
Misc => Archives => Anything goes... => Topic started by: Jonny on October 09 2005, 03:14 am

Title: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 09 2005, 03:14 am
Wouldn't it be weird if some of us new eachother????
That would be weird, like one of you could be some crazy anime fangirl I might know at school.

Problem: I don't know how we could find out if we knew eachother unless we say where we live  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Rusty on October 09 2005, 03:32 am
that would be definately weird... knowing but not knowing someone...
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 09 2005, 03:36 am
That would be pretty cool... all of you people are great. I would love to know you in real life!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Fye-chan on October 09 2005, 03:49 am
That would be pretty cool... all of you people are great. I would love to know you in real life!

Yeah that would!!! But for me it's quite impossible to meet some of you...*stares at  "Location"*
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Moon on October 09 2005, 03:51 am
I've always wanted to meet the friends I talk to online in real life, but not many live where I do. ^^;;
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Tessaiga on October 09 2005, 04:27 am
A Capturedwings convention! X3
No, that would be quite impossible...
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 09 2005, 04:35 am
Hehe CapturedWings Convention! If there was such a thing, my mom would for sure never let me go. She wouldn't let me meet people on the internet, because she thinks they're stalkers or something. But it would be fun to meet everyone... and surprising to everyone how I look like in real life!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Moon on October 09 2005, 04:58 am
That sounds like fun. Hehe. Too bad it'll never be impossible. But it'll really depend on where it would be locationed. I'm only able to attend an anime convention if it's in the state I live in, of which I'm grateful that there is in fact one here. ^__^<333 Sakura Con!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 09 2005, 05:13 am
Hmmm... there are some small anime conventions going on by I don't really know where they are or when. The only big one I know that's coming up is Anime North, and it takes place in may :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Strawberry on October 09 2005, 06:38 am
lol, it will be cool if some of us actually knew each other for real or just happened to walk past each other, but not knowing they are from captured wings forum, it isn't impossible but the probability is like 1% (thats if your from the same location)

Anyway me and my friends do actually accidently meet people from forums and thats mainly in Anime convenntions. In every forum there is always a thread about posting pics of yourselves and then when the time of anime conventions comes, me and my friends say "I recongise that person", then realise that he/she is from a forum we joined ^_^
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 09 2005, 10:02 am
I've wondered the same thing sometimes; but there is a possibility that we could find out because of the Let's See Your Lovely Faces Thread. You never know. One thing's for certain, I would love to meet all of the wonderful people on here!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Pikari on October 09 2005, 01:47 pm
My dad once introduced me to a girl he worked with because we both loved anime and manga. I didn't actually "know" her, as in I'd never spoken to her on a forum or anything.. but when she showed me her website I realized I had read some of her fanfics a long time ago before we met. ^^

I think it'd be lots of fun to meet some of the people here. ^__^
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Ruby Chan on October 09 2005, 06:57 pm
If anyone here actually goes to my school they're hiding pretty well. As far as I know, I'm the only major anime freak there, with only the people I infect even knowing about anime/manga.  :rotfl:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 10 2005, 01:43 am
That'd be really cool if we all knew eachother! Though, I don't think many poeple in this forum live in New York...:sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Rusty on October 10 2005, 05:48 am
or new delhi for that matter... most (99/100) don't even know what anime is, when i ask someone they go "what?? aneemi? whats that?"  its seriously bugging!!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 06:56 am
Yeah, I doubt alot of people here live in Ohio. It would be cool though! Although I know 2 people on this forum live in Ohio, but I forget who they are.  :sweatdrop: They posted it in the Where do you live?? thread.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Star on October 10 2005, 07:04 am
It would be cool to meet you guys!  :D
I don't suppose any of you live in South Dakota (USA) though  :(
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Sakaki on October 10 2005, 07:05 am
A few of you aren't that far away from where I live... Illinois.
*Lol, picturing a Captured Wings Convention*
Wouldn't that be fun though!  :lol:

I can think of a few people I'd really love to meet.  :keke:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 07:19 am
That would be fun, but highly unrealistic. There is nothing I would love more than to meet all of you! A select few especially!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 10 2005, 09:00 am
Don't think any of you live in Southern Ontario? Hmm? CapturedWings Convention... rofl that would be like a family reunion :tongue3: Yeah, true, it is unrealistic, but one can dream.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 10 2005, 09:25 am
anyone from Michigan??
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 10:07 am
We're very close to each other Jonny-kun. You're Northeast of me! Also, you're not allowed to post one sentence or one word answers. It's considered spamming the forum.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 10 2005, 12:10 pm
oh darn.  I remember reading that in the rules.  (there, 2 sentences   :D)

(about living NE of moezy-chan) Really??  cool!!

[offtopic] Hey, when you called my Jonny-kun it reminded me.....
I know when to use kun, san, and chan.....but what about all of those other ones that Fai uses to refer to Kuro? [/offtopic]
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 12:22 pm
That's a habit I do. The members on here that don't have suffixes, I usually regard them with suffixes. It is kinda hard for me to explain, but I'll try. In Japanese culture, when you give a person your own suffixes, it shows a sense of endearment. Some people believe that Fai-san gives Kurogane these names because he likes Kurogane. That's about all I know about it. If you want somebody who knows more about it, go to this thread:
It's for supporters of KuroxFai. We have alot of supporters of this couple on this forum. Now I'm getting off topic.

Back on topic, yeah that is cool! As for making a mistake in a post, don't worry. They won't get mad if you do it like once, but if you continue to do it, the mods and admins will warn you about it.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 10 2005, 08:49 pm
Sorry again, I am just used to the 3 word minimum from a forum I used to belong to.  Old habits die hard!  :D
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Pikari on October 11 2005, 07:16 am
anyone from Michigan??
I'm in Michigan. Saginaw, more specifically. :keke:
Heh.. I was noticing the locations you guys posted... Illinois, Ohio, Southern Ontario... I'm right in the middle between those. ^^;; So we're not all that far. Only a..... long.. long, car ride away. ^^;; (well, maybe not too long :sweatdrop: )
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 11 2005, 07:25 am
Still, we're centrally located! Except for the fans that live overseas, like Britain, Switzerland, Australia, and so forth.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Sakaki on October 11 2005, 07:34 am
Heh.. I was noticing the locations you guys posted... Illinois, Ohio, Southern Ontario... I'm right in the middle between those. ^^;; So we're not all that far. Only a..... long.. long, car ride away. ^^;; (well, maybe not too long :sweatdrop: )

Muhahaha ~ runs to car........ *picturing the chaos a couple of fangirls could create once they got together*  :lol:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: suu_no_clover on October 11 2005, 07:36 am
hmm... anyone in California? There's an anime fair in my city in december, and a yaoi-con in the area, and the fanime-con too. I'm planning on going to at least 1 this year.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Star on October 11 2005, 07:39 am
Muhahaha ~ runs to car........ *picturing the chaos a couple of fangirls could create once they got together* :lol:

Hmm.....  That could be chaotic.     *Imagines running around some town throwing fangirl pictures and fanfics all over the place!*   :dodge:   Some of you aren't too far away from me either
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: monkey on October 11 2005, 07:41 am
oh man... i'm in Britain... NOBODY by me... except Rubes, but she'll never wanna meet me anyway!! LOL
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Arcademan on October 11 2005, 11:05 am
I know of at least 2 members here from the Phoenix Metro area however as far as meeting anyone...being so much older than most everyone here, it might not be a very good idea if you know what I mean :wink:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 11 2005, 12:01 pm
Yeah, but we really should have that Captured Wings Convention.  We could plan it like two years in advance, so there would be no excuse for people not to come!  ^^
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 11 2005, 12:12 pm
Rofl no one I know so far is from Southern Ontario (except for xOLight_AngelOx... we live in the same city :tongue3:)... and the CapturedWings Convention? If I asked my mom about it, she would immediately shout No! because she probably thinks you people here are stalkers, and I know you all aren't... right? Naw, just kiddin with ya.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 11 2005, 12:24 pm
My mom would stare at me me and say "What's a 'Captured Wings'????".
Yeah, I wouldn't be able to go.  Unless we wait untill we are all old enough to drive.......   :confused:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: augustserenade on October 11 2005, 01:26 pm
I'm from California, suu_no_clover! :hello2:

I'd probably only be able to go to a Captured Wings convention if its within an hour from where I live... (I wish I had my license now. >_<)
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 11 2005, 02:04 pm
I'd be able to go! I'm an adult, so it's not like my mom can forbid me! Of course, I would need to find a ride. I don't have a license. College pretty much empty's my bank account.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 11 2005, 08:36 pm
Oh!  We could all have an "Online Captured Wings Convention"!!!!!!!!   :hello2:
Yeah!  We could get some sort of chat room type ting running on the website for the day!  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
That wouldn't be TOO hard to do.....
And we could post like crazy telling people!   :lol: :lol:   We could have it in a few weeks.  Or maybe a month.  Or two.

What do you guys think?????   :keke:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Director of Music on October 11 2005, 11:23 pm
lol that would be sweeeet :tongue3:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: monkey on October 11 2005, 11:24 pm
sure, OR everyone could get MSN Messenger and we could all go in a bit group chat there.

Your also forgetting TimeZones. some of us are from the USA, Britain, Australia etc...
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Strawberry on October 12 2005, 01:08 am
oh man... i'm in Britain... NOBODY by me... except Rubes, but she'll never wanna meet me anyway!! LOL

lol I'm from Britain & also Emperor Shaoran is from Britain too.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 12 2005, 01:19 am
yeah, but we could plan it ahead of time.  I don't mind staying up late for you guys!   :keke:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Tessaiga on October 12 2005, 01:23 am
A Capturedwings convention! X3
No, that would be quite impossible...

Hoeee~ Look at what I've started... :sweatdrop:

Well, it would be fun if it really occured. But WHERE?...
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 12 2005, 01:33 am
The only place that would really be centrally located would be the ocean. We'd need a really big boat! Scary part, how do I know I haven't met any of you. I've traveled to different locations. I might know some of you!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Fai on October 12 2005, 02:11 am
A real big big boat moezy-chan!  :lol: And if it is on an ocean, my question is: What ocean?
I live in Canada, and some of you are like way across the world! But I would love to meet all of you in person  :keke:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 12 2005, 02:16 am
A real big big boat moezy-chan!  :lol: And if it is on an ocean, my question is: What ocean?
I live in Canada, and some of you are like way across the world! But I would love to meet all of you in person  :keke:

Yeah, really big! Like a cruise ship! What better place to have a convention?! As for the ocean, I guess it would be the Atlantic.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 12 2005, 07:14 am
ARTIC OCEAN!!!!!  ^^

No, just kidding.  That would be cold.  BUT WE SO SHOULD HAVE A CONVENTION!!!

We could all wear a sign with our forum name on it!!!!!   :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 12 2005, 07:20 am
ARTIC OCEAN!!!!!  ^^

No, just kidding.  That would be cold.  BUT WE SO SHOULD HAVE A CONVENTION!!!

We could all wear a sign with our forum name on it!!!!!   :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Now that would be funny! Although, the people who aren't a part of the convention would think we were crazy!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: augustserenade on October 12 2005, 07:44 am
Awww!! And then! And then we could take one big huge group picture and make copies for everyone to take home...and there'd be those shirts that say on the back the names of the people and the convention name and location and year and whatnot... commemorative give aways and refreshments...That'd be so coool! :haha: I'm getting a little carried away with this idea! XD

If it was the Pacific Ocean, I'd only be about 20 minutes away! X3
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 12 2005, 07:48 am
I call it........Jonny at the Captured Wings Convention.

( (

^^   I drew it in like 2 minutes.  Notice the sandwich board with my forum name on it.....
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Cherry-chan on October 12 2005, 10:51 am
One can dream... I'd love a CapturedWings convention! Of course if we had those t-shirts with our names then I would get mine customized to have Syaoran-related things on it... (famous syaoran quotes, pics, etc.) :P
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 12 2005, 11:39 am
Oh, we HAVE to have a convention!!!!  I am just way too excited now!!!!!!!!  ^^

After TRC ends in 2007 we could all go to the convention and watch the last episode for the first time together!!!!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 12 2005, 12:38 pm
Seriously?  :sweatdrop: I was only joking. Oh boy, what have I done?  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 12 2005, 02:58 pm
it will be interesting to have a CapturedWings convention.. :haha: but erm, it will be so so so far away for me to go~ (if its in America) :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 12 2005, 03:01 pm
I agree with bLuetopaz-san. Sounds interesting, and very tempting, but highly unlikely. Though we never know, maybe one day we will meet each other! Though probably not all at once.=
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 12 2005, 03:22 pm
perhaps like Jonny said.. we may have met somewhere before.. like some of us may go travelling to other states or countries..

like a chinese saying...
if we are fated, despite the thousand miles, we will meet
if we arent fated, even if we meet, we wont even know.

hoped i translate it correctly~ :hehe:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Moon on October 12 2005, 03:28 pm
Well.. I'd say that I live cloest to those that live in California  and Canada. Or, really anywhere else in the US. Well.. expect if it's really far away like Marie or something. ^^;;; ( and for people that don't know, I live in washington state.. not dc. )
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: augustserenade on October 12 2005, 04:02 pm
perhaps like Jonny said.. we may have met somewhere before.. like some of us may go travelling to other states or countries..

like a chinese saying...
if we are fated, despite the thousand miles, we will meet
if we arent fated, even if we meet, we wont even know.

hoped i translate it correctly~ :hehe:

Hey, I was thinking of this saying (or something similar to it) right before I got online! I was thinking about this discussion and that quote came to my head! XD That's really weird and coincidental! (Ha! This is on topic right?? I'm saying something's weird...>_<)
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 12 2005, 07:21 pm
Hey, I was thinking of this saying (or something similar to it) right before I got online! I was thinking about this discussion and that quote came to my head! XD That's really weird and coincidental! (Ha! This is on topic right?? I'm saying something's weird...>_<)

high five, hoshisenshi!

yeah, when i saw this thread (the first post).. this chinese saying just popped into my head.. :haha:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: monkey on October 12 2005, 07:21 pm
more people are in britain? cool, i'm in the country area tho... down in south west >.>
anybody close to me?
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Jonny on October 12 2005, 08:35 pm
Yeah, I know a convention would never work out.  But it's nice dreaming!

I wonder.........if we had the convention, and some of us DID pass on the street before, would we know or remember it???  I don't think so.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: monkey on October 12 2005, 08:37 pm
well i personally never forget a face, so if i saw any of your pictures and i saw you (and i liked you or we were friends) i'd probably sneak behind you and tap your shoulder.

that is if i had the courage and your not in a group or anything ^^;;;
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Strawberry on October 13 2005, 01:06 am
more people are in britain? cool, i'm in the country area tho... down in south west >.>
anybody close to me?

Your in the South West of Britain?
Me and Emperor Shaoran are in the Middle-ish of Britain and kinda slightly to the West.
I'll say we live close to each other, but yet so far
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 13 2005, 01:40 am
well i personally never forget a face, so if i saw any of your pictures and i saw you (and i liked you or we were friends) i'd probably sneak behind you and tap your shoulder.

that is if i had the courage and your not in a group or anything ^^;;;

I can guaruntee, I'm never in a group. I'm too much of a loner. Of course considering how I act on here, it's probably very hard to believe. Charme-chan and aishiteru-chan certainly know what I would do if you snuck up on me. But then, aishiteru-chan hasn't been on in a while, but I know that charme-chan is on right now!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: aishiteru on October 14 2005, 03:00 am
haha. moezy-chan! i'm on right now! haha.

yes, charme-chan and i would definitely glomp moezy-chan! haha.

if i were to meet any of you guys in person, i'd be somewhat shy at first. or if i saw your pictures and i saw you in person.. i'd probably follow you to make sure it was you and scream your forum username. hah.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 14 2005, 03:02 am
I could see you doing that aishiteru-chan! Of course once you screamed my name, you and charme-chan know what I would do.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Zeldi on October 15 2005, 03:31 am
Naaaw it would be soo Cute, honestly. But i live in Sweden it's pretty far away from you all. *mad* Yeah i would scream your Fourm Name out load. You guys are soo Sweet and nice, Even if the chances to meet you all is very low. i still want to meet you. ^^;;
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Fai on October 15 2005, 04:05 am
Ditto here! I would just love to meet all of you! You're all so sweet XD. But I'm not so sure about screaming your fourm name out load, I would be to shy to do that ^^;
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: Zeldi on October 15 2005, 04:09 am
Yes i would die in shame if i shouted out wrong user name. What if O.O
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 15 2005, 04:25 am
I know exactly what I would do if I finally met somebody from this forum that posted their picture on here. First I would stare at that person for a very long time, and if I didn't scare them off with my obsessive staring, I would very slowly approach them and I would say very shyly,

"Um, excuse me, but do you belong to Captured Wings Forum?" If they would say yes, then I would say, "I'm moezy-chan!" And I'd ask if their forum name was (insert forum name here). I have no idea what would happen after that. Depends on who it was. And if it wasn't anybody from here, I would just blush say I'm sorry and run!
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: aishiteru on October 16 2005, 09:55 am
hmm.. me.. what would i do? yeah, i'd probably hide, yell out your forum username and captured wings forums and see if you turned around.

and if you did, i'd run up to you and be like.. "HI! I'M AISHITERU!" *big cheesy smile* and then you'd all be like "where is she?" and end up looking down to see a really short filipino girl probably up to your stomach or something. hah. `=P
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 16 2005, 01:02 pm
hmm.. me.. what would i do? yeah, i'd probably hide, yell out your forum username and captured wings forums and see if you turned around.

and if you did, i'd run up to you and be like.. "HI! I'M AISHITERU!" *big cheesy smile* and then you'd all be like "where is she?" and end up looking down to see a really short filipino girl probably up to your stomach or something. hah. `=P

Now that's funny aishiteru-chan! I'm cracking up from that!  :laughing4:
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: augustserenade on October 16 2005, 01:06 pm
I'd be standing at a far side of the room, hiding behind my long curtain of hair, and frantically thinking of what to do :heh:... I'd be too scared to scream my name out. @_@
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: aishiteru on October 17 2005, 12:41 am
Now that's funny aishiteru-chan! I'm cracking up from that! :laughing4:

but it's seriously true! i'm super short so you probably wouldn't be able to see me if you turned around. haha `=P i have one more inch to go until i hit 5'0! hah.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: augustserenade on October 17 2005, 12:57 am
Daijoubu, aishiteru-chan... I'm a rather short Filipino too... ^_^;;
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 17 2005, 03:53 am
Don't worry about it aishiteru-chan. My mother is also short. She's 5'3" and in a family where everybody is taller then 5'8" that is short. You'll grow in time. If it's any consolation, I hate my height. I'm too freakishly tall. 5'9". I hardly ever get to see a person face to face. I always have to look down at people and because of that, people think that I think I'm better than them, and I don't think like that.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: aishiteru on October 17 2005, 05:24 am
Daijoubu, aishiteru-chan... I'm a rather short Filipino too... ^_^;;

short filipinos are cool. hah.

Don't worry about it aishiteru-chan. My mother is also short. She's 5'3" and in a family where everybody is taller then 5'8" that is short. You'll grow in time. If it's any consolation, I hate my height. I'm too freakishly tall. 5'9". I hardly ever get to see a person face to face. I always have to look down at people and because of that, people think that I think I'm better than them, and I don't think like that.

i don't think i'm gonna grow anymore, moezy-chan. i've been the same height for the past 4 years.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: moezychan on October 17 2005, 05:28 am
i don't think i'm gonna grow anymore, moezy-chan. i've been the same height for the past 4 years.

Oh ok. Sorry about that.
Title: Re: Wouldn't it be weird if...
Post by: aishiteru on October 17 2005, 05:54 am
Oh ok. Sorry about that.

ohh it's okay! i think it would be funny if i met you guys in person and you turned around to see no one there. i think it's quite hilarious. it's happened many times so i use it to my advantage. hah `=P