This isn't a dream specifically but I've discovered something with my bed.
Normally, lets say I sleep like this |--o| with the circle being my head. This is how I slept most of my life in my bedroom, with my head closer to the door and in perfect view of the PC and TV Screen. Last year however I decided, for a change, I'll swap the side I sleep on, so I began to sleep the other way around on my bed, like |o--| and that night I had the most intense dream I've had in a long time. I shrugged it off as just a dream and it was cool to have one again finally, but the next night I had another dream, and the night after, and the night after. Thinking this was a bit odd now I suspected that it had to do with my swapping sides of my bed I slept on so I decided to switch again to see if I was right so I was now |--o| again and that night.. I had no dream but the following night when I slept |o--| I had a dream. So since then I've always slept |o--| and I've had a dream virtually every night and those times where I didn't think I had a dream I remember halfway through the day that I did and then I would forget it again later on in the day. It's the weirdest thing.. Even to this day I still get dreams sleeping that side of the bed but now because I'm so accustomed to it, I forget the dream like 5 to 10 minutes after I think about it, for example, This morning I woke up from a great dream and just lay in bed thinking about it and then by the time I finished getting dressed I had forgotten it. Originally I thought it was because the other way around has my body tilted so my head is lower than the rest of my body due to an old bed but now it's evened out I can't say it's that. It's just.. weird.