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Since everyone's at it, I'd like to share a recurring dream that I had.

I was in a pizza parlor with my girlfriend wherein we ordered a roast chicken pizza. Several minutes later, the kitchen doors flew open, and out came the cook chasing a white chicken. The chicken flew around the place while it was being chased, until it found its way to our table. The chicken jumped to our table, cackled a bit, and was about to leave when the cook suddenly appeared, grabbed its neck, and slashed its throat. The chicken's blood flowed freely and it cackled some more before it died. After the chicken did, the cook told us, "Sorry. Please wait for a while, your pizza is coming in shortly."

I dream very very few...I remember a nightmare that I can't forget...I dreamt that i was in a car and then I crashed falling down of a mountain.All was the only one that I remember...

I dreamt I was in church with my friend and Eriol from CCS. I told Eriol to show my friend his magic and he looks at us with an evil grin and shows us that statue of Salazar Slytherin in the 2nd Harry Potter Movie (the one where the basalisk came out of). So then I was like "Not that kind of magic!!!" and I was forced to answer this riddle which I couldn't get... so I went sliding down a tube that was in the statue's mouth and yah.... I have a really bad memory but there was much more to it than that!


--- Quote from: Emiko on June 30 2006, 04:30 am ---If anyone's extremely interested, I have a book on interpreting dreams, and I'm willing to look up the meanings of anyone's dream if they'd like. I don't know if I completely believe in dreams representing something, but sometimes I think your subconcious IS trying to tell you something, because the whole dreams-having-a-deeper-meaning thing has rung true for me several times.

For example, I've had reoccuring dreams where my teeth fall out or are pulled out really easily. I finally looked it up last month, and essentially that symbolizes an awareness of transition, such as growing up or moving into maturity, and also signifies a certain anxiety about maturing, which is EXACTLY how I've been feeling lately, since I've only got one year of high-school left and I do NOT feel ready at all.

However, dreaming about something like marrying Syaoran probably doesn't mean anything other than you think about Syaoran too much XP

But yeah, if anyone has a specific dream they want me to look up, I'd be happy to do it.

--- End quote ---

I also think that the dreams are actually some kind of "messages".  I've been reading about it too.

But I can't find about my "special dreams" that I'm sure they can't be found in a book.

You know, since I was very little, I've dreamt every night I have "super powers"!!! But a few months ago... In my dreams I´ve been losing all my powers. Almost like "spiderman" when he was losing his. I think it has a meaning. My mom says its beacuse "i'm growing up". I would be VERY SAD if I lose my powers in my dreams.... :cry:....  I love to make ice and fire... or fly.. or make apear ANYTHING... or control the wind... or breath under the water... sniff... or WHATEVER I CAN IMAGINE!!!.... My powers were endless... snif

What do you think??.... :sad5:


--- Quote from: princesslore on July 03 2006, 11:28 am ---I also think that the dreams are actually some kind of "messages". I've been reading about it too.

But I can't find about my "special dreams" that I'm sure they can't be found in a book.

You know, since I was very little, I've dreamt every night I have "super powers"!!! But a few months ago... In my dreams I´ve been losing all my powers. Almost like "spiderman" when he was losing his. I think it has a meaning. My mom says its beacuse "i'm growing up". I would be VERY SAD if I lose my powers in my dreams.... :cry:.... I love to make ice and fire... or fly.. or make apear ANYTHING... or control the wind... or breath under the water... sniff... or WHATEVER I CAN IMAGINE!!!.... My powers were endless... snif

What do you think??.... :sad5:

--- End quote ---

Your mom makes a valid point. There was nothing about super powers specifically in my book, but I looked up "magic" since it's somewhat similar, and THAT in a dream symbolizes being able to accomplish something without difficulty or effort. Or, from a psychological point-of-view, magic is to do with our ability to link with our deepest powers (powers of sexuality, powers of control or over our surroundings, are the examples the book gives).

Fire and ice both have different meanings as well, but in this case they probably don't apply to you, since they were part of your superpowers and that to me just sounds like fun. Flying has a lot of meanings in dreams:

Flying UPWARDS is to be moving towards a more spiritual appreciation of our lives, while flying DOWNWARDS is to be making an attempt to understand the sub-concious and all that entails. It can also symbolize spiritual freedom.

My guess, and I'm by no means an expert, is that your mom is right. You're growing up and moving from the world of imagination into the real world (I remember I used to dream of flying, and I haven't had it since childhood myself), and since magic symbolizes the ability to do something effortlessly, loosing it probably means you're taking on more responsibility now that you're getting older and life is getting a little more complicated.

...Any of that making sense?


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