CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Topic started by: Mina on August 19 2005, 12:30 am
I have no idea if it's new or not.... but it's a picture on this TRC card thing.
Credit to chibiyuuto-san. Scroll down the page a little and you'll see it.
well i've certainly never seen it before! ^^ it's so cute! thanks for the link, mina! ^__^ i'd give you a cookie if i could.. -_-
Aww, kawaii. Thanks for the link. ^^
ooh, it's the new shitajiki from CLAMP su! :keke:
ooh, it's the new shitajiki from CLAMP su! :keke:
eh!? It's shitajiki!? I want it, I want it, I want it!! How awsome it would be.... you are middle of class and the shitajiki right under the paper you are taking notes on is Tsubasa.... especially that lovely picture of Sakura and Syaoran..... *daydreams*
Please someone in US.... bring Tsubasa merchendice(sp) here, I would sooo buy lots of stuff >_<
omg >.< thanks...words fail me
wow, its so kawaii! syaoran and sakura are so sweet!
i really love those 2 cute couples!
they look so wonderful in here!! ^-^.. *sigh*.. thank you!! i saw it on somewhere and i was wondering where and how they got it!! :'( but.. THANK YOU!!!
ah.. that pic... really great...
I've seen this before, but it was a lot smaller. Thanks so much~ I've been looking around for a larger one! ^^
What a beautiful picture. It's so peaceful. I love it!
Thats such a beautiful picture! Thanks for putting the link up and alerting us!
awww, they look sooo blissful! :inlove:
Nice - Thanks for telling me
its a post card i think... lol, Mina, thanks again for the images! <3
thanks for the image mina! i haven't seen it before.
awwwwww!!!! it so cute i love it
whoa, i didnt see it yet~the picture is so kawaii =D~thanks much
Arigato! They look so happy! I really like it!
ah! thats so summery!
makes you think of long grass and wildflowers! lol
OMGAWSH!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! i was looking for a larger pic EVERYWHERE but i could never find it.....u r SUCH an AWESOME person!!! you deserve a cookie....i would give u one of mine....but as you can c.....i'm a newbie...and i hav "0" cookies....ToT......
so kawaii!
thanks the picture is totally cute
sakura and syaoran forever :)
thanks again :)
OMG it's soooooo awesome!!! sugoi!!!!!! :hello2:
i hope it becomes a splash pg (even though it prolly won't become one :cry:) :sweatdrop: