don't feel bad when you gotta vent here on CW, especially the girl thread! You've been here longer than I have, so I'm sure you know that we're all buddies, here! *hugs* We all understand each other, ne?
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2128 on: November 02 2005, 02:08 pm »
Yeah, I've understood everyone here better than I understand some of my real-life friends.

This week... I dunno... I tend to say things that aren't in my mood. I just say them for the sake of other people's emotions. Like "Cheer up". I'm not cheery at all. I've been very depressed this week, crying for no reason, etc. Oh well. I hope this ends soon. This depression is better than most periods of depression I've had. I suck.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2129 on: November 02 2005, 02:09 pm »
Ahh, Cherry-chan! I get THAT as well. They will completely forget about me and I just sit there in nervous-panic mode going "Well, they're obviously in trouble or kidnapped or abducted by ALIENS!!!"
But yeah, it's always hidden answer D: "Sorry, we forgot."
Wow, thanks, "friends". Burn in hell. :tongue3:
Rest in peace my furry friend.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2130 on: November 02 2005, 02:13 pm »
I just read your last post Cherry-chan and I totally get you... I always do that same thing.. ((You know what I mean, I get in trouble because I was trying to help someone else, and then they blow me off or act like I did nothing to help them and SOMEHOW it always gets me in trouble with higher-ups...))  I've also been extremely depressed lately, because I have so many reports to do and all I wanna do is sit down and draw some Tsubasa fanart... *sweatdrop* Is that so much to ask? *sniff* Just some time alone is all I want.. However, right when all my reports are done (and to anyone who's been keeping up with me and my reports, tomorrow's is the last one for two weeks! whoo!) a video game I've been waiting for since March comes out! XD So I still won't be able to draw Tsubasa art until I beat it! Heh heh..
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2131 on: November 02 2005, 02:15 pm »
Ha, my friends say they actually DO want to burn in hell. They're even more depressed and angsty and scary than me. Which can be seriously annoying sometimes.

Erm, I know it sounds weird, but sometimes I feel like being a loner. Being by myself. Doing whatever the hell I want. And other times I'm clinging to the friends I have around me for dear life. "It's one hell of a roller coaster in life, and often, you just need something to grab onto. Then there are other people that are fearless and independent and have their arms in the air, screaming, 'Isn't this fun?'"

-EDIT- Sorry, I've been posting while other people posted and I haven't gotten a chance to read them. So if I sound weird and am responding to the person who posted before you, my sincere apologies.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2132 on: November 02 2005, 02:20 pm »
Wow, Cherry-chan, I like your roller coaster quote! I'm gonna use that in RL.. XD But I know what you mean, in RL, I'd really rather just be alone. Everytime I THINK I want friends, I go get some and they're just as crappy as the other ones... Everytime I wanna talk, all I hear is: "Oh MY problems are SOOO much worse than your's! At least YOU don't have to deal with this and this" and so I just give up, and I swear it's like that every time I try to vent to her about ANYTHING... It sucks... *sweatdrop*
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2133 on: November 02 2005, 02:24 pm »
My goodness! I wish I could all you a cookie! ( I did give one to Endoh-chan. I couldn't help but give her one right away.. I'm soo sorry you've had such a terrible week. ^__^; )

I haven't been able to see my friends recently. They're pretty busy with college and jobs. But I did get to hang out with some of 'em last night. I've never really been one to got though lots of drama, I just.. hear about it. :sweatdrop: Even though high school.. never lots of drama. I'd just complain about homework and the usual stuff. I can't exactly explain myself.. I don't want to make you gals annoyed with me or anything.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2134 on: November 02 2005, 02:25 pm »
My goodness! I wish I could all you a cookie! ( I did give one to Endoh-chan. I couldn't help but give her one right away.. I'm soo sorry you've had such a terrible week. ^__^; )

I haven't been able to see my friends recently. They're pretty busy with college and jobs. But I did get to hang out with some of 'em last night. I've never really been one to got though lots of drama, I just.. hear about it. :sweatdrop: Even though high school.. never lots of drama. I'd just complain about homework and the usual stuff. I can't exactly explain myself.. I don't want to make you gals annoyed with me or anything.

Don't be silly, we won't be annoyed with you at all if you wanna talk about anything!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2135 on: November 02 2005, 02:25 pm »
Ha, I just made that quote off the top of my head.

I know, I hate it when friends don't let you talk about anything! I swear, sometimes I try to speak, then they say, "At least you don't have a so and so and so" and then everyone goes, "Awww, --------, don't worry!" and completely forget about what you just said. It irritates me like crazy!

My English teacher often says that You're your own best friend. Ha. I guess sometimes it's true.

-EDIT- Once again, I sounded weird, so here are the responses to post I missed:

Genki Girl: AkaiYuki is right, feel free to talk about ANYTHING! We're all ears! We wouldn't get annoyed! Heck, I thought everyone was annoyed with the MY posts! ROFL!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2136 on: November 02 2005, 02:36 pm »
Don't be silly, we won't be annoyed with you at all if you wanna talk about anything!

Thank you, Yuki-chan! I'll give you cookie once I can again. I have gone though being judged for how I look and act within a group of friends. I suppose that's okay, though. It's better to be considered as an "innocent angel" then as something else.. right? But it annoyed me anyway. I didn't like being judged that way by a close friend of mine that I've known for two years. I may be "innocent", but I have an attitude! And she knows that, too. Once she told me, " My parents think I'm like you, a goodie-two-shoes, when they don't know what I do sometimes.. " -__-;

Okay, thanks. Sheesh. I'm sooo glad you think I'm perfect or something! Excuse me if I don't want to smoke or drink! Well.. she doesn't smoke nor drink.. ( expect for when she accidently had a slip of alochol in a water bottle.. she didn't know that though.. long story... ) still..I just hate she thinks I'm some angel.. 'cuz I'm not. Because she thinks of me this way, others do as well. I guess that's just how I am, but I like it that way...
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2137 on: November 02 2005, 02:49 pm »
if you are happy beeing like that, you just have to ignore all what the people say.  I'm sick too that people think i'm a cute girl and i don't hurt anyone, and the delicate me, blablabla.  When im in a bar or in a party, they say "ohh what surprised to have u here, and whats this for, has something happen", and i'm like people i came the last week. So what, let people think whatever they want, if we keep worring about that we wont enjoy our lifes as the way we want.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2138 on: November 02 2005, 02:52 pm »
Thank you, Yuki-chan! I'll give you cookie once I can again. I have gone though being judged for how I look and act within a group of friends. I suppose that's okay, though. It's better to be considered as an "innocent angel" then as something else.. right? But it annoyed me anyway. I didn't like being judged that way by a close friend of mine that I've known for two years. I may be "innocent", but I have an attitude! And she knows that, too. Once she told me, " My parents think I'm like you, a goodie-two-shoes, when they don't know what I do sometimes.. " -__-;

Okay, thanks. Sheesh. I'm sooo glad you think I'm perfect or something! Excuse me if I don't want to smoke or drink! Well.. she doesn't smoke nor drink.. ( expect for when she accidently had a slip of alochol in a water bottle.. she didn't know that though.. long story... ) still..I just hate she thinks I'm some angel.. 'cuz I'm not. Because she thinks of me this way, others do as well. I guess that's just how I am, but I like it that way...

A lot of people think of me like that, too, and say the same stuff! ((You're such a goodie goodie!)) Really, it's not that I'm afraid, it's that I'm not interested in that stuff.. I HATE the taste of alcohol (I know because I've tried it) and I HATE the smell of cigarette smoke (I've had exposure to second-hand smoke at least half my life...) and parties bore the bejesus out of me! I'm one of those people that, if she HAS to socialize, would rather just sit on the couch and chat over hot chocolate or coffee... *sighs* So relaxing..

Oh and about the looks thing, I know what you mean... Things are ackward for me, because despite how I act here, I'm rather masculine in RL ((deep voice, walk like a man, talk like a man, but looks NOTHING like a man!)) And people always say: "Awwe, Yuki is SOOO cute! Look at how EMO she is! She's such a BOY!" And then they move in for a group hug... *sweatdrop* Then some of them go talk crap about me for the same reasons... ((Ex: "She's so BOYISH she needs to do this or that or-" blah blah blah...)) Then again, there are also the people who are mean to me about my looks to my face... ((Ex: "Wow, you're so WHITE!!!!! You have like, NO pigment! XD Guess that's why you look good in black, it's the contrast!")) God I hate that...

So I know what you mean, it is so annoying when people diss you to your face without really dissing you ((like what you said your friend said her parents said.. wow that was too many "saids"...)) So I'm sorry about that, cuz I know how you feel.. My "best friend" often says to me "OMG, you're so lucky to be your weight, I wish I could gain weight to look like you! I'm too skinny! I'm really worried about myself!" Good god, she's only FIVE pounds lighter than me... ((We're both about 5'6" or 5'7" and I weigh about 120 pounds and she weighs about 115)) but it's ALL she ever talks about is how SKINNY she is! She basically says stuff to imply I'm fat... *vein* But that's a long story, and I don't feel like talking about it...
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2139 on: November 02 2005, 03:00 pm »
Yuki chan i give u the same advice as genki girl, don't worry about what people think, just worry about how to live your life

((siggy made my me.. be nice.. its the first shit i make that actually turns ok- ))