CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Topic started by: chika1 on April 09 2005, 11:48 pm
what will happen if:
syaoran lost his memories - not sakura
and cant remember anything about sakura? :blah:
i'd say she'll be in the same situation as syaoran in the manga or anime...coz they really depend on each other~but it'll be as sad...
do u think that yukito will help sakura and send her n syaoran to the yuuko's place?
yeaps, coz both of them are important to yukito too arent they~?
sakura must be crying :cry:
but crying is being strong too, can not crying is bad for health really, mentally i mean coz you lock up your feelings and basically degenerate yourself...
crying is a way to disclose the feelings deep inside one person's mind...and its healthy i do agree with tune.... :)
anyway, back to if Syaoran forgets his feelings....basically i think the whole TRC would not happen...first Sakura could NEVER be the heroine....she doesn't have the strength...and she's meek and gurly...admit it she Syaoran would never get his memories back..and its hard for a gurl to carry a guy around. No offense.
but i'm sure she's strong in other ways to carry out the role~ :)
hard to say, notice the major character changes between CCS sakura and TRC sakura....i think they're totally different in character...but in a gd way...but since its shounen, a guy must be the hero.
coz it'll bring out the sense of "strength" better i guess~? it'll show developement in the mental strength come to think of it....coz what i noticed in mangas wif girls as the major character, they have more mental strength than physical strength...or isit juz me~~? :P
what i think.. if syaoran was the one who lost his memories.. sakura couldn't do too much for one thing she's a girl.. and girls don't have a lot of privileges! and also.. girls are a lot more sensitive than guys... think... if syaoran woke up.. sakura would have jumped into his arms.. and he would have been.. wth? who is this girl? :-S :? honestly, i think guys are a lot more stronger not showing emotions than girls.. so the whole plot would have been different if sakura and syaoran switched places... (just can't stop thinking about that scene! >< so sad!!)
Hmm...reversed around. I also don't think Sakura can help Syaoran. Unless she has magical powers already. And it doesn't look good if the guy is helpless, ne?
anyway, back to if Syaoran forgets his feelings....basically i think the whole TRC would not happen...first Sakura could NEVER be the heroine....she doesn't have the strength...and she's meek and gurly...admit it she Syaoran would never get his memories back..and its hard for a gurl to carry a guy around. No offense.
if sakura cant help syaoran, then syaoran must be dead already....
Sakura isn't as strong as syaoran probally would be too much for sakura
Sakura isn't as strong as syaoran probally would be too much for sakura
yea i totally agree, it would be too much of a burden for Sakura...Sakura is so weak and mild in TRC its totally not her personality in CCS she's strong and bold and stand on her feet .
Hehehe!!*remembers the scene in Movie 2 again* Just like the situation,I think Sakura have a willpower to overcome when Syaoran lost his memories!!!:okay:
Hmm, if Syaoran was the one who lost his memories, yeah, I think Sakura would be too distrought [sp?] to do anything... she wouldn't be able to concentrate... and as well, since in trc she is a princess, she seems to have less ability... in ccs she was good at athletics which made her be able to do all those crazy moves. So I think Sakura wouldn't give up, but she wouldn't be able to do much...
Hmm, if Syaoran was the one who lost his memories, yeah, I think Sakura would be too distrought [sp?] to do anything... she wouldn't be able to concentrate... and as well, since in trc she is a princess, she seems to have less ability... in ccs she was good at athletics which made her be able to do all those crazy moves. So I think Sakura wouldn't give up, but she wouldn't be able to do much...
I agree. Sakura would most likely wail and bawl about and try her best to find out how to help Syaoran. Its just its hard for me to picture Sakura retrieving all those memories that Syaoran had lost if they'd switched roles.
Sakura is strong but only emotionally not physically in which Syaoran is both. I love Sakura, I really do its just that it would be really weird if anything like this had happened. ^^;
But when she would find out, she probably wouldn't be able to do it.. like Syaoran has always been good at making friends and stuff, since in ccs he came from a foreign country knowing noone, yet he made friends quick.. Sakura likes to stick with who she knows... so.. if she had to get Syaoran's memories, she probably wouldn't be able to work with Fye and Kurogane.. they're strangers.
Yes, most likely that's what she'll do. My, you are observant Espo-san. lol But Sakura's a sweet and trusting girl so she'll eventually learn to like them and get to know them. The thing is that she's not a very valuable aspect to the Dream Team (Trio = Her, Fai and Kurogane). >.<;
Thank you ^^
She will learn to trust them, in her time. But she doesn't have many abilities in TRC. The only thing she does have is the power to control the Tsubasa, but it's not very important. Well, it is, but not in use for finding memories.
Thank you ^^
She will learn to trust them, in her time. But she doesn't have many abilities in TRC. The only thing she does have is the power to control the Tsubasa, but it's not very important. Well, it is, but not in use for finding memories.
Yes, I agree. xD She has hidden powers though, according to Yukito so she's bound to have some sort of powerful skill if she and Syaoran did switch places. omg! I just thought of a brilliant fanfic to write!! lol
Fanfic? * sits patiently *
Fanfic? * sits patiently *
Lol. Yes, how about a fanfic on where Sakura DOES switch with Syaoran. Meaning, like soul reversal or switching lives and all. Confusing but really interestng aspect for a fanfic. ^^ Sakura experencing what its like to be the guy she loves and doesn't quite know, Syaoran experiencing what its like to feel so...out of it. Not having memories and all.
Whoo...I must write this down. XD Anyway, Lumiz-san might get mad so lets get back on topic. Syaoran-kun. lol
Ok, back to topic.
But one thing would be for sure if they did switch... trc would be totally differant! in some respects anyway.
Yeah, it so would. I'd like to see that happening though...would be interesting to say the least. =D
Though people would compare the two... hmm... saying of which.... i think i would stick with Syaoran finding Sakura's memories.
Yes, more excitement that way since Syaoran seems better off doing it. Well, IF Sakura was in Syaoran's place in finding hs feathers and all. What do you think her kudan would be? o_O; Syaoran has a kudan so if he has one then she's bound to have one. ^^;
Sakura's... kudan... * goes into thinking mode * probably a bird... with the power of thunder or something.
relates star - thunder [ccs]
relates tsubasa - bird [trc]
Whoo...interesting combination. ^^ You're probably right too.
Imagine a bird shooting thunder at you... he he.
i guess she wont have the strength to go n fight 4 all the feathers, but i think she'll have some kind of magic drawn from her inner-self..there r many things one could do if u truly believe (XD ay, i sound like one of those disney characters lolz)
Yes, that what I mean... she would try her best through thick and thin.
Yes, that what I mean... she would try her best through thick and thin.
yep..that's what i like in her ^.^ sakura-chan always give in her best shot-as clearly shown in CCS also =D
But, she isn't used to change though... remember how she hated being a cardcaptor.
ya, you're right-the important thing is she did become mistress of the cards =D
Because once she gets tied up in things she continues it through.
Ahhh... Shaoran lsing his memories.... uhm, first of, I believe they wouldn't make much of a deal T-T (Sakura is the country's princess, therefore very important... Shaoran on the other han.. is just an archeologist) but knowing Sakura she would probably DIE to help Shaoran so let's imagine she goes with Yuuko... Ah... Sakura is strong, but she is not as strong as Shaoran is... because look what he has to face... he has to help his most important person even knowing that theres a huge pssibility that she will never *really* remember him again... that's a horrible burden...
Making that aside, I can't help but imagine the curious scenes that she would have with Moko-chan (xD) Fai and Kurogane... ahhh... xD
Syaoran is very strong.....
yup... fighting for his beloved one without caring for himself... ahhh *-*
But he should worry about himself too...before he gets injured severely
true, true... makes it harder to imagine sakura in shaoran's role... *ponders*
Hmm... Syaoran best suits, since he is strong.. no offence to girls [or me xD] but we don't seem to be as strong in respect to that.... we care too much about ourselves.
sakura can ask yuuko 2 give her that she can save syaoran if she can b strong in ccs, why not in tsubasa?
she can't, since she would have to pay another price. what does she have? nothing.
I think Sakura would be to sad to concentrat on helping Syaoran.....i mean sure she was the hero in CCS, but this is a totally different story...
yes... Sakura-hime can have powers and be strong.. but it's the emotional side that could break Sakura-hime down.. I mean... it's just AWFUL!!!! doing all that Shaoran has to do x3 he has like the biggest inner strenght I've ever seen...
I would think that Sakura would be just crying over Syaoran...sure maybe Yuko could help her, but would she be strong enough to continue the journey?
maybe that's why they used syaoran?
i've actually heard from guys myself that girls are stronger.. because we show more emotions.. and we're used to it.. kinda.. :S.. but we still show our emotions each time.... means we're strong?
I don't know why but I feel like you're all being mean to Sakura for some reason >.<. I don't blame you guys for seeing Sakura as weak. The one thing I didn't like about Tsubasa was how weak Sakura's portrayed. Look at some of the pictures, or even some of the scenes. Syaoran would always be the one protecting her! His arms would always be around her, or put in a stance to protect her, while Sakura puts on a face of 'damsel in distress'.
Now compare this to CCS. Sakura, although weak as she is, found her strength in other people. She was strong, because she had love and support and that's exactly what I'm hoping for from Sakura in Tsubasa. She can be strong... just give her some time.
If they were to have switched places, yes, Sakura might have a break down but I'm sure her love for Syaoran will push her on. And I don't think she'd be that afraid of Kurogane and Fye. Knowing Sakura, she'll find her way into their hearts and vice-versa. They might be able to give the support that she needs...
So true Ruby-chan. I believe Sakura is weak now but watch...she'll be all strong and poweful in the end. If you guys read Naruto and have been following it from the beginning until now then you'd realize the Sakura in Naruto is a lot alike like Sakura in TRC. Sakura (from Naruto) was the weakest of Team 7 but as time went on, she had a bit of training and in the end...she ended up being the great butt-kicking Sakura ever. She was weak but emotionally strong and I believe Sakura (TRC) wiill end up like this too in the end. :keke: Just a thought...
what will happen if:
syaoran lost his memories - not sakura
and cant remember anything about sakura? :blah:
i think the initial part will be tough.. as in carrying the unconscious Syaoran around... if that's the case, there will be an additional character to help Sakura..
I like the fact that Syaoran is the strong lead character of TRC.....Sakura was the strong lead in CCS, so it's only right that Syaoran should have had a chance to truly shine - he wouldn't have been able to show off such character development if he'd been the one to lose his memories.
I like the fact that Syaoran is the strong lead character of TRC.....Sakura was the strong lead in CCS, so it's only right that Syaoran should have had a chance to truly shine - he wouldn't have been able to show off such character development if he'd been the one to lose his memories.
yeah, i guess you are right.
but initially, i thought Sakura will be the lead character in TRC as well...
Hello Alll... Mehehah dun kill me for my stupid words but!
like maybe if they did switch right? with Syaoran losing his memories.. Then I reckon the cheerful Sakura will learn to cope and be able to do amazing things just like in CC. Because they are really each others equal and work really well together. Though if it did happen the story would be completely different, in that when Syaoran wakes up he would not remmeber her, but have a major need to find his memories! So he'll search and fight long and hard for them! Just like when he 1st appeared in CC, really going all out to get the Clow cards. And Sakura would probably be helping, (ie maybe she can sense the feathers).... THough with such a storyline, Clamp would probably throw in the annoying 3rd person girl or something and do things which seriously puts the couple through booboo. Especially with Syaoran not remmebering his love for Sakura would make their relationship so fragile like thin ice on a hot day.
Plz dun get mad at me if that sounds gay
It sounds funny: Sakura the hero and Syaoran the One she must defend.
But in the most Animes there are the boys the stronger because it's general...
Sakura has in my opinion a different type of power! She is the One who give Syaoran the power to do these thinks, right?
Yup! CCS was a magical girl genre anime, so Sakura was the lead. But this is a fantasy/adventure/romance anime, so typically, the boy has a much major role to play.
But anyway, I can't really imagine a Syaoran without memories....Sakura went all dim and distant after she lost hers...I can't imagine a constantly sleeping or slightly stupid Syaoran....
I agree w/ that and it's just another CCSakura series that raveled again if Syaoran got amnesia(lost of memory)and Sakura will be his savior!! :hehe:
Maybe you guys can answer a question for me why did they take Cardcaptors off I don't even think they showed all the shows eather
is Sayaoran lost his memery instead of Sakura then Sakura wont be able to do anything coz in Tsubasa its made out that Sakura is a clutz at everything; even before she loses her memeries ;(
How can you be so sure? Because as much as I'd like to say I know TRC Sakura, I feel like there's more about her yet to be revealed. There's so much of her personality lost because she lost her memories... and it's not right to compare her to CCS Sakura. I cannot pin point TRC Sakura's personality really... even with all the flash backs. Just like Syaoran, I'm also amazed by how much she's grown throughout the series... that's why I feel it unfair to judge Sakura just yet. Give her time... Sakura will surely shine.
yeah, i understand..
but sometimes you relate them unknowingly.. *lol*
take myself for example.. while watching TRC's Sakura.. i will just think of CCS's Sakura.. i know its unfair but just cant be help.. :heh:
I dunno...although both Sakuras are sweet, kind and a little bit naive, they're very diff.
TRC Sakura seems less naive, and less bright/enthusiastic. Maybe it's the lack of memories, but I find CCS Sakura much cuter and easier to grow attached to. TRC Sakura is lovable, but not as much.
hmm, i link them both together probably because of their faces.. likewise for Syaoran..
yeah.. its like little kids.. they are so cute when they are small.. but when they grow up... still lovable but not as cute.. *lol*
yeah, i understand..
but sometimes you relate them unknowingly.. *lol*
take myself for example.. while watching TRC's Sakura.. i will just think of CCS's Sakura.. i know its unfair but just cant be help.. :heh:
Maybe it's because we don't know her, so we link it to the closest thing which is CCS Sakura. I really believe that TRC Sakura has a lot of potential... and to call her as someone who's sleepy, boring , a clutz and needs to be protected all the time is rather an understatement. There's still a lot about her we've yet to understand...
Still, I agree that Syaoran does deserve the limelight because in CCS, he was overshadowed by Sakura. The only thing I'd like to compare with CCS and TRC is that I wished Sakura and Syaoran would fight together as they did in CCS. In TRC, Syaoran's doing all the fighting but I think Sakura might also lend a helping hand. Somehow... @.@
sakura switch roles with syaoran? thats boring
huah~ that would be very confusing... doesnt that mean there would be like... 'OUR' sakura, Clonie sakura, and Real sakura o.O? whoo~ * thinking how would it be like if sakura was a heartless killing machine and eating fye's sapphire blue eyes* that would be so horrible~
o(ToT)o *shivers a little*