AuthorTopic: Dreams  (Read 83528 times)

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« on: July 07 2005, 04:33 pm »
I just thought people should have a place to dicuss their dreams and what they might mean. Like I keep having one where I can breath underwater, but not the one where I can fly.  :sweatdrop:

I searched and didn't find a board like this one so I hope this isn't a repeated subject. Anyone else had any weird dreams?
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #1 on: July 07 2005, 04:43 pm »
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i had a dream. I was in a lake on a class trip. i was at a laptop sitting in a floating chair in the lake then i drop the laptop in the lake, sending electricital all around the lake killing the other students and teachers. so i waited for it to be safe to swim to shore. when i got there i met two girls who had also survived and they helped me get dry. then i found a hole that lead upwards. so i climbed the hole with the girls following me. then when i got to the top the girls were gone. but i continued. i found myself in a place with lots of scantily clad women. i ran around for a bit and found myself upstairs and i met this woman behind the desk. we talked and she gave me her number then i ran off again. and then i reached the top floor and i saw on the wall a picture of a lady. i saw a number next to that too so i rang it and i started talking to girl who was in the picture. we talked for a while and i found out she was working in PlayBoy and she told me directions to go see her nude pics. so i went and i was still talking to her on the phone. then she told me that i was nicest person she's talked to in ages. because she said that most other people would just use her for sex while her and i just exchanged in nice mutual talks and that made her happy. then she said i could phone whenever i like. so i hung up and went to leave when this horrible lady outside told me that i was doing something wrong. so i argued with her and she kicked me out the building. but i ran back in and grabbed the photo of the lady i was talking to and ran out. i then met outside the lady who i was talking to behind the desk. she told me that she had a surprise for me so i followed her and she showed me the lady i was talking to on the phone. we all sat down and had a nice talk. then they both told me that they were in love with me. so i got up and ran away not knowing what to do. and then i found a big yellow bus and i ran on it and at the end i saw Heather. so i ran over to her and hugged her crying "just take me away". uh... i dunno why i did that.. strange dreams
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #2 on: July 07 2005, 05:00 pm »
The last dream I had about anime people was when I was sitting in my living room, all of the sudden the Tsubasa gang roll by and they all say Hi and now my name. It was weird because then they had Kurogane who was beaten up. *gasp*
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #3 on: July 07 2005, 05:39 pm »
One time I dreamt I was in this sort of LOTR-like place, and I was like wearing this white robe. LOL, I was saying things like "Am I dead?". Then this guy came and told me to get on the horse we gotta fight something, I dunno it was really weird. There were like black shadow-goo like things, we were fighting them. That was one of my weird dreams.

A dream involving anime......err, weirdest one I think....I was on a shopping trip with my friends, when I turned around, the CCS gang were with us, and Tomoyo told me she was filming the whole thing, and I told her to cut it out.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #4 on: July 07 2005, 05:58 pm »
i seem to remmember a few years back i had the a dream which continued three times and i had it twice (like one night i dreamt the first part, 2nd night 2nd part and 3rd night 3rd part. then a year or two later i had the same three consequtive dreams)
it was a dream where i would walk down my path just outside my house and to the left of me where lots of cats and they were all talking about me and to my right were a load of dogs talking about me, and in front of me was my house witch was kind of bouncing like jelly does. so i went in and it seems my front room was filled with lava so i went upstairs and in my bedroom all my toys were running about and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toys were in thier blimp flying across the room all having a war, then when i stepped in the room they all started fighting me so i ran out the house and the dream ended. this i dreamt 3 times. but every time these dreams were dreamt consequtivly on the third time i dream it when i run outside the dogs and cats were barking loud and meowing loud and really angry. the skies where black and thunder. and my parants where in this limo. you couldn't see theier faces but i knew instinctivly it was them in there. and  they just drove away leaving me behind to fall to my knees and cry and it then began to rain and lightning. the houses was bouncing like crazy and the dogs and cats were going mental. then it ended...

They were the most meaningful dream i've had i think. cos i've had em so many times....
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Offline sukina

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #5 on: July 07 2005, 06:17 pm »
your teenage mutant ninja turtle toys were in their blimp having a war? Cool lol.

I had a dream once we were back in Hawaii and there was a tornadoe, hurricane, and flood at the same time so we where told to go to my school's cafeteria which is on top of a hill. I go in there and I see my teacher sitting on a mat meditating and I was really scared because I didn't know where my family was. Then all the sudden the cafeteria doors burst open and winds comes flying through them and sends a table spinning towards my meditating teacher. The table goes SMACK right in her face but she is still in the same position as before, even her face is the same... weird. So then the dream goes back to me and I'm holding on to the leg of a cafeteria table but I'm getting dragged closer and closer towards the exit. Then all of the sudden the doors close right before I get blown outside. I got to look at all of the destruction, meaning papers flying and tables overturned, for a second and then I wake up.

My older sister also had a weird kinda similar dream. She was in her class (I'm not sure where it was) and then all of the sudden this tornadoe busts through the walls and goes after the class which was screaming and crowding into the corner, so her teacher suddenly grabs a vaccum cleaner and sucks up the tornadoe. Then her eyes turn red and she's suddenly evil, so she tries sucking up the rest of the class with the vaccum. Then my sister woke up.  :sweatdrop:

I had had another dream... very dramatic. The skies were black and stormy and the trees were being pulled by the wind and were wet, so I thought it was after a hurricane. My house is right behind me and the angle I was looking at me was from the ground at an angle so you could see all of me. I was on my knees and I was going, "WWHHHHYYYY?" and then I put my hands on the ground. And I felt really sad.. I think I thought I was the only survivor or something.. then the dream ended.

 :keke: Wooh, good times! (I was about 2 or 3 years younger with my dreams, I don't know how old my older sister was when she had her dream.)
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #6 on: July 08 2005, 04:04 am »
I keep dreaming that I'm in a car with a boy about 20...but I seem to be around 20 too. We're arguing, then I pull the car over to the side of the road, and storm off. He runs after me and grabs my hand, and we start yelling at each other. He shoves me, I shove back, and I'm crying because I love him. Then he pushes me again, and I trip and fall down the sharp side of the rockface with a scream.

I always wake up with a jerk just before I hit the ground.

My friend says that could be a past life 0.o and how I died, since I keep dreaming the exact thing. Scary....

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #7 on: July 08 2005, 04:13 am »
I keep dreaming about school  :cry: my summer break's almost over...
but I had a nice dream about school once...the TRC crew was in it! XD Kurogane was a PE teacher, Fai a science teacher, Syaoran and Sakura were classmates  :keke:

Offline sukina

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #8 on: July 08 2005, 09:51 am »
I didn't dream for about a year so I'm far behind the schedule...

I did have a dream 2 times, but I was in different cars each time, and I was driving them. The first time I had the dream I pulled out of the parking spot and just drove around but I didn't know where I was going. I somehow wound up at this house that I've never seen before but it feels like home, and suddenly my dad appears in the car window and I wake up. The second time I had the dream I couldn't see where I was going except for trees and the tops of signs, so I just drive around for a while and I wound up at a house I've never seen again, and wake up.

I had a dream and it was where I was in this mansion and we were moving, so my family was throwing all this stuff we never had up into the air and then out the door in an arc. There was an aquarium and a fish fell out of it so I cought it and put it in a fish bowl.

Then 1 or 2 days ago I had a dream I was in the mansion again except this time Hilary Duff was there along with an unidentifable blonde and they were all in beishish dresses (my dad wasn't there) which matched the marble of the mansion, and my family and them were all singing  'If I was a rich girl' by Gwen Stefani (and Eve), then during the song the moving thing started again and I caught a smaller fish that was being thrown and I put it in the fish bowl, then I waited for the fish that came the first time and when it didnt come I was really sad. Then my little siter woke me up and my radio was on and the song that was playing was 'If I was a rich girl'.  :sweatdrop: weird...
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #9 on: July 08 2005, 11:33 am »
once I was in a hotel with my parents and I wake up, and I'm tip toeing to the bathroom and suddenly I hear my mom burst out laughing and say something in German, then more laughing, something else in German, then chuckles. I was SOOO scared because she was asleep.

My dad also said that he had gotten up for work and then my mom suddenly yells, "YOUR MONKEY BIT MY HORSE YOU (beep)!!!"
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #10 on: July 08 2005, 01:04 pm »
i have dreams most of the time.. some weird, some science-fiction, some funny... and what shocked me was that some of the dreams actually occurred in my life..

for example a few weeks ago, i dreamt that i was at a high place with something on my hand.. and yesterday, i had to climb up my bed to change the light bulb.. while i was standing on my bed.. i just sensed deja vu..

but when i was younger, i always dreamt that i am falling backwards... but apparently, i had grown out of that dream...

nowadays, i hate dreaming.. it just deprives me of my hours of sleep... *yawns*

and if you are interested to know more about your dreams.. can try these websites..

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #11 on: July 08 2005, 01:20 pm »
***but when i was younger, i always dreamt that i am falling backwards... but apparently, i had grown out of that dream...***

They say that if you have dreams that you are falling backward it's really your spirit re-entering your body after traveling while you're asleep.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #12 on: July 08 2005, 01:20 pm »
Pixie and myself are one with the DreamWorld, a dimension ruled by the Dream Angel and Dream Demon. My dreams help me foresee the future and understand the past. That's all I can say about the dreams :)

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #13 on: July 08 2005, 02:14 pm »
i have the weirdest dreams sometimes, though most of them have been forgotten i just have a feeling they were all incredibly wierd.  i do remember a few though only one of the few i remember actually seems to tell me something.  the only reason i remember it is because i dreamt it last night.  anyway, here is a string of dreams i actually sort of remember.

first, the earliest dream i actually remember.  i was somewhere between 3-5 when we watched jurassic park.  so, that night i had a dream where the dinos would repeatedly come out of the wall and my sister and our neighbor couldn't help because they were trapped somewhere.  the dream, well nightmare, ended when the flintstones (yea, i was a big flintstones fan when i was little) appeared saying something along the lines of "We'll save you."  after that i woke up and never watched another jurassic park movie again.

the next weird dream came one night when i was around 6-8.  i watched the crocodile hunter back then.  anyway, i dreamt that there was a baseball game in the crocodile exhibit at the zoo.  i don't know where i got the whole baseball thing though.  i'm not a fan of baseball.

then there was back when the world of cardcaptors was a big part of my life (before i saw the sub).  this dream wasn't weird, just kind of enjoyable.  i was sakura and i was just having fun hanging out with syaoran.  of course then some idiot had to see me use my magic and the fun was over  -_-.  i woke up when i was chasing after the idiot so he wouldn't tell anyone.  like i said, fun, until that idiot came along.

then there was this dream when i was jackie chan.  don't ask me why.  for the record, i am a girl.  i didn't even like jackie chan.  but anyway, i was sneaking into this top secret villain organization.  so i just heard two members talking about how there was a rumor about jackie chan infiltrating the place.  then, like in the cartoon, jade appears and is like hi jackie.  then the people saw me and started shooting, but i didn't die.  i never die in my dreams.  that's all i remember.

then there was the one i was zeta from the zeta project and i was hiding in my basement.

the last one i remember was the one i had last night where i went back to my old k-8 gr school, which makes no sense since i just graduated from 8th grade.  anyway, the school was the same, but all my teachers from my middle school (i went to a middle school instead after 6th grade) were teaching there.  i think it means that i miss my old school, but i like my newer teachers better.

anyway, sorry to bore you all with my extremely weird dreams.  my mind is so weird.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #14 on: July 09 2005, 05:21 am »
***but when i was younger, i always dreamt that i am falling backwards... but apparently, i had grown out of that dream...***

They say that if you have dreams that you are falling backward it's really your spirit re-entering your body after traveling while you're asleep.

really?? i didnt know about it.. thanks for telling!

its like when im dreamt that i am falling backwards.. my body will jerk and i will be awake... and if my spirit was travelling while im asleep.. its kind of wasted because i did not have any memories of them.. *lol*

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #15 on: July 09 2005, 07:18 am »
What about those dreams you have and then you realise you are dreaming so you do crazy stuff because it's just a dream?
What has everyone done?
And why do you always have to wake up before the good part?

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #16 on: July 09 2005, 07:20 am »
I made Fai arrive in my dream...I think I was waking up, so I had a bit of control, if you get what I mean. We had a nice talk about what I wnated him to do in the manga, and we had some lovely discussions about 'Kuro-koi'. But I woke up before we got to his past...sigh

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #17 on: July 09 2005, 10:20 am »
I can't control my dreams... but controlling them while my mind is shut down... weird... and it must be hard to do that... or is it? Grrr I wanna control my dream!!! I WILL I WILL I WILL!!! (58 years later) I DID IT!!!
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #18 on: July 09 2005, 07:25 pm »
If you're kinda just beginning to wake up, you can sorta control the dream for a while before you're really awake.

Yay! Another Fai one last night! And Syaoran too!

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #19 on: July 09 2005, 07:31 pm »
We were sitting in a cafe that looked just like the one from Oto, and Fai was tormenting poor Syaoran about his feeling s for Sakura, saying how cute they looked together! Poor Syao-kun got redder and redder, before Fai was dragged off by Kurogane!

At which point, to Syao-kun's horror, Mokona took over for Fai.

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