Uuugh.. I'm not feeling well, C-cramps. Feels like knifes. I'm at home thankfully!

My day~
Snow outside.. ^^ I was happy, tehehehe Snow fight with the class, I hitted a guy in the face with a snowboll go me

Okay and then when the break was over..
I wanted to die.. The Cramps came T_T. I said to my teacher that i had cramps
Teacher: Why don't you wait until after lunch.
Me: T_T.. Okay.
I was forced to go to the lunch "Buliding" and after i said again. Finally she let me go home. I walked all way to the building were we have our stuff, [STAIRS O_O]. When i had my bag i walked to the bus stop and waited 15 min for the bus. When i was at my stop, I stopped after every 5 min because it was so much pain! When i was at the front door i nearly faited. [O_O] I walked inside and up for some stairs. Then i waited for the elevator! When i was at my floor [5th]. When i was at the hall in my house i falled down to the floor!.. So much pain >_<".
Medicine is not working.
Take it easy with me today.. Please!