
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 545130 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2300 on: November 18 2005, 08:18 am »
I'll miss you Cherry-chan! Come back soon! And good luck with your studying! :keke:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2301 on: November 18 2005, 08:21 am »
Arigatou moonflower121! You're one of the people I'll miss very much!
Live life. And love Syaoran. - Cherry-chan
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2302 on: November 18 2005, 12:15 pm »
We'll miss you Cherry-chan, but promise me that you'll study hard. If you have to leave us, you'd better get good grades!  :okay: Ganbatte.

As for me, I'm quitting my 2nd job. I ended up getting a panic attack today, and I am far too stressed. I'm going back to my doctor. I think my anemia is getting worse. I couldn't stop shaking today. I'm so nervous and stressed, and I don't want to take the chance that I pass out while on my job with the Salvation Army. I don't know who might help me.

For all I know, it may be some perverted man trying to take advantage of my body. Not saying all men are like that though, but the guys I meet on my job sometimes creep me out. That's means I'll be on here more! That's the good news of it all. I guess I can't multi-task when I have anemia.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2303 on: November 18 2005, 03:00 pm »
I'm going goint to miss u cherry chan  :cry:
hope u improve your grades  :hello2: luck!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2304 on: November 18 2005, 03:02 pm »
We'll all miss you Cherry-chan!! Work hard on those grades, we're rooting for you! ^^  :wave:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2305 on: November 18 2005, 03:38 pm »
Aww, I'm gonna miss you Cherry-chan! Come back soon!
And Moezy-chan, I hope things get better for you soon. But I'm also glad that you'll be on more! Yay!

Argh! As for me, I'm a completel IDIOT!
I hit my crush in the face with a basketball! AHH!
It was an accident, of course, and he's fine, but I still feel so bad and so embarassed!
I couldn't even talk to him after it! AHH! Why must I ruin everything!?
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2306 on: November 18 2005, 03:58 pm »
Oh, Endoh-chan, it was just an accident! ^^ He's not mad, is he? I mean.. that kind of thing leaves an impression. *cough* But seriously, don't worry about it! :sweatdrop:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2307 on: November 18 2005, 04:24 pm »
I don't think he's mad. He's talking to me right now on MSN, so obviously he's not pissed, hha.
Phew. Still hope :tongue3:

EDIT: AHH! Oh thank god! He thinks the whole thing was funny!
Whew, I'm relieved.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2308 on: November 18 2005, 04:31 pm »
See, that's good! It is pretty funny, I'd be laughing if I accidently did that.. but blushing hotly at the same time.. saying, " Oh, I'm sooo sorry! Are you ok? o_x;;; "
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2309 on: November 18 2005, 04:33 pm »
HAHA sorry Miharu!
good everything is fine now
  I remember that one i threw (SP?) up all over my date shoes, i was so embarased, but i had a lot nausea that day  :sweatdrop:
  i couldn't talk to him again, but after few days he called me and asked why i didn't call him, after i told him my point of view, he just laugh and told me that it was ok, ohh man i was so embarased *blushes*

((siggy made my me.. be nice.. its the first shit i make that actually turns ok- ))

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2310 on: November 18 2005, 04:33 pm »
Haha I did ask that and he said he was fine, but I didn't know if he was just doing what I do, haha.
Where I'm still pissed but I just say I'm okay so the leave me the hell alone, haha.

I'm sooooooooooo glad that's not the reason, ahah.

Ahh! My sneaky friend, Christine! She keeps asking Josh questions about me, haha. Apparently I'm really cool, but I'm shy, haha. [sigh] I can't help that part, hha.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2311 on: November 19 2005, 03:08 am »
And Moezy-chan, I hope things get better for you soon. But I'm also glad that you'll be on more! Yay!

Arigatou Endoh-chan. I gave you a cookie for that! And I'm also glad that I'll be on more! I was so exhausted after work yesterday. It's not fun being nausaus. I was dizzy for the rest of the night! I'm going to the doctor today after my last class. The appointment is @ 4:15pm. It's 12:06pm now. Hopefully he'll be able to help me. I hate feeling weak. It's usually my job to help people. I'm not used to people helping me.  :sweatdrop:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2312 on: November 19 2005, 03:23 am »
This is completely off-topic, but Moezy-chan, you really remind me of Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. She is usually the one helping others and she's all panicly if someone wants to help her. She's always very cheerful ( not to say you are as much as she is.. ) but yet I think she's fighting an inner struggle because of what happened in her past. Anyway... you just seem like her in some ways. Sweet, Caring, Easy to panic, Calm when helping others, etc. ^^;;
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2313 on: November 19 2005, 03:38 am »
This is completely off-topic, but Moezy-chan, you really remind me of Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. She is usually the one helping others and she's all panicly if someone wants to help her. She's always very cheerful ( not to say you are as much as she is.. ) but yet I think she's fighting an inner struggle because of what happened in her past. Anyway... you just seem like her in some ways. Sweet, Caring, Easy to panic, Calm when helping others, etc. ^^;;

That does sound like me. And I do hate it when people help me. I'm really not used to it. I seem to be like alot of anime characters. Scary. I'm like Syaoran from CCS and TRC; I'm like Kasumi from Pokemon, and now I'm like Tohru. I'd love to see this anime. I found it on the internet to download, but it's dubbed in English.  -_-

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2314 on: November 19 2005, 08:48 am »
I'm back on! At least for now... ^^;.

I can't thank everyone enough for giving me supporting replies to me leaving for my studies. I've given every single one of you cookies (or at least I soon will ^^)

Endoh: I'm glad your crush isn't mad you hit him! I have bad luck with sports, too. I was serving a volleyball (we had to practice) and I hit the back (or side) or my friend's head! I felt horrible, she was practically crying even though she was smiling, saying she was alright! It was horrible! But she seemed her cheerful self the next period, and I apologized about 100 times (or so she says), so I think everything's alright.

Oh yeah! Maybe something good will come out of hitting him, Endoh! I dunno. I just reffered to Legally Blonde, when the lady hits her crush in the nose with her own head, and she ends up marrying (but going out before, of course) the guy! :keke:

moezy-chan: I promise I'll study hard! I'm so sorry that you had to quit your 2nd job, but everything will be alright! I'm sure of it! I'm worried that your anemia is getting worse! I hope you'll feel better! It worries me an awful lot! But on the other hand, yay! You'll be on here more! Sadly I won't be on while you'll be online more! I hope I'll be online more soon! (Well maybe I'll be on this weekend... it IS the weekend... :sweatdrop:)
Live life. And love Syaoran. - Cherry-chan
I miss you all, it's unfortunate that I haven't been frequenting this site anymore, but I will keep you all very dear in my heart
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Offline Ralea

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2315 on: November 19 2005, 09:30 am »
*drops to the floor* Mou.....It's so hard.....I've been pretty these days..probably even busier than Cherry-chan! Oh well, at least we're in the same boat, ne? :sweatdrop: Let's both do our best Cherry-chan!

Demo, I'm still in a fix. My best friend's ex boyfriend died yesterday. Leukemia. We can't even attend anything since he was in a foreign country being treated before he died. She cries a lot these days but I dunno what to say so I always keep quiet. I always keep her company though. Gosh, it was so unexpected, and I knew the guy too. He was nice.
« Last Edit: November 19 2005, 10:03 am by Ralea »

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99% of the female population all think that Syaoran is the hottest bishie ever in both TRC & CCS. 1% is me! XD If you're one of the 1% who isn't so possesive over Syaoran, and wants him to be with Sakura only, copy and paste this into your sig.


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2316 on: November 19 2005, 09:40 am »
moezy-chan: I promise I'll study hard! I'm so sorry that you had to quit your 2nd job, but everything will be alright! I'm sure of it! I'm worried that your anemia is getting worse! I hope you'll feel better! It worries me an awful lot! But on the other hand, yay! You'll be on here more! Sadly I won't be on while you'll be online more! I hope I'll be online more soon! (Well maybe I'll be on this weekend... it IS the weekend... :sweatdrop:)

Glad to hear it! Keep those studies up! And I want to see A's! You can do it! Also, thank you for your sympathy. And you're right! Everything will definately be alright! It's Sakura's invincible spell! And I'm also glad that I can be on here more, but upset about quitting my job. My boss even said that I was one of his best workers. And I hope I'll see you on the weekend!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2317 on: November 19 2005, 10:18 am »
*drops to the floor* Mou.....It's so hard.....I've been pretty these days..probably even busier than Cherry-chan! Oh well, at least we're in the same boat, ne? :sweatdrop: Let's both do our best Cherry-chan!

Demo, I'm still in a fix. My best friend's ex boyfriend died yesterday. Leukemia. We can't even attend anything since he was in a foreign country being treated before he died. She cries a lot these days but I dunno what to say so I always keep quiet. I always keep her company though. Gosh, it was so unexpected, and I knew the guy too. He was nice.

Aww. That's so sad. When stuff like this happens, it reminds me of Kero always said in the english verison of CCS. " Expect the unexpected. ". I think that's the saying of life, yanno? Life is just so.. unexpected sometimes. It's nice of you to comfort her. ^^
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2318 on: November 19 2005, 10:33 am »
*drops to the floor* Mou.....It's so hard.....I've been pretty these days..probably even busier than Cherry-chan! Oh well, at least we're in the same boat, ne? :sweatdrop: Let's both do our best Cherry-chan!

Demo, I'm still in a fix. My best friend's ex boyfriend died yesterday. Leukemia. We can't even attend anything since he was in a foreign country being treated before he died. She cries a lot these days but I dunno what to say so I always keep quiet. I always keep her company though. Gosh, it was so unexpected, and I knew the guy too. He was nice.

Awww, I feel so bad, Ralea! I'm so sorry! I hope your friend will be all right! And yes, let's both do our best! We shall work hard to keep up with everything!

Glad to hear it! Keep those studies up! And I want to see A's! You can do it! Also, thank you for your sympathy. And you're right! Everything will definately be alright! It's Sakura's invincible spell! And I'm also glad that I can be on here more, but upset about quitting my job. My boss even said that I was one of his best workers. And I hope I'll see you on the weekend!

I'm not surprised your boss said that you were on of his best workers! You're wonderful! Yes, I'll probably be online on the weekend. Well maybe not so much tomorrow, as I will be seeing the Harry Potter movie :tongue3: :keke:
Live life. And love Syaoran. - Cherry-chan
I miss you all, it's unfortunate that I haven't been frequenting this site anymore, but I will keep you all very dear in my heart
I'll try to visit as much as I can.


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2319 on: November 19 2005, 11:13 am »
I'm not surprised your boss said that you were on of his best workers! You're wonderful! Yes, I'll probably be online on the weekend. Well maybe not so much tomorrow, as I will be seeing the Harry Potter movie :tongue3: :keke:

Arigatou Cherry-chan! That's very sweet of you to say! Looking forward to seeing you on the weekend! And have fun seeing the movie!