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I've had cat dreams too... Somebody know what cats could mean in dreams? (tries to google)
--- Quote from: Tenkuuken on May 15 2007, 02:18 pm ---I've had cat dreams too... Somebody know what cats could mean in dreams? (tries to google)
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I think that would depend on how you personally view cats. There's kind of a difference if they're your favourite animals to if you're afraid of them, don't you think? But if you really want to know, most of those dream books list cats as symbolising deceit, sneakiness and other nasty things (I myself dislike such generalizing).
--- Quote from: VexNet on April 16 2007, 10:15 am ---This isn't a dream specifically but I've discovered something with my bed.
Normally, lets say I sleep like this |--o| with the circle being my head. This is how I slept most of my life in my bedroom, with my head closer to the door and in perfect view of the PC and TV Screen. Last year however I decided, for a change, I'll swap the side I sleep on, so I began to sleep the other way around on my bed, like |o--| and that night I had the most intense dream I've had in a long time. I shrugged it off as just a dream and it was cool to have one again finally, but the next night I had another dream, and the night after, and the night after. Thinking this was a bit odd now I suspected that it had to do with my swapping sides of my bed I slept on so I decided to switch again to see if I was right so I was now |--o| again and that night.. I had no dream but the following night when I slept |o--| I had a dream. So since then I've always slept |o--| and I've had a dream virtually every night and those times where I didn't think I had a dream I remember halfway through the day that I did and then I would forget it again later on in the day. It's the weirdest thing.. Even to this day I still get dreams sleeping that side of the bed but now because I'm so accustomed to it, I forget the dream like 5 to 10 minutes after I think about it, for example, This morning I woke up from a great dream and just lay in bed thinking about it and then by the time I finished getting dressed I had forgotten it. Originally I thought it was because the other way around has my body tilted so my head is lower than the rest of my body due to an old bed but now it's evened out I can't say it's that. It's just.. weird.
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Something like that happens to me. I usually slept on my stomach and one night i decided to sleep facing the wall (my bed is against the left side of my room). So I went to sleep and had the most horrible nightmare. It was filled with evil demons and all around me I could hear many people screaming from fear, pain, or for help.
The next night I slept in the same position since I thought it was a one time thing and I hardly ever get nightmares. But I got another one, this time it felt as if I was still awake and I felt something heavy on my chest pushing it down. I tried to call my sister for help since she and I share a room. I could see her sleeping peacefully and I tried to move my body but I realized I couldn't move an inch. It was as if I was paralized and could only move my head. No sound came out as i tried to call to her, no matter how much I tried. Suddenly I could here voices all around me whispering and some were screaming. But above them all I could hear cold horrible laughter and I knew it was that laughing voice that was holding me down. The only thing i could do was pray furiously in me head. The next thing I know the voices stop and I have gained controll of my body and I am awake. I can't remember even waking up.
This-or something like it-happens every time I sleep in that one position. I don't know why. I hope it doesn't have anything to do with the spirits in the house.
--- Quote from: Sokasato on May 16 2007, 08:06 am ---Something like that happens to me. I usually slept on my stomach and one night i decided to sleep facing the wall (my bed is against the left side of my room). So I went to sleep and had the most horrible nightmare. It was filled with evil demons and all around me I could hear many people screaming from fear, pain, or for help.
The next night I slept in the same position since I thought it was a one time thing and I hardly ever get nightmares. But I got another one, this time it felt as if I was still awake and I felt something heavy on my chest pushing it down. I tried to call my sister for help since she and I share a room. I could see her sleeping peacefully and I tried to move my body but I realized I couldn't move an inch. It was as if I was paralized and could only move my head. No sound came out as i tried to call to her, no matter how much I tried. Suddenly I could here voices all around me whispering and some were screaming. But above them all I could hear cold horrible laughter and I knew it was that laughing voice that was holding me down. The only thing i could do was pray furiously in me head. The next thing I know the voices stop and I have gained controll of my body and I am awake. I can't remember even waking up.
This-or something like it-happens every time I sleep in that one position. I don't know why. I hope it doesn't have anything to do with the spirits in the house.
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What you experianced there was a Night Terror, Actually last year when I was regular poster here there was a similiar discussion of it in this forum which is where I first learned of it myself.
I've never had one but I feel like I would both love to have one yet hate to have one at the same time. I've also found two people who seem to have had a lot of Night Terrors and they both seem obsessed with horror; H. R. Giger and H. P. Lovecraft. Both of thier works have always kinda of freaked me out in an alluring way that I just kept coming back for more.
I have also had a few bouts of Lucid Dreaming, now that's more just really interesting experiance than anything else.
I did a bit of snooping around on wiki and I found these explanations I quite like of Dreams:
"Dreaming involves an involuntary conjuring up of images in a sequence in which the sleeper/dreamer is usually more a participant than an observer. Dreaming is stimulated by the pons and mostly occurs during the REM phase of sleep.
People have proposed many hypotheses about functions of dreaming. Sigmund Freud postulated that dreams are the symbolic expression of frustrated desires that had been relegated to the subconscious, and he used dream interpretation in the form of psychoanalysis to uncover these desires. Scientists have become skeptical about the Freudian interpretation, and place more emphasis on dreaming as a requirement for organization and consolidation of recent memory and experience.
Another hypothesis is that dreaming allows an animal to play out scenarios that may help the animal avoid dangers when awake. For example, a rabbit might dream about being cornered by a fox and may play out different scenarios that might increase its chances of survival should it come across a fox in reality.
James Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley's activation synthesis theory proposes that dreams are caused by random firings of neurons in the cerebral cortex during the REM period. According to the theory, the forebrain then creates a story in an attempt to reconcile and make sense of the nonsensical sensory information presented to it, hence the odd nature of many dreams.
Most recent studies of dreams functionality in University of Helsinki by professor Pekka Sutola suggest that non-REM sleep is rapid processing of experiences gathered by mammals during the day which are then applied to deep-sleep phase for postprocessing. This is also an explanation as to why epileptics entering REM-like stage during serious relapses can't remember much from the few hours preceeding the relapse. Complete function is still unknown.
Wet dreams are ejaculations of semen experienced most often by pubescent boys in REM sleep, but they may occur any time after puberty."
sam mogford:
woa! compilicated stuff mum teaches psycology and she knows more than me about these things.
also i cant normaly remember my dreams. My cat is always in the dreams i do remember though... wierd huh?
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