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Re: Dreams
« Reply #80 on: March 29 2006, 03:01 pm »
I usually don't remember my dreams very well, but one I remember fairly well, from about five years ago. I was Scully and my older brother Gideon was Mulder from the X Files; somehow or another we were trapped in a house with an axe murderer. Gideon/Mulder was being pulled towards the axe murderer by... tooth floss. I swear to God, tooth floss. XD I think I saved him by shooting the tooth floss and breaking it.

I don't know whether to be creeped out, or die laughing! That is so funny and yet creepy at the same time!

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #81 on: March 29 2006, 03:11 pm »
I don't know whether to be creeped out, or die laughing! That is so funny and yet creepy at the same time!
Ever since I had that dream, that's pretty much been my reaction to it. Weirdest dream ever.

Do you guys ever get dreams where you're falling? Just falling, nothing more? The few dreams I do remember are of the falling variety. Scare me so much sometimes.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #82 on: March 29 2006, 03:14 pm »
Ever since I had that dream, that's pretty much been my reaction to it. Weirdest dream ever.

Do you guys ever get dreams where you're falling? Just falling, nothing more? The few dreams I do remember are of the falling variety. Scare me so much sometimes.

I'll bet. And yes, I've had many dreams that consist of me falling and I didn't feel any fear whatsoever. They seem to calm me for some reason. I've also had dreams when I used to be hydrophobic that I would jump from a very high height and fall into the pool drowning, then my dog would appear out of nowhere, pull me out of the water, and she started to talk! That was when I was 10 and I still remember it.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #83 on: March 30 2006, 03:28 am »
Have you ever had a dream where you're falling and just before you hit the ground you jerk awake and it feels as if you fell from a short distance onto your bed? That happens to me all the time.

Last night I had this dream that it was Christmastime and we had old Christmas movies playing on a laptop in out living room, and I look, and next to the laptop on the floor was a vent (like for air conditioning) and beyond the vent it was really the size of a whole room. So I pulled up the vent casing and a bit of the floor and lowered myself in there, and then I realised the room connected to our basement.

So I went through the basement and upstairs, but the house felt weird, it looked different. When I went upstairs I looked at the calander and it was December 2001. Our house was weird because it had all it's old layout and furniture arrangement and decoration from 2001. Then I saw my brothers run through the kitchen and they were really little. (Everyone was actually more around the age of 1997...) and then I saw my parents, and they looked at me, and were like, "Who are you?"

And I was like, "I'm Jessica, your daughter, I went through this vent and I think I've gone back in time...but I don't know how to get back to my own time, which I need to do if I'm going to pass high school..."

And they seemed to accept this, and were like, "Well...we don't know how we can help you."

And then I looked over, and there was little me...back when I was like my big goofy glasses with my cute little face. I walked over to myself and knelt down, and started crying, but it was a good kind of crying. And then I woke up.

Isn't that weird?

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #84 on: March 30 2006, 03:31 am »
LOL. You went back in time, and were worried about passing high school? I'm glad it was a good kind of crying, though. That's good kind of weird dream.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #85 on: March 30 2006, 03:38 am »
Have you ever had a dream where you're falling and just before you hit the ground you jerk awake and it feels as if you fell from a short distance onto your bed? That happens to me all the time.

Last night I had this dream that it was Christmastime and we had old Christmas movies playing on a laptop in out living room, and I look, and next to the laptop on the floor was a vent (like for air conditioning) and beyond the vent it was really the size of a whole room. So I pulled up the vent casing and a bit of the floor and lowered myself in there, and then I realised the room connected to our basement.

So I went through the basement and upstairs, but the house felt weird, it looked different. When I went upstairs I looked at the calander and it was December 2001. Our house was weird because it had all it's old layout and furniture arrangement and decoration from 2001. Then I saw my brothers run through the kitchen and they were really little. (Everyone was actually more around the age of 1997...) and then I saw my parents, and they looked at me, and were like, "Who are you?"

And I was like, "I'm Jessica, your daughter, I went through this vent and I think I've gone back in time...but I don't know how to get back to my own time, which I need to do if I'm going to pass high school..."

And they seemed to accept this, and were like, "Well...we don't know how we can help you."

And then I looked over, and there was little me...back when I was like my big goofy glasses with my cute little face. I walked over to myself and knelt down, and started crying, but it was a good kind of crying. And then I woke up.

Isn't that weird?

From what it sounds like, you missed your childhood and wanted to go back to when there were no responsibilities and be a child again, but you realized that you had to grow up and remain dilligent to your responsibilities. As for crying, you really wished you could be that child and not just looking at yourself as a child.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #86 on: April 02 2006, 10:08 am »
Last night, I dreamt that I was sick at home for a couple of days, then found that my class was studying anime. Somehow the art room in my school was turned into an all-anime room, and there was some lady there who was going to be teaching us about anime, and she owned everything in the room. There was so much stuff in the room, and my classmates loved it (in real life only around 5 people like/know anime). Then she gave us these backpacks that had a bunch of blue plastic stuff in it, with an anime plushie, which we could activate (like make it sing, talk,, dance) by holding these baton things and pressing buttons on it. After she let us choose anything we wanted from her anime room, but most of the stuff for some odd reason was gone, and there was no CCS or TRC. just as I was flipping through this Inuyasha manga, she told us we had to leave. So we left, and went back to our homeroom. Our teacher asked us what our favourite part about the anime class was. No one answered because we were too busy looking at our merchandise.

Then for some odd reason we transformed into anime characters. We were walking down some kind of green meadow, and we had to work together to get across a river. o.O We all split up to try to think of a way to help each other out. Then someone was calling my name in the distance, but I had no clue who it was.

Then I woke up. :tongue3:

I have no idea what this means. Does it mean my art teacher will teach my class about drawing anime? I highly doubt it. Maybe more of my classmates will get into anime? That too, is hard to believe, unless my anime-obsessing is contagious and rubs off on them. That's just my wishful thinking.

Maybe a stranger will appear in my life? Maybe an anime character will become real (*cough* Syaoran! *cough*) and enter my life? Haha!

No idea. But I often have continuation dreams. Maybe this dream will be continued in the future. Who knows?
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #87 on: April 02 2006, 10:09 am »
I had a weird dream the other night. I was in my living room and I was about to go on the computer but I couldn' brother was on. For those who know me personally my brother has been gone for over a year now because of an incident that I don't really care to talk about any longer.

Well in the dream I turned to my mom and said, "What is he doing here?  -_-" I was pretty angry.

My brother turned to me and said, "Hey, if I want to go on the computer, I can!"

I retaliated, "You don't even live here! You're not supposed to be here!" At this point I'm throwing various items at him while crying.

I then turn to mom and say, "How could you let HIM come home?! Do you want me to die?!"

I can't really remember the dream after that. Any ideas what this may mean minna?

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #88 on: April 02 2006, 10:18 am »
I had a two weird dreams last Fall.

The first I was inside a moving train and there was this room that looked like a library,everything look washed,lots of red. I picked up one of the books and it was Tolstoy's Anna Korina(sp?)
Then a man's voice said. "So you need anything,comrade...?"Then my alarm rang and I woke up.

The second was I was climbing a mountain,uphill. This guy in front of me looked alot like young Stalin which scared me. I was carrying a baonet,like the Bolsheviks I had studied for far too long. I said something like"Will I be like you?"He said."No you'll be worse than me." :surprised: Then I heard my Dad get up for work and it jerked me out.

Shortly after I gave up studying Russian history and my sleep is peaceful.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #89 on: April 02 2006, 10:19 am »
Maybe he's going to enter your life again! I don't want that to happen, for your sake! Or maybe past conflicts centered around him are going to confronted or let go? I don't know :sweatdrop:
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #90 on: April 02 2006, 10:42 am »
Here's another dream:                                                                                                                                                                  I was in a dark chamber alone with no one. All the chamber had was a large picture with an angel. then the pieces of wood turn into fire and the picture also turn into fire. I turn around and saw my cousin, Anson. I went to met him but he just push me in tears, and my other friends Ashely, Karima and most of all my dead friend did the same.they started to glow. they looked like some sort of sacifice. In a minute they were gone. I just saw a sword stab me in the back. Luckly, I was alive I had blood on the back and front. I finally saw my necklace glowing, the reason I was still alive. I  also saw a sun mark on my right hand. When I woke up I saw the same necklace that I was wearing on my bed and a sun mark on my right hand. Freaky

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #91 on: April 03 2006, 08:40 am »
Jen - Wow... that is seriously creepy... But really cool, I guess. :sweatdrop:

Last night I actually remembered my dream. Big shock for me, yesh, yesh. Best part was that it was a Tsubsa one, and THOSE are sooo much fun. :XD:

I think I may have been somewhere in my city, but it was hard to tell, cause it was animated and everything looked a bit older, like victorian-esque, but everyone was wearing normal clothes.

My friend came running down the street carrying a feather, I think. She doesn't read manga, so I was all, "Oh my gosh, you read Tsubasa? Are you cosplaying?" And she didn't answer, but glanced back at me and then there were all these people behind us from my school, chasing Fai. >_> That was odd. Then Fai walks up, and
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F***ing makes out with my friend. XD Seriously. Swear to god.
. Terrified and 'wtf'-ish as I was I kinda stood there, as Syaoran and Kurogane ran by, took the feather and I woke up.
Perhaps I shouldn't read so much at 2 am.  :dodge:
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #92 on: April 03 2006, 12:18 pm »
I had a scary dream last night! I was watching TRC on Animax & then my beloved Fai talked! you know whose voice is it? It's the voice of Goku in Monkey typhoon!!! Graa!! :angry: really scary!

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #93 on: April 05 2006, 01:23 am »
I had a weird one just now, I dreamt that I was this annoying friend round someones house who would never leave, then I gave the kid his presents and looks like the first time I decided to leave and while I was outside I heard them talk about how much they hate me and how annoying it is for me coming round, I got upset and wanted to go in and apologise but I couldn't find the strength to, but then it started to flood, And all of a sudden I was running around peoples houses gathering the children up to get to the bunker where they would be safe from the flood. As we hid I seemed to of taken the role as a teacher, I looked out to see what was happening and there was this huge monster screaming (like Perfect Chaos from Sonic Adventure) And I saw him coming closer, I had to quickly think of a plan, then suddenly the bunker's doors exploded and water cam gushing in, Without much time left as the water filled up I had to think quickly, I could only think of one thing, I had to get the kids to safety by using myself as a diversion, I swam out and then got onto the ground and taunted the Monster, as I saw the kids swim out to safety I diverted the monster by flying high in the sky, then I saw the monster use a big power beam attack so I had to quickly counter it with my own blast, Just as he released his I flew higher for a better aim and I screamed with all my energy to release a Kamhehameha That destroyed it instantly but took a lot of stamina out from me, I flew back down to see how everyone was and It was all engulfed by a bright light, When it dimmed back to normal I was in an allyway. It appears I was on my own with only some bars and pubs around. I went down into one offering sex as service and I carried on till in the yard I found that one of thier employees had committed suicide. I ran away but then came across the father of whos family I bugged at the very beginning, I found him calling me Superman and I had the cape, I said Hi then flew off and found myself actualy falling apart like goo, I went back to the priest and he yelled about some idea and then he got this lil old lady to sellatape lots of parcels together and I got excited at how I've seen this done before with flying. Then as we were to put the goo  in the packages I get yellled at (IRL) to wake up.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #94 on: June 09 2006, 10:31 am »
my dreams are usually really wierd. most either give me advice or tell the future....
The worst dream I had was one where my uncle turned into Satan and tried to strangle me. I woke up staring at the red light of my alarm clock, and from then on, I couldn't stand the dolor red alone in the dark. It also didn't help my fear of my uncle, because he's schizophrenic and a little odd, but I'm over that nos. I just don't like being in a room alone with him.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #95 on: June 09 2006, 08:29 pm »
Since everyone's at it, I'd like to share a recurring dream that I had.

I was in a pizza parlor with my girlfriend wherein we ordered a roast chicken pizza. Several minutes later, the kitchen doors flew open, and out came the cook chasing a white chicken. The chicken flew around the place while it was being chased, until it found its way to our table. The chicken jumped to our table, cackled a bit, and was about to leave when the cook suddenly appeared, grabbed its neck, and slashed its throat. The chicken's blood flowed freely and it cackled some more before it died. After the chicken did, the cook told us, "Sorry. Please wait for a while, your pizza is coming in shortly."

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #96 on: June 10 2006, 09:26 am »
I dream very very few...I remember a nightmare that I can't forget...I dreamt that i was in a car and then I crashed falling down of a mountain.All was the only one that I remember...

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #97 on: June 25 2006, 02:00 pm »
I dreamt I was in church with my friend and Eriol from CCS. I told Eriol to show my friend his magic and he looks at us with an evil grin and shows us that statue of Salazar Slytherin in the 2nd Harry Potter Movie (the one where the basalisk came out of). So then I was like "Not that kind of magic!!!" and I was forced to answer this riddle which I couldn't get... so I went sliding down a tube that was in the statue's mouth and yah.... I have a really bad memory but there was much more to it than that!

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #98 on: July 03 2006, 11:28 am »
If anyone's extremely interested, I have a book on interpreting dreams, and I'm willing to look up the meanings of anyone's dream if they'd like. I don't know if I completely believe in dreams representing something, but sometimes I think your subconcious IS trying to tell you something, because the whole dreams-having-a-deeper-meaning thing has rung true for me several times.

For example, I've had reoccuring dreams where my teeth fall out or are pulled out really easily. I finally looked it up last month, and essentially that symbolizes an awareness of transition, such as growing up or moving into maturity, and also signifies a certain anxiety about maturing, which is EXACTLY how I've been feeling lately, since I've only got one year of high-school left and I do NOT feel ready at all.

However, dreaming about something like marrying Syaoran probably doesn't mean anything other than you think about Syaoran too much XP

But yeah, if anyone has a specific dream they want me to look up, I'd be happy to do it.

I also think that the dreams are actually some kind of "messages".  I've been reading about it too.

But I can't find about my "special dreams" that I'm sure they can't be found in a book.

You know, since I was very little, I've dreamt every night I have "super powers"!!! But a few months ago... In my dreams I´ve been losing all my powers. Almost like "spiderman" when he was losing his. I think it has a meaning. My mom says its beacuse "i'm growing up". I would be VERY SAD if I lose my powers in my dreams.... :cry:....  I love to make ice and fire... or fly.. or make apear ANYTHING... or control the wind... or breath under the water... sniff... or WHATEVER I CAN IMAGINE!!!.... My powers were endless... snif

What do you think??.... :sad5:
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #99 on: July 04 2006, 06:10 am »
I also think that the dreams are actually some kind of "messages". I've been reading about it too.

But I can't find about my "special dreams" that I'm sure they can't be found in a book.

You know, since I was very little, I've dreamt every night I have "super powers"!!! But a few months ago... In my dreams I´ve been losing all my powers. Almost like "spiderman" when he was losing his. I think it has a meaning. My mom says its beacuse "i'm growing up". I would be VERY SAD if I lose my powers in my dreams.... :cry:.... I love to make ice and fire... or fly.. or make apear ANYTHING... or control the wind... or breath under the water... sniff... or WHATEVER I CAN IMAGINE!!!.... My powers were endless... snif

What do you think??.... :sad5:

Your mom makes a valid point. There was nothing about super powers specifically in my book, but I looked up "magic" since it's somewhat similar, and THAT in a dream symbolizes being able to accomplish something without difficulty or effort. Or, from a psychological point-of-view, magic is to do with our ability to link with our deepest powers (powers of sexuality, powers of control or over our surroundings, are the examples the book gives).

Fire and ice both have different meanings as well, but in this case they probably don't apply to you, since they were part of your superpowers and that to me just sounds like fun. Flying has a lot of meanings in dreams:

Flying UPWARDS is to be moving towards a more spiritual appreciation of our lives, while flying DOWNWARDS is to be making an attempt to understand the sub-concious and all that entails. It can also symbolize spiritual freedom.

My guess, and I'm by no means an expert, is that your mom is right. You're growing up and moving from the world of imagination into the real world (I remember I used to dream of flying, and I haven't had it since childhood myself), and since magic symbolizes the ability to do something effortlessly, loosing it probably means you're taking on more responsibility now that you're getting older and life is getting a little more complicated.

...Any of that making sense?
« Last Edit: July 04 2006, 12:13 pm by Emiko »
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