
Fan Work => TRC Fan Creations => Topic started by: Juny on November 19 2005, 12:01 am

Title: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura (and other stuff)
Post by: Juny on November 19 2005, 12:01 am
I'm not sure if it's all right to make 2 topics with art here... however, I've seen more people do it so I'll make a new one anyway  :tongue:

I drew these... well, 2 of them at the end of october and one during summer break. I guess you could say these are my own favourites  :) All of them are black&white drawings, by the way, cause I'm way too lazy to colour them  :heh: I'm a little proud at the last one cause I didn't use any example for it ^^

Syaoran and Sakura:
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Sabrina on November 19 2005, 12:18 am
Wow! I personally like Yuuko pic! :D (Now I favorite that pic ^___^)
You've good pics in your DA *goes to see more*
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Fye-chan on November 19 2005, 12:58 am
Yuuko-san looks awesome!!! Good job!
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: soujiro_chi on November 19 2005, 03:22 am
They look good. -^__^- Very nice job!! :D Keep it up!!
I really like the Syaoran and Sakura drawing!! XD Sooo cuuute!! XD kyaa... ^^
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Moon on November 19 2005, 03:27 am
Cuteness! I love the S+S drawing! Aww! ^__^<3
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: augustserenade on November 21 2005, 03:37 am
Woah!! Those are great pictures!! I saw your whole DevArt gallery, and you draw so well!!
Yay, post more! X3
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Zeldi on November 21 2005, 03:40 am
Soo Kawaii~ I liked the S +S one the most :"3
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on November 21 2005, 07:16 am
You're great!!!
I love them all!!
*-* speccially S&S
*cookie for you *^-^
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Okamirei on November 21 2005, 07:23 am
sugoi! -goes to fav-  :keke:

Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Juny on November 21 2005, 11:52 pm
Thanks so much everyone! ^_^

I drew this one quite long ago, but back then I liked it... now I think it was a waste of the page cuz the thing was so small O_o Anyway...

The text says 'Arigatou', by the way ~.^
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Zeldi on November 22 2005, 01:21 am
Kirei~ Njuu~ *gives cookie*
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Juny on November 28 2005, 03:30 am
Well, since I uploaded a new picture (and have nothing better to do than bother you with my awful sketches...), I thought I'd as well put it here :D It contains Mokona and Kurorin, this time!
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Zeldi on November 28 2005, 11:17 pm
Nice Work! Really funny! *gives cookie*
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: rukia on December 18 2005, 01:26 am
i love ure pics they're sooo good. and ure not bothering me i love looking at them and i went on ure deviantart account too
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Juny on December 20 2005, 01:48 am
Thanks everyone!! ^.^ I'm glad it doesn't bore you to death :P

I do realize it's done a little... hasty, but whatever... Sumomo and Kotoko this time! (and yes, I seem to only post here wehn I have something to upload...)
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: CrystleFlows on December 21 2005, 02:20 am
Sumomo is so cute! nice job
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Mina on December 24 2005, 02:54 am
Sugoi!(Amazing) o.O

I added them into my favorites in deviantart  :keke:
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: charcoalz on December 24 2005, 07:20 am
Yuuko-san is so good! x3
you are an awesome drawer! :okay:
I love mokona in ur sakura x syaoran picture =) so cute XD
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: babypigggy on December 24 2005, 08:59 am
good job good job!!

..err btw LOVE TAHT AV + SIG xP
misha x shia ^_^
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Juny on December 24 2005, 07:57 pm
Thanks so much, minna-san! I'm so happy there actually are people that like my works except my parents who would even be proud when I drew them a small circle with dots as eyes...

And thanks, babypigggy! X3 I love that couple...
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Hack on January 01 2006, 10:53 am
you seriously drew them??!!
you're sooo good
( i wonder if  i could draw like that?)
anyway i like the faye one
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Sya0ran on January 01 2006, 01:22 pm
Wow, they are all beautiful!!  @__@  I envy your talent!  Hyuuu hyuu~  XD  <3<3<3
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: `wing-ed] on January 02 2006, 01:28 am
they're awesome works! look forward to seeing more of them-
SakuraXSyaoran forever~ =)
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Juny on January 03 2006, 01:11 am
Awww, thanks so much everyone!! :keke:

I only have a sketch for now ^_^;  I'm too lazy...

Syaoran Sketch-
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Zeldi on January 03 2006, 06:49 pm
That's Soo Kakkoii!~ Syaoran-kun~ :3 *gives cookie*
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Juny on January 25 2006, 12:41 am
Thanks Zeldi! I'm really glad you like them ^_^

This one's rather old and the actual picture comes from xxxHOLiC, but since the scene is somewhat in TRC too... And cuz I have nothing to do at the moment... XD;
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Zeldi on January 25 2006, 12:43 am
Amazing!!! I love the's so hard to draw! Good Work!
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: jocelin on January 25 2006, 12:48 am
Those are great.
You're good at drawing  :okay:
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: CrystleFlows on January 28 2006, 11:44 pm
Agree.. very talented
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on January 28 2006, 11:51 pm
hahahahahaa The pictureof Kuro &Moko-chan is funny!! hahahaha

Good job n_n
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura
Post by: Juny on April 30 2006, 05:30 pm
Thanks everyone!

Wow, it's been AGES since I've been here O_O Well, it hasn't, but it's been quite long and I'm too lazy to count. I have done a couple of new TRC drawings, but naturally I forgot to scan them and gave them away. So the only things I have right now are from xxxHOliC... Which should be all right (I think) because Yuuko also has a role in Tsubasa.
I wanted to resize this, edit a few things so it wouldn't look so pixeled anymore and upload it on Photobucket or Imageshack, but my evil pc doesn't allow me to save .png files so I can't. Sorry for that! Anyway, it's Yuuko and Watanuki... cause I like that couple and don't care that it'll never happen.
Yuuko from... eh, if I remember correctly it's from the 2nd chapter in volume 6. Took me long enough to finish her, but not as long as expected so I'm pleased.

Any comments and advice are apreciated ^_^
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura (and other stuff)
Post by: Å akura on April 30 2006, 05:34 pm
^0^ Cute Yuuko-sama!!! good jod!!
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura (and other stuff)
Post by: Zeldi on April 30 2006, 06:18 pm
Yuuko-sama~ I love the pictures. X3 Cookie!
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura (and other stuff)
Post by: TrC_ChRiStI* on May 01 2006, 06:20 am

you draw excellent!!!
i like those fan art
specially S+S   */////*
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura (and other stuff)
Post by: bearmoon on May 11 2006, 10:44 am
 :noteworthy: Wow..that's some very nice work you've got there. Really nice. I'm so watching you on DA now.
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura (and other stuff)
Post by: Juny on May 20 2006, 05:50 pm
Ooh, thanks everyone for the nice comments! ^_^

Eheh... I re-drew something I made last autumn and never posted. This time it's actually not as bad as the first time and it also looks alittle more like Fai than the first time- but I didn't spend lots of time on the background like the first time so that might look a little rushed. ^^;

Used a pic from volume 9, can't remember which chapter exactly...
Title: Re: Fay, Yuuko & Syaoran+Sakura (and other stuff)
Post by: tsuki on September 22 2006, 06:03 pm
cool!! :inlove:all of them are pretty!!especially yuuko & fye pics.fye pic i like is the last one... :hello2: