Does anyone know their age in TRC or XXXHolic? In the movie, they look a little older. I'm glad to watch them grow up in theseries!
:hehe: Everyone's been dying to know this!
I personally think they're 14. Because, they're just too short to be 15, and I will not have my Syaoran being shorter than me! (lol)
And the reason why they look different in the movie because it's made by a different company. :keke:
But what about Fai and Kurogane?
Syaoran and Sakura are confirmed and officially 15 actually. ^^; Kurogane and Fay I have no idea just yet. We'll have to estimate until CLAMP officially confirms it.
they look about maybe around 30, but that's just me :sweatdrop:
(Sohru-sama, your PM box is full.)
they look about maybe around 30, but that's just me
lmao. Really? They seem about either in the early twenties or mid twenties to me...XD
Fye and that one guy don't look that old. At least Fye doesn't to me anyway.
[Sorry. PM Box No Longer Full.]
Fai might seem around mid-twenties. xD Kurogane looks a little older though.
I'm sticking with Okami on this one.
To me, Fai and Kuro look near thirty.
By actions and maturity also. ^^ And I still say Fai might be at least a few
months older than Kuro. He needs something else to hold over him and
tease him about.
Kurogane does look older. Fye creeps me out by his grins.
That's true but...
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If you read the most recent chapters of TRC then isn't it true that Kurogane is about or around the same age as Tomoyo? You know...when she helped him recover from the death of his only living family. She looked about 15 or so and so did Kurogane. Wouldn't that make them both be around the same age..? o_O *doesn't know if she's making any sense* Sorry...XDD I'm kinda out of it today. lol
I'm sticking to what age Kuro looks and acts, same with Fai.
Clamp is screwy with ages sometimes. You never know exactly what
Clamp is thinking, and they tend to contradict themselves with showing
time sometimes. It's not like real time.
True true. Though it does suck that we don't know officially how old they are. xD Its all good though. CLAMP knows what they are doing...
I hope
So they're confirmed to be 15 huh? They look about that age. Maybe 16 or a little older.
Yûko (or is it Yuuko?... :tard:)! I see her as 35 to 40+ years old. :hehe:
well.. im guessing that Syaoran and Sakura are around 15 to 16 years old.. as for Fye and Kurogane.. probably 25 to 27 years old.. and Fye is younger than Kuro-san~ :D
Oh really? ô.0
I thought all the time Kurogane and Fye are 18...or highest 20, 22... Not too old... Ok 15 is a good age in Sakuras and Syaorans case...
Hmmm Yuuko is maybe 27 or 30... and Kimihiro is 17! I'm quite sure about this!
For me they are all young guys...^___^"
Hmm...for some reason, I always though of Sakura and Syaoran being 15-16, so I guess I was right! Yuuko, I think she has to be around 30....
Fai and Kurogane? For some reason, I always pictured Fai being just older than Kurogane, maybe by one or two years.....and they can't be too old, or still in their teens....
I'm going with Kurogane being the same age as Seishirou in TB...25. And Fai being either 26 or 27.
According to DelRey (the publisher of TRC in America), their exact age have not been revealed however Sakura and Syaoran are clearly older than their CCS doppelgangers and are in their teens. CLAMP has gone on record in saying that they are 15. Kurogane and Fye are clearly much older and Kurogane had referred to Syaoran as a child, thus confirmimg the age difference...most likely in his early 20's. Fye's age could de deceiving, as he is a wizard. He could actually be much older than anyone truly realizes.
wow.....i thought sakura and syaoran were near 17ish...but meh, i was close =P
ahahahha, kurogane and fye...i'm guessing they're about 28+ ish...haha
it's pretty interesting to think about their ages...i've never thought about it until i read this thread...hahaha xD
Hmmm... I wonder if people like Tomoyo and Yuuko and maybe even Fai are waaaaaaaay older than they look because of thier magic powers. Like... so many people seem to know Yuuko. If she was just 30, that's pretty young to be so reviered and such. And she really doesn't LOOK older than 30. So there must be something going on there...
Either way... I think Fai would probably be older than Kurogane... I agree that it would be just another fun thing for Fai to tease about!
Hmm.... So Syaoran and Sakura are 15? Seems reasonable. They look around that age.
Now for Kurogane and Fai. I've always imagined Fai to be in late teens to mid twenties and Kurogane early twenties to late twenties. I think they look around Touya's and Yukito's age, give or take a few years, and since Touya is about 7 years older than Sakura (refering to CCS) I think that might be about right.
Kurogane and Fai are just ageless. XD It's too strange to think of them being old...
It's been confirmed that Syao Syao and Sakura are 15 in Tsubasa? When was that confirmed? (It's not that I don't believe you guys, I'm just curious...) Anyway, I think that age works for them, but like someone else said I DO think they're a little short for 15, but CLAMP is screwy with height, too! XD Also, both Kuro and Fai have been described as "tall" so maybe Syao and Sakura are average height and K/F are tall! XD But I guess that doesn't work because S/S are short around other people, too..
Anyway, I actually agree with the people who say Fai may be older than Kurorin.. I don't know why. In the beginning, I always figured Fai would be younger, but as the series went on, he just kept seemer wiser and wiser and more and more mysterious, which somehow makes him seem older to me. He also definitely seems to be the most mature of the group (Except for when he's playing with Kuro, of course..) because he always seems to understand things faster than everyone else and he's good at listening to people. He also seems like he's been through a lot, himself, so I'd think he'd have to be older to have gone through so much already.
My guesses: Kuro and Fai are mid to late 20s, and Yuuko-sama is around thirty. (Because she seems even older than everyone else, but she sure doesn't look like it!)
Proof? Sure thing~
Its all on the interview. I actually have the magazine laying around somewhere lost in all my piles of junk ...mhm. XDD
Your all right though. I think Fay is a little older than Kurogane from what it seems. But then again, CLAMP is weird to the power of 3 so yeah. We might find out sooner or later. :P
Proof? Sure thing~
Its all on the interview. I actually have the magazine laying around somewhere lost in all my piles of junk ...mhm. XDD
Oh, but that says 14-15 years old.. So they MAY be 14... Hmm.. And do you wanna know something lame? I actually read that very same interview right when I first got into TRC! I totally forgot about it! XD God I have no memory!
((And don't worry, I have piles of junk, too....))
That's true but...
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If you read the most recent chapters of TRC then isn't it true that Kurogane is about or around the same age as Tomoyo? You know...when she helped him recover from the death of his only living family. She looked about 15 or so and so did Kurogane. Wouldn't that make them both be around the same age..? o_O *doesn't know if she's making any sense* Sorry...XDD I'm kinda out of it today. lol
Hmm...I agree with Sya0ran and I would say Kurogane would be about 18-30 years old and Fai...okay, he is ageless (just like guru Cleff from MKR)
o_O i agree the same that kurogane is between the ages of 18-30 .... it amazing!! XD!!
I always thought Syaoran and Sakura were 16, but mostly cause they looked nothing like their CCS counterparts in age. As for Kuro and Fai, I thought they were early twenties, just cause a closer age group always seemed more close-knit to me... But I also agree that Fai is older than Kuro, cause he always exudes that mature aura or...whatever.
i think kurogane is about 22-25=ish cuz when he met tomoyo-hime, she looked like she was about 7/8 yrs old and kurogane looks like SyaoSaku's age right now, so he's probably 22-25 yrs old...
as for Fay, i dunno
And Mokona how old do you think?? i think 5 years xD!! she has a long time living and i think moree!!! ....
And Mokona how old do you think?? i think 5 years xD!! she has a long time living and i think moree!!! ....
LOL! I actually haven't thought of Mokona's age, yet! XD Hmm... I know in the MKR world he's just a thingy, but in the world of Tsubasa and Holic did Yuuko create the two Mokona? We'll have to ask her how old they are! XD
I think Sakura and Syaoran look 15.
Fai 19 or early twenties.
Kurogane looks about 25.
LOL! I actually haven't thought of Mokona's age, yet! XD Hmm... I know in the MKR world he's just a thingy, but in the world of Tsubasa and Holic did Yuuko create the two Mokona? We'll have to ask her how old they are! XD
Can he have an age? I'm not sure. But if he does, then I'm guessing.....7-11? He just seems like a little kid even compared to Fai's playful moods, so I wonder whether that matches his age.....
Mokona's just ageless. :) Naturally he (ack! it hurts to refer to that cute little thing as having a gender) must have existed for a specific amount of time, but since he isn't human I don't think you can assume that he is four years - or something like that - just because he acts like he was. Can anyone even picture him maturing as he grows older? I sure can't. I've always thought of him as a creature who's existed for a long time, maybe thousands of years(!).
As for Kuro and Fai, I'm just going to be random and say what everyone else have already said: probably in their late twenties, at least Kuro. Fai I think of as slightly older, but then, being a mage, he might have lived for quite some time and still appear young.
Uhh...I figured Sakura and Syaoran were about 15...
As for Kurogane and Fai, I spent AGES working this out. Personally, I thought Fai didn't look much older than 20...
But then I remembered he and Kurogane go to that bar in volume six, and the legal drinking age for Japan is 21 (right?) ...so, he had to be at least over 21...but I didn't think he looked much older...but then his maturity comes into play, but I couldn't judge solely on that because I'm 16 and I've had to mature way before my time...(Long explanation involving incurable illnesses that I don't feel like going in to right now...plus it's off topic.) So...I reckon he's about 22-24.
Kuro-tan on the other hand...seems older to me. So (as I don't think a person's maturity is always the best way to judge things...) I think he's about 25-27.
But that's just me. It's interesting to see what you all think ^_^
Actually I'm pretty sure the legal drinking age in Japan is 20. I could be wrong, though.
And I agree that Fai doesn't *look* older than Kurorin and you're right about some people are just extremely mature for their age.. Maybe he is a bit younger? *sighs* I have no idea... But I definitely think they are within 3 years of each other.
Actually I'm pretty sure the legal drinking age in Japan is 20. I could be wrong, though.
I search search and search..and here what I found:
"In Japan, the legal drinking age is 20, but you are essentially allowed to drink once you turn 18."
Mokona..err...jeah, Mokona is ageless manju XD
Well, when I have thought this again LemonPing or Becster is more right about Kurogane's age.. He's about 22-27.
But then I thinked Fai..umm..Fai could be ageless too. I'll go that line..
Mmm, just because the drinking age in Japan is 20, doesn't mean Fai is 20. God only knows what the drinking age in Edonis/Otou is, after all. But still, I'm betting on early 20s for Fai, mid 20s for Kuro-tan, and 30ish for Yuuko.
....*shudder* Yuuko scares the shit out of me...
Mokona I'll give an arbitrary number like, say, 658. Show content
Anyways, I think Mokona must be old. I mean, it IS god after all. Maybe. Something bizzare like that. My brain just sort of imploded at the end of Rayearth.
I think Sakura and Li are 15 was my hunch anyways ;) and i say lovely Fai...um? 20/22/19 around those ages...Kurogane thats tough...but not that old, probably about 23/20 around their lol!
Comment to the age of Yûko - I personally think she's WAY older than she looks. I mean, she's known Clow and for how long he's been dead? Quite a while, at least... Plus... I'm not sure if this is a spoiler (the volume is out in English so I guess not) but, in volume 9, didn't Yûko receive 'the liquor of eternal youth' from Ashura-ô? Maybe that's her secret :wink: Ashura-ô and Yûko seem to know each other if you ask me, so...
I'm still thinking about Kurogane and Fai. I've always thought they were around 30 or something, although I began to doubt Show content
after the things I learned from Kuro's past, with Tomoyo playing a part in it. (Haven't read it myself yet so I base it on things I've heard from others.)
. How old must Tomoyo-hime be, anyway? She's definitely older than she looks to me...
The only thing I'm sure about is Sakura and Syaoran. They look too old to be 13 and too young to be 16, so 14-15 is left  :)
only 13? It can't be. Remember that in CCS, at the end, s&S had already 12!
in TRC they seem older than CCS, so they can't have only 13.
only 13? It can't be. Remember that in CCS, at the end, s&S had already 12!
in TRC they seem older than CCS, so they can't have only 13.
I'm not sure if you commented to me (I haven't read all the comments before me), but I said they look too old to be 13 and too young for 16 or older, so I made the point I'm 99% sure they're 14-15. Sorry if I wasn't making a clear point. :sweatdrop:
I never knew that S+S are only 15. I've gone on believing they were 16.
Thought they were 16 too, (but hey, how many years have passed since the first chapter came out? X)) but after knowing Syaoran's height, I was doubtful. o.0
What, you mean he's short or tall? o.O I think he's pretty tall enough, but... Fye and Kurogane are MUCH taller...
I'm not sure if you commented to me (I haven't read all the comments before me), but I said they look too old to be 13 and too young for 16 or older, so I made the point I'm 99% sure they're 14-15. Sorry if I wasn't making a clear point. :sweatdrop:
in some way, I was agree with you Mizumi. 13 is too young...I've ever thought that they're just 16.
A good guess would be that..
S&S are 16
Kurogane 20-25
Fai 30s or even older, because those with powers live longer right?
IMO Kuro ould be maybe 22. (he's a tad older than tomoyo, but theres not that great an age diference between them.)
Fai...could possibly be older than Kuro...maybe 25?
hey, umm i was wondering about these things. are kurogane and tomoyo the same age? personally I think tomoyo is the same age as sakura and syaoran (because of piffle) or possibly older but i don't think she's the same age as kurogane.
I'm thinking, kurogane must've been around 14-16 the first time he met tomoyo-hime. so maybe he's around 22+ something.
and i've been wondering how come a lot of fans estimate that fai is older than kuro-chan i mean, i'm just wondering. could anybody answer my ramblings????
I kinda agree with the others about the ages of Syaoran, Sakura, Kuro and Fai... As in, Syaoran and Sakura look a lot older than their CCS counterparts, so I''m guessing they must be 15 - 16... Kuro, well he looks tall and young, and he still has his massive strength... I shoul place him between the 20 - 25 bracket... Fai, on the other hand, has magical powers, since people with magic often looked younger but in reality are really older, me thinks Fai could be between 27 - 32 I believe...
But Yuuko... I think she might even be ageless, being the dimentional witch and all that, and since some thought that being the dimentional witch involves time and space(physics, perhaps?), i think her age can't be calculated that easily.... 0.o
I kinda agree with the others about the ages of Syaoran, Sakura, Kuro and Fai... As in, Syaoran and Sakura look a lot older than their CCS counterparts, so I''m guessing they must be 15 - 16... Kuro, well he looks tall and young, and he still has his massive strength... I shoul place him between the 20 - 25 bracket... Fai, on the other hand, has magical powers, since people with magic often looked younger but in reality are really older, me thinks Fai could be between 27 - 32 I believe...
But Yuuko... I think she might even be ageless, being the dimentional witch and all that, and since some thought that being the dimentional witch involves time and space(physics, perhaps?), i think her age can't be calculated that easily.... 0.o
yuuko is kinda like sailor pluto on Sailor Moon, She's LIVED for thousands of years, but her AGE is only @ 22. [Pluto that is]
Hey, didn't Sya0ran-san say that S+S are OFFICIALLY 15?
Urgh, this is getting confusing...
o_o I still stand by my way of thinking in that Fai is younger than Kurogane. Like I said maturity doesn't always equal older age.
But now we're getting on to Yuuko's age...she LOOKS late 20's, early 30's but I'm gonna assume she's older. Like someone said, the Elixir of Eternal Youth? Maybe that's how she does it XD
If Yuuko knew Clow Reed when he was alive, then she has to be *at least* as old as how long Clow's been dead. Which seems to be a really long time. So Yuuko is really old, IMO, she just doesn't show it. After all, she has magical powers, so she could probably be a thousand years old for all we know. If she's not magically ageless, then I propose mid 30s.
Syaoran and Sakura do look 15 in my opinion. I think that the Yuuko theory might apply to Fai as well, but if not then I'd say early 20s. I say early 20s for Kuropippi as well because he was clearly a teenager, probably around S+S's age now, when his parents were killed and Tomoyo was possibly around 8 or 9 by looks. She looks to be S+S's age now, so if she's 15 now, Kurotan might be about 21/22 years old.
But Kuro seemed a bit older to me at first in the anime because his deep voice really threw me off.
What, you mean he's short or tall? o.O I think he's pretty tall enough, but... Fye and Kurogane are MUCH taller...
Eh, he is only 160cm tall. ^^; That's shorter than half of the girls in my class. o_o (I'm of the same age as him. XD)
And if you were to compare their height to Syaoran's, it is possible Fai and Kurogane are taller than 185cm.
Hn.....how tall exactly are Kurogane and Fai. Are their heights normal for Japanese men????
Eh, he is only 160cm tall. ^^; That's shorter than half of the girls in my class. o_o (I'm of the same age as him. XD)
And if you were to compare their height to Syaoran's, it is possible Fai and Kurogane are taller than 185cm.
Huh, I was wondering. With CLAMP's long limbed-style of theirs, it's kinda hard to tell how tall everyone really is(whether Syaoran and Sakura are short or everyone else are just really tall). But I've been wondering how old everyone is for a while. I always figured Syaoran was about 16. In the anime, as young kids, Sakura looks younger than Syaoran, so I'd say she's about half a year, or more, younger than him(unless he's just naturally taller than her).
I've also always seen Fai as older than Kurogane. I don't know why. Kurogane looked a bit older than Tomoyo as a young child(unless, like Syaoran, he's just naturally taller). I'd say early-twenties to mid-twenties for Kurogane. And late-twenties for Fai.
Mokona? Knowing mystical creatures in manga, I'd say about a hundred years old(ignoring his childish personality).
Well, S+S are 14-15. It's a fact. In Syaoroan's case, some races could be shorter than others. (like my 1/4 Danish friend who is 2 years younger than me and now about 2" taller than me!!!!!)
Kuroro must be early 20's or so due to Tomoyo's age. (usually I can develop some crazy math-thing to show you their ages. i did that for CCS.)
Fai...early to mid 20's or older than he looks due to his magic.
Mokona's age is irrelevent. I MEAN human years and Mokona years are probibly WAAAAAAAAAAY different.
Yuko cheats her age.
There's always room for error. I mean when I turned 15 I had people guessing I was 17-21!
Yuko cheats her age.
Of course she does, she's Yuuko!! XD Her age shall remain a myees-tor-ree. (...mystery, Becci. MYSTERY.)
hmm...i think syaoran & sakura are 15-16.fye & kuro-pon maybe...18-19/20??yeah i just read the manga that kurogane & tomoyo are at the same age eh??bout fye.....no ideas.
hmm...i think syaoran & sakura are 15-16.fye & kuro-pon maybe...18-19/20??yeah i just read the manga that kurogane & tomoyo are at the same age eh??bout fye.....no ideas.
kurogane is at least 7 years older than tomoyo. ad tomoyo is the same age a sakura an syaora,: 14/15 (sakura is way too underdeveloped to be a 16 year old)
when they showed kuro;s past when he was @15-16, tomoyo was only @8 years old.
as for fay, in recent manga its been revealed that fai is several years OLDER tehn kurogane.
i have to keep reminding my friends about their age.. especially Syaoran and Sakura.. because they keep calling me a phedophile for liking anime like CCS and TRC.. in TRC SxS are 15 ok?! they are not like KIDS.. i'm not obessed with kids anyway.. i don;t like kids in the first place.. ok off topic..
well i think KxF are not in their 30s lahz.. not so old.. 20+ maybe?
I'm sure I read somewhere that Kurogane was 18/19, he certainly acts it in the beginning in Japan - and when Mokona and Fai start annoying him.
Fai, I'm not commenting on, he could be ancient for all I know.
kurogane is at least 7 years older than tomoyo. ad tomoyo is the same age a sakura an syaora,: 14/15 (sakura is way too underdeveloped to be a 16 year old)
when they showed kuro;s past when he was @15-16, tomoyo was only @8 years old.
as for fay, in recent manga its been revealed that fai is several years OLDER tehn kurogane.
lol!how can fye be older than kuro-pon??and yeah.i also think that kuro-pon must be older than tomoyo-hime!!and CLAMP didn't told their age,right???
lol!how can fye be older than kuro-pon??and yeah.i also think that kuro-pon must be older than tomoyo-hime!!and CLAMP didn't told their age,right???
Fai has strong magic power, so therefore he has a very long lifespan (like Clow and Yuuko). Yuuko knew Clow, but he's been dead for at least 40 years (going by Fujitaka), and Yuuko doesn't exactly look old, now does she? :keke:
Fai has strong magic power, so therefore he has a very long lifespan (like Clow and Yuuko). Yuuko knew Clow, but he's been dead for at least 40 years (going by Fujitaka), and Yuuko doesn't exactly look old, now does she? :keke:
i do not pity the firt fool who dares call her old XD
Yuuko doesn't exactly look old, now does she? :keke:
If I looked like Yuuko at 40+ I'd collapse from joy.
...<3 Yuuko. ^_^
think coz shes a witch,shes seems like young but old...my thought
Huum I think Sakura and Syaoran are 15...
Kurogane is between 20 - 25 perhaps?
And Fay... Now that's the big mistery ne? I don't know... 80??? lol
I'm pretty sure Kurogane's in his mid-twenties.
In his backstory, he couldn't be older than fifteen at the end. And Tomoyo-hime's what--five, six? So that's about a ten-year age difference. In the beginning of the manga, Tomoyo-hime looks about fifteen at the most again--so that would make Kurogane about twenty-four or twenty-five. Fay, no idea, other than he looks about the same age as Kurogane. There's been no hint as to how much magic slows down the natural aging process, so he could be anywhere between thirty and three thousand.
I think Sakura and Syaoran about 15 and Kurogane and Fai are 23...I dont know why, but I se Fai as older than Kurogane....I mean, my sister seems younger than me but she's actually 28 ^^;; .....just because Fai acts more childish, doesnt mean he is younger....but I think he is older because he's always explaining things to Kurogane....so he's obviously more knowledgeable.....so I think that means he's older...