Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: babypigggy on November 10 2005, 07:54 am
:rotfl: It's just a wonder, i mean
I LOVE DAISUKE..hes just..ahh! so cute ^_^
but i know..lots of people out there loves darkk..
Daisuke is so cute! i love him!
he is so sweet :) trying to help everyone :) what can i say i just love him :)
AHHH! it was hard to chose just for one!
But i think i like more bad boys so i pick Dark. (and he has wings!)
Daisuke is my like Daisuki-boy!!! >X3
But Dark is pretty cool... I think they are the best when they are together! ^_^
I like Daisuke and Dark. They're both cool and sexeh. :D
^ aha
the reason i didnt put both, was cause i just wanted to see ^_^
DAISUKE! i do like dark too, but i love daisuke, so cute...i wish he was real....
Of course Cuute Daisuke-Chan :"3
I like Daisuke better because he is young and cute. Dark on the other hand is handsome, but I always go for a fun loving person like Daisuke.
DArk is sexy, but then Daisuke is just adorable so I'm going for Daisuke! :inlove:
I like Daisuke and Dark. They're both cool and sexeh. :D
Totally agree with you XD
of course >.<
who could refuse daisuke (=
Daisuke is so kawaii!!!
I love both, but Daisuke is much more cuter. ^_^
DAISUKI DAISUKE! -glmps little Daisuke-
nyaaah~ i thought dark was much more popular, but daisuke is definately the crowd pleaser ^^:;
I love both, but Daisuke is much more cuter. ^_^
yup!!! i love Daisuke-kun *-*
nyaaah~ i thought dark was much more popular, but daisuke is definately the crowd pleaser ^^:;
Its cause Darks hot, but Daisuke's a cutie. Gotta love the cuties.
Daisuke-kun!! Kawaai little boy, with Syaoran-tastic seiyuu!! And his dub did Koutarou of Angelis Layer. ^_^ So it's all good.
i love Daisuke!!
i would go out with him if he was real.....
RiKu is soo lucky :booty:
nooo... where are all the Dark fans??  Daisuke is cute and i adore him but not as much as Dark... hes sooo sexy
Daisuke~! :D he's just so cuddable and kawaii <3
Voted for Daisuke, hehe
daisuke is too kawaii ^w^
i luv Daisuke and Dark
Daisuke is sooo cute
Dark is sooo hott
Wow! im the first one who voted none!
I like Dark and Daisuke.. but i love KRAD more!!! why not put Krad there?
He's so kind and nice :okay:
I like Daisuke best! He's kind and so kawaii! :inlove: I do like Dark too and think that he is cool, but Daisuke is better.
Dark! <3
Dark is so hot!
daisuki definitely...but its cool with both daisuke and dark arwe together...dark is funny!!! i think daisuki and riku are cute ne?
daisuki definitely...but its cool with both daisuke and dark arwe together...dark is funny!!! i think daisuki and riku are cute ne?
Bless you. <3
Daisuke Daisuke Daisuke! Wait, ew. Sound like that weird American/Doll/Thing girl.
I'm a huge Daisuke x Riku fan, so I have to show my support and vote Daisuke. Those two are so adorable together! XD
Dai-chan all the way! No doubt about that. I too am a big DaisukeXRiku fan, but I currently fear that their relationship is taking an unfortunate twist.
Daisuke! I loved it when Wiz tried to say his name but ended up saying dAISUKI :D Dark's not bad either but Daisuke's more Kawaii!
I've always been a bigger Dark fan than Daisuke, but Daisuke is awesome too!
dark-san is wayyyyy cooler!!!
Dark-san all the way! XD *waves the Dark banner*
*hands out Dark flyers*
Dark: Daisuke is stealing the popularity i deserve after i'm the cool smart guy!
Me: Of course and we expect an apology from Dai chan any day
Me: Dais.. i mean Niwa san
Dai: Sorry i'm sorry but the fangirls are doing this..
Me: Can't you say no to them??
Dai: I tried but they don't leave me!
Dark: Loser
Me/Dai: Thats too mean!
Dark: Ok ok sorry ..
Dai: No no Dark i'm sorry and now i had over all my votes to you...
Me/Dark: Yes!!!! Dark wins!!!
^ Nice one, Rusty... :keke:
cool! Anyway Daisuke is much more Kawaii!
Dark he's soo funny!lol
um...I think I like Daisuke better...uh no , I like Dark....ahhhhhh Its so hard to choose !!!
Right now I prefer Daisuke!!
AHHHHHH!!! I knew that someday this would come up and I will be forced to choose!!! Let's see...
Dark is the mysterious and handsome guy we all dream about (not to mention that he's a ladies man!!!) :noteworthy:
Daisuke is the sweet cutie boy next door type who you would just love to cuddle!!! :inlove:
AHHHHHH!!! This is too hard!!! but for this one I think I'll go with Daisuke??? Wonder why?? because not only does he steals art, he also can make great paintings!!! and he has Syaoran's seiyuu!!! (TRC Syaoran of course!) but I still love DARK!!!
DaiXRiku forever people!!! :hello2:
BTW what happend to all those Dark fans??? I thought loads of people would vote for him rather than Daisuke??? Oh well..... :sweatdrop:
It's just to hard to chooooooooooose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's hard to choose but i chose Dark!!!! coz he's sooooo damn HOOOOTTTTT!!!! *melts* anyway i think Hiwatari's HOOOTTT too!!
As I always say Dark's hotter but Daisuke's cuter :)
I picked Dark, but I like them both!!!
I like them both!!! But I think I'd choose Dark, I like his EYES!!!! DAMN!!! HIS EYES!!!!
at the moment I'm a Dark fan !!!!!!! he's soooooo cool and handsome !!!!!!!!!!!!
Dark is hot while Daisuke is cute......
dark all the way for me!!
*melts thinking of him*
I would always pick ultra kawaii Daisuke. Why because he is so nice and I wouldn't reject him if he asked me out. But he looks too young to be 14, but who cares, right?
Daisuke. Dark's a bit too much for his own good.
I like the one with glaring problems.
Daisuke ^.^ He's really cute and his personality is good.