General Discussions > Anything goes...


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your teenage mutant ninja turtle toys were in their blimp having a war? Cool lol.

I had a dream once we were back in Hawaii and there was a tornadoe, hurricane, and flood at the same time so we where told to go to my school's cafeteria which is on top of a hill. I go in there and I see my teacher sitting on a mat meditating and I was really scared because I didn't know where my family was. Then all the sudden the cafeteria doors burst open and winds comes flying through them and sends a table spinning towards my meditating teacher. The table goes SMACK right in her face but she is still in the same position as before, even her face is the same... weird. So then the dream goes back to me and I'm holding on to the leg of a cafeteria table but I'm getting dragged closer and closer towards the exit. Then all of the sudden the doors close right before I get blown outside. I got to look at all of the destruction, meaning papers flying and tables overturned, for a second and then I wake up.

My older sister also had a weird kinda similar dream. She was in her class (I'm not sure where it was) and then all of the sudden this tornadoe busts through the walls and goes after the class which was screaming and crowding into the corner, so her teacher suddenly grabs a vaccum cleaner and sucks up the tornadoe. Then her eyes turn red and she's suddenly evil, so she tries sucking up the rest of the class with the vaccum. Then my sister woke up.  :sweatdrop:

I had had another dream... very dramatic. The skies were black and stormy and the trees were being pulled by the wind and were wet, so I thought it was after a hurricane. My house is right behind me and the angle I was looking at me was from the ground at an angle so you could see all of me. I was on my knees and I was going, "WWHHHHYYYY?" and then I put my hands on the ground. And I felt really sad.. I think I thought I was the only survivor or something.. then the dream ended.

 :keke: Wooh, good times! (I was about 2 or 3 years younger with my dreams, I don't know how old my older sister was when she had her dream.)

Ruby Chan:
I keep dreaming that I'm in a car with a boy about 20...but I seem to be around 20 too. We're arguing, then I pull the car over to the side of the road, and storm off. He runs after me and grabs my hand, and we start yelling at each other. He shoves me, I shove back, and I'm crying because I love him. Then he pushes me again, and I trip and fall down the sharp side of the rockface with a scream.

I always wake up with a jerk just before I hit the ground.

My friend says that could be a past life 0.o and how I died, since I keep dreaming the exact thing. Scary....

I keep dreaming about school  :cry: my summer break's almost over...
but I had a nice dream about school once...the TRC crew was in it! XD Kurogane was a PE teacher, Fai a science teacher, Syaoran and Sakura were classmates  :keke:

I didn't dream for about a year so I'm far behind the schedule...

I did have a dream 2 times, but I was in different cars each time, and I was driving them. The first time I had the dream I pulled out of the parking spot and just drove around but I didn't know where I was going. I somehow wound up at this house that I've never seen before but it feels like home, and suddenly my dad appears in the car window and I wake up. The second time I had the dream I couldn't see where I was going except for trees and the tops of signs, so I just drive around for a while and I wound up at a house I've never seen again, and wake up.

I had a dream and it was where I was in this mansion and we were moving, so my family was throwing all this stuff we never had up into the air and then out the door in an arc. There was an aquarium and a fish fell out of it so I cought it and put it in a fish bowl.

Then 1 or 2 days ago I had a dream I was in the mansion again except this time Hilary Duff was there along with an unidentifable blonde and they were all in beishish dresses (my dad wasn't there) which matched the marble of the mansion, and my family and them were all singing  'If I was a rich girl' by Gwen Stefani (and Eve), then during the song the moving thing started again and I caught a smaller fish that was being thrown and I put it in the fish bowl, then I waited for the fish that came the first time and when it didnt come I was really sad. Then my little siter woke me up and my radio was on and the song that was playing was 'If I was a rich girl'.  :sweatdrop: weird...

once I was in a hotel with my parents and I wake up, and I'm tip toeing to the bathroom and suddenly I hear my mom burst out laughing and say something in German, then more laughing, something else in German, then chuckles. I was SOOO scared because she was asleep.

My dad also said that he had gotten up for work and then my mom suddenly yells, "YOUR MONKEY BIT MY HORSE YOU (beep)!!!"


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