CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Topic started by: chika1 on April 09 2005, 01:02 am
i quite confused about it..
sakura cant remember anything about syaoran, right?
but why she cant fall in love with syaoran?
aha...remember what the dimensional witch said? >>they cannot return to the same relationship as they had before....sad isnt it?
i they never meet before..and going on a journey together..and falling in love again..some kind of that..
they met before...they are childhood friends remember?
This is what I understand about it...
Sakura won't ever remember about her past relationship with Syaoran BUT I think Sakura can learn to love Syaoran again but not through her old memories. Remember that it always gets immediately erased if she remembers bits of her past. It will just be like Sakura liking Syaoran all over again but as a new Sakura. Her past relationship with him won't be there to influence her new feelings for him although it just be the same in the end... "love". :)
Anyway, I'm moving this to the main TRC forum since it's not really just specific to the manga.
*Looks dreamily at nothing with shojo bubbles floating around me* -^^- awwwwwww...Kawaii!!!!
Yesh, but what's wierd.. is when Yuuko said that Sakura would never remember Syaoran.. i seemed to know.. that they would fall in love again. Well. They had to.
I also noticed that when she has a memory, she knows someone very important is missing from the picture, like the one when she remebered her brithday, and she said "Why do I feel someome should be here" or something like that. It's sad though that they can't have the same relationship. I think her new relationship with him will be "hero-centric" like she admires him, and is happy that he does helps her find her memories.
Yeah, I mentioned that somewhere or other... her memories are really strange. She may twig one of these days... or... Clow could be nicey and make Yuuko give Sakura back her memory!
But it's really hard for Syaoran's part to bear the feeling when Sakura lost all her memories and she doen't remember who he was.I mean all those childhood memories and *poof* gone.
Yeah... if you did a scale of Sakura's memories she remembers the most before losing them.. probably about 70%+ had Syaoran in...
I find that so sad. I'm a in love with angsty relationships, but I wish there relationship brightens up soon *sobs*
This is what I understand about it...
Sakura won't ever remember about her past relationship with Syaoran BUT I think Sakura can learn to love Syaoran again but not through her old memories. Remember that it always gets immediately erased if she remembers bits of her past. It will just be like Sakura liking Syaoran all over again but as a new Sakura. Her past relationship with him won't be there to influence her new feelings for him although it just be the same in the end... "love". :)
Anyway, I'm moving this to the main TRC forum since it's not really just specific to the manga.
Actually, i agree most of the points raised by Little Wolf..but on point Sakura's past relationship does affect him, you guys remember when Sakura kissed Syaoran on the cheek? that's when Sakura subconsciously as in physically still remember being close to Syaoran, so when Syaoran appeared to be hurt or bruised, a part of her still cared for him, therefore such intimate action was done....So i think the past relationship still remains in Sakura's physical she still blushes/cares/fidgets for Syaoran. There's another scene when Sakura still forgets her memories, around vol.3 or 4, even though she doesn't have a clue on what the jounrey was about, when she saw Syaoran hurt she felt sooo upset. (that means the subconscious 'love' feelings towards Syaoran might still remained in SakuraXD
But one thing i'm not really sure about is that, Yuuko only took Sakura's former relationship memories with Syaoran rite? so it doesn't mean that she;s gonna take the current 'forming' relationship rite? (hm...i hope not)
Yeah, I remeber that and it seems understandable, even if she does loose all her memories there still that forevoding feeling that she knows something is missing in her life. Besides Syaoran and Sakura are destined, just as Yukito said, so whatever happens Sakura will eventually fall in love with Syaoran. I know I would ^__-
I know I would ^__-
If Sakura isn't destined with Syaoran in TRC...i bet loads of fans would whack CLAMP on the head. XD
I for one would, I really don't want too punish Clamp, but if something remotely like that happens, I would so whack, lol, just to get there senses back ^^
Not to mention storm the place, do their own can get pretty hectic especiallyif S+S fans were put in charge.
I just got the anime comic a few weeks ago, and I find that even though Sakura will never remember Syaron, she will probably fall in love with him agian XD True love!!
I don't think CLAMP would that mean as to refuse S&S a new relationship. That's just not right!
i think that this series will end in a nice somewhere they'll meet again and THE END....6th sense, 99.9% untrue~~~
looks like we have 2 read the last vol..then we know it..
naw, its nuthin bout the last 2 vol., its clamp style~~ :P leave the audience to phantom out their own imagination :D
CLAMP usually do stuff with a purpose behind...i think they might do a happy ending instead of cliffhanger( unless they want well something called TRC 2)
I just hope that they fall in love with eachother again. :love4:
they can't love each other as they did before..but they can still love each other again^^
Yup, they can, besides there destined...DESTINED! That means whatever happens they will be together.....I hope.
As they said in the first chapter, those two are soulmates.
they will be 2gether i wish :occasion5:
All so true. Their love will prevail above all, even if they come across difficult obstacles in their way (y'know, the whole Syaoran has to sacrifice his relationship thing with Sakura)! A blooming new love will form between them both and I assure you...Sakura WILL fall in love with him again. She can't help it (neither can the rest of the Syaoran fangirls in the world..XD)! Even if her memories are gone, she'll make new ones with Syaoran. :okay:
Yuuko NEVER did say which relationship Syaoran had with Sakura. Either the old Sakura, whom we know he loves or the new one. Which he still loves. o_O; See, Yuuko never mentioned it so hopefully they'll end up together. iI doubt CLAMP wouldn't put them together. Millions of S+S fans around the world would probably massacre them...or just boycott. Whatever. lol :cool:
Of course,in my forms and words,love is still strongest feeling to each couple and Sakura and Syaoran is really destined even though they are different in their lifestyle!!:okay:
Oh, I totally agree Eriol-san. ^^ Their love and bond together will never be broken. Their love is timeless. =D Hmm...that whole 'their love is timeless' thing made me realize how timeless it is. o_o;
I mean, they travel around in different worlds and era's. So many different times and even then are Sakura and Syaoran still in love.
Not sure if you got that but I think you know what I mean...I think. lol
Though sometimes CLAMP do get in wrong.. they did with Angelic Layer. ( ok, this is off topic a little bit, but it has a point)
Everyone wanted:
In the manga, it was that Oujirou liked Misaki, and Katoro liked Misaki as well. In the bonus chapter in the last book, it said that MIsaki had gone out with Katoro. Yes yes, that's ok. Most people didn't complain too much at that, though they approved more of OujirouxMisaki. Well. They did a totally AWFUL thing in the manga, which was putting Tamayo and Oujirou together. They just wouldn't get along. That really annoyed me. I think it's changed in the anime, i think Misaki ends up with Oujirou. Good.
Sorry for the rant.. *sweat drop* but my point is sometimes they get it wrong. But i doubt they would. Since the support for S+S is already there from CCS.
they will be together..they 'must' be together or all the fans [SS fans to be exact =D] will boycott CLAMP lolz
CLAMP will have to be under imense guard wherever they go. Otherwise.. er.. they'll get killed by fans...
They HAVE TO be in love with eachother again...! they are Destined! :angel1:
Yeah, if they don't do it, we'll all quote what Yukito said to them; they wrote it! xD
They HAVE TO be in love with eachother again...! they are Destined! :angel1:
Yup, they have to get together for sure!!! I don't know what I'd do if Sakura and Syaoran don't end up together in the end of TRC *:BangHead: to death*
CLAMP will have to be under imense guard wherever they go. Otherwise.. er.. they'll get killed by fans...
haha r violent these j/k XD
Or they'll get flamed...
Flamed so bad that they'd burn. I'd be so angry if they never ended up together, I'd probably boycott Tsubasa, if it was humanly possible. I'm such a fan of the serious that I highly doubt it, but I will be angry !!!
The popularity would go down, thats for sure.
Yup, they have to get together for sure!!! I don't know what I'd do if Sakura and Syaoran don't end up together in the end of TRC *:BangHead: to death*
lol that bad ah xP
btw..your avatar is sooooo adorable! =D is it an org pic or edited pic?
yeah... my friend bangs wall in >__< hell get brain damage one of these days... *sighs*
but CLAMP knows when to do something.
Actually, sakura can fall in love with Shaoran again... but she won't (or that's what we're told) remember anything from her relationship before...
Notice how Sakura keeps worrying about Shaoran, even though she does not -completely- know that he was someone important to her in her past... so my bet is that no matter what Sakura will end up loving Shaoran-kun all over again ^^
Besides, how couldn't she? ^^ Shaoran-kun is so amazing!
From what I've read regarding the price Syaoran had to pay...Yuuko says that Syaoran and Sakura's relationship will not be the same because even if Sakura recovers all of her memories, the ones about Syaoran will not return. Now~ being the hopeless S+S fan that I am, I believe that although Yuuko said their relationship will not be the same, it doesn't necessarily mean it'll be worse - it'll just not be the same. *cough cough, hoping it'll be better :okay:*Â But it is really sad if Sakura never recalls her childhood memories with Syaoran :cry:
btw..your avatar is sooooo adorable! =D is it an org pic or edited pic?
It's an edited pic :hehe:Â Â I worked on it a bit using PS and PSP~
I believe that although Yuuko said their relationship will not be the same, it doesn't necessarily mean it'll be worse - it'll just not be the same. *cough cough, hoping it'll be better :okay:* But it is really sad if Sakura never recalls her childhood memories with Syaoran :cry:
That's what me and a friend of mine think... we believe that all this travelling and being together will bond them even more than ever, not caring past memories.. ^^ besides, they HAVE to be together... or CLAMP will receive a bomb from yours truly xD
That's what me and a friend of mine think... we believe that all this travelling and being together will bond them even more than ever, not caring past memories.. ^^ besides, they HAVE to be together... or CLAMP will receive a bomb from yours truly xD
XD :okay:Â Â Add in a bomb from me too if S+S are not together in the end :angry:
Everyone is saying practiacally the same thing. ^^; And I agree.
XD :okay: Add in a bomb from me too if S+S are not together in the end :angry:
Course!!! ;) we shall go to japana and make their lives miserable until they give S&S some happiness xD mwahahaha...
Back to topic... Sakura will love Shaoran. The End ^^U
Even in the beginning through the end,they still destined no matter whatever it takes even there is a price!!!If CLAMP never do that,it's like throwing in the towel(meaning forfeit)!!! :cry:
i wonder if i'll pop the tension here~blehh~~
i thought about the 1st scene in the manga &'ll seem that that is the future for some reason to me and sakura seems to have remembered syaoran fr her past memories or *the built up memories & emotions in their journey (hey~this whole story can juz be a flashback~!!)*
that actually makes me kinda relief 1: they seemed to have got their relationship back~~ :)
but this'll lead me to think again: if the 1st scene is the present and the story is the flashback, what happen in the present ~?? i guess most ppl placed this 1st scene at the back of their minds already~ :P really & truely, i think that this'll end in a nice cliffhanger wif a nice scene that make us all hopeful mentally knowing that there'll be no resolution coming fr CLAMP (they always continue another series and proclaim that TRC is only in 1 dimension so far~~lalala~~) :D
Hmm, strange...
yeah...after watching the first episode, I'm now wondering again what that first scene means...
It just shows kind of 'what' happens with Sakura later on when she was looking at the ruins.. it kinda looked like that.... sort of... but maybe they just wanted to introduce Syaoran and Sakura. Maybe it was a dream of Syaoran. We'll never know.
yea~a dream can be true too, connecting the original syaoran and the 'other syaoran' at the evil guy's lair~~ :D
hmmm...i agree with everybody!!!
sakura and syaoran 4eva... :hello2:
Though that was the thing shown in Sakura's dream when she saw the towers too...
ah.. trust the japanese to put something like that in there to make us all think ^^;
Hmm? * still thinking * We just like to ponder. He he. They want us to increase our knowledge.
maybe.. its a metaphore (sp?) to everything that will and is happening.. or some kind of premonition to an upcoming danger...
CLAMP loves to tease us, don't they? (Evil evil CLAMP...:angry:) But they're wonderful for creating S+S~~~ *sigh* :inlove:
I actually think is just an interpetation of what actually happened. Okay, that made pratically no sense, so I'll try to explain my self (get ready for a doozey ^_-)
1) Okay, when Sakura lost her memories, Syaoran was unable to 'save' her in a sense, I mean, he did get her to safety, but he lost her feathers in a the process, or something like that, and in the first scene, it shows Syaoran unable to save her from falling to the PITS OF DOOM!!!elevenone! (tm) So the whole message is, that Syaoran was unable to to save her, at the time, it could be a forshadowing in the beginning of the anime/manga, or it could just be a really cool scene that is just the equivalent of what really happened. I hope that made sense.
2) Well, if that mess of gibberish up there isn't the real thing and it's acutally a forshadowing for the rest of the series, so it's the same sense as in, how Syaoran couldn't save her, but this time, even though he got all her memories, and he still couldn't save her, or maybe he couldn't save there relationship, meaning that Sakura wont ever fall in love with him again. As much as I know this seems so farfetched and radical, I thought it made some sense, but before I get smacked and raved on XD, I just wanna say I'm a diehard S +S fan, so if that does actually happen, I'll stab my self, I swear, or at least I'll go crazy ^^
3) It's just a scene to show some more of Sakura's absolutely adorable clothing, even if it was in a span of 2 minutes, long, she still looked adorbale. And hey, maybe CLAMP just sticked that in to show there uber-awesome drawing style, and Bee Train included it just for the heck of it, and maybe get some praises as well ^^ * a stupid reason, I know, but it's possible*
*wears flame-protector*
I feel a fire coming on *runs away*
we all know that they were meant to be together.. we just don't know HOW they'll get back together!! ;_; <--if this wasn't mentioned earlier... cause i didn't read through the whole thing ^-^
My one wish for TRC is that S+S are together in the end. (Maybe even Kurogane and Fai :wink: if it was meant to be). But S+S have to be together no matter what! Even Touya said that they were destined for each other... That does mean something...especially coming from Touya!
I think Sakura is already falling for Syaoran again....if you look at some of the new raws, she's blushing a lot....
Of course :wink: You should've seen me skipping all the pages of the raws just to find a S+S moment. (I swear I stare for hours at just one pic of S+S). Chapter 64 and 75 were so kawaii *sigh* :inlove:
I agree with everyone about Sakura having a relationship with Syaoran again even if she doesn't remember her past with him. But depite all that, Syaoran could tell her of all the memories together also. We'll all just have to hope for the best and that Syaoran with Sakura have a happy ending.
I love S+S, and no matter what I know they'll be together. But I'm so worried on how they'll get together. I mean, CLAMP is capable of making the relationship seem hopeless if they want to, but so far, it looks very hopeful with Sakura's body actually retaining most of her memories...
I hope CLAMP doesn't do something crazy and in the end, Sakura even forgets the whole adventure! Mokona, Fai, Kurogane and even... Syaoran!? I really hope that doesn't happen!
I hope CLAMP doesn't do something crazy and in the end, Sakura even forgets the whole adventure! Mokona, Fai, Kurogane and even... Syaoran!? I really hope that doesn't happen!
I would kill myself.
Err..okay...maybe not.
But I would be veerrry upset and probably lock myself in my room for a few weeks and pout. :sad5:
Ahh..and maybe break a few things.
I would kill myself.
Err..okay...maybe not.
But I would be veerrry upset and probably lock myself in my room for a few weeks and pout. :sad5:
Ahh..and maybe break a few things.
Aargh! If that happened I'm still strong on the whole :BangHead: to death!!! Ok...fine...maybe I should reconsider that and maybe just break a few things instead :sweatdrop:
i know i haven't read the whole manga yet.. i'm still on chap 53/54... it'll be so much pain for syaoran if he tried to refresh sakura's memory, and when it starts to go back to her... she gets zapped and loses those memories... like how it was at that one world...
i'm sure that sakura and syaoran will be together.. probably just doesn't feel the same way as how it was before the journey began..
Quite surprise to see this topic :hehe:
Although all of their memories are erased about each other, their hearts still be same just like the way people in different demisions are. Different person but are from the same origin. Also this, different memories but are from the same heart. There's no doubt that Sakura will fall inlove with him again since the heart hasn't been changed.
Quite surprise to see this topic :hehe:
Although all of their memories are erased about each other, their hearts still be same just like the way people in different demisions are. Different person but are from the same origin. Also this, different memories but are from the same heart. There's no doubt that Sakura will fall inlove with him again since the heart hasn't been changed.
Cute....although I think you're right, wouldn't it be sad if Sakura fell for someone else, and Syaoran could only watch?
Cute....although I think you're right, wouldn't it be sad if Sakura fell for someone else, and Syaoran could only watch?
Oh god....that would tear me apart.
But you can already see the chemestry between those two....besides, since they're all "dimension hopping" I don't think they would be in one place long enough for her to fall for someone else. least I think so.
...wouldn't it be sad if Sakura fell for someone else, and Syaoran could only watch?
Eek! *protects S+S plushies from bad omen* Lol, j/k, but it would be heartbreaking if that happened :cry: (I don't think CLAMP is that evil - are they?)
Hmm just a random thought. Before Sakura went all "coma-like" she saw Syaoran pounding on the glass.
Maybe she will see it again (just she won't see Syaoran..???) or Syaoran will see that and somehow...prevent it from happening?
I dunno. Maybe I'm just creating false hope. Ignore me.
Clow is dead --- well at least in Syaoran & Sakura's world....Clow was the original king --- If I remember correctly
Cute....although I think you're right, wouldn't it be sad if Sakura fell for someone else, and Syaoran could only watch?
That is like Deja Vu, considering Yukito and his rather unnessacary jealousy towards Eriol (sighs happly)
But if that does happen, I swear I'd cry for days and days making lots of fanfics to keep me sane. And maybe go through all the CCS episodes a thousand times and read Tsubasa a couple million times too, and while I have my sanity, I will raid CLAMP's home demanding them to conitinue Tsubasa they way it should be ^^
I will raid CLAMP's home demanding them to conitinue Tsubasa they way it should be ^^
I would help! I'll bring ROPE and DUCT TAPE!
And maybe we can tipi it aswell^^ *starts finding toilet paper*
This is for future reference of course. But we shall warn you CLAMP
Be very AFRAID!!!!
Um, yeah, CLAMP better, um, do what we say, YEAH!! *nervous chuckle*
i just hope its a happy ending!!!
i'm guessing that they'll fall in love again.........if not...i'll be SOOOOOOSOSOSOSO mad :angry:
ya know how they always say that "magic cant interfere with love" ? i'm hoping that Sakura's love for Syaoran will "break through the magic" and then she'll remember him!! then she'll love him AND remember him!!!! *sigh's of love* man, that'd be the ultimate best ending TT-TT *sniffles*
lol. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! dey hafta! :angry:
I agree with everyone about Sakura having a relationship with Syaoran again even if she doesn't remember her past with him. But depite all that, Syaoran could tell her of all the memories together also. We'll all just have to hope for the best and that Syaoran with Sakura have a happy ending.
well theres a catch to that....even if Syaoran DOES tell Sakura her memories, the memory he tells her will automatically be forgotten. its in the 4th book towards the very end of the book. i thought he could just tell her too...but apparantly it doesnt work that way TT-TT :cry:Â but i still belive in my statement above :Â ya know how they always say that "magic cant interfere with love" ? i'm hoping that Sakura's love for Syaoran will "break through the magic" and then she'll remember him!! then she'll love him AND remember him!!!! *sigh's of love* man, that'd be the ultimate best ending TT-TT *sniffles*
Hey!!! wasnt exchange to travel the dimensions Syaoran had to sacrice something?? sooo aye at the end when they recover all the memories, they go that and coz they no longer teavel through dimensions they can reclaim her Syaoran memories from the dimensional witch!
or... didn't Kurorin lol say that he'll be back to reclaim his sword???wen heaveit up??? sooooo...... if he can go back for his sword!! Then Fye can go for his tat and Sakura for her memories!!!
but!!! even without childhood memories!!!! s+s will love each other because they are destined!
when did sakura kiss syaoran? :surprised:
as far as i remember... none yet
as far as i remember... none yet
uaaaaaaaaah i cant wait till' they do!!!! :inlove: :heh:
Oh yes Sakura DID kiss Syaoran ^^ When he hurts she suddenly kiss on his right eyes !!!! *heart* cutest scence ^^
Oh yes Sakura DID kiss Syaoran ^^ When he hurts she suddenly kiss on his right eyes !!!! *heart* cutest scence ^^
when exactly was that?
it was in the 9th volume^^, hope that helps :sweatdrop:
it was in the 9th volume^^, hope that helps :sweatdrop:
i gotta wait another...maybe 8 months to see that! :cry: i cant read in jap...oh well. i'll be even MORE excited when they do an actual kiss kiss ya know? :rotfl: :sweatdrop:
they have it in chinese :keke:
i'll be even MORE excited when they do an actual kiss kiss ya know? :rotfl: :sweatdrop:
hm....can't really imagine them doing it :sweatdrop:
they have it in chinese :keke:
hm....can't really imagine them doing it :sweatdrop:
me neither TT-TT but still..ya know....maybe a couple more books....or more....>.>
A actual real hug would be nice too ^^
I just want them together that's all, and I guess a kiss would be a little stretcch too.
A actual real hug would be nice too ^^
I just want them together that's all, and I guess a kiss would be a little stretcch too.
hmmmm i guess....but i mean like at the veryveryveryveryvery end er somethin :wink:
I'm at least happy that Syaoran and Sakura hugged in the ending song :love5: but i sure hope they do in the series
yeah, ATLEAST they did hug..^^
*totally agrees* xD
Sakura and Syaoran was holding hands and hug all the time, do you notice it :D
I noticed its so adorable! *squees* Wish they were like that in CCS more though, LOL.
Their love is so wonderful, there the perfect couple ^^
AWW yes they are
just like chiharu and her boyfriend
Chiharu and her boyfriend...? LOL, they are the funniest couple, they actually strangle each other...kay, Chiharu strangles Yamazaki! Wouldnt call them perfect though, they do have their problems...but they do love each other.
Perfection doesnt always equal tranqulity ^_^
sometimes the most perfect of couples have a flaw.
Of course, I wasn't saying that, I just thought it was intersting, seeing as not alot of ppl mention C x Y when talking about S X S, its usually Fujitaka and Nadisheco I here, LOL.
But C x Y is so adorable, even though their love is more humorous ^^
Yes it is ^_^ i got along with one of my boyfriends that way
really? thats cool! i wish i have a boyfriend...sigh
Me too....I need a companion....
At least S&S have eachother...even if they are fictional characters.
They love since 1st editions of S&S manga...
really? thats cool! i wish i have a boyfriend...sigh
lol im not allowed to have one till college so it dont matter to me :sweatdrop: but people who have bf's tend to have problems...or at least more problems in life...(at my age that is..>_>) i'm ok without one^^
but i admit, seeing syaoran and sakura together makes me want to have one sometimes >.< :inlove: :lol: so cute together *squee* <3
you are so deep. ^_^ sop very true boyfriend are sometimes nothing but trouble
after dating enought of them i found out their secrets....
don't date them
yeah ..i'm agree wih u guys ^_~
but...what do think about the "kiss" that Sak gave Syao in chap 64???
it's a real proof that no matter she doesn't remenber him , in a kind of way she does love i make myself clear? o_Ô...
i love that kiss , but i think i could it be better..but it's CLAMP anyway,it's a "Kiseki" that a kiss like that even exist!
meaning that she cares for him a lot b ecause he is helping her find her memories and helping a "stranger" (from her perspective) for he has a good heart?
Has anyone thought about the fact that there would be serious probs with their relationship? I bet Sakura would think that maybe Syaoran had once known her before all the adventures (several times). And every time, she collapses and loses that memory again....
Bit of a strain on the relationship, right? But I hope they do manage to end up together....
Sakura can speculate what has happend before ,correct, as long as she does not know the truth?Or specultations of her past still count as the price she paid..
Hmm . .. I always thought about that.
I mean, she could just randomly be thinking, "Maybe Syaoran and I grew up together!" and then just collapse everytime a single thought about it came up....that would get kinda annoying after a bit.
I always look into things too much....
well, she can probaly speculate 'cause she asked syaoran about their past in the 5th vol. or that wasn't a speculation because she just asked how did he know her from the past (right? )
i am confusing myself...
I just wish Sakura would remember him already! I mean I feel so bad for Syoaran. :( but I can't do anything. that's just one minor flaw in my plan to take over-- I mean my plan to go to this other place... heheheh, bye!
there isn't any problem. :okay:Yuuko said that they never would have the same relation. Before sakura lost her memories, she and Syaoran were friends. now, there is a new relations, they could be more than good friends... :inlove:
I read through one of the posts that Sakura kissed Syaoran on the cheek??!?!? I didn't see that in the anime!
At first I thought that it would work like that, Sakura would start on a clean slate and fall in love with Syaoran all over again....
but then again I don't think they can sustain the same relationship from before... however, they weren't actually together before... they were to shy to tell eachother x__X lol confusing!
so maybe... just maybe..
or perhaps... Sakura wants to know more about Syaoran, and trades something of hers with the dimension witch to gain her memory back (is that possible?! ^^;)
Syaoran gave up his relationship with her to travel and collect feathers... if he... say... dies, then surely he is no longer travelling... and therefore the price he gave is given back as one end of the deal is broken?
the tradegy being her memory of him returns too late...
I have no idea though, I'm as in the dark as every other fan v_v;;
Syaoran gave up his relationship with her to travel and collect feathers... if he... say... dies, then surely he is no longer travelling... and therefore the price he gave is given back as one end of the deal is broken?
the tradegy being her memory of him returns too late...
Even though I don't want that to happen, I can see that happening. But I can also see, Sakura looking for answers. She is going want to know who is Syaoran, and who is the blank person in her memory. She is going to do something, and may be the evil guy (can't remember name), is going to trick her. In the end, I think Sakura is going to know one way or another. I can't wait! ^_^
Although their relationship can never be what it was maybe it can be a better & different love than before. It wouldn't be the same as before......
they are totally meant to be!
if they didn't end up together... I just can't even think about it! CLAMP wouldn't do that to us..I hope...
If any of you ever payed ANY attention what-so-ever to the anime you would realize that she has many memories of her past with Syaoran in them AND visible. He's just in the shadows. You guys are such bakas it's not even funny. Jeez... :protest: <me. I don't wanna work with such lazy people (joking, of course).
If any of you ever payed ANY attention what-so-ever to the anime you would realize that she has many memories of her past with Syaoran in them AND visible. He's just in the shadows. You guys are such bakas it's not even funny. Jeez... :protest: <me. I don't wanna work with such lazy people (joking, of course).
Hmm, I find what you said to be unnecessarily rude.. I wouldn't reccommend saying things like that here. I don't even understand what point you're trying to make. Are you claiming that Sakura already knows who Syaoran is at this time? Because if so, you're wrong. Like the other members stated much more nicely, she remembers next to nothing about him because in her memories he is a "blank person" like Ashlee said.
Remember, Syaoran's payment to Yuuko was that his relationship with Sakura will never be the same which is probably why Syaoran is missing in memories in which he should be included. ((Such as in the memory she had of her birthday.)) Whether or not she'll get these memories back we are yet to find out.
If any of you ever payed ANY attention what-so-ever to the anime you would realize that she has many memories of her past with Syaoran in them AND visible. He's just in the shadows. You guys are such bakas it's not even funny. Jeez... :protest: <me. I don't wanna work with such lazy people (joking, of course).
Please do not call other forum members baka or accuse 'everyone' of not paying attention. Respect for other members is a very important rule here.
Forum Rules (
And so far at least, Syaoran is not visible in any of those memories. That was the whole point of what they gave up.
I think in the end Sakura is going to remember her old relationship with syaoran. I mean why would the dimensional with want "memories" of sakura ne way?? I think Sakura or syaoran might need to sacriface somethin else inorder to get sakura's relationship memories back but i think it is just in due time before she remembers it all :)
Okay but about this relationship thing, my friend and I had a little debate over this one day at lunch and came to a thought:
Yuko said Syaoran and Sakura would never have the same relationship as before but.....
maybe the a better one. It is possible ne? In the past they were both just shy teens waiting who was going to fess up first of who loved who but they wont have that relationship like that again but maybe something on a different level.
We have to note that Sakura said she was going to tell him that she loved him and " Just wait, I definetly will tell you." even though she may not remember him you can tell she is totaly falling head over heels for him again, I am just waiting for the moment something good is gonna happen
* taps finger on mouse impatiently* c'mooon chap 110.........
If CLAMP kills Syaoran or Sakura or doesn't make them end up together...I'll be going on a death march. >____<
Sorry, no angst for me. I like happy endings.
TO be honest, I'm not a CLAMP fan at all...but I love Syaoran/Sakura. To death. Just...just look at them!
Well, CLAMP is known for angsty endings. Look what they did to MKR....
Still, weve been talking about SakuSyao in TRC for a long time now, but we're forgetting something: XXXholic. If XXXholic's crosses over with TRC as we imagine it, maybe something may, JUST MAY, happen that will change everything, like Watanuki's ability to see the supernatural, or Sakura's similar power. Which means...
Well, CLAMP is known for angsty endings. Look what they did to MKR....
Still, weve been talking about SakuSyao in TRC for a long time now, but we're forgetting something: XXXholic. If XXXholic's crosses over with TRC as we imagine it, maybe something may, JUST MAY, happen that will change everything, like Watanuki's ability to see the supernatural, or Sakura's similar power. Which means...
I'm agree with you. I think that if Clamp created XXXHolic too was for some unknown reason...we'll have to wait...^^