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Re: Dreams
« Reply #200 on: July 26 2007, 07:02 am »
lol yeah I can I've read tha book and my dreams have like DracoXHarry XD like my one last night

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #201 on: July 26 2007, 07:41 am »

OT: word to the wise: dont go fishing for posts by bumping all the "what" threads. make an intro thread, go to the on topic forums that a\tualy talk about something, (the trc forums, the CCS forums in the anime forum and the general media forum
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #202 on: July 27 2007, 05:52 pm »
yes talking is a good thing here *smiles* now my dreams sadly aren't of Harry Potter I've been dreaming about work who dreams of work? *sighs* I hate work why would I dream of it ? oh well I guess I'll live I hope to get better dreams......O.o

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #203 on: July 28 2007, 02:30 am »
^ I do. I have dreams of being on the field with my camera. Strangely, it's all in third-person POV.

I was listening to my Sting MP3s last night while reading some angsty CCS fanfics. When I fell asleep I had a dream so terrible the spoiler tag wouldn't cooperate with me. In any case it involved my favorite song "Fragile." I'll never have a good night's sleep again.  :cry:

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #204 on: July 28 2007, 06:50 am »
im STILL dreaming about snape. its all decent dreams, showing snape in the good light, but come ON! im not a snape fan girl so why ismy brain reacting that way!!! ive tried all methods to brain wash myself for other dreams, listening to anime music, reading manga while falling asleep and still i get the HP drams.
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #205 on: July 28 2007, 02:44 pm »
Maybe it's because of what happened to Snape in the last book?

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #206 on: July 28 2007, 04:36 pm »
still would rather to go back to the original inventive one rather than fangirly type dreams =P
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #207 on: August 15 2007, 07:05 pm »
Weird dreams. Hmmm let me think.

Oh here it is:
I was in a movie shoot and I'm with one of my favorite actresses. We were together all the time until it was her take. It was still break for me so I went and explored the house where we were shooting. I found the basement and saw Jerry Mouse (from Tom and Jerry) being chased by the regular house rats (the black ones). I was startled when the b;ack rat was panting. It suddenly grew wings and ate Jerry Mouse. Ow.
It was so weird to see a mouse with wings. Another thing? I'm not a movie actress.

Here's another.
We were having our Christian Living class when my classmate told me that she wanted to go out. I told her that she should consult the teacher but she didn't do so. She just went on and told another person that she wanted to go out. Then, all of a sudden, everyone in the room shrieked and said: "Escape from sir! Waaaa!" Woah.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #208 on: August 16 2007, 02:43 am »
^ lol

well I had a dream about be falling down all the stares in my school as the whole school watches me >.>

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #209 on: August 16 2007, 03:58 am »
i cant remember ny of my last few dreams... i thin one came close to being like my flying dreams, but i dont remember if i actualy flew or not. i think i started, but someone kept stopping me :S
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #210 on: August 16 2007, 04:34 am »
I tend to remember all of my dreams. The ones I dread the most are the ones that come true.

Sometimes it's not a good thing to be partially psychic.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #211 on: August 16 2007, 06:04 am »
sometimes its hard for me to determine what dreams are visions.. and those im sure of i try to make not happen, like 3 times already ive dreamt that my mom found im using the laptop wihtout permission and have gotten in big trouble, but that hasnt happenned yet, but always could be.

theres also one dream that i dread happening, i cant say what i saw because thats how afraid i am of it.

i get de ja vu alot, like ill dream of some place and then  a long time later ill see that place inactality and never hadbeen there before. (like this one time i dreamt of this building... then onetime we passed by that building in daylight and im certain that thats the place from my dreams.
incedentally, i just fell assleeep watching tom and jerry :the magic ring, and had a dream that crossed that with this book im reading "the second summoning"
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #212 on: August 17 2007, 10:46 am »
Well, I've had dreams that come true. But all of them come in the form of deja vu. For example, I had a dream that I was talking to my girlfriend about aliens and communists, and next thing I know I find myself in a situation doing the exact same thing.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #213 on: August 17 2007, 11:18 am »
My dream scared the wits out of me.. well, last night, I was worrying about the exam that I was supposed to have today.. Since its a really hard subject, no matter how hard I study I couldn't seem to get it...

So when i was sleeping...I dreamed that it was test day and I couldn't even answer a single question.. my professor got mad and said she'd flunk me.. *sigh* Good thing it was just a dream...  :cry:

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #214 on: August 17 2007, 12:49 pm »
Yikes... Good luck with your exam then. Don't worry, you may be just too anxious.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #215 on: August 22 2007, 01:58 am »
i had a realy good one for a while.

something about doing a puzzle. in the puzzle was a portrait of what the puzxzle oughta look like. me and some others were almost done, then i imagined someone taking me inside and changing what the puzzle was suposed to be, to help me escape my rotten life.

then my brother had to wake me up =(
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #216 on: August 22 2007, 05:41 pm »
My most recent dream was about Kero-chan. I had this Kero-chan stuffed toy, which I gave to my girlfriend. In that dream, the Kero-chan toy was in my girlfriend's room singing "Groovy!" and dancing.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #217 on: August 22 2007, 06:12 pm »
sounds wierd but cute ^^

last dream... i fell asleep watching scoobydoo zombie island. i dreamt something wierd about a mall, and a twisted version of Read or die O_o. oh, and Ryuichi from gravitation was in there too, being kidnapped by that one girl who befriended Paper
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #218 on: August 26 2007, 11:42 am »
really weird dream on August 2nd night/3rd morning.

I was Sailing across the sea in the Going Merry from One Piece and I eventually dock at a lake in summer (furthest back I could remember in said dream) and a guy I don't like was by the lake with me as I was practising Karate and then I made one wrong move and he just started dissing me about it for a while and I got really pissed off by him. so I took his glasses, snapped them in two and I waved them at him and threw them even further into the lake and ran off back to my friends house.

I look around the house and people are just chatting. It's also Christmas time in the house so decorations are up and it's kinda cold but no snow outside. It was also getting pretty late so I decided to go to bed, but not before going to see the girl I like first. It felt like She had already confessed to me earlier but I had not given her an answer yet. So I go into her room and it's fairly dark.

There are two beds one looks empty and the girl I like seems to be in the one in front of me. So I climb into bed with her and just pretend to sleep for a bit before I feel a bit daring and I try to reach for her shoulder but I missed and accidentally touched her breast. I panic momentarily but no reaction tells me I'm in the clear, So I turn to I look over to her and move a little close to try to wake her up with a kiss and I realize she looks a little odd. Suddenly her head comes up laughing and I see clearly her skin is too dark and her hair is like an afro and her lips are black. Then it hit me, It's not the same girl. I fell out of bed backwards rolled across the floor.

I lifted up the bed covers and saw another girl in there so I got in at the other side while the laughing girl seems to of vanished. I also momentarily heard the second bed move but I ignored it. I could see this girl now clearly is the one I was looking for. So either out of fear or courage I just slowly moved right in for the kiss. and just before I got to her lips she opened her eyes and screamed! She moved back way from me as I put my hand on her tummy trying to calm her down saying "It's just me, only me" and she stopped and looked at me in fear, then her gaze turned into something else and she climbed over me to get out of bed, she was muttering something and she left the room.

The laughing girl got back up from the other side of the bed and laughed again while laughing girl's little sister just climbed out of the second bed and told me "She's just getting ready" but I totally ignored what she said. I laid back in bed totally frustrated and thought about the mess I got myself into. I thought of the scenario that she tells everyone I'm a filthy pervert and everyone segregates me and gets me kicked out, that or she was just shy and ran off to recuperate. Being impatient i assumed it was the former and I decided I had to get out of that house. I had to run away.

I first went to the ESSO and got into an argument with a man there So I made my way to the High Street annoyed and came across this fat guy with Mike and Don the Ninja Turtles. I notice they are using some illegal machinery (I don't know what it was but I know it was illegal in my dream) So I told them to stop it and they refused, so they started to attack me so In defence I took Mike and Don out with no problem. I kept trying to hit the fat guy but his fat made a good defence, then I remember a quote from an Animé about all heads being the same I thwack him in the side of the head and he goes down.

So I go to wait by the bus stop to go into town then this shady bald guy comes to stand next to me. I knew instinctively it was a monk but his aura seemed off. Suddenly he tried to hit me from the side but I dodged out the way grabbing his arm and smashing it into the side of the bus shelter. I got a good look at his arm and his hand was made totally of metal and it had spikes on the end emitting strong electrical currents. Then from directly in front of me what seemed to be the Monk's henchman tried a full frontal punch but I had to duck and kick him out of the way just as the head monk pulled his arm out of the shelter.

I noticed the Henchman had the same type of hand as the Head since then the Henchman took a run and swing at me which I had to grab and shove into the wall of the bus shelter right in front of the Head. The head glared at me and he removed his hand (so his arm looked like an action man's hand when you remove his hand, all hollow inside) I kicked him in the gut before he could reload his hand and I elbowed his henchman in the head bringing him to the floor where I stomped and cracked his head open on the ground. Then the Head lunged at me with a new hand on and He just hit me in the chest and sent me flying through the bus shelter causing a huge hole in it.

I was on the floor surrounded by rubble as I got myself up and swept the dust away. I was now thoroughly pissed. I run back at him and hurl out an impressive combo on him and send him flying into the sky and landing on the floor. Then the Head and the Henchman get back up (with the Henchman's head still bleeding and just barely hanging on) So I get my mobile phone out and I phone the police for them to get here ASAP and then I Phone my dad to tell him there is some big trouble going on down here and I need help ASAP.

As I'm talking to them on the phone I've been barraged by double attacks with both guys trying to have at me as I dodge and counter repeatedly.then as I put my phone away I defeat the henchman and the then the head runs off shouting what I assume was a generic bad guy line (like "I'll get you!" or "Till we meet again!!") but it was in Cantonese.

Then a Police car came thought me be the enemy and smashed my head against the police car. I kept trying to tell them they are getting away but they refused to listen to me.

Then in my epilogue I saw that the girl I tried to kiss was waiting for me at home, she didn't run away, it turns out she just wanted to look nice for me. I felt like crap afterwards because I let her down. Then I woke up.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #219 on: August 26 2007, 04:12 pm »
Hmm... Playing the action hero, I guess? :XD: