
Misc => Archives => Anything goes... => Topic started by: Time-Machine on December 09 2005, 05:02 am

Title: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Time-Machine on December 09 2005, 05:02 am
Hehe, because of the wonderful powerful of peer pressure, and the stuff all those silly motivational speakers that come to schools say, I've decided to make a topic where we write out our goals, and then occasionally update on how we're doing, and give each other encouragement/pressure etc.

Your goal can be anything from being nicer, to earning money, to passing a class, writing a novel, or anything else you want to do. And then we can all give each other props for trying to improve ourselves.

FOR EXAMPLE: Recently my parents got into an arguement over what kind of new car we should get, and so they decided that the first of them to lose 30% of their body weight (because they are both very overwieght) will get to choose. Then they said my sister and I, who are both a little overwieght (like 20-30 lbs) could have a contest to see who could lose 10% of their body weight first, and they will give the winner $100.

So my goal is FIRST: lose 16 pounds, for the hundred dollars
THEN: lose another 15 pounds or so, so I can be a healthy weight!
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: moezychan on December 09 2005, 06:06 am
Great idea TimeMachine-chan! I'm going to like this thread!

I have 2 goals I want to achieve.

1) I want to get rid of my anemia. My blood count is currently at 10.7, and it's supposed to be between 12-15. My goal will be to keep up with my diet and bring my blood count back up so I will be a happy and healthy person!

2) This goal is even more important for me because I've worked so hard for it. My goal is to become an elementary teacher. I've gone to school for 4 years now, and it took 2 years of switching my major for me to decide what I really wanted to be. I've been persuing the dream of becoming a teach for 2 years now, and I have 2 more years.

So my goal is to maintain my average of a 3.0 because education majors cannot get below a 3.0 and bring it up to a 3.5 so I can make the dean's list and then obtain my Teaching Certificate, and become a 2nd grade teacher.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Time-Machine on December 09 2005, 06:39 am
Those are awesome goals! Good luck with the teaching! I wouldn't have survived elementary school if I hadn't had the awesome 2nd grade teacher that I did. 2nd grade teachers are really important! (::sigh:: I wonder what Mrs. McBride is up to now...?)

I also want to finish my book. I started writing it forever ago, and it just keeps sitting around unfinished, and I have this feeling I'm never going to be able to progress as a writer unless I finish the things I start.

And I want to learn how to make egg soup. Maybe I'll look up a recipe for dinner tonight.

::update:: this one is done! And the soup was delicious!
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: babypigggy on December 09 2005, 07:29 am
Dream: Spread my wings and fly away....i wish i weren't real, i wish a was a fairy tale

Goals: Get rich, the end -_-
*yes im pretty greedy a person.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: lost wings on December 09 2005, 07:31 am
well i have 2 goals!

1. to make this movie, its really random, but i really want to make it!

2. to fin collecting all my anime! such as Inuyasha and chrono crusade! ect.
(only 1 more dvd of chrono crusade!)
p.s. i'll start getting more soon!! lol
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: sugahcat on December 09 2005, 08:51 am
My most important dreams and goals are the same:

1) Become a manga-ka
2) Become a writer

I've been working on my art especially hard recently and I think I've come a long way. If you compare this older pic ( to my most recent pic ( I'm sure you'll agree ^^

Good luck to everyone with their goals! Work hard at what you can, and have faith that what you can't change will work out *hugs everyone*
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Arcademan on December 09 2005, 10:44 am
I have no goals...I ran out of dreams...that's me in a nutshell :D
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: moezychan on December 09 2005, 11:44 am
Great goals minna! Keep working at them and you all will succeed! As for my goal, I know I'll make it!
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on December 09 2005, 12:02 pm
I guess my only goal right now is to actually graduate Highschool.
My borthers and my parents think I'm going to end up like my brother Mark, and drop out.  And I MUST prove them wrong!
But I'm struggling in my courses right now. I'm finally caught up in my Math, and my Socials . . but I'm missing English assignments and I have yet to finish a few projects in my art class cause I've been away alot.
Ahh Pressure!
But I'm determined. I'll graduate . . .my GPA will be total crap, though, haha!

I also want to get a resume set up and start applying places that I can work at. I might have to wait until February cause I know alot of places won't let you there until you're sixteen. But that's not the most important thing right now. I have plenty of time to worry about work.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: suu_no_clover on December 09 2005, 03:54 pm
Goals... hmmm....
1) Break my ridiculous internet forum addiction, and focus on that desired 4.0 GPA o get accepted into my High School of choice
2) Find a career I'd really like to pursue...
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Ralea on December 09 2005, 07:57 pm

1.) Finish a mini-novel I'm writing
2.) Lose much of my excess weight
3.) Finish High School...and eventually college!
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tessaiga on December 09 2005, 08:19 pm
Well... uh... ^^'' I've got dreams that I don't think will really happen, and some dreams that I won't tell anyone :wink:
But at least some goals I want  to realize, but not sure that I'll make it....

1. Get better at making pictures
I need a style of my own. :sad5: If ya havn't seen my pics yet, allow me to make some commerical for it! :happy4:
Look at the link in my signature... Tadaaah!!!
2. Get a comic published
I've got lots of ideas, do I have the skills?
3. Go to Japan in my Subaru cosplay outfit and visit Tokyo Tower!
...Yes. I've had that dream for a while now.

And probably more... but most of them are still secret. But I might come up with something more later... :shifty:

I've been working on my art especially hard recently and I think I've come a long way. If you compare this older pic ( to my most recent pic ( I'm sure you'll agree ^^
Yes you have! But I liked the catboy too... ;3
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on December 10 2005, 03:40 am
My goals would be...

1.) To improve my drawings
2.) Learn to color well with photoshop
3.) Become a manga artist
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Time-Machine on December 10 2005, 04:11 am
I made the egg soup! It was good! One goal down!  :keke:

A lot of people here have really cool dreams, like becoming a manga-artist. That's so cool. i wouldn't even know how to go about that...(I like drawing, but  :sweatdrop: I don't think I'd have the patience or skill to draw a whole manga..., that's so cool)
3. Go to Japan in my Subaru cosplay outfit and visit Tokyo Tower!
...Yes. I've had that dream for a while now.

SEND PICTURES!!! ::kawaii::  :love5:
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: CV3 on December 10 2005, 04:37 am
My goals are...
 *. to get better at soccar^o^
**. To get even better at art*o^(professional)
***.Grow up and make anime shows that are best
****. Get A'sdB's in shools (ot on C)
HeHe theres more
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on December 12 2005, 03:58 am
I will be entering an on the spot anime drawing contest this weekend, my goal would be to win, wish me luck :keke:.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Time-Machine on December 12 2005, 06:18 am
Good luck, Tooya_Mizuki-san! I wouldn't have the guts to enter a drawing contest  :sweatdrop: ,  you must be very talented and determined!  :noteworthy:
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: sugahcat on December 12 2005, 07:18 am
I will be entering an on the spot anime drawing contest this weekend, my goal would be to win, wish me luck :keke:.

Luck! ^^
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Fai on December 12 2005, 09:30 am
My goals...

1.) Try not to eat so much over the winter holiday  :sweatdrop:
2.) Earn some money so I don't have to beg my parents for money
3.) Figure out what my talent is... -_-

Not very creative are they?  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on December 13 2005, 04:33 am
Good luck, Tooya_Mizuki-san! I wouldn't have the guts to enter a drawing contest :sweatdrop: , you must be very talented and determined! :noteworthy:
Luck! ^^

Many thanks to you both  :keke:.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Director of Music on December 13 2005, 09:33 am
heh dreams....I used to have em...and I still have a couple left.
-Be as close to perfect as I possibly can at whatever I do.
-Try and get the Director's Award at the end of the year for band..Whatever happens happens...but I really want that award!
-Try my best not to get my director disappointed in me whatsoever.  He sets the standards, and I'll be there, and make sure I reach em, or pass em, Im not gonna fail.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: looney on December 13 2005, 11:15 am be married and grow old with my husband
goals...... to be happy with what i've got. Always. as long as i'm happy i don't need anything else in the world.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on December 14 2005, 04:24 am
I'm planning on making a pizza from scratch this coming x-mas eve, no ready made pizza crust and all that stuff, i'm going to start from scratch. Wish me luck  :lol:.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Time-Machine on December 14 2005, 05:58 am
I'm planning on making a pizza from scratch this coming x-mas eve, no ready made pizza crust and all that stuff, i'm going to start from scratch. Wish me luck :lol:.

Good Luck! I love pizza! Mmm...
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Meza on December 14 2005, 10:12 pm
Goals. Oh yes.

*  Get rid of 12 kilos.
I have been fightin with my weight all my life, but only lately I have really tried to get rid of some extra kilos. I almost  achieved my goal, 58kg (I made it to 61kg) last spring.  But then I got depressed and ended up back to weight I started with last year, 68-70kg. My eating customs are not too good, for dietin'. And I lately ended up getting sick.

* Get rid of anemia. 
Yes, my desparate desire to lose weight ended up like this. I have always had my hemoglobine near 120 (120-150 are normal), but now it crashed rapidly into 105. Now I'm trying to eat greens and I'm forced to  eat iron tablets - no effect yet.

* Get healty in common
Besided slight overweight, anemia I'm weak in common. I don't do sports or anything - and I have never done. And now it's getting pretty troublematic. I got really weak joint muscles: For example, If I walk for over 3 kilometers, my ankles are history, if I hold something heavy (like a kettle) with only one hand, my wrist is history.

I got really shocked when we met our new home class teacher for the first time, and she wanted to talk with me after everyone else were gone, first thing she asked me was "Are you sick? You sure look sick." And I was not, not at all. Teachers have been asking if I'm sick pretty often this year, even when they walk pass me at corridors.  That makes me worried. And yes, now I have gotten pretty sick, but I don't seem always to notice it myself - until I'm going to pass out. I have always been stubborn when sick. If I happen to get fever, I don't say a thing about it to teacher or parents, I don't wanna bother them, and I don't wanna be weak. And yes, I feel kinda offended 'cause my parents don't really notice how my health is. But it may be 'cause they are usually workin' when I'm home (evenings and nights).

So, my main goal is to get healthy, but there's more.

I havent really made it with high school. So, last month, I desided to give up. I' studying  "2 in 1" style; Vocational high school. If I quit high shool, I'm still in Business Institute. And I think that's fine with me, since I can do A grades if I want even if I don't keep going to high school.

So, since I give up it, I'm trying to do my best in Business Institute, And I'm gonna raise some already existing grades of mine (I have some troublesome courses, but mostly I have gotten good and excellent grades). I'm so not gonna give up with this one too! I'M NOT! ;>_<; I'm gonna finnish this school within next two years and get those papers!

And yes, I have some more, not so serious as the ones above:

* Get more experienced with my drawings and start my comic within 8 years (as webcomic, I think)
* Get to that school of comic drawing after I have finished studies in Business Institute.
* Win in a lottery (c'mon, who would not want big money? And we are so poor it makes me almost cry)
* Own house. I want a tiny tiny home of my own.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: moezychan on December 15 2005, 01:43 am
* Get rid of anemia. 
Yes, my desparate desire to lose weight ended up like this. I have always had my hemoglobine near 120 (120-150 are normal), but now it crashed rapidly into 105. Now I'm trying to eat greens and I'm forced to  eat iron tablets - no effect yet.

We have something in common. I'm also anemic. For me it's the same. My hemoglobin is supposed to be between 120-150, but it dropped down to 59. I was hospitalized for it. Right now it's at 109, so we're about the same. If you scroll up some, you'll see that that's my goal also. Maybe we can work through it together. I know how it feels, and I always feel weak because of it. I hope both of us can get rid of it. Oh, and I also have to take iron pills. I hate them!
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Meza on December 16 2005, 02:03 am
We have something in common. I'm also anemic. For me it's the same. My hemoglobin is supposed to be between 120-150, but it dropped down to 59. I was hospitalized for it. Right now it's at 109, so we're about the same. If you scroll up some, you'll see that that's my goal also. Maybe we can work through it together. I know how it feels, and I always feel weak because of it. I hope both of us can get rid of it. Oh, and I also have to take iron pills. I hate them!

*Nod* I noticed.
And I feel really sorry to hear ya got it that low at the time. Thank goodness ya got it some better.

And those iron pills.. I have noticed I feel pretty sick everytime I have taken them. I should have taken them around 50 by now, but I still haven't taken more than 8. I know I should take them more often, but I just cant take them regularly. Nothing goes regularly in my life o_O;

And now they want me to eat some other medicines too. My hemoglobin has always been pretty down, 'cause of my periods.  And now when my hemoglobine is this low, I feel continally dizzy at that time of the month.  Now I'm waiting results of what kinda medicine I can take with those iron pills. Gah. I have never before had to take anything like this. But yeah, it's probably my own fault. *eats carrot murmurin*
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: moezychan on December 16 2005, 02:46 am
*Nod* I noticed.
And I feel really sorry to hear ya got it that low at the time. Thank goodness ya got it some better.

And those iron pills.. I have noticed I feel pretty sick everytime I have taken them. I should have taken them around 50 by now, but I still haven't taken more than 8. I know I should take them more often, but I just cant take them regularly. Nothing goes regularly in my life o_O;

And now they want me to eat some other medicines too. My hemoglobin has always been pretty down, 'cause of my periods.  And now when my hemoglobine is this low, I feel continally dizzy at that time of the month.  Now I'm waiting results of what kinda medicine I can take with those iron pills. Gah. I have never before had to take anything like this. But yeah, it's probably my own fault. *eats carrot murmurin*

Arigatou, and I gave you a cookie for your kind words! And I would love to talk more about our anemia, but then I'd be going off topic. If you want, you can PM me and we can discuss it more.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Strawberry on December 16 2005, 03:17 am
My dreams and goals are......

~ To graduate at the end of the year and to find a good highly paid job
~ To at least have an attenpt of drawing manga to enter in the competition and hopefully it would become published lol
~ To move house and to have a good family
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on December 16 2005, 04:21 am
My dreams and goals are......

~ To graduate at the end of the year and to find a good highly paid job
~ To at least have an attenpt of drawing manga to enter in the competition and hopefully it would become published lol
~ To move house and to have a good family

Good luck with those goals  :okay:.

I'm getting ready to join an on the spot anime drawing contest myself, its only two days away and i'm getting nervous since this is my first one  :lol:.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Moon on December 16 2005, 08:34 am
My goals are..

Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Fye-chan on December 19 2005, 02:53 am
my most precious goal and dream is to write a book!
I have so many ideas and I write really much when I have the time and my teachers say I'm really good and I could make it...but everytime when I wrote some sites I don't come forward with the story... perhaps I'm not made for something like this but it's my dream to write my own stories and worlds down on a paper...silly ne?!
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Time-Machine on December 19 2005, 03:43 am
my most precious goal and dream is to write a book!
I have so many ideas and I write really much when I have the time and my teachers say I'm really good and I could make it...but everytime when I wrote some sites I don't come forward with the story... perhaps I'm not made for something like this but it's my dream to write my own stories and worlds down on a paper...silly ne?!

I don't think that's silly at all! I think that's awesome!

I wish you the best of times with that, it's really cool.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Fye-chan on December 20 2005, 12:05 am
Thank you so much for your nice words TimeMachine!!! *hug*
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tessaiga on December 20 2005, 02:35 am
SEND PICTURES!!! ::kawaii::  :love5:

O-oh really? (
I could post it in "Let's see your lovely faces", or send you a PM if you like but... It isn't that pretty!
Imagine how hard it is to make my long blond hair short and black without cutting it?
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on December 20 2005, 04:29 am
I've participated in an  "on the spot drawing contest" last sunday at the Ozine fest 2005 (anime convention) sadly, I didn't win so my goal wasn't accomplished  :sweatdrop:.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Fai on December 20 2005, 04:34 am
I've participated in an "on the spot drawing contest" last sunday at the Ozine fest 2005 (anime convention) sadly, I didn't win so my goal wasn't accomplished :sweatdrop:.

Awww...those judges just don't know great talent when they see it ToT
I'm sure you did excellent though on your drawing Tooya-san! *hugs* ^-^

My new goal..Acutally finish a story that I write and not give up on it half-way through.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on December 20 2005, 04:38 am
Awww...those judges just don't know great talent when they see it ToT
I'm sure you did excellent though on your drawing Tooya-san! *hugs* ^-^
Thanks, that made me feel a whole lot better  :keke:, maybe next time i'll have better luck.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: AkaiYuki on December 20 2005, 04:44 am
Ah, set my goals? Hmm.. haven't seen this thread before.. Well, my goals in life are too personal, so I don't want to post them here! XD But I'll post my goals for next year! Whoo!!

1.) Get fit (I'm not heavy, I'm 5'6" and 120 lbs, but I want to be stronger, so I'm lifting weights)

2.) Practice drawing more and fix my d*mn com to let me use photoshop... *vein*

3.) Maybe get the guts to post a pic of myself on CW! XD

4.) FINALLY decide what I *really* want to do with my life and start working on it!!

OK, those were random, and I have more, but I can't think of them right now, of course... XD
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tessaiga on December 28 2005, 10:07 am
Oh, I just remembered!
I wanna study/work in Germany for a while! :D A year perhaps? Ah, Germany~
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: moezychan on December 28 2005, 11:55 am
I have another goal:

I want to quit self-mutilating myself once and for all. I did it when I was younger, and I was able to put a stop to it a year ago, but I started up again yesterday. I don't want to kill myself, thank God, but I do want to stop hurting myself once and for all.

I even have the motivation I need; my students at Sunday school. They help become stronger. Cheer me on minna, this goal is going to be hard because I still want to do it, and I've wanted to do it for a year now.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Møon Li on December 28 2005, 11:59 am
To publish a book of mine and have my own theatre :keke:
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: AkaiYuki on December 28 2005, 07:41 pm
Oh, I just remembered!
I wanna study/work in Germany for a while! :D A year perhaps? Ah, Germany~

Ooh! Same here, but in Japan, instead! XD
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tessaiga on December 28 2005, 11:43 pm
Ooh! Same here, but in Japan, instead! XD

I wanted that too at first, but then I thought I was too stupid to handle japanese school/workdays... :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on December 29 2005, 04:02 am
I plan to go to Japan too to make my very own manga  :keke:.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Time-Machine on December 29 2005, 07:54 am
I have another goal:

I want to quit self-mutilating myself once and for all. I did it when I was younger, and I was able to put a stop to it a year ago, but I started up again yesterday. I don't want to kill myself, thank God, but I do want to stop hurting myself once and for all.

I even have the motivation I need; my students at Sunday school. They help become stronger. Cheer me on minna, this goal is going to be hard because I still want to do it, and I've wanted to do it for a year now.

You can do it, Moezy-chan. I know people with issues with similar things, and they seem to be doing alright, and their reaching his goals. You just have to work to get yourself into a place where you can feel comfortable.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: AkaiYuki on December 29 2005, 10:40 am
I wanted that too at first, but then I thought I was too stupid to handle japanese school/workdays... :sweatdrop:

XD Yeah, I've often worried about that, too... But then I realized I love Japan SO much, that even if I had to work every day the rest of my life with no breaks or anything just to live there, I'd still do it. No one who knows me in real life believes me, but it's true! I really have no passions in life except to one day live there, if even for a short time.

My only real worry about going there is not being able to get a job! XD
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: moezychan on December 29 2005, 12:10 pm
You can do it, Moezy-chan. My bro has issues with similar things, and he seems to be doing alright, and he's reaching his goals. You just have to work to get yourself into a place where you can feel comfortable.

Arigatou. Currently my comfort zone is college, and I don't go back until January 17th. For me it's still the 28th. 3 weeks. I always get depressed during breaks. I miss college, and I also have my Catechist classes that I teach, but that's not back until the 8th. I do stress myself out when I'm busy, but I hate it when I'm not busy. Staying busy keeps my mind off of hurting myself. When I don't have anything to do, I have too much time to think, and thinking is dangerous, because I always think of hurting myself.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Time-Machine on December 29 2005, 05:32 pm
Arigatou. Currently my comfort zone is college, and I don't go back until January 17th. For me it's still the 28th. 3 weeks. I always get depressed during breaks. I miss college, and I also have my Catechist classes that I teach, but that's not back until the 8th. I do stress myself out when I'm busy, but I hate it when I'm not busy. Staying busy keeps my mind off of hurting myself. When I don't have anything to do, I have too much time to think, and thinking is dangerous, because I always think of hurting myself.

I know what that's like. I don't hurt myself, but I tend to get into really big depressions when I feel like I'm being unproductive or when I have nothing to do. Even worse is when I'm busy with things that are fruitless (dumb gen ed classes, for example) and I have to spend all of my time focusing on things that don't help me, and even more to the point, don't help others. I always feel like it would be better to run away or die or something. I get spend too much time thinking about how stupid everything is and I put myself in a really dangerous place. I start sleeping all the time and fall behind in classes. This happens almost every year at the beginning of the schoolyear.

Since I know what the signs are, to keep myself sane when I start to get depressed (or when I AM depressed) I try to pick one event that I know is coming (even if I have to plan one myself) so that I can tell myself to keep going so that I can get there as a healthy happy person. This year it was my friend's annual New Years party.

GOAL: Have a kick-butt awesome time at Justine's party!

When I'd get depressed and start thinking really dark thoughts, I would read something meaningful, or watch a good show (often CCS) and tell myself that all I had to get through was so much time before Justine's party. And that got me to break.

Haha...I think I got a little off-track, but I guess all I'm saying is play hard and chin up, and remember there are people who love you (like me, even without knowing you ^_^ ) and always things to look forward to.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Lillianna Megami on December 31 2005, 05:59 am
My goals are:
*1* To become as great an artist as my older sister, cosin, dad, etc.
*2* Make my own comic company (almost there!)
*3* Make my own comic.
*4* Become a manga artist.
*5* Become a fantasy author.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Time-Machine on January 04 2006, 03:42 pm
I have a new goals!

Pass my classes with good grades! Japanese especially! And learn a lot of Kanji!


Fill my new sketchbook with stuff that doesn't suck entirely!


Work on my writing! Especially my stories, which I need to finish! Included in this is a need to improve my spelling and vocabulary!

haha, the second one is never going to happen ^_^;;
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: moezychan on January 05 2006, 11:24 am
Great idea TimeMachine-chan! I'm going to like this thread!

I have 2 goals I want to achieve.

1) I want to get rid of my anemia. My blood count is currently at 10.7, and it's supposed to be between 12-15. My goal will be to keep up with my diet and bring my blood count back up so I will be a happy and healthy person!

2) This goal is even more important for me because I've worked so hard for it. My goal is to become an elementary teacher. I've gone to school for 4 years now, and it took 2 years of switching my major for me to decide what I really wanted to be. I've been persuing the dream of becoming a teach for 2 years now, and I have 2 more years.

So my goal is to maintain my average of a 3.0 because education majors cannot get below a 3.0 and bring it up to a 3.5 so I can make the dean's list and then obtain my Teaching Certificate, and become a 2nd grade teacher.

A little update on my goals. I went to the doctor today, and I'm no longer anemic! My blood count is now at 13.1! I'm now crossing that off the list! One down, two to go!
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Time-Machine on January 06 2006, 03:04 am
A little update on my goals. I went to the doctor today, and I'm no longer anemic! My blood count is now at 13.1! I'm now crossing that off the list! One down, two to go!

YAY!!! Congratulations, Moezy-chan! That's awesome!  :noteworthy:

Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tessaiga on January 10 2006, 02:40 am
Financial goals! I have to save my money for:

My old cellphone takes about $5 each month, even if I don't do anything with it... Plus, it's old and... crappy. So I definately need a new one!
-Driving licence
...It costs a lot. :sad5:
I think I need glasses too. >.< My eyes are just getting worse
Me need it, me need! My mother is getting cräzy at me, sitting at her computer everyday...
-Nintendo Revolution
I'm a nerd. I need this... And I need it this year if Nintendo decides to release Zelda: Twilight Princess to Revolution instead of GameCube...

And for that, I need a job... I'll be looking! I'll work on weekends and holidays, since I still have my studies!

Wish me luck! :happy4:
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on January 10 2006, 03:36 am
I plan to get my drivers license, for that I must complete some necessary requirements  :keke:.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: moezychan on January 10 2006, 05:38 am
I plan to get my drivers license, for that I must complete some necessary requirements  :keke:.

That's also my new goal. I need to get a car before I graduate from college.
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Sarah Jane on January 10 2006, 07:11 am
Sarah Jane's Goals:
I guess I can post what I have on my Myspace...
'Things I Want To Do Before I Die.'

Get over my anxiety.
Pass highschool.
Publish a book of my poetry.
Write my novel and publish it.
Be kissed in the rain.
Fall in love.
Go to Japan, and live there for a few years.
Become the singer in a band with my friends.
Do something that changes the world.
Learn Spanish
Go to a school dance, with someone I really like.
Write a song, and sing it infront of a crowd.
Learn how to play the piano and the drums.
Get in touch with my old friends.
Become fluent in Japanese
Go to my old house, and let go of my past.

Hehe. ^^;
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Tessaiga on January 16 2006, 03:38 am
A new goal!
-Learn how to "moonwalk" :hehe: I can show you how good I am now one day... :tongue:
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: itsafactiact on January 17 2006, 10:43 am
All my goals are going to take awhile
1) Graduate College in less then 5 years  :sad5:
2) Visit Europe with Best Friend
3) Go to NY and make it on Broadway!
4) Have a career in theater and not have to work as a waitress my whole life
5) Fall in love would be nice too  :inlove:
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Time-Machine on January 18 2006, 07:53 am
3) Go to NY and make it on Broadway!

So, when you get there, can you hook me up with some tickets? (I <3 NY!!! I <3 Broadway!!!)
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: itsafactiact on January 18 2006, 08:40 am
So, when you get there, can you hook me up with some tickets? (I <3 NY!!! I <3 Broadway!!!)

lol lets hope I get a discount if i'm in the show ;)
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Shiunu on January 18 2006, 11:58 pm
My dream is to travel to Japan. Or just travel in general. I have been so fasicinated with Japan and its culture. I'm planning on going either during or after college. That's a dream that I've had forever. My goals would be to get a job! I wanna become more independent and start making my own money. I think its time that I set off and start doing things more for myself. I just wanna be a independent person and have good goals! I also wanna learn Japanese. I think maybe my future dream or goal would be to go through college and maybe get a degree in translating or something. I either wanna travel alot or learn a few languages. So that will be cool! I think I might need to start studying soon...

Well that's all for right now. But you never know, I'll probably come up with a few more things. :D
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: sugahcat on January 22 2006, 12:02 pm
I have another goal:

I want to quit self-mutilating myself once and for all. I did it when I was younger, and I was able to put a stop to it a year ago, but I started up again yesterday. I don't want to kill myself, thank God, but I do want to stop hurting myself once and for all.

I even have the motivation I need; my students at Sunday school. They help become stronger. Cheer me on minna, this goal is going to be hard because I still want to do it, and I've wanted to do it for a year now.

You can do it. If you've managed to stop until now, you can do it. It's the one thing I've often teetered upon doing but always managed to stop myself. And if I can do something like that, I know you can.

And congrats on beating the anaemia ^^
Title: Re: Set your goals, write your dreams
Post by: Arcademan on January 22 2006, 12:31 pm
Dreams...or drama...

Kind of hard to tell the difference in some of the posts here.

My original post stands.