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I ALWAYS dream about being late or not being prepared for school or something, Miss Endoh. I think it just means that I'm paranoid about being tardy, since I'm a total nerd at school.
Robin Sena:
My dreams are frighthening.
Most of them involves me getting hurt alot.
--- Quote from: Miss Endoh on July 14 2006, 02:10 pm ---Haha, ever since I got my job at Dairy Queen I keep dreaming that I'm either:
1) Late
2) Without my uniform
or 3) Late without my uniform :tongue3:
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If I read it correctly, not wearing a specific type of clothes is a form of nakedness. Nakedness in dreams signifies embarrasment, I think?
This is what my books says about dreaming about being naked:
1. Freud assumed that dreaming of being naked was linked with sexuality. It is, however, more to do with self-image. We have a desire to be seen for whast we are, to reveal our essential personality without having to create a facade. To interpret a dream of WALKING DOWN A STREET NAKED will depend on whether we are SEEN BY OTHER PEOPLE or not. If seen, there may be something about ourselves that we wish to reveal. If we are ALONE, we may simply have a wish for freedom of expression.
2. Nudity signifies innocence. It may be that there is a situation in our lives that requires honestly/truth. If we are sufficiantly secure with our self-image, we will not be afraid of being 'stripped' in public. Dreaming of appearing nude, ex. in a 'strip show', could suggest that we have anxiety about being misunderstood. We are concious of that fact that we are prepared to be open and honest, but others may not understand.
3. Nudity CAN suggest a new beginning, or rebirth. It is the paradise state of natural innocence we all, at one time, had. It can also represent renunciation of the material world.
I think that dreaming about loosing your uniform or whatnot just means you worry about screwing up at work. I dream about the same thing in regards to school.
--- Quote from: Emiko on July 19 2006, 03:09 am ---1. Freud assumed that dreaming of being naked was linked with sexuality.
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Freud assumed everything people do to be linked with sexuality... :wink:
I'm sceptical to all these dream books (Emiko's book however seems to be a psychoanalytical one, and not one of those where dreaming about macaroni symbolizes hidden secrets and stuff), since, well, theyonly apply to people of the same culture and values. If I dream about wearing white clothes, a dream book written by an American would suggest that my dream had to do with innocence, but in many African countries, white is the colour of death. To that, symbols have different meaning for every individual. I looked up dreaming about cats once, and the book talked about deceit and other negative stuff. For me, however, a cat is a creature of beauty (and cuteness) so I couldn't relate at all. I do think that many of the dreams we dream mean something, but that we must look deep into ourselves to find what it is they symbolize, since they, after all, steam from our own brains. Not that they possible interpretations of nakedness that Emiko listed were bad, given our society, just that we should look to ourselves first and foremost.
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