Haha, ever since I got my job at Dairy Queen I keep dreaming that I'm either:
1) Late
2) Without my uniform
or 3) Late without my uniform

And really weird. I had the exact dream I had a few years ago!
I was sitting in the front yard of the house I lived in about 7 years ago with my brother Andrew, filiming a music video (err...even I don't know, don't ask, ahha) when my oldest brother, Mark, comes running out shooting at me with a water gun. I tell him to stop, but he won't. So I call for my dad. Mark gets mad and yells out, "Fine! I'm just going to kill everybody!" (that's not that odd in my family. He says that alot, haha) and runs inside. Andrew and I look at eachother, and start running around the house, to head to the back (I think we were heading to the back gate that leads to my aunt and uncle's house). Mark jumps out the bathroom window (which faces the backyard) with a knife and runs after Andrew.
But suddenly (and no, I'm not kidding), the cast of Angel (spin-off show of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) jumpes out and attacks Mark. Spike (my favourite vampire!) picks me up and jumps up onto the pool house to keep me safe (which never existed when I lived there, haha). Meanwhile, Angel (my other favourite vampire, hehe!) had killed my brother, Mark (awww.) He looks up at me and says, "Sorry. Your brother was a demon."
And then I woke up and giggled.
Whether it means anything significant I don't know.
It's it's not significant it just means I need to put the Angel DVD's away, hehe.