General Discussions > Anything goes...


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That's definitely true, Ando. You have to take into account the culture you live in, your personal background and experiences and what different things mean to YOU, which is why dream interpretation is such a tricky business. My book seems to be fairly neutral to culture things, but it's not completely unbiased, I'm sure. It looks at dreams from a psychological point-of-view, but then again not everyone's psyche is the same. So you have to take everything with a grain of salt when it comes to looking up the meanings of your dreams.

And yeah, Freud loves his sex. :lol:

Lately I've been having dreams that involve traveling. I sometimes dream of traveling as another person, but in most instances I dream of myself traveling. I even remember the places I've been to in my dreams, and they all look very familiar.

And then there's that dream where I was doing double jumps while crossing the street, after which a cop came up to me and gave me a ticket.

I had a marathon day of Bleach with my friend and had a dream where a load of people I knew were soul reapers and random people in a shop were kidnapping people for no reason. The soul reaper thing really didn't have anything to do with anything (that was just the Bleach addled corner of my mind), it was more about the shopping people and the a random room...which led into a forest. And...yeah.

How strange.

Anime can totally warp your dreams if you watch too much. I remember I had a dream about doin' a little kissin' with Sanji from One Piece after I'd watched a whole bunch of episodes, which is strange because I'm a total Zoro girl. O_o (And wow that was kind of embarrassing to admit, but it was pretty PG and I think we're all mature here, riiiight?)

But people ALWAYS change in my dreams, and Sanji turned into Kurogane when I pulled away. O_O So I guess I get around in dreamland.

I had an Inuyasha dream back when I thought Inuyasha was cool (I'm just 'meh' about it now) where Sesshoumaru was trying to corner me with a bunch of his demon pals (?) on the side of a building (yes, the side. It was a ledge made out of tippy silver bowls :XD:), and Inuyasha made me jump. Which wasn't fun.


--- Quote from: Emiko on July 24 2006, 10:53 am ---Anime can totally warp your dreams if you watch too much. I remember I had a dream about doin' a little kissin' with Sanji from One Piece after I'd watched a whole bunch of episodes, which is strange because I'm a total Zoro girl.

But people ALWAYS change in my dreams, and Sanji turned into Kurogane when I pulled away. O_O So I guess I get around in dreamland.

--- End quote ---

*is a total Sanji girl* WHAT DID THEY DO TO HIS VOICE?! Ahem.

You little two timer you.

I had a dream last night that I got my exam results on a paycheck (...) but there was nothing there. Maybe I'm subconsciously worried about my exam results? I don't feel worried during the day (I did my darn best...what will be will be.) but...meh. I don't think I worry at night either, but...Obviously my subscious is a little worried? XD

Maybe I should tell it to calm down.


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