CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Topic started by: fisah on July 16 2005, 10:21 am
Apparently Tsubasa will run until 2007 with 3 seasons in total. You can go to ( for more info about it.
Well, my reaction at first was 'WTF?', because all this time I thought, well, we all thought that Tsubasa will be for a season of 26 episodes. I'm guessing that's the reason why they are not being so quick about it, plus, they haven't even reached Otou yet, which is the longest and the most heaviest in terms of plot. I think Bee Train is trying to make TC into the new CCS. I mean, 3 seasons. I think at least having it for one seasons, and I dont know, finish it until we hit Piffle would be good, but I think the plot will just die out if it is continued like this.
Besides, TRC doesn't have the strongest plot, its all about travelling worlds, and so far, in the manga, things haven't been excatly action packed. I'm wondering what they plan on doing for the rest of the series.
Anyway, I dont no what to think, I think its a good idea, but I just wonder what they plan on doing for 3 seasons. Fillers? There not that bad, but they do get annoying. Streched out plot? Highly think so. Either way, I think its not such a big deal, I haven't been that crazy about TRC anyway, so I wonder what you guys think.
On the plus though, that means, new ending and openings, something I'm actually looking forward too :lol:
So, what do you guys think?
the more the better! Yey! :greengrin:
If you look, its says the seasons are 6 months apart, there's a full schedule in Chbiyuuto-kun's blog, but that's a long time -_- I really wonder whats going on XD
true, but it might be because the TC people need to make the episodes for the seasons first before they air it. So it might take them 6 months in time?
true, but it might be because the TC people need to make the episodes for the seasons first before they air it. So it might take them 6 months in time?
Indeed. Just one animated episode takes forever to make... A whole season? Yeah, it will take a while...
:surprised: 2007!? I'm EXCITED! :heh:
Actually, I don't care that much about the anime having 3 seasons, but the part about the TRC manga not ending until 2007 really sounds good. (Yay, more kirei and kawaii CLAMP S+S moments *_* ).
Basically, this has been the highlight of my day :inlove: *goes into S+S dream mode*
Wow... 2007? Then I'll look forward to it. But I hope it's worth the wait... Sighs.... I need broadband terribly. lol
I'm looking forward to the manga more than the anime though *sheepish* I haven't been that crazy about the anime, so its all okay I guess . MANGA is a completely different story XD
Yeah, it does take awhile ne? To sad, I really want to see how well it will turnout, lol, Tsubasa will finish once I finish High School, guess this one be a small thing after all XD
YEA!! lolz.. more TRC episodes.. that good.. xD and i thought it was going to have a bad ending too..
that means MORE TIME on this forum.. YEA!
IF there is an ending... sighs. why do people tend to make those never-ending ones like Inuyasha? when things seem so good... lol
i think i know why they did it with such a big gap.. well they want to catch up with the manga. and since the manga doesn't really come out fast, they want to wait for it. and they want to re-air all the episodes of those old episodes. hehe. xD but this is going to be super. new episodes!! yes!!
i'm looking forward to the VERY end now. xD
I'm so happy ^^, I hope the day when it arrives to latinamerica
Yes! I was so afraid that the anime would stop after 26 episodes, but it's going on? Yes!
I love Blaze but they can do better than Loop. :sweatdrop: Can't wait for it. Makes sense with waiting for the manga storyline. :)
2007 ! whao , Thats a long time , but still its worth waiting if there are more episodes.
If there are more seasons, that means they will be new songs coming out ! yea !! :lol:
wooh... till 2007!
this is indeed a great news! so exciting! plenty of TRC episodes to look forward too!!
but to think about it.. will all 3 seasons be about the group searching for Sakura's feathered memories?
Yeah, that's what I was thiniking. She only has 12 feathers, and 5 was allready captured in the manga, so it doesn't take that long, so there has to be fillers, maybe good ones, XD
I cant wait for new openings and endings, its hilarious, sometimes, I'm more excited about those than the actual show XD
OMG!! This is gr8 news! I was disappointed cos i thought it was only going to be one season, and only 1/2 hr movie!!, but 2 more seasons... (and more movies.....???) im estattttticcc!!!
Thanks for the news!! I love both the anime and the manga!
Yay, 3 seasons!! Whopppeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! :hello2:
As someone who is working on the subtitles of this show, I am very glad to hear about this news (if it is true). I don't mind the extended seasons but the six months spacing between them is very nice. It gives us time to rest and relax before resuming again, hehe. ^^;
So we'll be downloading epi's until 2007? Haha, this forum is gonna last. I knew 26 episodes won't cut it. Finally, an explanation for the "filler" episodes.
As someone who is working on the subtitles of this show, I am very glad to hear about this news (if it is true). I don't mind the extended seasons but the six months spacing between them is very nice. It gives us time to rest and relax before resuming again, hehe. ^^;
Tofusensei... thank you so much for doing the subtitles!!
*have a munch, have a cookie!*
I really think it's good news>.<..
I hope it's ture..I can have enough long time to enjoy tsubasa..^^
well, this forum will really last. :D omg! by that time I'm already working in a company (hopefully) or somewhere else...
But I was really wishing for only 2 seasons but then, judging by how the manga's going now, I think 3 seasons are really needed. And I'm okay with the huge gap between seasons. That means we'll have time to breathe. :heh:
And hey, isn't it that in some animes, they get different animators for each season? (Madhouse!) :greengrin:
But still...2007!?! That's like a hundred years from now! :lol:
2 actually ^_^
LMAO, I'll be done high school, w00t, so 2 things to look forward too XD
I really dont want it too long, I mean, the plot could get ruined, and I dont want that to happen, its so easy to destroy a plot especially if its long.....look at DBZ and Pokemon.
...however, CCS is awesome, the longer the better XD
Well, I'm relieved. But I saw that coming.
I highly doubted they were going to squeeze everything into 26 odd episodes.
Just sounded stupid to me.
Yeah, it would've been weird to finish Tsubasa in just 26 episodes. *I was sure it was gonna be an "Inu Yasha" ending -_-*
But now that it's gonna be 3 seasons long, I have reason to celebrate. *Now I just need to save up enough money to buy it all - the anime and the manga :sweatdrop:*
CCS went for 3 seasons right? Probably the same as that show. 2 movies and .... actually, maybe 3!!!
Tsubasa 4 ever!!
That's awesome!!Tsubasa Chronicle will go 3 season like done last time.It's time to celebrate!!!! :noteworthy: :hehe:
well considering that the anime has been "okay" at best, and the manga only got funny after sakura became a little less "sleepy," I unfortunately voted for "no bg deal"
I cant believe just how dull the anime has been so far..but then again it's just getting started...
same for thing like Naruto. started off dull, hit it's peak at Chunnin exam and now I just dont give a stuff...the bad guys need to do more stuff themselves, rather than getting pointless nobodies to do their dirty work...
ohh I'm ranting, sorry
If the whole entire series was in only 26 series, I don't think a lot of Tsubasa fans that read the manga will be really happy. Heck, I think I would personally fly over to Japan just to complain about it. lolz. XD
I'll be in my last year of high school by the time Tsubasa is done. o.O Seems to long away. lolz. XD But this just means MORE time on this forum. XD hehe. And no rushed ending.
Waii~! Until 2007~! I'm so glad it's not 26 eppies. That'll be too short~! Nyahn~! I'm looking forward to other songs and BGMs :cat: :D
I know! I hope Bee Train doesnt pull an Inuyasha ending, realy... i WILL go over there...!!! Japan i mean. lol :evil grin:
I'll be in my last year of high school by the time Tsubasa is done. o.O Seems to long away. lolz. XD But this just means MORE time on this forum. XD hehe. And no rushed ending.
Same here. Class of 07/08 whoop!
That would be a cool grad present. A DECENT ending to the anime....
....hopefully, and maybe if they stop using crack XD
YAY! Im a gonna graduate by that time, lmao, while were throwing our little hats, I'll be like "YESH, THE ENDING!!!" XD
Lol, me too! no more school--but then you get bombarded with other stuff >_>
but looking on teh bright side, yay! an ending! =3
I have evil plans for graduation.
But that's another story.
But anways, I want a REAL ending. Blah, none of this "finish in your head" crap.
But anways, I want a REAL ending. Blah, none of this "finish in your head" crap.
yup! i want that as well!
Hopefully not a Inuyasha remake, or even something as blunt as the ending of CCS, I want some real a kiss, or a death scene, or something earth shattering XD
or Syaoran-tatchi....dying? :(
Hopefully not a Inuyasha remake, or even something as blunt as the ending of CCS, I want some real a kiss, or a death scene, or something earth shattering XD
yes!! i had the same thought!! XD!!!
i wonder how long inu yasha will be
I think they already ended Inuyasha in Japan, ne?
ya but i heard there making more
more? -_- the plot is always the same...*sighs*
lol ya i know oh well i wonder how many anime r there in jap
I'm not really sure what I think about all of this. I'm always glad to see more CLAMP goodness, but I haven't exactly been crazy for Tsubasa, especially the anime version. Hopefully with more episodes the show will get better as it moves along. I guess all we can do is wait and see how it'll turn out.
yup just wait
If season 1 had ONLY 26 . IT must had season 2 and 3 !!
I'm kinda glad that Tsubasa's going to have 3 seasons! (Yay! More of Fai! ^_^) Okay, so Tsubasa started out kind of...strange, but I'm glad about i! hate it when an anime's last episode is a total cliffy *cough* Inuyasha *cough*
hmm.. hopefully, season 2 and 3 will have more crossover characters as well..
Yes, I'll wait for more tsubasa and my dear Fai...^^
Yup!!!Let's wait and see for new plots and moments that will shown in another season of TRC,guys and gals.It's really time to celebrate!! :noteworthy:
I have no doubts Tsubasa will only continue to get better and better ^^ The manga is going GREAT so far~ I'm so excited to see how the story unfolds. And more S+S! :inlove:
I have no doubts Tsubasa will only continue to get better and better ^^ The manga is going GREAT so far~ I'm so excited to see how the story unfolds. And more S+S! :inlove:
Yeah!!I hope it it and the series get better and better!! :okay:
How exciting! :angel8:
I can't wait! I just hope they'll release Tsubasa on DVD in the USA at some point. :heh:
hmm.. hopefully, season 2 and 3 will have more crossover characters as well..
yeah, i hope there will be more crossover characters... because i want to see Eriol in the series!! hehehe... and more of Tomoyo in the series.. not just the 5 main... right??
btw, if it will be 3 seasons?? then it will have more than 70 episodes?? oh my GOSSHHH~~ can;t believe it... more than CCS... niceeeeee~~
it better NOT be as long as inuyasha... if it's too long the magic is lost...
but yeah...i knew it wasn't goign to be 26 eps, i mean... the story in the manga and the pace of the current TRC eps are so slow...
i'm half excited half in trepidation...
YAY!! More episodes of Tsuabasa!! :hello2:
I also think that it must have 3's a good number! :hehe:
But I wonder what is if the Manga will have for excample 30 volumes.... are 3 seasons then enough??? :sweatdrop:
im so excited!!!! that means there's going to be more S+S moments i cant wait. i like it this way because ill get to see syaoran for more time yay!!!!!!
Oh the more the better! It will indeed be funny to be downloading videos for the next to years. At first like many of you, though that it was only going to 26 episodes but then by episode 8 I was "but they only got 3 feathers so far!!" and then I read that it will run for two more seasons and that was a relief
What? SO LONG! :( I mean, I really like the anime, but I don't like the fact that we'll have to wait so long between seasons! ¬¬ and what about the manga? XP. Pffft. Anyway, it's nice it will have so many episodes ^o^... the bad thing is that we have to wait that much T_T.
YES! MORE CHANCES TO SEE GORGEOUS SYAORAN-KUN!! Ah... *ahem*Yes, I'm very happy that Tsubasa is going on until 2007! It's so good, I don't want it to end!
That seems kind of long to me. I hope the plot doesn't continue to be one world after another the whole series. I mean in CCS, the plot completely changed in the final season, so knowing CLAMP, I bet something in the plot of Tsubasa will happen to make it different from prolonged series like Inuyasha or Detective Conan.
that's great news! ^_^ yet i hope the story'll get more interesting with each season =D
Yeah, I wonder how they're going to stretch out the anime series, considering that there are only 12 feathers.... or maybe there's more than 12?
Maybe they'll pull a CCS on us, and Sakura will lose her feathers again - the same way she had to go through all the Clow cards again, to change them into Sakura cards? :)
You know, the only thing that bothers me about this is gonna be the long pauses in between.. Seriously, those are some LONG breaks... (Six MONTHS?!)
Yeah, that is the only downfall, but making an anime needs time and money, so maybe they need the long break XD I also heard that CCS season 3 will replay during those periods, lucky Japanese getting to see CCS again, while I can't find em anywhere -_-""
You know, the only thing that bothers me about this is gonna be the long pauses in between.. Seriously, those are some LONG breaks... (Six MONTHS?!)
Yeah, I'm happy that TRC is gonna continue for two more seasons, but six months indeed is a lot of time. And to think that I get impatient waiting for the next weekend for a new TRC episode -_- How am I gonna survive for six months!? :BangHead: Gawd, I really need some kind of way to keep myself from exploding until the next season :dodge:
well, i guess for the 6 months break.. just have to stick to reading the manga...
or maybe they'll come up with an XXXholic anime when Tsubasa isn't showing..... :inlove:
or maybe they'll come up with an XXXholic anime when Tsubasa isn't showing..... :inlove:
Oooh! That'd be awesome! XD Then again, the Tsubasa animators ruined Yuuko so much, that if that did happen, I really hope they'd have different animators working on it...
And to bLuetopaz: Yep yep, luckily we still have the manga. But if CLAMP doesn't stop taking all those annoying breaks... I can understand taking a break after Piffle world and halfway through a world, but we just GOT to this new one and they're already pausing! >_<
And to fisah: Check eBay! That's where I got it! XD
And to Lexi: I, too, go nearly insane just waiting over the week alone... Now just multiply that by about 25 or 26, and THAT is what we shall now face... But we can survive, for Tsubasa! ...O.o... No we can't... *starts hitting her head on the wall like Lexi*
Ebay, lmao, I should do that more XD
AS for a xxxHolic anime, that would be GREAT! Though, they already said there reruning CCS anime again so I dont know....but the idea is definetly good, xxxHolic is <3 XD
all I have to say ir...
oook... I´ll have to wait "a little" to see the ending, not that I want it to end tomorrow butstill is kinda difficult to adjust so many thing will be ending when I´m close to be 30 T___T XDDD
six month are really long, yeah...
But xxxHolic anime....Kimihiro-kun moving....YAY
Ahh moment..that was just an idea...uhhhh >.<
6.. months... break?
6... months?!
so after episode 26, we'll have to wait 6 months?! noooooooooooo!!!!
an XXXholic anime would be cool, i suppose... but i'd rather have more Tsubasa. WITHOUT the 6 months break! O_<
6.. months... break?
6... months?!
so after episode 26, we'll have to wait 6 months?! noooooooooooo!!!!
an XXXholic anime would be cool, i suppose... but i'd rather have more Tsubasa. WITHOUT the 6 months break! O_<
I second everything you just said... I'd like a XXXholic anime, but I'd also rather have more Tsubasa without the break... Maybe I'll go get myself cryogenically frozen for six months..
I think it's great that Tsubasa's going till 2007!!!
I'm so glad it's going until 2007, the last episode is next week! :cry:
Actually, we have 2 more episodes left, so next week is second to last :) I honestly can't wait though, the series is getting better and better :XD:
really? REALLY??? you are not kidding right? YAHOOOOOO lots and lots of tsubasa I love you clamp
Really 3 seasons?
Wow go Clamp you rock!!!
Are you sure??? cause from the sound of the preview and the episode looks like it's only until episode 26??? I'm a bit doubtful about it going on until season 3 but if it is true then I can't wait!!!!
3 seasons ! i'm so happy to hear that :)
YAY..even if i dont even get it =( i will one day!
wow! i cant believe tsubasa is going till 2007! thats great news to me!
Yay!!Tsubasa till 2007!! *scream*
Wonder what OP song & ED song,eh???Ahh...I hope the songs are much better than before.
Dont get me wrong,I mean,the songs will make the otaku seems crazy!! ^__^
Right now,I really lke Skid Mark song sung Kinya Kotani. ^__^
what i know is the big plot is where syaoran and syaoran meets and has a big fight
tsubasa can't end so soon!!! *cries*
do u guys want tsubasa to end?i sure don't want that..... i want syaoran!!! SYAORAN!!!
i think it's kinda bad news for me... because this series is gonna be soooo long >.<
i wonder how old i'd be when it ends...
Oh well,this Ok to me 'cause I can see it again by another 6 months before I see it.Damn,I think I will seen after I taking a job... :okay:
Well I personnaly don't like the anime, so it would be ok for me if they didn't finish it. (But I love the manga, it's my favorite manga accually.)
the rumour is going around that 3rd season is cancelled.
I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be true.
the rumour is going around that 3rd season is cancelled.
I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be true.
Not very suprising but kind of sad.
If the rummor is true, is very sad they are going to cancell the series, I was hoping to watch a good antimeted adaptation of the X arc..... very sad, I hope they don't cancell the series.
I know the series at the end..... how to say that.... "suck".... and change must of the real story but I like to watched the Tsubasa Boys in action....
I hope Bee train, don't cancell the series, and do a good adaptation of it.
Well I found some links of other places that speaks about the same stuff of the cancelletion of the 3th season
I want to share these coments to about the rumors of season 3 with the comunity :tongue3:
i hope they don't cancel TC. i don't exactly like the fillers but i still like watching TC. at least it's staying for another year. :)
whaat!?canceled season 3!?
no waay!!!!!!!!
i hope they dont canceled tsubasa season 3...
BEE-TRAIN<-------know this?(oh yeah,they must know,stupid me! ><)
some tsubasa fans hate this studio animation but some others are not...
well,BEE-TRAIN,i hope you all do your best on next year & dont canceled tsubasa season 3!
wait....if they canceled season 3,how about the ending of Tsubasa?
what about Syaoran's right eye?
How about them???
If they gonna cancel tsubasa season 3,I doubt there are many questions tsubasa fans will ask...
look...even Sakura begged.. T_T
Awww!! I just got my cousin interested in TC! They cant cancel it!!!>O< She's currently downloading season 2 for me!TOT
Wouldn't surprise me if the 3rd season is cancelled because, quite frankly, the second season was total garbage!!! After a good first season, the ball was dropped literally in the second season.
Now...if the powers-to-be were wise, they'd postpone the 3rd season and let the manga et some more story arcs under its belt and then continue on with a more accurate adaption.
My 2 pennies on the subject :wink:
It's still a rumour. I wouldn't like the series to be cancelled, changing studio would be muuuch better :tongue3:
But who knows... at least we have an excellent manga to read
if they decide on going through with season 3, i'll take on the job of uploading the episodes again. If nobody has any objections that is....