
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544959 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2180 on: November 04 2005, 02:43 pm »
Haha, that's hillarious Moezy-chan! I wish I could have been there to see the look on the guy's face! My mom is giving me a weird look because I keep laughing out loud over it.

Here too, jajajaja  :haha:
  And i hope my crush do that someday, for him i don't even exist!! so what!! i can live without him (but broke my heart) so anyway. It's ok to get excited one a while  :haha:
 I'm anemic too, so what, well i have to admite , it was because my diet problem, i think i become anorexic (mind my spelling), but i'm trying to change that, i get tired so easily. But i'm eating more now, well not to much because that makes me sick, but more than before.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2181 on: November 04 2005, 07:42 pm »
Arigatou gozaimashita bLuetopaz-sama!

Ah, omedato gozaimas Endoh-chan! I'd be jumping for joy if my crush did that! Sugoi! And it's ok if you get excited once in a while! It's a girls' job! Just don't go over board!

Also, changing the topic a little bit, I have gone to college for 4 years now, and I never missed a day, until I was admitted in the hospital. Because of this, some of the students in my class asked where I was and I told them I was admitted because I'm anemic. My doctor told me that I'm anemic because I don't eat enough, I donate blood to the Red Cross, my life is too stressful, and I'm a woman which means I get periods. Hence, the loss of blood.

Well, one of the guys in my English class (not my crush) asked me where all of my blood went. I said, "I'm a woman. You figure it out." After I said that he said, "Oh, never mind then." Everybody at my table and the table behind me cracked up laughing!

I had to laugh at that one too! I wonder what the guy looked like back then...LOLZ

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2182 on: November 05 2005, 02:37 am »
I was hoping you guys would laugh at that! I told jokes like that to all of the doctors and nurses. My jokes are usually the sarcastic kind, but they can be funny!

Here too, jajajaja  :haha:
  And i hope my crush do that someday, for him i don't even exist!! so what!! i can live without him (but broke my heart) so anyway. It's ok to get excited one a while  :haha:
 I'm anemic too, so what, well i have to admite , it was because my diet problem, i think i become anorexic (mind my spelling), but i'm trying to change that, i get tired so easily. But i'm eating more now, well not to much because that makes me sick, but more than before.

That's what happened to me too. I wanted to lose weight because I was severely overweight. I'm 5'9" tall and I used to weigh 250 lbs. I hated it so I starved myself. I lose 80 lbs. in the process, but I also lost a tremendous amount of blood. I'm eating more also, but it's also hard for me to keep it down, so I can't eat alot. It doesn't help that I never have money for food.

On another note, I can't stand my mother. While I was in the hospital, I told my mom that the laundry was backed up and it needed to be finished. She said not to worry and that she would take care of it. I made a big mistake. I believed her. I came home on Wednesday night to a very messy house. I was very tired so I couldn't clean it, so yesterday, Thursday night, I decided to start doing the laundry. It was very backed up.

Our laundry room is in the basement and I need to go down 11 steps to get there. It doesn't seem like much, but when you're anemic, 11 steps might as well be 11 miles. It's very tiring, but I needed to get the laundry done, so I pushed my fatigue aside and carried up a very large basket of clothes upstairs to fold. I don't fold them downstairs due to all the spiders and cobwebs. :shivers:

When I brought them up my mother yelled at me and said I needed to get to bed. It was 11:00pm at the time and I don't go to bed until 12:00am. That was plenty of time for me to get the laundry done. I got angry because I said that I needed to do the clothes caught up and I wouldn't have had to do it if she had done it while I was in the hospital. She just about blew a conniption over that and told me that it was her house and she could do whatever she wanted. I yelled and told her that she was just so lazy.

She always tells me that she's too busy to do the work around the house. Want to know what she was doing when she said this? She was watching television for 2 hours straight! I can't stand her. She then decided to do the laundry, but I told her that I didn't want her help and I could do it myself. Part of the reason I said this was because when I was in the hospital, I wasn't allowed to do anything without permission. I was given permission to use the toilet and not the bedpan. I was given permission to leave my room. I was even told when I could and couldn't eat! I can't stand it when people tell me what I can and can't do, and my mother is not exception.

I got very mad because she started to do the laundry because she didn't think I could do it. I ended up throwing a bunch of socks on her head and she then threatened to call the police just because I threw socks at her! I then locked myself in my room. I eventually got out, but we started fighting again and she hit me on my rear end. I slapped her across the face and she then hit me on my head until I fell. I was still weak from my anemia and couldn't fight back. We're still not talking. She also told one of her friends that I would come see her today. She always makes my decisions for me and I hate it! Ok, ranting done.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2183 on: November 05 2005, 05:41 am »
oh moezy-chan. I'm sorry about your mom and I'm sorry that you're not feeling well. Mom's can be difficult, especiallly when you are old enough to decided what you want to do and you still share living quarters with them.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2184 on: November 05 2005, 05:45 am »
Yeah, it is difficult. She pretty much told me she didn't want me to live there. I called her after I had my endoscopy to tell her that I could go home and all she said was, "Oh, you are?" She was actually hoping I would stay in the hospital. I would move out, but all I make is like $300 a month. I can't live off of that, epecially considering that she takes at least $80 of that money. She won't forgive me, but she expects me to forgive her. How can I?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2185 on: November 05 2005, 07:04 am »
I feel really bad for you, i kind of know how it feels, i have seen my Big Brothers[From mom's and dad's side] and my Big Sister be treated that way.. i didn't feel good at all to see them, Feel in a crappy way. Well i kind of next. I'm still afraid of the future, i don't know what will happen. Again i'm really sorry.. I truly am!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2186 on: November 05 2005, 08:29 am »
Sorry moezy-chan, i'm not to old, but just because i'm the older sister, my mom treats me like i'm 25, she is always yelling me about my future, and keep studying because because i'm not good for anything, she always says me that i can't be even a house maid, because she doesnt like the way i clean the dishes T_T #, i still have the echo of his voice in my head.  And always blame me for every thing my sisters do. But what can we do, moms are moms, they think they know everything.

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Offline Monse-chan

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2187 on: November 05 2005, 11:54 am »
Something I can't stand from my mother is the "I know something you don't, so haha in your face because I am smarter" face when we start to discuss the dificulties I am having surviving in school.

She then goes "Get over it" and leaves!!! I mean, I used to feel fine around here, to be able to talk to her, but I can't do that anymore, because she will roll her eyes and tell me I am going through a "teenager crisis"


Today was my class picture, and I had completely forgotten about it. It is until 7:00 pm when I realised that they were taking the pictires that day (I have to leave home at 7:05 the latest to arrive in time)

When I asked for help to make my hair look human-like....she turned around and told me she had to eat breakfast!!! She could have eaten breakfast later, after leaving me at school....but NOOOOOOO.....

Anyways, turns out my picture came out horrible. Oh joy. Happy Happy Land. (Note the sarcasm)

And what makes me mad, is that she helped Marina when SHE got her picture. She even used I don't know what tube like things to make her hair all nice and perfect. And me???

Of course, when I come home the first thing she told me was "YOUR HAIR IS ALL FUNNY!!" Really, do tell. When I didn't start to blab about how school went, she was all "Jeeze, get over it. You are not going to die"

But can't she see that it is not the $^*&( picture, but the fact that she doesn't even cares, nor listens!!! Mothers.

Lately, she can't even tell me "Good morining" before telling me "you know, you have turned really weird....you don't talk to me anymore"

Maybe the fact that when I do I get scolded, or told how a wheenie I am, instead of support. I mean, it is enough with all the people at school telling me I won "The ugliest hair" prize from the whole eight grade.

Thank you, but I think I might prefer to have support instead of more hurting comments.  :dodge:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2188 on: November 05 2005, 12:04 pm »
Something I can't stand from my mother is the "I know something you don't, so haha in your face because I am smarter" face when we start to discuss the dificulties I am having surviving in school.

She then goes "Get over it" and leaves!!! I mean, I used to feel fine around here, to be able to talk to her, but I can't do that anymore, because she will roll her eyes and tell me I am going through a "teenager crisis"


Today was my class picture, and I had completely forgotten about it. It is until 7:00 pm when I realised that they were taking the pictires that day (I have to leave home at 7:05 the latest to arrive in time)

When I asked for help to make my hair look human-like....she turned around and told me she had to eat breakfast!!! She could have eaten breakfast later, after leaving me at school....but NOOOOOOO.....

Anyways, turns out my picture came out horrible. Oh joy. Happy Happy Land. (Note the sarcasm)

And what makes me mad, is that she helped Marina when SHE got her picture. She even used I don't know what tube like things to make her hair all nice and perfect. And me???

Of course, when I come home the first thing she told me was "YOUR HAIR IS ALL FUNNY!!" Really, do tell. When I didn't start to blab about how school went, she was all "Jeeze, get over it. You are not going to die"

But can't she see that it is not the $^*&( picture, but the fact that she doesn't even cares, nor listens!!! Mothers.

Lately, she can't even tell me "Good morining" before telling me "you know, you have turned really weird....you don't talk to me anymore"

Maybe the fact that when I do I get scolded, or told how a wheenie I am, instead of support. I mean, it is enough with all the people at school telling me I won "The ugliest hair" prize from the whole eight grade.

Thank you, but I think I might prefer to have support instead of more hurting comments. :dodge:

Aww...Monse-chan! Im sure your picture came out great! :keke:

I understand how you feel. Sometimes mothers are like that. It usually happens when they're having a bad day or going through tough times themselves. I hope things will be okay for you in the future. :)

Something I can't stand from my mother is the "I know something you don't, so haha in your face because I am smarter" face when we start to discuss the dificulties I am having surviving in school.

She then goes "Get over it" and leaves!!! I mean, I used to feel fine around here, to be able to talk to her, but I can't do that anymore, because she will roll her eyes and tell me I am going through a "teenager crisis"

And if you ever need someone to talk to, Monse-chan, you can always talk to me. I'll try to help you to the best of my abilities. :keke:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2189 on: November 05 2005, 12:06 pm »
You are alway sooo nice Maddie!!! I am soooo glad that you are my imouto!! *hug*

If things get worse, I will probably PM you, but for now, things are ok...I guess....
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2190 on: November 05 2005, 12:48 pm »
Oh, I'm sorry Monse-chan. Question, how old is your mother?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2191 on: November 05 2005, 06:24 pm »
Oh i'm Sorry Monse-San! If you want to talk.. PM ok?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2192 on: November 06 2005, 06:04 am »
Oh, I'm sorry Monse-chan. Question, how old is your mother?

Mom is 34 years old, I think

She married at age 19 and had me when she was 20.....she is really young, and considering my father is 52, they often see things differently  :dodge:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2193 on: November 06 2005, 11:46 am »
Mom is 34 years old, I think

She married at age 19 and had me when she was 20.....she is really young, and considering my father is 52, they often see things differently  :dodge:

That's what I thought. The reason for this is, your mom has trouble raising you because when she had you, she was still a child herself. She had to force herself to grow up and raise a baby, but she wasn't ready yet. After your sister was born, she had more experience, and gave your sister what she wasn't able to give you; the attention that you needed, so be a little easy on her.

My mom did the same to me. She wasn't a teenager when she had me, but she had 3 children before me. They all had mental disablilities and I didn't. She didn't know how to raise me, because she never raised a child without a disability. Learn to forgive your mother. It's entirely her fault.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2194 on: November 06 2005, 12:40 pm »
Learn to forgive your mother. It's entirely her fault.

I guess I have to learn. But it really annoys me that even if she knows how to raise better now, she only does it with my sis!!!  Also, I think she cares and worries more about Marina because when she was born, she had a problem in her ears and couldn't hear anything. (She learned to talk at age 5 I think)

Even so, I would like to be noticed. At least once. When I am looking all depressed, my dad is the one that buys me chocolate to make me feel better. My mom doesn't even notice!!  :cry:

Before I used to think I could count in everything with her, but when we went France, she started to ignore me and when I told her that bothered me, she would laugh and tell me to go to my bedroom to think.

She was insecure of herself because she didn't talked the language. And I was spected to arrange everything, from the plane flight back to Mexico, to the groceries!!!!!! That made me mature, and I guess my mom thought I was already grown up or something, now she treats we like a fully grown person and tells me to grow up when I tell her something that bothers or scares me.

I mean, I could have turned more mature in that trip, but I could use some advice from my mother, even if I am 99 years old. Lately instead of telling HER the things that worry me, I write letters. But I never give them to her. When I gave her one once, she laughed at it as if it was a joke.

And I was really hurt. So I don't show them to her anymore. And they are not adressed to her anymore anyway. Even so, it makes me so sad to see that everything changed between us when everything was great before.  -_-
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2195 on: November 06 2005, 12:52 pm »
Made a mistake. I meant it's not entirely her fault. Sumimasen.  :sweatdrop:

It is good that you write letters. That helps get your feelings out. As for your mom expecting you to take care of everything, my mother does the same thing. She tells me to quit complaining and grow up, and yet she complains all the time. It is frustrating and at times tiring, but I look at it this way. She may baby your sister, but she gave you a greater gift. The ability to do things on your own. You will be able to take care of yourself because of that.

Just remember, don't entirely give up your childhood. If you do, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. I was forced to grow up, and I accepted it. To this day I wonder what would've become of me if I wasn't always so serious and dutiful. I wish sometimes I had the return card to go back to the past and change everything, but I can't. However, it's still not too late for you. Cherish your childhood. It's a gift.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2196 on: November 06 2005, 12:55 pm »
Made a mistake. I meant it's not entirely her fault. Sumimasen. :sweatdrop:

Don't worry, I understood what you meant.  :sweatdrop:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2197 on: November 06 2005, 12:58 pm »
Don't worry, I understood what you meant.  :sweatdrop:


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2198 on: November 06 2005, 01:44 pm »
it is good that you write letters. That helps get your feelings out.

I know, that is why I started doing that. It helps me to express myself and when I cool down after reading my letters, I realize I have to be patient and to always look forward to the tomorrow, always with my chin up.

Thank you so much, Moezy-chan, you don't have an idea of how much you have helped me. I will never be grateful enough *bow*

I will take your advice, and will try to enjoy myself a bit more and stop being worried about everything. I wil keep up, and be strong. As Sakura always says "EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!!!"  :)
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2199 on: November 06 2005, 02:03 pm »
As Sakura always says "EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!!!"  :)

And that's why I make it a point to put it in my sig! When people see that, it will hopefully cheer them up! Zettai daijoubu daioh! And you're welcome! Glad I could help!