
CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Manga Chapter Discussions => Topic started by: .::ka::. on November 23 2005, 12:53 am

Title: Chap 98
Post by: .::ka::. on November 23 2005, 12:53 am
Wow awsome chapter !!!!!!!

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A lot of KuroxTomo moments *_________*  aww I'm so in love with them >_____<""""
Finally, we can see how Syaoran reach when he came back... I won't spoiler XD... REad it your self, it's pretty touch !
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Kaptan on November 23 2005, 01:48 am
Really good chapter but it made me sad.Fai's picture is awesome.
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Meowzy on November 23 2005, 03:09 am
*downloads immediately*
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Yukitoyue on November 23 2005, 03:10 am
Ït made me sad too I wonder what syaoran says on the last page
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Meowzy on November 23 2005, 03:16 am
Oh my god, total awesomeness!
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Syaoran was crying! *sniff sniff* 
Bah, too many Kurogane/Tomoyo moments. But i loved the way his hand was stuck to that wall/pillar thing behind him. And Kurogane looking sad... I think that might've been the last time in his life he was sad.
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: ¥~SerenITy~¥ on November 23 2005, 09:14 am
I REPEAT.... I LOVE THIS FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arigatoooo
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Pikari on November 23 2005, 11:56 am
Not a bad chapter... and so weird - that's EXACTLY how I pictured we would see Syaoran next, with tears streaming down his face like that, and the others wondering what was going on. Yeah... so I'm dying to see how Syao is going to explain this to Kurogane now... and to see what the rest of Lecourt is like.
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: soujiro_chi on November 23 2005, 12:19 pm
Thank you very much for sharing this. XD
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on November 23 2005, 12:54 pm
Not a bad chapter... and so weird - that's EXACTLY how I pictured we would see Syaoran next, with tears streaming down his face like that, and the others wondering what was going on. Yeah... so I'm dying to see how Syao is going to explain this to Kurogane now... and to see what the rest of Lecourt is like.

yeah! I agree >____<
but.. I don't like to see syaoran cries T_T
>_________< waaa ;_;
poor kurorin T_T
If syaoran tells him what he saw ... i wonder what will happen o_o
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Okamirei on November 23 2005, 01:26 pm
I'm thinking Syaoran might keep what he saw to himself, and not tell Kurogane. He's surely going to see Kurogane differently now though.
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: augustserenade on November 23 2005, 02:18 pm
I'd better wait till the next chapter comes out to download then. I don't want this to effect my Thanksgiving vacation. ^^
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Fye-chan on November 23 2005, 05:44 pm
WoW what a chapter...
Syao-kun cries and Kurogane so sad....
Awww I want to know what happens next!!! >.<
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: .::ka::. on November 23 2005, 08:19 pm
It's the first time we see Syaoran's tears. The first time we see Kurogane smile so softly
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: AkaiYuki on November 24 2005, 04:16 am
Waaaarrrgh! *is downloading it right now* It's too slooow! I HAVE to see!!! O.o... *waiting*

Ah, got it! ^_^ *sees Fai pic* Waaaahh... *nosebleed* How dare they sneak that up on me like that?!??!

Continuing on, ^_^; heh heh, WOW they are SO turning Kurogane into Kamui... I mean, he was stuck into a pillar that looked EXACTLY like the one Kamui was stuck in, except this one was a lot smaller... Hmm, I really like the direction the art style is going, too, I really think it looks different from the first couple volumes! :3 Heh heh, I reaaaaallllly liked that Fai pic.. O.o But the words didn't seem to give us any new info, of course.. -_- Mya.. Anyway, I'm happy cuz I'm finally out of my Fai/Sakura/Syao Syao/ Even MOKONA withdrawels! ^_^ It was a nice chapter, but I really can't wait for the next one, already! I wanna see LeCourt!!!
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Meowzy on November 24 2005, 04:50 am
Ah, got it! ^_^ *sees Fai pic* Waaaahh... *nosebleed* How dare they sneak that up on me like that?!??!

Kinda looks like Ashura-ou's cloak doesn't it? the colours and patterns...
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: AkaiYuki on November 24 2005, 06:06 am
Kinda looks like Ashura-ou's cloak doesn't it? the colours and patterns...

Heh heh, yeah, I agree. It looks like he and Ashura had matching dressies!! XD
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Meowzy on November 24 2005, 07:25 am
Heh heh, yeah, I agree. It looks like he and Ashura had matching dressies!! XD

Awww... The Ceres versions of  "I'm with stupid -->"    :lol:
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Hira on November 24 2005, 11:20 am
what's interesting is that Syaoran will only let go of the book when Kuro-chan touches it. At that last page, when he apologizes to Kuro-chan, is it because he realizes that his crying made them worry, or has he actually done something he shouldn't have done?
What Syaoran went through obviously is NOTHING compared to what Kuro-chan has to endure. Actually seeing your parents got murdered and eaten... This is why I believe that it's not right to think your own life sucks because there's always someone else who has had it worse than you do...
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Mina on November 24 2005, 04:03 pm
what's interesting is that Syaoran will only let go of the book when Kuro-chan touches it. At that last page, when he apologizes to Kuro-chan, is it because he realizes that his crying made them worry, or has he actually done something he shouldn't have done?
What Syaoran went through obviously is NOTHING compared to what Kuro-chan has to endure. Actually seeing your parents got murdered and eaten... This is why I believe that it's not right to think your own life sucks because there's always someone else who has had it worse than you do...

I think he was crying because of two reasons. One of them being that fact that althoughit was unintentional, Syaoran looked into Kurogane's past without permission... and the second reason is that he is sorry for Kurogane, seeing what he had to endure as young child....

Hmm... I just realized.... although it is hard to tell, doesn't the young Kurogane look about the same age as bandaged Syaoran we see in early chapter? (Syaoran's first memory that he remembers, I believe.... coming in to a town all bandaged up and sees his reflection on glass...)
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Smile_For_Me on November 25 2005, 07:25 pm
I think the reason why Kurogain was able to take the book away from Syaoran was because it was his memories that were placed in the book when he first grabed it from the self.

And WOW, OMG Fai looks...Just wow..can't wait to see his story.
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: .::ka::. on November 26 2005, 11:12 pm
Wow, the story just getting interesting ! I wonder if Fei Wong have done something in Fai's past ?
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: Fye-chan on November 28 2005, 04:11 am
^ That would be very misterious... (damn quote thing doesn't work)
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: sugahcat on November 30 2005, 11:39 am
I'm quite certain FWR had something to do with Fai's past - it only makes sense - Yuuko said it was destiny for them all to be travelling together and it seems FWR has something to do with that destiny :wink:

I have to say I'm glad the angsty past Kurogane flashbacks are finally over; much as it was very interesting and sad, it was dragging on a little and I'm happy that we're finally going to get back to the plot. Can't wait for the next chapitre ^^
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: kraehe on December 03 2005, 08:56 pm
there's just one thing i didn't get... kurogane and tomoyo [while they were kids] seemed to be of the same age and yet kurogane looks like he's a lot older than tomoyo in the present time. how the heck did that happen?!
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: AkaiYuki on December 04 2005, 04:19 am
there's just one thing i didn't get... kurogane and tomoyo [while they were kids] seemed to be of the same age and yet kurogane looks like he's a lot older than tomoyo in the present time. how the heck did that happen?!

Hmm, I know what you mean, but I didn't think they looked the exact same age... I think even when they were kids he could have passed for being three years or so older than her. But you're right, in the present time in Tsubasa he looks more like he could even be 10 years older than her rather than 3 and it IS pretty annoying..
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: sugahcat on December 09 2005, 07:51 am
there's just one thing i didn't get... kurogane and tomoyo [while they were kids] seemed to be of the same age and yet kurogane looks like he's a lot older than tomoyo in the present time. how the heck did that happen?!

Hmm... I think that Kurogane looked about sixteen and Tomoyo about eight. So, say ten years have passed, Kurorin is 26 and Tomoyo eighteen. Sounds about right.
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: KirakiraInu on January 20 2006, 01:54 pm
Hmm... I think that Kurogane looked about sixteen and Tomoyo about eight. So, say ten years have passed, Kurorin is 26 and Tomoyo eighteen. Sounds about right.

Hmmmm...... I dunno. When Kurogane met Tomoyo there, he looked alot YOUNGER than 16 to me. Okay, maybe not much younger, maybe 2 or three years. However, Tomoyo almost seemed more mature ne? But then again, Kurogane just went through some traumatic events, you can't expect him to be acting normal. At lest Syaoran came back.

Geez! When will CLAMP hurry up with Fai's past?
Title: Re: Chap 98
Post by: sugahcat on January 22 2006, 11:55 am
Hmmmm...... I dunno. When Kurogane met Tomoyo there, he looked alot YOUNGER than 16 to me. Okay, maybe not much younger, maybe 2 or three years. However, Tomoyo almost seemed more mature ne? But then again, Kurogane just went through some traumatic events, you can't expect him to be acting normal. At lest Syaoran came back.

I can't imagine Tomoyo being anything but mature - she's just that kind of girl. Especially in Tsubasa: Tomoyo-hime, being royalty, would naturally be mature; especially considering her gifts. I reckon Kurogane was supposed to be Syaoran's age at that point, and I think he's supposed to be about 16.

And as for Fay's past... Ah, I've almost given up hope u.u One day! And hopefully, one day soon. At least another clue, CLAMP-sama...?