General Discussions > Anything goes...


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Hikari B.:
I just make up some random identity. It's okay to put your nickname.


--- Quote from: Hikari_Blaze on March 28 2006, 11:44 am ---I just make up some random identity. It's okay to put your nickname.

--- End quote ---

Yeah but still.. I dunno.


--- Quote from: Hikari_Blaze on March 28 2006, 09:33 am ---On MySpace or any kind of blog, careful not to give out personal info like address, first and last name, phone number and such. I heard from my teacher about men who go on MySpace, looking for young girls. You could call them online R-men.

Just reminding...

--- End quote ---

i'm really careful about who i add and who i talk to on the internet. i don't talk to people i don't know physically or from the forums and i only give out my first name and your basics. not personal info like my whole name, my address and stuff like that. i know better. haha.

Hikari B.:
Good for you. ^_^ I'll just stick to one blog instead of MySpace.

I deleted mine  :shifty:  :XD:


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