CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite moment/scene in Tsubasa

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i agree... so mushy ><

i like the kudan scenes...i juz like animals i guess~~ :P

I love the scenes when you can feel the bold/strong look in Syaoran's face...its very touching and you can really see that Syaoran wants to try his very best to rescue sakura's memories....Syaoran totally rox XD

Me too..and we could tell that Syaoran was trying his best.....that's why I totally admire Syaoran...and I like the scenes where he modelled all the new costumes too...XDD

I agree little wolf, the scene where Sakura wakes up and doesn't remember Syaoran and when he goes outside in the rain and  :cry: although we don't really see it but we know it.... its very powerful !!  I also I liked the bit where Kurogane and Fai are talking whilst syaoran is standing in the rain and they are protecting him from the rain with their Kudan...although they knew him for so little time they already shared his pain.... I really hope they'll make it a really good scene in the anime too.


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