I'm a really sentimental person and i cry almost for every thing, i cried in the first movie of pokemon! when ash turned into a rock, XD. well it was sad when all the pokemons started to cry for him! and pikachu >< kawaii!! i already said that i was a really sentimental person !!!!!
TRC: when Sakura wake up after finding the second feather and she said "who are you" to syaoran, well it was sad for me *pats to syaoran*
In FMA i cried so many times, i cried when Hughe die, so sad, and i cried more for what his little daughter was saying. And when nina died!!!! this anime has a lot of sad moments!! how ed try to protects with his live his little bro. ... sad :cry:
Chrno Crusade: It was sad when Joshua turned into rocks all the kids and i tear a river in the end And the azamaria story that was told in the episodes when they celebrate the xmas (don't remember the number) but it was so sad.. *drops a tear*
Inuyasha: it was pretty sad the story between inuyasha and kikyo! *hugs inuyasha*
The OVA of rouroni kenshin: it was so sad the part when kenshin killed the girl that he loved! *sigh* :sad5:
How about you???
TRC: same as pretty-san! the "who are you" thing.. I want to kill sakura that time! I was crying...
Samurai 7(does anyone know that anime?): when Heihachi-dono, Kyuzo-dono & kikucho-dono died. especially Kikucho-dono! when komachi was crying! waa! :cry:
Princess Tutu: When Fakir was shot by the ravens and Princess Tutu was shouting his name... "FAKIR!!!!!!!!"
Naruto: when sasuke leaves sakura (even If i hate sakura I feel sad for her). :sad5:
       when Naruto and Sasuke fights (What's sasuke's problem?!) :angry:
FMA: again juz like pretty, when colonel Hughes died... and elisha (is that right?) has no idea that her father is dead already... :cry:
and many more.. I juz can't remember them
Five come to mind (beward of spoilers):
In TRC when Sakura wakes up again but Syaoran is actually by her side and she asks "who are you" than later Syaoran is standing out in the rain, I felt so bad for him.
In Air there's two, Misuzu's goal right when "Aozora" started to play and at the rooftop when Minagi had to say good-bye to Michiru (this latter one made me cry buckets for some reason).
In FMA, when Ed and Al realize what Nina's dad did to her and her dog and when they passed away.
In Kanon when Yuuichi finally remembered what actually happened to Ayu and they played the whole flashback (the flashback was sad).
The Second CCS movie when Sakura sealed the card and Syaoran was going to lose his most important feeling instead of Sakura
Episode 66: The Person Sakura Likes Most when Syaoran is comforting her at the swing set
Episode 67: Sakura, Syaoran and the Tsukimine Shrine when Syaoran states that he won't tell Sakura that he loves her so she won't have to feel upset
Episode 21: Sakura and Her Kind Father; when she captures the sleep card and she falls and breaks her fathers' laptop. I'm crying just thinking about it.
In Candy Candy... almots all the time, is a very sady anime :(
Saint Seiya... when the bronze saint Hyoga Cygnud and his sensei, the gold saint Kamyu no Aquarius die :( a very sentimental moment... or when the gold saint Shaka no Virgo, in Hades chapter, knows that will die and sends a sign of that to the goddess Athena.
Sandybell... when her dad dies :( the way she cries just made me want to cry :cry:
TRC... it was so sad when it seems that Fye dies hehe... when Sakura get up of her sleep and doen't remember Syaoran.
Episode 21: Sakura and Her Kind Father; when she captures the sleep card and she falls and breaks her fathers' laptop. I'm crying just thinking about it.
I always cry there. I bawl. It's something that I can really identify with and I just feel so sorry for Sakura...and then...Fujitaka is so nice... :sad5:
I also cry when Touya has to give up his magic to Yue, and you think Yukito is going to disappear, and then Sakura is standing right outside and she is so upset that she wasn't stronger.
Sailor Moon makes me cry in a couple of places, but especially Show content
in the last season when Sailor Moon finds out the Tuxedo Mask has been killed, and then I just keep crying for the rest of the series, but the deaths that hit the most are Tuxedo Mask's, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Uranus and Neptune... :cry: I sob when Uranus and Neptune die... it's just so... :sad5:
And in Fushigi Yuugi Show content
when Noriko dies...
I just fall to peices...
Maybe I cry too easy, but thinking of all this has suddenly made me very sad :cry:
in the last season when Sailor Moon finds out the Tuxedo Mask has been killed, and then I just keep crying for the rest of the series, but the deaths that hit the most are Tuxedo Mask's, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Uranus and Neptune... :cry: I sob when Uranus and Neptune die... it's just so... :sad5:
Oh! I cried there too! When sailormoon saw the gold star seed and when she find out that its' mamoru's, she cried! I like Mamoru-san a lot so i cried too! And the uranusxneptune thing! A! They're trying to reach each others hands! They want to be together even if they're going to die!
- in Chrono crusade when Rosette was crying for more time and chrono couldn't do anything to stop her tears
- in weiss kreuz when omi's sister die in his hands.
- in weiss kreuz when Youji killed the woman he loved, i think her name was Asuka.
- Pita ten when Shia dissapears.
- in TRC when sakura woke up and she couldn't reconize Syaoran
- in FMA when Hughes die.
- in FMWS when Mitsuki discovers that Eichi is dead.
Weiss kreuz... how could i forgot that sad anime serie!! i cried when how omi cried when his sis die!!!! ¨hugs to omi*
And I tough that FYE died too!!! i couln't stop crying!!!! since finally i discovered it was a game and fye wasn't really dead!!! thanks god!!
:sad5:I agree with lots of those moments...
Sailor Moon, when Usagi and Mamoru were separated because he wanted to protect her (because of his dreams, I think It was In Sailor Moon S...), and when he died in Sailor Moon Stars...
Rurouni Kenshin has lots of sad moments... just like Fullmetal Alchemist...
And Fushigi Yuugi too!!!!! I couldn't believed that Nuriko was dead and Tamahome's family were killed too!!!! How sad!!!
TRC, when the fathers of Kuro-san are killed!!!
CCS of course in the 2 movie... when we all think that Syaoran forgets Sakura....
Did anybody read Rurouni Kenshin's manga? *****************************Spoilers*************************************************
What about whne they all thinks that Kaoru was murdered by Enishi?, when they all see her dead body... T_T
Let's see...
Cardcaptor Sakura
- When Syaoran says that he won't tell Sakura that he loves her so he won't make her sad (at Tsukimine Shrine).
Sailor Moon
- (In the S season) When Sailor Moon pounds her fists on the ground in frustration that she can't transform to Super Sailor Moon (because she gave up the Chalice) and help Sailor Saturn.
- (same season ^^;) When Usagi has to say goodbye to Chibiusa.
- After Shuichi chose to be raped/beaten rather than hurt Yuki. And later when he's sitting in the rain and asks if it's wrong to want to be with the one he loves (Yuki). T___T
- When Shuichi comes home to find that Yuki left. And he starts kicking the wall and crying... Oh so sad.
- When Tanpopo finds out Koki has a fiance and blows the dandelion she was supposed to give to him into the wind.
- When Tanpopo has to leave the Planting Club and says that she will never be the same smiling person again.
Hopefully I haven't written anything that would spoil an anime for anyone. ^^;
Cardcaptor Sakura
- When Syaoran says that he won't tell Sakura that he loves her so he won't make her sad (at Tsukimine Shrine).
same here!! plus the music, it just makes you want to cry...
other than that,
TRC: the fact that Sakura-hime cannot remember anything about Syaoran..
Another thing!
FMA: When Roy cried coz Hughes died... I so want to cry that time! Seeing Roy crying makes me depressed! :cry:
Tombstome of firefly - almost the entire film.
dog of flunder- last epi
scrapped princess- when the x-soldier guy ( the one who took care pacifica while she can't remember anything) died while trying to help the knight guy to escape from the enemy. I believed that he is the one Pacifica really love.
trc- when sakura is trying to recall something with shaoran but finding herself talking to blank space.
TRC- when sakura forget all about Syaoran :cry:
Fruit Basket- Tohru finds out Kyou true form
Prince of tennis-last part where Ryoma's finally win Tezuka in a tennis match*tats very touching*
- Full metal alchemist when Roy cried cuz Hughes died, and he sais that it was raining.
- in DNAngel when Hiwatari decided to kill himself and Daisuke was trying to stop him.
- in DNAngel when they discover the real story of Ice and Snow
TRC - Sakura almost remembers Syaoran..=(
Pita Ten - SOO SADD the ending..when she dissapears..
Full Metal Alchemist - the whole funeral thing for Hughes
Honey & Clover - well, when the anime ended, because i didn't want it to end.. does that count?
FMA when Nina is transformed into a chimera *ep 7* and Ed and Al found what was left of her on the wall
Sailor Moon when that Neflite guy (don't know his name in Jap. version) died and Naru was crying
don't know anymore
when i thought that choji & neji DIED!!!!! I was ready to cry at that time
in Naruto, when sasuke "dies" i almost cried xD
Graveyard of the Fireflies: basically, the whole movie was so sad...ahaha
TRC: ...yes, the "who are you" part was very very very "saddening" =P felt so sorry for Syaoran
and yes, Pokemon...the first movie, that part when Ash turns into a rock...so sad =(
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-When Kotori dies(poor Kamui!!!)...
-And specially when "Subaru"(argh, that's not my Subaru! :angry: I have proof! But anyway...) wants to help Kamui come back from his coma, or what to call it... And he meets young Kamui. :sad5:
-When Iniki dies, and then later reborn as a puppy! Oh, I cried!!!
-The ending... Kamui's words were pretty... And the last scene on Tokyo Tower where Fuuma stands alone, holding one hand over his heart, looking out at Tokyo...
And much more, can't remember now...
Full Metal Alchemist
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FMA when Nina is transformed into a chimera *ep 7* and Ed and Al found what was left of her on the wall
That episode... >.< I wanted to cry, but there was so many people looking at it as well, so I held my tears back... I felt the most sad when she/it looked at Ed and said "Ed...ward... :sad5:" WHAAAAA~ :cry:
Hamtaro (...stop laughing!!!)
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When Hamtaro sits on the roof, thinking he'll be taken by aliens... And he thinks about his friends... Whaaw~
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Kagome stands in front of the tree and thinks for herself that she has fallen in love with InuYasha, and cries
Heh, I started crying while writing this...
Doesn't mangas count?... Oh well... Can make a thread like this for mangas too. Lalala~
the episode of naruto entitled "The necklace of death (?)" the part when sunade's brother and boyfriend died... OMG! i so want to cry on that episode! it's SO sad!
The Second CCS movie when Sakura sealed the card and Syaoran was going to lose his most important feeling instead of Sakura
Episode 66: The Person Sakura Likes Most when Syaoran is comforting her at the swing set
Episode 67: Sakura, Syaoran and the Tsukimine Shrine when Syaoran states that he won't tell Sakura that he loves her so she won't have to feel upset
Episode 21: Sakura and Her Kind Father; when she captures the sleep card and she falls and breaks her fathers' laptop. I'm crying just thinking about it.
Same as mine...I really cried much when I watched it.Also,in TRC that Sakura really no memoirs to Syaoran!! :cry:
in Arc The Lad when Elk found Myra and he had to kill her with his own hands because he couldn't save her.
when the movie of inuyasha 2
kagome kissed Inuyasha (http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d88/CV3/Picture%20and%20others/inukagkiss.jpg) i hate that :angry: :sad5::angry:
-Grave of the Fireflies (The entire movie was so sad. ;___;)
-In Cowboy Bebop, where Spike died.
-In Yu Yu Hakusho, Genkai's "death"
-In the Hana Yori Dango drama, the ending.
Kino no Tabi - when the real Kino died... :cry:
when the movie of inuyasha 2
kagome kissed Inuyasha (http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d88/CV3/Picture%20and%20others/inukagkiss.jpg) i hate that :angry: :sad5::angry:
Next time, please use a spoiler tag. I'm watching Inuyasha, and I haven't gotten to that yet. It's spoiled for me now.
when the movie of inuyasha 2
kagome kissed Inuyasha (http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d88/CV3/Picture%20and%20others/inukagkiss.jpg) i hate that :angry: :sad5::angry:
eh?! why did they kissed?! Inu Yasha should be wuth Kikyou & only for Kikyou! Kagome should die!! [sorry for the kagome fans out there.. please don't hurt me :sweatdrop: ]
eh?! why did they kissed?! Inu Yasha should be wuth Kikyou & only for Kikyou! Kagome should die!! [sorry for the kagome fans out there.. please don't hurt me :sweatdrop: ]
Don't worry!!! I won't hurt you!!! Kikiyo4ever!!!
-In Cowboy Bebop, where Spike died.
Awww that was such a sad moment for me too!!! But it was actually also pretty cool when he made this "Bang" thing to the others!
-when Syaoran realized that the Sakura in this glassthing wasn't real...(episode10?) I cried...
-when Arcueid died in Shingetsutan Tsukihime...awwww I jump on the computer and screamed: NOOOOOOO!!!
Cardcaptor Sakura
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When Syaoran lost his feelings for Sakura, and she cried out his name in the second movie.
Full Moon wo Sagashite
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I cried many times, I just can't recall them all.
Once was when Mitsuki was making the video tape for Eichi, and she said 'I love you' and Takuto's face... when he was outside... made me cry.
When she found out that Eichi was dead.
The incident with Takuto disappearing at her concert.
When Mitsuki had her surgery, and Meroko showed herself as an angel, and let Mitsuki to Takuto.
There are many more, but I can't recall them.
Ayashi No Ceres
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I really need to watch this series again... but I remember crying when Touya died... and Aya was pregnant with his child.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
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I bawled, during the second movie. When Asuka was going insane... and the angels speared her. I don't actually bawl a lot watching anime... I just tear up... or cry a little... but not bawl. It really got to me.
Well that's all I can think of.
I'm not trying to sound like I'm ordering people since I just signed up.
But PLEASE try to put things in spoilers. :)
I think it's fair to do so for others, so nothing is ruined. ^^
Cardcaptor Sakura
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When Syaoran lost his feelings for Sakura, and she cried out his name in the second movie.
Full Moon wo Sagashite
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I cried many times, I just can't recall them all.
Once was when Mitsuki was making the video tape for Eichi, and she said 'I love you' and Takuto's face... when he was outside... made me cry.
When she found out that Eichi was dead.
The incident with Takuto disappearing at her concert.
When Mitsuki had her surgery, and Meroko showed herself as an angel, and let Mitsuki to Takuto.
There are many more, but I can't recall them.
Ayashi No Ceres
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I really need to watch this series again... but I remember crying when Touya died... and Aya was pregnant with his child.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
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I bawled, during the second movie. When Asuka was going insane... and the angels speared her. I don't actually bawl a lot watching anime... I just tear up... or cry a little... but not bawl. It really got to me.
Well that's all I can think of.
I'm not trying to sound like I'm ordering people since I just signed up.
But PLEASE try to put things in spoilers. :)
I think it's fair to do so for others, so nothing is ruined. ^^
Thank you for being so considerate. That more than deserves a cookie; and yes minna-san, please use spoiler tags.
Next time, please use a spoiler tag. I'm watching Inuyasha, and I haven't gotten to that yet. It's spoiled for me now.
Perhaps the series won't turn out like that. Many movies have... strange endings compared to the series itself... :tard:
Thank you for being so considerate. That more than deserves a cookie; and yes minna-san, please use spoiler tags.
Hai. Even I did that(though the Hamtaro one really didn't need a spoiler tag anyway :rotfl:)
Don't worry!!! I won't hurt you!!! Kikiyo4ever!!!
Awww that was such a sad moment for me too!!! But it was actually also pretty cool when he made this "Bang" thing to the others!
-when Syaoran realized that the Sakura in this glassthing wasn't real...(episode10?) I cried...
-when Arcueid died in Shingetsutan Tsukihime...awwww I jumped on the computer and screamed: NOOOOOOO!!!
Perhaps the series won't turn out like that.
That's part of the reason I'm upset. Now that I know what happens, I'll have a belief on what might happen, and I could be wrong. I might be falsely mislead.
In my opinion... I think that you shouldn't look at anything as you go to reply.
That way, you don't see anything that might ruin the entire series for you. :greengrin:
In my opinion... I think that you shouldn't look at anything as you go to reply.
That way, you don't see anything that might ruin the entire series for you. :greengrin:
In my opinion (which counts more than yours)...people need to use the spoiler tags more often and those who venture here should also realize that the possibility for spoilers are high here.
I cried when at Ed and Al's mom's funeral in FMA.
Cried when Celebi almost died in the 4th movie of Pokemon.
Cried when Kisa turned back into human form, crying in episode 17 of Fruits Basket.
-when Arcueid died in Shingetsutan Tsukihime...awwww I jump on the computer and screamed: NOOOOOOO!!!
Oh! I cried there too! Arcueid shoudn't die! Too bad that date of them of Shiki didn't happen... Ciel is the one who should die!
the last episodes of chrno crusade where really sad :cry: why that has to be in that way.. it was one sad momment after another sad momment !!! =O..(
when azmaria was talking to chrno Show content
after rossete almost killed chrno and... how she cried really was kinna shock for me
and when they find chrno and rossete together Show content
when they died... and how rossete was crying for one more minute
ask cute me... i was really crying.
TRC: same as pretty-san! the "who are you" thing.. I want to kill sakura that time! I was crying...
Samurai 7(does anyone know that anime?): when Heihachi-dono, Kyuzo-dono & kikucho-dono died. especially Kikucho-dono! when komachi was crying! waa! :cry:
Princess Tutu: When Fakir was shot by the ravens and Princess Tutu was shouting his name... "FAKIR!!!!!!!!"
Naruto: when sasuke leaves sakura (even If i hate sakura I feel sad for her). :sad5:
??????hen Naruto and Sasuke fights (What's sasuke's problem?!) :angry:
FMA: again juz like pretty, when colonel Hughes died... and elisha (is that right?) has no idea that her father is dead already... :cry:
and many more.. I juz can't remember them
YUP! The "Who are you?" thing was so sad!! I was crying when reading the manga and watching the anime!
Also, I kinda thought the ending of Chobits was sad...
The last episode of 'AIR TV'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah! when sakura told syoran who are you...man....i was crying all over... :sweatdrop:
In the end of the movie X/1999....when kamui killed his friend. :(
(spoiler inu-yasha) When Inuyasha sees his father (3d movie)Â Â -_-
Castle in the Sky
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when they are firing at the robot...poor robot! And it's protecting Shita...and its such a well intentioned robot, with such a kind face. It went to help her even though it was all broken... :cry: I love you, robot!
Oh, and when Shita told Patsu to just forget about Laputa, and he looked so hurt, and ran away... :cry:
In the end of the movie X/1999....when kamui killed his friend. :(
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(http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b338/Tessaiga-W/Chibi/Chibi-sad1.gif)I ALWAYS cry there! No matter how many times I've seen it. I don't know if I'm sad because Fuuma's dead, or if it's because Kamui looks so sad and fragile when he cries...
Castle in the Sky
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when they are firing at the robot...poor robot! And it's protecting Shita...and its such a well intentioned robot, with such a kind face. It went to help her even though it was all broken... :cry: I love you, robot!
Oh, and when Shita told Patsu to just forget about Laputa, and he looked so hurt, and ran away... :cry:
Oh, how could I forget that moment! And I'm a Miyazaki freak! Also Show content
When Pazu and Shetta had no choice but to kill Muska. Even if he was the bad guy, I always hate seeing people die. That was so sad.
Oh, how could I forget that moment! And I'm a Miyazaki freak! Also Show content
When Pazu and Shetta had no choice but to kill Muska. Even if he was the bad guy, I always hate seeing people die. That was so sad.
Have to agree with you on that. I always get teary at anime deaths and when anime people cry. >.<
Fruits Basket...
The episode where Show content
Kanna's memory was erased... And my Hattori was crying!
it made me cry!
I'm really a sap I cry when there is anything remotly sad or extremely happy, too bad I can't cry on command that could really be helpful lol
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When Sakura asked who Syaoran was oh man I was bawling!
When Fye died I was also a wreck!
Fushugi Yugi
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When Noriko died and Tasuki was saying that he'll get up. Just basically when most of them died I was crying it was soo sad, oh and when they appeared and spirits to help her and she chose to return the world to the way it was instead of staying with Tamahome. Oh and when Tasuki wanted Miaka because he was being controlled it was sad. I love Tasuki!!
Hana Kimi
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The ending was soo beautiful when they are all sending her off, I was crying
oh gosh...
YYH ( below SPOILER )
1) Where Kuwabara 'dies' and Yusuke is Crying TT_TT
Post deleted.
Today I watched the last few episodes of the first season of Sailor Moon and
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When Sailor Mercury is staying behind to fight, and she like "I won't die." and Sailor Moon says "You Promise?" and she nods, and then she dies and Sailor Moon flips out.
And when Sailor Mars is dying and she's like, "You're right, I should have kissed Yuichiro"
And when Sailor Moon has to fight Endymion, and he remembers her finally, and it makes you so happy, and then he gets the shards in his back protecting her, and he's lying there dying and he's like "Usagi, leave here. Go back home and you can be an ordinary girl. You can even find a cool boyfriend."
And she's like "You're the coolest"
And then he dies...:cry: I was sobbing. It was so sad.
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When Misty and Togetic left each other in Pokemon Advanced Challenge...
Topic modifed by SLi, to use Spoiler tags, People better start using them
Read and use the spoiler tags.
My first and last warning about it, topic will be locked if people don't start doing this simple request
I was just watching Full Metal Alchemist episode 4
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and it showed the boys trying to revive their mother, and Edward lost his arm and leg trying to save his brother, and as he was getting his metal arm and leg, he didn't scream or cry because he didn't think the pain was as bad as what Al had to endure. :cry: I was crying my eyes out at that!
Anime doesn't really make me sad for some reason. It doesn't matter if someone dies. Probably because I know it's not real. :P If they were using real people though, I would cry.
I'll admit that there was only one anime I cried at and that was the ending of Fruits Basket when Tohru had her second encounter with Akito. I cried only once.
adding more
the end of air
the end of chrno crusade Show content
when chrno and rossete died together.. it was so sad *tear*.. they left with a smile
and the end of yami no matsuei Show content
when hisoka started to cry to tsusuki beggin him to live for him
and you criticized me when i used that world.
eh ...how do you use spoiler tags? :confused:
you write
[ spoiler ] here goes the spoiler [ /spoiler] <-- all has to be together
Post deleted
In Pokemon 'Do I Hear A Ralts?', when
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Max and Ralts said goodbye and made that promise that they'll meet again.
in Arc the Lad when Elk was asking to the spirit of flame why he doesn't let him take revenge for his family, meril and gene? and then the spirit said to him that the power elk had wasn't to hurt others, so elk start crying tellig the spirit that he didn't want thar power if he couldnt take revenge.
i cried in the episode when Elk had to
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Meiril. *tear*
in Azumanga Daioh, the final ep....so depressing since that was the last i would see of the Azumanga jokes.....why did that that anime have to end, why?!
I just watched Haibane Renmei through today and
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at the end when Riku is in her room and there's the other her there and she's crying and the train from her dream is coming towards her it's so intense. I didn't cry, but my heart was breaking.
In Fullmetal Alchemist when
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Tucker transmute Alex and Nina into a chimera and Scar killed them.
geez i cried a river in that episode! poor ed.. *tear*
In Fruits Basket Episode 15 where
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Momiji talks about his past and how his mother tried to forget him.
Last ep of Fruits Basket!
Episode 25-26 Fruits Basket :cry:
the past of momiji
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he is so sweet how can he keep smiling like that after hearing that his mommy wanted to forget him:cry: *hugs*
I felt like crying but I didn't really, so my throat just hurts from holding the tears.
Episode 8 of Fruits Basket.
I only time I really got upset when watching anime was at the end of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars. (the 5th season) It was sad because I knew that there was no more Sailor Moon after that last episode. Plus I was like bawling when all the senshi die. :/
on Weiss Kreuz Gluhen when
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Sena died :(
We need to use the spoiler tags!!!
In Pokemon Heroes when Show content
Latios died
post deleted by pretty cuz i modify the spoiler thing
i use to think that the scene where ash says goodbye to pikachu (from pokemon) was really sad. but now i don't...coz i learnt that pikachu doesn't want to leave ash's side =P
Some of mine.
Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta
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Kamille's brain is fried after winning the final battle
Aura Battler Dunbine
[spoilers]Everyone died.[/spoilers]
Geez, almost everything in Fruits Basket made me cry! Momiji's past, Hatori's past, Kisa's problem, the last episodes, even episode five when
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Yuki and Kyo came to pick Tohru up from her grnadpa's, she was crying in front of Kyo and then there was that flashback where someone shouted 'riceball/onirgiri!' and Tohru got up and joined the other kids
Also, the last episode of Air and that thing between Minagi and Tohno...I think those were their names. The 'Are you smiling?' thing gave me the sniffles.
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when nuriko died
when mitsukake died
when chiriko died
when hotohiri died
when tamahome's family died
Edited by pretty that was playing in her sis session :tongue:
Read and use the spoiler tags.
My first and last warning about it, topic will be locked if people don't start doing this simple request
Please follow the rules or this will get locked.
Fma the movie when
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warth die but at least he was happily with his mommy finally!! and when the other al died...
I don't usually get very sad at animes...but...
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Fullmetal Alchemist.
...Made me cry like a baby. I want Nina back ;_;
Revolutionary Girl Utena-
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When Anthy stabs Utena. The absolute betrayal. Oh man, I screamed and cried.
Sailor Moon- Show content
I think hoshisenshi might have mentioned this, but I cried at the end of the S season when Usagi pounds on the ground, trying to transform again to help Saturn. So intense.
Hmm... It's more bittersweet, but I usually cry when I see the Haruka-Michiru hand-holding scene in the S season. "I like your hands, Haruka." That line always touches me, as do their death scenes in both S and Stars.
I'm really easily moved, so it's easy for me to cry.
His and Her Circumstances - Show content
In the episode where Arima's at the family reunion and all of his relatives are saying how much of a "bad seed" he is. There were a lot of moments in that episode that made me feel really bad for Arima. The music was really effective, too... T^T
Paranoia Agent - Show content
In the last epsiode where Tsukiko has a flashback of walking her puppy, Maromi. The animation is frightenly realistic, and the poor little puppy gets hit by a car. It's just sad remembering it. >< Haoooo...
Oh!!! I just thought of another one!!
Neon Genesis Evangelion
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When Shinji has to kill Kaworu, and Kaworu's telling him he cares about him too much to risk having to kill him. (It's been a while since I watched it...)
...Poor Shinji needs a serious break.
^^ Yay for using the spoiler tags!! XD They're in every post now!
Oh!!! I just thought of another one!!
Neon Genesis Evangelion
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When Shinji has to kill Kaworu, and Kaworu's telling him he cares about him too much to risk having to kill him. (It's been a while since I watched it...)
...Poor Shinji needs a serious break.
^^ Yay for using the spoiler tags!! XD They're in every post now!
OMG, that's one of mine too. I forgot to mention it. Makes me cry... Then again, almost the entirety of Death/Rebirth and End of Evangelion makes me cry. When it's not making me bash my head in. Poor Shinji deserves a break indeed.
Maria-sama ga Miteru - Show content
The Sei/Shiori story makes me cry. So much. Poor Sei is so head-over-heals, and Shiori loves her back... but they think it's wrong... It's rather a traditional angst tale, but it's told very well.
Poor Shinji deserves a break indeed.
*gets out banners and petitions* ;_;
in MKR when
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Hikaru was in that dream thing with nova, ep34, and Nova made her believe that Lantis hated her
that was so sad
Elfed lied the special
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when lucy's only friend died O_O.. she was tryong to protect her >>!! poor girl .. and all that lucy' wanted is to help her.. she even gave herself to that damn place where they experiment to them... it was really sad when she was crying. after she was told that her friend died.. *hugs* poor lucy.. she really suffered.. humanity sucks ><
For Fushigi Yuugi
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When Nuriko dies, and when Yui actually decides to seal Suzaku... At that point, I was thinking, some friend
For X
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The moment Seishirou whispers daisuki to Subaru... AND, let's not forget the time when Sorata fulfills his prophesy. I didn't know Arashi would be THIS devastated... Now she's spending the rest of her life alone with her memory of Sorata
Fruits Basket, where tohru found out kyo's secret.
umm. do i even have one? haha. let's see..
sailor moon Show content
during the beginning of the 5th season, usagi kept trying her best to save chibi moon and it made me think "who would do that for me?"
or card captor sakura Show content
when syaoran told meiling about sakura. straight up. because like, i can relate to that mess. when you are in love with someone and they tell you they love someone else. makes me cry every time i see it.
ohh! and fullmetal alchemist Show content
nina. chimera. you know the rest.
and well, i can't think of anything else as of this moment.
to Hikari_Blaze: omg! sry, i'll fix it :sweatdrop:
from CCS= Show content
when syaoran leaves to hong kong leaving sakura
from furuba= Show content
kyo's original form known by tohru TT_TT
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momiji's story about his mom
You're suppose to use spoiler tags... [ spoiler ]The spoiler [ / spoiler ] <-- Like this but without the spaces...
Ahh the list
Fullmoon o Sagashite
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When you find that Eichi had been dead since the day he left Mitsuki and she wants to die to be with him. But she pretends in front of everyone that he's alive. She wants to make use of the life her parents gave her, so she doesnt want to get surgury. She'll live out her final year then die and be with Eichi.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
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Shinji's father uses a dummy plug and Shinji's Eva chrushes Toji while Shinji can only watch
Tokyo Babylon
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Hokuto's death ;_; COME BACK IN TSUBASA! I loved Hokuto so much at the end of TB
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When chouji died, it was so sad the fact thst he thought that he was weak in any aspect but he fought with all he had for Shikamaru who believed in him. Gaara's past it was so sad, knowing that you killed your own mother and that the only person who you thought that loved you tryed to kill you and hen you find aou that he really hated you
[spoil]when wolfwood died in Trigun ; ; *cries* [/spoil]
I dont know if I did that right, or if it is even a code but here o.o
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When chouji died, it was so sad the fact thst he thought that he was weak in any aspect but he fought with all he had for Shikamaru who believed in him. Gaara's past it was so sad, knowing that you killed your own mother and that the only person who you thought that loved you tryed to kill you and hen you find aou that he really hated you
Naruto too
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What chapter did he die in. I'm on chapter 303, and he didn't die yet.
[spoil]when wolfwood died in Trigun ; ; *cries* [/spoil]
I dont know if I did that right, or if it is even a code but here o.o
[ spoiler ] Spoiler [ / spoiler ] <--- Pardon my typo in the last post. Sorry, sorry, sorry!
Fruits Basket:
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when Hattori was forced to erase Kanna's memory.. :cry: the last episode :cry:
Full Metal Alchemist:
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when Hughes died.. the reaction of his daughter and Roy crying (the saddest moment!) when Scar died.. when lust died... when Al & Ed find out that hughes died
Fushigi Yuugi:
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when nuriko died.. i love him/her!
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when Sasuke tries to kill naruto.. (I HATE YOU SASUKE!!)
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when it looked like Sakai didn't choose for Shana, and she cried, aarrrgggh stupid Yoshida getting in the way of ShanaXSakai
Fruits Basket
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I always cry when Tohru finds out about Momijii's past. When Momijii starts talking about his mother and how she treated him, he keeps that smile on his face the entire time. That 'I smile cause I don't want to cry' smile. *tear* There's just something about seeing someone so happy truly cry...
No matter how matter how many times I see that, I always cry...
Fruits Basket
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I always cry when Tohru finds out about Momijii's past. When Momijii starts talking about his mother and how she treated him, he keeps that smile on his face the entire time. That 'I smile cause I don't want to cry' smile. *tear* There's just something about seeing someone so happy truly cry...
No matter how matter how many times I see that, I always cry...
Mine too. I love to go back and watch it over and over because it's so sad, and yet so beautiful at the same time.
WARNING!!! Use Spoiler tags or don't make comments period!!!
I just want to add something in my list:
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When Majad (Dark Magician) became Dark Magician and was sucked in in the stone tablet... (it's not like i cried there but.. he's such a cute guy! it feels like my heart is in my throat when i watched that episode! i can't breathe!) curse you, Bakura!
Spoiler tags! Use the freakin' spoiler tags already!! @_@
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when Kamui's sister died in X
when Show content
when Kamui's sister died in X
Huh?Show content
if you mean Kotori, she's Fuuma's sister
when Show content
when Kamui's sister died in X
Please do us a favor and state what the anime is outside of the spoiler tags. Thank you.
When Hitome
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leaves Van and Merl on Gia and she doesnt kiss him goodbye ; ;
(this is Escaflowne)
Hikaru no Go
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when sai vanished and hikaru looked for Sai everywhere and decided not to play igo and ditched his competition. That was sad.
For me it would definitely be during Shoujo Kakumei Utena, during
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the last episode, when Utena uses the sword to open the coffin that has Anthy in it, that really touching moment where she says she's going to save her, it's so uplifiting their eyes, their tears...then the coffin falls and Anthy's hanging on by a thread and she falls and Utena's just LEFT THERE all alone on the edge. Crying weakly that she couldn't save her, that all that work was for nothing. That she couldn't be her prince and the swords of humanities hatred suddenly turn from mid air and fly towarrds her and the scene cuts out. Well really, that WHOLE EPISODE had me near tears
. Hm...I should really go re watch this series sometime.
no matter how many times i saw it but i always cry ;_;
in the first episodes of naruto
when zabusa and haru Show content
died.. together..and sabuza said... i hope i can go to the place you will go *tear*
i watch this part almost everyday xD
^ gaa! did sabusa say that?! OMG!!! that is sweet in the same time sad!
2 in sailor moon:
in the first season: Show content
when nephlite dies protecting molly/naru, he apologizes for lying to her again, its so touching how he truely loved her. :cry:
thats the first time i creid when watching sailor moon.
in the last season: Show content
when usagi was crying because momaru hadnt contactied her in several months (he was suposedly in america) and when she saw seiya strike a pose and thro a rose, it broke her heart cuz it reminded her of tuzedo mask. she was on her knees sobbing and seiya said "Arent i good enough?" as he wrapped his arms around he shoulders. it was so touching, even tho seiya was truely female, he/she still loved usagi. it was so :sad5:
Pokemon: Master of Mirage Pokemon
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When Mew dissolved for the last time, it gave one last smile. :cry:
Almost cried...
2 in sailor moon:
in the first season: Show content
when nephlite dies protecting molly/naru, he apologizes for lying to her again, its so touching how he truely loved her. :cry:
thats the first time i creid when watching sailor moon.
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oh yeah, that was sooo sad....i almost cried with that one, and naru was left behind crying
Fullmetal Alchemist:
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Hughes death, and every appearance of Hughes after I saw that, in credits, in past episodes, when he was mentioned...Yeah...Uh, when Lust died, when Sloth died (of all people...), when I was afraid Mustang had died, when Scar died, when the snake chimera whose name I can't remember died, when Ed died, both times...Eh...Yeah, pretty much the last fifteen episodes made me cry for one reason or another...Along with random moments throughout the series...
TRC: When Sakura woke up and didn't recognize Syaoran and [spoiler=Manga Spoilers]Syaoran stepping into Kurogane's childhood, and Kurogane's confrontation of Fye. Those hit me pretty hard[/spoiler]
Bleach: [spoiler=major manga spoilers!!]Almost all of volume three, particularly: Tatsuki's description of Ichigo before and directly after his mother's death and Ichigo's desperate and reckless attempt to defeat GF once he figured out that it was his fault his mother died, Kaien's story, re-reading volume three after reading Kaien's story and realizing what Rukia must've been thinking/afraid of, when Rukia was about to be executed (There was a horrible, horrible moment when I thought she would actually die), when Ishida found out that his grandfather died directly because of Mayuri's interference, Aizen's betrayal to Hinamori, Hitsugaya finding Hinamori, Renji pleading with Ichigo, Byakuya's reasoning behind not saving Rukia/Hisana's story, Ururu being skewered by Eilforte, and in the most recent chapters Hinamori's plead to not kill Aizen, even after all he's done to her.[/spoiler]
Naruto: Show content
Gaara's history, Sasuke's history, the entire Haku/Zabuza relationship, the Kakashi Gaiden, not to mention any reference to the hell of Naruto's childhood, when I thought that Neji and Chouji had died, the entire Sasuke vs. Naruto fight...
Cowboy Bebop: Show content
Faye's past and Spike's death
I cry so much over anime. It's a little pathetic... :heh: Those are just the moments that I can think of right now...
Spirited Away
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When when Chihiro had to go back to her world and leave Kohaku (I think thats what his name was) behind, I wanted them to fall in love and show them grow up together, but I guess that isnt going to happen ; ;
Fullmetal Alchemist: Show content
Hughes death, and every appearance of Hughes after I saw that, in credits, in past episodes, when he was mentioned...Yeah...Uh, when Lust died, when Sloth died (of all people...), when I was afraid Mustang had died, when Scar died, when the snake chimera whose name I can't remember died, when Ed died, both times...Eh...Yeah, pretty much the last fifteen episodes made me cry for one reason or another...Along with random moments throughout the series...
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her name was marta
Fruits Basket
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i just watched the 8th episode of it...and it was extremely sad...about hatori and his lover.....and how he had to erase her memory...gah, that part was so sad =(
Grave of the Fireflies was one of the saddest anime movie I've seen :(
Message deleted...use spoiler tags please!!!
Magical Girl Lyrical Nahona
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When Fate-chan found out that she wasn't her mother's real daughter.
i cried...watching...full moon wo sagashite
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in episode 42...where mitsuki finds out about eichi's death...and the letter...aiii, that just made me burst into tears =(
Magical Girl Lyrical Nahona Show content
When Fate-chan found out that she wasn't her mother's real daughter.
same here
the end of ai no kusabi ;_; *sobs*
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they died together..why it has to be like that.. and iiason lost his legs for protectic riki..even tho ..he died with him.. grr.. all cuz that stupid guy.. T_T#.. he shouldn't put those bombs.. and he survived -_-.
geez and it was so sad to see how katze cried..that i cried with him ;_;. *sobs*
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Episode 26: Daisuke tried to save Satoshi...
i find a little bored that too..
i like it more when two people of the same gender say that ^__________^
anyway..this is not "what you have about anime" thread ~_~
Gundam Seed Destiny.
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The last 10 episodes, god it's so crappy its sad!
...everytime two people of opposing genders say something like "I'll protect you" or "I'll be there for you" or that sentence....anime should show some more action rather that.....that stuff bores me...
Let's stay on topic here...and saying 'boredom makes me sad' is a cop-out!
...one of them is the ending of Yu-Gi-Oh R...
I agree with you, Sayu-chan
I agree with you, Sayu-chan
In Chrono Crusade
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when Rosette cries on Chrono's arms at the last sunset she's gonna see... "I want to live more...." And both of them.... die....with a smile.... "thankyou..."
:cry: oh god... i'm gonna cry again...
theres alot but i can't think of them right now i'll post them up later
EDIT: Use the spoiler tags!!!
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In Episode 5 where just when Hiromu and Sora were about to kiss, Hiromu's soul started to fade away...
Wolf's rain:
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I cried alot when I watched the last episodes of Wolf's rain when everyone died.... :cry:
Previous message deleted. Let's use spoilers since you kind of ruined one of the outcomes for me.
Chrno Crusade:
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Rosette and Chrno DIED!! ARRGGH, that one turned me into a mushy weeping statue!
Full Moon Sagashite:
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Meroko and Takuto died to save Mitsuki.... but at least it had a happy ending.
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The swing scene, it breaks my heart to pieces.
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*I don't think this is one.*
The empty chair scene, and the one where Sakura first asked Syaoran, "Who are you?"
That's all I can think of now..
Kyou Kara Maou!
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when Conrad's arm was cutted! I almost cried that time... T_T And when Conrad said to Yuuri "don't worry about me..."When Yuuri worried about Conrad very much that time!When Yuuri really sad in his world & cried for Conrad! That episode was almost makes me cry!! :cry: And the part where Conrad betrayed Yuuri! I shocked when I watched that ep!Conrad!! T_T
I think that ep makes me sad!It makes my heart cried! :cry:
Thats the most saddest moment I ever watched! :cry: