Since there are people who like furuba, come discuss it here :rotfl:
I love Fruits Basket! Such a beautiful touching and funny Anime ^-^ I love Kyou!
Everyone loves Kyo! He he. My best friend does as well.
Fav Character: Momiji!!!
Others: Kagura, Kisa.
Momoji is so cute! But his story was so sad, I cried *Sniffles*. Hehehe my favorite couple pairing is Tohru and Kyou! *Gets bashes by Tohru and Yuki fans* XD
I don't mind who goes with Tohru, I like em both ^^ equally, though its all down to Tohru.
Momiji's story is sad... waaaa...
Yes it is T_T poor Momoji, but at least now he has a great family who loves and cares about him ^_^ Especially Tohru =3
Yeah, he and Tohru are best buds!
My other favorite character is Hatori! The crazy doctor! But I don't think he is crazy ^^U
He isn't crazy... he's upset... *cries*
Kyo is the best !!
and Yuki is really cool too ^_^
and Tohru is major sweet ^^
i'm a rabbit so i'm Momiji ^_^
I'm a sheep... >_________< so I'm Hiro.
I'm a Dragon, so I'm Hatori, since he is the Horse Sea XD
I don't know what I am....Ive never read the series before.^^;
I'm a monkey though...
You're Ritsu... the wierd person who is sorry about everything. Oh yeah, he dresses like a girl cos it makes him feel comfortable.
o_o...ano...no comment^^;
Don't worry, it could be worse... you could be his mother... the physco crazy woman ^^ lol xD
And Ritsu is good all in all... it's his mother that made him like that... in my opinion, Hiro [the sheep] is worse... he's a stubborn little kid.... sorta like me >__< im not as bad though.
haha, I don't think I'm anything like ritsu...hope not at least >.<
Hiro sorta looks like Syaoran in a way XD and kinda acts like it too hahaha ^_^U
Lmao. Hiro? In a way yes and in a way no. lol Hiro's so hott...[gushes] XD
Yes he is so adorable! Plus he is very overprotective and possesive over Kisa hehehe ^^
OH YES! They're just so cute together. Syaoran and Hiro have a lot of the same qualities and a lot of differences too. One thing for sure though is that they're both hott! xD :lol:
Syaoran is older and Hiro is younger XD Akito isn't bad idea excluding he is crazy and all XD
Yeah. Such hotties....[fantasizes] lol Akito..he freaks me out but he's really cool. ^^;
Although the manga about Akito lost my hopes T_T I don't want to give any spoilers here >_<
It started today and it's already long?!?!?! O_O wow! xD lots of furuba lovers! YAY!!!!!!
well....... of course I love Kyo! xD though my friend loves Yuki xD it's the only thing in which we disagree xD Touru and Kyo I say! xD
Buuuuut, my beloved in furuba (xD) is Hatsuharu ^^ he's so gorgeous!!!! xD and he has double personality just like me! xD gotta love him! xD when he's white haru he's so innocent! xD
And momiji, of course T-T his story killed me, and hatori's too T-T
Buuuut... I LOVE AYAME! XD he's a BLAST! xD he's SO SO SO SO SO SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!! XD
AHHHHHHHHH!!!! XDDDDDDD *starts laughing like crazy*
that man is kawaiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!! xDDDDD I love him!!!!!! xD (in a diffrent very special way xD)
and Shigure!!!!!!!!! xD ahhhh... I love the Mabudachi trio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhhhh.... I'll be back!!!!!!!! xD beware! xD
I watched the anime first and i was quite disappointed with the ending. It was like "Huh, how come the anime finished like that." Then I start to read its manga to better understand its story. Momiji's story used up quite a number of my tissues. He was such a strong boy at such a tender age. I also love tohru, yuki, kyo, kisa and hiro.
but some of my friends think Yuki's gay! XD It's because everyone treats him as a prince and stuff like that.
But my favorite is Kyo! The poor guy's been pushed around by the "rat" too much.
i like the anime graphics (all pastel-like) and music, especially the opening song~ :)
sadly, i dont see the manga coz of $$ restrictions, (i've got sooo much else to buy!!! tsubasa rc manga, PS2 games are daylight robbery, dvd-rs & rws, anime/game OSTs if i find them...*sigh*) but the anime seems good enuff for me 1 way or another~~ :) i'm actually quite satisfied considering the many other animes or mangas with worse and more confusing endings than fruits basket~ :D humour is always the no.1 thing i look out in seeing manga/anime so fruits basket definately won me over~~ :D
yaaaaay FB Lovers ^^
i dont' think hiro and syaoran are THAT similar...but i can see where you're coming from. i think the entire anime has so much meaning in it. i love it ^^
i reckon kyou +tohru as well...
* turns into kagura *
You say that Hiro and Syaoran are alike... I'll kill you.... lol xD
KYO +TOURU!!!!!!!!! ^o^
I loved all Furuba though when it ended i was like.. "Noo, i did not have enough!!!" ;_____; I did not have enough Ayame, Shigure & Hatori!!!!!!! I wanted more of those three!!!!! xD
And, I forgot to mention that I also love ayame (in my special kind of way xD) because I identify with him... since I'm the eldest of three and i fear that Ayame/Yuki's issue could happen to me and my lil' sis... :S ahhhhh...
I haven't noticed that Hiro and Shaoran had points in common! xD
Although the manga about Akito lost my hopes T_T I don't want to give any spoilers here >_<
>.< I...know...what...you...mean... *faints*
But the Anime never changed anything for me, so I'll still am Akito's fan! =D
Yeah the anime wasn't enough for me. :(
I love Fruits Basket! I like Yuki better than Kyo though....don't know why - he's the first sweet anime character I've ever had as a favourite! I normally like the cold ones!
well ya know what they say, nice guys finish last, thats why you girls go for the cold/evil guy
Actually.. most f my friends like Yuki more T-T only my friend Buuko and I support Kyokun..
^x^ Kyokun kawaiiii... nekozuki xD
I have a question! *raises hand* what do you think about the end??? i mean about kyo/touru/yuki
the end ? i Havn't Seen The End !!
Everyone I know likes Kyo the best. *Pouts in anger* but Yuki is so well developed in both the anime and the manga! Especially when you flashback to him being told that none of the kids would like him, because he's a freak.
(was that Akito that said that?)
yea that was akito
I have a question! *raises hand* what do you think about the end??? i mean about kyo/touru/yuki
Anime ending you mean? The ending was alright, but it was still good, I liked it ^_^, but the ending could have been better, I was expecting a lot more, like who Tohru chooses.
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But it kinda shows Tohru had chosed Kyou because she had accepted him, himself, true self and everything ^^
i like shigure best! LoL..coz he's funny, but smart.. :P
i remember [was it the first episode?] when they found honda, he started laughing his head off..
and then when he offered to go get her stuff and he was singing "Highschool girls~ Highschool girls~~!"
tehe.. :D
i like shigure best! LoL..coz he's funny, but smart.. :P
i remember [was it the first episode?] when they found honda, he started laughing his head off..
and then when he offered to go get her stuff and he was singing "Highschool girls~ Highschool girls~~!"
tehe.. :D
  That's a laugh!!!:ROFL: I like Shigure also because sometimes he really perky when the situation is getting serious.Sometimes,Yuki 'cause I found out in earlier episode that he got a brother that work in dressing shoppe(I can't stop laughing when Yuki' brother dress in wedding)!! :lol:
That's a laugh!!!:ROFL: I like Shigure also because sometimes he really perky when the situation is getting serious.Sometimes,Yuki 'cause I found out in earlier episode that he got a brother that work in dressing shoppe(I can't stop laughing when Yuki' brother dress in wedding)!! :lol:
LoL.. i remember that one.. tehee.. laughed my head off! hehe.. *starts watching Fruits Basket again*
Shigure's cool, but Yuki still beats him....
I like the first episode when Yuki hits Shigure over the head with his schoolbag
Those were great moments ^^
Yeah....which were your favourite scenes?
Shigure's cool, but Yuki still beats him....
I like the first episode when Yuki hits Shigure over the head with his schoolbag
haha.. that one was a good moment too! :P i like the funny parts best! tehe.. :)
i Love it everytime Kyo gets mad !!
Anime ending you mean? The ending was alright, but it was still good, I liked it ^_^, but the ending could have been better, I was expecting a lot more, like who Tohru chooses.
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But it kinda shows Tohru had chosed Kyou because she had accepted him, himself, true self and everything ^^
But the ending was still not enough for me. 26 episodes just don't cut it!
i Love it everytime Kyo gets mad !!
The neko-ears come out. :D
I haven't actually seen more than the first six episodes....
but I love it when Tohru's friends visit her and the Sohmas! When Yuki transforms into a rat, and Tohru searches through the puff pastries to find him!
The neko-ears come out. :D
oh yes, thats so cute XD
Not a big fan of the neko ears...I think Kyo's cuter angry as a cat!
It was soooo cute when Kyo was having his first day at the highschool and all the girls were surounding him when he was sitting at his desk and stuff and it showed him with cat ears and a cat tail^^ I thought that was cute and funny=^^=
I definitely agree with you all! ^^ Kyou does look so cute when he is a cat because he is chibi and adorable! *Huggles her Kyou plushie* =3
tehe.. i like it how their classmates call him cat-person and stuff.. hehe.. he was so cute.. mad.. :P
I know!! I love it when he gets angry, his ears pop up :haha:
I also love it when Yuki and Kyo fight. Thats just so funny to me. Even when they are both in they're animal forms. But something I don't get is why the rabbit dresses like a girl :sweatdrop:
cos he looks better in them, and he says they feel nicer ^^;;
Hehehe Momoji is so adorable! ^^ Everyone must love Momoji! LOL XD
I love how Yuki beats Kyo all the time...and then Kyo finds out he's been holding back on him when he's awake, becuas ehe tried attacking Yuki when he was half asleep
Poor Kyou always losing T_T
Poor Kyo geting beat up by Kagura... ha ha...
I know, Kagura scares me :sad5:
Anime ending you mean? The ending was alright, but it was still good, I liked it ^_^, but the ending could have been better, I was expecting a lot more, like who Tohru chooses.
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But it kinda shows Tohru had chosed Kyou because she had accepted him, himself, true self and everything ^^
Ahh, I know!!! 26 episodes are not enough!!! (where have I heard this...? ^^U)
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And yeah, I think so too, because even Yuki went there to help and it was like an acceptance or something... I dunno, but I felt like Touru had really chosen Kyochan
Kyokun always loses because he loses control T.T he should be more calm (which he cant be xD) and then he could have a chance against Yuki, because they're equally strong!!!
I hated Kagura at first xD Now I like her a bit :P
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Yup! She is the first to accept Kyou in his true form besides his guardian, but I agree Tohru had chose Kyou over Yuki, plus it just seems she cares more for Kyou ^^
Yes! Specially like when she said she liked the cat in the juunishi!!! that was so cute!!!!! ^-^
That's why Tohru and Kyou are made for each other! ^^
My mom is almost exactly like Kagura. Always wanting hugs and always pouting if she doesn't get enough attention or hugs or what not. But Kagura is really sweet once you get to know her I think^^ and Momiji is a cutie^^ I love it when he turns into the rabbit cause he's just sooooo adorable*giggles*^_^
i almost cried when honda and momiji were talking about his mom.. its sooo sad.. *sniffles* and yes he is a cutie.. :P
kaugra's ok to me.. she's a bit like meiling in CCS she loves him, and there's another girl around.. and they're "getting married" in the future.. :P its really cute how she first seems younger than them all and kyou acts older.. :P
I know that was soo sad. I actually did cry and so did my sister. But also i'm not sure who I think would be great together of the whole tohru with yuki or kyo thingy. tis a very tough choice for me.
But also i'm not sure who I think would be great together of the whole tohru with yuki or kyo thingy. tis a very tough choice for me.
i know! that's so true.. it'd be really hard for me to choose.. :P they're both really nice and need someone like honda in their lives.. :P
I know. I mean Yuki and Kyo ar just two great guys. if only they were like one person. then Tohru could be with them^_^
Yuki all the way!
My bf is alot like kyo. but h sometimes is like Yuki. how he can be so romantic and charming and stuf==^_^==
*thumbs up* ^_~
well i still like Kyo more ^^;
Can anyone tell me where I can read the Fruits basket books online?
Actually I'd like to download the chapters and then read them when I have time.
So, who do you get yours from, and who has the best translation?
Gomen ne, If someone has already answered this above.
I've only just finished book five, and I didn't want to come across any spoilers, so I didn't read the thread!
well i already asked them to not give out spoilers ...
and sorry i don't know
Can anyone tell me where I can read the Fruits basket books online?
Actually I'd like to download the chapters and then read them when I have time.
So, who do you get yours from, and who has the best translation?
Why not support the Manga and buy it, besides it's kinda illegal with still having scanlations because they're not suppose to have anymore since it is licensed by TokyoPop, but I don't know.
Can anyone tell me where I can read the Fruits basket books online?
Actually I'd like to download the chapters and then read them when I have time.
So, who do you get yours from, and who has the best translation?
Gomen ne, If someone has already answered this above.
I've only just finished book five, and I didn't want to come across any spoilers, so I didn't read the thread!
try directmanga.com.. that' where i'm STILL getting them.. LoL.. i got up to 24 and then stopped.. :P i'm d/ling them again now but.. :)
Why not support the Manga and buy it, besides it's kinda illegal with still having scanlations because they're not suppose to have anymore since it is licensed by TokyoPop, but I don't know.
I'd buy the books.
They are only up to number 8 here though, and they are up to 16 in Japan.
It seems like everyone here has read past number 8!
I've actually never read ANY manga online. I prefer the Del Rey translations for Tsubasa and xxxHolic, so I'm just waiting even though I think most people have read ahead!
I would like to go ahead and read Fruits basket up to what they are at in Japan though.
Why not support the Manga and buy it, besides it's kinda illegal with still having scanlations because they're not suppose to have anymore since it is licensed by TokyoPop, but I don't know.
i think i'm gonna go find some scanlations now ^_^
directmanga is available again.
i never read the fruits basket manga...but yeah, the ending is kinda incomplete to me...
uh .. sorry to ask again, but how many mangas of Fruits basket is there in total ?
There are 16 in Japan so far. Number 17 comes out in May I believe.
Here we are only up to number 8.
I've only seen a little of the anime so far, and I think that the manga is a lot more involved. Plus the anime ends around book 6! So, you are missing everything after that, which would be more than half the story, and it's still going!
The anime is good though, if you want to see scenes from the first six books.
And the seiyuu are really good.
Arigatou for giving me the download site, ani!
maybe one of the reasons they did the anime is to get them into it, wanting more, and having them then buy the manga ^^
oh, I LOVE fruits basket!!!!!I have the whole DVD collection!!Now for the mangas!!!hehe...^_^ " hm...lets see
tohru is so nice!but she worries too much XD
kyou...*drool* lol
yuki is so sweet!!!
momiji is so kute!!!and I agree, his story IS sad...T_T
Haru...excluding him being gay, I still like him...XD
Shigure...-_- hes funny...
Ayami kinda scares me...*shudders*
Hatori...hes dull...-_-
um...don't wanna go on any further...^_^ "
It looks like Direct Manga goes up to chapter fifty-something (can't remember exactly). That should probably go through about book 9 or so.
I'm getting ahead of myself here because I haven't read them all yet, but if anyone knows where to get the rest of the chapters that are out in Japan I'd be very grateful for the links!
Arigatou for giving me the download site, ani!
welcome.. :P
Oooh~ Furuba fans~ :hello2: hehe.. m obssessed with it~(besides Tsubasa) i already have all 26 eppies and vols 1-16 (waiting for vol. 17 :haha:)
Tohru: so cute and dense u just want to hug her~ :keke:
Kyo: hehe... my fav~ it makes me want to tease him~ like the way fye teases kuro-kong~ :lol: :rotfl: :lol:
Yuki: Well... he's chara development in the manga was cool~ (spoiler i think: glad he has friends~) :keke:
Shigure: Nyah~ ecchi... but still funny~ but he's being mysterious and all that freaks me out a little :heh:
Kagura: SCAWY~ but sweet and nice :heh:
Ritsu: Man, i wanna tell him to relax a little but he's still ok... :keke:
Haru: He's HOT nyah~ :D
Rin: She's good wid Haru~ nyah~ :D
Momiji: So KAWAII~~~ *huggles* :inlove: :rotfl:
Hatori: He's cool~ :keke:
Ayame: Nyah~ so funny~ i wanna have a friend like that~ :haha:
Kisa: so kawaii and hanyaan~ :inlove:
Hiro: I wanna see him wen he grows up~ take a guess hehe.. :hehe:
Kureno: he looks lyk Tohru's dad don't ya think :tongue3:
Akito: SPOILER:: she can be a brat :sweatdrop:
Uo: reminds me of Kyoko... :)
Hana: hehe~ cool powers~ :rotfl:
sowee if my post's too long :sweatdrop:
she ?
*sigh* the series is now ruined for me
m sorry for ruining it but m just a newbie so dn't know how much of this forum works so sowee~ :sad5: but i did put a big SPOILER on Akito's part... but still sowee~
are you serious?! omg.. i didn't know.. :cry: i'm only up to 24! :(
etto... -.-
OMG! I forgot about Hanachan! xD I love her, I love her!!! xD She's so freakin cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And her brother is sooo cuuute! xD Once in school we played about being furuba characters xD and I was Hana heheh ^^
And well, I've never read Fruits basket manga... but a friend of mine always fills me in the details ^o^
(My, I'd love to go to Japan and buy them all!!!!)
Oh man, I never even guessed about Akito!
I'm only on book 7.
That's okay though. It's not as big of a spoiler as some of them!
Luckily, it's the only one I've seen!
yeah the anime kinda sucks that it finishes in a weird spot... i'm guessing trc will be like that if it doesn finish at ep26
***yeah the anime kinda sucks that it finishes in a weird spot... i'm guessing trc will be like that if it doesn finish at ep26***
I really wonder about that. Will TRC anime cover ALL the books?
It kinda would seem strange to me for Clamp to put out an anime that doesn't cover the beginning through the end.
but to be honesy finishing on episode 26, i more common than any other number, they could just release another 26 episodes after that, series 2
If they add up another round of episodes that would be cool~ :D but then again there were a LOT of parts that the anime missed in the manga... so I wonder how they're going to do that *thinks* -_-
Fruits Basket is a great anime, but I don't like the way Yuki looks in the manga...he looks kind of strange...like him better in the anime
hm...I've never had the manga...but I will!!!Someday...!!!T_T
i think they're going to release series two.. :P i've heard about it..
i've read all the manga there is on dirctmanga.com now! omg...
do NOT read this spoiler if you have not read up to chapter 68 in the manga.. :P for your own good don't! :D
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omgosh! did you see the part where yuki kissed tohru?! and how kyou said he loved tohru?! just WHO is she going to choose?!
I heard that FUNimation (i think) was the one who promised a second season... -_-
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Yuki said to Manabe that he loves Tohru as a mother
Well, let's all just hope then. but then again, I wonder when are they going to show the series here at our area. Probably gonna take them 10 years. :(
i think they're going to release series two.. :P i've heard about it..
i've read all the manga there is on dirctmanga.com now! omg...
do NOT read this spoiler if you have not read up to chapter 68 in the manga.. :P for your own good don't! :D
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omgosh! did you see the part where yuki kissed tohru?! and how kyou said he loved tohru?! just WHO is she going to choose?!
oh shoot they will?!?!XD ok...i read the spoiler, and now I want the mange even more...XD
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in the latest chappies, it seems that the pairing is going to Kyoru (well as of now anywayz) and it seems that they're sorta pairing Machi and Yuki up
Don't read spoiler if you don't want to~ nyahn~ :cat:
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in the latest chappies, it seems that the pairing is going to Kyoru (well as of now anywayz) and it seems that they're sorta pairing Machi and Yuki up
Don't read spoiler if you don't want to~ nyahn~ :cat:
I love spoiling myself.... :XD: lol...and seriously? My friend would be mad once I tell her...hehehe :hehe:
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in the latest chappies, it seems that the pairing is going to Kyoru (well as of now anywayz) and it seems that they're sorta pairing Machi and Yuki up
Don't read spoiler if you don't want to~ nyahn~ :cat:
Yap! *jumps around* did you finish the manga already?
I am up to book nine now (reading it online) and I have TONS of questions!
I don't seriously want them answered, but I really wonder what's going to happen.
There are so many different plot lines running through this manga that you just about go crazy wondering what's going to happen to these characters!
Does anyone know how many books it will go to?
The manga's not done yet~ It'll end at around vol. 20 but m waiing for them nyahn~ :cat:
tehe.. only up to chapter 68.. :P that's all they have on directmanga.com.. :P does anyone know where i could read the rest or so online? :)
There are 108 chappies right now nyahn~ :cat:
gwah! really? mou.. that'd take me a while to find and read! :P
Ne~ what do you guys think about Shigure?
He's got a dual personality I think...
He can be really nice...but he's alos selfish and manipulating at times
i think hes funny!!!! :XD: but yet...strange in ways...O.o
Remeber when Tohru was living in a tent and Shigure and Yuki foudn out? Shigure was laughing for hours....
yeah...that part was kinda mean...XD
But very funny for us viewers!
But honestly, whislt Shigure may seem very kind and considerate, I think he has another level as well, where he uses peoplefor his own ends.
But I still love him!
I think Shigure is kind of cruel to his editor.... that poor woman has broken down so many times and is probaly on the brink of a heart attack anytime near a deadline. It seems funny the first time but then you think about it a bit.. How many times could this had happend (the mental breakdown part)?
I think Shigure is kind of cruel to his editor.... that poor woman has broken down so many times and is probaly on the brink of a heart attack anytime near a deadline. It seems funny the first time but then you think about it a bit.. How many times could this had happend (the mental breakdown part)?
um...I'm guessing around 3 times...:XD: but its funny when he teases her!!!
Hmm... actually more than that :sweatdrop:
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You know Ritsu right? well it seems that Takaya-sensei is pairing them up :sweatdrop:
To me his a perv... a funny one at that! nyahn~ :cat: Show content
though in the latest mangas... he seems to have something evil in mind :dodge:
i love the bit where yuki finds her crying outside looking like she was about to hang herself XD
You're so cheerful....
Yeah that was really funny lol. Why is he sooo mean to her though?
i have no clue XD anyone have any ideas?
Umm... he just enjoys torturing her??
maybe its because he has no one who luuurrrvvees him that he can spend so much of his time on..
or maybe he likes her! ^^;;
Hmm.. maybe... but i think he's just being sadistic ^^;
hm...maybe he does like her O_o
he likes someone else ^^;
Hmm.. maybe... but i think he's just being sadistic ^^;
LOL thats one reason why he's so cool XD
he likes someone else ^^;
and shush XD lol
he does?*scratches her head*
he does?*scratches her head*
thats what I was thinking :sweatdrop:
do you guys have the manga???
I love Shigure (Shi-san). He is so cool and kawaii. :inlove:
Maybe even my favorite character of the series.
I think he teases the editor lady because it's what she expects him to do, so he doesn't want to let her down.
I agree, it's too funny!
Poor lady.
I'm up to chapter 52 now and it's just getting better and better.
I have the feeling that Shigure likes someone, but I guess I won't know for a while.
of course i don't have the manga, i live in the uk
nope...but i was about to!!! -_-
of course i don't have the manga, i live in the uk
you can d/l it online @ directmanga.com (http://directmanga.com)
i have read up to chapter 68.. :P
of course i don't have the manga, i live in the uk
Ok, VexNet....if u want the manga...either go online, or look around in WHSmiths....they've just got a new manga line in, and Fruits Basket is one of the series available!
they do ? and Fruba is out here already ? gee... proves i havn't been looking inito it much recently
Just a quick off topic question:
How do you guys make your spoiler hidden so that there is just the word spoiler and it has to be clicked on to see the writing?
I don't have the manga but the sell one of the volumes a bestbuy^^;;
How do you guys make your spoiler hidden so that there is just the word spoiler and it has to be clicked on to see the writing?
use spoiler tags ^_^ [spoiler] [/spoiler]
Thanks so much AiKo!
Your welcome ^___^ glad to help :cat:
To Vexnet...
They started doing manga on Waterstones... they are actually the supplyers to amazon.. they sell 1 & 2 at the minute in store... though amazon has better variety.
and on that note...
Wow! Really Waterstones? Which section is it under? (like fantasy, classic etc)
I watched the episodes long ago but i lost the episodes in my hard drive. x.x; I love it though, anyone know where I can get direct download episodes of Fruits Basket/Furuba? Heh heh...usually I'm the one giving out media links on places where to download but now, I'm just stuck. :sweatdrop:
Hmm...from what I can remember Tohru didn't end up with either Yuki or Kyou-kun. ;__; Darn. lol
i'm so happy other UK people are here ^^ thanks for the info Espo
I watched the episodes long ago but i lost the episodes in my hard drive. x.x; I love it though, anyone know where I can get direct download episodes of Fruits Basket/Furuba? Heh heh...usually I'm the one giving out media links on places where to download but now, I'm just stuck. :sweatdrop:
gwah.. that sucks.. if i lost any anime on my computer i'd cry.. ^^;; :P any-who try this site.. its not exactly direct you need a client to d/l it: National Anime (http://www.national-anime.com)[/b] its not bit torrent.. so yeah.. :)
Yay...thanks Ani-chan!! I have bittorrent so its perfectly fine. ^^ Yeah, it sucks losing all my anime files. [sobs in corner] xD My favorite character frrom Furuba is Kyou!! [swoons] Such a hottie with a misunderstood personality! [is re-reading mangas] :inlove:
Why aren't all the zodiac animals in the anime?
Beats me XD
Why aren't all the zodiac animals in the anime?
they aren't yet finished making it.. :P
they aren't yet finished making it.. :P
oh shoot, really?! :XD: wait til' I tell my friends this, they'll freak out...haha...
Oh? I thought that there was only going to be one season...of 26 episodes was it?
*shrugs* it can't be over with that as its ending.. :P i've heard from one of my anime-freak friends that there's more to the anime.. but i don't know about any release days or such..
They aren't doing any more... I did research and they finished the series with that.. dunno why *shrugs*
and the tohru with kyo/yuki thing, that appears in the manga.. see that is still being done.. there are... sixteen books? and in japan there is up to 12/13 by now ^__^ ha ha... i think in 12 tohru starts thinking about 'relationships' from what i've heard.....
And Ruby Chan, I don't know where its under, but if you try the bigger chain stores they normally have some there.. under manga... 'cos I saw some how to draw manga books in one of the bigger ones... but not smaller ones... best bet is to have a look around in the kids section.
If you can't find any at Waterstones, try Borders... they do 'How to draw Manga' books as well... though I'm not sure.. I mostly get from amazon.
Yeah, amazon is where I get most of my amnga, although they do Fruba at WHSmiths as well....
I don't like the Kyo/Tohru pairing, though. I prefer Yuki/Tohru...but what from what I've heard, it just wasn't meant to be....
But in the anime (which is the only thing I've seen) it's so cute when Tohru tells Yuki that she doesn't mind her memory being erased if he'll promise to still be her friend! His rat eyes go all shiny and teary!
Yeah ^__^ I dunno about the pairings... i like them both... but... revealing it so later on.. your gonna get rebelled at by fans of the other pairing... mwa ha ^__^
i think that Kagura won't get Kyo... i think Tohru will... but... due to the manga and anime... i seem to pair KaguraxYuki as alternate pairings...
though, i don't know who tohru will pick.
Kagura x Yuki?
*Shudders* I hope that never happens...if he can't get Tohru, Yuki deserves some nice, pretty and kind girl who'd be able to understand him, and help him through whatever emotional damage Akito gave him.
Yep, that's right. Yuki may be smiling and nice all the time, but I'm starting to wonder what lies beneath that smile...it's obvious that he oftens hides what he's really feeling (except around Kyo!) Remember, I've only seen the first 6 eps...so forgive me if this has been proved/disproved by Fruba.
Akito told Yuki when he was young that he was some kind of freak, and it really hurt him. Yuki grew up shy, quiet...and most of all, desperate to please everyone. That's one reason he's jealous of Kyo - the cat isn't shy at all. Deep down, I think Yuki wnats to be a little selfish sometimes, but is unable to speak out for himself as much as he wnats to, because of the amount of emotional suffering he's been through.
He still has the nicest smile though....
You seem to be on the right track with your thoughts...
also.. in the later episodes... it explains why yuki is scared beneath his smile... *Cries*
And i know what you think about KaguraxYuki.. but.. in one of the last episodes.... when Kagura isn't on her rampage... she is very sensative and helps Yuki out..... and i sort of see something... *sighs* maybe cos they do act a bit like brother and sister. dunno.
Umm...pretty sure there was a spoiler on this board earlier...about Yuki having a crush on someone? I'd have a look, but I'm feeling a alittle bit lazy...pretty sure it wasn't Kagura though....
They're more like Mieling and Syaoran...a brother/sister kind of love.
One day, I hope that Yuki can smile from the heart...I wannna see what happens next by reading the manga, but Yuki looks kinda scary in it...and as he's my fav character, it kinda puts me off reading it.
He does... *puts it blunt*
as i said.. KaguraxYuki was an alternate pairing.. fpr Yuki in the actual thing.. i dunno who would suit him best...
oo...I know this isn't really part of what you all are talking about now, but what do you think about Tohru's realtives? I think they're all...MEAN!!!SO CUREL HEARTED!!But her grandpa rox!!!! Go grandpa!! :XD:
Yesh Tohru's grandpa's cool~!
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in the latest chap Tohru's grandpa had a talk with Kyo
Yeah. He's nice^^
hehe.. i like grandpa.. i think he's one of those people who thinks a bit like how tohru does.. :)
Yeah. And people like that are rare too. It was good that he slapped that guy though cause he was being really mean to tohru.
Go Grandpa!! ^____^
*raise hand if you think he rocks*
So... who should Yuki end up with???
Wish it could be Tohru....
Yeah.... but I thinks..... er... really, that would be it in the whole thing if we weren't going for alternates..... he he...
yeah, I'm going off the subject again ^^, but wat'cha think about the Yuki fanclub? @.@
they're so weird.. :dodge:
i really feel sorry for both them and Yuki.. :haha:
weird and funny~~ they're so OA
Obsessive. They won't leave him A-L-O-N-E for five minutes otherwise they die from heart failure of not seeing him...
See? I think this proves how brave Yuki is...and how nice...if they'd been my fanclub, I'd have lost my temper ages ago.....
But it also make him sadder...doesn't he already wish that people would get to know him for the inside and not the outside? Those brats just make it worse....
[sings horribly just like he 3 stooges *Yuki's Cheer Squad* ] L-O-V-E~!!!!! o____O; Everytime they get screentime on the anime series...I feel like slapping them. Or, breaking the TV. Whichever impulse comes first. :shifty:
Yeah, they do make it worst for Yuki. Poor guy. ;__; [cuddles imaginary-wannabe-Yuki plushie] <333333 Oh yes, about those girls. I can only stand them because my ever loveable and hott Kyou-kun is around, otherwise...I'd just have stopped watching the series altogether. XP :heh:
Then they blame it on Tohru! That she's always with Yuki and *keeps on going*
Evil demented kids. Do you think Megumi's curse took affect?
Evil demented kids. Do you think Megumi's curse took affect?
hmmm, dont think so , but wish it did, it would be very funny and them freakin' out because it was real
Maybe the curse took effect.... we just didn't see it
And, strange enough, the shots of those *shudders* girls weren't shown very much after..... mwa ha ha
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With someones name... i can put a cuse on them...
haha.. maybe the effect was that the creators didn't put them in the anime so much afterwards.. haha..
Fruits Basket has been updated on Directmanga.com up to chapter 83 now!!!!!!
*gwah* ~! arigato Sakaki-chan! :D
:keke:KYO!!!! he is SOOO cuTE!!! seriously! has made me love cats even more!!!
awe pooor Yuki....he's a funny guy but i feel sorry for him sometimes...
Oh wow! Just watched the second DVD! It's even better than the first!
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Oh, it was so sad when Yuki had that asthma attack! And even though he was choking, he still didn't wnat to go back to the main house! And Hatsuharu's concern for him was so sweet!
Oh, and the way Shigure tortures his editor (Mei-chan?) is so funny! It had me in stitches!
Ruby Chan, I have the DVD's coming. I've only seen the second DVD, but I've read pretty far. I have to get downloading at directmanga though and catch up to what they have now.
Hatsuharu is adorable. He really cares about Yuki.
I can't wait to see what is going to happen with this series.
I really want to see what ends up happening with Shigure.
I've seen all of it!! HA!!!! lol...:XD:
haha.. you mean the anime? same here! :D
I can only get one DVD a month with my allowance, so its taking a long time. But what do you mean about Shigure?
Personally, I don't thikn the Sohma curse is the zodiac thing - it's Akito (who's finally appearing in a main role in the 3rd DVD! Yay!). That guy is plain nasty!
I own and have watched all the episodes, I love them! and I love the manga but haven't read all of them yet! my 3 favorites are Hatori, Ritsu, and Akito. I'm kinda weird in the fact that I love the Prince Yuki fan club (they are SO desperate) and I think Yuki should end up with the president chick. but thats just me.
haha.. you mean the anime? same here! :D
thats awesome!!
I can only get one DVD a month with my allowance, so its taking a long time. But what do you mean about Shigure?
Personally, I don't thikn the Sohma curse is the zodiac thing - it's Akito (who's finally appearing in a main role in the 3rd DVD! Yay!). That guy is plain nasty!
Yeah I had to get my DVD's with my allowance too, but lucky me I had enough money! :keke: then after I bought it, I was broke...T_T but oh well!!! It was worth it!! :XD:
I own and have watched all the episodes, I love them! and I love the manga but haven't read all of them yet! my 3 favorites are Hatori, Ritsu, and Akito. I'm kinda weird in the fact that I love the Prince Yuki fan club (they are SO desperate) and I think Yuki should end up with the president chick. but thats just me.
I think they're kinda funny how they're despreate... :XD: and I read a few parts of the manga...and it just made me wanna have it more...T_T
i love the anime! [i've read up to whatever directmanga has up.. ^^
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i can't believe that akito is the spirit master guy..~!! no wonder all / most of the 'cursed' sohma's don't like him or fear him.. :(
Erm... m not sure if this is a spoiler but i'll put it just in case :sweatdrop: (it's about the anime)
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wah~ Rin(the horse) and Kureno(the rooster) are not in the anime~ :( It would be really cool if they were in it... -_-
Erm... m not sure if this is a spoiler but i'll put it just in case :sweatdrop: (it's about the anime)
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wah~ Rin(the horse) and Kureno(the rooster) are not in the anime~ :( It would be really cool if they were in it... -_-
i AGREE !!
i wonder if they were left out on purpose ?
are they not very important characters in the manga ?
*has not read the manga*
Erm... m not sure if this is a spoiler but i'll put it just in case :sweatdrop: (it's about the anime)
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wah~ Rin(the horse) and Kureno(the rooster) are not in the anime~ :( It would be really cool if they were in it... -_-
That would be cool...XD
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I kinda envy Rin, ya know? Cuz she used to go out with Haru...haha...lucky her... :XD: and it would be cool if Kureno was in it, seeing him with Uo in the anime, that would be totally awesome!
well, its not really, but yeah...I always wanted to do this! :XD:
About Rin and Haru :keke: warning: this is a major spoiler
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I'm so happy Rin and Haru ended up together~ :love5: it's sad that Rin's long beautiful hair was cut... :( but then again she also looks pretty with short hair
Book nine is out here now, with a sweet picture of Ayame on the cover!
We finally get to see just who wears the cap.
Of course, you guys probably already knew!
This is as far as I've read.
Have to get myself over to directmanga!
About Rin and Haru :keke: warning: this is a major spoiler
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I'm so happy Rin and Haru ended up together~ :love5: it's sad that Rin's long beautiful hair was cut... :( but then again she also looks pretty with short hair
oh so they do?
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I thought they broke up...or from what I heard...-__- oh well! now I envy Rin even more! lol :sweatdrop:
oh so they do?
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I thought they broke up...or from what I heard...-__- oh well! now I envy Rin even more! lol :sweatdrop:
uh huh
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yup they did break up cuz of someone but they got together after an incident
KYAAA! i luv' furuba! i'm readin da manga online now...it such pity theres no furuba manga at my plce....*cries a sea* T___________T it so SUX!! X__X i also wanna c da anime..dload i mean ^^ [ any1 who is a member of boxtorrents , plz PM me if u're willing 2 help me! will be extremely glad!^____^] las of all, KYOU IS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!
uh huh
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yup they did break up cuz of someone but they got together after an incident
oh cool...
KYAAA! i luv' furuba! i'm readin da manga online now...it such pity theres no furuba manga at my plce....*cries a sea* T___________T it so SUX!! X__X i also wanna c da anime..dload i mean ^^ [ any1 who is a member of boxtorrents , plz PM me if u're willing 2 help me! will be extremely glad!^____^] las of all, KYOU IS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!
lol he is, isn't he?
yup! he iz... :okay: *glomps kyou-chan!* ^___^
yuki & haru & momiji r kawaii too but KYOU iz da cutest!
i'm juzt until chap. 28 *da manga*...man, me haf a loooong way 2 go!
i love the anime! [i've read up to whatever directmanga has up.. ^^
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i can't believe that akito is the spirit master guy..~!! no wonder all / most of the 'cursed' sohma's don't like him or fear him.. :(
What exactly is that?
***What exactly is that?***
Ruby Chan, not sure if you are asking about the spoiler, or about what direct manga has up.
I think they are up to 83 now.
I'm only on 54. Jeez, I really should get to downloading.
If you are asking about the spoiler, I knew it, but haven't read that far yet, so would have a hard time explaining!
I read all of the manga chapters that are currently out already. Eyes and brain hurt from reading too much. ;_; lol So worth it though. :wink: Oh yeah, I've seen all the episodes of Furuba except the last (noooo! >>;) and I was wondering where to get it. I won't download it at boxtorrents because that's stupid. It would take like 2 weeks for me to just see one measley episode and if I went out and bought it would be a waste too. e-e;; I'm in a rut...xD
Well yeah. Anyway, Kyou-kun is just so uberly sexy. :inlove: Note to self:Start on Kyou shrine immediately after making 3 other GSD related sites. ><;; Directmanga is the perfect place to download mangas but sometimes they're down which is irritating but it can't be helped. xP :sweatdrop:
Well yeah. Anyway, Kyou-kun is just so uberly sexy. :inlove: Note to self:Start on Kyou shrine immediately after making 3 other GSD related sites. ><;; Directmanga is the perfect place to download mangas but sometimes they're down which is irritating but it can't be helped. xP :sweatdrop:
lol to me he isn't the only sexy one. Haru n' Yuki r sexy too :hehe: and some of the other dudes are pretty cute...I guess... :shifty: :okay:
Haru, Kureno, Yuki, Hatori, Shigure [rambles on] But Kyou's my #1 bishie!!! :inlove: XDD
Shigure is MINE! Lol!
Just wondering, where do you guys get your Furuba fix? Or where do you guys get to read the Volumes? I've been searching the web forever and can't seem to find any manga scanlations for Fruits Basket.. >>; I've read all the current manga chapters but I deleted them (*shoots self* XD) and I wanna re-read a few of the chapters. One that I wanna re-read is when Kyou admits to himself that he's in love with Tohru. ;_; Acck! Must find the manga...XP If you can help thank you and if not, thanks anyway! :sweatdrop:
***Just wondering, where do you guys get your Furuba fix?***
has up to chapter 83.
I'm only up to 54 right now though.
When you download from them you might get a server is busy message.
Make sure you wait one full minute before trying again, or you'll keep getting that message. I've always managed to get through eventually.
And, I wasn't kidding..........Shi-san is MINE, MINE, MINE! :lol:
furuba fix??? O.O wats dat?? anyway, i read furuba at mangaviewer....*hope dat helps* ^____^
p.s: N kyou is MINE N MINE ONLY!!! ^^
***What exactly is that?***
Ruby Chan, not sure if you are asking about the spoiler, or about what direct manga has up.
I think they are up to 83 now.
I'm only on 54. Jeez, I really should get to downloading.
If you are asking about the spoiler, I knew it, but haven't read that far yet, so would have a hard time explaining!
I was talking about what was put in the spoiler...
Yuki has got to be the best character! It was so funny when Haru and Tohru were walking up the staris, and Haru said that Yuki was his first love! Did you see Tohru's face?!
Sorry if that was a spoiler for anyone, but as it wasn't really connected to the plot, I thought that it wouldn't be.
lol yeah that was funny
Mhm..I realize the lack of Furuba episode downloads on the net nut stumbled upon this one site where they have episodes 1-17 (13-16 aren't linked..e-e;;). Its still an awesome site nonetheless and just wanted to tell you guys.
SyaOran, you are awesome!
Don't know how you find out about all these download sites!
^^ weiii
Ahaha...not really. I just have a way of discovering sites with my favorite series. ;P Your welcome anyway. If you need help finding a series PM me and I'm sure I'll know a link to help you out. :keke:
I've only read 1-8 and half of volume 11. TwT I'm going to get volume 9 hopefully Tuesday though.
Squeee..this series is my favorite. Is it just me or are there any other people that think Natsuki Takaya is AMAZING? :inlove:
Definitely amazing!!! ^^;; Oh yeah, just discovered this site with all the eps for direct download. Its slow but sooooo worth it since you can't get FB anywhere nowadays. >>; lol Here, have fun! =D Just seach for it in the media, its all there. ^__^
Thanx Sya0ran ^^
*give u a cookie*
Thanks Zeldi-chan!! ^^ The quality is very low but at least you get to watch it. I finally watched episode 26...XD Made me cry but I'm glad the manga is still going on. :heh:
Me wanna buy it....but me hav no money..sniffle.
I hav decided to put up with evil looking Yuki in order to read all abput FB! I liked the anime, so I should LOVE the manga, right?
Lol. Yep, although I agree he scares me a little. e-e; XD I got my friend to burn me a copy of his FB DVD's. ^^ So, now I'm happy. xD Sometimes you gotta put up with things you don't like in life in order to enjoy what you really love best. In this case, Furuba. ;P
I have the box set so Iv'e seen the episodes. Episode 26 made me cry too!
And I got volume 9 yesterday. *eats it* ^^ It's awesome.
I get disk three tomorrow.
Can't wait to see Ayame on the anime!
And I believe there is an interview with Seki-san!!
Yea!! :inlove:
lol the 3rd disk is cool...
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The first epi on the 3rd disc if funny! But later on in that epi is kinda creepy...cuz Akito shows up...dun dun dun!!!!!!! -_-
he´s scary :cry:
I'm looking forward to the episode where
Ayame comes the most, I think.
He's just so funny and drives Yuki crazy. :lol:
I wanna see Ayame so bad....I really think his relationship with Yuki is funny....
But I think I wanna see Akito even more...I saw the episode preview for it, and it looks awesome! Poor Yuki looks so scared!
he´s scary :cry:
yes he Show content
or shall we say she?unless he's a she only in the manga...wait...I got lost...:XD:
He's cooler in the manga though. Akito anyway. And Ayame. ^^
akito seems more creepy in the manga...in ways...but besides the fact that he's kinda cruel to the others, hes a pretty OK person.
He´s weird
then he´s gay :haha:
oooh! arigatou sya0ran ! 4 da links they r soooo awesome! ^____^ *wish me could give u a cookie*
*shiver* akito IS creepy....
Awww. Akito is creepy but not too creppy. Just a guy with issues ^^;;. I LOVE Fruits Basket. I didn't think it would get popular but it actually did! w00t! :okay:
Furuba not be popular? O.O
I love it too. *hugs all her manga volumes*
You can tell this manga was popular, because it's one of the few that WHSmiths actually sell in their manga range....
As you can prob tell from my other posts, I'm a die hard Yuki fan...but can anyone give me a pick of the guy who looks like a girl? Ritsu? Is that his name? He sounds amusing.
oh yes...ritsu...*chuckles*
Here's a site with tons of pictures. :keke:
oh yes...ritsu...*chuckles*
Here's a site with tons of pictures. :keke:
cool site ^^ N i dun think i haf ever seen a guy who dresses like a gurl....hmmm..d they really exist??? LOL at first i really DID believe ritsu waz a gurl o__O
yay! finally saw furuba eppy 1!!! *jumps wid joy* it was sooo COOL! *goes 2 dload oder eppys* me can't wait 2 see them all..^___^
couldn't haf done it widout u guyz *huggles all* ^___^
ummm one question : iz rin adopted by kagura-chan's family?? why? iz it bcuz she dezn't haf a family OR.........?? i THINK she dezn't appear in da anime much.....* ou-o waz dat a spoiler??? O.O*
ummm one question : iz rin adopted by kagura-chan's family?? why? iz it bcuz she dezn't haf a family OR.........?? i THINK she dezn't appear in da anime much.....* ou-o waz dat a spoiler??? O.O*
Rin doesn't appear in the anime :sad5: Show content
as far as i remember, it' was Hiro's family who was taking care of Rin :keke:. Rin's family sorta kicked her out of their house :dodge:
Ok...this may sound silly...but could someone explain Akito to me? About the he being a she thing you lot keep talking about. Is that true? I thought he was a member of the zodiac....
Sorry. I'm only on the 2nd DVD, and I haven't read any manga.
well...in the anime, they all say Akito's a he...and in the manga I've always heard that Akito was a she....(but he...she...whatever doesn't look like a girl!!!!)
yea that´s right it´s weird and he´s still gay
he's like...that child from The Seed Of Chuckie...they didn't know if it was a girl or guy...haha...
yuki looks like a girl i think that's what they might mean as akito being a girl? haha.. because he looks like one? or something
i don't know.. i'm kinda confused right now.. :confused:
eto....wen tohru-chan 1st met wid akito she thought him as 'beautiful' *dat's wut i think......>.<* N yuki is also considered as 'Beautiful' in his school soooo...maby there is a chance dat he might be...yea kno , she.......>.< 2 me, he *cough* kinda looks like a spoiled brat or somthin....alwayz has 2 be taken care of by hattori, sayz unmeaningful things 2 people, ummm..jealous of tohru-chan???? *cuz she brings happiness 2 da jyuunishi*
yeah I think he's spoiled and selfish... :XD:
He wants to be in control too.....he made Hatori blind in one eye, didn't he, just ebcause the poor guy wnated to get married!
i know! and he blamed it on kana!!
I think Akito's just lonely. I mean in case the curse gets broken, the jyunishi plus cat will be free and probably Akito's scared to lose that bond or something like that
yea maybe u will never know
i don't get it but.. hatori is always tending to him coz he's sick.. why is akito always sick? perhaps that has something to do with the curse?
hey..thats right...hes always sick...>_>
he´s insane
I think Akito's a hypochrondriac! Isn't that what you call people who keep thinking they're ill?
i think so yea
I agree w/ that!!! :okay:
(Damn!!They launched their anime in the Phil.again but in Saturday morning again!) :sweatdrop:
this has been quite a long conversation about Akito...@_@
Well, he's a very confusing person...but if anyone's getting bored of his mini topic.....
Do you think the curse of the Sohma's will ever be lifted?
***Do you think the curse of the Sohma's will ever be lifted?***
Maybe when the Rat and the Cat fall in love?
Maybe when the Rat and the Cat fall in love?
LOL maby......somthin has 2 happen in da end ^^ wonder wut will happen 2 tohru , kyou ......
hm....that would be nice...but then they won't turn back into their cursed forms anymore, huh? T_T
Maybe Tohru will end up convincing akito that he has been doing bad things
and will convince him to let the animals free and live thier own life.
Hmmm...That a good idea if happened!! :okay:
Maybe Tohru will end up convincing akito that he has been doing bad things
and will convince him to let the animals free and live thier own life.
that sounds very tohru like.. ^^ but i'm doubting that kind of conclusion.. ^^
oh well
it's nice to dream isn't it.
that would be so nice if that did happen or could happen or what not^^;;
sounds good to me
I've forgotten what this whole thing was about!!
Are we still talking about Fruits Basket?
How about Kureno?
Does anyone have any good ideas about what will happen with him and why he is hardly ever allowed to leave?
I've never seen him actually transform yet, maybe he has an even bigger personality change than Hatsuharu.
Who's that again? Or is he in the manga, because I haven't read it yet....
Kureno isn't in the anime.
He's rooster-san, and you see him around book nine. (can't remember for sure)
He's really sweet and cute, and is around Shi-san's age.
But he's hardly ever allowed to leave.
He meets Arisa at a store and that's the first time he'd ever been to one!
i love rabbits so my fave character is Momiji
i feel sorry for what happened to momiji umm... later ... on .... in .... the .... manga.. ^^;; gomen ne! i think i just gave off a spoiler? :P
I love momiji too.. ^^ he's so bright and cheerful.. I love his song too.. ^^ hahaha..
Momiji is sweet, but my favourite character is still Shigure.
He's getting into trouble in the eighth manga though.
I'm waiting for someone to seriously kick his butt!!
At some point someone is going to really let him have it.
Poor Shi-chan.
i know i love Tohru and Momji andthe tiger.
love them they are the sweetest.
they have a really good selection of avatars form the series
in www.fruits-basket.com they have caps of episode
and a litttle screen shots.
Yeah, the site is pretty good. I managed to get a friend hooked by making her simply watch the trailer there! Plus the wallpaper are very good.
Shigure is funny (poor editor) but I still prefer Yuki so far. And I think I'll like Ayame almost as much when I finally buy DVD 3
***And I think I'll like Ayame almost as much when I finally buy DVD 3***
Oh, Ayame is hilarious!
Get him and Shigure together and they are so funny.
They drive everyone else crazy, especially Yuki and Kyo.
Yeah, your vid showed me those pics of Hatori, Aya and Gure, so I know I'll love it.
i got another web site please check it out. But you have to be a member to dowload and believe me it's wort it.
so very cute Fruit Basket pictures.
I adore Fruits Basket. When I first saw it, I couldn't help but smile and laugh. Not only that but I wanted to know what would happen next.
As I began to watch it more, it was a mixture of comedy and drama, of which you don't find every often in anime unless there is some other anime out there that is similar to Furuba. But either the episode is very funny or very sad. Especially towards the end of the series. ;-;
I just adore all the characters. <33
But my favorite characters: Kyo, Tohru, Hatori, Hatsuharu and Kisa. :D
I really liked Fruits Basket for the comedy/drama. but the ending really just.... threw that right out thr window. so it was disappointing :(
If you're talking about the anime, it wasn't really an ending. They just stopped turning the ongoing manga into an anime then.
Read the first Fruits Basket manga now, so I'm happy! And I'll have DVD 3 in a few weeks! I can't wait for the memories of when Hatori was less uptight! Or is that just in the manga?
And I'll have DVD 3 in a few weeks!
Oh, that has a really nice interview with Seki Tomokazu on it!!
I've heard rumors that there may be a second seasons to Furuba. It's only a rumor, though! I don't know if it's actually true.
If only.. *sigh*
Oh, that has a really nice interview with Seki Tomokazu on it!!
Which voice actor is that? Kyo's?
Yes, he does Kyo.
Also he does Shuichi ~ Gravitation
Touya ~ CCS
Dee (is that how it's spelled)? ~ Fake
Kamui ~ X Movie
and tons more!
I don't think Seki does a role that isn't shounen-ai. :lol:
Well, the Kyo thing we don't know yet, since it isn't finished!
Yes, he does Kyo.
Also he does Shuichi ~ Gravitation
Touya ~ CCS
Dee (is that how it's spelled)? ~ Fake
Kamui ~ X Movie
and tons more!
I don't think Seki does a role that isn't shounen-ai. :lol:
ahh.. no wonder he sounded a bit familiar when i first watched FB.. ^^ I heard him first from CCS! ^^ :D
Yeah, Sakaki, that's how you spell Dee. Kyo.....I'd love for him to be shonen-ai with Yuki, but looking at the manga, that dream is down the drain. Pity....they looked so kawaii together when Tohru imagined them.
By the way, as a person who's only seen the dubbed version, are the japanese seiyuu better or worse than the dubbed voices?
Oh, believe me, they Japanese seiyuu are very, very, very good.
Their voices are packed with emotions, very angry or sorrowful when they need to...
BTW... is the author intending for Tohru to be with Kyo or Yuki? I can see that Kyo and Tohru spend time together quite a bit at that summer beach thing, but Yuki and Tohru seem to get along very well, too, since the beginning...
I think Tohru's going to be with Kyo...Yuki had a crush on her, but from some of the things he's been saying, he appears to have a more motherly love for Tohru. Hmph. If Yuki can't be with Kyo, he should have been with Tohru!
I like the english voice actors though...especially Yuki and Shigure's...they're very well played.
By the way, as a person who's only seen the dubbed version, are the japanese seiyuu better or worse than the dubbed voices?
I'm not sure I should answer this.
I am really against dubs, so even saying that, I have to say that it's the difference between a rock and a diamond.
Japanese seiyuu take their job SERIOUSLY!
You can't really imagine the difference unless you hear it for yourself.
English voice actors put no emotion into it whatsoever compared to the Japanese.
The characters are real when the Japanese seiyuu do them, and totally flat when done in English.
I'm going to stop before I start ranting now.......:heh:
I've always liked Kyo x Tohru together and nothing is going to change my mind! :heh:
is the author intending for Tohru to be with Kyo or Yuki?
Who knows yet, it's still going.
Maybe she won't end up with either of them.
I'd like to see her with Shigure though and Yuki and Kyo with each other.
Wouldn't that be funny if that really happened?
Can't wait to see what does happen.
doh, I've missed so much...@.@
i also like Touru and Kyo together ;D
Yuki feels that Touru is like a mother to him o.o Kyo.. maybe does not...
I don't know where I can find the scripts or the scans of the manga 9_9 ? I only have some chapters >_<
It was kinda obvious *sigh* that she'd be with Kyo anyway....in the very first manga, Tohru said...
"I mean, I could never be mad at you! love you! I've always loved the cat from the zodiac!"
It was kinda obvious *sigh* that she'd be with Kyo anyway....in the very first manga, Tohru said...
"I mean, I could never be mad at youI love you! I've always loved the cat from the zodiac!"
I agree ^^ But then there was this kinda doubt with me that maybe she might fall for Yuki as well? But in the end I didn't really think that she would choose anyone. Tohru is kinda clueless to this whole 'love' relationship through most of the episodes.
i also like Touru and Kyo together ;D
Yuki feels that Touru is like a mother to him o.o Kyo.. maybe does not...
I don't know where I can find the scripts or the scans of the manga 9_9 ? I only have some chapters >_<
try here: http://www.directmanga.com/series/fruitsbasket.html
interesting site there ani lolchecked it out<<<<<
Fruits Basket <3! I love Hiro x Kisa, too cute, it reminds me so much of Sakura x Syaoran though....maybe that's why I like it so much :XD: I'm an odd ball who loves Shigure x Ayame, oh and Hatori x Ayame is good too ^^, and so far in teh manga
Show content
Akito x Shigure is pretty much dead on canon
As for Kyo x Tohru x Yuki...I think an indepth analysis is at call :lol: SPOILERS GALORE
Yuki x Tohru
I loved this pairing, and I think, I still do. Yuki's not-so-subtle advances and Tohru's kindness and naive personality make this pairing real cute. The atmosphere is calm and reserved when there together. They do simple things together, like working in Yuki's garden, or going shopping, or even studying together, and it was just an adorable relationship. However, I can't help but admit that Yuki must have always viewed Tohru as a mother figure. Lets start off in the very beginning: Yuki is the prince of Fruits Basket, he his handsome, smart, athelitic, strong, in a sense perfect. He's idolized by both men and woman alike, people pratically love him, and I guess, Yuki was getting sick of it. Now, Tohru never really worships him does she? She cooks for him, cleans for him, gives him advice. She treats him as Yuki not the Prince, and that must've been a breath of fresh air. Now, maybe at first Yuki fell in love with that trait, but I think he realized that their relationship was 'give and not recieve', he even says so himself. Tohru gives and gives, and to him, he thinks he has done nothing for her. In essence, this is very motherly. He says so himself that he saw Tohru as a woman when she hugged Kyo when he turned into his true form. AS sad as it is, I dont think Yuki ever needed love from a woman, but rather a motherly figure that he always wanted. He gets enough love and admiration at school, and frankly, I think he's sick of it. Yuki x Tohru was always a very 'mother-son' relationship, and I guess, people failed to see that. I am dissapointed with how Yuki/Tohru has turned out, but I'm willing to be open-minded.
Kyo x Tohru
I'm starting to really love this pairing, maybe because Kyo is just so amazing? Either way, this pairing is getting exceptional :inlove:
First off, the first thing I noticed in this pairing is how much Tohru loves the cat. That, right off the bat, spelled 'potential'. Now, Kyo is a very cold and distant person, who is rash and vile to some. His only dream is to defeat the mouse and be accepted in the Souma family. However, he becomes much more kind when Tohru beomes his friend, and to me, Kyo always viewed Tohru as a woman. He also admits he loves her. Reading the latest volumes, Tohru promised that she would keep her mother formost in her heart, however, she cant help but have feelings for Kyo. What feelings she is speaking about? I have no clue, but the fact that she fears her mother's replacement says something, and that is her feelings are strong for Kyo. Another example is how she didn't run away when Kyo turned to his true self, or how she didn't despise him. I think, her bravery, and compassion, and her feelings for Kyo made him a better person. She is kind to him like anyone else, but he treasures her kindness, and he helps her out alot as well. He encourages her to stick up for herself, and he looks after her. Another thing, that isn't really fact, but just an opinion, is how they were both outsiders. Tohru, in the game of Fruits Basket was chosed as a rice ball, and she was teased for it, and she knew, in the game, no one would say "Riceball", Kyo has the same problem too, acceptness, he wants to be accepted in the Souma family. I think they can both support each other, and knowing they have the same problem, makes them more right, I think. I do hope I'm not being extermely biased in this, since I love Kyo x Tohru and Yuki x Tohru, however, I see more 'reaction' from Tohru when Kyo does something kind/compassionate. I also noticed how they both 'go out' now, and the talk Momiji Show content
a exceptionally older looking MOMIJI *gasp
and Kyo shared just intesfies my belif that they will most likely end up together.
Now, to those who say: How about Yuki? Well...Show content
Yuki and this girl named Machi are becoming extermely close, in fact, I heard they are really close to kissing, but Machi's phone goes off, though it hasn't been confirmed.
Yuki x Kyo
I've always loved this pairing, in fact, its one of my favoruites, but the mangaka hs been making the idea more farfetched.*cringes* Either way, there fights are really cute, and Tohru's little scenario made my day when I read/watched that ~!
Yuki x Tohru x Kyo
I think, I'd rather them be together, than be split up though, Kyo x Yuki is an exception :XD:. I dont want to see the other one hurt since I'm really fond of them, and I'd rather them be friends forever :haha:
You know what would be interesting? If after all of this Tohru ends up with Momiji....
Personally, I think she should be with Yuki, just because of their brief meeting when they were children.
As for Kyo........... He's mine. :)
i tired reading fruits basket 1 today... and i was just plain confused. maybe i'm just tired, or maybe it's just cluttered. The art was decent, but the way the pages read... it was just... odd. Tsubasa is simpler.
I haven't read the manga yet, I should sometime..
Yeah, because there's alot of monolouges in Fruits Basket, but you sota get use to it after awhile.
You know what would be interesting? If after all of this Tohru ends up with Momiji....
Personally, I think she should be with Yuki, just because of their brief meeting when they were children.
Oh? Was it Yuki who led her home, and she had the hat from then? I thought it was Kyo.....
Initally the hat WAS Kyo's. But then Yuki found it and tried to give it back but Kyo didn't want it after that :sweatdrop:
I think there is a whole chapter dedicated to that...Not sure..I have the scans from a website.
mine would be tohru
i tried reading fruit basket 1 also but i dint understand so i gave up and retuned it to the library. im done here now
Ok...I'm on volume 2 of what? There's at least 17 volumes, right? I need to buy more.....
But one thing I do miss is Kyo and Yuki's actual fights.....they may keep arguing, but their fist fights seem to be getting fewer and fewer......and I really enjoyed those, especially the way they were shown in the anime.
Trust me...after more volumes, the fighting reduces to profanity...to muttering...to growls...to nothing. Fact is, annoyance is probably the only thing they feel to each other.
If you watched the anime Show content
Yuki helps Kyo so all that resentment and hate is sorta reduced. They see no purpose in fighting, at least Yuki doesn't, and Kyo just tries to ignore everything. Him turning into that monster shed some light I guess
I miss em too, they were hilarious :XD:
As for Momiji and Tohru hooking up Show content
Momiji has a little bit of a crush on her, more serious then the admiration he had for her in teh beginning. And him and Kyo talk and he 'teasingly' says that if Kyo doesn't get her fast, he will take her away. Reason why I say 'teasingly' is teh fact that he sounded serious about it. Personally, if Kyo doesn't get Tohru, Momiji deserves it. He had a hard life
Momiji reminds me of Fai so much, with the fake smiles and jokes. He had such a rough past, its rather saddending *hugs momiji plushie*
Trust me...after more volumes, the fighting reduces to profanity...to muttering...to growls...to nothing. Fact is, annoyance is probably the only thing they feel to each other.
If you watched the anime Show content
Yuki helps Kyo so all that resentment and hate is sorta reduced. They see no purpose in fighting, at least Yuki doesn't, and Kyo just tries to ignore everything. Him turning into that monster shed some light I guess
I miss em too, they were hilarious :XD:
As for Momiji and Tohru hooking up Show content
Momiji has a little bit of a crush on her, more serious then the admiration he had for her in teh beginning. And him and Kyo talk and he 'teasingly' says that if Kyo doesn't get her fast, he will take her away. Reason why I say 'teasingly' is teh fact that he sounded serious about it. Personally, if Kyo doesn't get Tohru, Momiji deserves it. He had a hard life
Momiji reminds me of Fai so much, with the fake smiles and jokes. He had such a rough past, its rather saddending *hugs momiji plushie*
i reckon yuki should end up with tohru
So since they're fighting less, Kyo doesnt care if he hasnt won against Yuki in a fight?? *and i prefer it that way mwuhahah, YUKI FAN!*
yeah momiji does have some fai characteristics
and what i found funny was when the guy who holds all the animals sodiacs on his shoulders and his going to die soon *whats his name??* , told tohru that she's the most kawaii person he has ever seen, but then when he gets back in his car, he just bags the hell out of her!! lol *evil dude*
and what i found funny was when the guy who holds all the animals sodiacs on his shoulders and his going to die soon *whats his name??* , told tohru that she's the most kawaii person he has ever seen, but then when he gets back in his car, he just bags the hell out of her!! lol *evil dude*
You're talking about Akito
You're talking about Akito
Yeah thats the guy, his a pr**k bahahaha
but why Yuki is so scared of him??
like cmon i know he was traumatised when he was younger, but like he always has an impression he always sticks up for himself and he has great strength in doing that, but not towards Akito?? Shouldnt he have the strength now not to be pushed down by him?
He is going to die anyways...
But he is a psyco though, When he smashed a vase on the doctors face and blamed it all on his fiancee >< XD...
someone tell me about momiji and this Kyou is he the same person as kyo ?? 0_o
someone tell me about momiji and this Kyou is he the same person as kyo ?? 0_o
Kyo: is cursed with the cat :cat: , has orange hair, is angry most of the time, same year as Tohru and Yuki
Momiji: is cursed with the rabbit :bunny: , has blonde hair, is hyper most of the time, same year as Haru
Hello! I think I'm on an anime raid today. ROFL!! Anyways!!
I've saw the whole anime and read up to like volume 17... lolz. I don't know! They're scanlations. I think I'm up to chapter 98. o.O lolz. That's not far!! There are still so many chapters left that haven't been translated yet and those are the chapters that count. T____T haha! So what are we talking about here??
someone tell me about momiji and this Kyou is he the same person as kyo ?? 0_o
Kyou and Kyo are the same person. They're just different spellings. lolz. Ok...I'm on volume 2 of what? There's at least 17 volumes, right? I need to buy more.....
HAHA! Ruby-chan. I think there's like 22 volumes in total... O__O
Hmm, Fruits Basket sounds fun! :D I hope I can watch it someday! :happy4:
Or which do you recommend the most, the manga or the anime?...
Well, both are really good, though I reccommond the manga more, just because everything seems more touching and things are more detailed. The anime follows teh manga well, but slight differences in timelines are rather tedious. So I suggest you read the manga first then watch the anime, the manga is too good to pass on :haha:
oh god i cried in chapter 116 of it
if you haven'r seen it *sob**gasp*
GO!!!! see it that is!!
omg...i LOVE fruits basket...*sigh* i reali wanted Yuki and Tohru to hook up nut i wanted Tohru and Kyo to too....im kinda depressed tat yuki isnt da one she loves.....*sniffles*
I just got the last DVD....wow! But funnily enough, what I love the most in episode 26 wasn't the reactions between Kyo and Tohru....it was how Yuki finally put their differences behind him and helped, even though Kyo injured his arm and flung him to the floor!
I love it and I didn't know that Akito-san is a girl
Urrgghhh... I really really like Fruits Basket, it's such a good story and I love the comedy (ehehehe, Shigure and Ayame are so funny!). It's getting slightly sad now though... Poor Momiji! Wah!
Now, If you're wondering why I'm groaning, it's because My friends family and my family went on a trip together during the summer and I knew I was gonna get bored during the plane, car, and bus rides, so I brought some of my manga, a DVD player, and about 6 DVD's (all anime, packed into a CD case) and what do ya know? I packed all of my Fruits Basket DVD's! I showed her some, and now she's OBSESSED over it! She's watched all the anime at least 3 times, and she STILL wants to watch more!
I'm going into Fruits Basket withdrawal.....I let my friends borrow all my DVDs....
One had volume 1, but is now watching volume 2, and I won't get them back until next week....
And the other friend has volume 3, and has had it for months!
Sob....I only have volume 4 left, and I prefer volumes 2 and 3!
one of the best i've seen with super characters *Kyo anyone?* and megafunny! :rotfl:
too bad the story of the anime quits halfway of the story of the manga and some
eps are really dull
*but who cares about those few boring eps, i watch for comedy.. GO AYAME!!!* :lol:
Wow, thank you so much for the additional information. :hello2: The manga is really so much further along than I thought. And Akito is actually a girl!?? What up with that? Hmnm but it does make perfect sense. No wonder she's soo vindictive! :D
I was just wondering, I'm really more of an Anime fan so the 26 episodes are not enough. Is there any news of the anime continuing where it left off? :(
I actually like Tohru with Kyo. I think she needs to have more of a temper and he needs to be less temperimental. :lol: I love Yuki but I think if he ends up with Tohru, the pairing with would be too serious. :D
At the moment, there are no plans for a second series, according to the director of the last one, Akitaroh Daichi.
That's all I know - I'd love there to be more, but I'm guessing that if there WAS another one, it would come out once Takaya finished the manga
At the moment, there are no plans for a second series, according to the director of the last one, Akitaroh Daichi.
That's all I know - I'd love there to be more, but I'm guessing that if there WAS another one, it would come out once Takaya finished the manga
Thanks for the info Ruby Chan! :okay: That means we have more to look forward to then! :hehe:
i have only seen the first 3 episodes, i think that Kyou and Tohru are a great couple but i don't know if they are gonna have a kind of relationship in the next episodes. i would like them to be together.
I love Fruits Basket. I saw the first 2 anime episodes like 2 years ago and I loved the animation and the story line. It's just so cute! I'm currently reading the manga but I only have 2 volumes.
I love Fruits Basket! and i have all of the Fruits Basket DVD :keke:
Well... I'm a rooster so I'm Kureno. >.>
I love Furuba! >< I love Kyo+Tohru, Hiro+Kisa, Haru+Rin, and Uo-chan+Kureno.
I forgot to add that I have the 2006 calender also ^^ It's like the widest calender I've ever seen!
Ah, Fruits Basket's funny but so sad... Sometimes, I cry at some episodes like Episode 15 and 25. :cry:
I think that the anime was so much better than the manga when it came to revealing Kyo's secret form. I only just read volumes 6 and 7, and to say that the 'spectacular' scene disappointed me is an understatement. Why did lesser stories get more than one chapter, when this one got such a short part of the manga devoted to it?
And I have to admit, I don't like how Takaya is subtly altering her drawing style to give them fuller faces as they grow older. I preferred them narrower.
They looked more cuter when they were younger. (cries at how Hiro and Kisa changed)
Fruit basket is so cute and at the same time so sad almost every character has a past that they don't want to remember, i think that the one who is suffering the most is Kyo. and my fav couple is Kyo and Tohru
I'm a great fan of Fruits Basket !!! Tohru is my favorite character. She sooo sweet. I love the Tohru-Kyo couple !!!
I love Fruits Basket! I'm reading the manga and I really really like it. I only have watched until episode 4 from the anime and I love the design of the characters in comparison with the manga. I also love the Kyou-Tohru couple. I have to download the anime to watch what the differences are between it and the manga. And I love the op/ed songs!! They are sooooooo sweet!
I really need to read this manga...
Yup! It's really good! And it's getting even more interesting now that its is getting to the end.... TT_______________TT
It has very major spoilers for sure around Volume 17-21... Especially 'bout Akito.
Eh, I've seen the anime and read the manga up to Volume 11... I love this series, but really need to catch up on it. ^^; There are SO many awesome couples in this show. (But I do know a few spoilers from later in the series.) Some of the aspects of the anime I like better, but in general I prefer the manga. Is it really coming to an end?
Yes. Well, at least what I've heard is that it is going to have 22 volumes (and now she's for volume 21 T.T) so really it is getting to it's end... (I think it would end on chapter 130/1 or sth like that). And, yes... the major spoilers are after vol.17 and involves Akito as well ^^
I was reading some of the summaries for the lastest manga out and its seems to be really getting closer to the end. I'm really curious how it will it all turn out. I hope Momiji finds a really, really great girl by the end! Â :okay:
OH!!!!! yes you are sooooooooo right!!! He deserves that!!! Since he is not gonna have sb else... XD
I was reading some of the summaries for the lastest manga out and its seems to be really getting closer to the end. I'm really curious how it will it all turn out. I hope Momiji finds a really, really great girl by the end! :okay:
Momiji does desevere someone great! After all...look at what he's gona through >.<
I've had a withdrawal from my precious Furuba..No money=no manga *sob*
Ah, who knew such a cheerful bunny could have such a sad past... >_< I think Takaya-dono likes to torture her characters by giving them a sad past. o_O I almost cried reading about Hana-chan's past... >_< Me no tell!
I really get sad about Momo and Momiji.
i really love this series, one of the best. im so hooked X) i love kyo a lot! <3
^ agreed. finished watching the series in 3 days, haha.
everyone loves kyo x)
i cried during the 8th episode...hatori's story is just too sad =(
OH i realy love FB ive got e whole anime sereis on dvd and read vol 1-4 and 8 of the manga!
oh i want to read more!
from the sounds of it it's going to be great!
waaaa i cant download the manga form that site you keep talking about it keeeps being too a pig
*cries* :sad5:
i will just have to grit my teeth and do lots of chores to save up for it
i did it for the anime dvds..*shudders at the memory*
my arm still aches from all the ironing and gardening and moeing the grass :cry:
oh well :hmp:
You know what would be interesting? If after all of this Tohru ends up with Momiji....
Personally, I think she should be with Yuki, just because of their brief meeting when they were children.
As for Kyo........... He's mine. :)
i though she met with kyo?!?! to me it looks more like kyo than yuki? but thats my jugment!
KYO!!*drool* i love drawing him i've got a colarge of pics of him including the chapter titel of when he gets soaked...err. 48 :P
kyo is soooo kwl!
it took me ages to draw that but it was worth it XD
wait o the subject of kyo doesnt it like show you it was him at the very end of volume 4 ?!?!
oh well to me he shall always be that misterios boy *hehe*
.. i think i posted here a bit too much SOOORRRYYY(ritsu styleXD)
you said it!
just finished watchng this! surprised this thread is new!
Love kyo and tohru! (*sigh*)
cant believe there is only one season! there shud be some more! hope they make some more! but this was in 2001 - so chances seem slim.... :cry:
they need to develop more kyoxtohru scenes! kawwaaaaiiiii!!!
At first this anime didnt appeal to me becos of the title (i get why its named like that now- but at first- i was like what?...looking it up on google was hard cos it kept giving me pictues of fruit baskets!!)
and the anime drawing- the style was different- but i grew to love it!
need to read manga for a continuation of this anime....
Hyuuu, I love Fruits Basket!! Great manga and anime, both sad and funny.
BTW, those anybody know where can I get translations or is it scanalations? :tongue:
Hyuuu, I love Fruits Basket!! Great manga and anime, both sad and funny.
BTW, those anybody know where can I get translations or is it scanalations? :tongue:
it's one of the best anime's/manga's out there, that i can say for sure
Fruits Basket is a pretty cool anime. But sadly I am slowly loosing my interest in the anime.
=[ But I bet in a few months I'll be into it again.lol.
Fruits Basket is a pretty cool anime. But sadly I am slowly loosing my interest in the anime.
=[ But I bet in a few months I'll be into it again.lol.
me too
aahh!! read the ending! ( I think it was the ending...o.o) It was awesome!! :XD:
no theres another chapter in sept 5th and no one knows if its the final chapter yet some expect a full volume since theres still a lot to close others just an extra chapter so it might be a while before it ends
There are a lot of things that needs to be close (relashionships.... I want to know about Hatori and the teacher!!!)
people sadly it has been announced in subafuruba.com that chapter 132 is the last chapter of the series and it'll be out on the 5th of september officially. long live furuba... i knew thee well
So it's the lat chp 132? T-T How sad..... although I'm happy because one of the best series ever will conclude.
oooh...yeah. that makes sense. :heh:
Yay....more furuba fans. ^^ I'm a big Fruits basket lover *points to icon*
Actually, chapter 134 has already come out. My site keeps up to date on all the current chapters, and several of the members are fairly good at doing private translations. There are three more chapters expected, however that number has changed once or twice. I BELIEVE that was said by Takaya-sensei herself though. ^^ I might have to hunt down that source again.
I'm anxious to see the next chapter. 135 will be coming November 4th.
The banner over the furuba part here follows up with what has been taking place in the last chapter...for those not up todate....this will go under a little spoiler section.
Show content
Basically it is going to pick up where Kyou left off....asking Tohru if she will go away with him...so that he can forge his own life together with her...amoung different people. (He's spent his life so isolated from the rest of the world...thinking he was going to be locked up, that this is such a large step for him)
My friend.....Ana-chan, the RPer of Machi on my forum and fellow Japanese student! Attempted a brief translation of the last two pages of chapter 134....
Page 29 and 30
Panel 1 : でも もう 違う 俺 は 普通 の 人間 で 普通の人間として お前 と 世の中 を 生きていける。
But this is different. I’m a normal human and I ("as a normal human"?) want to go live in the midst society with you.
Panel 3 : それが 嬉しいんだ。 嬉しくて だから もっと もっと 関わりたい。
That makes me happy. I’m happy and because of that I want to be connected to you more than ever.
Panel 4 and page 30 : 試してみたい 自分を違う場所 でも。。。 できれば お前と 一緒に
I want to try and do that, in a different place but... To do it with you.
The banner on the picture link I provided you, says something along the lines of....
Kyou's wish with Tohru? And the True meaning of Kyoko's words...
THANK GOODNESS! I wan't Kyoko's words finally cleared up. Because I think every fan knows that Kyoko would never say "I'll never forgive you" UNLESS those words were taken out of context.
I wish November 4th would arrive a little faster. <3
yeah but the post was so long ago that then it was still only till chapter 132, but with all these changes who's to say for sure -_-' so dunno if chap 135 will really be the last
Furuba is a great anime...but the ending is sort of a cliff hanger cause it ended just like that
the problem with the furuba anime is that its sort and doesn't stick to the story very much and making a second season would be dangerous because of all the flaws in the first one. for example making akito a guy while he's actually a girl and in the manga tohrus eyes are brown even though it's not that relevant to get on with the anime. though many have been sending origami birds to japan to get a 2nd season because of the legend if you make 1000 origami birds (duno remenber the name, paper crane i think) you get a wish come true so fans have been collecting and sending them in order to get their wish granted
Akito is a GIRL ??? o_o
Akito is a GIRL ??? o_o
argg..there goes the spoiler....-_-...actually it will be revealed in volume 17 for english manga. but it's not secret anymore for those who followed the releases in net or follows the japanese manga..
Does anyone have the translation or scanlation of chapter 135?
here ya go ^^
Chapter 135:
-Scans: http://s142.photobucket.com/albums/r84/subafuruba/135/
-Translation: http://shadow.randomfandom.com/fb/summary/ch135.htm
the scanlation hasn't been done yet for this one
try here: http://www.directmanga.com/series/fruitsbasket.html
You would have to pay to dl chapter from them.
Well its ending at ch.136, it what I was reading.
feels familiar feeling of regret.. did it have to so soon...
but cute howShow content
both Yuki and Kyo are leaving with their loves... and Hana wants to be called Mama by Kyo. that one had me falling off the chair and Kyo taking her seriously..
i've just started watching the anime!!! at episode 3 only >.< but i have a liking towards the cat!!! so cute love his hair!!! and he has a temper like the Syaoran in CCS when he first appeared.. sorry i dunno his jap/eng name coz i watch the chinese sub n they talked too fast for me to catch.. at least for now
i've just started watching the anime!!! at episode 3 only >.< but i have a liking towards the cat!!! so cute love his hair!!! and he has a temper like the Syaoran in CCS when he first appeared.. sorry i dunno his jap/eng name coz i watch the chinese sub n they talked too fast for me to catch.. at least for now
that would be Kyo, one of the coolest characters in the anime and Show content
Tohru's future boyfriend in the manga if i remember correctly
yup and it took them long enough too -_-' seesh
i uploaded these for YnH forum and i figured why not post them here as well XD
Drama cd: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TYIQCHHU
artbook: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9DCS13EE
i like momiji,tohru,kisa,rin and ayame!!!
does anyone know where to get the translation of the second drama cd of fb?
i uploaded these for YnH forum and i figured why not post them here as well XD
Drama cd: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TYIQCHHU
artbook: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9DCS13EE
are these scans? i can't dl.. >.<
slots assigned to singapore are taken up!! i wanna see the artbook!!
are these scans? i can't dl.. >.<
slots assigned to singapore are taken up!! i wanna see the artbook!!
here's the turbouploadlink:
ark! i downloaded but cannot open.. i think it's better u send me online xD
And, what do You thing of the ending?
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I think that Kyo's and Thoru grand-daughter is cute ^^
But the ending chapter was... wierd. It seemd to me, like it needed two more chapters not one, to maqke a good ending.
Anyway, they could make a second season of the anime ^^
And, what do You thing of the ending?
Please, do tell where you found the last chapters (by PM, naturally)? I've only read up to chapter 134...