Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Kaptan on October 21 2005, 10:09 pm
That is something did.The website is ''.
And i am the black mokona :tongue:
ooh, I did this before...I was Doumeki o_O
I'm Himawari-Chan! ^^
I was Doumeki
I was Doumeki
me too
i was Doumeki as well~
Yay~ I'm Black Mokona :hello2:Â
I think it's hilarious how he(?) joins Yuuko in drinking sake :hehe: I only wish I could occasionally get drunk like that :sweatdrop: :XD:
Im Himawari Kunogi:
<center><img src=""><br><font size=1>I'm Watanuki!<br><a href="">XXXHOLiC character selector quiz</a></font></center>
Holy, I'm YUUKO!
I got Yuuko too... :lol:
guess what? turns out i'm watanuki! scary never thought i was like him!
I got Himawari Kunogi ^^
I got Yuuko too... :lol:
me too :)
Shizuka Doumeki
I'm black Mokona! :rotfl:
I'm Himawari, she's cool, I'm glad im her. :)
I'm Himiwari! Wow....that would mean a lot more to me if I actually read the manga. :sweatdrop:
Moved To Anime And Manga
I got Black Mokona:
I got Yuuko?! :confused:
Yuuko for me, that wasn't really a surprise. ^^;
But that was pretty nice quiz, and first xxxholic related I have tried.
Yeah, I have also Yuuko :P
Hyuu hyuu! Watashi mo!
Himawari! Yay!
Cute! :keke:
lol xD
Kyaa!!! Im yuuko! Im so much like her in real life!
Im Himawari ^_^
I'm Black Mokonaaaa!!!!!!!!
("><br><font size=1>I'm black Mokona!<br><a href=)
I got Watanuki... That's really strange to me for some reason. @_@
I'm black Mokona
Lol, I did this a while back, and I got Himawari. XD Himawari creeps me out.
When I took this a while ago I got Himiwari, but now it seems I'm Doumeki. ^^
heh, i guess thats pretty cool :sweatdrop:
:sweatdrop: I really need to read this manga...
have a link that has it up to date on the net...lemme PM you the linky
Hee Hee!! I got black Mokona :)
Yuuko *snicker*
Yuuko-san... It's not terribly surprising =3
Black mokona. ^^
o_o i thought i was more yuuko-ish...XD
I got Yuuko-san... And that was the third time I got the quiz.
I'm Yukko. Some of friends said that is very true.
I'm Himawari Kunogi-chan...^^
i'm Black Mokona
yayyy.. Mokona is cuteiii!!
I'm Larg (aka Black Mokona). Okay. o.O I guess that sort of makes sense...
Who knew?
I'm Watanuki! XD
I got:
Hmm... I'm Yuuko.
I guess my icon fits!
Wow, didn't expect Doumeki
Hmm... I'm Yuuko.
I guess my icon fits!
hehe same here :keke:
Yay! XD
I did not think Yuuko is as optimistic as I...O.o
I got Mokona! O.o I didn't expect that....
aww!!i got Kunogi Himawari! *sigh* i hope i can get Yuuko or Watanuki(he's cute) hehe!!
I'm Watanuki!!!
I'm Yuuko. :okay: I'm a bit surprised, not too much though.
I'm Himawari.................
I'm Doumeki, and I think it's accurate O.o
I'm Watanuki.....I thought I was more like Doumeki...or maybe both of them....??? *confused*
I got Himawari