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Re: Dreams
« Reply #140 on: October 16 2006, 05:44 pm »
mmm...another dream of mine..this is about TRC...
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I was in school.And then,it was recess time.My friends & me go out for walking.And then,I saw two people.I said to my friends "Look there.There are people out there.Lets take a look."They nod.And,I was really,really surprised coz the two people are Kurogane & Fye!! XD
Mmm....I tried to talk with them......Before I can talk with them another three people came!!NO!Only two...The one is....MOKONA??Guess who the other two??Hehee...Syaoran & Sakura neh!!I sursprised again.I tried to talk with Fye.The almost surprising me is he can talk my language!!(Malay) And then,we chat.I introduce my friends to them.They introduce themselves back.The bell is gonna ring.I ask them that we want their autograph.They gave it!!And then,I heard my mom's voice!!Oh!!Too bad...Want to chat with them again...
lucky :lol: wonder if there was a feather in your country XD
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #141 on: October 16 2006, 11:55 pm »
My dream last night was about KuroFai...

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I was in the mall... looking for some KF goodies in this anime specialty store.. i was very frustrated and angry coz all i can see is S+S!! (not that i dislike them, it's just irritating coz they're not the only character in TRC)..

i was rambling... ranting... 'grrr'ing... and always saying... 'always SakuSyao! always SakuSyao!!! why not KuroFai?!? grrr' and then, someone tapped me in my shoulder. and i got so defensive and do the karate pose! "HAOYAAA!!!!"

and then, 'AAAA!!!! it's Kuro-rin and Fai!!! ON A DATE!!!' i was in fangirl mode squeeing and such! Kuro and Fai looks like they think im one weird person!

And then, Kuro-tan came to his senses.. 'w-what did you call me?' i was like @_@;;;

and then, Fai said, 'now, now, Kuro-tan... if you're going to be good to this cute little girl, i'll give you a surprise later'

Kuro blushed... i was confused.. i asked.. 'what surprise?'

Fai said 'oh! that? y'see we're going to *beep* later* we're going to use *beep* and he will *beep* me in my *beep* and i'll say, aa, there!'

end of dream.. I LIKE IT!!!

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #142 on: October 17 2006, 12:33 am »
Well I don't remember many of my dreams, but I once I dreamt that I was Sakura(ccs, it was before I began to read trc - a long time ago..) And was in a forest fighting Fuuma from x.. That was weird  :keke:
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #143 on: October 17 2006, 08:33 am »
My dream last night was about KuroFai...

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I was in the mall... looking for some KF goodies in this anime specialty store.. i was very frustrated and angry coz all i can see is S+S!! (not that i dislike them, it's just irritating coz they're not the only character in TRC)..

i was rambling... ranting... 'grrr'ing... and always saying... 'always SakuSyao! always SakuSyao!!! why not KuroFai?!? grrr' and then, someone tapped me in my shoulder. and i got so defensive and do the karate pose! "HAOYAAA!!!!"

and then, 'AAAA!!!! it's Kuro-rin and Fai!!! ON A DATE!!!' i was in fangirl mode squeeing and such! Kuro and Fai looks like they think im one weird person!

And then, Kuro-tan came to his senses.. 'w-what did you call me?' i was like @_@;;;

and then, Fai said, 'now, now, Kuro-tan... if you're going to be good to this cute little girl, i'll give you a surprise later'

Kuro blushed... i was confused.. i asked.. 'what surprise?'

Fai said 'oh! that? y'see we're going to *beep* later* we're going to use *beep* and he will *beep* me in my *beep* and i'll say, aa, there!'

end of dream.. I LIKE IT!!!

aaaaaah!! what a very lucky fangirl you are!! XD
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #144 on: October 18 2006, 02:43 pm »
Last time, I was dreaming of cards... Now I'm dreaming of swords.

Luckily for me, I've been having weird dreams. My earlier dreams were so scary they're not even worth posting XD.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #145 on: October 18 2006, 04:17 pm »
My dream last night was about KuroFai...

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I was in the mall... looking for some KF goodies in this anime specialty store.. i was very frustrated and angry coz all i can see is S+S!! (not that i dislike them, it's just irritating coz they're not the only character in TRC)..

i was rambling... ranting... 'grrr'ing... and always saying... 'always SakuSyao! always SakuSyao!!! why not KuroFai?!? grrr' and then, someone tapped me in my shoulder. and i got so defensive and do the karate pose! "HAOYAAA!!!!"

and then, 'AAAA!!!! it's Kuro-rin and Fai!!! ON A DATE!!!' i was in fangirl mode squeeing and such! Kuro and Fai looks like they think im one weird person!

And then, Kuro-tan came to his senses.. 'w-what did you call me?' i was like @_@;;;

and then, Fai said, 'now, now, Kuro-tan... if you're going to be good to this cute little girl, i'll give you a surprise later'

Kuro blushed... i was confused.. i asked.. 'what surprise?'

Fai said 'oh! that? y'see we're going to *beep* later* we're going to use *beep* and he will *beep* me in my *beep* and i'll say, aa, there!'

end of dream.. I LIKE IT!!!

ow man!!you are lucky fangirl!! >_<
i want to dream about them,but didnt happen!!

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #146 on: October 19 2006, 09:01 am »
for some rason, my last dream i had had Hayate from Pretear...i havent watched or read it in like 3 months, so that was fairly randome O_o
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #147 on: October 19 2006, 01:38 pm »
Should I be sharing this in the first place? It's just bothering me.

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I dreamt of my girlfriend being pregnant and standing in front of my coffin.

Offline Ando

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #148 on: October 20 2006, 01:27 am »
Should I be sharing this in the first place? It's just bothering me.

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I dreamt of my girlfriend being pregnant and standing in front of my coffin.

It's quite understandable that you are bothered by such a dream, but still, I think dreams can be very symbolic expressions for issues currently occupying our minds. Your dream mustn't neccessarily mean what it at first seems to. For example, was the mood of the dream sad, creepy or perhaps peaceful? How did your girlfriend seem to feel - about your death and about being pregnant? How is your current relationship with her?

Maybe the dream symbolises that either (or both) of you feel it's time to move on, but that you nevertheless have made a (positive?) impact on one another? Or, if you are afraid to die, maybe her pregnancy could be a symbol of your own desire not to vanish completely from this world - to leave a mark, to live on?

I'm just brainstorming. In the end, it's all up to you to decide what your dream was about. You know yourself best.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #149 on: October 21 2006, 02:04 am »
Should I be sharing this in the first place? It's just bothering me.

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I dreamt of my girlfriend being pregnant and standing in front of my coffin.

In psychoanalytic point of view, it mean something is changing within you or your environment.  because pregnant and that thing have one common theme which is transformation.  Take note pregnant means fertility which is something "good"

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #150 on: October 21 2006, 06:07 am »
In psychoanalytic point of view, it mean something is changing within you or your environment.  because pregnant and that thing have one common theme which is transformation. Take note pregnant means fertility which is something "good"

But then, not too seldom, pregnancy can be most unwelcome. Tenkuuken isn't giving out much details as to the mood of the dream and suchlike, thus making it hard to speculate about whether this is a "good" or "bad" pregnancy.

Since we are talking dream interpretation... I had one some time ago that won't leave me alone. I dreamt about three children, all from different human-looking species secretly living on Earth, who had lost their families in being attacked by groups of people that their respective race had been in rivalry with. One of the children, for example, belonged to a submarine race who, unbeknownst to humans, inhabited the seas. Their underwater ships had been assaulted by some kind of monsters, this kid - with blue-green hair and greyish blue clothes - being the sole survivor.

The second  child had a "Druidic" appearance; long brown robe and a single long braid in otherwise short, blonde hair. He belonged to a shore-living race called "the Ones who keep Secrets", meaning they specialised since childhood on not giving away any information no matter what the torture.

The third child, ginger hair and seemingly the most traumatizised in of the three I don't remember much about, except that he lived on land rather than in the sea or on the shores.

Anyway, having all lost their loved ones, these children somehow found each other and, scared nearly to death, tried to hide in the harbours they had winded up in. However, they were found by humans living nearby and subjected to much suspision before having told their tragic stories. It was also discovered that all these kids were actually girls who, after the deaths of their families, had disguised themselves as boys, thinking they'd be safer that way. The dream was overall a very sad one.

I can't for my life figure out what these three kids are supposed to symbolise, but it' obviously something, with their distinctive colour schemes and all. Any suggestions?
« Last Edit: October 21 2006, 06:37 am by Ando »
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #151 on: October 22 2006, 04:20 am »
^ The dream wasn't too sad or anything, actually. What really made this dream depressing for me was that I dreamt it twice, and during those times I was really sick,
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(especially at the second instance after I was suspected to have liver failure before).

I guess I didn't want to be reminded of my previous condition.

OT: Speaking of change in the environment, I'm getting a promotion! XD

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #152 on: November 06 2006, 02:21 pm »
haha, last night, i dreamt that i became a horse..
o_O so odd...and i was like, running everywhere, hahaha

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #153 on: November 06 2006, 03:22 pm »
Pixie and myself are one with the DreamWorld, a dimension ruled by the Dream Angel and Dream Demon. My dreams help me foresee the future and understand the past. That's all I can say about the dreams :)

Still holds true...well, except for Pixie. She's gone.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #154 on: March 12 2007, 04:32 am »
How long has it been since I last remembered a dream that I had?

Most of my dreams now involve places that I've been in and those that I haven't. Actually most of my dreams now involve traveling.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #155 on: March 12 2007, 04:47 am »
Last night, I had a dream about The Chipmunks. You know, that 80's cartoon with the singing squirrels. It was kind of... odd. But very nostalgic nevertheless.
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #156 on: March 12 2007, 05:28 am »
Chipmunks? Must be nice to relive the old days.

Incidentally, my traveling dreams tell me about things that happen neither in the past or future. Sometimes I feel like I see them in another person's POV.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #157 on: March 13 2007, 04:16 pm »
i had a intersting kurofai relted dream. it was fangirl-pleasing. i donnt remember it tho.  :((
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #158 on: March 15 2007, 01:37 pm »
^ Maybe it's because we're not having any KuroFai lately.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #159 on: March 21 2007, 11:10 am »
I had a dream in which I was in the Kingdom Hearts world fighting the heartless with Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. They had invaded the castle and a lot of Disney characters were there.The heartless were really scary and while everyone else ran to fight I ran away!! But then I stopped and turned back wielding my two keyblades and even though I was freaked out (these heartless were reeeeeeeeeeally scary looking) I began to fight them. Then the other baddies showed up Jafar, Meleficent, Ursula, etc. and I had to fight them too, but this time I was more confident!
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