
CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Topic started by: cci131 on July 26 2005, 09:25 pm

Title: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: cci131 on July 26 2005, 09:25 pm
Can anyone cut  the new tsubasa song(in episode16)clip to me?I want to have this clip,please help me!thank you!
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: D.J.P on July 26 2005, 09:35 pm
you will probably have to wait till the release of the Second soundtrack :)
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: cci131 on July 26 2005, 11:33 pm
I want to have the clip,no only the sound,but also the flim,I haven't the software to cut the flim,I want someone can help me!thx!
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: D.J.P on July 26 2005, 11:35 pm
oh ok, sorry.

I'm sure someone could. I would but its late night here and I'm heading off to bed.
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on July 27 2005, 02:54 am
i listened to ... you're my love (ost 1) but only the melody... and then... the song tsubasa (also in the ost but in english) and in that chapter it was in japanese o.O

@@... i should review that chapter again xD

i don't have a program that cut some parts of a video o somthing like this, sorry x,.x
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: sweet_relena on July 29 2005, 10:49 am
please everyone tell me where i can download episode clips of tsubasa especially the new song of episode 16 with the video clip?
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: Fye-chan on July 29 2005, 07:26 pm

There you can download clips, mp3 and so one (left site)
But I don't know that you can find the clip from Epi 16 there...?
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: scarecrow_wingz on July 30 2005, 10:07 pm
TRC OST 2 ^^ the good thing about more trc is the music
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: ExMiraclelight on July 30 2005, 11:40 pm
I don't know what program you should use.
I think you should ask the one who can cut the film.
Can you use Window Movie Maker ?
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: lika-chi on July 31 2005, 07:36 am
I'm uploading a version I recorded onto the links thread. It's not super good quality but it's clear at least. XD hehe Go see.
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: scarecrow_wingz on August 02 2005, 07:13 pm
does anyone want the torrent site for the entire ost?
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: ricochet on August 10 2005, 11:31 am
does anyone want the torrent site for the entire ost?

can u post the link? which ost is it
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: cute_me on August 10 2005, 02:26 pm
Yeah please!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: SandSLover on August 11 2005, 08:25 am
oh i think this is the song from ep 16- thankfully the host has posted it up-lovely tune- happy downloading!


Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: cute_me on August 13 2005, 09:08 am
SandSLover Arigato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (happy)-----------(happy)
Title: Re: the new tsubasa song in episode 16
Post by: SandSLover on August 13 2005, 09:51 pm
Its okay cute_me  :wink:, i wonder if anyone knows of this yet? mayb i shud post in the music section?