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Re: Dreams
« Reply #100 on: July 10 2006, 04:49 pm »
I've had dreams wherein I'm traveling in what seems to be very familiar places. Sometimes I see myself in another person's body. Everything and everyone I see in such dreams feel so real it's almost like deja vu.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #101 on: July 11 2006, 05:42 am »
Your mom makes a valid point. There was nothing about super powers specifically in my book, but I looked up "magic" since it's somewhat similar, and THAT in a dream symbolizes being able to accomplish something without difficulty or effort. Or, from a psychological point-of-view, magic is to do with our ability to link with our deepest powers (powers of sexuality, powers of control or over our surroundings, are the examples the book gives).

Fire and ice both have different meanings as well, but in this case they probably don't apply to you, since they were part of your superpowers and that to me just sounds like fun. Flying has a lot of meanings in dreams:

Flying UPWARDS is to be moving towards a more spiritual appreciation of our lives, while flying DOWNWARDS is to be making an attempt to understand the sub-concious and all that entails. It can also symbolize spiritual freedom.

My guess, and I'm by no means an expert, is that your mom is right. You're growing up and moving from the world of imagination into the real world (I remember I used to dream of flying, and I haven't had it since childhood myself), and since magic symbolizes the ability to do something effortlessly, loosing it probably means you're taking on more responsibility now that you're getting older and life is getting a little more complicated.

...Any of that making sense?

O.O oh... right... ^^U I get it now
But I'll miss my magic dreams!!! ^^ but thanks!! :okay:
Actually ALL of it make sense, YOU'RE AWSOME!!! :hello2:
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #102 on: July 12 2006, 01:14 am »
I had a dream last night, where I was with a person I hate on a military train heading to a gas station in a fierce thunderstorm where the lightning spiraled up from the ground. It was raining hard and I remember feeling an eternal sadness. Then when we finally got there, I got out and went in to find the girl I'm in love with cleaning up in a small restaurant inside the gas station store. We sat down on a sofa and I told her I'm sad and lonely without her, and we hugged and she told me she loved me, and I said I loved her too, and we just sat there holding each other while the lightning flashed and the thunder boomed....

I wish this dream came true...

I wanna fly high so I can reach the highest of the heavens, Somone will be waiting for me so I gotta fly higher...

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #103 on: July 14 2006, 02:10 pm »
Haha, ever since I got my job at Dairy Queen I keep dreaming that I'm either:
1) Late
2) Without my uniform
or 3) Late without my uniform :tongue3:

And really weird. I had the exact dream I had a few years ago!

I was sitting in the front yard of the house I lived in about 7 years ago with my brother Andrew, filiming a music video (err...even I don't know, don't ask, ahha) when my oldest brother, Mark, comes running out shooting at me with a water gun. I tell him to stop, but he won't. So I call for my dad. Mark gets mad and yells out, "Fine! I'm just going to kill everybody!" (that's not that odd in my family. He says that alot, haha) and runs inside. Andrew and I look at eachother, and start running around the house, to head to the back (I think we were heading to the back gate that leads to my aunt and uncle's house). Mark jumps out the bathroom window (which faces the backyard) with a knife and runs after Andrew.
But suddenly (and no, I'm not kidding), the cast of Angel (spin-off show of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) jumpes out and attacks Mark. Spike (my favourite vampire!) picks me up and jumps up onto the pool house to keep me safe (which never existed when I lived there, haha). Meanwhile, Angel (my other favourite vampire, hehe!) had killed my brother, Mark (awww.) He looks up at me and says, "Sorry. Your brother was a demon."
And then I woke up and giggled.
Whether it means anything significant I don't know.
It's it's not significant it just means I need to put the Angel DVD's away, hehe.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #104 on: July 14 2006, 02:20 pm »
there was a dream i had where i was at my school dance and and i was dancing in a slow song with a guy but when i looked at his face his face was black i don't who he was. that was the exact moment that i woke up

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #105 on: July 15 2006, 01:54 am »
I ALWAYS dream about being late or not being prepared for school or something, Miss Endoh. I think it just means that I'm paranoid about being tardy, since I'm a total nerd at school.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #106 on: July 15 2006, 02:00 am »
My dreams are frighthening.

Most of them involves me getting hurt alot.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #107 on: July 15 2006, 02:40 pm »
Haha, ever since I got my job at Dairy Queen I keep dreaming that I'm either:
1) Late
2) Without my uniform
or 3) Late without my uniform :tongue3:

If I read it correctly, not wearing a specific type of clothes is a form of nakedness. Nakedness in dreams signifies embarrasment, I think?

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #108 on: July 19 2006, 03:09 am »
This is what my books says about dreaming about being naked:

1. Freud assumed that dreaming of being naked was linked with sexuality. It is, however, more to do with self-image. We have a desire to be seen for whast we are, to reveal our essential personality without having to create a facade. To interpret a dream of WALKING DOWN A STREET NAKED will depend on whether we are SEEN BY OTHER PEOPLE or not. If seen, there may be something about ourselves that we wish to reveal. If we are ALONE, we may simply have a wish for freedom of expression.

2. Nudity signifies innocence. It may be that there is a situation in our lives that requires honestly/truth. If we are sufficiantly secure with our self-image, we will not be afraid of being 'stripped' in public. Dreaming of appearing nude, ex. in a 'strip show', could suggest that we have anxiety about being misunderstood. We are concious of that fact that we are prepared to be open and honest, but others may not understand.

3. Nudity CAN suggest a new beginning, or rebirth. It is the paradise state of natural innocence we all, at one time, had. It can also represent renunciation of the material world.

I think that dreaming about loosing your uniform or whatnot just means you worry about screwing up at work. I dream about the same thing in regards to school.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #109 on: July 19 2006, 03:34 am »
1. Freud assumed that dreaming of being naked was linked with sexuality.

Freud assumed everything people do to be linked with sexuality... :wink:

I'm sceptical to all these dream books (Emiko's book however seems to be a psychoanalytical one, and not one of those where dreaming about macaroni symbolizes hidden secrets and stuff), since, well, theyonly  apply to people of the same culture and values. If I dream about wearing white clothes, a dream book written by an American would suggest that my dream had to do with innocence, but in many African countries, white is the colour of death. To that, symbols have different meaning for every individual. I looked up dreaming about cats once, and the book talked about deceit and other negative stuff. For me, however, a cat is a creature of beauty (and cuteness) so I couldn't relate at all. I do think that many of the dreams we dream mean something, but that we must look deep into ourselves to find what it is they symbolize, since they, after all, steam from our own brains.  Not that they possible interpretations of nakedness that Emiko listed were bad, given our society, just that we should look to ourselves first and foremost.
« Last Edit: July 21 2006, 03:48 am by Ando »
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #110 on: July 20 2006, 01:10 am »
That's definitely true, Ando. You have to take into account the culture you live in, your personal background and experiences and what different things mean to YOU, which is why dream interpretation is such a tricky business. My book seems to be fairly neutral to culture things, but it's not completely unbiased, I'm sure. It looks at dreams from a psychological point-of-view, but then again not everyone's psyche is the same. So you have to take everything with a grain of salt when it comes to looking up the meanings of your dreams.

And yeah, Freud loves his sex. :lol:
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #111 on: July 21 2006, 08:08 pm »
Lately I've been having dreams that involve traveling. I sometimes dream of traveling as another person, but in most instances I dream of myself traveling. I even remember the places I've been to in my dreams, and they all look very familiar.

And then there's that dream where I was doing double jumps while crossing the street, after which a cop came up to me and gave me a ticket.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #112 on: July 21 2006, 08:13 pm »
I had a marathon day of Bleach with my friend and had a dream where a load of people I knew were soul reapers and random people in a shop were kidnapping people for no reason. The soul reaper thing really didn't have anything to do with anything (that was just the Bleach addled corner of my mind), it was more about the shopping people and the a random room...which led into a forest. And...yeah.

How strange.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #113 on: July 24 2006, 10:53 am »
Anime can totally warp your dreams if you watch too much. I remember I had a dream about doin' a little kissin' with Sanji from One Piece after I'd watched a whole bunch of episodes, which is strange because I'm a total Zoro girl. O_o (And wow that was kind of embarrassing to admit, but it was pretty PG and I think we're all mature here, riiiight?)

But people ALWAYS change in my dreams, and Sanji turned into Kurogane when I pulled away. O_O So I guess I get around in dreamland.

I had an Inuyasha dream back when I thought Inuyasha was cool (I'm just 'meh' about it now) where Sesshoumaru was trying to corner me with a bunch of his demon pals (?) on the side of a building (yes, the side. It was a ledge made out of tippy silver bowls :XD:), and Inuyasha made me jump. Which wasn't fun.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #114 on: July 24 2006, 11:08 pm »
Anime can totally warp your dreams if you watch too much. I remember I had a dream about doin' a little kissin' with Sanji from One Piece after I'd watched a whole bunch of episodes, which is strange because I'm a total Zoro girl.

But people ALWAYS change in my dreams, and Sanji turned into Kurogane when I pulled away. O_O So I guess I get around in dreamland.

*is a total Sanji girl* WHAT DID THEY DO TO HIS VOICE?! Ahem.

You little two timer you.

I had a dream last night that I got my exam results on a paycheck (...) but there was nothing there. Maybe I'm subconsciously worried about my exam results? I don't feel worried during the day (I did my darn best...what will be will be.) but...meh. I don't think I worry at night either, but...Obviously my subscious is a little worried? XD

Maybe I should tell it to calm down.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #115 on: July 24 2006, 11:35 pm »
*is a total Sanji girl* WHAT DID THEY DO TO HIS VOICE?! Ahem.

Sanji is dead in the dub. That's all there is to say. They replaced him with a half-dead gangster.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #116 on: July 26 2006, 10:00 am »
lately ive been having very wierd dreams, where I am a livejounal anime blog. usualy about zxxxholic or tsubasa O_o i hat having really wierd dreams -_-
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #117 on: July 26 2006, 12:32 pm »
All of my dreams are so wonderful and perfect. I'm always with this girl who I've been madly in love with, and we're always like holding hands watching the sunset in the middle of a field, in a world where cities and pollution doesn't even exist. I remember being able to finally smile so much and feel so happy. Then of course, I wake up, and then I'm always miserable, seeming how this very girl is actually ignoring me right it's like the thing I desire the most.

Then there's the nights I go to bed angry and hateful instead of sad and I end up dreaming that I'm a little older, but I'm in leather pants, boots, a leather jacket, leather gloves, and even a long leather cape and I'm wearing dark black sunglasses. I remember my long hair and the cape billowing in the wind while I stand on a cliff watching my mass black cloud of mafioso family deathsquads in dark black suits with dark, shining leather gloves down below saluting me, their godfather, and then turning to march towards to fight the camoflauged armies of the entire world.

lol sometimes when I wake up during those dreams, I wake up with an evil smile
« Last Edit: July 26 2006, 12:46 pm by Tails »

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #118 on: July 27 2006, 04:04 pm »
i dreamt about a blog agin :dodge: tho this tim I wasnt the blog, i just spent most of my dream time on one O_o;;

after i got my mom her coffee i went bavk to sleep and had another dream. it was really wierd: it had kurogane, evil gremlims (pure evil creatures, tho they looked  like the gremlins in american dragon O_o) some other wierd stuff about kuro amd suohi... tho something about this dream i felt like there was a premonition hidden within it. something about my uncle. (it may be something good that mcuh im sure)

then when i took a nap this afternoon and had a VERY wierd dream about watenuki and doumeki. thats all im saying cuz its just too wierd for words O_O lets jsut say its semi inapropreit ^^;;
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #119 on: July 29 2006, 04:28 am »
When i have dreams.. Things i wish would happenn.. don't happen.. It's always SO close.

 -- never too far.. no matter how far ..
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