Something I can't stand from my mother is the "I know something you don't, so haha in your face because I am smarter" face when we start to discuss the dificulties I am having surviving in school.
She then goes "Get over it" and leaves!!! I mean, I used to feel fine around here, to be able to talk to her, but I can't do that anymore, because she will roll her eyes and tell me I am going through a "teenager crisis"
Today was my class picture, and I had completely forgotten about it. It is until 7:00 pm when I realised that they were taking the pictires that day (I have to leave home at 7:05 the latest to arrive in time)
When I asked for help to make my hair look human-like....she turned around and told me she had to eat breakfast!!! She could have eaten breakfast later, after leaving me at school....but NOOOOOOO.....
Anyways, turns out my picture came out horrible. Oh joy. Happy Happy Land. (Note the sarcasm)
And what makes me mad, is that she helped Marina when SHE got her picture. She even used I don't know what tube like things to make her hair all nice and perfect. And me???
Of course, when I come home the first thing she told me was "YOUR HAIR IS ALL FUNNY!!" Really, do tell. When I didn't start to blab about how school went, she was all "Jeeze, get over it. You are not going to die"
But can't she see that it is not the $^*&( picture, but the fact that she doesn't even cares, nor listens!!! Mothers.
Lately, she can't even tell me "Good morining" before telling me "you know, you have turned really don't talk to me anymore"
Maybe the fact that when I do I get scolded, or told how a wheenie I am, instead of support. I mean, it is enough with all the people at school telling me I won "The ugliest hair" prize from the whole eight grade.
Thank you, but I think I might prefer to have support instead of more hurting comments.