Fan Work => CCS Fan Creations => Topic started by: Tessaiga on November 28 2005, 11:51 pm
Title: Gift in the Winter
Post by: Tessaiga on November 28 2005, 11:51 pm
Yay! :XD: My first CCS-picture ever! This was requested by moezy-chan!!! :greengrin:
( (click for bigger version) (
If you like that picture, be sure to check out my other pictures (! =3 Bye then! :wave:
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: D.J.P on November 29 2005, 12:46 am
Nice work, thanks for sharing :D
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: Zeldi on November 29 2005, 01:31 am
Waaaaaw! I mean Waaaaw! It's soo cuute~ *still staring* O_O B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! *gives cookie*
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: moezychan on November 29 2005, 02:13 am
Arigatou Tessaiga-chan! It looks great, and Syaoran is as kawaii as ever! Hanyaan! I gave you a cookie for the picture!
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on November 29 2005, 03:11 am
Your picture looks so cute *hanyaan* :inlove:.
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: suu_no_clover on November 29 2005, 03:59 am
Waiii! It's so cute! You draw a great Sakura and Syaoran, Tessaiga-chan. I hope you'll make more! ^^
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: Moon on November 29 2005, 02:40 pm
Aw, it's cute! The shading was well done. You gave the characters your own little style, which is cool. I love Syaoran's expression. He's all embarrassed. ^_^ You're really good at drawing anime characters. I wish I could...
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: Tessaiga on November 29 2005, 09:11 pm
You gave the characters your own little style, which is cool.
Really?... Hmm... I tried to copy the style of the anime, but giving them my own clothes. But it's fun that my own style can be seen through anyway! Yeah! :D
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: soujiro_chi on November 30 2005, 07:44 pm
Wee~! They look so cute!! XD Nice job!! -^__^- Keep up the good work! :okay:
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: Tessaiga on December 06 2005, 09:18 pm
Arigatou, soujiro_chi! :D
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: Kuro-puppy on December 27 2005, 04:05 pm
Kawaii !
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: Fye-chan on December 28 2005, 05:31 am
Soooo cute!!! You have a great way of drawing!!! Please keep it up! ^__^
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: Tessaiga on December 28 2005, 06:21 am
Thank you, Kuro-puppy and Fye-chan! *bows*
I'll try to keep it up, if I only had some inspiration... :sweatdrop: (that's why I'm asking people to give their ideas in my other picture thread...)
Title: Re: Gift in the Winter
Post by: JEAM on December 28 2005, 06:59 am