
CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Topic started by: Kyle Rondart on August 10 2005, 04:17 pm

Title: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Kyle Rondart on August 10 2005, 04:17 pm
If you've been waiting to hear the song, you can hear some of it on Yui Makino's net show. Here's a link:
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Kurorin on August 10 2005, 11:48 pm
Thanks for the link! I posted this info at Wing Journey and credited you for it.
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Kyle Rondart on August 11 2005, 04:15 am
It's no problem. I love helping fellow Tsubasa fans. And I LOVE your site!!
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Kurorin on August 11 2005, 04:27 am
Heh, domo arigatou gozaimashita!

Anyway, for everybody here, I ripped both "Amurita" and the Japanese version of "Tsubasa" from Yui Makino's radio show and uploaded them as mp3s.  Please be nice to my bandwidth okay?
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Okamirei on August 11 2005, 06:09 am
arigato-gozaimasu!! cookie for both of you!  :keke:
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Kyle Rondart on August 11 2005, 09:03 am
I can't wait for the full single! I hope "aerial" is better than Blaze. I hate that song.
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Okamirei on August 11 2005, 09:35 am
I rather like 'BLAZE', but that's just me  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Sakaki on August 11 2005, 09:42 am
I love the song Blaze...
Kinya Kotani is one of my favourite singers.
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: ricochet on August 11 2005, 10:03 am
mine too blaze is really cool,i can almost play it in my piano but its really hard. :(
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Kyle Rondart on August 11 2005, 10:15 am
I really never liked him that much.
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: KawaiiHana on August 11 2005, 10:24 am
I like Blaze and Kinya Kotani as well  :keke:
I loved his songs from Gravi

And many thanks for the links! =]
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Kyle Rondart on August 12 2005, 07:35 am
Those were really his only good songs.
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Saiyuki on August 18 2005, 06:09 am
I love Amurita. It sounds so sweet and pure.
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Kyle Rondart on August 19 2005, 08:01 am
Yui Makino is now one of my favorie seiyuu & singers.
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on August 20 2005, 12:22 am
I agree.. I love it! I sounds sweet *-*
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Fye-chan on August 20 2005, 12:25 am
Do anybody know where I can direct download the full versions from both songs???
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Brad on August 20 2005, 12:46 am
Just bought the single (which has the Jap version of You Are My Love) and uploaded them to my site. Have a question; Is Amurita Engrish for Amulet? Just asking as I have no idea what Amurita is. A person's name? Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Love the song btw.
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: .::ka::. on August 20 2005, 01:02 am
Awwww, the song is so sweet ! ^________^ But I love "jasmin" more.... This song is super cute !!! I love chorus.... I wish it was TRC movie theme >_____> Has anyone heard of it ?!
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: de cross on August 20 2005, 01:27 am
Yeei ~ Now "Amurita" is my favorite !
Yui Makino San sings it beautifully, i love that ^^
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Saiyuki on August 20 2005, 03:52 am
Just bought the single (which has the Jap version of You Are My Love) and uploaded them to my site. Have a question; Is Amurita Engrish for Amulet? Just asking as I have no idea what Amurita is. A person's name? Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Love the song btw.

I was wondering what it meant too, and with after long searching  I found out it meant "water of god". At least that's what one place said, I couldn't find any other place that translated it :sweatdrop:

And Amurita is my fav song too now!
Title: Re: Amurita
Post by: Fye-chan on August 20 2005, 04:13 am
Just bought the single (which has the Jap version of You Are My Love) and uploaded them to my site.

Could you send me these songs, pleaaaasseeee!
Can't give you a cookie but an imaginary one... :greengrin:
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Monse-chan on August 21 2005, 07:36 am
I really want to download the Amurita song and the rest!! How or where can I find them?
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Pikari on August 21 2005, 07:50 am
Just bought the single (which has the Jap version of You Are My Love) and uploaded them to my site. Have a question; Is Amurita Engrish for Amulet? Just asking as I have no idea what Amurita is. A person's name? Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Hmm... if it was, I'd think the last syllable would be "to", rather than "ta". I don't know what Amurita means. ^^;;
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Ceaena on August 21 2005, 03:53 pm
Have a question; Is Amurita Engrish for Amulet? Just asking as I have no idea what Amurita is.

Ah, Amurita is Engrish for... Amrita, actually.  To quote

am·ri·ta, also am·ree·ta
The ambrosia, prepared by the Hindu gods, that bestows immortality.
The immortality achieved by drinking amrita.

If anyone wants the romaji for Amrita and you are my love (and a translation for the latter), they're on my LiveJournal (  I mentioned that on the tsubasarc LJ community too, so apologies to anyone who gets it twice.  ^_^()  Personally, I didn't like Amrita when I heard the sample clip, but I really fell in love with the full-length version.  So pretty!
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: scarecrow_wingz on August 21 2005, 05:13 pm
yeah i don't really like KINYA that much at all...

hmmm in the d/l from nipponsei it's called Amrita -_-"

her singing is really good ^^
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: last_memory on August 22 2005, 10:07 am
OOOHHH!!  :inlove: I love this song so much...  :rotfl:
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Kyle Rondart on August 22 2005, 11:11 am
Now how much do you bet there's going to be a group called FictionJunction Yui?
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Lexi on August 22 2005, 11:19 am
Amrita is such a pretty song... At first though, I didn't like it that much :sweatdrop: *Y'know compared to the main theme for xxxholic* But after I heard Amrita a couple of times, I really started loving it :) * I really want to see the TRC Movie...:(*
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Brad on August 22 2005, 01:17 pm
Could you send me these songs, pleaaaasseeee!
Can't give you a cookie but an imaginary one... :greengrin:

I would, but I'm kind of against piracy. That's why I use the radio blog program on my site. People can listen to all the music, but there's no copying involved. No offense. ;)

btw, I got TWO FREE POSTERS when I got the cd!!!  One is the movie poster, the other the poster of the art from the new  KINYA song!!!
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: cardcaptor519 on August 22 2005, 03:01 pm
Amurita is now one of my fav songs and is now stuck in my head (after listening to it nonstop for like 10+ times...-_-;;) i think its really pretty and relaxing!
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: SandSLover on August 22 2005, 10:48 pm
YEAH! Loving the song so far as well! The chorus- i think is realli catchy and romantic!  :inlove: This is the first time that i only need to listen to a song once before falling in love with it. Hopefully after listening to KINYA a few times- i'll be loving it too!
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Alexiel on August 23 2005, 02:40 am
its... soothing... should i use that word for this song? lol. its a personal favorite now. ^^

by the way, if anyone can find them, can you post the lyrics?? ^^ thanks in advance
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: fisah on August 24 2005, 04:35 pm
I have uploaded the single for you guys :haha: I hope you guys enjoy it. Thanks to nipponsei for the actual file. Anyway, to those poor unfortunate souls who can't/don't use bitorrent, make yousendit your best friend :XD:
Well, for the album itself, I like all the songs, it has a feel good feelings, something CCS use to have, that I like alot  :inlove: My favourite single is Jasmine actually *gasp* and then Amrita. Your are my love is really nice, but makes me fall asleep  :sweatdrop:, and the Amrita instrumental is really good too. I wonder why no one talked about Jasmin? Its a little more upbeat then Amrita, but yeah, its a really good song  :noteworthy:

Anyway, enjoy  :hehe:

and you had better like Jasmine  :hmp:
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Ceaena on August 24 2005, 06:06 pm
I have the translation for Amrita up at my LiveJournal now for those who want it (; I also did a few corrections and extra notes on Blaze from my earlier post).  I had to get help on that one; Lothe at the forums is a wonderful person.  ^_^

Personally, I really like all three songs on the single, including Jasmine, but then, I'm also one of those strange people who actually quite like Kinya too.   :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Alexiel on August 24 2005, 11:27 pm
Actually.... for some reason, the japanese version of You are My Love didnt click with me. otherwise, yeah, the album rocked on. =P
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: suu_no_clover on August 26 2005, 01:02 pm
"water of god"? godly water? no matter how i re-phrase it, i'm still confused...
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: aishiteru on August 26 2005, 01:07 pm
can someone explain to me..

is it amurita or amrita? i see both versions everywhere. hah.
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Alexiel on August 26 2005, 01:17 pm
well, its officially Amrita. Amurita is what people say because it sounds that way
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: fisah on August 26 2005, 03:15 pm
Amurita is also engrish *laughs* it could go both ways though :lol:

English: Amrita Engrish/Japnese English: Amurita, it really depends if you'd rather follow the engrish or the english :haha:
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: aishiteru on August 26 2005, 08:19 pm
oohh! thanks for clearing that up, fisah and Angelic-Essence
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: bLuetopaz on August 27 2005, 12:02 pm
initially when i listened to this song.. its just normal..

but after listening to it several times.. its addictive!
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Alexiel on August 27 2005, 12:12 pm
Lol, isnt it? although I suddenly liked Jasmin more than Amrita now. o_o"
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: bLuetopaz on August 27 2005, 12:14 pm
yeah.. Jasmine is nice as well!

and Makino Yui's voice dont sounds like a 20 (?) years old.. she sounds much younger!
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Alexiel on August 27 2005, 12:38 pm
True. But just as a random questional thought... is it just me or does she just do a better job at singing than voice acting? o.O for some odd reason, it keeps nagging at me...

but despite that, she's now a favorite as a singer. =)
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: bLuetopaz on August 27 2005, 12:51 pm

i guess its because we 'seldom' hear Sakura speaking in TRC.. so not much impression of Makino Yui as a voice actor..

now that we are listening to her singles... perhaps more exposure to her voice i guess..

she has a very sweet voice~
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: aishiteru on August 27 2005, 12:56 pm
where can i download jasmine?
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: .::ka::. on August 28 2005, 12:34 am
go to ^^
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: aishiteru on August 28 2005, 12:40 am
thanks. but i already got the song from bLuetopaz. thanks anyway .::ka::.
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Moon on August 28 2005, 08:47 am
Very pretty song, I love it.  :keke:
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: scarecrow_wingz on August 28 2005, 03:42 pm
yeah...i had to listen to loop a few times before i got completely hooked...
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: aishiteru on August 28 2005, 11:42 pm
i'm starting to love jasmine. it's a good song `=)
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: fisah on August 30 2005, 05:19 am
I told you Jasmin is a really good song! Amrita is nice, but I think Jasmin has more emotion, at least to me o.0"

Yui Makino should really sing more, her voice is really nice. I wish we could see TRC!Sakura sing in the show, hehe, wishful thinking I suppose >_>
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: aishiteru on August 30 2005, 09:32 am
yeahh! they should really let sakura sing in the anime. i would love to see that!
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: gilly on August 30 2005, 04:22 pm
thanks a lot for the links ^_^
hope the song will be as good as everyone said xP..i have really high hope for the movie =D
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Alexiel on August 31 2005, 02:01 am
Don't we all, gilly? lol. Yepp... i agree with fisah, Jasmin kinda has more of an emotional touch... Amrita kinda has the romantic thing going on there... lol
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Fye-chan on September 01 2005, 12:52 am
I really like Jasmin..even a bit more than Amurita.
Yui has sometimes for me a little bit too high voice in Amurita...But they are both awesome!
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: aishiteru on September 01 2005, 01:11 am
yes, i definitely like jasmin better than amrita.
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Xiao_Lang on September 01 2005, 06:50 am
Ack, sorry to be a pain but can someone upload it onto 'You send it' again please?

I have no other way of downloading  :cry:
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: bLuetopaz on September 01 2005, 09:31 am
here you go, Xiao_Lang!
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Xiao_Lang on September 01 2005, 08:07 pm
here you go, Xiao_Lang!

thank you SO SO much! *__*
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Monse-chan on September 02 2005, 10:07 am
Jasmin is very nice, too!! But for some strange reason I am really addicted to Amrita right now  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: charcoalz on September 06 2005, 03:25 am
Amurita is soooo awesome...
amuritaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...*lalalal* hahaha
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Kuro-puppy on January 05 2006, 08:08 pm
i like Jasmin the most!
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Lulu on January 06 2006, 10:29 pm
The whole single is really pretty and sweet, and it's strange to find me saying that because I usually hate slow songs *hides*

And one question I had since the single came out: I immediately took for granted that Jasmin was a b-side with no relation with Tsubasa and/or its movie, included to promote Makino Yui-san's career as a singer, but can anyone confirm this? I know that very few people have seen the movie yet *eyes Brad XD* but if someone can confirm to me Jasmin didn't appeared in it, I'd be really happy ^^;;
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Chang on February 12 2006, 04:48 pm
Jasmin is very nice, too!! But for some strange reason I am really addicted to Amrita right now :sweatdrop:

same here. i absolutely LOVE amrita. it's always on replay on my music player. =P
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Carly on May 06 2006, 07:28 pm
me too....
i totally love amurita, replaying it 100 times XD
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Spychan on May 07 2006, 09:24 am
i like Jasmin the most!

Oh well then here is a full mp3 of it
 song is B-e-a-utifil ! =^o^=
By the way Amurita is really a pure song to just hear, I love it so much!
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Tenkuuken on May 07 2006, 09:46 am
I think Amrita is a really beautiful song.... Sounds kinda sad, actually, but it's a good BGM when you're on the way home.... I have the karaoke version, that's why XD.
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Big Kitty on June 11 2006, 07:10 pm
Amurita is a very beautiful song... I always hum it when I have nothing to do at home and I keep listening to it over and over again...
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Chang on August 13 2006, 07:57 pm
i'm addicted to amurita. it's been on repeat for days now and i'm still not sick of it
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: cardcaptorgirl on August 17 2006, 06:52 am
Me think it's pretty!!!!! :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: Yay for this song!!! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:
Title: Re: Amurita [Main Theme Song by Yui Makino]
Post by: Tatasenko on August 17 2006, 06:58 am
like i have already said in another topic (thanks to Zettai explications  :wink:),armrita is the name of a drink of god which gives immortality and means "without death"

so we can suppose that this song is referring to Kurogane and Fai due to the fact that now Kurogane's blood can be considered as Fai's armrita drink,because it has become his stream of life  :okay: