AuthorTopic: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga  (Read 17209 times)

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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga
« Reply #40 on: July 10 2005, 12:45 pm »
Its not the names I mind so much though. But some animes its a big deal. LIke CCS, the names of the Kinomoto family had first names of flowers, and it had that hidden grace, and when it was dubbed, the names changed. But its not the voices or the names that bug me the most though, Its more of the plot. Like GS, the Va's are okay, the names are kept in, and the plot is intact. That is probably the best dub in history! Except the minor editing, in the USA *canada had all the scenes, completely uneditied* the dub is really good. However, something like CC, where the plot was cut up and destroyed, that's when the problems occur. Of all things to change, dont let it be the plot -_-

Gah, yes, change of plot.... What happened to CCS nearly happened to Conan too, though. FOX was gonna air Conan and when I read what they had planning to do, Case Closed sounded like heaven. They were going to change the names to even stupider ones than in Adult Swim, and get this, cut out all the murder/crime scenes...  I guess they realized that pretty much the whole episodes of Conan involdes crimes... that's why it's called Detective Conan, but I guess that fact didn't lighten in their minds at first. They cancelled the show even before airing it.

Honestly, it disappoints me. Why can't they air a show as it is? (as in same plot, same names, original opening songs, and full endings.) I guess to them, that's asking too much?

Oh yeah, have you guys noticed that there is less commerical cut in original anime than dubbed anime? If you watch a subbed version, there is only one comerical break. Whereas if you watch a dub, there is minimum of 3 or 4. But then again, I think the Japanese comericals were longer... I can't remember, it has been years since I watched Japanese TV  :sweatdrop:

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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga
« Reply #41 on: July 10 2005, 01:54 pm »
Yeah, I totally agree. Its seems odd too, why go through all the trouble to edit something, that doesn't need editing, and just keep everything intact? It would be easier for you, and make the fans happy. All I ever needed from a dub was proper translation of dialouge, and even that can be something of a problem. That's why subs are much better, its by fans for fans, they know what we want since there just like us. Professionals do things that are good for the company, in terms of money. If teh show sucks, thats okay, since the merchandise the sell will be better. *groans* How dumb is that anyway?

Detective Conan is an awesome series, I really like it alot, well over 400 I believe. Could you believe it if they kept it dubbed? 400 episodes worth of dubbing catatstrophe, it would be CC again, only worse, since it will be longer -_- Not the best of thoughts.

Japan has 1-2 commercials in an episode I think. Not to mention even the commericals are cool since there anime related as well! [/otaku] But yeah, there commercials could be longer, or they show comercials after the show ends to make it up to the half hour mark XD
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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/mang
« Reply #42 on: July 11 2005, 03:39 pm »
I saw Case Closed. oh my god... i liked it a lot really, but ive heard of the original format. I think the original was better. lol

You know, when people decide to dub something, they should just do their job of TRANSLATING. not editting it. have they ever really considered what fans would think of such things happening? It also make me imagine petitions going around online...

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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga
« Reply #43 on: July 17 2005, 02:12 pm »
Wow... so many of you are being insulted for watching anime/ manga...
I feel lucky to have open minded friends who, at least, likes to watch Cowboy Bebop, Yakitake Japan, and Chobits... Now, if only they can open up to CCS and X...

Again, the concern with censor, censor, censor... People are afraid of exposing children to bad stuff at early age, to they cut out stuff.  I understand why they cut out some of the speeches and change them to their liking.  For instance, when a character is angry, they usually say this word in which English has no translation for except the word, "d*** it"  (Pardon my language, don't kill me for saying it)

Anyway, for the hardcore fans of CLAMP, I wish you all to remember this well...
Yuuko: "the so- called 'habit', it is not something that can be changed for the sake of someone else.  It has to be for your own sake... As long as a person thinks something is not important to them, even if you say, 'don't do this' or 'this is bad so don't do this', that person will never listen.  What is good... what is bad... it's all up to the person himself to decide."
So... if they think manga and anime is bad, try not to get mad... they just have other stuff they think are more important to them.  You could... however, force them to watch CCS with a gun pointed to their heads :confused:... No, seriously, don't do that... I was just kidding... :D

However, I DO get upset about some of the TV stations exploiting anime for commercials in ways I can never imagine...  Like WB... They don't mean any harm, but seeing the way yu-gi-oh being treated... I felt embarassed.

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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga
« Reply #44 on: July 21 2005, 10:18 am »
Aaaaah... This takes me back...

Way back when, I was teased a bit for liking Pokemon... But I can't really remember... 'Cause I'm sure I've always had at least one other friend who liked Anime a little bit.

Of course, I wasn't always around these friends all the time... So, in class, the local jerk who always bothered me saw me doodling one time, and made the usual comments about anime... By that time, I think I had either stopped caring and ignored him, or would attempt to retort and fail miserably, as I wasn't exactly good at arguing.

I think at one point, I got the 'All anime characters look exactly the same' comment, and when I said that wasn't true, he said something to the effect about all the facial features looking exactly the same, and only the character's hair made the face different. Or something. I quickly drew a few things to prove him wrong, but, of course, he stopped listening, 'cause he was only bothering me for the sake of bothering me.
However, that did spur me into reviewing my style of drawing, and for that, I'm kinda glad, as now I make especially sure that all my characters look unique.
... Or something like that.

Aaaaaaanyway... I think I also had him also pull the 'anime isn't art' thing on me, but unfortunately, that had been just after I drew a couple of my friends for this project I did, and they, being quite impressed with my skills, defended me, and got him to back down. Or, ah, walk away in frustration.

And, yeah. I don't think I've had people tell me I'm too old for cartoons. For one, I don't care - Animated things rock! And, for two, I have a valid 'execuse' - I wanna be a cartoonist/manga-artist/anime-artist/animator/something to that effect when I grow up, so I have to 'study' techniques and styles and what not. *snrk*

But, yeah. Personally, on the whole Cartoon vs. Anime debate... Some western cartoons aren't that bad, really. In fact, some of them can be a bit more expressive than some Anime, I've found. Or something like that. (Oh, please don't kill me.)
Seriously, cartoons, anime... Can't we all just get along?


Yeah... I think I'm wandering a bit from the main topic.
Eh, well.
Anyway, my reactions to people criticizing Anime has changed since then.
Like, for instance, if someone were to come up to me and say 'Pok-ee-mon is gay!',
Before, I'd feverntly (and clumsily) try to defend it, but nowadays, I'd probably just answer with 'Yes, yes it is gay. I mean, *elaborates on random pairings* *wiggles eyebrows*'
Hopefully, that will either a), scare the person off and make me look slightly cooler/creepier/wittier/funnier in the eyes of my current audience, or, uh... Well, yeah. I feel secure enough that I quite frankly care not about what other people think, especially if they're so close-minded. Or if they think 'gay' is an insult.

So... Yeah.

And... Dubs nowadays just tick me off, 'cause it's rare that I find a show that I'm interested in that is also dubbed well... Also, the only channels I have that shows anything resembling anime are Fox and YTV... And... Yeah. I'm out of things to say.

(Bleh, shouldn't type posts when my muscles are this tired. And my brain, too, I guess.)
(... Whoops, this post was a bit bigger than I thought it would be)
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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga
« Reply #45 on: July 21 2005, 10:51 am »
'Yes, yes it is gay. I mean, *elaborates on random pairings* *wiggles eyebrows*'
Hopefully, that will either a), scare the person off and make me look slightly cooler/creepier/wittier/funnier in the eyes of my current audience, or, uh... Well, yeah. I feel secure enough that I quite frankly care not about what other people think, especially if they're so close-minded. Or if they think 'gay' is an insult.

Ha! Love this part.
I like the way you think, Koolsnowball!


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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga
« Reply #46 on: October 02 2005, 03:04 pm »
One thing, and I hate to admit this, but I used to think like all of those people. You watch Pokemon, and you are watching anime. And I used to like Pokemon, but not anymore. Here's what my dad tells me about Japanese Anime:

I will get off of work, where he'll pick me up, and I'll say, "Konbanwa," everytime. He'll then tell me, "Why are you talking like that?" and I'll tell him, "Because I like talking Japanese," and then he'll say,
"I'd wish you would grow up already and stop watching that Cardcaptors! You're talking like a kid!"

Now tell me, how is learning a new culture and language acting like a little kid? And what really burns me is how he always calls my beloved Card Captor Sakura Cardcaptors!  :angry: That gets me fuming everytime!

I'll then have a rant and tell him, "First off, Otou-san (I always emphasize this) it is not Cardcaptors! It's Card Captor Sakura! And secondly, Otou-san, how is learning another language acting like a child?! How many children do you know are fluent in Japanese?!" He'll give unintelligable mutterings, and be quiet for the rest of the ride home.

That's how I get my point across, and when that doesn't work, I'll start swearing and giving insults in Japanese. Since they don't like anime, chances are, they won't know what the he** I'm talking about, and then they give up and leave me alone! Works everytime!

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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga
« Reply #47 on: October 02 2005, 08:17 pm »
One thing, and I hate to admit this, but I used to think like all of those people. You watch Pokemon, and you are watching anime. And I used to like Pokemon, but not anymore. Here's what my dad tells me about Japanese Anime:

I will get off of work, where he'll pick me up, and I'll say, "Konbanwa," everytime. He'll then tell me, "Why are you talking like that?" and I'll tell him, "Because I like talking Japanese," and then he'll say,
"I'd wish you would grow up already and stop watching that Cardcaptors! You're talking like a kid!"

Now tell me, how is learning a new culture and language acting like a little kid? And what really burns me is how he always calls my beloved Card Captor Sakura Cardcaptors!  :angry: That gets me fuming everytime!

I'll then have a rant and tell him, "First off, Otou-san (I always emphasize this) it is not Cardcaptors! It's Card Captor Sakura! And secondly, Otou-san, how is learning another language acting like a child?! How many children do you know are fluent in Japanese?!" He'll give unintelligable mutterings, and be quiet for the rest of the ride home.

That's how I get my point across, and when that doesn't work, I'll start swearing and giving insults in Japanese. Since they don't like anime, chances are, they won't know what the he** I'm talking about, and then they give up and leave me alone! Works everytime!

but... speaking japanese is kinda childish... especially when your not technically learning it, like it would be better if you could of said all that you said to him IN JAPANESE.

and calling Card Captor Sakura, Cardcaptors is fine, its just a shortened easier way of finding it, your just finding things to fight with him about.

and uh.. Pokémon is an Animé... when did it not become one?
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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/mang
« Reply #48 on: October 02 2005, 11:15 pm »
The changing of OP/ED songs are for licensing reason AKA money to pay the artists. Some costs more.

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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga
« Reply #49 on: October 02 2005, 11:31 pm »
The changing of OP/ED songs are for licensing reason AKA money to pay the artists. Some costs more.
i thought that was kinda obvious?

i knew that through watching Dawson's Creek, lol, they had tp change the opening theme becauseit cost too much money to use the original one.
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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/mang
« Reply #50 on: October 03 2005, 01:09 am »
VexNet - Well, lots don't know that fact. I have to repeat it again and again in other forums.

That's why I'm not surprised if the songs are changed.

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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga
« Reply #51 on: October 22 2005, 03:31 pm »
I just hate how all the american versions are censored !!! they always take away the best part of everything, why just leave as the way it is, great?

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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga
« Reply #52 on: October 22 2005, 06:37 pm »
"I'd wish you would grow up already and stop watching that Cardcaptors! You're talking like a kid!

My mother also hopes that i grow up already and stop watching these childish things...

but i really don't care about it,
i think it is difficult to just stop it, it ins't just a simple hobby you can forget...

Any mistakes? o_O
Sorry, my english is bad ;_____;

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Re: Other people's misconceptions about anime/manga
« Reply #53 on: October 25 2005, 03:57 pm »
I think all the parents in the world say "grow up", but when i'm trying to watch a movie they make me change 'cause it has "sex scenes" (-"mom, they r just kissing!!!!"), and it's a circle which drives me crazy!!!

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