
Misc => Archives => Anything goes... => Topic started by: Li_shaoran on April 13 2005, 08:14 am

Title: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Li_shaoran on April 13 2005, 08:14 am
Well! I couldnt find a better area to post this and this forum looked pretty bare ne ways so I decided to get sumthing goin! Its pretty easy....just rate the persons sig picture and avatar picture on a 1-10 scale and you can aways re-post her once you update your pics  :okay:

P.S. If they dont have a pic for either their avy or sig you dont havta rate it :D

Also you can give people advice on their custom made sigs and avys!  :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sya0ran on April 13 2005, 08:19 am
^^  Cool.  Love your Mokona avvy and your sig.  Knowing my friends (and me..>>; xD) they would definitely say that.  Cheers to the dangerous adventures in the road of life~!   o.O;  lol
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: D.J.P on April 13 2005, 09:11 am
Topic moved to 'Anything Goes' Forum
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on April 13 2005, 09:15 am
hmm haha i'll b the FIRST to actually rate an avatar.. hmm SLi's avatar isn't that that that nice.. so i'll give it a 6 XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: D.J.P on April 13 2005, 09:20 am
Meanie, yours I'd rate 5 :P

*flies away*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 13 2005, 09:28 am
I would give Sya0ran's avatar a 9 bcuz the color isnt that good but sakura-chan and syaran look so cute and happy toghether. :love3:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: fisah on April 13 2005, 09:49 am
I like Vex-net's sig, it looks so adorable, but I don't know whose in it, omg, i wanna know so bad *wails*

Anyway, what anime is it?

I give you a 9/10 Vex, just because you have good taste in sigs, and if you screenshot that your self, I give you kudos ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 13 2005, 02:27 pm
9/10 for you fisah~

It's your avatar and sig are simple yet elegant at the same time.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ralea on April 13 2005, 03:11 pm
9/10 to you Fai. Besides, I love Blue! And your siggie is cute too! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 13 2005, 03:48 pm
9/10 for you Ralea your Ava is so mystic and cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 13 2005, 03:55 pm
9/10 for Zeldi, because I love Suu X3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 13 2005, 03:59 pm
o Thanx have you read Clover? ^^
and 9/10 to yours Fai coz it´s very beautiful
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 13 2005, 04:01 pm
10/10 to yours Zeldi coz i LOVE  that Avatar!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on April 13 2005, 06:51 pm
7/10 you captured that certain part of the picture well Dragonia!! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 13 2005, 08:59 pm
thanx ani yours get a 8/10 coz the pic is blurred for me! but i like it :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 13 2005, 09:05 pm
9½/10 to your ava Dragonia it´s something special with your ava
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tune on April 13 2005, 09:37 pm
i totally like fai. D flowright's avy, the tones, clarity, smoothness, & contrast to fye's character: cool & mysterious :: 9/10 :: a 9 not 10 coz the words kinda spoils it~can be improved~ :D has some very nice avys for GS & GSD, the recent nu-freedom is juz...i'm speechless~ :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 13 2005, 09:40 pm
a 9/10 to your ava Tune coz it´s very Kawaii :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tune on April 13 2005, 09:46 pm
i cant accept that coz its not my creation ::guilty:: i juz choose it coz i think it's the most simple in the library and i like to keep things simple~ :D

i think that you can add a little brightness to your avy so it'll look better~ :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 13 2005, 09:48 pm
i haven´t done my ava so i can´t do so much to that! :(
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Little Wolf on April 13 2005, 09:54 pm
I'd rate your avatar 7/10, Dragonia, cos I also like Kagome. :)

*hopes the next one to post isn't SLi* :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 13 2005, 09:56 pm
It`s me!   your ava gets a 10/10 from me coz i Love your ava and i don´t know why!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 13 2005, 09:58 pm
I'd rate your avatar a 8 out of 10. Syaoran makes for a good one plus one should always say nice things to the administration here :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Little Wolf on April 13 2005, 10:03 pm
^ :lol: If I wasn't an admin, I bet I would have gotten a score below 7.

anyway, ignore this post... rate Arcademan. :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 13 2005, 10:04 pm
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 13 2005, 10:11 pm
Zeldi squeezed her post in before mine so I'll rate it:

8 out of 10. Very sweet looking picture. I like!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Nyoko on April 13 2005, 10:11 pm
-^_^- Arcademan's are nice, but  look squished. 7/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 13 2005, 10:17 pm
Thanx ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tune on April 13 2005, 10:35 pm
i think little wolf's avy deserves an 9.3/10~ :D coz the small size spoilt it and the border can be improved with the wee-est bit of lightening~ :P other than that, i like the tint of bronze in the theme (really suits syaoran: determined, strength, defender, etc) the touch of thin deep-red border brings out the extra-surge of contrast, nice really~ :D if the size is not the prob, i'd giv it a perfect 10 coz the border wont be quite the prob then~ :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Nyoko on April 13 2005, 10:38 pm
I like Vex-net's sig, it looks so adorable, but I don't know whose in it, omg, i wanna know so bad *wails*

Anyway, what anime is it?

I give you a 9/10 Vex, just because you have good taste in sigs, and if you screenshot that your self, I give you kudos ^^

It is a character form a game called Jet Set Radio, right?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tune on April 13 2005, 10:46 pm
i juz saw darkwolfyoukai's avy, i give it a 10/10 ~~wee~~ its too nice, picture, contrast, border, combination~ :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 13 2005, 10:53 pm
-^_^- Arcademan's are nice, but look squished. 7/10. it from a full page pic and shrank it down but it didn't turn out as good as I'd like. Since I'm the n00b here, I'm still fine tuning my avatar and sig pics...fortunately I have a million of least 3,000 or so :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tune on April 13 2005, 10:56 pm
arcademan, your avy is a li' sharp, use a blur/soften tool, it'll turn out less squished coz the vertical blue contrast lines of the sky on the left emphasised the "lack of space" feeling~ :P
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Nyoko on April 13 2005, 11:02 pm
*sniff* noone has rated me yet.... I'll give me an 8..... -^^-
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 13 2005, 11:03 pm
Thanks for the suggestion, Tune. BTW, I love your avatar...definitely a 9/10.

I'll go back to the avatar I originally posted when I first came here until I find one that suits me fine :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 13 2005, 11:03 pm
Nyoko your avatar gets a 9/10 from me ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 13 2005, 11:05 pm
*sniff* noone has rated me yet.... I'll give me an 8..... -^^-

I'll see your 8 and raise it to 8.5...very nice and subtle.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Nyoko on April 13 2005, 11:06 pm
-^^- Arigatou! and I'd have to say both Zeldi and Arcademan's new one gets 9/10.

(btw, this is my 200th post. WHOOT!!!!!!!! *does a little dance*)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 13 2005, 11:16 pm
Thanx for that ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tune on April 13 2005, 11:18 pm
wow~~good job nyoko~ :D lucky you...i wanted to giv u a cookie but clicked on eat a cookie!! but i quickly snapped it to give a cookie~ :P keep up the gd wk~ :)

i'd give your avy 9/10 ~~::tada::~~ mainly lost points coz of the blurness~ :P other than that, i certainly like the data-like bottom-left corner coz it quite brings out the emptiness in sakura's eyes at that time~ :D her eyes are green too~ :D

and pls dont rate my avy or say my avy's good...coz its not my making and it'll make me more guilty~ :P
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Little Wolf on April 13 2005, 11:23 pm
i think little wolf's avy deserves an 9.3/10~ :D coz the small size spoilt it and the border can be improved with the wee-est bit of lightening~ :P other than that, i like the tint of bronze in the theme (really suits syaoran: determined, strength, defender, etc) the touch of thin deep-red border brings out the extra-surge of contrast, nice really~ :D if the size is not the prob, i'd giv it a perfect 10 coz the border wont be quite the prob then~ :)

hehe..Thanx! but I just like cute and little avatars... :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Mirror on April 14 2005, 03:46 am
I give Tune a 8/10...  The chibis are muchly cute. X3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Takeru on April 14 2005, 03:49 am
I see no images on the person above me.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 14 2005, 03:49 am
Mirror...yours is a definite 10/10. I only wish I could get mine to work as an avatar instead of a sig pic  :hehe:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Mirror on April 14 2005, 03:52 am
Takeru:  Can you not see my avie? O.o  I've never had trouble with it before.

Arcademan:  I feel all special now! X3  And I do love your siggy image.  I stared at it for a good two minutes when I first got online today.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 14 2005, 03:56 am
Takeru: Can you not see my avie? O.o I've never had trouble with it before.

Arcademan: I feel all special now! X3 And I do love your siggy image. I stared at it for a good two minutes when I first got online today.

I tried to put it (along with another I have) as an avatar but wouldn't allow it. I used it for awhile over in CCU but it came out tiny as an avatar there so I stopped using it.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tune on April 14 2005, 04:13 am
i..cant..get..the!!! arg...photoshop to imgready and back to photoshop doesnt wk....i bet its something to so do wif magic eraser...

arcademan's new sig (or old 1~ :P) is worth *beep* ::9/10:: coz it doesnt have a border ~ :P
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 14 2005, 04:18 am
arcademan's new sig (or old 1~ :P) is worth *beep* ::9/10:: coz it doesnt have a border ~ :P

No borders can hold THE MASTER CREATOR!!!

Personally, I prefer the no-border look on my pics.

Back on the subject...your's is cute and colorful...9/10. Very nice :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tune on April 14 2005, 04:28 am
aww~~thkx~~ :D i had to shade cel by cel and blend cel by cel...but it still looks too small, coz the original is that small, cant be helped~ :P i'm gona do cagalli & athrun tml~ *YAWNS*

to mirror: whats that person? looks like a doc or somekind, but i kinda like the movement~ :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Mirror on April 14 2005, 04:31 am
That is the title character of Tim Burton's Vincent.  It was his first film...  It is a little 5-minute thing, but I love it. X3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tune on April 14 2005, 04:43 am
ahha...the sig works finally~~i like chibis, doesnt every1~? :D

i havent heard of the film vincent...isit a ghost story? if it is, then i've probably nvr seen it~ :P

edit: i forgot to add--> if any1 wants to use my sig/avy, wait till i get rid of the edges then save'll take a while coz i have no idea how i'm gona get rid of em..*some1 help*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Mirror on April 14 2005, 04:48 am
Aww, the chibis are cute. X3

And no, it is about a kid who wants to be like Vincent Price...  And it wasn't popular or anything, so most people haven't seen it unless they looked it up or saw it on the Nightmare Before Christmas special edition dvd (like I did^.^ *hugs Jack*).
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Karen on April 14 2005, 05:05 am
o-o Who is that? o-O;...7/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: fisah on April 14 2005, 08:25 am
Tune I give you a 9/10 for such a adorable siggie and avatar, I have such an obbsession with chibis, and GSD just make it the more unhealthier.

Aww, thanks Fye for giving me a 9/10 for my siggie and avatar ^^ I give your 10/10, I just love Fai too ^o^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Nyoko on April 14 2005, 08:57 am
wow Karen. I'll give you a 11/10, and if I can't, I'll just give you a regular old 10. -^^- Do you take requests?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 14 2005, 10:06 am
tis a sad avie, but its still cool ^_^
but ya have no siggie >.>
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 14 2005, 10:18 am
Your avatar sticks out from the others here so it gets high marks from your sig pic too :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 14 2005, 10:25 am
thanks ^^ i would submit the fuller : (
but it won't handle it.

and i love that lil sakura gif. from a tennis racket to the magical girl
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Nyoko on April 14 2005, 11:09 am
tis a sad avie, but its still cool ^_^
but ya have no siggie >.>

-^^- I'm waiting for the sig now. OMG, I feel so bad now. Just to put this out in the open, and I feel terrible that I didn't do this before, Okamirei made my Avi, so congraulate her, not me. Gomen-nasai Okami-chan!!!!

<----(hides in shame)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 14 2005, 11:19 am
I give u 10/10 Nyoko bcuz Sakura looks  prettyfull   :angel7:
(prettyfull same as beautiful just goofing off)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 14 2005, 11:19 am
I give u 10/10 Zeldi bcuz urs is so cute and prettyfull :love4:
(prettyfull same as beautiful just goofing off)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 14 2005, 12:15 pm
nice ^^ i remmember that picture on a CCS manga, tis pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 14 2005, 01:09 pm
and i love that lil sakura gif. from a tennis racket to the magical girl

Another person in another forum gave it to me...and you're is a tennis racket. The girl in the gif. is NOT's from a video game however I don't know which one. Her special attack is a parody of Sakura activating a Clow Card :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 14 2005, 01:47 pm
9/10, I love the girl from Comic Party!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 14 2005, 02:05 pm
Another person in another forum gave it to me...and you're is a tennis racket. The girl in the gif. is NOT's from a video game however I don't know which one. Her special attack is a parody of Sakura activating a Clow Card :)

well i didn't say CC sakura XP and i said Magical Girl *nods*

i like your king avatar and the siggy is nice and sweet ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 14 2005, 02:11 pm
Thanks, I like your avatar and sig are cute too ^.^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao Ying on April 14 2005, 11:51 pm
ish that my oniichan?! XD nice nice... king.. ^^; stay with you forever... awww... S+S.. *sigh*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 15 2005, 12:01 am
I give u Ying_Fa a 10/10 bcuz S &S look so happy toghether.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 15 2005, 12:05 am
Cblossom your ava gets a 9½/10 coz Sakura looks so cute
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 15 2005, 12:12 am
Thank u very much Zeldi .  :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 15 2005, 12:13 am
No problemo
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 15 2005, 12:14 am
Yingo_Fa 8/10 that staff is cute!
Zeldi 10/10 I just lova your ava
Cblossom 9/10 Sakura is cute
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 15 2005, 12:19 am
Thx I give u Dragonia a 9/10 ur
avatar is so pretty . :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 15 2005, 12:19 am
Thank u Dragonia your ava gets a 9½/10 coz Kagome looks very cute
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 15 2005, 12:25 am
thanks Zeldi and Cblossom :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 15 2005, 12:30 am
Any time Dragonia  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tune on April 15 2005, 12:57 am
oooo....karen's avy & sig are soooo nice~~ >< perfect 10 each~ :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 15 2005, 01:05 am
yea her ava and sig is very pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 15 2005, 02:47 am
It's still a nice pic of Kagome though!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 15 2005, 03:00 am
ruby has a nice sweet pic of Sakura ^^ it looks lovely
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 15 2005, 03:09 am
Thanx! I like ur avatar, because it stand out from everone else's. And your signature is the cutest thing I've ever seen! It's *gasp* even better than Tune's!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 15 2005, 03:13 am
:blob9: Thanks ^^
wish i could put the full bigger version of my avatar in tho >.>
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on April 15 2005, 03:16 am
VexNet, I'll give you a 8/10. I love your signature sooo much :love4: (Don't worry your avatar is also nice :tongue:)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 15 2005, 03:21 am
Your avatar is so cute, Lexi! I like the bears and the blinking Sakura and Syaoran so much! The signature quote is cute as well.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on April 15 2005, 03:35 am
:happy4: Thank you so much Ruby Chan! I love your avatar too. *It's one of my favourite pics of Sakura :)*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 15 2005, 03:45 am
your avatar is really sweet ^^ and i love the sakura and syaoran blinkin ^^
just that green bear puts me off... just a little
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 15 2005, 05:56 am
I've already said I like your avatar and sig xD So yes, 9/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 15 2005, 06:15 am
Wow! I like your avatar! I think you're the first person I've seen with's kind of hard to read the writing though....
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Nyoko on April 15 2005, 06:19 am
*peeks in with new avi and sig* -^^- awww.... adorable avi Ruby-chan! 9/10

(p.s. Fai D. Flowright made these)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 15 2005, 07:11 am
Wow! I like your avatar! I think you're the first person I've seen with's kind of hard to read the writing though....

It's says It's good to be King XD I need to make the text lighter next time x_x;;

For Nyoko, 9/10~ <3 Because they look so adorable for you!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Takeru on April 15 2005, 12:55 pm
Hmm, whoops, didn't know this was an avatar rating too.

Fai D. Flowright: Love the avatar and signature. Touya's a favorite character to me, so that may be a contributor. However, your signature is kinda... small. Text is hard to read, but then that may just be me. If it were bigger I'm sure it would definitely look better. Of course, image size is a limitation on the forums (one I'm not really fond of), so...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 15 2005, 01:01 pm
Nyoko I give u 10/10 because ur avatar with the other pic is so cute and pretty.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 15 2005, 01:02 pm
Hmm, whoops, didn't know this was an avatar rating too.

Fai D. Flowright: Love the avatar and signature. Touya's a favorite character to me, so that may be a contributor. However, your signature is kinda... small. Text is hard to read, but then that may just be me. If it were bigger I'm sure it would definitely look better. Of course, image size is a limitation on the forums (one I'm not really fond of), so...

I guess since my comp is different from everyone else' I'll have to make my text darker ^^;; Mine is an LCD moniter~

cblossom, 9/10, because Sakura is too cute~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 15 2005, 01:05 pm
Thank u Fai D Flowright I give u 9`1/2 /10 I like ur pic allot Toya looks cool in there I can read ur txt in there good it says "Its Good to be King"
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 15 2005, 03:13 pm
Pretty face shot of Sakura in your avatar...9.75 / 10  :wave:

You need to get yourself a sig pic and you'll be complete  1 / 10  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 15 2005, 03:19 pm
Fai.D. Flowright how can you make sooo beautiful ava and sig? i can´t
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 15 2005, 11:40 pm
Pretty face shot of Sakura in your avatar...9.75 / 10 :wave:

You need to get yourself a sig pic and you'll be complete 1 / 10 :sweatdrop:

Do u mean me? If u do I dont now how to but a signature. :(
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Karen on April 15 2005, 11:47 pm
Cblossom: =D Cute ava 9/10 o.o if you have a piccy make an account on
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 15 2005, 11:54 pm
Thank u. :) If I didnt rate ur avatar I give it 10/10 bcuz urs is so nice and pretty.( I also like ur pics at the bottom) :hello2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 16 2005, 12:01 am
Zeldi your sig is up! you know how much i love your ava and sig
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 16 2005, 12:02 am
yea! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 16 2005, 12:06 am
Zedi the pic on the bottom is so pretty. :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 16 2005, 12:07 am
Thank u  :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 16 2005, 12:24 am
ur welcome  :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Karen on April 16 2005, 12:26 am
=D It ish pretty Zeldi XD btw tryed to send you something but your inbox ish full o.o
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 16 2005, 12:30 am
try again my inbox s kinda crazy sometimes!
Dragonia have you change your ava?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 16 2005, 12:31 am
yes i have in paint but it will do :)
shall i do a sig 2?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 16 2005, 12:34 am
yea do that
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 16 2005, 12:40 am
what do you think?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 16 2005, 12:41 am
its very Cute but something is missing! 9½/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 16 2005, 12:41 am
Thank u i think that 2 but i like my new own ava and sig
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 16 2005, 02:05 am
OMG! Zeldi what a beautiful ava and sig!!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 16 2005, 02:06 am
Yeah i know! Karen did those for me! she´s the best  ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Karen on April 16 2005, 02:37 am
>-> ^-^b
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 16 2005, 03:31 am
I like your avatar....but your first signature picture is way better than the one underneath. It's cool!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 16 2005, 03:36 am
Anyone gonna rate my new stuff ~?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 16 2005, 03:37 am
Your new avatar is even better than your last's easier to read the writing on it too! Your signature is sweet too....


By the way, what anime is the girl in your sig from?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 16 2005, 04:21 am
I think it´s Hanon from MMPPP
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 16 2005, 04:24 am
I in LOVE with all Zeldi´s Fai.D.Flowright´s and Karen´s ava and sig  :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 16 2005, 05:02 am
I think itエs Hanon from MMPPP

It's actually Umi from Magic Knight Rayearth XD;

I like everyone's sigs and avatars so 10/10 for all of you~! <3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 16 2005, 05:04 am
but they r look-a-likes Hanon and Umi
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 16 2005, 05:04 am
yea they r
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 16 2005, 05:10 am
Yeah, they do look smiliar but if you put them back to back, you'll notice some things are a little different about the two~

But anyways, back to sig/avatar ranting XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 17 2005, 01:01 am
what do you think about my new sig? made it myself (in paint)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 17 2005, 01:03 am
beautiful! now you get a 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 17 2005, 01:06 am
Thank you :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 17 2005, 01:23 am
on the sig! the ava is still a 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 17 2005, 01:23 am
okay! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 17 2005, 01:24 am

the colors are really sweet and i really love the pics you take^-^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 17 2005, 01:26 am
r u talking to me? oh Thanx! :D
your sig is from MMPPP? :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 17 2005, 01:27 am
Pure heart is ava you got!  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 17 2005, 02:46 am
ooh cool zeldi, love the sig ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 02:50 am
Already seen VExNet's, so I'll rate someone else's....

Little Wolf's new avatar is cute. Think I prefer the old one though.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 17 2005, 02:51 am
yea, but LW has got that cool glowy green thing going on ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 03:02 am
The glowy green thing's cool, but I think I preferred Syaoran in his old pose.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 17 2005, 03:08 am
oh thanx VexNet! Karen did the ava and sig for me ^^ She`s the best
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 17 2005, 03:43 am
i cant do avas but a sign  can i do in paint but not i stupid ava! :(
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 03:47 am
Love ur signature Dragonia....
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 17 2005, 03:55 am
ooh Thanx  u very much! :D
i love your ava
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 04:07 am
Thanx! Believe it or not, I made in Microsoft Publisher....
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 17 2005, 04:13 am
u r kidding!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 04:21 am
Nope, I cropped the pic in Publisher and used the square tool buttone to draw in the corner boxes. Then I copied it over to Paint and saved it.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 17 2005, 04:25 am
wow cool :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 17 2005, 09:35 am
Nice avatar and sig pic. Excellent job. far as rating them...I decided not to do that anymore. Why? Simple...everyone has some great avatars and sig pics (and yes, I'm taking pics of them to add to a special avatar section of one of my Yahoo Briefcases LOL!!!). I really don't want to disappoint anyone by saying theirs isn't a 10 or worse...anything less than that :wink:

Everyone here should be proud of their avatars and sig pics, ratings shouldn't have any influence on your contribution :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 10:21 pm
I like ur avatar...I've been waiting ages for u to come here, so I could say that! Ur's really nice too
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 18 2005, 02:30 am
9/10 for Ruby Chan because I haven't been on the board much =p
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Syaokura on April 18 2005, 06:31 am
Your avatar is really nice, Fai. ^_^ So it's 9/10 for you. As for your sig, it's 8.5/10. It's elegant and simplistic with the text and pic. Although, it needs more pizzaz. xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Nyoko on April 18 2005, 06:33 am
*pounces and huggles Syaokura's avi and sig* Ni! Very pretty! 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 18 2005, 06:34 am
Your avatar is really nice, Fai. ^_^ So it's 9/10 for you. As for your sig, it's 8.5/10. It's elegant and simplistic with the text and pic. Although, it needs more pizzaz. xD

Talk about pizzazz...yours does have that quality  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Syaokura on April 18 2005, 06:42 am
Thanks. ^^

I like your ava of S+S. Very cute. ^^ 8/10. Same with your sig.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Kasumi on April 18 2005, 10:28 am
I love your sig Syaokura! 9/10!!!

And Nyoko-chan... 9/10 as well! xD I love your SIG!!!!! kawaiiness! ^-^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 18 2005, 11:49 am
I really like urs Kasumi I give u 9/10  :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Li_shaoran on April 18 2005, 12:46 pm
cool avatar but the images are a little small so 8.5/10  :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Nyoko on April 18 2005, 09:54 pm
I love your sig Syaokura! 9/10!!!

And Nyoko-chan... 9/10 as well! xD I love your SIG!!!!! kawaiiness! ^-^

Awww!!! -^^- Thank you so much, but give Fai D. Flowright the credit, she made them for me... *huggles Fai-chan*

9.5/10 Kasumi, -^^- sexy Fai-sama.... XP~~~~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 18 2005, 11:45 pm
I give u Li_Shaoran a 10/10 bcuz its such a cute pic.
And I give u Nyoko a 10/10 also urs is really pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 18 2005, 11:47 pm
Cblossom 10/10 to your ava coz it´s S&S on it :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 18 2005, 11:49 pm
I will give u 10/10 also Dragonia bcuz urs has Tomoyo and Sakura and they look so cute in that pic. :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 18 2005, 11:51 pm
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 18 2005, 11:51 pm
Cblossom 10/10 to your ava coz it´s S&S on it :D

same as Dragonia
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 18 2005, 11:58 pm
Thank u since u change ur avatar I ll rate this one I give u 10/10 also bcuz it has S & S on it and it looks nice. :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 19 2005, 12:06 am
Thank u very much
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 19 2005, 12:08 am
No problem.  :D
(I gave u and Dragonia a cookie)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 19 2005, 12:11 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 19 2005, 12:13 am
I dont know I just like handing out cookies bcuz now I can finally hand them out.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 19 2005, 12:14 am
i want to do that 2! Thanx a lot 4 giving me a cookie! *hug cblossom*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 19 2005, 12:22 am
Ur welcome ! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 19 2005, 02:34 am
Hye, like your avatar! I think I have the wallpaper of that!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 19 2005, 08:45 am
I like ur avatar to !
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 19 2005, 09:04 am
o.o i can't see the pic, its too small and crowded
i'm sure it looks good big tho ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 19 2005, 09:08 am
I would place the pic here so ppl can see it bigger but I dont know how. :cry:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 19 2005, 09:11 am
whats the res of the pic ?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Li_shaoran on April 19 2005, 10:07 am
I like ur avy :P JSRF right? 9/10

your sig looks really nice to 9.5/10 :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 19 2005, 11:43 am
I would place the pic here so ppl can see it bigger but I dont know how. :cry:

The forum puts a limit on picture size however if you have a Photobucket account or similar host site, you can post a link to a bbigger picture.


Click the link for full-size picture:

Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper (

Simple :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 19 2005, 04:13 pm
i like the pic Arcademan (new megaman character ?)
and the pic in your sig is one i've never seen of sakura before, its real nice ^^

I like ur avy :P JSRF right? 9/10

your sig looks really nice to 9.5/10 :D

YES !! JSRF Totally Rocks !!
and thanks ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on April 19 2005, 04:48 pm
Vexnet, I love your sig, even though I don't know who they are!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 19 2005, 06:22 pm
Vexnet, I love your sig, even though I don't know who they are!

they are two original characters, not all animé people are copyright characters ya know  :hehe:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on April 19 2005, 07:12 pm
they are two original characters, not all animé people are copyright characters ya know  :hehe:

You designed them yourself!
I give you a 10 then!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 19 2005, 10:33 pm
aaah noo *waves hands* they are just original characters !!
go to they have pics there, the same place i found those.

here is the picture i used (

i WISH i could draw like that !!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 20 2005, 02:14 am
Ok, looking at Sakaki's since I've already said I like VexNet's...

Like ur avy! That's one of my fav pics of Fye/Fai (whichever way u spell it - there are diff versions).

A sig pic would look nice too, though
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 20 2005, 02:15 am
Ruby Chan Nice Sign you have got!
10/10 ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 20 2005, 04:59 am
Thanx! I lvoe the way ur avy matches your sig (the pinky blur)!

And great pics too - 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Nyoko on April 20 2005, 05:16 am
-^^- awww... I love your sig Ruby-Chan...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Takeru on April 20 2005, 10:34 am
Very colorful signature, Nyoko.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 20 2005, 12:19 pm
sweet avatar takeru!!!Detective Conan rules!!haha...10/10 ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 20 2005, 08:42 pm
ooh cool avatar there ^^ Tomoyo fan then ?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 20 2005, 10:15 pm
Thanx Ruby ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao Ying on April 21 2005, 04:21 am
nee~ very sweet avy and siggy! ^_^ 10/10!! :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 21 2005, 08:23 am
8 for this great Sakura and Syaoran moment.  It was so sad and so beautiful at the same time^-^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on April 21 2005, 08:30 am
I give you, Pure Heart, a 8/10 for your avatar and signature :D  *Your signature looks especially cute*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 21 2005, 08:45 am
9, i love the words you put on your avatar!!!=^-^=
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 21 2005, 09:07 am
More top-notch avatars and sigs...well done everyone :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Kasumi on April 21 2005, 11:45 am
Thank yous!!! ^o^

And yeah! there are some pretty lovely avs and sigs!! *-*

Arcademan/Pixie, I love your avatar!! ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 21 2005, 03:01 pm
Arcademan/PixieP 9/10
Pureheart: 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: scarecrow_wingz on April 21 2005, 03:44 pm
i really like how you made your sig and avatar a colour scheme 9/10

i didn't spend much time on mine
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 21 2005, 10:19 pm
Karen did the ava and sig! ^^
i like your sig 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: D.J.P on April 21 2005, 10:31 pm
I give Zeldi: 9/10 for her avatar/sig :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 21 2005, 10:34 pm
I give SLi a 10/10 coz Sakura is cute on your pic
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 22 2005, 12:19 am
I like ur avatar SLI I give u 10/10
and I give xx_Chibirosie_xx a 10/10 to!
( I think I already rated urs Zeldi but
if I didnt its 10/10 )
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Xiao Ying on April 22 2005, 02:08 am
give you an 8/10 for that S+S avy!! wee~!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 22 2005, 04:23 am
Like ur avatar! 8/10! Love ur sig! 9/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 22 2005, 07:13 am
8/10 because Sakura looks really cute, it makes my cry T_T..xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 22 2005, 08:38 am
ooh cool avatar there ^^ Tomoyo fan then ?

yup ^_^ "
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 22 2005, 08:38 am
oo 8/10 for pure heart!! Its awsome!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 22 2005, 08:42 am
8 for you also because i love the way you put the two pictures of tomoyo together^-^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 22 2005, 03:29 pm
Pureheart nice ava&sig 10/10
Love your sign
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 22 2005, 11:55 pm
8 for you also because i love the way you put the two pictures of tomoyo together^-^

thank you!! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 23 2005, 12:01 am
welcome^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^loll

9.5 on Zeldi ava and sign, i just love them in purple*my fav color*, xD and i like the way you put the color :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 23 2005, 12:06 am
Thanx! karen did those
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 23 2005, 12:10 am
Thanx! karen did those
really, i taugh it was you ^o^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Xiao Ying on April 23 2005, 02:34 am
nee! 8/10 siggy! kawaii Syao-kun!! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 23 2005, 02:53 am
Loving ur sig! But perhaps you could make the writing bold?

It doesn't really matter, it's fantastic anyway!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 23 2005, 06:05 am
10/10 for Ying fa!!!its so pretty!!!!!And 8/10 for Ruby-chan!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on April 23 2005, 12:22 pm
whoo chibirosie.. yours is really nice.. i'll give it a 10/10 HAHA!! it's so pretty.. tomoyo is one of my fav characters.. XD

haha i wanted to see what people thought of y avatar.. hehe.. it's from GSD.. and i just changed it and wanted to know people's reactions.. HAHA
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 23 2005, 11:01 pm
9 for the animation of your avatar :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Xiao Ying on April 24 2005, 01:10 am
for lika-chi.. so FUNNY!! lolx.. XD 10/10!

@ Chibirosie.. thanks! ^_^

I already rated yours, ne Pure Heart? ^___^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 24 2005, 01:18 am
A moi oui^^
Ying Fa, your avatar is really kawaii, you made it!!!!!?
I really love the design^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Xiao Ying on April 24 2005, 01:47 am
nee, thanks! ^_^ yes, i made it! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 24 2005, 01:53 am
whoo chibirosie.. yours is really nice.. i'll give it a 10/10 HAHA!! it's so pretty.. tomoyo is one of my fav characters.. XD

haha i wanted to see what people thought of y avatar.. hehe.. it's from GSD.. and i just changed it and wanted to know people's reactions.. HAHA

thanx!!! and I love ur avie!!!!!Its funny!!! :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Xiao Ying on April 24 2005, 02:16 am
really great avy of Tomoyo-chan!! ^____^ 10/10!! (before and after.. ^_^)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Little Wolf on April 24 2005, 02:33 am
It's been a while since I last posted here...

10/10 for you Rainee! I love avatars with transparent portions... :keke:

And thanks Ruby Chan and VexNet for the nice comments... :) My next avatar will be animated just for a change. :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 24 2005, 02:37 am
your ava still gets a 10/10 from me LW
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 24 2005, 04:02 am
100% too for little wolf!!!
i think i note your's Zeldi^-^ :hello2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 24 2005, 04:04 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 24 2005, 07:15 am
9/10 nice avatar zeldi!  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on April 24 2005, 07:20 am
Zeldi, I love your avatar and sig. Purple is my favorite color.
Awesome Tomoyo avatar too Chibirosie!

So many talented people. :cat:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 24 2005, 07:38 am
thankies!!! I love your icon too, sakaki!!! Its touya!! :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 24 2005, 09:05 am
It's the msot beautiful pic of Toya that i love, 8.5^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: fisah on April 24 2005, 04:35 pm
I give your avatar a 9.5 Pure Heart, and your signature a 10, just because I like the color, and the fact it's Syaoran ^o^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 24 2005, 09:51 pm
Ooo...animated avy...nice!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 24 2005, 10:48 pm
i gotta say i Love your signature Fisah :D
i Agree, Bishounens rule ALL !!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 25 2005, 02:14 am
your avatar have headphones like u, loll :greengrin: :greengrin:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 25 2005, 02:16 am
Your sig pic's cute...and I love the quote as well. But what's the writing on ur avy?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 25 2005, 02:19 am
Your sig pic's cute...and I love the quote as well. But what's the writing on ur avy?
i pick a peome, and copy it on it, i don,t remember wich one><
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 25 2005, 02:23 am
Ooohh. cute anway
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 25 2005, 02:28 am
your avatar have headphones like u, loll :greengrin: :greengrin:
Yup Yup :D thats why he's my fav JSRF character ^^ its one of my fav games, it has awesome music :D and i love Music XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 25 2005, 05:12 am
I give a 9.5/10 for VexNet...JSRF rules!!!! :XD:

er...I kinda changed I have to be rated again? :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 25 2005, 05:47 am
I love ur new avy! It's so unusual! 9/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 25 2005, 05:52 am 'unusual' is that a good thing? -_-
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 25 2005, 08:25 am
xx_Chibirosie_xx I give u 10/10 urs is neat and cool. :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 25 2005, 08:39 am
xx_Chibirosie_xx I give u 10/10 urs is neat and cool. :okay:

thanx!! I like yours too!  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: fisah on April 25 2005, 08:43 am
xx_Chibirosie_xx, I give yours a 10/10 too, it's certianly original ^^ I really like it :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 25 2005, 08:52 am
Fisha I give u 10/10 bcuz urs is different It has two pics to it .I like how at first it said fivals then it swich pics and said lovers.  :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on April 25 2005, 08:57 am
I give you a 9 cblossom for all the great pics of S+S on one avatar :inlove: plus I like your siggy quote :)  *It's so kawaii~*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 25 2005, 09:08 am
I give u 10/10 Lexi , I like ur avatar alot and I like the quote thats on it. I also like the pic thats on the bottom and its quote to. :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 25 2005, 09:25 am
xx_Chibirosie_xx, I give yours a 10/10 too, it's certianly original ^^ I really like it :D

thank you! I give yours an 8/10 fisah!! its sweet...XD and I give lexi a 9.5/10 ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: fisah on April 25 2005, 09:42 am
cblossom I give yours 9.5/10 because I love how your avatar has a collage of s + s, and I love your quotes on the bottom too ^_-
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 25 2005, 10:20 am
Thank u Fisha I think I already rated ur avatar, did I? O yea this is what I gave u. :D

Fisha I give u 10/10 bcuz urs is different It has two pics to it .I like how at first it said fivals then it swich pics and said lovers. :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 25 2005, 10:26 am
Fisah got a 10^^ and cblossom 9^-^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on April 26 2005, 01:12 am
i will give Pure Hearts 9/10..

the other 1 mark is for constant improvement..
(your avatar is nice.. dont get me wrong k?)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 26 2005, 02:01 am
bLuetopaz 9/10 ^^
Fisah 10/10 soo cute ava ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pure Heart on April 26 2005, 08:09 am
bluetopaz got a 9 because i love the way you put the wing, i really love it!!!!!! :tongue:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 26 2005, 09:21 am
oo I didn't rate bLuetopaz yet!! I give you a 8.5/10 ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 26 2005, 01:20 pm
More top-notch avatars and sigs...well done everyone :wink:

Again...great and creative avatars and sig pics :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Mirror on April 26 2005, 02:05 pm
oo I didn't rate bLuetopaz yet!! I give you a 8.5/10 ^_^

o.o  I relly love your avatar, although the series annoys the stuffing out of me, haha.^^;  I give a 10/10.  It is very unique!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 26 2005, 02:18 pm
er...for who??XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on April 26 2005, 03:39 pm
oOo.. tohru and kyo! :D

8/10! WOOT~! :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 26 2005, 03:39 pm
?? i don´t get it
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on April 26 2005, 11:31 pm
thanks for the ratings! *winks*

Zeldi> 9/10
ani> 8.5/10 (i love the smoky feeling!)
xx_chibirosie_xx> 8/10 (interesting avatar!)
mirror> 8/10
Arcademan/PixieP> 8/10
fisah> 9/10 (cool avatar! just wondering how did u do it?)
Lexi> 8.5/10
cblossom> 8/10

hope i did not over do it.. by rating so many pple's avatar.. basically, i only rate pg13 avatars
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 27 2005, 12:39 am

Zeldi  10/10 *rate myself yay*
ani 9/10
xx_chibirosie_xx  10/10 (i
mirror  8/10
Arcademan/PixieP 9/10
fisah  9/10 cool ava
Lexi 9/10
cblossom 9/10
Dragonia:10/10 *love your sign buddy*

well ^^;;
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 27 2005, 12:39 am
thank you  bLuetopaz n' ani!

o.o I relly love your avatar, although the series annoys the stuffing out of me, haha.^^; I give a 10/10. It is very unique!

were you talkin to me? :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 27 2005, 12:40 am
i´m crazy :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on April 27 2005, 12:42 am
Zeldi: 10/10 for impressive ava and sig :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 27 2005, 12:45 am
AiKo: 10/10 love your sign and ava :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on April 27 2005, 12:46 am
Thankies ^__^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Renako on April 27 2005, 04:36 am
6/10: Nice pictures, but they lack anything good to them. ^^;;
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ashleygurl on April 27 2005, 04:59 am
u guys all have gorgeous avatars and siggies.... :sad5:

mines is soooo plain. ><  :heh:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Nyoko on April 27 2005, 05:02 am
Sometimes plain is much better... lol. 10/10 ashleygurl
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 27 2005, 11:26 am

Renako: 8/10 (Fai's cool! :XD:)
ashleygurl: 9/10 (ur avie looks sweet...:XD:)
Nyoko: 8.5/10 (it looks cool....:XD:)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 27 2005, 11:11 pm
ashleygurl : 10/10 Sakura looks very cute!
Renako: 8/10 Fai ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on April 28 2005, 06:46 am
6/10: Nice pictures, but they lack anything good to them. ^^;;

It's posts like that which is the reason why I will not rate avatars and sig pics. I think everyone I've seen are not all just great but also a reflection of those individuals and their love for the characters portrayed in their avatars and sig pics. :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao Ying on April 28 2005, 12:57 pm
wee~ Arcademan! 8/10 for S+S avy!! ^____^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: kudan on April 28 2005, 07:30 pm
9/10 for yours, Ying Fa! (Maybe you could make it animated...)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ashleygurl on April 28 2005, 09:35 pm
kudan : ur avatar is pretty cute...i will give it a 9/10 Mokona is too cute to resist~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: kudan on April 28 2005, 09:46 pm
ashleygurl: Thanks! I give you 9/10 too, I've never seen that picture before... I think. *_*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 29 2005, 12:46 am
Kudan I like ur ava I give u 10/10 its cool, its moving, and its a monka.Monka is cute  :) :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 29 2005, 12:57 am
new ava and sign! what do u all think? made them myself! ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on April 29 2005, 01:22 am
Zeldi! Wow i mean just WOW!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 29 2005, 01:23 am
Thanx *blush*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 29 2005, 05:41 am
Wooooooooooooooooooow! Love ur new avy and sig! They're even better than ur old ones! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 29 2005, 08:33 am
kudan, I give you a 10/10!!!!its so awsome!!!!It looks like mokona is burping!! :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 29 2005, 03:53 pm
Thank u very much ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: kudan on April 29 2005, 06:12 pm
9/10 for you, Zeldi! I like blue! Just made a new sig (blue background. ^^). Anybody  would like to rate it? (Personally, I think is a little too big...)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 30 2005, 12:42 am
*Raises hand* Ill rate it I give u 10/10 ur ava is very cute I like the monka and modoki that r on there, there r so many of them.   :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on April 30 2005, 12:44 am
Zeldi I like ur new ava its so cool. Its new also .I like the blue that is around it so Ill give u 10/10. :okay:

( I just got a new ava to  :))
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on April 30 2005, 01:01 am
Cblossom 10/10 S&S ^^
and thanx
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 30 2005, 06:58 am
i give kudan's sig a 10/10 its so awsome...:XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 30 2005, 07:01 am
I think I've rated the one above...if not, I think it's great, although it's kind of hard to see Kyo and Tohru (I think its them)

cblossom, I like how you resized a large pic to be ur avy, without crushing it and making it all pixelated!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on April 30 2005, 07:37 am
yea it is i remmember the scene :D

i like your Avatar And Sig Rube ^_^ its sweet, very Ruby-Chan :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on April 30 2005, 10:58 am
I think I've rated the one above...if not, I think it's great, although it's kind of hard to see Kyo and Tohru (I think its them)

thanx!  ^^ and me sorry...yes its them :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on April 30 2005, 12:46 pm
I love your avatar chibirosie!
I'd like to make one of Shigure-san, but can't seem to find a picture I like.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kayla on April 30 2005, 12:58 pm
Sakaki, your ava is perfect!  Simple, yet mysterious looking!  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on April 30 2005, 01:13 pm
Sakaki, your ava is perfect!  Simple, yet mysterious looking!  :okay:

Thanks so much!
I just love Watanuki.

Your Avatar and Signature are wonderful!!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 30 2005, 07:24 pm
Watanuki, Watanuki, Watanuki, Watanuki

Great character for an avy!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 01 2005, 01:42 am
Cblossom 10/10 S&S ^^
and thanx
Ur welcome Zedi and thx for rateing mine  :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 01 2005, 01:43 am
Welcome :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ranpyon_gals on May 01 2005, 02:26 am
avatar and sig, 10/10!! they're so wonderful :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 01 2005, 02:29 am
I give u rapyon_gals 10/10 its really nice, big and clear  :)

avatar and sig, 10/10!! they're so wonderful :D
O for whos r u rateing?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 01 2005, 02:33 am
rapyon_gals a 9/10 to u
yea did u rate 2 me or 2 cblossom? ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ranpyon_gals on May 01 2005, 02:35 am
rapyon_gals a 9/10 to u
yea did u rate 2 me or 2 cblossom? ^^

oh sorry, i rate you, Zeldi :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 01 2005, 02:56 am
oh thanx!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ranpyon_gals on May 01 2005, 02:59 am
oh thanx!

ur welcome :D by the way.. how did you put a black border around your sig?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 01 2005, 03:56 am
i can´t remember!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kayla on May 01 2005, 02:03 pm
With Paint Shop Pro you can make borders.  :wink:

Zeldi!  Your set is so colorful!  I love that picture of Sakura and Syaoran!  Great choice!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 01 2005, 05:44 pm

I like the way you faded the background to make the girl stand out! 8/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 01 2005, 05:46 pm alldon't have to rate mine...again...if you don't want to :sweatdrop:
ranpyon_gals: 8/10 (its awsome! :XD:)
Princess Kayla:8/10 as well (its all...O.O)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on May 01 2005, 06:01 pm
@ xx_chibirosie_ xx: Your avatar is so cool, it has a cool shape ^^ I love it :D
Sak and Sya 4ever (XD) 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 01 2005, 06:06 pm
Ur avy is adorable, and I think ur sig is one of the cutest ones I've ever seen! I just love how you've filtered the images with other colours...

And ur sig quote is nice too! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 01 2005, 11:01 pm
.::Ka::. 10/10 Kawaii :3
xx_chibirosie_ xx 10/10 S&S :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 01 2005, 11:59 pm all have great avatars and sig pics. We definitely have some creative people here in the forum. I'm beyond rating them since I find them all good :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 02 2005, 07:09 am
.::ka::. i give you a 10/10 that avi is super awsome...:XD:
and arcademan, i give yours a 8/10 its all...@.@
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 02 2005, 07:14 am
You have a very pretty has a nice, unusual shape, and I think it's the first I've sen with that particualr pic...congrats!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Syaokura on May 02 2005, 08:10 am
::ka::, your ava is awesome. xD Ruby Chan, did you make that ava? It's pretty cute. Just like your sig. =3 8/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 02 2005, 09:12 am
Syaokura I give u 9/10 ur ava is so pretty with the two different  colors. :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 02 2005, 09:32 am
i just Gotta say that i Love .::ka::.  and Princess Kayla's Sig and Avatars, you gals must be pros at them :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 02 2005, 10:53 am
You have a very pretty has a nice, unusual shape, and I think it's the first I've sen with that particualr pic...congrats!

Um...thats going toward me, right? :XD: if so, thanks! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 02 2005, 02:24 pm
::ka::, your ava is awesome. xD Ruby Chan, did you make that ava? It's pretty cute. Just like your sig. =3 8/10.

Yep, its made by me - which is why it doesn't look as professional as a lot of the others

Um...thats going toward me, right? :XD: if so, thanks! :keke:

Yup, I was talking about you

I think I've rated everyone above except for cblossom, so....nice avy! It's good that the pic didn't get squished whne you resized it.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: fisah on May 02 2005, 02:28 pm
Ruby-chan, I give your ava and sig a 9/10, since I love the words you wrote, and the pictures as well ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 03 2005, 12:18 am there anyone else to rate? XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Espo on May 03 2005, 03:30 am
MEEEEEEEE ^___^ *goes hyper*

Syaoka... yours is pretty!! ^__^ just had to say that... ^__^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 03 2005, 03:38 am
Yay1 Tomoyo avy! Pretty! 10/10!

Nice sig...very sneaky way of advertising ur site, Espo! (Keep ti up! *giggle*)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Espo on May 03 2005, 03:43 am
Thank yous ^__^ everyone has Sakura...soooooo..... i used Tomoyo ^____^___^

and its not sneaky... *laughs insanely*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 03 2005, 04:09 am
Espo 9/10 Tomoyo ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Espo on May 03 2005, 04:14 am
Thank you to you too ^__^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 03 2005, 04:33 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 03 2005, 01:03 pm there anyone else to rate? XD

I changed mine recently but to me it's not about the ratings... :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 03 2005, 05:10 pm
Your avy is really sweet, so I give it 9/10.
Ur sig's good too, but it's a bit hard to read CLAMP's i'll give it a 7/10

Pretty good overall!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on May 03 2005, 11:51 pm
Ruby Chan 10/10 love your sign and ava
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on May 04 2005, 04:46 am
I rate your avatar a 6/10 and your siggy a 5/10. Your siggy looks a bit fuzzy kinda. but tis still good^^ and Your avatar is sooo cute^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 04 2005, 09:53 am
espo 10/10 tomoyo is so pretty...XD
and harumi 8/10 ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 04 2005, 12:07 pm
AH!! i give chibirosie a 10/10 it's so pretty.. hehe

i changed my avatar a while ago.. and wanted to know what people think.. haha but the ratings are just for fun to me.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 04 2005, 02:24 pm
lika-chi 10/10 love your sign and ava ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Espo on May 05 2005, 05:25 am
hmmm... i say 10/10 for your avatar and 9/10 for your banner ^__^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 05 2005, 02:57 pm
lika-chi 9/10 thats kute...^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Espo on May 06 2005, 01:49 am
Chibirose i'm giving you 10/10 for your av ^__^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 06 2005, 01:55 pm
thank you ^^ I rated yours a;ready, ne espo?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on May 07 2005, 12:02 am
xx_chibirosie_xx 10/10 S&S weeeeei
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 07 2005, 12:15 am
Hey don´t forget Zeldi-chan  ^^
Dragonia i have already rated yours!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on May 07 2005, 12:16 am
yes u have!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 07 2005, 06:22 am
give your avatar a 8/10.. i like the pic.. and your signature.. a 9/10.. i like the picture too.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 07 2005, 06:49 am
lika-chi, your avy is cute, but ur sig is the best! The pic is so cute! 9/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Espo on May 07 2005, 07:04 am
Oh, ok, i say your avatar is 8/10, and your sig is 9/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: eiji on May 07 2005, 12:48 pm
avie is 9/10

sig is 9/10

great job!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on May 07 2005, 03:05 pm
I dunno who to rate  :sweatdrop:, everything is now scattered...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 07 2005, 07:49 pm
eiji....10/10 for the adorable avy of Syaoran!

Okamirei....8/10 for the cute Syaoran avy, and 9/10 for the sig pic! I like how you used the opening credits pic of Syaoran!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Espo on May 08 2005, 04:21 am
okamirei.... 10/10 for the avatar, so cute!

Show content

From book 5, right? when the girl is asking them there names ^__^

and 9/10 for your sig!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 08 2005, 06:15 am
espo gets 10/10 for all.. hehe i want to see what people think of my new avatar and signature.. they're not good but i tried my best in editting them.. haha.. i'm not experienced in photoshop yet.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on May 08 2005, 06:24 am
lika-chi got 9/10! for having such big (O_O)...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 08 2005, 08:09 am
I dunno who to rate :sweatdrop:, everything is now scattered...

Just do what I do and say everyone's avatars and sig pics are great :D

We definitely have a creative group here in the forum :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on May 08 2005, 07:44 pm
well they are cool pictures but they are a little squished.
6/10 avy, that image is awsome
sig 5/10, unsquished it would be more

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 08 2005, 08:20 pm
I love who you use as ur avy and sig pic!

10/10 for the nice avy pic of Syaoran, and 10/10 for the great sig! Well done! You've used great images and mangaed to leave them unsquished - and the text on ur sig compliments the pic!

Very very good!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 09 2005, 01:42 am
well they are cool pictures but they are a little squished.
6/10 avy, that image is awsome
sig 5/10, unsquished it would be more


My avatar and sig pic aren't for people to judge so I could care less is someone rates it a 1 or a 10 :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on May 09 2005, 05:30 am
so whos do I rate now? the person above you? ^^;

Ruby Chan 7/10 sig. The text is pretty, sounds like song lyrics. Plus I love Sakura from the Second Movie as a princess.

8/10 avy, the little boxes are SO cute! pictures a little fuzzy, but that might be my computer.  :sweatdrop:

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: fisah on May 09 2005, 07:38 am
I give your a 10/10, because it's SYAORAN, and I like the way you have his name spelt in chinese and japanese. *drools at syaoran*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on May 09 2005, 09:51 am
i give you a 9/10 because of the flashy avatar, i like your signature too!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 09 2005, 10:41 am
so whos do I rate now? the person above you? ^^;

That's the general idea but whatever makes you happy since rating them means little to me...they're all good :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on May 09 2005, 06:25 pm
umm.. 6/10? your avatar has a bit of pixellation on it.. :P
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 09 2005, 11:01 pm
umm.. 6/10? your avatar has a bit of pixellation on it.. :P

I like it...that's all that matters to me :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on May 09 2005, 11:24 pm

8/10 avy, very cute. I like the way it is a different shape rather than square.
sig is simple but nice. I like they lnks within the words. 6/10, and image would make it even higher
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Xiao Ying on May 10 2005, 12:29 am
oh yeah!!! 10/10 for the SYAO-KUN avy and sig!!! weeeee!!! I LOVE SYAORAN!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 10 2005, 03:46 am
lovely sig and avatar Ying Fa ^^ 9/10

i made myself a new Sig ^^ what does everyone think ?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on May 10 2005, 03:48 am
VexNet nice new sign 7/10!
what do u all think about my new ava? it´s made by Zeldi-senpai :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 10 2005, 03:55 am
That is such a cute pic of Tomoyo! 9/10 for the avy!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on May 10 2005, 03:59 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 10 2005, 04:01 am
have made another 50 ava´s today wonder what i´m going to do with them

well i like that ava Dragonia!  Of course i do i´ve made it! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on May 10 2005, 05:27 am
i think both your avatar and sign are great . i'll give it 9/10.
what do you think about mine?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 10 2005, 05:28 am
I love it! The sig ties in with the avy really well, and is a great pic! 10/10 sig pic, 8/10 avy! Wow!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on May 10 2005, 05:31 am
arigato gozaimasu
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Xiao Ying on May 10 2005, 01:10 pm
9/10 for both sig n avy! BFF! ^__^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on May 10 2005, 07:20 pm
10/10 both.
I love that avatar <3
your sig is great, I adore that quote from the second movie, I was going to put it in my sig but you already had it!  :XD:
Its such a beautiful pictuire too. Definitly deserves 10!  :okay:

(plus we have matching names, thats worth more points  :wink: )
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on May 11 2005, 04:53 am
9/10 to Xiao_Lang...
really nice avatar and signature!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on May 11 2005, 05:41 am
I have to say 9/10 for you also.
Your sig and avatar are so beautiful, and its nice to see someone with something other than a character. ^__^
The editing of the feathers makes them look so soft and precious, as they should be!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 11 2005, 06:02 am
Ur new sig and avy pics are very good (although I prefer the original!) 8/20 for ur avy, and 9/10 for ur sig! The quote on ur sig pic's great!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on May 11 2005, 08:17 am

thanks for the comments!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 11 2005, 10:25 am
bLuetopaz I give u 9/10 urs is very pretty and beautiful, well they both mean the same :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 11 2005, 01:22 pm
cblossom.. you get a 8/10.. i like that picture ^^ and you don't have a sig so yea.. hehe
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on May 11 2005, 01:31 pm
Heh, I give lika-chi sama a 9/10, I like the picture  :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 11 2005, 01:56 pm
okamirei.. you get a 10/10 for both.. ^^ because it's syaoran and really pretty.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 11 2005, 03:15 pm
Lika-chi  9/10 Mokona yaaaaaaaaaay
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 11 2005, 11:59 pm
okamirei 10/10 Syaoran-kun :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 12 2005, 01:12 am
Excellent avatars and sig pics. Everyone gets a 10...I don't like being bias or choosing one over the other...THEY'RE ALL GREAT!!!

Me...I went back to 'old school' since there were the ones I started with about 3 years ago in my other groups and forum. No need to make new ones just to impress the masses :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 12 2005, 03:43 am
Me...I went back to 'old school' since there were the ones I started with about 3 years ago in my other groups and forum. No need to make new ones just to impress the masses :wink:

excellent attitude, i just change mine due to how i feel about things in general ::keke::
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 12 2005, 05:15 am
Thanks. An attitude is a terrible thing to I try not to  :hehe: :rotfl: :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on May 12 2005, 06:50 am
Love your skating Sakura, Arcademan!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: fisah on May 12 2005, 10:39 am
LMAO at your siggy Sakaki! I'm looking at you because your so hot! *cough* 10/10

Your avatar is <3 too, Watanuki looks so awesome! 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 12 2005, 11:52 am
Arcadeaman I give u 10/10 I like the way it is skating. :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on May 13 2005, 10:33 am
9/10 for your avatar, i love that picture!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 13 2005, 12:01 pm
For my avatar or somebody elses? sorry but I dont know whos. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on May 13 2005, 12:02 pm
its for u cblossom cuz u r above me
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 13 2005, 01:10 pm
really pretty.. i give a 10/10 for the pretty-ness.. XD hehe.. and it's s and s yea!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: fisah on May 13 2005, 02:56 pm
Mokana! *giggles*

10/10! for avy and siggy because it's original!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 14 2005, 06:25 am
10/10 for both.. i really like the avatar. hehe.. rivals to lovers.. XD and the sig is really pretty.. o.O
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 14 2005, 10:27 am
i.. i don't know what that is in your sig ....
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 14 2005, 10:36 am
O.O AH!! it's mokona.. haha

i give your avatar.. a 8/10 and your sig a 10/10 it looks really cool.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 14 2005, 12:24 pm
its for u cblossom cuz u r above me

O ok thx I give u 10/10 urs is pretty  :D.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: wisteria on May 14 2005, 07:42 pm
For vexnet i will give yr avatar 10/10. I have seen yr photo in another thread seeing the avatar remind me of you. It some how looks like you esp witl yr earphone.

For Cblossom: yrs is beautiful. It is the pic of one of the maga hardcover if i'm not wrong
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 14 2005, 11:13 pm
For vexnet i will give yr avatar 10/10. I have seen yr photo in another thread seeing the avatar remind me of you. It some how looks like you esp witl yr earphone.

thanks :D and you can kinda say its like my Animé Persona, lol, gotta have the headphones, thanks again :keke:

and btw, is your avatar woman praying and upside down ? ceratainly unique :D oddly tranquill aswell
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on May 15 2005, 06:25 am
I give my bunnykins a 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: wisteria on May 15 2005, 11:22 am
It was actually a pic of the hanged man of a tarot card. Should say a hanged woman in this case :hehe:

Some explanation: The Hanged man suspend from a living tree of life. He is bound by duty and necessity. He must surrender to a higher source within. Bymeans of meditation the hanged man overcomes temptation and become enlightened. The gold butterflies around her head in this pic symbolised soul power, rebirth and enlightenment. His crossed legs reveal hidden language of limitation and expansion available to all of humanity. Note the hanged man is bound to the tree by his ankle.

How to: Read the taroy by slyvia Abraham
Published by Llewellyn.

Important note:
No means or attempt to promote Tarot here so  Original soucre of the picture and links are  not posted
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 15 2005, 03:26 pm
It was actually a pic of the hanged man of a tarot card. Should say a hanged woman in this case :hehe:

Some explanation: The Hanged man suspend from a living tree of life. He is bound by duty and necessity. He must surrender to a higher source within. Bymeans of meditation the hanged man overcomes temptation and become enlightened. The gold butterflies around her head in this pic symbolised soul power, rebirth and enlightenment. His crossed legs reveal hidden language of limitation and expansion available to all of humanity. Note the hanged man is bound to the tree by his ankle.

How to: Read the taroy by slyvia Abraham
Published by Llewellyn.

Important note:
No means or attempt to promote Tarot here so Original soucre of the picture and links are not posted

Thanks for sharing the info to the mortals here (since I have some extended knowledge of the ways of the Tarot, Wiccan and other mystical stuff...especially pixies :D )
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 15 2005, 09:35 pm
wow.. makes me want to know more .. but i'm way too much of a procastinator..

and i love that anime gif arcademan. i just watched the episode where Kero and Sakura were fighting and Kero kept calling Sakura a Monster XD man she looking ticked off !! excellent stuff :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on May 15 2005, 10:54 pm
8/10 avatar, very cute! ^^

9/10 sig, thats an awsome image. The contrast betwen the white and the red blood is amazing! <3
great lyrics too
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 16 2005, 03:24 am
Thanks :D i can't get enough of that awesome Syaoran picture in your sig :D 10/10 definatly.
and likewise to your avatar, Syaoran rocks !! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 17 2005, 12:54 am
VexNet I give u 10/10 urs is really cool. :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on May 17 2005, 07:17 am
cblossom, your picture is really sweet.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 17 2005, 07:57 am
awww such a sweet lovely pic in your sig <3 they look so good together yep yep :keke: 10/10  i love it
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on May 17 2005, 10:30 am
***they look so good together yep yep***

Oooh, they do don't they?!
I LOVE that picture so much.

Who is the girl holding the disk in your signature?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 17 2005, 02:42 pm
oh wow...I must have missed a lot...last time I checked there was like, 18 or 19 theres 21...:XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on May 17 2005, 03:29 pm
Sakaki 10/10 nice sign
xx_chibirosie_xx 10/10 S&S
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on May 17 2005, 05:11 pm
wow! its sakura skating! tehe.. 10/10! :D

i like your sig too btw! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 18 2005, 03:45 am
I like ur avy, even though I don't know what it is! 7/10! And I may hav already said something like this, but good use of links in ur sig text!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 18 2005, 05:19 am
Who is the girl holding the disk in your signature?

Thats Roll from the Rockman series, (like Rock and Roll, get it ? lol)
but most people know it as Megaman. she's a robot created by Dr.Light :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 18 2005, 01:07 pm
Thats Roll from the Rockman series, (like Rock and Roll, get it ? lol)
but most people know it as Megaman. she's a robot created by Dr.Light :keke:


Feel the love for Roll :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on May 18 2005, 02:37 pm
I love your signature, Arcademan.
That Touya......he's just so naughty sometimes.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 18 2005, 02:58 pm
i love both your avatar and sig.. hehe i give you a 10/10 touya and yukito look so cool in that picture.. i really like that picture.. hehe

i change my avatar and sig just a few minutes ago.. wonder what you think.. XD hehe
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 18 2005, 03:09 pm
Kawaii Lika-chi i love it

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 19 2005, 12:54 am
Cool ava lika-chi I give u 10/10
and Zeldi I give u 10/10 to! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on May 19 2005, 03:24 am
9/10 avy, so pretty
8/10 sig, those words are so beautiful, and image to go with them would be wonderful ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 19 2005, 07:26 am
xiao_lang always has lovely avatars and sigs.. hehe

i give them both a 10/10

i added a new sig.. tsubasa.. XD but it's a bit small..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 19 2005, 09:05 am
ooh the sigs are cool lika but Wow on your avatar :D its so clear, lovely pic too :nod:
avatar - 10/10
sigs 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: fisah on May 19 2005, 09:30 am
I love teh siggy, so cute Vexnet ^^ 10/10 for both ^^

By the way, Xiao_Lang, where is that picture of Syaoran from in your siggy? I know it's Tsubasa but is it a chapter or something? ^^"
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on May 19 2005, 03:01 pm
For Fisah, I love both your AV and Sig! 10 for both!

[hehe I don't expect a high mark for mine...]
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 19 2005, 03:20 pm
10/10 Endoh it´s soo kawaii
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 20 2005, 12:43 am
Foe Endoh I give u 10/10 :hello2:
and for Zeldi I give u 10/10 :hello2:
( but I think I already rated
urs Zeldi but I like to give out
rates anyways :keke:)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 20 2005, 12:46 am
yea u rate mine all the time ^^
10/10 4 cute Sakura-chan
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 20 2005, 12:52 am
Sorry  :heh:
thanks 4 rating mine. :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kayla on May 20 2005, 07:05 am
cblossom...I just love that picture of Sakura!  It's one of my favs!  She looks so pretty!  Good choice!  :hello2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 20 2005, 09:32 am
kayla-hime (hime means princess in jap) i give your sig a 10/10 it's SO pretty.. i wanted to do something like that too..

and your avatra i give a 10/10 because it's also really pretty and it's s and s
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 20 2005, 10:14 am
Thank u Princess Kayala I give ur ava a 10/10 its so pretty and nice I like it.

And I give Lika-chi a 10/10 its pretty too and clear to see.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on May 20 2005, 10:18 am
10/10! i love your avatar! i love gundam seed!!! <3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 20 2005, 10:19 am
i think i already rated yours.. but i'll rate is again anywyas.. 10/10 for both

YEA another GS fan.. hehe.. come join our GSD topic.. hehe we're crazy there.. umm ok off- topic

*runs away before gets yelled at..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on May 20 2005, 02:21 pm
9/9 for lika^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on May 20 2005, 02:27 pm
Harumi 5/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 20 2005, 03:25 pm
7/10 Dragonia :D its cool but the sig looks like the words have been put there in like mspaint XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 20 2005, 03:41 pm
she have used paint!
9/10 4 u VexNet
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on May 20 2005, 03:53 pm
gwah! i love your sig and avvy zeldi-chan! :D

syaoran looks so cute in your avatar! :D

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on May 20 2005, 11:35 pm
9/10 avy, thats so cute!
8/10 sig, beautiful words, great use of links
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kayla on May 21 2005, 01:30 am
Xiao Lang!  I love Syaoran and now I love you!   :inlove:  Your sig and ava are just so cute!  Great choice of pictures...especially the ava one!  :hello2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 21 2005, 05:40 am
Ani:Thank u

Princess Kayla 10/10 I´m in love with u ava&sign soo kawaii ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 21 2005, 09:33 pm
Xiao_Lang 10/10 Syaoran-kun ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on May 22 2005, 12:17 am
10/10 both Zeldi!
the avatar is so cute! (I love that image ^_^)
You avatar is so pretty and the text is in an awsome font! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 22 2005, 12:20 am
oh Thanx ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on May 22 2005, 02:50 am
I give Zeldi a rate on her avatar and her siggy a 7/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 23 2005, 10:45 pm
Thankies ^^
7/10 to u too bcoz u ava is a bit foggy
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 24 2005, 03:06 pm
lol I changed my avi...again...but when I looked at that scene I just had to make an icon out of it...:keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on May 24 2005, 03:13 pm
kawaii. i love your av. 10/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 25 2005, 12:36 am
S. Espoire, I give yours a 10/10, sakura looks kute :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 25 2005, 12:38 am
xx_chibirosie_xx I give u 10/10 it is soo cool. :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 25 2005, 08:29 am
xx_chibirosie_xx I give u 10/10 it is soo cool. :keke:

thanx ^^ I give yours a 10/10, its kawaii ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 25 2005, 01:39 pm
Thankies very muchies  :sweatdrop: :keke:.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on May 26 2005, 02:17 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx  Thanks from me too.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 26 2005, 03:01 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx I give u 10/10 it is soo cool ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on May 26 2005, 04:37 pm
Zeldi, Syaoran always gets a 10/10...So Kawaii!

I'm featuring a new Bishounen on my like?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 27 2005, 01:24 am
Cute! What's he from?

And ur sig pic's so cute, I could die from shonen-ai overload!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on May 27 2005, 06:18 am
***Cute! What's he from?***

He's Dark from D.N. Angel. :inlove:
I've been going through the episodes pretty quickly and they are
really good. Another anime with a great soundtrack.

Love your avatar too, Ruby Chan.
Sakura looks so sweet there.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 27 2005, 06:32 am
Dark is lesser of teh Two Boys, but he is very cool :D great pics and ya know i love the sig pic :haha:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 27 2005, 08:52 am
Thankies very muchies :sweatdrop: :keke:.
xx_chibirosie_xx Thanks from me too.

your both welcome :keke: sakaki, yours is awsome, 9/10 ^_^  I doon't know much about D.N. Angel, but it looks cool...:XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 27 2005, 11:15 pm
Sakaki: DARK! well i like Daisuke more but but... 10/10 ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on May 28 2005, 04:08 pm
8/10 for Zeldie's^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 28 2005, 04:48 pm
ah Harumi you know i love that pic (especially the bigger version) since i know what its like a definate 10/10

and  :angel7: lovely signature  :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on May 28 2005, 06:13 pm
I like your pic sigg, Vexnet,  it looks romance and cool :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on May 28 2005, 09:39 pm
.::ka::.  your pic and ava are so cool~ i give it 10/10~!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on May 29 2005, 12:35 am

your animated .gifs are so cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on May 29 2005, 12:43 am
thankies~ your ava and sig are so cool too~! 10/10 for u! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on May 29 2005, 02:55 am
they are KAWAII.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 29 2005, 06:54 am
i give aiko 10/10, so kawaii!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 29 2005, 07:06 am
aiko 10/10 Kawaii :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 29 2005, 07:12 am
Everyone gets a 10/10 from me...doesn't matter how good or bad...but because YOU like your avatar and sig...since YOU chose it :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 29 2005, 07:21 am
Thats cool Arcademan
Her are my scores that I give everyone:
I give Aiko 10/10
I give bluepetopaz 10/10
I give S.Esoire 10/10
I give xx_chibirisie_xx 10/10
I give Zeldi 10/10
And I give Arcademan 10/10
So tecnatly I give everyone 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on May 29 2005, 02:28 pm
cblossom  i give you 10/10. Your sign says it all that what a big Mulan fan you are.
Arcademan your touya sign is really kawaii. i give it 10/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on May 29 2005, 07:22 pm
cblossom: 10/10 i wuv Mulan too~! :D
S. Espoire : 10/10 nice decors over the pics :okay:
Arcademan: 10/10 :lol: Touya and Sakura're so funny~
xx_chibirosie_xx: 10/10 :haha: it's the funniest trio of the group~!
Zeldi: 10/10 simple and cool~! :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: de cross on May 30 2005, 01:50 am
10/10 for you all coz i love your avatar & sig XD XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on May 30 2005, 07:57 am
arcademan, cblossom, aiko and de cross, arigatou! :keke:
yeah I give you all a 10/10...everyone's avie looks awesome!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 30 2005, 02:45 pm
de cross 10/10 Fai-kun :3

Thanx AiKo ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on May 30 2005, 03:59 pm
de cross gets a 9/10
xx_chibrose gets a 7/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 30 2005, 04:06 pm
Harumi 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on May 31 2005, 07:04 am
zeldi i think i rated you before.. ^^ but i give your avatar a 9/10 and sig a 10/10 pretty pics and really clear.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on May 31 2005, 01:44 pm
Lika-chi I'll give u 10/10 for av and 9/10 for sign.Where is your av from? u made it ur self?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on May 31 2005, 02:47 pm
k i just saw this and i HAVE to say...

ARCADEMAN, You have the Most AWESOME Avatar !!
that episode clip was hilarious !!

Oh  no... Oh No.. Oh NO.. OH YEAH !!!!
XD so random but very funny ....
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on May 31 2005, 03:15 pm
k i just saw this and i HAVE to say...

ARCADEMAN, You have the Most AWESOME Avatar !!
that episode clip was hilarious !!

Oh no... Oh No.. Oh NO.. OH YEAH !!!!
XD so random but very funny ....

With so many Sakura based avatars I decided to go with something a tad different here. Glad you like :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on May 31 2005, 03:39 pm
cblossom i give you 10/10. Your sign says it all that what a big Mulan fan you are.
Arcademan your touya sign is really kawaii. i give it 10/10.
cblossom: 10/10 i wuv Mulan too~! :D
Thanks you two I give you both 10/10!! They are very pretty and so cool! :D
And arcademan I give you 10/10 it is really funny. :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on May 31 2005, 03:41 pm
zeldi i think i rated you before.. ^^ but i give your avatar a 9/10 and sig a 10/10 pretty pics and really clear.. XD

well i don´t know either ^^;;
but thanx anyway
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on May 31 2005, 09:38 pm
 Very funny av i give it 10/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 01 2005, 10:56 am
Arcademan, 10/10, thats so funny!! Go koolaid guy!!! haha
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on June 01 2005, 04:12 pm
I really love your avatar xx_chibirosie_xx  ^^ It's cute... Luv Kurogane face that time :D
10/10 :hello2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 01 2005, 04:20 pm
your av and sign are really good 10/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 01 2005, 04:21 pm
ka, I really like ur new three box sig pic1 It's a really unusual feature! 10/10!

You might want to find a way to separate it from ur website link pic, though.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 01 2005, 05:09 pm
.::ka::. 10/10 very Kawaii
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 02 2005, 10:25 am
arigatou .::ka::. ! yours is awesome!! 10/10!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 02 2005, 01:06 pm
i always love chibirosie's avatars.. hehe.. i didn't rate this one..

10/10 hehe.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 02 2005, 03:30 pm
Lika-chi 10/10 for the ava and 9/10 for the sign
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 02 2005, 04:44 pm
I wish the was some way to see the previous avatars and signs of others.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 02 2005, 09:17 pm
Same here....

Lika-chi, I really like ur cute avy, and it's nice to see a sig pic that's fairly simple - it looks good1

chibirosie....OMG. I love ur avy so much! It's so good and kawaii!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 03 2005, 01:48 am
what do u all think about my new ava & sign?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 03 2005, 01:59 am
Oh wow! Awesome! I giv ur avy 10/10, and ur sig pic 7/10, Zeldi!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 03 2005, 02:03 am
Thankies nyaa~ :cat:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 03 2005, 02:55 pm
arigatou lika-chi and Ruby-chan ^_^ I think I rated Ruby-chan's...but I dunno about lika-chi...:sweatdrop: oh well, I still give a 10/10 ! ^_^ And Zeldi, you whole 'Tokyo Mew Mew' thing is awesome!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ani on June 03 2005, 03:00 pm
haha .. i love that scene xx_chibirosie_xx.. 10/10~!  :hello2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 03 2005, 03:28 pm
arigatou lika-chi and Ruby-chan ^_^ I think I rated Ruby-chan's...but I dunno about lika-chi...:sweatdrop: oh well, I still give a 10/10 ! ^_^ And Zeldi, you whole 'Tokyo Mew Mew' thing is awesome!
oh Thank u
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 03 2005, 04:34 pm
I love your Tokyo Mew Mew avatar and signature!
I think Lettuce is my favorite Mew Mew. Nya!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 03 2005, 09:07 pm
I love your Tokyo Mew Mew avatar and signature!
I think Lettuce is my favorite Mew Mew. Nya!

Thank u! My fav is Ichigo nyaa~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on June 03 2005, 09:10 pm
Kyaaaaah! Zeldi your ava& sign is soooooooo Kawaii :3
Offtopic:can u make me an ava and sign too nyaa? :rabbit:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 03 2005, 09:14 pm
Oh thank u!
Offtopic: well sure ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 04 2005, 01:02 am
Dragonia your av and sign are really cute too. 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on June 04 2005, 02:38 am
I give Dragonia , Zeldi , and S.Espire all 10/10.
They are very Kawaii  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 04 2005, 07:16 am
o.O i always love cblossoms avatars.. but they look just like pictures.. heeh but they're still cool.. XD

10/10.. i think i'm going to change my stuff after i hind more pretty avatars and signtures.. XD hehe
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 04 2005, 08:05 am
What do you guys think of my new sig pic and avy?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cblossom on June 04 2005, 09:54 am
Ooooo I love lika-chi's its so pretty,cool and clear to see it I give you (I also like your signature) 10/10.  :D
And Ruby chan's new ava is 10/10 its so cool and awsome and (I also like your signature too). :okay:
So I give you both 10/10. :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 04 2005, 10:02 am
***What do you guys think of my new sig pic and avy?***

He's kawaii, Ruby Chan!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 04 2005, 10:13 am
HEERO!!!!! haha.. ruby-chan i give you 10/10 for putting such a hot anime guy as your avatar and sign.. HAHA!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 04 2005, 10:43 am
Ruby chan10/10 for both.
Sakai 10/10. too.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 04 2005, 03:42 pm
I give Ruby-chan's new one a 8/10, dunno what anime it is, but it still looks cool...:XD:

oh...and I was reading posts from like, the page before this...arigatou ani! and zeldi, you're always welcome :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 04 2005, 07:29 pm
Dragonia, I think your avatar and signature are both so cute!

chibirosie, I LOVE your avatar! Fai and Kuro-chi are so adorable.

I made a new avatar tonight.
It's the same character as before, Dark-san, but a different pose.
Kawaii, ne?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 04 2005, 08:45 pm
Thanx so much for ur nice comments!

I give Ruby-chan's new one a 8/10, dunno what anime it is, but it still looks cool...:XD:

It's Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing.

I like ur new avy Sakaki! 9/10 for the great pose!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 04 2005, 10:33 pm
Dragonia, I think your avatar and signature are both so cute!

chibirosie, I LOVE your avatar! Fai and Kuro-chi are so adorable.

I made a new avatar tonight.
It's the same character as before, Dark-san, but a different pose.
Kawaii, ne?

same good tastes don't ya think ?
i got Satoshi from DNAngel as my sig, when you have Dark from DNAngel :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 05 2005, 12:48 am
*jumps up and down.. new avatar new avatar.. XD what you think??

vexnet.. i like your sig.. hehe.. 10/10 XD

still searching for new sig..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on June 05 2005, 12:52 am
wai~ S+S~! :love5: 10/10 for u lika-chi~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 05 2005, 01:34 am
10/10 to bpth lika-chi and Vexnet.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 05 2005, 03:25 am
10/10 Ruby
lika-chi 10/10
VexNet 10/10
Sakaki 9/10
Dragonia 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 05 2005, 06:24 am
sakaki 10/10 it looks cool...:keke:
lika-chi 10/10!!! Kawaii!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pickthelock on June 05 2005, 06:34 am
9/10 ^^ very kawaii! *chuckle*

8/10 I like the text. ^^ spiffy.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on June 05 2005, 09:35 am
Everyone gets a 10/10 from all get 11/10!!! :D

You all are definitely a creative bunch :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 05 2005, 10:35 am

You all are definitely a creative bunch :)

now that i can agree on

and arcadey, i still love the family guy clip XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 05 2005, 11:23 am
VexNet, you know I LOVE your signature with Satoshi!! 10/10!
I'm looking for a good picture of him to use soon for an avatar.
Just saw that picture of Dark though, and couldn't pass up making an
avatar out of it.
Satoshi is next though.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 05 2005, 11:49 am
lol, so you shall have the Satoshi Avatar, and i shall have the Satoshi Signature :haha:
i've always loved the DNAngel Characters (although i'm a fan of Daisuke myself)
but your Dark avatar is certainly... Hot !! and *ahem* so is the signature :keke:

i think all i'll do recently is change the Line under my sig pic from time to time,
like at the moment its : "I believe you can't appreciate real love 'til you've been burned"
and if you know Savage Garden and the song Affirmation,
 i love all the "I Believe" quotes in that song, so i'll toss and turn them around... maybe :haha:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 05 2005, 12:07 pm
***but your Dark avatar is certainly... Hot !! ***

Oh, yeah! I'm the Queen of the hot avatars! :lol:
You know though, it makes it REALLY hard to change them because you feel so bad about the taking the other guy off because he is so cool looking.

***i think all i'll do recently is change the Line under my sig pic from time to time,***

I thought I noticed that!
I was thinking of putting some of lines to Krad's song on my signature.
I love the song and the words.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Light_Card on June 05 2005, 12:34 pm

I just love your Yuki, Touya Pic *sigh* they are so cute together
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 05 2005, 09:29 pm
Touya and Yukito are one of my fav couplings and i had that avatar to start off with Light Card so ya know i'm gonna like it ^^
and Sakaki you already know i like yours ^_^"

You know though, it makes it REALLY hard to change them because you feel so bad about the taking the other guy off because he is so cool looking.

I was thinking of putting some of lines to Krad's song on my signature.
I love the song and the words.
:haha: i know how that is, you want to keep them up but you can't have all your pics up, not enough room :(

and i have no idea what krad is o.O ?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 05 2005, 09:35 pm
I really like ur sig pic, VexNet! And the lyrics under it are very cool! 9/10, even though I'm not a big fan of the series!

And the link to that pic....kawaii!  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 05 2005, 09:46 pm
:haha: thanks that pic is my girlfriend :inlove:

and Rubes, grea sig and pic, teh sig is simple yet stands out. cos when i'm scrolling i see yours stand out most :D
also everyone knows Heero is bloomin cool :D good choice in pics too ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Li fan-Kyoko on June 06 2005, 03:20 am

        I like the signature more than the avatar but they are really creative and cool.^__^  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 06 2005, 03:30 am
Cute Syaoran avy, Li fan-Kyoko! Bit small though......6/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on June 06 2005, 03:36 am
I rate ruby chans avatar and siggy a 7/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 06 2005, 03:57 am
Harumi 9/10 Kawaii
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 06 2005, 04:32 pm
lovely Colorful set Zeldi :D at least 8/10 :keke:

and woohoo, i was finally in the mood for an avatar change.
but even tho it won't let me have the transparency effects... like (
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 06 2005, 04:40 pm
VexNet, Love your new avatar!

***and i have no idea what krad is o.O***

Krad is the name of the guy Satoshi turns into!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on June 06 2005, 07:01 pm
oOo.. i like your avy.. and absolutely love your sig.. ^^ 9/10~! yay!  :hello2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on June 06 2005, 07:43 pm
lovely Colorful set Zeldi :D at least 8/10 :keke:

and woohoo, i was finally in the mood for an avatar change.
but even tho it won't let me have the transparency effects... like (

Sometimes change is good though I'll miss your old avatar. As I scroll through messages, your old av always made me stop and read what you had to say :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 06 2005, 09:20 pm
Sometimes change is good though I'll miss your old avatar. As I scroll through messages, your old av always made me stop and read what you had to say :)

lol, i know what you mean, i still use it on my MSN sometimes, its probably a mood thing i'm on ^^ (got into a SSX craze again with the SSX4 game information just released)
but thanks for the comment ^^ its appreciated

and ya already know i like your stuff arcade :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 07 2005, 02:35 am
Ha ha! You already know how much I like the new avy, VexNet!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Diemie on June 07 2005, 03:54 am
awww....i think its cute! still lookin for mine....dunt kno if its OK
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 07 2005, 03:55 am
Luvya i think yours is really cute, its teh bright Pinkness, its like... Bubblegum Pop Pink, its addictive !!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Diemie on June 07 2005, 04:46 am
thank kew VEXNET i think urs is kooli 2....da way da emotions on it n da darky l=color n stuff (except backgroung).....  :greengrin: ...peacies out
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 07 2005, 04:49 am
Cutie avy! And I like the way u shrunk a wallpaper to be ur sig...

(am I right about that? Bcos I thikn I have that wallpaper too, LOL)

7/10 for the cuteness factor!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 07 2005, 04:51 am
I give everyone a 10/ wait take that back...100/100 (if possible :sweatdrop:) everyone has good avatars n' sig's...:XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Diemie on June 07 2005, 04:57 am
yupi yupi.....couldnt reali find one so i was iit looks cute so i shrunk it....hehehe........... :shifty:.....if anyone ahs a reali reali cute one or cute would be find AIM me or contact me some how..bduh i like mine for now ...THANK KEW.......
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on June 07 2005, 06:07 am
I give everyone a 10/ wait take that back...100/100 (if possible :sweatdrop:) everyone has good avatars n' sig's...:XD:

As I've been saying all along here only because if someone's is rated lower than others, I feel that just not right. It's each person's creativity that makes their avatars and signatures truly a 10/10 :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on June 07 2005, 06:16 am

i just cant help it.. i love Keanu Reeves and that's him as my avatar~ *blush*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 07 2005, 06:18 am
I like's very serene and kawaii.....9/10.

(And I know some people don't like giving avy/sigs ratings, but I do it because I think it's nice to know which of ur avys/sigs people like get an idea of what to do for ur next one.)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on June 07 2005, 08:04 am
oh my gosh!!! i love your signature image!! i love gundam!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on June 07 2005, 08:42 am
Aww, I love your AV and Sig cardcaptor519
10/10 for both!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 07 2005, 02:02 pm
cardcaptor519 10/10!! S n' S forever!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 07 2005, 03:36 pm
cardcaptor519 10/10 S n' S 4-ever ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on June 07 2005, 05:42 pm
zeldi chan~! you're avatar and sig are sooo colourful and bright! :D 7/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 07 2005, 11:00 pm
Ani ur avatar 10/10 yea Fangirls r scary
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on June 07 2005, 11:21 pm
what do u all think about my Ava&sign?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 08 2005, 02:27 am
So very very cute! 10/10 for ur avy and 9/10 for ur sig pic!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 08 2005, 05:45 am
ani 10/10 thats funny
dragongirl 10/10 :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on June 08 2005, 01:18 pm
Hehe your AV is cute chibirosie! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 08 2005, 01:23 pm
arigatou ^_^ I've rated yours, ne Endou? uh...dunno...Iif I did..I'll rate it again! :sweatdrop: 10/10 :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on June 08 2005, 03:20 pm
Ruby chan 10/10
Endoh 10/10
xx_chibirosie_xx 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on June 08 2005, 10:56 pm
10/10 To the worlds greatest Sis Isabelle(DragonGirl)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 09 2005, 06:33 am
dragonia i give you 9/10 lovely pictures.. XD

changed my avatar and sig.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 09 2005, 06:37 am
Oh my! I love them lika-chi! 9/10 for ur aby, and 10/10 for the awesome signature pic!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 09 2005, 09:39 am
omg lika-chi! 10/10 thats kawaii!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 09 2005, 09:42 am
chibirosie.. hehe i love your avatars all the time..

10/10 and ruby-chan i already rated you.. XD

thanks guys
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 09 2005, 10:50 am
arigatou ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 09 2005, 02:45 pm
lika-chi 10/10 ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 09 2005, 04:26 pm
Lika chi I love your av and sign too. 100/100 to them.
Did you make them yourself? If you did then you are really talented with photoshop coz they are amazing. I think the av will look better without the fading effect but then the 'like heaven' won't b very readable.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 09 2005, 10:18 pm
S.Espoire 9/10 ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Li fan-Kyoko on June 09 2005, 10:48 pm
10/10.Very colorful and I like that show! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 09 2005, 10:58 pm
Thanx ^^
9/10 4 a cute pic on Sakura
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 10 2005, 07:39 am
I love your Signature Zeldi!
So pretty and colorful.

I changed my avatar and signature today.
Do you like?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 10 2005, 07:44 am
really cool ^^ i love DNAngel so naturally i love the sig and avatar :keke:
plus thats such a  lovely picture as your Sig, i wanna join in on the pic  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 10 2005, 08:20 am
***plus thats such a  lovely picture as your Sig, i wanna join in on the pic***

Heehee..ME TOO!  :inlove:
If only I could animate myself.
I'll have to get to work on that.   :lol:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 10 2005, 09:17 am
cool avy and sign Sakaki. 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 10 2005, 10:07 am
no i didn't make them myself.. i don't have skill for photoshop or anything haha..

10/10 for s. espoire. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 10 2005, 12:31 pm
uh..I think I rated wait!!

Li fan-Kyoko I give urs a 9/10 ^_^ I've rated everyones...( far...XD)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on June 10 2005, 02:34 pm
I give chibirosie-sama 10/10  :greengrin:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 10 2005, 02:39 pm
okamirei gets a 10/10 from me..

haha i always think that syaoran is wearing a hat in your avatar.. o.O haha.. silly me..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 10 2005, 03:02 pm
Sakaki 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on June 10 2005, 08:40 pm
wow Zeldi nice sig and ava~ :D 10/10~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kakurine on June 10 2005, 08:55 pm
wow! is that a creator? a ragnarok character?! i also play ragnarok! ur avatar and sig looks cool! 10/10 for AiKo n_n
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on June 10 2005, 09:00 pm
yup it is~ ! I play too~ :keke: thankies :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 10 2005, 09:07 pm
princess_kakurine 10/10 Very pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Li fan-Kyoko on June 11 2005, 12:57 am
AiKo 10/10!I love the avatar!It's so cute! :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 11 2005, 03:52 am
Love the avy! 9/10 for it, and 8/10 for the adorable S+S sig!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 11 2005, 04:32 am
so many avies...@.@ 10/10 for all the ones I didn't rate yet! (well...too lazy to type out the names...:sweatdrop: )
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 11 2005, 10:26 am
chibirosie got new stuff.. *starry eyes.. AH!! so cute your avatar..

10/10 for it.. and sig is good too.. but a bit too big.. hehe.. 9/10 still.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 11 2005, 12:00 pm
chibirosie got new stuff.. *starry eyes.. AH!! so cute your avatar..

10/10 for it.. and sig is good too.. but a bit too big.. hehe.. 9/10 still.. XD

 Arigatou! lol and I know, when I looked at it I said "No!!! Its too big... :cry:"
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 11 2005, 12:07 pm
you could always resize it with a program.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 11 2005, 02:36 pm
yeah...but I'm too lazy...:XD: but I shall...eventually!!!!mwahhaa....-_-
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 11 2005, 02:42 pm it still too big? -_-
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 11 2005, 03:26 pm
princess_kakurine  i really like your avy and sign they are Kawaii 10/10.
Li fan-Kyoko  your sign gets 10/10 ( did you make it yourself, nice effects) and avy 8/10.
xx_chibirosie_xx  you get 9/10. and I don't think your sign is too big. Its okay. or have you already resized it?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Li fan-Kyoko on June 11 2005, 10:56 pm
10/10 S. Espoire.they are so kawaii!^_^I change my avatar almost every day because I have so many to choose from! :D :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 12 2005, 03:20 am
S.Espoire 9/10
Li fan-Kyoko 10/10 Kawaii
xx_chibirosie_xx 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 12 2005, 03:54 am
Ok I recently changed my avy and sign as I was kind of bored with the previous one and I needed a change.
I've taken these from envision studios. that's princess kayla's site. These are from Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon but I don't know a thing about it. I just liked the colours of the pic so ...
What do you think about it?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 12 2005, 03:59 am
I like ur sig pic..very soft and sweet. 9/10. Ur avy...7/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 12 2005, 03:59 am
10/10 ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 12 2005, 04:28 am
zeldi.. i give you 10/10 for both.. really pretty.. and nice.. xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 12 2005, 04:35 am
Thank u very much Lika-chi
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 12 2005, 06:49 am
princess_kakurine i really like your avy and sign they are Kawaii 10/10.
Li fan-Kyoko your sign gets 10/10 ( did you make it yourself, nice effects) and avy 8/10.
xx_chibirosie_xx you get 9/10. and I don't think your sign is too big. Its okay. or have you already resized it?

yeah...I did...=T
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 12 2005, 06:51 am
S. Espoire 9/10 that's pretty...:XD:

Li fan-Kyoko 10/10 thats so kawaii!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 12 2005, 07:11 am
I like ur new stuff, especially ur sig pic! 10/10 for that, and 9/10 for ur cute Syao-kun avy!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 12 2005, 08:17 am
arigatou :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 12 2005, 09:55 am
changed my sig and avatar.. because i was pissed off at the person that was in it. *sigh what you think???
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Syaokura on June 12 2005, 09:59 am
Your ava and sig is very pink-ish. Really cute! Well done. =3

Ava: 8/10
Sig: 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 12 2005, 10:47 am
i love your new stuff hehe...

i don't really like my sig.. it's really blurry.. O.O HAHA!!! i'll change it again i thik later..

i give your avatar a 8/10 a bit too small and sig.. 10/10 i love it.. xD and the words are beautiful too..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 12 2005, 11:14 am
lika-chi 10/10, thats kute :keke:
Syaokura 9/10, the nothing card (or the hope card...whatever...) is cool
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Pikari on June 12 2005, 02:18 pm
avatar: 10/10 - the cuteness!!
sig: 7/10  if I'm being picky the line on the right side doesn't have to be there, but it's a nice pic. o_O;;

I just changed mine, wanna know what someone thinks.. ^_o;;;
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Li fan-Kyoko on June 12 2005, 04:24 pm
9/10 Very cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 12 2005, 04:28 pm
lika-chi 9/10.
syaokura 10/10.
pikari 9/10. Nice message and nice way of saying it. the expression on kuro's face in the sign is funny. same goes true for syaoran. Its preety colourful.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 12 2005, 04:44 pm
avatar: 10/10 - the cuteness!!
sig: 7/10 if I'm being picky the line on the right side doesn't have to be there, but it's a nice pic. o_O;;

I just changed mine, wanna know what someone thinks.. ^_o;;;

yeah I know...does this mean I have to change it again? T_T fine, I will...eventually...
pikari, 10/10 thats kute ^ ^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 12 2005, 05:15 pm
Pikari 10/10
Syaokura 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 12 2005, 06:52 pm
what do u all think about my new ava?
the sign have i already uesed but i didn´t have time do a new so the sign will come up soon
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 12 2005, 07:06 pm
Oh, your avy is so cute and kawaii! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 12 2005, 07:06 pm
OMG! Zeldi, 10/10! that is so cool!! :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 12 2005, 07:27 pm
I think they are cute. 9/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 13 2005, 12:47 am
S Espoire.. i give you 10/10 so good.. the colours are nice too.. xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on June 13 2005, 01:35 am
what do u all think about my new ava?
the sign have i already uesed but i didn´t have time do a new so the sign will come up soon

*thumbs up* 9/10 for your avatar.. Sakura is so sweet there...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on June 13 2005, 01:45 am
I like the color in ur avatar bluetopaz ^_______^ It's brownish and the word 'love' shining is so cool !!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 13 2005, 01:47 am
i love ka's stuff hehe...

10/10 xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on June 13 2005, 02:00 am
~hee ^__________^ Arrigatour likachi-chan
I loe ur avatar, cute ^________^ :XD: 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on June 13 2005, 02:26 am
Everyone gets a 12/10 for their avatars and sig pics. I'm only here for the +1 :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Pikari on June 13 2005, 02:53 am
yeah I know...does this mean I have to change it again? T_T fine, I will...eventually...
pikari, 10/10 thats kute ^ ^
Ah, sorry, I just tend to be picky about things. You don't have to change it, it still looks nice. ^^;;;;;

Arcademan: 10/10 just for having Koolaid Man.  Koolaid Man is rad and awesome. XDDD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 13 2005, 05:11 am
i´m glad every1 liked my ava can someone help me find a pic taht could suit my ava? plz ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S:a:k:u:r:a on June 13 2005, 05:43 am
Aw..your sig and av are very cute, i like the avatar the best pretty. I would definitely give them both 10/10. ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 13 2005, 05:57 am
sakura.. i give you a 10/10 xD really pretty stuff..

ka changed her ava.. hehe.. i like it.. xD a 10/10 too.. xD

piakri.. AH your stuff is great too.. share the love and give a hug.. hehe.. cute 10/10

arcademan.. i love your ava.. it's funny.. haha.. 10/10 for you too.. xD

zeldi gets 10/10 for her stuff too.. so talented.. hehe..

everyone overall gets a 10/10 HEHE!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 13 2005, 06:06 am
*cough* i just changed my Sig :keke: its a more Final Fantasy VIII now :keke:

what ya think ?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 13 2005, 06:16 am
love it of course xD 10/10 for vexnet
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 13 2005, 06:21 am
OMG! Cuteness overload! 8/10 for ur sweet avy, and 10/10 for ur sig pic! So clear and, dare I say it.....moving?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 13 2005, 08:41 am
.::ka::. I absolutely love yours! Its so cool!! :XD: 10/10!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on June 13 2005, 12:39 pm
>_< I've made 2 avatar and I love both, what should I use ?! Sakura or Syaoran ? It's hard to choose ^^"
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 13 2005, 12:48 pm
i love this one too.. 10/10.. hehe i went to your website and took some.. because they're so nice.. XD hehe.. but i will credit them too if i use them.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 13 2005, 01:32 pm
thats a tough I think you should leave it to Syaoran. Oh and I give it a 10/10 ^_^ thats awesome
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on June 13 2005, 03:55 pm
i love your avvy chibirose! ^^ 9/10! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 13 2005, 04:52 pm
S:a:k:u:r:a  i like it 10/10.
Vexnet get10/10 too.
and ani. that's another harry potter avy. so your a draco+ hermione fan. 10/10. i wish their faces were more clear.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on June 13 2005, 05:01 pm
and ani. that's another harry potter avy. so your a draco+ hermione fan. 10/10. i wish their faces were more clear.
yupz it is! *grins* in the when Snape teaches DADA in the PoA. ^^ I'm not only a D+Hr fan.. tehe..

I like your avvy and sig! they're so clear and colourful.. ^^ its a soft touch.. 9/10 for your avvy and 10/10 for your sig!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on June 14 2005, 12:56 am
I love ur avi ani ^___________^ though I'm not D/Hr fan but I love the color *__* cool !!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 14 2005, 02:37 am
I love your sig pic! 10/10! Ur avy is sweet, but not as cgood as ur sig...I'd still give it a 8/10 though!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 14 2005, 04:10 am
.::ka::. 10/10 Syaoran-kun ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on June 14 2005, 04:38 am
I like the color in ur avatar bluetopaz ^_______^ It's brownish and the word 'love' shining is so cool !!!

thanks .::ka::.! your new avatar and signature are great as well!! love the colour and the effects on it.. *thumbs up*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 14 2005, 05:49 am
bLuetopaz 9/10 for the avie and 10/10 for the sig...thats cool
S:a:k:u:r:a 10/10 :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 14 2005, 06:41 am
er..I changed mine again...:XD: I didn't make it too plain, did I? -_-
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 14 2005, 11:49 am
i saw it somewhere else and i went. COOL!! haha.. go syaoran!! haha.. 10/10.. the animation is really flowing and not slow or choppy.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 14 2005, 02:52 pm
i saw it somewhere else and i went. COOL!! haha.. go syaoran!! haha.. 10/10.. the animation is really flowing and not slow or choppy.. XD

lol arigatou lika-chi :keke: It took quite a while to get it all 'prerfect' :XD: so I'm glad its not messed up  :dodge: :hehe:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 14 2005, 03:57 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx  10/10. It is very cool. Caption: Syaoran's kick.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on June 14 2005, 05:47 pm
S. Espoire  10/10 love the colors
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 14 2005, 05:53 pm
DragonGirl 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on June 14 2005, 05:54 pm
Zeldi 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 14 2005, 11:32 pm
What do u all think about my NEW stuff? ^____^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on June 15 2005, 02:04 am
zeldi.9/10. its nice.
dragongirl 9/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 15 2005, 04:52 am
zeldi 10/10 thats cool :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 15 2005, 03:44 pm
Thank u Chibi 10/10 ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 15 2005, 04:02 pm
ur welcome and thank you :keke: :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 15 2005, 04:38 pm
lika-chi 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 16 2005, 02:34 am
Woohoo! Yet another great set from Zeldi! 10/10 for both of them! You have real talent in choosing great pics!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Li fan-Kyoko on June 16 2005, 06:19 am
10/10.I love that one! :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 16 2005, 10:14 am
hm...I guess I've rated everyones...:XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 16 2005, 06:34 pm
Li fan-Kyoko who r u talking too? me or Ruby?

and Thanx again Ruby ^___^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on June 16 2005, 07:58 pm
everyone's avvies are great! 10/10 overall! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on June 16 2005, 10:17 pm
:D Love ur avi ani ^__________^
Kurogane and Yuuko are so sweet ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 17 2005, 12:26 am
Ani 10/10 ^___^

.::ka::. 10/10 Kawaii
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 17 2005, 05:08 am
ani 10/10 thats cool
.::ka::. 10/10 that is so kawaii!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 17 2005, 05:26 am
great animation there :D

alright quote too in sig
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 17 2005, 05:28 am
I really like the text in your sig, VexNet! Dis you make that up urself?

And the winking girl is kawaii! 9/10 for it! Nice and subtle!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 17 2005, 05:33 am
great animation there :D

alright quote too in sig

arigatou ^^ um...I rated yours...right VexNet? :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 17 2005, 05:35 am
I really like the text in your sig, VexNet! Dis you make that up urself?

And the winking girl is kawaii! 9/10 for it! Nice and subtle!
thanks :D teh girl is Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII, she is wearing a Double Ring Necklace
plus teh words are what you see on the very start of the Game Final Fantasy VIII. its what she says to Squall (the other character since these two characters are the romantic aspect of the game). she is saying I'll Wait, and he is the one saying Why, and What For.

arigatou ^^ um...I rated yours...right VexNet? :XD:
and nope, dun think you've ever rated mine, or you avoided me. like always  :hello2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 17 2005, 05:47 am
and nope, dun think you've ever rated mine, or you avoided me. like always  :hello2:

What? 'Like always????' does that mean I have been? *starts panicking* I didnt know!!  :cry: I'll rate urs now then! I give it a 10/10 :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 17 2005, 06:06 am
What? 'Like always????' does that mean I have been? *starts panicking* I didnt know!! :cry: I'll rate urs now then! I give it a 10/10 :keke:

lol *waves hands* oh no need to worry its ok :keke: but thanks anyway *smile* no need to worry at all ^_^
its fine cos everyone here has great sigs and its hard to have a bad one XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 17 2005, 07:28 am
*sighs in relief* Thats good to hear...-_-
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 17 2005, 09:45 am
i rated your already chibirosie.. hehe.. XD i got a new avatar.. it's so cute.. hehe..

AH!! ka's is so good.. *stares.. i wish i could make some like that.. give 10/10 of course. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Li fan-Kyoko on June 17 2005, 01:44 pm
Li fan-Kyoko who r u talking too? me or Ruby?

and Thanx again Ruby ^___^

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 17 2005, 03:10 pm
lika-chi 10/10!! that is so kawaiI!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on June 17 2005, 03:45 pm
haha.. thanks.. ^^

@ .::ka::.  I like your avy and sig 10/10
@ Zeldi i think i rated your already but.. i like the piccie you used! colourful.. 9/10
@ lika-chan i love that scene.. ^^ syaoran's so good at fighting! ^^ 9/10

for the rest: overall  9/10! ^^ :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 17 2005, 05:23 pm
Thank u Ani ^_^

lika-chi 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S:a:k:u:r:a on June 18 2005, 01:11 am
10/10 -Your banner and avatar are really nice Zeldi! ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on June 18 2005, 01:28 am
10/10 S:a:k:u:r:a-sama! I like your sig^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S:a:k:u:r:a on June 18 2005, 01:39 am
Danke schön! ^^ I really like your sig, also, that is such a cute picture! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Li fan-Kyoko on June 18 2005, 07:23 am
Okamirei:10/10!THat picture is soooo kawaii!!!!!!!! :inlove: :noteworthy:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 18 2005, 07:28 am
Your Signature looks really sweet, Li fan-Kyoko!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 18 2005, 07:37 am
haha.. thanks.. ^^

@ .::ka::. I like your avy and sig 10/10
@ Zeldi i think i rated your already but.. i like the piccie you used! colourful.. 9/10
@ lika-chan i love that scene.. ^^ syaoran's so good at fighting! ^^ 9/10

for the rest: overall 9/10! ^^ :D

what syaoran.. :sweatdrop: i don't have syaoran for anything right now. technically i never did either. haha

sakaki.. really cool kurogane stuff.. hehe.. avatar 9/10 and sig 10/10.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 18 2005, 09:10 am
what syaoran.. :sweatdrop: i don't have syaoran for anything right now. technically i never did either. haha

sakaki.. really cool kurogane stuff.. hehe.. avatar 9/10 and sig 10/10.. XD

er...I think that was for me...:sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on June 18 2005, 01:07 pm
Okamirei:10/10!THat picture is soooo kawaii!!!!!!!! :inlove: :noteworthy:
Danke schön! ^^ I really like your sig, also, that is such a cute picture! ^_^
Thank you^^.

Sakaki-sama 10/10, nice avatar  :keke:
chibirosie-sama and lika-chi sama also both 10/10!  :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 18 2005, 01:18 pm
arigatou okamirei.. hehe and don't need to be so formal.. lika is fine. XD

love the new sig. so cute

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 18 2005, 02:08 pm
Thank you^^.

Sakaki-sama 10/10, nice avatar :keke:
chibirosie-sama and lika-chi sama also both 10/10! :D

arigatou :keke: oh I just love yours Okamirei 10/10!! (oh, you don't have to put that 'sama' thing at the end of my name. chibirosie is just fine  :D)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 18 2005, 05:59 pm
S:a:k:u:r:a 10/10 lovely
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S:a:k:u:r:a on June 19 2005, 05:17 am
Thank you Zeldi! 10/10 As always.^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 19 2005, 02:50 pm
10/10 for sakura.. so pretty.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 19 2005, 09:16 pm
Loving the avy! Kawaii as always! 9/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on June 20 2005, 08:10 pm
S:a:k:u:r:a  10/10 Love it
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on June 20 2005, 08:10 pm
Zeldi 10/10 when did u make that one? LOVE IT
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 21 2005, 10:06 am
dragongirl.. cool.. 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 21 2005, 11:34 am
I changed mine...again :sweatdrop: is my new one fine? or shoud I change it back?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on June 21 2005, 12:29 pm
so cute! 10/10  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 23 2005, 03:23 am
changed my avatar.. it's okamirei's sig.. HAHA

i didn't make it.. credit goes to reckless fire from LJ.. XD haha

what do you think??
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 23 2005, 05:12 am
awww.....thats so kawaii...10/10!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 23 2005, 05:13 am
thanks.. haha i like your new one too..

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on June 23 2005, 01:20 pm
changed my avatar...I might change it back, not used to it much  :sweatdrop:

kawaii, lika-chi sama! 10/10 (as always XD)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 23 2005, 01:22 pm
i was waiting for you to post your new one up here.. hehe

i love it.. 10/10 since it's syaoran and you made it. hehe. XD great job

(where'd you get that picture?? don't think i've seen it before.. )
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on June 23 2005, 01:28 pm

It's from a pencil board from CLAMP su
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 23 2005, 01:45 pm
okamirei, 10/10!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on June 23 2005, 03:31 pm
Though I have changed my avatar a few times here, I usually stick with the usual three or four I have for all of my boards and forums. For some, I guess the quest to find the most perfect avatar will never stop. Me...give me Kool-Aid Man any day OH YEAH!!! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 23 2005, 07:33 pm
lol I've rated your before, ne Arcademan? If I haven't, 10/10! That epi was funny.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 24 2005, 08:22 am
Love your Pita Ten avatar, chibirosie!  10/10
It's a good show.

And I always get a kick out of yours, Arcademan!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 24 2005, 04:11 pm
10/10 Sakaki!!!! Its Kurogane!!!!  :greengrin:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 24 2005, 05:18 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 25 2005, 05:47 am
*jumps up and down..

CHECK IT OUT!! new stuff again.. haha

uh i sort of made the sig.. it's ugly *sigh i can't make anything.. HAHA!! yup yup
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 25 2005, 07:14 am
lika-chi, I love your new signature!
It's really sweet.
You avatar is cute too, although I haven't seen that anime yet.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 25 2005, 07:20 am
kurogane.. i already rated yours haha.. XD

the only part i really 'made' for my sig is the quote.. and the colour i made a bit different. haha
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 25 2005, 10:13 am
10/10 lika-chi!!!! that is so kute!!!! :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on June 25 2005, 12:00 pm
I agree! 10/10 lika-chi sama!  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 25 2005, 12:46 pm
arigatou you guys.. *hugs.. XD hehe

and i rated all of yours before.. hehe all got 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 25 2005, 12:49 pm
lovely new Avatar Lika Chi, its Cute.
and your Sig looks faded with Pink :D nice touch
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 25 2005, 03:05 pm that all? :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on June 26 2005, 02:40 am
all what ?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 26 2005, 07:50 am there anyone's avie that we didn't rate? or are we done?or what? :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 26 2005, 07:39 pm
lika-chi 10/10 Kawaii love it
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on June 27 2005, 07:35 pm
Kyaaaaaaaaaah Just look at Zeldi´s set:

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 27 2005, 07:41 pm
He´s Mine  :love5:

And Thanx Dragonia ^-^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 27 2005, 07:41 pm
I rate Zeldi an 11/10! Kawaii pics and comments!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 27 2005, 08:18 pm
Domo Arigatou Ruby ^____^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on June 27 2005, 08:20 pm
Ruby chan 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sugar Fairy on June 27 2005, 08:30 pm
Dragonia I'd rate you 7/10.

Don't know who the avatar/sig is, but it's really cute.

hehe, plus i want to have somebody rate my avatar if they find it as adorable as i do. ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 27 2005, 08:32 pm
Aw cute! They're both smiling! 7/10 for the cute choice of avy!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 27 2005, 08:35 pm
Sugar Fairy 8/10 smile ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on June 27 2005, 08:36 pm
Dragonia I'd rate you 7/10.

Don't know who the avatar/sig is, but it's really cute.

hehe, plus i want to have somebody rate my avatar if they find it as adorable as i do. ^^

It´s Mint from Tokyo Mew Mew

Sugar Fairy 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on June 27 2005, 11:49 pm
Does any1 wanna rate my new set? Made by Zeldi-San nd the pic choice of me as always :haha:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shinigami Zero on June 28 2005, 12:08 am
The avatar is good, though I think  the signature needs to drop the shorthand.

Overall, I'd give you a 7/10.

This avatar is the one...the only...Zengar Zombolt. The sword that cleaves evil. :O

The quote in my signature is the battle quotes for one of the sword moves he does in the Daizengar.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on June 28 2005, 12:10 am
okay thanx!
I´ll give u 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on June 28 2005, 02:26 am
I really like the set....I don't mind the shorthand, but it's a pity that the text has gone a bit blurry....7/10, Dragonia!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 28 2005, 07:28 am
dragonia - 10/10
Sugar Fairy - 7/10
Shinigami Zero - 8/10


ano...I changed it...again... :dodge:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 28 2005, 04:11 pm
Chibirosie 10/10 Kawaii

EDIT: it´s Nyaa-San from Pita Ten ne?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on June 28 2005, 04:33 pm
Chibi 10/10
Dragonia 9/10
Zeldi 10/10 ^__^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on June 28 2005, 06:11 pm
Check out my new set! it´s Primera! Made by Zeldi-San!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on June 28 2005, 06:44 pm
DragonGirl, that is SO Kawaii!
I just love Primera! 10/10

Lol, Chibirosie! That's too funny.
And I love your Syaoran, Zeldi!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on June 28 2005, 06:50 pm
Sakaki 10/10 Fai and Kuro-puu ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 28 2005, 06:50 pm
Thanks Sakaki ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on June 29 2005, 02:46 am
great Syaoran pics.  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 29 2005, 04:12 am
Dragon girl, 10/10!! Shes pretty...XD
Xiao Lang, like your avie, I give yours a thumbs up! lol...10/10! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on June 29 2005, 04:24 am
I love your new avatar and sig chibirosie-sama! 10/10  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Muse_Blossom on June 29 2005, 06:06 am
oohh, okamirei, i love your signature and avatar!! kawaii!!! 10/10!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on June 29 2005, 06:34 am
Muse Blossom, 10/10 thats kute ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on June 29 2005, 12:44 pm
AH!! another lovely lovely thing from chibirosie.. SO CUTE hehe

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sugar Fairy on June 29 2005, 01:53 pm
ruby chan, zeldi, chibi and dragonia, thanks for the rating! ^ ^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 29 2005, 03:42 pm
Muse_Blossom 7/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on June 29 2005, 05:48 pm
lika-chi  10/10 very cute
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on June 29 2005, 06:17 pm
10/10 so cute, nice composition
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on June 29 2005, 06:21 pm
Xiao_Lang 10/10 Kawaii ^-^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on June 29 2005, 06:26 pm
Xiao_Lang 9/10 Very very cute

Thanks by the way all the credit goes to Zeldi-sama ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on June 30 2005, 05:28 pm
DragonGirl 10/10 K-A-W-A-I-I ^-^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on July 01 2005, 04:50 pm
Thanks Sis! Zeldi did them (Of course)

9/10 for u Dragonia
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 02 2005, 07:54 am
DragonGirl, I love Primera, so your signature is kawaii!

I changed my avatar and signature today, kawaii, ne?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 02 2005, 08:06 am
oo 10/10 Sakaki!!!  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 02 2005, 08:13 am
Thanks Chibirosie!
I love yours too.
I still can't make the animated ones.
Don't have the right program.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 02 2005, 08:54 am
i like your new thing sakaki XD hehe.. 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 02 2005, 05:54 pm
Chibi 10/10 Nyaa-san!!!

Sakaki 10/10 Shuichi :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on July 02 2005, 10:34 pm
^^ i love the colour green you used for your avvy Zeldi-chan! ^^
and I also love the quote in your siggy.. ^^

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on July 03 2005, 01:28 am
Muse_Blossom  8/10.
xx_chibirosie_xx  Kawaii. 10/10.kity. Nyaaa.
lika-chi cute as usual. 10/10. Is this the first time you've got syaoran and sakura in your sign.
Xiao_Lang  I really like yours very colourful. 10/10.
ani  9/10. its very nice. If only it was more clear.
sakaki. 9/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 03 2005, 06:14 am
haha.. so very very true. i thought it was time to show how much i love sakura and syaoran. don't you think so??

s.espoire.. i give you a 10/10 i love the colour.. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 03 2005, 08:12 am
S. Espoire, I really like your avatar and signature!
Who is the girl ~ a singer or actress?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on July 03 2005, 08:23 am
how is this topic still going ?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 03 2005, 09:48 am
I ono...@.@
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 03 2005, 12:17 pm
lol funny cat ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 03 2005, 06:56 pm
hehe, thank you! :keke: 10/10 blaze :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on July 04 2005, 08:34 am
jus saw Lika Chi's Avatar and wanna say it looks really cool :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 04 2005, 11:37 am
thanks thanks vexnet. hehe. xD

yours looks cool too. 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 04 2005, 11:52 am
oo 10/10 lika-chi!! yours are always awesome!! :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 04 2005, 03:21 pm
agree! lika-chi 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on July 04 2005, 06:05 pm
VexNet  9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 04 2005, 11:22 pm
^^ Dragongirl 10/10 nice photo ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on July 05 2005, 01:43 am
how is this topic still going ?

Heh. I was going to ask the same thing myself :tongue:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 05 2005, 06:53 am
Wheet whoo! Dragon Girls' avy has an original choice of character, and is very pretty! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 08 2005, 03:49 am
9/10 good colours and strong text  :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 08 2005, 03:56 am
8/10 for the kawaii sig pic, and quote. But I'd give it a 9 or 10 if you didn't have the smaller pics to distract.

I think I already rated the avy, but if not...10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 08 2005, 08:10 pm
Xiao Lang ~ Awesome signature.
The feather looks really really nice.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 09 2005, 02:52 am
I love the Fai avy! So kawaii! And such a sweet Kuro/Fai moment for a sig too!

10/10 for both!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 09 2005, 05:28 am
oo...10/10 Sakaki!! Its Fai-san!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 09 2005, 12:33 pm
10/10 for sakai!! go Fai-san!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 09 2005, 02:23 pm
10/10 Sakaki-sama!  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on July 09 2005, 02:26 pm
10/10 for sakai!! go Fai-san!!

haha me same
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 09 2005, 03:32 pm
I love everyone's!
Like Arcademan said, they are all awesome because they mean something to each person who made them. Well..he said something like that anyway.  :lol:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 09 2005, 03:43 pm
sakaki.. i give your new avatar a.. 10/10 it's so cool. XD!! haha fai.. YEA!!!! plus.. did you make that yourself??
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 09 2005, 06:05 pm
***did you make that yourself??***

Actually I picked the picture and my daughter made the avatar for me.
I told her what colors I wanted.
You should see the Shuichi one my daughter has on her board..SO KAWAII!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 09 2005, 09:00 pm
10/10! that quote in your sig is a classic! Kurugane and Fai! <3 wai!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 10 2005, 02:09 am
Sakaki: u mean that one she has on mew mew forums? ^_^ it´s kawaii

My new ugly one *points*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 10 2005, 02:12 am
Sakaki: u mean that one she has on mew mew forums? ^_^ it´s kawaii

My new ugly one *points*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 10 2005, 02:15 am
They're not ugly...but I think I'd prefer them without the pale splodges...8/10

What do you guys think of my new set?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on July 10 2005, 09:29 am
I love everyone's!
Like Arcademan said, they are all awesome because they mean something to each person who made them. Well..he said something like that anyway. :lol:

Close enough and I mean what I say. The avatars and sig pics are a reflection of that person and since they're all good, that says alot of this bunch :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 10 2005, 12:56 pm
***Sakaki: u mean that one she has on mew mew forums? ^_^ it´s kawaii
That's the one!

Zeldi, I love your new avatar and signature.
Syaoran can't look bad!
Ruby Chan, Fai looks adorable and I really love that picture of him.
So serious and thoughtful..
Ah, if only I could hug him.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 10 2005, 02:24 pm
zeldi.. i give you a 8/10.. i don't like those spots everywhere..

ruby-chan.. i give you a 9/10.. i like the avatar.. but the sig is a bit weird.. i'm not sure how to say it.. haha

i want to see your daughter's thing. what's the site?? XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on July 10 2005, 03:06 pm
your avas and sigs are so pretty~! 10/10 for everyone~ :D :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 10 2005, 04:22 pm
***i want to see your daughter's thing. what's the site?? XD***
Her name's Megumichi
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: ani on July 10 2005, 04:45 pm
hehe.. i love your sig sakaki.. ^^ and the picture of fye in you avatar.. ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 10 2005, 05:07 pm
ani.. suppi is so kawaii.. XD hehe.. 10/10

sakaki.. your daughter's thing is SO KAWAII!! and that website is so pink.. o.O haha
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 10 2005, 05:30 pm
***sakaki.. your daughter's thing is SO KAWAII!! and that website is so pink.. o.O haha***

She's Shuichi obsessed! Wonder where she gets it, ne?  :sweatdrop:

Heh, I love your avatar and signature too!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 10 2005, 05:38 pm
Zeldi - 9/10
Ruby-chan - 10/10

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 11 2005, 08:35 am
ruby-chan 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 11 2005, 09:19 am
Blaze 9/10

i cant see the avatar clearly but i love it and the sig (if what i think it is, is right) lol
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 11 2005, 10:05 am
lol 10/10 4 u
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on July 11 2005, 11:11 am
9/10 for u blaze!!!!  i luv the sig thats a 10?10!!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 11 2005, 03:45 pm
starfire get 10/10 for the fanart avvie! i love it! <3 go Syaoran! ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on July 12 2005, 12:02 am
Nice siggie and ava ^________^ 9/10 for both :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on July 12 2005, 12:07 am
Neh neh, I have my new ava and sigg ^____________^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 12 2005, 03:55 am
I love your avy so much! 10/10!

Your sig looks nice as well...but maybe Sakura's gone a bit pale, LOL? 8/10. By the way, what does the text on it say?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on July 12 2005, 05:05 am
Haha ^^ It's just make for style.
Actually, the text is :
"In the heat of summer, cold of winter, I'm here
So you're never lose your way to me
Never close your heart
Your light is always there "

Yes, it's from Tsubasa's lyric ^__________^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on July 12 2005, 09:54 am
i give you a 10/10   lyrics and all!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 12 2005, 09:59 am
*glomps* I love it ka-sama!  :greengrin:  10/10
your graphic skills own....teach me, sensei~ *kneels before you*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 12 2005, 11:57 am
another super cool and lovely sig and avatar by ka.. xD i love your work

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 12 2005, 01:51 pm
okamirei omg 10/10 4 u!!! i wish i can make it higher ; ;
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 12 2005, 01:57 pm
AH!! okamirei.. hot new sig. *faints.. lolz

where'd you get the original picture???

friking 100/10!! lolz
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 12 2005, 02:09 pm
lol, thanks^^ I'm trying to think of a TRC quote to put in there.. e-e
got the pic from a random site somewhere  :sweatdrop: ..I think it was one of those CLAMP album sites?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 12 2005, 02:12 pm
Okamirei, awesome awesome awesome!!
Fai looks so hot there I can't take it!!
And do my eyes deceive me or is he wearing earrings?!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 12 2005, 02:15 pm
*squints*  yup, earrings!  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 12 2005, 02:27 pm
*faints from too much Fai kawaii-ness*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 12 2005, 02:27 pm
lol *catches hold of Sakaki-sama*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: D.J.P on July 12 2005, 02:30 pm
I rate Okamirei's avatar - 10/10, the sig, hmm - 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 12 2005, 02:33 pm
still re-doing your avatar (and my sig XD), SLi-sama, please wait  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: D.J.P on July 12 2005, 02:34 pm
Ok, I will :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 12 2005, 09:23 pm

sli u get a 10/10 nice avatar ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 13 2005, 11:15 am
wanted to see how this looks, haha. I love Fai's expressions in epi 14!  :haha:
I'll change it back to Syaoran in a few minutes. if anyone wants to have this, I don't mind  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on July 13 2005, 11:18 am
wait i love it 10/10!!  i'l have it if you are gonna change it!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 13 2005, 11:25 am
Oh, it's so cute!!
I think that some sort of Fai ~ craziness is taking over the boards!
I'd love to have it, but I love the one I have. Glad I got to see it though.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 13 2005, 01:24 pm
i like fai alot~ 9/10 for sasaki! but i like syaoran too ^_~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 13 2005, 01:38 pm
10/10 for the av, angelic-Essence sama!^^ for the sig...10/10  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 13 2005, 02:20 pm
Angelic-Essence you get a 10/10 for your awesome Fai signature!
Okamirei, I love your new Syaoran avatar! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 13 2005, 03:37 pm
okamirei.. AH!! another super syaoran avatar.. i give you a 10/10 hehe..

change my avatar.. i get tired of avatars too soon.. lolz.. but sigs are hard to find and i'm not good in making them.. lolz.. so yea
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 14 2005, 04:59 am
starfire, Angelic-Essence, Okamirei, and lika-chi I give you all 10/10!!!! those are all awesome!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on July 14 2005, 05:01 am
oh kitty's  I love it !!!  heh they wish!!  lol  10 outta 10!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 14 2005, 05:46 am
9/10 cuuute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 14 2005, 06:50 am
Rated your, Xiao!

Starfire, I give you 10/10 for the avy! Waa! Fai!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 15 2005, 12:38 pm
ruby chan i'll give u a 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 15 2005, 12:49 pm
o.O pretty.. hehe

i give u 8/10.. that's a wallpaper right?? it's kinda too big to be a sig :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 15 2005, 01:20 pm
lol, i do believe it is a wallpaper... but who am i to judge! :P

9/10 for lika-chi both avvie(love gsd =]) and sig(SS rox~)! i love the images! where'd you get it? ^______^"
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 15 2005, 01:25 pm
10/10 for you.. hehe

the sig is from the OST cover.. xD hehe and the avatar is something i found on a website. you should be able to find my avatar pictures anywhere.. it's the new opening screenshots
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 15 2005, 01:28 pm
rated yours already, Angelic-essence sama^^
Lika-chi sama 10/10 for avi, 9.5/10 for sig  :keke:
victoria sama 9/10 avi, 8/10 for sig

Nya...made a new avatar...should I put this one up? But I made my current one only a few days ago...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 15 2005, 01:30 pm
okamirei.. where do you live.. i want to learn how you make avatars and sigs.. AH!!!

o.O i like that avatar.. 10/10.. you should put it up.. hehe xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 15 2005, 01:32 pm
lol Sugarland, Texas XD. catch a train or a flight here^^ I might be able to teach you directly on msn though, if you really want  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 15 2005, 01:34 pm
honto?? are you for real.. WAH!! :inlove: i will love you forever and ever then.. xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 15 2005, 01:39 pm
hehe  :keke: just send a IM when you're set
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: de cross on July 15 2005, 01:45 pm
10/10 for Okamirei coz' i love the siggie ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 15 2005, 01:52 pm
arigato :keke: 10/10 for you too
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 15 2005, 01:54 pm
O.O i like the effects you made--those are effects right? lol 10/10 anyway. ^______^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 15 2005, 02:09 pm
arigato!  :keke:
the av has a slight 'gaussian blur' to it, while the sig was scratched with brushes  :sweatdrop:

10/10 for you too!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 15 2005, 06:59 pm
Okamirei, I still can't get over Fai on your signature!
Everytime I see it I nearly faint.
He looks so naughty with that cool look on his face.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 16 2005, 03:46 am
Rated you Sakaki...but again, 10/10!

Okamirei, love the blurred Syaoran avy! 10/10! I like the sig too...8/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 16 2005, 03:54 am
8/10 for Ruby-Chan! go Fai! ^_____________^;
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on July 16 2005, 04:46 am
Kirei Kurogane-san *.*

9/10 for you, Angelic Essence. I'm in love with your siggy :hehe: And the pic of Tomoyo-hime is pretty too :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 16 2005, 05:32 am
man nice one 10?10 for u!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 16 2005, 03:22 pm
Angelic-Essence, lika-chi,Okamirei, and lexi I give you all a 10/10!!! Bleh...all of your avies and sigs are so awesome...:XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 16 2005, 05:34 pm
yay! i feel so happy... im totally a sucker for compliments. im so spoiled. Lol. ^_____^ and i thank Okamirei for the site tutorial to make my sig backgrounds... not much but its a start! ^_^

the cat is so cute! 9/10 for chibirosie!!!! XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 16 2005, 06:54 pm
An awesome Kuro-pii! 10/10! Hmm...for your avy...I'll go 8/10 since it has a nice, original pattern and shape to it.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 17 2005, 12:40 am
9/10, I like the way they match. nice quote too ^_^ <3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on July 17 2005, 12:49 am
10/10 for all of you~! nyahn~! :cat: they're all so kawaii~!! :love5:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 17 2005, 03:30 am
nyaaaa i love the siggy and avvie! 9/10!!! ^________^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 17 2005, 04:02 am
Angel has some cool new stuff. XD

10/10 for sig. The avatar, uh 9/10. It's kind of blurry and unclear. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on July 17 2005, 10:22 am
Continue the great jobs with the avatars and sig pics everyone. You all deserve a 10 (since as most of you know...I refuse to rate  single people's avatars and sigs) :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on July 17 2005, 10:25 am
I give Arcademan a 10/10! *I can't help laughing at your avatar :lol:* Your siggy is kool too :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 17 2005, 10:32 am
oooo nice lexi 10/10 4 both ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on July 17 2005, 03:58 pm
Luv your sig Blaze ^____________^ Sakura rock !!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 18 2005, 05:33 am
10 for u .::ka::. i luv ur sig and av
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 18 2005, 05:39 am
GASPS! SS pink siggy andSakura avatar!?!! 10/10 ^________^!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 18 2005, 09:29 am
thnx and 10 for u too!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 18 2005, 09:47 am
o.O victoria, I like the new stuff.

The avatar was made by ka right? Because I saw it on the website. hehe. xD 10/10 for avatar.

Sig = 10/10

EDITTED Changed my avatar and sig.

hehe. Sig was made by Okamirei  :noteworthy: I LOVE YOU! hehe. Thanks for the sig. XD

Avatar is TRC. Decided to show my love to Kurogane, Fai, and Mokona. XD hehe

(I always have different anime. XD hehe)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 18 2005, 10:28 am
I love your avatar Lika-chi sama! XD 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 18 2005, 11:17 am
Arigatou. XD hehe

I love my sig. *hugs Okamirei. hehe. xD

I already rated yours. 10/10 XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on July 18 2005, 12:59 pm
Lika  new look!  i like it 10/10 
victoria too?  10/10 
and angel has a new sig!  10/10 for that too!! 
they are all so purrty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 18 2005, 01:09 pm
Starfire, thanks. I don't think I've ever rated yours.

10/10 It's so cute. XD hehe
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on July 18 2005, 01:14 pm
Seriously...does anyone's avatar or sig pic rates like...a 2 or something low?!! :tongue3:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 18 2005, 01:17 pm
there hasn't been any that low  :sweatdrop:

7/10 for you Arcademan-sama
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on July 18 2005, 01:21 pm
I give everyone a 10 because to rate one lower than another would be plain mean IMO. The fact that they use their creativity and imagination to come up with their own pictures gets them a 10 mark automatically.

7 is the lowest I've ever seen and it's from you. I could care less about ratings...I don't care if I was rated a 1 or if people ate all my cookies. I'm not that vain :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 18 2005, 01:23 pm
I think the lowest I've seen is probably a 7. HAHA! lolz.

Okamirei, rated already. Arcademan I give a 8/10 for avatar and 7/10 for sig. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on July 18 2005, 01:26 pm
Sorry my avatar and sig pic isn't to your high standards everyone however unlike almost everyone here, I'm sticking with need to change it at all :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: D.J.P on July 18 2005, 01:27 pm
to each there own :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on July 18 2005, 01:30 pm
Exactly. When it come a need for a change, I'll do it. Until then, Kool-Aid Man to the rescue!!!  :wave:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 18 2005, 03:36 pm
oh many new avatars!!! Bleh...they're all awesome...10/10 :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 18 2005, 04:17 pm
Ah, I love everyone's!
I'm really loving your new avatar lika-chi, just awesome!!
Your signature is so pretty too!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 19 2005, 05:26 am
Look at this lovely set made by Keiki ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 19 2005, 06:23 am
Kyaaaaa so cute XD 10/10!! =P

i have a new set too. I couldnt resist NOT making them. haha XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on July 19 2005, 06:23 am
B-E-A-Utiful !
soo pretty !

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 19 2005, 06:43 am
10 for hori!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 19 2005, 07:24 am
Zeldi, Victoria, and Hori, all your avatars and signatures look great!
Oh, and angelic-essence, I love that picture of Sakura and Syaoran!

That Fai one you have, Hori, is one of my favourite Fai pictures!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on July 19 2005, 07:27 am
Mine too ! hee hee !

!0/!0 for Sakaki-chan ! :hello2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on July 19 2005, 07:29 am
Sakaki, I love your Fai avy and siggy * and I really love your siggy!!! :XD:*~ a 10/10 for you~

*Oh oops...Hori posted before me. Oh well, Hori gets a 10/10 for wonderful Fainess as well :lol:*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 19 2005, 07:33 am
Lexi, I love the avatar. hehe. 10/10 And your sig I love too. 10/10 YEA!! lolz
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 19 2005, 07:39 am
10/10 for lika chi!

*the avater was made by ka right*

i don't noe i just found it in my pictures,i don't think its by her but if it is then it sure is pretty!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 19 2005, 10:04 am
victoria nice one!!! 10/10!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 19 2005, 10:31 am
thnx 10 for u too!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 19 2005, 10:46 am
ty ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 19 2005, 11:54 am
so many...@.@ 10/10 everyone! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 19 2005, 11:57 am
lol so many 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on July 19 2005, 01:24 pm
Whoa....So many people! 10 out of 10 for everyone! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 19 2005, 01:29 pm
nice sakura moonflower 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 19 2005, 01:50 pm
10 for blaze again
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 19 2005, 01:51 pm
^^ 100/100 4 u
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 19 2005, 01:53 pm
uh. The both of you guys. :sweatdrop: Blaze and Victoria. You're not suppose to rate someone's again if it's the same. Ok. I just found out about your relationship but still. You're suppose to keep your posts to a mininum here. :sweatdrop: Oh yea. No text talking. So no 'thks'. It's suppose to be thanks. :sweatdrop: Hope you understand.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 19 2005, 02:05 pm
lol ^^;; 10/10 4 u lika-chi
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 19 2005, 05:37 pm
Blaze 7/10 the sign is pretty but an matching avatar would be wrong?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 19 2005, 06:51 pm
10/10 amazing! its so beautiful!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 19 2005, 07:01 pm
Xiao Lang, I really love your avatar and signature, can't remember if I told you or not!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on July 19 2005, 08:05 pm
Awwww.... I love everyone's ava and sigg, awesome !!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 20 2005, 12:00 am
yours is amazing to ka!
10/10! beautiful! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 20 2005, 12:35 am
Xaio nice 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 20 2005, 02:35 am
lol, i think i already rated you Blaze but one more time wouldnt hurt. =P full 10 (i luv Sakura ^_^)

just a question though, does anyone have any SS scans? new or old, the ones in the gallery arent teh best of quality. ^____^"
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 20 2005, 06:09 am
again, so much..@.@ lol 10/10 :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on July 20 2005, 06:12 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on July 20 2005, 06:13 am
oh wowie  hori i love the sig!!   10/10 ! yay!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on July 20 2005, 06:15 am
Arigatou !

Avvy --- Fai! hee hee ... 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 20 2005, 07:15 am
very nice!  :keke: 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kayla on July 20 2005, 02:56 pm
Yours is so neat Okamirei!  I love the scratched away look on your sig and that picture of Syaoran is so cute for your Avatar!  Very nice!!!  :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 20 2005, 05:03 pm
aw....princess kayla...your avie and sig. is so kawaii...10/10!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 20 2005, 05:38 pm
Couldn't help but change my signature back to my Kuro/Fai pics!
Kawaii, ne? Don't ever change that beautiful signature Okamirei, it's too awesome!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AsleepbyDawn on July 21 2005, 02:16 pm
Cute. I like!! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 21 2005, 02:20 pm
I get to be the first person to rate your avatar and signature!
I love both of them!
I don't know who the girl on your avatar is, but she looks awesome!
10/10 and here's a cookie for posting an intro and having such a cool avatar/signature!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AsleepbyDawn on July 21 2005, 02:24 pm
Thankie... I didn't rate yours with a 10 thing but I will do it. 10/10 as well. ^^

I don't know either but I saw the avatar on an avatar site and had to have it. ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 21 2005, 03:09 pm
10/10 for asleepbydawn i luv the sig and avy
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on July 21 2005, 11:08 pm
oh sakaki!  you changed your sig??  it's cute! 10/10  asleep by dawn  i luve yours as well! 10/10!  victoria is still a 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 21 2005, 11:16 pm
Princess Kayla nice one 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on July 22 2005, 01:32 am
Princess Kayla... your avatar and signature is so nice! i love the blur effects and how your use the colour..

i dont usually give 10/10 but i think yours deserve a perfect 10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: trcfan on July 22 2005, 08:33 am
Friggen sweet....10/10 for both.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 22 2005, 09:18 am
10/10 for trcfan
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 22 2005, 09:24 am
trcfan nice 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 22 2005, 09:26 am
Kayla. I love it. It's SO PRETTY. 10/10 of course
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on July 22 2005, 09:42 am
i love it!!! especially the avatar! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 22 2005, 09:44 am
Mines?? lolz

o.O I really like yours cardcaptor519. XD SO pretty. But I've seen it somewhere before. lolz

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 22 2005, 09:44 am
cardcaptor519 10/10 4 u!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 22 2005, 09:45 am
cardcaptor519 10/10 4 u!!!!!!!!

You're not suppose to use text words. NO u it's YOU!!!

I give your avatar a 8/10 and sig 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 22 2005, 02:22 pm
so much again @.@ 10/10!!! Especially trcfan!!! I LOVE TRC!!!!! And better yet, your avie is Presea!!! That is so awesome  :hello2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 22 2005, 05:42 pm
cardcaptor519 10/10
Kayla 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 23 2005, 06:47 am
zeldi 10/10 i avy is so pretty and i luv the sig too they r beautiful sets
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on July 23 2005, 06:49 am
10/10 for Vi-sama !
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 23 2005, 06:52 am
10/10 for hori the fai sig and avy r so cute
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 23 2005, 06:59 am
Im having an inspiration attack on my brain @_@ Lol, dont mind my ramblings, everyone gets a perfect 10 for the inspirations! *laughs like crazy and begins experiments on photoshop*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 23 2005, 07:05 am
WAH! I must hug Syaokura one day when I meet her. Kira and Lacus sig and avatar are both made by her. THANKS!

Hiro I love your sig and avatar of FAI! hehe. 10/10

Angel, I rated already, I think. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 23 2005, 07:18 am
10/10 for lika-chi avy and sig r pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 23 2005, 07:31 am
lika-chi, awesome new avatar and signature!
So pretty and sweet!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 23 2005, 08:11 am
10/10 for sakaki nice fai avy and sig
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 23 2005, 08:27 am
I think I rated yours already, Victoria, but I can't remember.
I love you Sakura avatar. Very sweet, oh and it has a butterfly, that's Yuuko's symbol.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 23 2005, 08:22 pm
Lika-Chi : 10/10 KAWAII <-(Gomene)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on July 24 2005, 12:31 am
Wow...Everyone's are so nice...10/10!  :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 24 2005, 02:20 am
Moon 10/10 Kawaii :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 24 2005, 02:47 am
Zeldi 10/10  :okay: nice
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 24 2005, 03:20 am
Thanks! (Made by Keiki)
Okamirei 10/10 Lovely Syaoran-Kun :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on July 24 2005, 06:37 am
Lovely 10/10 ^__^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on July 24 2005, 06:44 am
10/10 Love the color
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: patriciaselina on July 24 2005, 10:12 am
Hehehe,Dragonia your avatar is similar to my sig,so I can say 10,'cause I obviously love that pic!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 24 2005, 12:04 pm
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on July 24 2005, 07:11 pm
9/10 for ava (couldn't see very well) 10/10 for sig :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 24 2005, 11:20 pm
lolz AiKo i think i rated yours already but ill do it again to jog my memory XD 9/10

i couldnt resist the splash page of sleeping Syaoran... lolz, but i think i made it look too blue (my favorite color too o.o") woopz XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 25 2005, 12:50 am
I agree! I was going to use that pic too! lol!
its so peaceful and wonderful!

10/10!  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on July 25 2005, 02:44 am
10/10 Xiao_Lang! :) Nice avatar and siganture! :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Kitsune-chan on July 25 2005, 04:43 am
nice...everyone 10/10  :haha:
<--is too lazy to rate individuals XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Garnetstar on July 25 2005, 06:04 am
10/10 for Kitsune-chan =)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 25 2005, 06:11 am
O.O.... so many ss pics.... i love them! and the avatar! <3 full 10~! XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on July 25 2005, 06:53 am
I love your avatar Angelic-Essence! 10/10! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 25 2005, 08:32 am
pretty avy moonflower121 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 25 2005, 09:27 am
Angelic-Essence nice!!! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on July 25 2005, 11:12 am
Nice avatar, cute siggy Victoria! 10/10 :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 25 2005, 01:42 pm
thanks moonflower121!
10/10 for angelic essence
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on July 25 2005, 05:31 pm
Victoria you should give credit to .::ka::.
bcoz it´s her (She´s made it right?)ava

Moonflower121 9/10 Cute
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on July 25 2005, 11:53 pm
Dragonia- 9/10...So cute! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 26 2005, 04:04 am
i'm not sure if she made it....if she did made it then i would say its very pretty

10/10  for dragonia
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 26 2005, 05:03 pm
Victoria 10/10 Bluetopaz work ne right? ^-^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on July 26 2005, 07:14 pm
10/10 Lovely Set! LOVELY
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 26 2005, 08:53 pm
Very pretty, Dragonia! So soft and gentle! 10/10!

By the way, if anyone would like to make me an avy and sig set, could you pm me please? I need a new one. Not CCS, TRC or Gundam Wing, since I've had those already...I'm prob aiming towards a Sasuke (Naruto) or Gravitation set.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on July 26 2005, 09:12 pm
Kawaii desu ! 10/10

I could do you one ! If you wished Ruby - chan !
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 26 2005, 10:16 pm
Here's my new set! Thanks go to Hori who made it so well and quickly for me! What do you guys think?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on July 26 2005, 11:12 pm
wow they are all great. 10/10 to everyone.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on July 27 2005, 12:27 am
10/10, Nice! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on July 27 2005, 01:45 am
Hee hee ! ... Glad you all like !

Nice avvy Moonflower ! ^______^ 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 27 2005, 01:47 am
hori 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 27 2005, 01:59 am
hori i luv the set 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 27 2005, 02:11 am
Lol, my attempt at an iPod image >_>

by the way, love the sets! 10/10~! XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 27 2005, 02:16 am
10/10 for angelic essence
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 27 2005, 02:17 am
Wow! 10/10 Angelic Essence! Got an avy to go with it?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 27 2005, 02:21 am
10/10 for ruby chan
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on July 27 2005, 02:23 am
im working on an avatar at the moment. Lol.

EDIT: finished....its not perfect but i like how it came out. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 27 2005, 02:23 am
10/10 for u voctoria i luv your new sig and avy
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 27 2005, 03:17 am
awsome avi and sig, angelic-essence sama! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 27 2005, 03:47 am
10/10 for okamirei pretty set
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on July 27 2005, 04:53 am
Victoria it's nice  Hori, Ruby, Angel and Blaze  yours are nice too!  10/10 fur all
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on July 27 2005, 05:19 am
10/10, I love your avatar, Starfire! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 27 2005, 05:23 am
Your avatar design is very kawaii and delicate Moonflower! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on July 27 2005, 05:24 am
Thanks Ruby Chan! You get a 10/10! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 27 2005, 05:20 pm
Ruby Chan 10/10 Sasuke-Kun :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on July 27 2005, 10:42 pm
Ruby chan 9/10 Nice It´s Sasuke-Kun but I can´t see the text: Sasuke so well on my computer but anyway XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on July 28 2005, 12:00 am
Ooooh! So Pretty, Dragonia! 10/10! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on July 28 2005, 01:24 am
10/10 wonderful!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 28 2005, 04:42 am
zeldi, dragonia and xiao_lang u all deserve a 10 there all pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on July 28 2005, 04:46 am
kawaii set victoria !

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Director of Music on July 28 2005, 04:48 am
Ooo I'd rate yours a 8! =3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 28 2005, 05:10 am
8 for oniichantouya
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on July 28 2005, 07:05 am
Heh. You'd think after 50 pages this topic would've gone away :wink:

+1 for me...PERFECT 10 for everyone here!!! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on July 28 2005, 07:06 am
ahh koolaid man! awsomeness!  10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 28 2005, 08:02 am
I like your new avatar Starfire. 9/10 XD hehe
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 28 2005, 08:05 am
Your set is so kawaii and adorable, lika-chi! 20/10, LOL! I can't do that? Then 10/10, I guess!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on July 28 2005, 10:04 am
man 10/10 for all!! all r nice
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on July 28 2005, 12:24 pm
I LOOOOVE your avatar and siggy Blaze! 10/10! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 28 2005, 12:37 pm
10 for blaze
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on July 28 2005, 03:18 pm
Ruby Chan, I really love your new avatar and signature, very eyecatching.
And he is so kawaii, although I don't recognize who he is!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 28 2005, 07:47 pm
He's Sasuke from Naruto

I rated yours already, but 10/10 for your avy, and 10/10 for the KuroFai 'love'
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on July 28 2005, 11:10 pm
Wai~ Sasuke~! 10/10 for u~! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 28 2005, 11:11 pm
Interesting! Who's the girl on your avy? Anyway, 9/10 for the cute avy, and 8/10 for your sig! Nice movement!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 28 2005, 11:13 pm
Ruby. Chan it´s a boy ^-^
AiKo 10/10 Kawaii :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on July 28 2005, 11:13 pm
:sweatdrop: Actually the one in my avy is a boy... He's from "Matantei Loki Ragnarok" He kinda reminds me of Syaoran and a little of Sakura for some weird reason :heh:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on July 28 2005, 11:23 pm
Sorry for double posting :sweatdrop: Anywayz 10/10 for Zeldi very nice~! :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on July 28 2005, 11:28 pm
10/10. he does look cute and somewhat resembles syaoran.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on July 28 2005, 11:33 pm
10/10 for u S. Espoire :D

:haha: actually when i first saw him i thought: "Hey~! He could be the son of Sakura and Syaoran~!!" :rotfl:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on July 29 2005, 12:09 am
10/10 AiKo !
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on July 29 2005, 12:18 am
:sweatdrop: Actually the one in my avy is a boy... He's from "Matantei Loki Ragnarok" He kinda reminds me of Syaoran and a little of Sakura for some weird reason :heh:

hehe.. i thought the little boy is Syaoran.. and i was wondering if i had missed the episode with 'him' in it..

Hori: 9/10 of both! they look so mysterious...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 29 2005, 04:00 pm
Sorry for double posting :sweatdrop: Anywayz 10/10 for Zeldi very nice~! :okay:
Thanks ^-^

Hori 10/10 Me Love black :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on July 29 2005, 11:40 pm
Errr i don't know what should I rate yours, Zeldi :XD:

I have a new set ^_______^ What do you think =D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on July 29 2005, 11:57 pm
Sakura is soo Cute.. Love the color 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 30 2005, 01:05 am
Cute, Zeldi! Great choice of set! 9/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on July 30 2005, 02:15 am
Neh neh !!!!!!!! I have new set again :XD: can't help it, I made a lot of sets adn icons today XPP
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 30 2005, 02:22 am
Syaoran! Oh my God, those are fabulous, darling! *snigger*

10/10 for both of them!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on July 30 2005, 12:44 pm
ka, hori and aiko u deserve a big huge 10 there all pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 30 2005, 05:43 pm
I haven't rated your new stuff yet victoria. I give them both a 10/10. Great job bLuetopaz on them. XD hehe

I changed my avatar! hehe.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: KirakiraInu on July 30 2005, 07:42 pm
let's see, a 10/10 for Sakaki (Fai!), a 10/10 for Ruby chan, a 8/10 for Hori, a 9/10 for Zeldi, a 10/10 for Moonflower (pretty!), a 10/10 for Victoria, a 9/10 for OniiChanTouya, a 10/10 for blaze, a 10/10 for Xiao_Lang, a 8/10 for Okamirei's av and 10/10 for okamirei's sig, a 10/10 for Starfire, a 10/10 for Aiko, a 9/10 for Kitsune-chan, a 10/10 for Garnetstar. THe list just goes on and on! O_O

Anyway, I give MY avatar an okay 9/10 at best, it was my first try at making an av and I don't think that blue text goes well with an autumn colored image, the problem was you couldn't read ANY text that matched with the avatars image *sigh* I just liked the image so much, I just HAD to make an avatar out of it.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 31 2005, 02:38 am
I love your new avatar, lika chi-sama! kawaii-ne! 10/10  :keke:
KirakiraInu-sama, I give yours 8.5/10, the text is kind of hard to read and it intercepts with the picture :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 31 2005, 03:32 am
Thank you. I like your bunny Syaoran, Okamirei.

I give it 10/10 XD hehe
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: KirakiraInu on July 31 2005, 04:20 am
I love your new avatar, lika chi-sama! kawaii-ne! 10/10 KirakiraInu-sama, I give yours 8.5/10, the text is kind of hard to read and it intercepts with the picture

 :dodge:Yes, I know *sigh* I should really fix that. I'm just too darn lazy, :sweatdrop: grr...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Diemie on July 31 2005, 07:41 am
omg i love it...soo  cute..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on July 31 2005, 07:43 am
Thank you. I like your bunny Syaoran, Okamirei.

I give it 10/10 XD hehe
I promised Sakaki-sama I wouldn't get rid of my old sig.. :sweatdrop:
hn..I should change my avatar, it's been awhile XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on July 31 2005, 07:56 am
If you really want to. I like all your avatars. XD haha You can never take away that sig from now on eh? It's because of the EARRING ON FAI!! LOLZ!!

luvya, I like your stuff. 8/10 for you avatar and a 10/10 for your sig. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Diemie on July 31 2005, 08:20 am
If you really want to. I like all your avatars. XD haha You can never take away that sig from now on eh? It's because of the EARRING ON FAI!! LOLZ!!

luvya, I like your stuff. 8/10 for you avatar and a 10/10 for your sig. XD

thank kew.... i think urs total a 9/10   :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on July 31 2005, 09:29 am
luvya cute! 9/10  Lika i love the new avy 10/10! 
Okami i absuolutaly  LOVE the bunny syaoran 101/10!  (no that wasn't a typo)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on July 31 2005, 04:17 pm
@.@ so many...bleh, they're all awesome...10/10!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 31 2005, 07:32 pm
Ok...I think I 'graded' (LOL) everyone except lika's new avy now, so....

10/10! It's really refreshing to see someone with a Digimon 02 avatar! And it looks great! Go Daisuke and Chibimon!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on August 01 2005, 12:14 am
Fye had an earring? *killed silence* ok.... Lol

well, I don't watch Naruto anymore.... but I like Sasuke anyway since he's cool. Although I dont approve of the whole side turning thing. XD 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on August 01 2005, 02:46 am
Haha! I haven't rated Angel's new Syaoran thing. It's cool but a bit too plain. xD

9/10 XD :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 01 2005, 03:07 am
10/10, Lika-chi! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 01 2005, 03:31 am
Already rated yours, Moonflower!

So guys...what do you think of my new set?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on August 01 2005, 03:40 am
Wow Ruby Chan.... you mustve got a VERY large scan of that picture.... Lol. I like it! 10/10

ignore my set at the moment, im making a new one. lol
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 01 2005, 08:44 am
Haha! I haven't rated Angel's new Syaoran thing. It's cool but a bit too plain. xD

9/10 XD :sweatdrop: kinda reminds me of one of those ipod commercials...XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on August 01 2005, 09:23 am
ruby chan nice 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on August 01 2005, 05:58 pm
Syaoran is awesome !!!! 10/10 for BLAZE !
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on August 01 2005, 08:41 pm
It's because of the EARRING ON FAI!!
Oh Yeah!! Fai with an earring! And he looks so deliciously evil!!  :lol:
I look at your signature every day, Okamirei!! I'm in love with it.

Love your new one too, Ruby Chan, and Ka, Syaoran looks awesome!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AiKo on August 01 2005, 08:47 pm
10/10 for minna-san~! :D They're all so good~!! :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: jengness on August 01 2005, 09:07 pm

aww...the avvy sooo cute.  :haha:..the sig seems to be missing something... :surprised:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on August 02 2005, 12:04 am kinda reminds me of one of those ipod commercials...XD

Lol, like i mentioned before, it was intentional.... just without the Ipod. =P

yay! new set Lol. I can't say I really worked hard on it though. Lol. I had no Idea what to do with the background. =X but i couldnt resist Seishirou when i found his picture. Lol. for the avatar i mean. i color the sig. >_>

10/10 for everyone that posted past me since yesterday! XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 02 2005, 02:10 am
wow. I love your new ste. Seishiro looks so cool and misterious. 10/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 02 2005, 03:46 am
I love the Seishirou set! The dark colours really make it stand out from the rest of the sets!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on August 02 2005, 07:03 am
ruby i love your set    10/10!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 02 2005, 06:49 pm
how's this one. My new set made by ::ka:: . I think its really nicely made.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 02 2005, 07:19 pm
It's very pretty! And the subtle colourings are nice too! 9/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on August 02 2005, 11:41 pm
I like it too.  Ka must be very extremely good with the graphics   10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 03 2005, 07:35 am
10/10 minna! I love everyones avie and sig's...>.>"
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on August 03 2005, 10:20 am
love your new sets, ruby-sama and S. Espoire-sama! 10/10

lol, about the ipod avatars and sigs..someone in livejournal made these :lol:
( ( ( (
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Director of Music on August 03 2005, 11:52 am
ooo 9/10 awesome!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on August 03 2005, 01:28 pm
10/10 for the ipods one XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 03 2005, 02:47 pm
love your new sets, ruby-sama and S. Espoire-sama! 10/10

lol, about the ipod avatars and sigs..someone in livejournal made these :lol:
( ( ( (

those are so cool...haha. Oh I give you a 10/10 okamirei! And 9/10 OniiChanTouya :keke:

yeah I changed mine...kinda new, kinda old. Bleh, I kinda cut off Mokona on my sig T_T
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on August 03 2005, 06:15 pm
Okamirei, I LOVE your new avatar!
Syaoran looks so cool! 10/10!!  :inlove:

lol, about the ipod avatars and sigs..someone in livejournal made these
LOL! Those are great!!
So, what do you all think they are listening to?
I say Fai's listening to: Let's Go! by Berryz Koubou (anyone know that one?)
Kurogane's listening to: Groovy blue by Masaya Onosaka
How about Syaoran?

And Chibirosie, I LOVE your signature!!
Kawaii, ne!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on August 04 2005, 12:32 am
love your new sets, ruby-sama and S. Espoire-sama! 10/10

lol, about the ipod avatars and sigs..someone in livejournal made these :lol:
( ( ( (

I LOVE IT !!!!! Ahhh I want an ipod too !!!!!!!!!!! >______________<
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on August 04 2005, 12:56 am
Lol, i love those. I suck at them. Im such a graphic noobie >_>"

10/10 ^________^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 04 2005, 04:39 am
.::ka::. I don't think I've rated yours yet...@.@ 10/10!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on August 04 2005, 04:43 am
^10/10  it's great!  Fai/Kuro are always great!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on August 04 2005, 02:02 pm
love your new sets, ruby-sama and S. Espoire-sama! 10/10

lol, about the ipod avatars and sigs..someone in livejournal made these :lol:
( ( ( (

Lolz. I saw those too. So nice. I know the person who made it. Don't remember the name though. Lolz.

Starfire, I like the new avatar. XD hehe. I give it a 8/10.

Angel, I love the new sig it's so cool. 10/10!! Avatar is Fai looking evil. o_o lolz. 10/10 again.

WAH! Ka, I love the new avatars as your sig. SO pretty. *steals.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on August 04 2005, 03:29 pm
love the sig! 10/10 for both avi an sig!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on August 04 2005, 05:23 pm
o.O Cardcaptor519. I love your avi and sig. So nice. 10/10 for the sig and 9/10 for the avi. The avi is a bit too plain. I know you can do better, right?? hehe.. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on August 04 2005, 07:04 pm
Angelic-Essence, your avatar is SO WONDERFUL!!  1000/10!!!
Fai looks so great in that picture! :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on August 04 2005, 08:32 pm
I really love the creativeness of the new avatars and sig pics. 10's for everyone :D

One of these days, perhaps I'll change mine but I'm old-fashioned. I think people are used to my Kool-Aid Man and I'm not the type to keep changing avatars. I'm not that vain :)

Besides, I have a copy of everyone's Tsubasa and Sakura- based avatars and even use a couple of them in other forums :tongue3:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 05 2005, 12:01 am
::ka:: 10/10. I love all those avys.
chibirosie 10/10. youve used that avy before but now it goes great with the set.
Angelic-Essence 9/10. I reallly like the effects in your sign.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 05 2005, 12:18 am
10/10, S. Espoire. Nice Set! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on August 05 2005, 12:53 am
10/10 to moonflower^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 05 2005, 01:21 am
I like your avatar, Harumi! The effects you used on it are really nice! 8/10. ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 05 2005, 03:05 am
S. Espoire - 10/10 - thats a pretty set
Moonflower121 - 10/10 - the avie is pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 05 2005, 03:13 am
Like before, I give your avatar 10/10, chibirosie! And your signature is great too....9/10! I like the original shape!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on August 05 2005, 05:46 am
Ruby-chan I love yours. :inlove: lolz

Avatar is 10/10 and sig gets the same. XD hehe.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on August 05 2005, 10:05 am
xx_chibirosie_xx  and lika-chi 10/10 ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 05 2005, 11:05 am
Did I rate yours already Blaze? @.@ hm...just in case I didn't...10/10!! :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: KirakiraInu on August 05 2005, 07:03 pm
I finally edited my terrible avatar! I only did some minor changes though ^_^'
I lept the picture the same, but I added some lighting effects, and I changed the color of the squares in the corners and the text. I changed some of the text too. But, other than that, nothings changed ^_^'

Anyhoo, I give your av a 10/10 Chibirosie! It's good! and funny too! XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on August 06 2005, 02:05 am
its cool!  10/10 Kirakirainu!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Pikari on August 06 2005, 02:15 am
Nice Fai piccy!  7/10 since the text is hard to read. ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on August 06 2005, 02:40 am
Lol, so much fye-ness on the forums. XD

GASPS* Pikari, I luv your new av/sig! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on August 06 2005, 04:40 am
10/10 for Angelic-Essence sama
I love your sig Pikari-sama! 10/10!  :lol:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 06 2005, 05:21 am
I've already said how much I like your sig, Okamirei...but I love your avatar even more! Syaoran looks so serious! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 06 2005, 10:23 am
KirakiraInu 9/10
Starfire 9/10
Pikari 10/10 (the sig's funny!)
Angelic-Essence 10/10 (hehe fai's so cool :XD:)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on August 06 2005, 11:53 am
Besides, I have a copy of everyone's Tsubasa and Sakura- based avatars and even use a couple of them in other forums
Lol, Arcademan  :lol:

Pikari, I am in total awe of your new avatar and signature.
I get to look at that now every day!!  :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 07 2005, 02:45 am
Angelic-Essence -san
 wow i love yours. 10/10. the effects are brilliant.
same goes for you Pikari-san.10/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on August 07 2005, 02:48 am
I really really like Okamirei's and Angelic-Essence's Avatar!!!
10/10 for both of you!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on August 07 2005, 02:55 am
im switching too much between characters. but i KNO there wasnt enough kurogane XD

O.O Fye-chan, where did you get that sig image!? Lol and i cant do animation for life >_> 10/10!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on August 07 2005, 02:58 am
I've already said how much I like your sig, Okamirei...but I love your avatar even more! Syaoran looks so serious! 10/10!

arigato-gozaimasu  :keke:

I like your avatar, Fye-sama! Syaoran..  :inlove:

Angelic Essence-sama, 10/10 too! I like the blurred effects xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on August 07 2005, 03:17 am
Lol, it wasnt really a blur... its a glossy effect. like lip gloss. =P but i dont think anyone would tell a difference. Lol
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on August 07 2005, 04:00 am
Thanks both of you!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on August 07 2005, 04:03 am
10/10 for fye-chan
10/10 for angelic-essence
10/10 for okamirei
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on August 07 2005, 04:09 am
Thx victoria!
I really like your Signature! It looks such great! :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on August 07 2005, 05:23 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: KirakiraInu on August 07 2005, 05:27 am
Wai! I like your new avatar Victora! 10/10! I also like your new av Angelic-san!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 07 2005, 06:45 am
Angelic-Essence 10/10 its kurogane!  :okay:
Fye-chan 10/10 I like that pic on your sig :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on August 07 2005, 07:41 am
10/10!! I love the angled sig pic!  awsome!  :noteworthy:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on August 07 2005, 07:43 am
Oh Xaio lang you changed your avy!  it is cute!!   10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on August 07 2005, 07:48 am
8/10 to starfire's avatar^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: suu_no_clover on August 07 2005, 09:28 am
9/10 for harumi-chan's avatar - kawaii with a little anntique-ish effect ^.^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on August 07 2005, 10:24 am
me has changed it now cause i've that for awhile but thank you.

5/1o to suu no clover
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on August 07 2005, 10:25 am
It's really cute Harumi!  10/10  for the cuteness!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on August 07 2005, 11:07 am
Victoria 10/10!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on August 07 2005, 11:21 am
10/10 for blaze
10/10 for harumi
10/10 for starfire
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on August 07 2005, 12:08 pm
10/10 for Victoria! Simple, but cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on August 07 2005, 12:09 pm
:lol: awsome avatar Endoh-sama! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on August 07 2005, 01:43 pm
10/10 for endoh cool avy
10/10 for okamirei
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 07 2005, 04:18 pm
wow there are so many new avys here. 10/10 to all. and to endoh's new avy too but she hasn't posted here. I like her idea.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on August 07 2005, 05:08 pm
Thanks S.Espoire! I got the idea from that Sign thread awhile back....I just never carried it out until now :tongue3:
10/10 for your AV and Sig. Georgous!
(But then again. ::ka:: 's av's and sigs are always georgous, ne?)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 07 2005, 11:02 pm
How cuuuuute :inlove: 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on August 07 2005, 11:55 pm
Awwwww Edoh, you are so cute XDD I mean your ava too :XD:
Good idea ! ^___________^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on August 08 2005, 12:02 am
That av is soo kawaii .::ka::. ! 10 /10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on August 08 2005, 12:13 am
Out of curiousity, how many times have some of you changed avatars and sig pics since joining here? I've done about 3 but settled for my current ones and have had them for a couple of month (and no...I won't be changing them soon).

Guess the quest for the perfect avatar and sig pic will never stop, which is fine. Everyone has extremely creative imaginations and art here. You all should be proud and all deserve 1 PERFECT 10!!! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on August 08 2005, 01:48 am
10 for arcademan, hori
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on August 08 2005, 02:23 am
To answer Arcademan's question, I have absolutely noidea but Im taking a guess roughly around 7-8? Or at least 10 times. Lol. Yeah, I know I go overboard >_> the images i find are just cool XD

cute avvie victoria! <3 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 08 2005, 02:42 am
I love yours! It's your best set yet! 10/10 for Angelic Essence!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on August 08 2005, 03:38 am
10/10! ^__^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 08 2005, 04:17 am
Love your new set, Xiao Lang! 10/10 for the original pic of Syaoran!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on August 10 2005, 04:53 am
Endoh I love your Ava!!! It's such great!!! :hello2: :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on August 10 2005, 07:04 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 10 2005, 10:41 am
10/10 Blaze! Your siggy is SO kawaii! Oh yea, I LOOOVE your avatar, too! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 10 2005, 06:04 pm
Out of curiousity, how many times have some of you changed avatars and sig pics since joining here? I've done about 3 but settled for my current ones and have had them for a couple of month (and no...I won't be changing them soon).

I've changed them 4 times.....I'm starting to do it every month now.

Rated Moonflower's.....Blaze! Blaze, I give you 9/10 for your adorable set! I especially love your darker avatar!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 10 2005, 06:04 pm
Xiao_Lang 10/10 that is SO cool!!!!!
Harumi 8/10 thats a cute avie
.::ka::. 10/10 aw...thats is so cool!! :XD:
Hori 10/10 thats so cool...with all those effects...:XD:
Endou 10/10 lol thats cute
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on August 11 2005, 07:18 am
Out of curiousity, how many times have some of you changed avatars and sig pics since joining here? I've done about 3 but settled for my current ones and have had them for a couple of month (and no...I won't be changing them soon).

Guess the quest for the perfect avatar and sig pic will never stop, which is fine. Everyone has extremely creative imaginations and art here. You all should be proud and all deserve 1 PERFECT 10!!! :D

hehe.. this is my erm.. 4th avatar and 3rd sig.. (if i remember correctly :hehe:)

8/10 for xx_chibirosie_xx
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 11 2005, 07:19 am
I absolutely love your avatar! 9/10! That's chibi Yukito, right?

Hmmm....I have no idea what your sig pic's from (Angel Sanctuary, maybe?) but I give it a nice 8/10 anyway.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on August 11 2005, 07:21 am
I absolutely love your avatar! 9/10! That's chibi Yukito, right?

Hmmm....I have no idea what your sig pic's from (Angel Sanctuary, maybe?) but I give it a nice 8/10 anyway.

b-i-n-g-o for both... :wink:

(EDIT: forget to rate Ruby_Chan's.. 9/10!)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 11 2005, 07:53 am
bLuetopaz 9/10 awww....its chibi yukito...thats so kawaii!!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 11 2005, 08:04 am
10/10 xx_chibirosie_xx!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 11 2005, 07:49 pm
Moonflower121  I just noticed the lines in your sign. they are good. They must be from some song,right? which one? By the way 9/10 for that. Maybe you should add a pic to it.Maybe.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 11 2005, 07:50 pm
The first set of lyrics in Moonflower's sig is from My Immortal by Evanescence.  And I think that the second set of lyrics is from My Hero Is You by Hayden that right?

I don't know whether I rated you already S.Espoire, but 9/10 anyway!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 11 2005, 08:01 pm
thanks. :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 11 2005, 08:14 pm
S. Espoire have i rated your >.<  anyway 9½/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 11 2005, 11:48 pm
The first set of lyrics in Moonflower's sig is from My Immortal by Evanescence.  And I think that the second set of lyrics is from My Hero Is You by Hayden that right?

Yep, thats right! :)

S. Espoire - 9/10 Nice Set! ^_^

Ruby Chan - 9/10 Nice!

Zeldi - 9/10 Pretty! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on August 11 2005, 11:51 pm
Moonflower121 !  So Kawaii !

10/10 for your av
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 11 2005, 11:58 pm
10/10 for the 0riginal set, Hori! First Shougo set seen here!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: victoria on August 12 2005, 05:31 am
hori 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 12 2005, 06:07 am
9/10, Victoria! Kawaii! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on August 12 2005, 06:46 am
10/10 Moonflower! I love that av!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 12 2005, 06:49 am
10/10 Endoh! I love your avatar (your VERY pretty! ^_^) and you signature is really nice! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on August 12 2005, 06:55 am
Hori 10/10!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 12 2005, 03:14 pm
Hori 10/10
Blaze 6/10
Endoh 10/10 (You are so cuute Hyuu~ ^-^)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on August 13 2005, 01:02 am
Zeldi 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 13 2005, 01:03 am
10/10 Harumi!

Your avatar is so KAWAII! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on August 13 2005, 01:08 am
thanks^^ and yours is really really pretty. 10/10 to yours
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 13 2005, 05:20 am
Hori 10/10 its all green and it has Shougo on it!! :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on August 13 2005, 05:45 pm
Harumi. I like your avatar. 10/10

chibirosie, I think I rated yours already.

Hori. SO GREEN!! O__O lolz 10/10

I think it's time for a change for mine. XD hehe
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 13 2005, 07:38 pm
Oooh, sweet avatar! I think.....7/10?

By the way, what's the image from?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 13 2005, 08:49 pm
just for a change.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 13 2005, 08:54 pm
Oooh! Touya and Yukito goodness! I'm sorry, but I have to give you at least an 8/10 for including such kawaii pics in your signature!

As for your sweet Sakura avatar....9/10 I think! You chose a really nice pic of her!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 14 2005, 01:52 am
9/10, Ruby Chan! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on August 14 2005, 10:29 am
Oooh, sweet avatar! I think.....7/10?

By the way, what's the image from?

It's from this chinese series.

Moonflower.. OMG!! I love that sig. Amazing work as expected from bLuetopaz. 10/10 XD hehe
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 14 2005, 11:24 am
9/10 Lika-chi! I love your siggy! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ricochet on August 14 2005, 01:17 pm
10/10, moonflower121!sakuras real cute in the avatar!and the siggy is nice :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on August 14 2005, 01:25 pm
Shishio. I like the avatar and sig.

10/10 for the avatar but 7/10 for the sig. It's too plain. If you added some text or something. XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on August 14 2005, 01:52 pm
10/10 Lika-chi! Love the new AV!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Pikari on August 14 2005, 02:24 pm
10/10. I love your avvie, so original and cute! ^^ The signature is nice, too.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on August 14 2005, 02:31 pm
Pikari, I really like your ava and sig. :inlove: SO NICE! lolz. 10/10

I thought I had a ava that would match your sig but I don't. I have too many Kurogane and Fai avas. lolz.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ricochet on August 14 2005, 03:06 pm
10/10,i really like your sig and avy :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Harumi on August 14 2005, 06:45 pm
10/10 I LOVE your avatar and siggy. they so pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on August 15 2005, 01:16 am
Again...great creativity to everyone here. Remember, the more you make, the more my picture collection grows LOL!!! :D

Everyone gets a PERFECT 10!!! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 15 2005, 04:13 am
wow...everyone's avie's are all...whoa...@.@ I give a 10 to everyone!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on August 15 2005, 04:39 am
I've rated a lot of people already. Not Endoh though.

The avatar is SO original. XD haha. 10/10 and the sig 10/10 XD

And it was time for a change for me. HAHA! I posted a post yesterday but it's gone now. O__O
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on August 15 2005, 05:03 am
Oooh! Another new one Lika-chi! Love it! 10/10 for both your AV and siggy!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on August 15 2005, 05:11 am
wow! nice av.. i give it a 9/10
the signature as well.. they are all soo pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on August 15 2005, 06:52 am
I love yours, Charme-sama  :keke: 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 15 2005, 07:27 am
10/10,  Okamirei! Your avatar and siggy is SO cool!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 15 2005, 11:49 am
charme.* 10/10 that looks so pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on August 15 2005, 12:29 pm
chibirosie your ava and sign look pretty! *-* fye-san looks so cuteee *---*10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 15 2005, 12:30 pm
9/10! So Cute, Sofiacardcaptors! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on August 15 2005, 12:34 pm
Sofia, your avatar is really nice. XD hehe 10/10 and your sig is really nice too. XD HAHA!! 10/10 TOO!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on August 15 2005, 01:10 pm
 your ava is so cute too xDD and also your sig xD 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 15 2005, 03:26 pm
Sofi: ava 10/10 sign 9/10
Lika-chi: ava 10/10 sign 9½/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ricochet on August 15 2005, 04:48 pm
10/10.i love your sig,Zeldi its sooo kawaii! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 15 2005, 04:52 pm
Thank you!

shishio99 5/10 it´s nothing more then a picture. sorry
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 15 2005, 05:22 pm
sofiacardcaptors its beautiful.9/10. The sign isn't very clear.7/10.
Moonflower121 I like the new sign. 8/10.
lika-chi  Wow thats naruto. A fanart. 8/10. Did YOU made it yourself?
shishio99  7/10.
I think I've rated rest of you.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 15 2005, 05:26 pm
Espoire ava 10/10 Very cute Sign 10/0 YukitoxTouya ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on August 15 2005, 06:28 pm
lika-chi Wow thats naruto. A fanart. 8/10. Did YOU made it yourself?

OMG! I wish. lolz. It's this picture for a website layout. I just put the pieces of the picture together. XD hehe. XD It's really nice.

S. Espoire, I really like your ava. XD hehe. 10/10 WAH!! Touya and Yukito. :inlove: lolz. XD 10/10

Zeldi, I think I've rated before. XD 10/10. SO PRETTY!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 15 2005, 06:49 pm
I don't THINK I've rated you before, lika....XD

Anyway, 10/10 for the kawaii Sakura and Mokona avatar, and 8/10 for the cute Naruto signature!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kakurine on August 15 2005, 08:49 pm
10/10 for ruby ^_^
i like your avatar!
Fai and Kurogane ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 15 2005, 08:57 pm
10/10 for your cute Sakura avatar, princess_kakurine! The shine effect is really nice! Hmm....I think I'll giev you 9/10 for your sig pic - SasuSaku!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on August 16 2005, 04:46 am
Oh! I don't think I've rated you Ralea!
10/10 for your sig! Love the little hearts! (and Kuro and Fai of course!)
And...9/10 for your sig. For Kurogane Fai craziness! >_< Love it!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on August 16 2005, 06:41 am
ohmigod everyone's av and siggys are so cute and pretty! im being left behind in the dust. Lol 10/10 since there are too many to list and i like all of them! ^________^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on August 16 2005, 06:52 am
wah, it's trigun!  :keke: 10/10 Angelic Essence-sama!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on August 16 2005, 09:03 am
Angel  i love it!  it's so cool 10/10

Okami i love the Bunny (doughnut boy!) Syaoran

10/10 for everyone  (i'm getting behind as well)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on August 16 2005, 10:31 am
9/10 for Starfire...

cute little Fye...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 16 2005, 10:58 am
10/10 for the avvy, bLuetopaz. So kawaii! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 16 2005, 03:54 pm
Moonflower121: ava 10/10 sign 10/10 blueish and kawaii~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 16 2005, 06:41 pm
princess_kakurine  I love your sign. The effects are very nice and so is the pic.10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 16 2005, 07:11 pm
princess_kakurine 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 17 2005, 10:51 am
aw...all of your avi's are so cool...they make my eyes water...T_T haha j/k 10/10 for everyone ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on August 17 2005, 10:58 am
xx_chibirosie_xx  i will give u 10/10 cuz i love both kurorin and Fye!!!! they are so cool
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 17 2005, 11:03 am
10/10, Cute_me! I love your avvy! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 17 2005, 04:52 pm
cute_me 10/10 Kawaii~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 17 2005, 05:53 pm
cute_me 10/10 thats so kawaii!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 17 2005, 06:02 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx 10/10 Kuro and Fai Hyuu~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on August 17 2005, 06:03 pm
Zeldi 10/10
xx_chibirosie_xx 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 17 2005, 06:59 pm
Dragonia 10/10 Purple
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on August 18 2005, 03:02 am
Zeldi thats really sweet 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 18 2005, 04:29 am
hm...I'm not sure if I've rated dragonia's yet...@.@ I'll give you a 10/10 ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on August 18 2005, 03:41 pm
Arigatou. :)

Fye-chan  8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ricochet on August 18 2005, 06:20 pm
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on August 18 2005, 06:50 pm
shishio99  6/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 19 2005, 01:41 am
Dragonia, 10/10! Kawaii and Purple! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 19 2005, 04:52 am
shishio99 8/10 :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on August 19 2005, 06:07 am
10/10 chibirosie! So cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Moon on August 19 2005, 07:02 am
8/10 ~ Endoh. I love your icon. Your sig is cute, too. ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 19 2005, 08:35 am
moonprincess18 10/10 thats really kute!! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on August 19 2005, 11:54 am
It's so cute *-*
I like both. Ava and sig n.n 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 19 2005, 12:22 pm
have I rated yours yet sofiacardcaptors? I dunno...theres so much..@.@ I'll give youa 10/10 :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 19 2005, 02:29 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx .. hmm .. your avatar and sig, they get like.. really annoying watching everything change over and over and over again. but i like how you included soo many anime characters so, 6/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Moon on August 19 2005, 02:34 pm
I like your avatar. Hehe. Syaoran is so cute when he blushes! Then again, he's cute anyways. <33

10/10. ^__^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 19 2005, 02:54 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx .. hmm .. your avatar and sig, they get like.. really annoying watching everything change over and over and over again. but i like how you included soo many anime characters so, 6/10.

hehe yeah...they do..T_T is that bad? >.< I'm sorry -__-
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on August 19 2005, 03:40 pm
hehe yeah...they do..T_T is that bad? >.< I'm sorry -__-

Don't listen to that garbage. Your avatar and sig-pic is unique. Don't let anyone else tell you it deserves any score lower than a 10!!! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sakaki on August 19 2005, 03:46 pm
Chibirosie, I LOVE your avatar and signature!
Those are so so kawaii!!
And it's really funny to watch for a while, it looks like they morph into each other.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on August 19 2005, 07:16 pm
ha! I love ur ava chibirosie !!!! But I can't see all the faces though ^^" It's just... fast :heh:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 19 2005, 10:36 pm
ka 9/10. Yeah it is fast maybe you should do something about its speed and i don't recognise a few of them
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 20 2005, 04:36 am
Chibirosie, I LOVE your avatar and signature!
Those are so so kawaii!!
And it's really funny to watch for a while, it looks like they morph into each other.

ha! I love ur ava chibirosie !!!! But I can't see all the faces though ^^" It's just... fast :heh:
ka 9/10. Yeah it is fast maybe you should do something about its speed and i don't recognise a few of them

again, sorry -__-

ka, 10/10 :keke:
s. Espoire 10/10 too :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 20 2005, 05:02 am
xx_chibirosie_xx .. i'm really sorry. it's just constructive criticism. i hope you're not mad.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 20 2005, 05:38 am
xx_chibirosie_xx .. i'm really sorry. it's just constructive criticism. i hope you're not mad.

no I'm not mad... -_-
there...I had time to slow it down a bit...still to fast for you? -_-
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 20 2005, 11:34 am
Awww! So Kawaii! 10/10 for you! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 20 2005, 11:42 am
better `=) before i'd stare at them trying to figure out which character, and i'd sorta get dizzy. i like! sorry again, xx_chibirosie_xx
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on August 20 2005, 12:29 pm
10/10 for Aishiteru-sama  :keke:

temporary change...I feel a little 'out of it' today, like our little Syaoran here  :sweatdrop:
...due to major school exhaustion from yesterday I think  -_-
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 20 2005, 12:56 pm
better `=) before i'd stare at them trying to figure out which character, and i'd sorta get dizzy. i like! sorry again, xx_chibirosie_xx

whats the sorry for? Is it still bad? @.@

Okamirei 10/10 thats a kute avie :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on August 20 2005, 12:59 pm
arigato!  :keke:
yours is awsome! so many chibi's! xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 20 2005, 01:25 pm
whats the sorry for? Is it still bad? @.@

Okamirei 10/10 thats a kute avie :keke:

noo it's not bad, i'm just saying sorry because i feel bad for being mean. `=(
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on August 20 2005, 09:47 pm
noo it's not bad, i'm just saying sorry because i feel bad for being mean. `=(

It's those exact reasons why I don't rank avatars and sig pics. One shouldn't be told that theirs is better or worse than the others. It's the creativity of the avatars and sig-pics that matters and how much YOU like them that counts the most, not others opinions :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on August 22 2005, 01:30 am
Weeee ! I got a new set, what do you think about it ?! XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 22 2005, 01:45 am
10/10, Ka! SO kawaii! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 22 2005, 04:04 am
ka 10/10!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 22 2005, 03:50 pm
.::ka::. Soo lovely 10/10
Chibi 10/10 it´s not so fast for me.. Kawaii
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 22 2005, 03:56 pm
wow. ::ka:: I love your new set. I've never seen that pic before. Where is it from?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on August 22 2005, 11:48 pm
I'll rate your avatar a 9.5 S. Espoire. I love the green tones and Sakura looks so beautiful. Her eyes are a beautiful olive green!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 23 2005, 12:15 am
thanks. Yours:9. Nice work by bLuetopaz.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on August 23 2005, 12:18 am
Arigato Gozaimashita! bLuetopaz did do a good job!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 23 2005, 12:43 am
10/10 for Moezy-chan! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on August 23 2005, 01:38 am
Arigato! I give yours a 9.8! I love the blue. My favorite color!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 23 2005, 07:20 am
oo moezy-chan 9.5! Thats cool...:XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on August 23 2005, 09:43 am
10 /10 for every one they are all so awesome  and xx chibirose xx  i really like when fai and kuro are on both at the same time!!  it's great!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on August 24 2005, 09:11 am
haha i love the "hyuuu"
10 as well..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 24 2005, 09:20 am
WOW I really like yours, charme.*!! 10/10!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 24 2005, 09:22 am
Hey you guys! I got a new set! :keke: What do you think? :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 24 2005, 09:43 am
oo 10/10 moonflower121!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 24 2005, 09:45 am
Arigatou! :keke: 10/10 for you too! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on August 24 2005, 09:57 am
WOW I really like yours, charme.*!! 10/10!!! :keke:
thankss! ^_^ yours 2
just loved it
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 24 2005, 10:04 am
8/10, Charme*.! Very Nice! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on August 24 2005, 10:15 am
hihi.. took me ages to find that pic.. but it was worth it
i also like yours!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on August 24 2005, 10:49 am
yes new set *at last* solely thanks to chiyuuto--and the person who posted the link somewhere on the forum. lol

everyone got so many new sets... o.O you all earn trc plushies and 10's! xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 24 2005, 11:11 am
Oooh! 10/10, Angelic-Essence! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 24 2005, 11:36 am
Angelic-Essence 10/10!!!!! Thats so kute!!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on August 24 2005, 01:04 pm
10/10! I love how it changes like that!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 24 2005, 03:22 pm
Angelic-Essence O.O I luv you! Kawaii~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on August 24 2005, 04:05 pm
Moezy-Chan 10/10 soo Cute =3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 25 2005, 01:20 am
10/10 dragonia! your avatar and sig is soo cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on August 25 2005, 01:22 am
KAWAII ! ...That is sooo cuute ! Ai-chan !

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on August 25 2005, 03:03 am
Oooooh I love the mixture of Shougo there, Hori.... very nice indeed ^^ 10/10 for both
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on August 25 2005, 03:10 am
Awww, Angelic Essence, I love your new set! I've never seen that picture before!  10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 25 2005, 03:54 am
Hori, 10/10!!! Its Shougo!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 25 2005, 06:12 am
Endoh: 10/10...Nice avy and sig! :D
Hori: 10/10...Nice! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 25 2005, 06:35 am
Moonflower121 - 10/10 i loveee your syaoran set!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on August 25 2005, 08:08 am
they are all sooooo cutee!
10/10 for everybodyy   ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 25 2005, 11:19 am
charme.* 10/10 :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 25 2005, 11:45 am
Charme*. - 10/10! So Pretty! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 25 2005, 03:24 pm
charme.* 9/10 Pretty :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DoRKyLOo on August 25 2005, 03:50 pm
moezy-chan . . . Too cute!!! 10/10  :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 25 2005, 03:58 pm
DoRKyLOo 10/10 Soooooooo Cute :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 25 2005, 06:41 pm
zeldi 10/10 REALLY cuuutteee!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 25 2005, 10:38 pm
Moonflower121,  nice 9/10.
Hori  another shougo set. Those are sure rare. Are you a shougo fan? 9/10.
Angelic-Essence  Hontoni kawaiii!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your set. you are so good at making them 10/10.nice choice of pic.
charme.*  nice 9/10.
DoRKyLOo  cool. 9/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on August 26 2005, 04:02 am
aishiteru 10/10 sooo cute!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on August 26 2005, 04:03 am
Kawaii Fye-chan! 9.5/10! I absolutely love Syaoran!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 26 2005, 04:12 am
10/10 moezy-chaann!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 26 2005, 05:45 am
DoRKyLOo 10/10 thats kute!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on August 26 2005, 06:19 am
Fye-chan! i love your sig.. very funny!!! hahah
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Crystal_Wings on August 26 2005, 03:58 pm
Who's avatar/sig hasn't been rated yet? charme.* I love your Avatar and your sig. 10/10 sound OK to you?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on August 26 2005, 04:07 pm
Crystal_Wings: 10/10! I absolutely love Hayao Miyazaki movies!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 26 2005, 04:11 pm
Crystal_Wings 10/10  Ghibli boys :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 26 2005, 08:17 pm
Crystal_Wings 10/10 because i absolutely love ghibli boys! hah.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DoRKyLOo on August 26 2005, 08:30 pm
.:Gasp:. Hayao Miyazaki!!! I adore him!!! Crystal_Wings, you get 10/10. aishiteru and Zeldi, you guys get 10/10, too for sheer cuteness.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on August 26 2005, 11:40 pm
Awww your Ava and Sign is so cool!!!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 26 2005, 11:42 pm
10/10, Fye-chan! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on August 27 2005, 05:25 am
10/10! wonderful! I love that image!  :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 27 2005, 05:59 am
10/10, Xiao_Lang! I LOVE your avy! :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on August 27 2005, 06:24 am
charme.* I love your Avatar and your sig. 10/10 sound OK to you?
of course ^^ yo too.. 10/10

i also looove your avy, Xiao_Lang .. 10/10
dorkyloo same as well ( nice pic by the way.) 10/10
very cuuute
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 27 2005, 07:42 am
crystal wings and Xiao_Lang, 10/10 :keke:

Who's avatar/sig hasn't been rated yet?

I have no clue...@.@
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 28 2005, 02:13 am
new avatar and sig for meee!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 28 2005, 02:18 am
10/10, Aishiteru! :) So Kawaii! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 28 2005, 02:31 am
10/10 aishiteru!!! thats so kute!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on August 28 2005, 03:52 am
i edit my sig a bit xD (only some words xD)
aishitero: both are cute *-* 10/10
and chibirose the same! all chibi *-* 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 28 2005, 03:55 am
sofiacardcaptors! kawaii! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on August 28 2005, 04:44 am
9/10 for you, aishiteru!

by the way, for your sig.. did you used colour pencils and scan the image?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 28 2005, 04:56 am
umm.. my friend did it for me `=P haha. he did the drawing for me so the whole thing isn't credited to me.. but i made everything else. hah.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: KirakiraInu on August 28 2005, 05:08 am
I give you avatar a 9/10 bLuetopaz! Yukito is so cute as a kid! Aishiteru-san, I give your av a 8/10 for your av and a 10/10 for you sig! The sig is so pretty!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on August 28 2005, 06:34 am
9/10 KirakiraInu , that image in your avatar is SO cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: KirakiraInu on August 28 2005, 06:44 am
Arigato!!!!!! Xiao_Lang-san! I love your av! Syaoran looks so cool like that! (and the Kanji for Syaoran next to it really matchs well with the pic! 10/10 for you!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on August 28 2005, 07:53 am
kirakiralnu cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on August 28 2005, 07:56 am
very nice, cute_me-sama, 10/10  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on August 28 2005, 07:58 am
Okamirei!! I love that scene in the manga! 10/10!  :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on August 28 2005, 07:58 am
cute and funny okamirei 10/10 :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on August 28 2005, 08:06 am
i like yours cute_me
10/10 ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 28 2005, 08:15 am
10/10 Charme*.

So Pretty! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on August 28 2005, 08:17 am
thanks moonflower
yours too.. 10/10-- uncried tears.. i love that ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on August 28 2005, 08:28 am
Everyone gets 10's here? Do I see a trend?!!

Again, we have some of the most creative people around here. We are so fortunate :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on August 28 2005, 09:48 am
Everyone gets 10's here? Do I see a trend?!!

Again, we have some of the most creative people around here. We are so fortunate :)

if the avatars and signatures are cute what can we do?
but i would give u arcademan  6.5/10 :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on August 28 2005, 09:55 am
meh, i've stopped rating people's Signatures and Avatars because if your happy with them, why bother letting others bring you down by giving them lower scores when you yourself think they are good...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Moon on August 28 2005, 09:55 am
I like your icon, cute_me. 8/10! =)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 28 2005, 10:35 am
Nice, Moonprincess! 8/10! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on August 28 2005, 10:57 am
if the avatars and signatures are cute what can we do?
but i would give u arcademan 6.5/10 :)

At least I have a sig don't.

BTW in the future, capitalize my name when you post. Bad enough you rip my av and sig...don't disrespect me by not capitalizing my name, okay?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on August 28 2005, 10:58 am
meh, i've stopped rating people's Signatures and Avatars because if your happy with them, why bother letting others bring you down by giving them lower scores when you yourself think they are good...

Exactly. Personally, I know your posts by your unique avatar and your Superman sig is cool to me...all that matters to me :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on August 28 2005, 01:21 pm
Did i see Haku?  *pokes* 
Superman?!  coolness 
I always love koolaid man!
I love Cute me's siggy! 
Ooo and purpleness
Okami's Avy is great! 
 ohh too many have changed i can't say em all  !!  I love them all!!  100's for everyone!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 29 2005, 12:42 am
10/10 Starfire! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on August 29 2005, 02:46 am
Moonflower121: 10/10
soo kakoi!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 29 2005, 03:20 am
awww.....everyones avies & sig's are so kute/cool!!!! 100/100 (haha :XD:) for everyone!!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on August 29 2005, 04:53 am
xx_chibirosie_xx: 10/10 so cute!
love chibi people
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 29 2005, 05:43 am
10/10, Cute_me!

I LOVE your avy! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 29 2005, 10:22 pm
aishiteru and cute me, they are both so good.9/10.
Did you see the latest set of sakaki. Its really kawaii. 10/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on August 29 2005, 10:25 pm
New Set..Made by Bluetopaz-Sama..Arigatou!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on August 30 2005, 12:17 am
kirei. Hontoni kirei. Its so beautiful. Good work by bLueTopaz-san. I really like eriol's smile.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on August 30 2005, 12:28 am
Did you see the latest set of sakaki. Its really kawaii. 10/10.

yeah, i saw Sakaki-san's latest set! its nice, 9/10 for it!

New Set..Made by Bluetopaz-Sama..Arigatou!

no problem about it.. :sweatdrop:

S.Espoire... 8/10 for both ava and sig, thats one of my fav. Sakura picture..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 30 2005, 01:40 am
bLuetopaz- 10/10...I love your avy! ^_^
S. Espoire- 9/10...Pretty!
Dragonia- 10/10! I LOVE IT! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on August 30 2005, 07:44 am
dragonia 8/10.. really nicee ^^

is there someone left without being rate ?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 30 2005, 10:36 am
Dragonia, 9/10 :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 30 2005, 03:51 pm
Sakaki 10/10 Hontoni Kirei 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on August 30 2005, 04:03 pm
Zeldi 10/10  HEEHEE! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on August 31 2005, 02:46 am
8/10, xOLight_AngelOx! I like your avy! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on August 31 2005, 08:58 am
10/10 moonflower121! i loveee your avatar and sig!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on August 31 2005, 01:39 pm
xOLight_AngelOx 10/10 :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on August 31 2005, 02:02 pm
Everyone's is soo cool!    100's for everyone I say

New one!     *points*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on August 31 2005, 02:48 pm
StarFire 10/10 Kawaii  =3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on August 31 2005, 03:03 pm
Dragonia 10/10 The frist Eriol set one this site! And his smile :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on September 01 2005, 12:28 am
Zeldi your is wonderful 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on September 01 2005, 12:29 am
Kawaii Sig ! and I love the avvy ! ...

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 01 2005, 01:05 am
10/10, Hori! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on September 01 2005, 01:07 am
yes, 10/10 hori and moonflower121
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on September 01 2005, 05:12 am
10/10 Aishiteru! I LOVE your Sig. And the AV is adorable!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on September 01 2005, 05:26 am
wowowee! I give 10/10 to you Endoh, great avatar and sig.  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on September 01 2005, 06:43 am
cool looking guy! 9/10

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 01 2005, 06:50 am
Tooya_Mizuki - Tooya! Go Ayashi No Ceres! 6/10 for the set, although it would have been higher if they hadn't just been random pics of him!

Xiao_Lang - OMG! 10/10 for the signature, and 9/10 for the avatar! Sugoi!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 01 2005, 08:35 am
10/10 Ruby Chan! :)

And, OMG! 100/10 for you, Xiao_lang! I LOVE IT!!! :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DoRKyLOo on September 01 2005, 12:41 pm
aishiteru 10/10 . . . Was that that same avi & sig you had before???

Moonflower121 & Xiao_Lang 10/10!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on September 01 2005, 12:47 pm
Kawaii DoRKyLOo! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on September 01 2005, 02:52 pm
aishiteru 10/10 . . . Was that that same avi & sig you had before???

umm.. no it wasn't. haha `=P or well, it depends on what you mean by "before". i changed it a couple of days ago.. so i wouldn't remember. hah.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on September 01 2005, 03:13 pm
Aishiteru 10/10 Soo Kawaii =3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 01 2005, 03:52 pm
Xiao_Lang 10/10 Syaoran-Kun <3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on September 01 2005, 08:02 pm
wow! thanks alot everyone!  :keke: I seemed to have got alot of 'OMG' and '!!!'
lol thanks!

Zeldi 10/10   I adore that picture of Sakura
Dragonia 10/10   the avatar makes me smile!
aishiteru  10/10  what can I say? that scene from the manga is just *___*
moezy-chan  10/10  love that part in ccs! good merging of images
DoRKyLOo   10/10! where did you get those avatar pictures?! they are SO cuuute!
Moonflower121  10/10 great blending ness, love that pic of Syaoran
Ruby Chan 10/10  so cute! the little hearts in the avatar! wai!

(I could have just said everyone 10! but I wanted to let everyone know WHY they got a 10! ^_^ )
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 01 2005, 08:49 pm
Hmmm....who haven't I rated here.....

I know! Dragonia, you get 10/10 for the excellent Eriol set!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on September 01 2005, 09:55 pm
love your new set, Ruby-sama! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on September 02 2005, 12:56 am
Ahhhhhhhhhh I love your avatar ! Okamirei  ! and the Syaoran 'hyu' as well ....I wanna hug it ^_______^
Yeah, just made this new set, would love to know what do you think :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 02 2005, 01:46 am
OMG! It´s sooo Cute <3 10/10
Ruby Chan 10/10 The hearts are so cute.. And Kuro/Fai <3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on September 02 2005, 02:01 am
Xiao_Lang  I´m not a Big Fan of Syaoran-Kun..Anyway 10/10 much color =3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on September 02 2005, 02:32 am
10/10 Eriol-Kun Cute =3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on September 02 2005, 04:00 am
hmm.. who haven't i rated yet..

.::ka::. 10/10 i love your new set. it looks soo cool.
ruby-chan 10/10 i love your new set tooo!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on September 02 2005, 04:02 am
aishiteru  9/10  Really pretty but The Face in the Avatar o.O
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on September 02 2005, 07:53 am
ERIOL!!!! So pretty. 10/10 for Dragonia and bLuetopaz for making it. ^___^

I decided it was time for a change for me.. haha
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on September 02 2005, 10:14 am
Oh, lika-chi, love the new avi and sig! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on September 02 2005, 10:20 am
I love it lika!  So cute!  You know I've seen that show a few times    10/10  so colorful and rainbowy

Ruby Gets a 10/10 too For the Fai Kuro ness
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on September 02 2005, 12:25 pm
too many new sets o_o" everyone gets 10s rfom me again :lol: or take a 100 rating if you will. i love them all. o.O!?

i finally made a new set... Ichigo looked really cool in this one... so i couldnt resist. xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on September 02 2005, 12:41 pm
9/10 for you, Angel..

when i first saw your set.. i jumped a little.. its scary... :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on September 02 2005, 01:07 pm
Lol.... is it? I thought of it more cool than scary. :sweatdrop: thats my tomboy side for you. :lol: loving Alexial there! and the Yuki avvie <3 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DoRKyLOo on September 02 2005, 01:42 pm
Angelic-Essence, 10/10!!!

Ichigo's great, and I kindda like his hollow side.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 02 2005, 02:42 pm
9/10 for you, Angel..

when i first saw your set.. i jumped a little.. its scary... :sweatdrop:
Yeah it´s scary... :sweatdrop: 9½/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on September 02 2005, 02:46 pm
DoRKyLOo  9/10 For the chibiness
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 02 2005, 03:01 pm
Lika 10/10 Rainbowness :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DoRKyLOo on September 02 2005, 03:19 pm
Dragonia 9/10 for a cute Eriol set.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 02 2005, 05:14 pm
Love your avatar, DoRKyLOo ! 10/10! And 9/10 for the signature with the nice words!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on September 02 2005, 05:20 pm
ooo Ruby-Chan, so much KuroFyeness! <3 10/10 although I think you oversized the sig a little :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on September 02 2005, 11:14 pm
Angelic and Ruby-chan 10/10 for both of you!!! :hello2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 03 2005, 12:33 am
Hee hee! Watanuki, right?

9/10 for cute manga pics, Fye-chan! (I think this is the first time your set hasn't had Fai, too....)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 03 2005, 12:34 am
10/10, Ruby Chan! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 03 2005, 12:36 am
Wheet whoo! Great choice of pics, text on the signature pic, and nice lyrics too! Evanescence and Avril Lavigne are great!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on September 03 2005, 01:50 am
aww ruby chan! you changed your sig!? i liked the other one. but i like this one too! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on September 03 2005, 03:53 am
Ruby-chan, I love your ava. So cool. Fai and Kurogane!! HAHA!! 10/10. Awww you changed your sig back to your old one... I like the other one too but this is nice also!!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 03 2005, 05:42 am
10/10, Lika-chi! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 03 2005, 05:53 am
Yeah, I liked the old sig better....the text was squished in the other.

Lika-chi, 10/10 for your super kawaii set!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 03 2005, 07:05 am
10/10 ruby-chan!!!! fai and kurogane!!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on September 03 2005, 05:35 pm
i love the chibi people.. 10/10!
ruby chan i also like your new avi! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 03 2005, 06:36 pm
I like your avatar a lot, *charme! 10/10! 7/10 for your sig pic, since it's a bit squished....but 10/10 for the sweet quote at the bottom underneath Syaoran's!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on September 03 2005, 09:16 pm
lika-chi and charme.* 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on September 03 2005, 10:54 pm
charme 10/10 really great
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DoRKyLOo on September 04 2005, 03:50 am
lika-chi 10/10

Aww . . . GSD is about to end . . .
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 04 2005, 03:57 am
9/10, DoRKyLOo....Kawaii! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on September 04 2005, 05:37 am
o nice syaoran sig and avi 10/10 ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 04 2005, 05:47 am
Kawaii Sakura avatar! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on September 04 2005, 06:50 am
nice avatar, Ruby Chan! 9/10 for that...

eh, what happened to your new sig?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 04 2005, 06:53 am
I swopped it back to the old one because I like this one better!

Reviewed your avatar......but I love your sig! Funny! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on September 04 2005, 09:17 am
lika-chi 10/10

Aww . . . GSD is about to end . . .

YES!!! I know. T___T SO SAD!!!

bLuetopaz. I love your sig!!! So funny. 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on September 04 2005, 10:07 am
YES!!! I know. T___T SO SAD!!!

bLuetopaz. I love your sig!!! So funny. 10/10

*lol* thanks! inspired by Energizer bunny..

9/10 for both your sig and avatar!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 04 2005, 10:09 am
10/10, bLuetopaz! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 04 2005, 12:44 pm
I see people are still rating and switching avatars and sig pics here...

If it ain't broke...DON'T FIX IT!!! :tongue:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AkaiYuki on September 04 2005, 02:53 pm
I give you 10/10 for your avatar, Arcademan! (I LOVED that part!) Erm, I don't have a sig so I won't rate your sig... *to next person* Be nice since I don't have a sig... *goes to make one so if she posts here again she won't be embarrassed*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 04 2005, 07:17 pm
You don't need a sig! Your avatar is so good!  :inlove: I haven't had a chance to rate it yet, so I'll just say this...11/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on September 05 2005, 12:17 am
YaY yours really cool AkaiYuki! 10/10
Especially the text under you name..^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on September 05 2005, 12:22 am
Kawaiiii !

I LOVE the avatar ! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 05 2005, 01:12 am
Ohhh! 10/10 Hori! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on September 05 2005, 03:56 am
10/10!  :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on September 05 2005, 03:56 am
Cool avatar and sig Moonflower121 and Xiao Lang. :okay:
I give 10/10 to you both
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 05 2005, 04:35 am
I give you 10/10 for your avatar, Arcademan! (I LOVED that part!)

Kool-Aid Man is gone for awhile but never fear...he'll be back in the near future :)

EDIT: Had to add Arcademan to the avatar with PixieP Tee!Hee!Hee!!! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on September 05 2005, 06:05 am
Rlx arcademan n.n I like your sig n.n 8/10
i have new ones n.<
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 05 2005, 06:49 am
10/10 Sofiacardcaptors! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Moon on September 05 2005, 07:20 am
Syaoran is awesome, so 10/10. ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 05 2005, 08:20 am
moonprincess18 10/10!!! Its Sakura and Sosuke!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on September 05 2005, 11:15 am
*Wide eyes*  Arcademan/PixieP  has change his/(her?)  avy!  Wowess!

What is it from?  *star is clueless*

I loves everyones and it's so hard to keep track  100's for everyone!  (if you like em then i do!)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 05 2005, 11:42 am
*Wide eyes* Arcademan/PixieP has change his/(her?) avy! Wowess!

What is it from? *star is clueless*

That is a picture of Arcademan and PixieP. Told you we were real LOL!!! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on September 05 2005, 11:53 am
That is a picture of Arcademan and PixieP. Told you we were real LOL!!! :D

Awesomeness !!_ !!   So Cool!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 05 2005, 12:18 pm
Here's a pic:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on September 05 2005, 12:21 pm
Oh That's....... AWESOME!!!     :noteworthy:       
MeThinks Arcademan Get's a Cookie

The picture makes me happy for some reason     :happy3: 
It's rather odd for it to do that though  perhaps it's just all these coughdrops getting to me
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on September 05 2005, 12:24 pm
sugoi-ne, Arcademan-sama!  :keke:

hn....everyone 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 05 2005, 12:37 pm
Thanks, everyone. I wish I drew more...alas, arthritis in my drawing hand makes it hard for me these days :(
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on September 05 2005, 02:52 pm
Arcademan/PixieP 10/10 Really Cool O.O

New set =3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 05 2005, 02:55 pm
DragonGirl  10/10 Sooo cute <3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on September 05 2005, 11:19 pm
Kawaii Zeldi - so Kawaii !

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 05 2005, 11:30 pm
Super Sugoi set, Hori! Best yet! I give you 100/10 for both of them, LOL

But since I can't do that, 10/10 instead.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on September 06 2005, 01:01 am
aii ! Arigatou ! * huggles *

Yours is super kawaii ! I simply love the avatar ! the heads are positioned just right !

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 06 2005, 01:59 am
Yeah your set is really Kawaii~  I luv the glistening stars :3 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 06 2005, 02:32 am
OMG....that is so cool! 10/10, Dragongirl! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on September 06 2005, 02:36 am
OMG.. Sis.. I love it 10/10 =3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 06 2005, 02:37 am
10/10, Dragonia!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on September 06 2005, 02:39 am
Moonflower121 9/10 Green and blue goes like this O.o
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 06 2005, 04:02 am
oo 10/10 dragongirl!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on September 06 2005, 04:04 am
chibirose 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 06 2005, 04:04 am
Chibis! Chibis everywhere! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on September 06 2005, 04:23 am
Great avatar and sig RubyChan  :keke: 10/10 for you  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on September 06 2005, 03:35 pm
Fye-chan 9/10 Color/Black and White XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AkaiYuki on September 06 2005, 04:12 pm
Dragongirl 10/10 for Yue! XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on September 06 2005, 11:25 pm
Ruby Chan  10/10. I luv your avy. a treat for all kuro/fai fans.
Hori. wow another shougo set. 10/10 again.
Fye-chan  10/10 for the avy. its so cute.
dragongirl 8/10. Wow more yue fan. I am a big yue fan too. you don't find many of them around.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 07 2005, 02:31 am
DragonGirl - 10/10 for a Yue set!
Tooya_Mizuki - I really like the stuff you've added to your sig, unless I missed it last time, which I'm really sorry about. 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on September 07 2005, 09:35 am
I figured it was time to change my sig! Yay for Advent Children!
Ruby-chan! 10/10 for the sig! Adorable! And 9/10 for the Sig! Yay for Kuro/Fai!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 07 2005, 10:38 am
10/10, Endoh! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on September 07 2005, 10:46 am
Ruby Chan 10/10
kuragane and fai are the perfect couple don't u think?
Moonflower121 10/10
syaoran is a very strong person, crying isn't mean weak, u are 100% right
Endoh 10/10
i love syoran too! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on September 07 2005, 12:18 pm
Endoh.. o.O New sig. 10/10 ^__^ lolz
cute_me WOW!!! I like the sig a lot. lolz. Funny funny. haha and the avatar is really nice. *stares* 10/10 for avatar and sig. ^__^

Changed mine.... again!! :sweatdrop: lolz
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kakurine on September 07 2005, 12:23 pm
Zeldi> 10/10 pink, pink, pink! i like pink ^_^
Hori> 10/10 i like ur sig, kawaii
endoh> 10/10 cute sig!
xx_chibirosie_xx> 10/10 yehey! all cute chibis!

i like all ur sig ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on September 07 2005, 12:23 pm
Lika!    I love it!  Kuro Fai! all the way! woot!  *points to siggy*  lol 
10/10 for everone! i really do love them all
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kakurine on September 07 2005, 12:28 pm
cute_me> 10/10 cute sig! a comic strip
lika_chi> 10/10 kawaii, fai hugs kurogane
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 07 2005, 01:49 pm
princess_kakurine...have I rated yours yet? O.o? I dunno...theres just so much...@.@ oh well...anyways...10/10!! Its sakura and sosuke!! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on September 07 2005, 02:37 pm
princess_kakurine 10/10 Pink  O.O
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kakurine on September 07 2005, 06:26 pm
Dragonia> 10/10 eriol-kun is so cute! i like it ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on September 07 2005, 11:11 pm
o.O Sakura and Sasuke... cute <3 but Im a SakuNaru lover too. :lol: 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 07 2005, 11:16 pm
Haven't rated yours yet, I don't think, Angelic-Essence!

10/10 - it's very good quality and clear.....but slightly scary!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on September 08 2005, 03:11 am
i haven't rated lika-chi's yet! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 08 2005, 03:47 am
lika-chi 10/10  Fai/Kuro :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Sayora Chan on September 08 2005, 05:13 am
Zeldi's set: Kawaii!!!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on September 08 2005, 05:16 am
Nice avatar and sig little sis  :keke:
I give you 10/10  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 08 2005, 08:12 am
An observation...

I keep seeing the same names over and over again in here.

I can see why some of the members' post counts are high :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on September 08 2005, 12:24 pm
sayora chan: 8/10
tooya_mizuki: 8/10
haha i'm mean :P
no.. JK i liked yours ^^
(at least you have a sig *sighs*)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on September 09 2005, 07:32 am
i have two options now... finally got a photoshop *sweatdrop*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 09 2005, 08:31 am
10/10 for Charme*.

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on September 09 2005, 01:59 pm
10/10 charme.* !!! I love it!
I think I've already rated yours, Moonflower, but still 10/10!!

I made a new set...I was bored, haha.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 09 2005, 03:04 pm
You made it?! O.O Endoh *droool* Syaoran-Kun two of them :3 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 09 2005, 05:43 pm
charme.* 10/10 thats kute!! :keke:
endoh, you really made it? WOW!!! 10/10! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on September 10 2005, 02:25 am
love your set, Endoh!!

9/10 for them!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on September 10 2005, 03:27 am
The sig is cute AND funny!  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on September 10 2005, 04:02 am
Waaahhh I love yours Xiao_Lang!!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AkaiYuki on September 10 2005, 09:10 am
10/10 For your's, Fye-chan! For the avi, it's cute and makes me happy! And for your siggy, the pic is funny and cute, and as for the text, I'm in it! XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on September 10 2005, 01:17 pm
you know what? Im willing to make a bet you're going to see this image of Syaoran everywhere on this forum within the week. LoL. and after about 1 hour of not know what fonts to use, this is my new set result~ if i ever change it, you guys could use it if you want. lol

lol, cute avatar AkaiYuki~ 9/10 ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 10 2005, 01:38 pm
you know what? Im willing to make a bet you're going to see this image of Syaoran everywhere on this forum within the week. LoL. and after about 1 hour of not know what fonts to use, this is my new set result~ if i ever change it, you guys could use it if you want. lol

Since I make copies of every avatar here, you may see it whether I have permission to use it or not :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on September 10 2005, 02:06 pm
gah, since so many people's using this pic, I suppose I'll have to change it again  :sweatdrop:
10/10 for you, Angelic Essence-sama
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on September 10 2005, 04:44 pm
bLuetopaz  cute signy.
Xiao_Lang  nice signy and that avy pic is in endoh's sign too.
AkaiYuki what is the japanese text in your avy. (though i think i can guess).
Angelic-Essence nice. thats a new set but its that pic again. Is that pic a latest release?
Okamirei  nice sign. what's shiruko?
My new set. Its nothing artistic. just for a change.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AkaiYuki on September 10 2005, 04:52 pm
bLuetopaz cute signy.
Xiao_Lang nice signy and that avy pic is in endoh's sign too.
AkaiYuki what is the japanese text in your avy. (though i think i can guess).
Angelic-Essence nice. thats a new set but its that pic again. Is that pic a latest release?
Okamirei nice sign. what's shiruko?
My new set. Its nothing artistic. just for a change.

Ha ha ha, yeah, you prolly can guess! *cough* It's Kurorin hearts Fai *cough*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 10 2005, 06:52 pm
S.Esporie 10/10 Faaai <3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 10 2005, 10:20 pm
10/10, Zeldi...:)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on September 10 2005, 10:21 pm
Kawaiiiiiii moon-chan

Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 10 2005, 10:24 pm
Arigatou, Hori! 10/10 for you, too! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 10 2005, 10:40 pm
Hori, 11/10 once again! Go Subaru-kun!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on September 10 2005, 11:41 pm
Lol, I was right, I didn't like the image much :sweatdrop: so whoever wants it, feel free to use away!

I liked the Aerial image so... =P
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on September 11 2005, 12:09 am
this is as nice, 9/10 for it!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 11 2005, 12:14 am
Give me Give Angel Please me want the picture(s) *begs*
Angel 10/10 Aerial Image Hyuu~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on September 11 2005, 12:22 am
Hori  Which anime is this from?
Angelic-Essence  The sign looks nice.
Zeldi  I think i've rated you before but if i haven't: I love it. I specially like the way your name is on the sign. the color is really good. What is the text beside it?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 11 2005, 12:28 am
S.Espoire, Hori's set is Subaru from X!

And I rate you 9/10! Fai-san! I especially like the signature pic!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 11 2005, 12:39 am
Zeldi  I think i've rated you before but if i haven't: I love it. I specially like the way your name is on the sign. the color is really good. What is the text beside it?
Thank you.. I really don´t know .::ka::. did the set. And i forgot to ask ><
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on September 11 2005, 12:58 am
bluetopaz your siggie is fantastic *-*
Zeldi yours are.. both.. great *-* i like both! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 11 2005, 01:03 am
Wow, soficardcaptors! I give you 8/10 for your avatar, and 10/10 for your signature!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on September 11 2005, 01:19 am
Well star figured out how to work photobucket and now she has a set!  wootness!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 11 2005, 01:37 am
Kawaii~  Kuro/Fainess 10/10 :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on September 11 2005, 04:00 am
Hehe Eve6 Lyrics. Niiiiiiiiiiice! [Eve6 obsessed, right here!] 10/10Starfire!
And Zeldi! 10/10 That set is absolutely gorgeous!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on September 11 2005, 11:40 am
Wai~ So many pretty new sets~

sofiacardcaptors ~ 9.5/10 *I love that pic of Tomoyo-chan^^*
Ruby Chan ~ 9/10 *Yay, KuroFai love :inlove:*
Starfire ~ 9/10 *More KuroFai love :love3:*
Zeldi ~ 10/10 *Kirei Sakura-chan*
Endoh ~ 9/10 *Very kool pic of Syaoran :D*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 11 2005, 11:46 am
10/10 Lexi!!!! Thats so Kawaii!!!! :inlove:

eh...I made a new set...thing...:dodge:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on September 11 2005, 01:51 pm
Wah, great new set, xx_chibirosie_xx~ *Uber-cute, I might add :)*  I give you a 9/10~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on September 11 2005, 02:45 pm
Lexi !!!!! I love your avy! It looks great! 10/10 definetively..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on September 11 2005, 04:31 pm
Starfire  nice.
Lexi  the signy looks very cute.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 12 2005, 04:05 am
charme.* 10/10 that looks really cool  :okay:
S. Espoire 10/10 Its Fai!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 12 2005, 06:47 am
10/10 xx_chibirosie_xx! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on September 12 2005, 01:26 pm
wii i guess.. i already said that.. Moonflower121 your siggie and avi are great *-*  10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 12 2005, 02:37 pm
10/10 sofiacardcaptors!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kakurine on September 12 2005, 06:11 pm
lexi- 10/10 i like your sig, so kawaii!
xx_chibirosie_xx- 10/10 i dont know who is in you sig and avatar but they're cute and sweet ^_^
charme- 9/10 new pic of sakura! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on September 12 2005, 09:08 pm
thats cute~ 9/10 ^_~

((i got bored with the last set real quick... lol))
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DreamGirl on September 12 2005, 10:42 pm
Angel 9/10 It´s very pretty me love the wings =3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 12 2005, 10:50 pm
I'd give everyone a perfect score here but then I'd be repeating myself :D

Great imagination, everyone. Keep up the good work :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 13 2005, 09:38 am
xx_chibirosie_xx- 10/10 i dont know who is in you sig and avatar but they're cute and sweet ^_^

eheh...thank you! :keke: I give you a 10/10 as well!!  :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 13 2005, 09:59 am
Nice, xx_chibirosie_xx!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on September 13 2005, 11:26 am
Angel.. the new set is uh... very red. lolz. 10/10 Awesome job. ^__^

Dreamgirl. WAH!! That girl is SO cute. ^__^ hehe. 10/10

Changed my ava... -___-" lolz
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on September 13 2005, 11:46 am
Oooh yummy Daisuke-kun *has to look sideways to see :lol:*

Lika-chi I give you a 9.5/10  *I really like your new avy. Very cute :)*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 13 2005, 11:49 am
oo 10/10 lika-chi!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 13 2005, 03:27 pm
Lika: Daisuke-Chan *drool* 9.5/10 a siggy would make it even better :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on September 13 2005, 03:28 pm
DreamGirl-San 10/10 OMG! Zeldi-chan i Wuw you, how could you make THAT? *faits* Very cute =3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Crystal_Wings on September 13 2005, 06:40 pm
Lika-chi, I know people already commented on yours but I just wanted to tell you that it really caught my eye and I really love it!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kakurine on September 13 2005, 07:01 pm
DreamGirl- 10/10 ur avatar and sig is so cute!

Crystal_Wings- 9/10 remembering ashitaka... he is so sweet and romantic ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: White Puma on September 13 2005, 07:35 pm
princess_kakurine: 9.9/10 very cute nice work
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DreamGirl on September 13 2005, 09:49 pm
White Puma 10/10 i like it.  it`s  very pretty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on September 14 2005, 06:48 am
Lika: Daisuke-Chan *drool* 9.5/10 a siggy would make it even better :3

I totally agree. Although I can't find a D.N.Angel sig anywhere!!!! >__< lolz.

Thanks everyone else.

OMG!! Crystal_Wings. I LOVE that sig. :inlove: OMG!! I love those movies. hehe. 8/10 for your sig and ava.. hehe
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on September 15 2005, 10:44 am
i LOVE your siggy! i like the rainbow color blend effect thingy....yea...your avi is really good too! its simple but really nice! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on September 15 2005, 11:01 am
Oh, cardcaptor519 kawaii ne! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 15 2005, 11:14 am
Im not sure if I rated yours already, Moezy-chan....but I'll give it a 10/10! :) Kawaii!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on September 15 2005, 11:34 am
I love your's Moonflower  Its such a nice green  I love everybody's here.
 I made a new one!  whoohoo!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on September 15 2005, 11:38 am
Oh, Starfire! I love your new avi & sig! Definitely 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on September 15 2005, 11:40 am
wii S&S ** I love it moezy-chan n____n 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on September 15 2005, 12:41 pm
10/10 Moezy-chan!! I absolutely LOVE that set!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on September 15 2005, 11:49 pm
Your signature's so cute! :okay: But I don't see what your avatar is... Doh! >.< 9/10


Cool! The avatar & sign match well toghether! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 15 2005, 11:58 pm
Tessaiga-Sama~ 10/10 Purple And Subaru-Chan Hanyaan~<3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on September 16 2005, 01:18 am
Zeldi-chan, kawaii ne! I love the different uses of color! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 16 2005, 01:38 am
Naaaw Moezy-Senpai you really like Episode 57?! The text fits very well :3 10/10 :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DreamGirl on September 27 2005, 12:21 am
Its very nice, very very pwetty 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on September 27 2005, 12:24 am
9/10! so cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DreamGirl on September 27 2005, 12:27 am
Thanks! and for you 9/10 Tehehehe
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on September 27 2005, 12:34 am
10/10 Colors O.O
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on September 27 2005, 02:05 am
DragonGirl, kawaii! I love Yue-san! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on September 27 2005, 02:44 am
Love your avatar and sig sis  :keke:. You deserve a 10/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: DragonGirl on September 27 2005, 02:51 am
OH! It´s from Ceres right? 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on September 27 2005, 02:54 am
OH! It´s from Ceres right? 10/10
Thanks, I give 10/10 to yours, your Yue pic is nice :keke:.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on September 27 2005, 10:36 am
wiii big bro *-* your siggie it's great! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 27 2005, 10:39 am
10/10, Sofiacardcaptors! So kawaii! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 27 2005, 12:18 pm
Great...someone just had to bump this thread back up <and yes, I am being very sarcastic!!!>

Okay...everyone in the first 1510 posts get a perfect 10 :D

And don't bother pointing out that by posting this, I'm bumping the thread back to the top LOL!!! :tongue:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on September 27 2005, 12:28 pm
Haa  You must love this thread Arcademan!

I made a new one!   ( I had forgotten this was here for a moment)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 27 2005, 01:24 pm
10/10 Starfire! :keke:

eheh...I changed mine...again...I'm just never satisfied with what I have... :dodge:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Crystal_Wings on September 27 2005, 02:32 pm
Starfire, a new one? Aw, it's so good! I love what it says! 10/10 OK? Good job!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on September 27 2005, 02:50 pm
10/10 for Crystal_Wings-sama, xx_chibirosie_xx-sama, and Starfire-sama!  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 27 2005, 03:15 pm
Notice that everyone is afraid to rate mine :tongue:

Since I haven't changed my sig pic in several months and switched to my personal avatar, there's no need to tell me they rate a 6 out of 10, which is what someone actually told me, thus my total hatred for this thread: that's the thanks I get for saying nothing but nice things about everyone else's avatars and sig-pics :(
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on September 27 2005, 03:20 pm
there's no need to tell me they rate a 6 out of 10, which is what someone actually told me, thus my total hatred for this thread: that's the thanks I get for saying nothing but nice things about everyone else's avatars and sig-pics
was that me?  :sweatdrop: I'm very sorry if it was...-bows-

I still like your new avatar though, especially since it's handdrawn!  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 27 2005, 03:41 pm
10/10 Okamirei
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 28 2005, 12:29 am
ChibiRosie10/10 Hyuuu~ Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne! :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on September 28 2005, 12:38 am
Arcademan, i hate this thread aswell.
I think the only reason you should post here is when you actually change your Avatar/Sig, but the majority of people posting here are just rating sigs and avatars that everyone has already done. I mean you don't need so many people rating signatures above you, if anything this thread should be in a no-post section because none of these posts are intellegent conversations...  at all
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 28 2005, 01:19 am
Arcademan, i hate this thread aswell.
I think the only reason you should post here is when you actually change your Avatar/Sig, but the majority of people posting here are just rating sigs and avatars that everyone has already done. I mean you don't need so many people rating signatures above you, if anything this thread should be in a no-post section because none of these posts are intellegent conversations...  at all
Then this is just like LSS Right? It´s almost the same thing... but anyway if this is about Post count then.. um.. yeah. i don´t care if have 1 or 1000 posts is just a fun thing.. but that´s me.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on September 28 2005, 01:29 am
nah, LSS is different, thats actually done right :D
but then again you could think of it like were not rating the music were listing.
also some people could get hurt if you give them a low score on here.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on September 28 2005, 02:54 am
They will be sad? You think that? Well i think that the members will try harder because of the score. But that´s my mind of it.
Vex Nice Siggy Snowy and all O.O
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AkaiYuki on September 28 2005, 03:11 am
Then this is just like LSS Right? It´s almost the same thing... but anyway if this is about Post count then.. um.. yeah. i don´t care if have 1 or 1000 posts is just a fun thing.. but that´s me.

LOL, I was thinking the same thing! I mean, there aren't any conversations happening there, either, just lists...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on September 28 2005, 03:13 am
well i think if someone made thier own sig and tried to make it look good then they deserve an automatic 10 for effort. or maybe people could give out tips etc...

like your sig, i think the best part is the writing, the font suits you. Your avatar also looks good (for some reason when i stare at it i feel kinda wierd.. o_O) but i think maybe the big eyes on your sig are misplaced a bit, the head covering the sig seems to off put the background eyes. still looks good thou. i've always liked characters with blue hair ^^;
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on September 28 2005, 03:14 am
LOL, I was thinking the same thing! I mean, there aren't any conversations happening there, either, just lists...
BOW TO YUKI! *Bows* Yeah if LSS is left then "Rate the ava & Sign thingy" would be left too
(( My english is on the bottom today. ))
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: AkaiYuki on September 28 2005, 03:27 am
BOW TO YUKI! *Bows* Yeah if LSS is left then "Rate the ava & Sign thingy" would be left too
(( My english is on the bottom today. ))

No no, your English is always good! And yes, I agree, either keep them both, or get rid of them both.. (the post count) Because they have pretty much the same thing going on... (In the LSS, it's just song after song after song, and in here it's just 10/10 after 10/10 after 10/10... Unless you're me, who got a 9/10 for lack of a siggy! Which I STILL don't have... I'm very lazy...)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on September 28 2005, 04:34 am
woo 10/10 for Yuki!

but look! *shock horror* there was a conversation in this topic just now!

i'm still yet to see a sig on this site i don't like
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 28 2005, 11:59 am
VexNet, you are absolutely right on the money about this thread. BTW, I like the snowboard sig-pic you have..well done sir :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on September 29 2005, 05:12 am
lol, i changed it again, I love that Character, His name is Mac, from SSX3, He is a HipHop Freestyler, a DJ and a Snowboarder.
 I now have him as my Avatar and Signature!
Artist for both pics is Adam Warren.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on September 29 2005, 05:20 am
lol, i changed it again, I love that Character, His name is Mac, from SSX3, He is a HipHop Freestyler, a DJ and a Snowboarder.
 I now have him as my Avatar and Signature!
Artist for both pics is Adam Warren.
Love your new sig, it also reminds me of eminem only he ain't blonde  :lol:. Anyway, I give you a 10/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 29 2005, 05:23 am
lol, i changed it again, I love that Character, His name is Mac, from SSX3, He is a HipHop Freestyler, a DJ and a Snowboarder.
 I now have him as my Avatar and Signature!
Artist for both pics is Adam Warren.

MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!! :tongue:

Another great sig-pic, VexNet my man :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on September 29 2005, 05:33 am
MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!! :tongue:

Another great sig-pic, VexNet my man :D
Did i mention i'm also indecisive? XD

Still I think its pretty cool that you have your Arcademan/Pixie P personas as your avatar, (did I get it right?)
plus, do we get to see them in colour?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Saiyuki on September 29 2005, 05:45 am
Notice that everyone is afraid to rate mine :tongue:

Since I haven't changed my sig pic in several months and switched to my personal avatar, there's no need to tell me they rate a 6 out of 10, which is what someone actually told me, thus my total hatred for this thread: that's the thanks I get for saying nothing but nice things about everyone else's avatars and sig-pics :(

But it's better to get a real 6 than a 10.

The reason why i always avoid this thread is 1. Someone else made this sig and avy, and 2. Everyone gives out perfect 10s.

Seriously, that makes it seem like a 10 might as well be a 1. The point of topics like this is to have people to give their opinions on the sig, so that they can either try to improve the sig or see what other people think of their sig, but still not change it. But if people are afraid to hurt other people feelings, they should just say what they like about the sig, or don't like about it and improvements.

So, since noone rates yours, i will:

Ava: original, and hand drawn? It would look better with a border, even a plain black box, and colours would really liven it up.

Sig: I think that the picture and the quote at the bottom go really well together. The quote at the corner is sort of random, but whatever floats your boat, i guess :sweatdrop: The font is kinda plain, but that doesn't really matter. And the picture is too stretched. You should resize the picture and then take out that part.

It wasn't that painful, was it? :XD: And just because i said that stuff doesn't mean you have to change it, this was my opinion, but if you like it that's all that counts.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 29 2005, 07:49 am
I don't change avaters or sig-pics because someone doesn't like them. To truth, I really don't care for the opinions of others with my choice of pics. If they like it, fine, if not, fine also. I don't do color with my drawings so if you see anymore of my art, it will be ONLY in black and white.

The quote in my sig-pic is NOT random: it IS from CLAMP (minus a couple of words for space consideration). See CLAMP no kiseki Book 1 for the quote.

Borders? I need no stinkin' borders!!!

My avatar is unique...I like it...See. Simple.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Saiyuki on September 29 2005, 08:58 am
Umm...i didn't say you had to change it, i was just giving my opinion on it..that's what this thread is for...

And anyways, i meant "The Master Creator Ruler of the Kingdom of CLOW" seemed random, and didn't fit in the sig. I said that the quote at the bottom, "We wanted her to be more than just a witch with a wand..." fit with the picture.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on September 29 2005, 09:13 am

And anyways, i meant "The Master Creator Ruler of the Kingdom of CLOW" seemed random, and didn't fit in the sig. I said that the quote at the bottom, "We wanted her to be more than just a witch with a wand..." fit with the picture.

I am known elsewhere as "The Master Creator"

I am "The Ruler of the Kingdom of Clow!!!"

Any other questions?

Nah...I didn't think so :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 29 2005, 10:49 am
hm...I have no idea which ones I have and have not rated...o_o;; theres just so much..:XD: but it doesn't really matter...everyone gets a 10/10 from me! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on September 29 2005, 11:10 am
10/10! I love your sig, xx_chibirosie_xx!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on September 30 2005, 12:05 am
everyone gets a 10/10 from me too!!!^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on September 30 2005, 01:05 am
Oh, I absolutely love the new set Fye-chan! Sakura is just so kawaii ne! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 30 2005, 12:17 pm
fye-chan 10/10!!!! that is such a kute set...:keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on October 01 2005, 04:42 am
Pretty, xx_chibirosie_xx!!! The avatar is very unique too! :okay: 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Director of Music on October 01 2005, 08:14 am
9/10 its really cute...cept its so much purple XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on October 01 2005, 01:40 pm
9/10 OniiChanTouya  kaiba is cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 03 2005, 08:59 am
"and the lord said, Let There Be Light"
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ~anime spirit~ on October 04 2005, 11:23 am
hehe 10/10 for everyone!!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 04 2005, 12:02 pm
aww 10/10 ~anime spirit~!!!! :keke: its so pretty!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on October 04 2005, 02:17 pm
oh my gosh!! i love that anime on your avi and siggy! but i forgot the name of it...10/10 for both!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on October 04 2005, 06:00 pm
wow cardcaptor519 That's so pretty!!! 10/10 for your set!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 05 2005, 09:29 am
10/10 cardcaptor519
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on October 06 2005, 12:35 am
Pretty, Fye-chan! A yellow border around the signature and it would be perfect! 9/10 :okay:

I've allready rated yours, haven't I Chibirosie?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on October 06 2005, 03:30 am
Pretty, Fye-chan! A yellow border around the signature and it would be perfect! 9/10 :okay:

I've allready rated yours, haven't I Chibirosie?

Hey thats a great idea!!! I'll see what I can do about it...*is inspired*
Yours is cool too! 10/10

few minutes later: I've done it! How it's look like??
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 06 2005, 07:38 am
10/10, KAWAII! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 06 2005, 09:53 am
I've allready rated yours, haven't I Chibirosie?[/color]

yup!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Moon on October 06 2005, 10:01 am
I like your set. Cuteness!

10/10! ^^;;
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 06 2005, 10:02 am
10/10, Moonprincess-chan! I love your avy! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on October 07 2005, 06:38 am
Well...a new month, a new set for me....

Anyone have any comments on it?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 07 2005, 09:41 am
oo prettyful (<--haha) :keke: 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 07 2005, 07:42 pm
Well...a new month, a new set for me....

Anyone have any comments on it?

nice set you have there, Ruby Chan! the black background makes it mysterious and the Sakura flowers make it soft... a 9/10 from me! :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on October 07 2005, 09:05 pm
Well...a new month, a new set for me....

Anyone have any comments on it?

It's pretty, even if I liked the other set better...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on October 08 2005, 01:51 am
wii I like it! *-* 10/10
what's the name of the font that you used o.o?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on October 08 2005, 08:02 am
wii I like it! *-* 10/10
what's the name of the font that you used o.o?

I think it was can download it from

Thanks for all your comments everybody! Hmm...who to rate now....

Love them both, sofiacardcaptors ! But I think I've rated your avatar, so....10/10 for the lovely signature pic!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 08 2005, 08:06 am
10/10, Ruby Chan! I love it! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Keruberus on October 08 2005, 02:49 pm
I liked a lot your avatar, it has a misterious and thoughtful (I don't know if this word exists...) theme, I give it 9/10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on October 09 2005, 05:47 am
Keruberus lovely avatar, i love fye, always smiling but we dont know if his smile is real
10/10 :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on October 10 2005, 12:35 am
Kyahhhhh !!!!! I love ur sig, cute_me !!!! Syaoran's fangirls !!!! XDD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on October 10 2005, 12:40 am
ka, your avatar is so cute! Sakura looks so lost there....poor thing, being forsaken! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on October 10 2005, 01:15 am
Ruby Chan I'm absolute in love with your new set!!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 10 2005, 01:16 am
10/10! Kawaii, Fye-chan! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Syaokura on October 10 2005, 04:23 am
Moonflower, your sig and ava set is awesome! .:ka:. did a great job on them. 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: KanameChan on October 10 2005, 08:00 am
ooooh you know what?  I'm liking *everybody's* sig's and avvies!  They're all so pertiful! (yes, that is a word hehehehe)  Everybody gets a 10!

What I don't get is why mine has gotten squished (my sig...).  Maybe it's just my computer?  meh.  I need an actual non-"Microsoft Paint" art program :-D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 10 2005, 12:33 pm
Wow! I love your siggy, KanameChan! 10/10! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Blaze on October 10 2005, 01:00 pm
8/10 i love the pics
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on October 10 2005, 01:56 pm
8/10 sooooooooooo cute
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on October 10 2005, 01:57 pm
love the pic!! its so mysterious...o_O 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on October 10 2005, 01:58 pm
Aww, kawaii! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 10 2005, 03:47 pm
KanameChan, I absolutely love your sig...!! And your avie is kute! :keke: 10/10!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on October 11 2005, 01:19 am
ooooh you know what?  I'm liking *everybody's* sig's and avvies!  They're all so pertiful! (yes, that is a word hehehehe)  Everybody gets a 10!

What I don't get is why mine has gotten squished (my sig...).  Maybe it's just my computer?  meh.  I need an actual non-"Microsoft Paint" art program :-D

Pretty, KanameChan! X3

The signatures get squished if it's too big... You should be able to change it nicely in Paint too, with Ctrl+W... (I think... :sweatdrop:)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on October 11 2005, 02:47 am
New Siggy!   I will probably change it back soon though
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 11 2005, 02:50 am
Cool! I like it! 10/10! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 11 2005, 07:09 am
Just to let the Mass majority of people know I changed my Sig and Avatar to these. (if you hadn't noticed already)

the guy in my avatar is called SPIDER one. He is the leading frontman for the band Powerman 5000
Also the whole band can be pictured in my Signature with SPIDER one standing out the most.

I also have one line from my fav song by them above the signature picture.

I'm willing to accept any criticism on how they look or what looks good or not. Since i made them both myself.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 11 2005, 07:12 am
I really like how you did your signature, Vexnet. Its super cool! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on October 11 2005, 10:57 am
Just to let the Mass majority of people know I changed my Sig and Avatar to these. (if you hadn't noticed already)

the guy in my avatar is called SPIDER one. He is the leading frontman for the band Powerman 5000
Also the whole band can be pictured in my Signature with SPIDER one standing out the most.

I also have one line from my fav song by them above the signature picture.

I'm willing to accept any criticism on how they look or what looks good or not. Since i made them both myself. have one of the best looking sig pics in the whole forum. As you know by now, I find color vastly overrated. Black...white...shades of best for me :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on October 11 2005, 02:48 pm
i love the quote and the siggy pic arcademan! and a nice pic for your avi! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 11 2005, 07:40 pm have one of the best looking sig pics in the whole forum. As you know by now, I find color vastly overrated. Black...white...shades of best for me :)
Yeah I totaly get what you mean, That's the exact style I was going for.
Thanks a lot  :haha:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on October 13 2005, 08:53 am
Nyaaaa~ I changed! X3 Don't know how long I'll keep it, though... :shifty: Me like! Experimented with the border...

cardcaptor519, your set is so pretty!!! :happy4: And your set is cool, VexNet!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 13 2005, 09:14 am
nice Tessaiga! the purpleness suits you wel!
nice choice of pictures aswell :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on October 13 2005, 03:23 pm
Yeesh Pretty! *Drools* Yeesh O.O but i liked the other better!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on October 14 2005, 02:00 am
Haha, purple! X3 So snice!

I'll probably change to chibi Subaru later on, but I was so surprised at the pic in my sig.
"Oh, Subaru's so CUTE!!! *drool* And Hokuto-chan is cute too!!! And Seishiro is cute-! WHAT?!?!
Seishiro is cute?!?! Gawd...O___O'' This is rare!"
Love your set Zeldi-chan! Yesh, I do
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on October 14 2005, 02:43 am
love your sig tessaiga!

don't worry! i think seishiro is sooo cute too `=P
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 14 2005, 10:21 am
I loooove your sig!!! :keke: 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 14 2005, 12:13 pm
10/10 Tessaiga!! Pretty colors! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on October 15 2005, 01:02 am
Another great picture...I always like the black and white pics the see the pure form of artwork this way :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 15 2005, 07:49 am
New set! What do you guys think? :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on October 15 2005, 08:03 am
Very nice...a new pic to add to my avatar collection :tongue:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 15 2005, 09:58 am
New set! What do you guys think? :keke:

its pretty!! 10/10!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on October 15 2005, 11:08 am
I love it Moonflower121! 10/10! Kawaii ne!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on October 15 2005, 11:50 am
nice set! the elevator episode is one of my favorites! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on October 15 2005, 11:55 am
You got a new avi and sig cardcaptor519! I love it! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on October 15 2005, 02:16 pm
i like both! they're a great set moezy-chan n.n 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on October 15 2005, 02:30 pm
Wow !!!! Lovely sigg !!!!
I love the chibi Sakura !!! Good job on making them sofia !!
*wanna hugs Sofichan's sigg >_______<*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on October 15 2005, 06:44 pm
I have a new set! ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on October 15 2005, 08:57 pm
i like your new set zeldi!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Rusty on October 16 2005, 12:13 am
ooh yes i love your avy!!!! its soo cute!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 16 2005, 02:14 am many people...@.@ 10/10 from me!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: kolaida on October 16 2005, 05:39 am
Ohh, chibirosie, I'd have to give you a ten! Mainly because I don't think I've ever seen an avatar like yours before. It's like you have two! And one's in motion! It's so cool!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 16 2005, 06:00 am
Aww! Thats so cute! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 16 2005, 09:20 am
changed for a Street Fighter one now  :hehe:

yes! finally a Sig you can't say "aww cute" !!  :greengrin:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on October 16 2005, 09:49 am
Oh but you can say oh how muscular!  ^__^

Ha 10 for everyone.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on October 16 2005, 09:51 am
vexnet! street figher! i love street figher. but you know, i'm one of those girls that love to use only girls in the game so i'm a chun li person. hah.

i love ryu though. hehhhhhh!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 16 2005, 10:00 am
vexnet! street figher! i love street figher. but you know, i'm one of those girls that love to use only girls in the game so i'm a chun li person. hah.
well you'll be glad to know that Chun Li IS actually the best character in the game! (*AHEM*She has a One Combo Instant Kill)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on October 16 2005, 10:06 am
seriously! you should make a chun li avatar and sig! or you should make me one! hah `=) see! that just proves all the people who said chun li sucks WRONG. bwahahhaa.

chun li kicks butt. but so does ken and ryu with their hadoken (i know, i can't spell. i spelled it the way i sounded it. hah)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 16 2005, 10:11 am
thats spelled right!
i just can't spell the move where he does the spinning kick XD

Chun Li would look good with a similar sig to Ken's but Blue!
and i have a Chun Li card (same style as the one i have in my avatar)

and those people who say Chun Li sucks? are definatly newbies and don't know much about the fighting genre.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on October 16 2005, 10:14 am
haha vexnet.. i think we're off topic in a way. but yeah. i guess they are new to the fighting genre? i don't know.

so .. anyone have a sig and avatar that needs rating?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on October 16 2005, 12:06 pm
thats spelled right!
i just can't spell the move where he does the spinning kick XD

Chun Li would look good with a similar sig to Ken's but Blue!
and i have a Chun Li card (same style as the one i have in my avatar)

and those people who say Chun Li sucks? are definatly newbies and don't know much about the fighting genre.

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku is the spinning kick Akuma, Ken and Ryu uses. Sakura uses a similar one called Shunpukyaku. The hyper combo version for Ryu is Shinku Tasumaki Senpukyaku, Ken's backkick hyper combo is Shippu Jinraikyaku and Sakura's is Haru Ichiban. Perhaps a Street Fighter-based thread can be started over in General Media.

Oh...BTW I like the SF inspired avater and sig pic :D

EDIT: New Street Fighter Appreciation Thread (
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: yume-chan on October 18 2005, 07:59 am
my new avatar & sig! ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 18 2005, 08:02 am
I like it! 10/10! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 18 2005, 06:13 pm
9/10 for you, Moonflower121...

great work from .::ka::. *sweet* :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on October 18 2005, 10:20 pm
Awww I love Tom & Jerry!!! XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ReiKoko on October 18 2005, 10:51 pm
8/10 so cute :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on October 18 2005, 10:52 pm
Your ava n sig is nice ! Fye-chan ^__________^
Chibi Sak and Syao !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta love it ^_______^ 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ReiKoko on October 18 2005, 11:09 pm
well, you've only got a text only sig, so i'll just rate your avvi ^^  9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on October 19 2005, 01:10 am
o nice sig and avatar 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on October 19 2005, 04:29 am
Have a new set! What do you think???
Ahh yeah you're all really pretty!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on October 19 2005, 05:03 am
I'll give it a 9/10. It's kawaii, but I actually liked your previous one. Pardon me for being blunt.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on October 19 2005, 05:18 am
No it's ok!!! I'm also really happy that you liked my previous one! I liked it too but I'm getting to fast bored of things...I'm a change-pupil...or something like that....XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 19 2005, 10:45 am
Ohhh! I like it! 9/10! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on October 19 2005, 11:50 am
hyuu avi and siggie are great! 10/110
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 19 2005, 12:58 pm
hm...9/10 Fye-chan! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 19 2005, 06:08 pm
aww- Angelic Essence isn't here, But i saw her Avatar and Sig and i gotta say It is Totally Awesome!! Kaworu Is one of the freaking BEST Characters :D
shame he had so little part in the series!

IRON MAIDEN II was still good tho!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ReiKoko on October 19 2005, 11:24 pm
8/10 for vexnet's set ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 01:31 am
7/10 for ReiKoko's set
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on October 20 2005, 07:19 am
8/10 for vexnet's set ^^


I could say your's rates a 3 but even I'm not that mean...

Perfect 10's for everyone here!!! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on October 20 2005, 07:26 am
Lol, I am finally here! I forgot to post in here. xD (and I know the sig is too blue. :lol: )

Vex, awesome set! But... Ken's pose isn't for the Shoryuken, was it? Lol, looked like his kicking combo special :P (I forgot the name... it was really long. oO)

I love all your sets! Its been so long since I last rated them! >_< You all get full 10s! xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 20 2005, 07:53 am
heey, its ok ArcadeMan! I don't mind ^^;

Vex, awesome set! But... Ken's pose isn't for the Shoryuken, was it? Lol, looked like his kicking combo special :P (I forgot the name... it was really long. oO)
lol, no its not! i'm pretty sure it's his Dragon Kick or just a normal Kick, lol.

and Still think the blueness kicks butt >: D

[EDIT] - Also I changed My Avatar. I thought the Evil Ryu one was a bit off with the sig, So i got another Ken pic and edited teh background and sides. Voila!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 10:43 am
Love it VexNet-san! 10/10! And Arch-Lucifer-chan, for me, that is not too blue! You want blue, you should see my entire wardrobe! I also give it a 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on October 20 2005, 11:22 am
moezy-chan 10/10 :)
i love episode 57 and your sing and avatar are totally cute :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 11:24 am
cute_me! i love your avatar and sig! 10/10 because i love how your sig shows the craziness of us fangirls! hah! :hehe:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 11:26 am
I never did rate your sig and avi aishiteru-chan, and if I remember correctly, you drew it yourself! I give it a 10/10! Totally kawaii!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on October 20 2005, 11:29 am
hah. no i didn't. but my friend did `=) i can't draw for my life. i think i'm gonna make a new sig and avatar soon.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on October 20 2005, 11:38 am
Oh, sumimasen. I still give it a 10/10 though! Kawaii!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on October 20 2005, 08:07 pm
Love your set, moezy-chan! :tongue: I like when the avatar and signature match each other without
having the same picture in both...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 21 2005, 05:48 am
I like your new set Tessaiga-chan! 10/10 :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on October 21 2005, 07:12 am
Arigatou Tessaiga-chan! I love your set too! 10/10! Your's too Moonflower121! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on October 22 2005, 03:19 am
Wah~ Great new sets~~~ :keke:

Tessaiga ~ 10/10   *Wai~ Subaru-kun forever :3*
Moonflower121 ~ 10/10   *I love your S+S set~ So kawaii~*
moezy-chan ~ 10/10   *<33333 Priceless hug from Episode 57, of course I love it :D*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on October 22 2005, 04:06 am
wiiii i love your avi twin sis!! *-* 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Lexi on October 22 2005, 04:15 am
Thankies, twin sis :D

I <3 your new set too :inlove: ~ 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 22 2005, 05:49 am
10/10, Lexi-chan! Kawaii! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 22 2005, 07:43 am
10/10 Lexi! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on October 22 2005, 10:59 am
10/10 xx_chibiroise_xx  :)  who are the ones in your avatar? :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 22 2005, 12:00 pm
10/10! I love it, Cute_me!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 23 2005, 10:34 am
10/10 xx_chibiroise_xx :) who are the ones in your avatar? :) my avie its Maron and Chiaki and in my sig its Sinbad and Jeanne...and their all from Kamikaze Kaitou explanation...:dodge:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: yume-chan on October 23 2005, 06:07 pm
10/10. nice avatar & sig! ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 23 2005, 06:10 pm
9/10 for your set, Yume-chan.. its interesting~

Halloween is on the way.. so Jerry the mouse has to make way for the Pumpkin King~ Jack Skellington..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on October 23 2005, 11:50 pm
i love your avatar, bLuetopaz! jack skellington.. reminds me of kingdom hearts. 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on October 25 2005, 01:52 am
Minna-san, bLuetopaz-san just made me a new set! What do you think?!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on October 25 2005, 02:30 am
10/10! I love it! :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on October 25 2005, 03:19 am
Moezy-Sempai 10/10 Now it's even moore lovely! :3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: aishiteru on October 25 2005, 06:35 am
moezy-chaann! I LOVE YOUR NEW SET! see.. it's inspiring me to make a new set. i haven't touched adobe photoshop in ages. 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai on October 25 2005, 10:09 am
10/10 aishiteru-san! I love Syaoran and Sakura, so kawwi!  :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on October 25 2005, 03:05 pm
sofiacardcaptors  you signature is soooo cuteee!!!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on October 26 2005, 09:01 am
Fai 10/10 cuz your signature and avatar are  really cute, and you made them yourself. amazing work :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on October 27 2005, 10:24 am
^siggie 10/10 ITS SO CUTE..did you draw it??
avvie..i dont like flashy soo i'll hafta take points off >.>" 8/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on October 27 2005, 10:34 am
If you don't like flashy then you'll really hate mine :D

The old-timers remember my classic ones. They're in place while I work on a new avatar and signature picture :)

EDIT: Self-promoting the new Nintendo DS Tsubasa Chronicles game in my sig-pic until I come up with a new sig-pic. :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on October 27 2005, 10:35 am
lol it lags me..well yours does cause its got big movements >.> little blinking wont hurtt
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 27 2005, 10:40 am
Arcademan! it was like you did that out of spite XD
But yeah those classic ones still look cool :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on October 27 2005, 10:45 am
^siggie 10/10 ITS SO CUTE..did you draw it??
avvie..i dont like flashy soo i'll hafta take points off >.>" 8/10

sorry i didn't draw it :(
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on October 27 2005, 10:49 am
Arcademan! it was like you did that out of spite XD
But yeah those classic ones still look cool :D

Someone knows me well LOL!!! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 27 2005, 04:01 pm
Arcademan! it was like you did that out of spite XD
But yeah those classic ones still look cool :D

yeah, classic ones are always better.. they grew up with you.. its like part and parcel of your life too~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on October 28 2005, 02:13 am
10/10 bLuetopaz :) your avatar is not scary but is really cute :) and your signature is really cool :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 28 2005, 08:27 am
gave myself a new set
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on October 28 2005, 11:00 am
You changed your avatar, sig pic AND user name :tongue:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 28 2005, 11:05 am
You changed your avatar, sig pic AND user name :tongue:
well i thought they all gotta match right!? lol
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on October 28 2005, 03:04 pm
That is sweet VexNet-san! Sorry, still have a habit of calling you by your old name.  :sweatdrop: 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on October 28 2005, 06:32 pm
That is sweet VexNet-san! Sorry, still have a habit of calling you by your old name. :sweatdrop: 10/10!

hehe.. i thought one of Vexnet's new nick.. Black Diamond Rock Star is much cooler~  :haha: 9/10 for the new set. :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on October 28 2005, 10:29 pm
Only reason I knew it was still Vex was his insane post a quick peek into his profile :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 29 2005, 01:40 am
That is sweet VexNet-san! Sorry, still have a habit of calling you by your old name. :sweatdrop: 10/10!
No Problemo! I still like the name, You could say i'm just going through an "Identity Crisis"!? XD

hehe.. i thought one of Vexnet's new nick.. Black Diamond Rock Star is much cooler~ :haha: 9/10 for the new set. :okay:
hehe, Thanks! I'll probably go back to BDRS when i get more SSX On Tour pictures in (thats the game where the names from) I have this idea in my head on what to do as a Sig and Avatar, I just need the pictures to do it.

Only reason I knew it was still Vex was his insane post a quick peek into his profile :D
haha.. yeah that is a giveaway! Especially my Post Count XD No n00b can rack up that much!!

And man, That sig RULES Arcademan!! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on October 29 2005, 05:24 am
Great sig and ava and your new username fits it very well! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on October 29 2005, 07:34 am
Hahaha the sig is awesome O_O!! 10/10! xD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Okamirei on October 29 2005, 07:41 am
Yey, it's Kamui!  :keke:
I love your sigs and avatars, Arch-Lucifer sama, 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on October 29 2005, 10:43 pm
haha.. yeah that is a giveaway! Especially my Post Count XD No n00b can rack up that much!!

And man, That sig RULES Arcademan!! :D

Kind of flashy but it's only a fill-in until I come up with a new sig-pic and avatar. I only do this once in awhile. I try and not make it a habit changing mine every week like a few others here :tongue:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: charme.* on October 29 2005, 10:58 pm
I like your siggy, arcademan... but i get a little bit dizzy *sweatdrop* so i'll have to say 8/10
I really like it ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on October 30 2005, 01:13 am
Kind of flashy but it's only a fill-in until I come up with a new sig-pic and avatar. I only do this once in awhile. I try and not make it a habit changing mine every week like a few others here :tongue:
haha, i fall victim to that! What can I say? I succumb to boredom XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on October 30 2005, 04:42 am
10/10..ITS SO..BLOODY (=
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 30 2005, 05:24 am
aww...10/10 babypigggy!!! Thats so kute!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on October 30 2005, 08:19 am
I like your siggy, arcademan... but i get a little bit dizzy *sweatdrop* so i'll have to say 8/10
I really like it ^^

It's not there to be rated so I really don't care.

However...your sig-pic is way too big. You may want to re-size it or get another. Consider this a friendly warning :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on October 30 2005, 10:21 am
hahaha your Ava is so funny! and your siggie too!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on October 30 2005, 10:29 am
kawaiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :XD:
12/10 sofichan!!!!   :noteworthy:
love your sig  :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on October 30 2005, 03:10 pm
awww...10/10 pretty!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: xOLight_AngelOx on October 30 2005, 03:24 pm
^ 10/10 Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne  is kool!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Kaptan on October 30 2005, 06:22 pm
9/10 it's good i think. : D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on October 31 2005, 07:06 pm
Can't see Kaptan's avatar......

So xOLight_AngelOx , you get 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 01 2005, 02:27 am
Never rated yours Ruby Chan. 10/10! I love the flowers, and black tones. Simple yet elegant.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Crystal_Wings on November 01 2005, 06:51 am
moezy-chan! I never got to tell you that I love your new set! It's wonderful! 100/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 01 2005, 07:02 am
Oooh! I like the set, Crystal_Wings! Especially the avatar! What does your sig pic say? .....Hearts?

But anyway, 9/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 01 2005, 08:01 am
i give it a 9! cause i dont like the person but other than that ITS AWESOME ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on November 01 2005, 08:36 am
hey babypigggy  u changes from chobbits to TRC, cool, but i have to say that i liked more the one of chobbits, but this is beautiful too 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 01 2005, 09:03 am
really? i kinda like my sets to match O_O oh well its okay (= its just opinion

YOURS IS CUTE PRETTY!!! 9/10.the siggy's a bit plain that's all BUT ITS REALLY CUTE!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Director of Music on November 01 2005, 09:13 am
I give yours a 9/10  course its just me. but I dont really like bright colors  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on November 01 2005, 05:39 pm
Oooh! I like the set, Crystal_Wings! Especially the avatar! What does your sig pic say? .....Hearts?

But anyway, 9/10!

the sig pic says 'prince of hearts'

Sakura's 'princess of hearts', Fye's 'bishop of diamond' and Kurogane's 'knight of spade'

8/10 for OniiChanTouya's avatar
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 01 2005, 06:56 pm
I can only say one thing, bLuetopaz....I HATE IT!

Ha ha, of course I don't, it's BRILLIANT! I especially love your wish signature - that is so cool, the way they fit into the letters! Plus, you used really good pics of them!

100/10! (And yes, it's meant to be 100/10!  :keke: )
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on November 02 2005, 01:52 am
Ruby 10/10 Fai-San is so cute and the backround really matches! :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on November 02 2005, 02:49 am
Ruby chan- I love your set. 10/10. Well I am a fai fan after all.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 02 2005, 02:53 am
Love Your set S.Espoire, especially your sig! Such a cute pic of her! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 02 2005, 06:33 am
Ruby Chan  10/10 great set!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on November 02 2005, 09:15 pm
Cute_me avatar: 6/10 it's cute but who made it?
Sign: it's from a wallpaper so.. it's not nice to people make set's of wallpapers. 0/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Rusty on November 03 2005, 01:24 am
aw c'mon Dragonia don't be mean, its ok to make siggys frm wallpapers.... just as long as you mention the wp maker too.   cute_me is really pretty but please give the name!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 03 2005, 01:29 am
rusty, nice set! I like the writing on your signature! 8/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on November 03 2005, 02:12 am
SET change again...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 03 2005, 02:16 am
Your avatar is so funny, Vex! 10/10 for definite!

And your sig pic's so sweet - they're blushing and flushing!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on November 03 2005, 04:46 am
Ruby Chan, I love your new set! ^.^ Matches so prettily(there is no such word as "prettily", is there?... WELL! Now there is! :hehe:)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on November 03 2005, 04:49 am
Oh Ruby-chan I absolutely adore your new set and yours too Tessaiga!
10/10 for both of you!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 03 2005, 07:34 am
8/10 ^_^ the siggy is a bit disconnected but that's okayy ITS NICE! SYAORANNN IS SOO CUTE
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 03 2005, 07:44 am
I like how my post was deleted.

I said some mean things in my post and I apologize but I did mean what I said and we'll let it go at that.

As far as the avs and sig-pics here...everyone gets an additional 10 on top of their last rating :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 03 2005, 07:56 am
Sorry Arcademan! But I thought it was for the best!

I rated your avatar before, but I like your new sig! Really original! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on November 03 2005, 07:58 am
10/10 ONEE-CHAN !

Kawaiii !
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 03 2005, 08:00 am
Sorry Arcademan! But I thought it was for the best!

And you were correct in your decision. It's all cool :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 03 2005, 10:34 am
I know you don't like yours rated Arcademan-sama, but I'll rate it anyways. 9/10. I love them both but the tend to make me dizzy when I watch them. Still, they're great!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 04 2005, 07:33 am
OMG, yours..its soo like cute >.<
bLuetopaz is such a genuis ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 04 2005, 07:44 am
They're both gorgeous, babypiggy! A soft effect, and such meaningful words on your signature! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 04 2005, 07:50 am
your's is fye ^_^
and i love him..not as much as syaoo but enough to give it a ten ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 04 2005, 10:11 am
10/10! Pretty! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 04 2005, 10:13 am
Moonflower121 10/10 :) cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 04 2005, 10:15 am
Oh you got a new one cute_me-chan! 10/10! Kawaii!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on November 04 2005, 04:21 pm
Cute, isn't it, i made it hahaha
I always have loved your sig MoezyChan :inlove: 13/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hypercrabby on November 04 2005, 04:28 pm
Fai looks so soft and squishy! ^___^ 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Dragonia on November 04 2005, 05:48 pm
Ha ha 10/10 Really cute avatar and the siggy.. Adoreble O_O
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Crystal_Wings on November 04 2005, 07:50 pm
Hypercrabby! That's great! So funny! 10/10.  I changed my siggy for the new HP movie coming out, but I'll change it back in a few weeks.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 04 2005, 07:56 pm
Wow! Can't remember seeing a Harry Potter set around here before! 10/10 for your signature, and 8/10 for your avatar!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 05 2005, 01:56 am
10/10, Ruby Chan!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on November 05 2005, 03:32 am
i think i rated yours before, Moonflower121... :confused:

its a 9/10 from me (again)!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on November 05 2005, 04:32 am
Still love your avatar and sig sis, thats the mascot from angelic layer on your avatar right?  :keke:.

Anyway its a 10/10 for you  :keke:.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 05 2005, 04:43 am
Tooya_Mizuki  10/10 :) your sign is so cute! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 05 2005, 05:04 am
10/10! Cuuuuute! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hypercrabby on November 05 2005, 06:07 am
I can't wait to see the HP movie!
10/10 on yours, Moonflower. S+S rocks. :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 05 2005, 06:09 am
Hypercrabby 10/10 :) your avatar is so cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 05 2005, 07:32 am
^ SYAOO FANN ^_^ 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on November 05 2005, 05:50 pm
Still love your avatar and sig sis, thats the mascot from angelic layer on your avatar right? :keke:.
its actually from TRC: in Piffle World.. it just reminds me so much of Kero!

9/10 for babypigggy... good job!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 06 2005, 02:13 am
aawwww....10/10 bLuetopaz!! the sig is so cool!!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Rusty on November 06 2005, 02:16 am
wow great sigg bLuetopaz!!!!  9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Alexiel on November 06 2005, 02:53 am
Love the text effect bluetopaz... <3 awesome skills as always xD 10/10! ^_^

Oh, who am I kidding, I can't give everyone seperate scores. I love all your work. ^_~
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on November 06 2005, 04:53 am
hyuuu kamui *-*
haha 10/10 {Angel}
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 06 2005, 04:57 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 06 2005, 07:56 am
babypigggy   10/10 :) your set is really cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on November 06 2005, 08:30 am
I love that image of Syaoran! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 06 2005, 08:32 am
Oh, who am I kidding, I can't give everyone seperate scores. I love all your work. ^_~

Now you're thinking my way :D

I give everyone a 10 mainly because of their creativity with the avatars and sig-pics. To me it doesn't matter if it's pretty or not so pretty...the posters here used their own creativity and skills to come up with something they can proudly show off here and that alone deserves a 10 :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 06 2005, 09:00 am
10/10! Kool-Aid Man rocks! :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 06 2005, 09:19 am
10/10! Kool-Aid Man rocks! :okay:

Those aren't rocks...they're ICE CUBES!!! :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 06 2005, 10:56 am
^ 9/10 causei dont like flashy ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 06 2005, 03:23 pm
I find it interesting that people will not give out 10's when their avatars and sig-pics involve flashing. Just an observation...both bother rating mind since I could care less what others think about mine.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on November 06 2005, 04:57 pm
Xiao_Lang :inlove: I love your avatar and sig, so cute!!! SYAORAN ( 10/10^

  Arcademan/PixieP  love your sig, specially the parts when SYAORAN and FYE appear :inlove: 13/10
And your avi is so funny jajaja 10/10  :haha:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 06 2005, 09:34 pm
Have I rated yours pretty? Hmm.....9/10 I think! They're cute!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on November 06 2005, 10:27 pm
i have not rate your new set huh, Ruby Chan?

9/10 for your new set! the colours go well together. :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 07 2005, 12:49 am
10/10! I love your siggy! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 07 2005, 02:41 am
^ 10! it's so adorable ^_^
and the stars..and
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 07 2005, 04:39 am
10/10 babypigggy!!! thats pretty! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 07 2005, 04:40 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 07 2005, 06:39 am
10/10 for both your av and sig baby piggy! I absolutely love that set!

I decided my set needed an update . .  . My computer crashed so I didn't have any of my graphics programs, so I had to use paint for this.
So when I get everything back up, I'll probably make something ALOT better. But for the most part, I like this one! :tongue3:

EDIT: I know, I know, I need to resize the signature, haha. I just noticed that.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 07 2005, 06:57 am
Oh, you got a new one Endoh-chan! I love it! 10/10. I'm a big fan for anything Sakura&Syaoran!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 07 2005, 09:09 am
^ 10/10 its just AWESOME..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 07 2005, 09:16 am
Thanks, I love it!

10/10 for your sig babypigggy-chan, but I give your avi a 9/10. I can't see all of Sakura's kawaii face.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai on November 07 2005, 10:51 am
10/10 for your set moezy-chan! So cute and sweet! XD  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on November 07 2005, 11:11 am
hyuu a kiss!! so sweet! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on November 07 2005, 07:09 pm
Sofi, sweet avatar, and i'm liking the colors for the signature :)

so what does the signature squad think of my new set?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 07 2005, 07:18 pm
I love it VexNet! I love your AV especially! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on November 07 2005, 07:45 pm
so what does the signature squad think of my new set?

Very pwetty, indeed! :D
Show content
especially the text underneath the sign... :hehe:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on November 07 2005, 07:55 pm
@Tesaiga: haha, yeah I dunno why I put it there either >.<

@Endoh: Thanks! glad you like, The Avatar I just love myself, Had to use it cos it's freaking cool XD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 07 2005, 09:18 pm
So...are we back to being VexNet?!!

Keep the name...much better than those other ones :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on November 07 2005, 09:21 pm
haha yeah i know, But I kinda felt like a change of pace or something like that XD
I ALMOST called myself VexTech :P But I Didn't
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 07 2005, 09:38 pm
I know the feeling. I've always had the 2 user-names (Arcademan and PixieP) and this is only one of 2 places where I have both together. We are actually sepreate people trapped in one body and soul. to stay on topic...very nice sig-pic. 11/10 :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on November 07 2005, 11:15 pm
Glad to see that vexnet is back ( I mean the name).
Nice set. I specially like the avy. and yes you have written vextech in the sign but I think you should keep vexnet.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on November 08 2005, 02:23 am
Cheers Arcademan, same goes to you ;)

Glad to see that vexnet is back ( I mean the name).
Nice set. I specially like the avy. and yes you have written vextech in the sign but I think you should keep vexnet.
heh thanks, I actually used VexTech as a parody of the actual picture, Since if you see the full version you will see the word ReiTech in almost the same place ;)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 08 2005, 03:07 am
Glad to see that vexnet is back ( I mean the name).
Nice set. I specially like the avy. and yes you have written vextech in the sign but I think you should keep vexnet.

Same here! Okadi nasai VexNet-san! And I love your avi and sig! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 08 2005, 04:27 am
Adorable set! I've wanted to rate it for ages now! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on November 08 2005, 10:09 am
Told you already I love the set!  (especially the siggy!)  10+/10 for you Vex!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 08 2005, 10:16 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 08 2005, 10:29 am
Cute! I give you a 10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 08 2005, 10:30 am
^you dont have a siggy =\
*press that button under the BOLD thing and you'll get the code

i give you a 10 cause its SASUKE!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fai on November 08 2005, 11:53 am
10/10 for both babypiggy!
That is such a sweet messgae that you put on your siggy and I love the picture that you used!  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 08 2005, 12:04 pm
Fai I give you a 10!
Both your avatar and siggy are so sweet!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ReiKoko on November 08 2005, 10:07 pm
you don't have a sig, but i'll give you an 8/10 for your avvi, sasukerocks ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 08 2005, 10:21 pm
10's all around but ReiKoko gets extra credit. Why? It's all about the sig:

All my sigs are made in Paint, so if you don't like them, tough cookies

Quoted for truth :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ReiKoko on November 08 2005, 10:45 pm
thanks, arcademan/pixiep ^^

8/10 for the avvi and 10/10 for the sig ^___^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Crystal_Wings on November 09 2005, 07:17 am
ReiKoko! Did you really make that in paint? That's pretty good. Whenever I make something in paint it never truns out looking that good.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 09 2005, 11:04 am
10/10 Crystal_Wings

I made this new set in paint as well!
It's not as impressive as Reikoko's (I hoenstly would have never guessed that you made that in paint!) but I'm happy with it.
The other one I had I also made in paint, but I didn't like it too much. The text was too squished, haha.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on November 09 2005, 11:08 am
i like em Endoh!! Funny!!
top marks :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 09 2005, 11:09 am
I like! I'll give you a 8.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on November 09 2005, 11:38 am
like it, i'm not a fan of naruto but i still like your avatar and sig. 10/10`^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 09 2005, 11:42 am
Thanks! I give you a 10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 09 2005, 12:08 pm
thanks, arcademan/pixiep ^^

8/10 for the avvi and 10/10 for the sig ^___^
Thanks :)
I'm going to be doing a few Christmas-related avatars for the holidays until I finally decide on a new one in January, 2006. The current avatar BTW is a close-up of one of the Sakura Kinomoto figurines. Not bad detail for a her a 3-D look :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on November 09 2005, 02:09 pm
Arcademan, YOUR the one who actually reminded me that Christmas is coming up with that Sakura in a santas hat!

And yes I agree, That is great detail! I saw a big 3D model aswell that looked pretty real as Sakura! freaky XD
I like them Arcademan!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on November 09 2005, 02:29 pm
great avatar and sig you have there VexNet!

yeah, i can feel the beat while looking at those little black rectangles jumping up and down... i like the burst of glow you have in the sig..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ReiKoko on November 09 2005, 08:01 pm
bluetopaz:  i love you set - 10/10 for both!  so cute ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Kuro-puppy on November 09 2005, 09:07 pm
ReiKoko; nice set! 8/10 for the avvi and 9/10 for sig
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ReiKoko on November 09 2005, 09:36 pm
thanks kurouppy!  i didn't make the avvi, babypiggy did - i don't make avvis ^^  i only make sigs, but i haven't made a new one for months, so the one i've got now is old ^^

anyways, 8/10 for the avvi and 10/10 for the sig, they're both really nice ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 10 2005, 01:35 am
And yes I agree, That is great detail! I saw a big 3D model aswell that looked pretty real as Sakura! freaky XD
I like them Arcademan!

Would you believe the avatar shot is that of one of the 4 inch figurines?!! Now THAT'S detail :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on November 10 2005, 01:36 am
wow ~ everyone's set are so lovely !!!!!
10/10 for all ^________^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on November 10 2005, 02:25 am
@.::ka::. I took my ava and siggy from your site and credit them to you, OK?

Anyway: I'll give you a 10!! :inlove:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 10 2005, 02:53 am
Ooh, love the new set Fye-chan! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 10 2005, 07:55 am
^ you again! hello *waves*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 10 2005, 11:15 am
10/10 babypoggy :) cute
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 10 2005, 11:20 am
oo 10/10 cute_me!! :keke: its :okay:

changed mine again...:dodge: Hehe...I put a little bit of the Tsuabsa lyrics on my sig :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 10 2005, 11:25 am
Oh, I love it! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on November 10 2005, 11:27 am
10/10! the elevator episode is one of my favorites!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 10 2005, 11:28 am
cardcaptor519 10/10!!! Nice Syaoran set  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Crystal_Wings on November 10 2005, 01:22 pm
cardcaptor519 OMG! I LOVE THAT! Syaoran looks great!
xx_chibirosie_xx I love yours too, I've never seen that pic before. 10/10 for both of you!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 10 2005, 02:16 pm
oo thank you! :keke: 10/10 for you too!! Harry Potter's cool...:okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 10 2005, 02:19 pm
I like the blue backgrounds in your avatar and sig-pic...definitely an eye-catcher :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 11 2005, 10:11 am
I think your sig is cute so I'll give that a 9 and your avatar a 8.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 11 2005, 10:17 am
9/10! Naruto rocks! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 11 2005, 10:19 am
10/10 SasukeRocks!!! :okay: And your right...he does
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 11 2005, 10:23 am
Thanks and I give both of you a 10.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 11 2005, 10:44 am
I think your sig is cute so I'll give that a 9 and your avatar a 8.


I didn't get a 10 on mine!!!

My life is over!!!

Everyone here is so mean!!!

Like I really care what people rate mine and you can quote this for truth :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 11 2005, 10:47 am
Your sig is so cute! 10/10! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 11 2005, 10:55 am
Moonflower121 I give you a 10. I love you sig/avatar.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 11 2005, 11:48 am
^ i love yours
sasuke is just hot (=
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 11 2005, 11:53 am
babypigggy I give you a 10 too.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 11 2005, 12:55 pm

I didn't get a 10 on mine!!!

My life is over!!!

Everyone here is so mean!!!

Like I really care what people rate mine and you can quote this for truth :D

oo I give you a ten :keke: I like your avie and sig. Its kute  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 11 2005, 01:21 pm
Ohhh! S+S! Preeeetty! 10/10! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 11 2005, 03:49 pm
OooH! I've been waiting to rate yours Moonflower!
10/10, totally! I just ADORE your set!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on November 11 2005, 03:58 pm
love your new set, Endoh-san.. especially, the WTF avatar! :hehe: 9/10 for you!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 11 2005, 04:03 pm
10/10 Endoh!! :keke: thats funny
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ReiKoko on November 11 2005, 10:56 pm
8/10 for the avvi, and 9/10 for the sig - very colourful, xx_chibirosie_xx   ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Rusty on November 11 2005, 11:54 pm
8/10 for you RieKoko...

i got a new set!!!!! its subaru from .hack//sign.... howz it??
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 12 2005, 12:44 am
OooH! I've been waiting to rate yours Moonflower!
10/10, totally! I just ADORE your set!

Arigatou, Endoh-chan! I'll give you a 10/10 too! It's funny! :rotfl:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 12 2005, 10:11 am
AWESOME SET!its so cute ^_^
with all the starss and all 10!!
and rusty
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 12 2005, 11:41 am
Ooh, I love the new set babypigggy-chan! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cardcaptor519 on November 12 2005, 11:56 am
moezy-chan i rated yours already so i will rate babypggiy's!

10/10! i love the rainbow effects!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 12 2005, 12:15 pm
10/10! Gundam SEED is awesome! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 12 2005, 02:16 pm
hm...I think already rated yours Moonflower121, so cardcaptor519 I give you a 10/10 its kute!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Rusty on November 12 2005, 04:41 pm
10/10 for all babypigggy and moezy-chan and xx_chibirosie_xx and cardcaptor519 and moonflower121
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on November 13 2005, 12:18 am
hyuuuu the mix of images are great, rusty!!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 13 2005, 04:19 am
Sofiacardcaptors 10/10 love your avatar and sign :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on November 13 2005, 04:35 am
cute me I'll give you a 9/10 because it's one of my favorite pictures!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 13 2005, 05:02 am
10/10! Syaoran is the best!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on November 13 2005, 05:12 am
Lovely avatar and sig Moonflower ^_^, a 10/10 for you.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 13 2005, 07:46 am
I like it. I give you a 9.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 13 2005, 09:01 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 13 2005, 09:03 am
Thanks and I love your too. 10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 13 2005, 09:48 am
Did you make that?
Anyways, i thought i saw it before..somewhere..
yeah 10!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 13 2005, 10:20 am
No I got it off a website.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 13 2005, 11:52 am
oo 10/10 SasukeRocks!!!! :keke: I think I've seen that somewhere...oo
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 13 2005, 11:53 am
Oh, finally! I've wanted to rate you avi and sig for a while chibirosie-chan! 10/10! I love anything with blue tones!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 13 2005, 12:18 pm
I'll rate chibirosie-chan's cause i've rated yours, moezy-chan, alerady a few times before ^_^

10/10 that pics from that calender, right?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on November 13 2005, 12:27 pm
I love yout new set !!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 13 2005, 12:28 pm
I love yours! FYE LOOKS SOO SQUISHYY!! hhaa dont you jsut wanna pinch him?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 13 2005, 02:14 pm
I'll rate chibirosie-chan's cause i've rated yours, moezy-chan, alerady a few times before ^_^

10/10 that pics from that calender, right?

yup! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 13 2005, 02:32 pm
yup! :keke:
MINE TOO!! ^_^
anyways you deserve that 10, i restate
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: S. Espoire on November 13 2005, 04:57 pm
SasukeRocks Wow that so nice. I love how syaoran looks in it and the moving portion makes your sign look so cool.
babypigggy  the bright colours make it look so lively. very nice set.
xx_chibirosie_xx  The text is looking nice.
10/10 to all of you.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 13 2005, 05:03 pm
Nice job, everyone.

Many of the avatars of the past and present (CCS and TRC related ones) are also at Arcademan Universe (link is in my sig). Note that those done in PNG aren't posted since the site doesn't allow me to download those types of pictures :(
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 15 2005, 10:25 am
S. Espoire
9! the quality's a bit..fuzzy ^_^ but very nice
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 15 2005, 10:36 am
Have I rated your new set yet, babypiggy? Nope, I dont think I have....10/10! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Marina-chan on November 15 2005, 11:19 am
Wow Moonflower cool avatar and sig 10/10
I still don't have a signature but at least I've got an avatar :tongue:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 15 2005, 11:33 am
I give you a 10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 15 2005, 11:34 am
Oooh, SasukeRocks. I ABSOLUTELY love that set! Especially the sig! That's sweet!
And for a major plus .. . it's Syaoran :tongue3:
yes, I know, I added an extra 0 :tongue2:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 15 2005, 11:37 am
Thanks! Yours is cool too i give you a 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 15 2005, 11:56 am
Great avi and sig Sasuke-san! I love Syaoran! I'm with Endoh-chan on this! 100/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 15 2005, 12:03 pm
YAY, YOURS AGAINN!! 10!! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 15 2005, 03:08 pm
babypigggy I don't remember if I've rated yours or not...@.@ oh well...10/10!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 15 2005, 04:03 pm
For this week tribute to the late, great Eddie Guerrero.

Don't rate it. My thanks to another of my forums for allowing me to use the pictures.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on November 15 2005, 04:43 pm
For this week tribute to the late, great Eddie Guerrero.

Don't rate it. My thanks to another of my forums for allowing me to use the pictures.
R.I.P. Eddie...
hm.. I might get myself a WWE DvD today.. not sure which to get tho ..

new Naruto craze for me
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 15 2005, 04:49 pm
heheh...nice set you got there VexNet :keke: 10/10 from me!  :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 15 2005, 05:00 pm
R.I.P. Eddie...
hm.. I might get myself a WWE DvD today.. not sure which to get tho ..

new Naruto craze for me

Nice and colorful Naruto pics, Vex :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on November 15 2005, 10:57 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx                Very blue!  Cool!
VexNet  Awesome!          Love the Naruto!
babypigggy                     I really like the colors!
SasukeRocks                  It’s Syao!  Cool! 
Miharu Endoh                 Syao again!  I love your avy!
Marina-chan                   It’s very pink!  Nice!
Moonflower121              Cuteness!!
moezy-chan                   Very Cute

I believe that's all the recent ones!    Awesome everyone!  I hope I didn't miss anybody.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on November 15 2005, 11:01 pm
nice set as always Star! but I'm still confused at why your saying 'Thank You' to me still o.O lol
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on November 15 2005, 11:56 pm
YAY Naruto rocks!!!
Love the avatare and the sig! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on November 16 2005, 02:22 am
Sehr schön, Fye-chan! :happy4: 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on November 16 2005, 03:08 am
Vielen Dank! ^_____^
Deins ist auch sehr schön! 10/10
(your's wonderful too)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Director of Music on November 16 2005, 08:58 am
10/10 awesome ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 16 2005, 09:07 am
10/10! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 16 2005, 09:28 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Star on November 16 2005, 11:57 am
nice set as always Star! but I'm still confused at why your saying 'Thank You' to me still o.O lol
And you shall be confused for awhile!  Muwahaha!

Tessagia            Oo    Bloody
Oniichantouya    Very cute!  I like the idea with it too!
Fye~chan            Syao again!      Wow Syao is popular    It's Pretty!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 16 2005, 12:11 pm
Excellent job to everyone as always. Continue on with the great pictures :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on November 16 2005, 01:17 pm
Eddie Guerrero? never heard about him, but must be your idol or something, god bless him *a minute of silence*
10/10 in his honor
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 16 2005, 01:29 pm
Eddie Guerrero? never heard about him, but must be your idol or something, god bless him *a minute of silence*
10/10 in his honor

He was a very popular professional wrestler for the WWE who died suddenly this past Sunday due to heart failure. Thank you for your honor  :cry:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Kaptan on November 16 2005, 10:33 pm
10/10 to VexNet, Fye-chan and 9/10 to Arcademan
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on November 17 2005, 12:21 am
Suppi-chan is so cute!

Although i dont know who is Eddie Guerrero.. but i recognise him from wrestling..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on November 17 2005, 02:31 am
Ooh nice TRC innuendo with Kero XD as for the Sig.. hm.. I'm not a big HP fan... *runs off and burns all the HP books* >= D

He was a very popular professional wrestler for the WWE who died suddenly this past Sunday due to heart failure. Thank you for your honor :cry:
I was watching his remmemberence videos online today.. :cry: so sad, I really wanna see some of his matches now..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 17 2005, 05:04 am
9/10 to Arcademan

I said NOT to rate mine and anything less than a 10 is an insult to the legacy of Eddie Guerrero!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 17 2005, 07:30 am
^ ahh! 7.5/20 >.<
it's nice..but i dont like the dude O_O
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 17 2005, 07:32 am
Damn! Some people just don't know how to read around this place!!!  :angry:

Also to add...there are many characters being used as avatars and sig-pics that I don't like but I don't rate them less because of that. That's wrong in using that as a's more wrong to advertise it. Some people need to think before they talk.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 17 2005, 08:47 am
whatever AND YES I DONT READ.....god...
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on November 17 2005, 08:52 am
people please don't fight!

Sis i will give u a 9/10 becuase u are fighting
And Arcademan/PixieP  as i said it before
a 10/10 in his honor

*minute of silence in honor of Eddie Guerrero (1967-2005)******
god bless him
and he will be always in our memories and hearts
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 17 2005, 08:58 am
I'm not fighting -_-
im just pissed hahahah yes i get pissed wayy easy
I GIVE YOU A 10!! ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 17 2005, 09:47 am
whatever AND YES I DONT READ.....god...

Obviously not:

For this week tribute to the late, great Eddie Guerrero.

Don't rate it. My thanks to another of my forums for allowing me to use the pictures.

Now not another word from you. Consider this a friendly warning.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on November 17 2005, 11:45 am
@ pretty nice ava and sigg ^_____^ Fye's cool neh ? XD 10/10
@babypiggy : it's pretty ^__________^ 10/10 S+S forever !
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on November 17 2005, 11:54 am
like your avi ::ka:: !
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 17 2005, 11:54 am
@ka OH I LOVE THAT PIC..hmm..dont think i saw it before..or maybe i dont know
anyways 10!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 17 2005, 12:03 pm
10/10 Ka-chan! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 17 2005, 01:01 pm
Moonflower121 i think that i heve rated your sign and avatar before but anyway 10/10 s+s pictures are the best.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 17 2005, 01:04 pm
I was waiting for you to finally post your avi and sig in here cute_me-chan! I love Syaoran-kun! 100/10! CCS Syaoran will always be my favorite!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 17 2005, 01:24 pm
I was waiting for you to finally post your avi and sig in here cute_me-chan! I love Syaoran-kun! 100/10! CCS Syaoran will always be my favorite!
Moezy-chan 10000/10! episode 57 is one of my favorites.
were u really waiting  me? sorry for been late... :) Syaoran is the best anime character ever, i love him.
arigatou for your score in my sign and avi. :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 17 2005, 01:26 pm
Moezy-chan 10000/10! episode 57 is one of my favorites.

Same here! It's my absolute favorite!

were u really waiting me? sorry for been late... :) Syaoran is the best anime character ever, i love him.
arigatou for your score in my sign and avi. :)

Yes, I was! As soon as I saw it, I came here, and you weren't! But yes, Syaoran is by far the best character ever! That's why I love episode 57! It's the only episode that focuses solely on Syaoran!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on November 17 2005, 09:44 pm
moezy-chan: A 10/10 for you! *it's so kawaii*
and 10/10 for cute_me...and not only because I adore SyaoSyao too...^____^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Kaptan on November 18 2005, 01:22 am
10/10 Fye-chan your ava is really cool.
And i'm sorry Arcademen i gave 9 because i didn't know who that man is besides he is cool now i give you 10
10/10 to ka
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Tessaiga on November 18 2005, 06:05 am
Pretty avatar, Kaptan! :happy4: Me like it lots

As people might have noticed, I've changed from my depressive sets to a very happy one! :tongue: What do you think?
(personally I just LOVE it! :inlove: Kero-chan is so cute, and Hokuto hugging Subaru in my avatar is also cute... oh, I just adore Subaru's face! XD..
And Subaru looks so cuddly in my sign... Waii~!)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Hori on November 18 2005, 06:45 am
AAWWWWWWW ! KIREI ! Tess ! Subaru wa Sugoi ! ..10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 18 2005, 08:02 am
broken is like my favourite word of all times -\(=
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 18 2005, 08:09 am
10/10 for Hori-chan! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 18 2005, 09:17 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 18 2005, 10:44 am
syao look so hot there ><
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 18 2005, 10:55 am
10/10! Cute! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on November 18 2005, 03:11 pm
Moonflower121 10/10
love that couple!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ReiKoko on November 18 2005, 08:27 pm
9/10 so cute ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: Sabrina on November 19 2005, 01:35 am

You can't see that other text very well...that's the minus, nothing else. Other way it's good :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Kaptan on November 19 2005, 02:02 am
10/10 Moonflower121
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 19 2005, 05:42 am
Okay! New set! What do you guys think? :wink:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 19 2005, 06:49 am
Ooh! I love the brush texture affects. It looks so romantic! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 19 2005, 07:21 am
moonflower - I LOVE YOUR NEW ONE! OH ITS SO CUTE i love the couple..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 19 2005, 07:41 am
Nice. 100/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Kaptan on November 19 2005, 07:46 am
10/10 Moonflower
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 19 2005, 09:47 am
Kaptan 10/10 fay is so cute
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 19 2005, 10:43 am
Nice cute_me. 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 19 2005, 11:16 am
Ooh, a new avi! I love it! Another 100/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 19 2005, 11:18 am
Thanks! I give you 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Miss Jenni-Maie on November 19 2005, 11:37 am
Ahh! I like this AV even more! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 19 2005, 11:58 am
love the av..and the sig!! ^_^
syao is such a cutiee <3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 19 2005, 01:48 pm
Have I rated your new set Babypiggy? If not, 10/10! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: lika-chi on November 19 2005, 02:19 pm
I just had to come in!

Moonflower! I am so going to steal your sig and avatar. :inlove: WAH!!!! Harry Potter!!!!!!! Where'd you get them?!?!?!

10/10 of course!! xD haha
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 19 2005, 03:07 pm
BTW, great Harry Potter sig-pic...proving once again there are very creative people here.

P.S. Don't rate mine. It's my week-long tribute to the late, great Eddie Guerrero :(
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on November 19 2005, 06:11 pm
awwww Harry and Hermion rule !!!! Luv them !
100000000000000/10 to Likachi and moonflower ! ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on November 19 2005, 07:35 pm
WoW .:ka:. that looks soooooo great! 10/10
(and thanks for this great set)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 20 2005, 02:44 am
Nice! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on November 20 2005, 03:30 am

I love the moving images! give it that extra edge!  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 20 2005, 03:30 am
SasukeRocks 10/10 so cute!! syaoran :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 20 2005, 03:32 am
Thanks! Xiao_Lang and cute_me  I give both of you 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on November 20 2005, 05:33 am
hyuuu syaoran *-*
I love your siggie and avi Sasukerocks n_n 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 20 2005, 07:28 am
^ OH ITS SO NICE!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 20 2005, 09:25 am
I like! babypigggy I give you a 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on November 20 2005, 12:23 pm
Love Syaoran XD !!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 20 2005, 12:55 pm
10/10, Pretty!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: .::ka::. on November 20 2005, 06:58 pm
I can't take my eyes of your sigs *____* HHr rule !!!!!!
Gotta love them 10000000000/10 XDD
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on November 20 2005, 08:21 pm
 great layout!
and the lyrics are from a great song too! ^__^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on November 20 2005, 10:51 pm
Xiao Lang~ Ah gotta love your set 10/10 <3 *cough* Syaoran*cough*
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 21 2005, 01:37 am
Looks like we have a few Harry Potter fans here. Cool :)

Mourning's over for me...back to the old and hopefully a more permament av and sig-pic by January 2006. Those who said positive things about Eddie Guerrero...thank you :)

Everyone...continue on with your fantastic works of art...let your creativity flow :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 21 2005, 02:07 am
10/10! I really love your sig!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on November 21 2005, 02:26 am
MoonFlower121 : 10/10 Yeeesh~ H/Hr all the way! :"3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 21 2005, 02:55 am
Hello, sis ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on November 21 2005, 03:11 am
10/10 Misha ish just so cute! Love the lyrics too! [From "Cross my Heart" by A*Teens right? O_O]
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 21 2005, 03:19 am
10/10 Zeldi-chan! Kawaii!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 21 2005, 03:20 am
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on November 21 2005, 03:22 am
@SasukeRocks: Please just say something about it and who's you are rating.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 21 2005, 03:23 am
!0/10 for you and Moonflower121
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 21 2005, 03:33 am
@SasukeRocks: Please just say something about it and who's you are rating.'s not a requirement. I don't many times.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on November 21 2005, 04:46 am
I don't say that you must! i just said that it's more easy to know if you are writing to who you are rating. if you not are rating everyone. [I'm un clear again T_T]
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 21 2005, 05:44 am
Ooh, Zeldi-chan I've never rated yours! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 21 2005, 07:59 am
10/10 ^_^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 21 2005, 09:45 am
oo 10/10 babypiggy!!! :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 21 2005, 09:48 am
xx_chibirosie_xx   10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: cute_me on November 21 2005, 09:55 am
10/10 i just love Syaoran
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on November 21 2005, 10:24 am
wowww a lot of shaoran *-*
wiiii i love it!!! cute_me 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 21 2005, 10:40 am
10/10! KAWAII! *squeals* :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 21 2005, 10:56 am
Moonflower121 10/10 nice set! :okay:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 21 2005, 11:12 am
Arigatou! 10/10 for you too! S+S Rocks! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on November 21 2005, 07:16 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx 8/10 Dunno why O_O
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: ReiKoko on November 21 2005, 10:07 pm
8/10 for zeldi . . . it's cute, but a bit too much pink for me ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Kaptan on November 22 2005, 07:40 am
10/10 ka und10/10 sofiacardcaptors
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 22 2005, 08:22 am
Ooh, love it Kaptan! 10/10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 22 2005, 08:33 am
moezy-chan 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 22 2005, 08:34 am
10/10! Soooo cool! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: babypigggy on November 22 2005, 08:47 am
I LOVE YOURS..i can stare at it for a while aha..they're so cute together!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 22 2005, 11:33 am
hm...changed it again...just been in some kinda SM mood...I think I'm gonna change it back though =T
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 22 2005, 11:38 am
10/10! Kawaii!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: LSD on November 22 2005, 02:15 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx  15/10 !!!!!!!! Lovely!!!

Moonflower121 a harry potter fan YE! 9/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Princess Kakurine on November 22 2005, 04:26 pm
pretty - chibi fai kawaii!!! 9/10

xx_chibirosie_xx - kawaii! remembering sailormoon my first fav anime ^_^ 9/10

Moonflower121 - daniel is so cute as ever! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on November 22 2005, 04:34 pm
Oh I absolutely love yours princess kakurine!!! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 22 2005, 04:48 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx - kawaii! remembering sailormoon my first fav anime ^_^ 9/10

wow really? it was my first favorite too!! :XD:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on November 22 2005, 07:18 pm
xx_chibirosie_xx 10/10 i think that it is the first Sailor Moon set here! O_O Lovely :"3
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: monkey on November 22 2005, 07:23 pm
i love it Zeldi! I like how your signature promotes Communism and the Iron Fist griphold it used to have on eastern europe. It's really clever!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on November 22 2005, 11:01 pm
New Set~ Waaw it's Yuuno-Kun from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's
[He's soo cute :inlove: ]
All credit goes to Tessaiga ^^
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on November 23 2005, 12:01 am
WoW It's sugoi!!!! The green fits it really well! 10/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Zeldi on November 23 2005, 12:18 am
Fye-Chan 9/10 Syao, Syao Kawaii desu, but the text in the back it a bit too much. ^^ Anyways Ka did a good job
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Kaptan on November 23 2005, 12:30 am
8/10 Zeldi
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 23 2005, 01:20 am
oo 10/10 Kaptan!! Thats so kawaii :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Xiao_Lang on November 23 2005, 01:22 am

Sailor Moon! yaaay!  :keke:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: quimmy on November 23 2005, 05:25 am
Xiao_Lang: Aww! Syao is so cute here! Lucky Mokona! 9.5 outta 10!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above yo
Post by: xx_chibirosie_xx on November 23 2005, 07:49 am
Quimmy 10/10 nice avi and sig :D
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 23 2005, 08:17 am
Xaoi_Lang: 100000/10! (If that's even possible...:sweatdrop:) Syaoran is soooooo awesome! :inlove:

Kaptan: 10/10! Kawaii! :keke:

Zeldi-chan: 10/10! I love it, it's so cute! :)

Quimmy: 10/10! I loooove your avy!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 23 2005, 11:55 am
Just posting so I can break in the 100TH PAGE!!!

When will the insanity ever end? As always...continue on and be proud of your creations of avatars and signature pictures...and as always, everyone gets a perfect score because the avs and sig-pics are a reflection of your personalities here.

Congratulations on this milestone :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Shadeslayer on November 23 2005, 12:01 pm
Yes, 10/10 Arcademan! :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: moezychan on November 23 2005, 12:03 pm
Just posting so I can break in the 100TH PAGE!!!

When will the insanity ever end? As always...continue on and be proud of your creations of avatars and signature pictures...and as always, everyone gets a perfect score because the avs and sig-pics are a reflection of your personalities here.

Congratulations on this milestone :)

Arigatou, but I didn't make my own. BLuetopaz-san made it for me.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 23 2005, 12:05 pm
And as always...the point of my post is misunderstood. makes me wonder why I post in this place!!! OY!!!
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: D.J.P on November 23 2005, 12:08 pm
This topic has reached its point I think.

I'm seriously thinking of closing it.
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 23 2005, 12:10 pm
This topic has reached its point I think.

I'm seriously thinking of closing it.

I thin you know my feelings about this thread :evil4:
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Fye-chan on November 23 2005, 06:18 pm
Oh please don't close it!

By the way I have a new set... the quality of the pics is not really good (I try to find better ones) and it's colour-less ^^
What do you think?
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 23 2005, 11:04 pm
I like! 100/10
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: Arcademan on November 23 2005, 11:45 pm
Oh please don't close it!

By the way I have a new set... the quality of the pics is not really good (I try to find better ones) and it's colour-less ^^
What do you think?

I find color is sometimes overrated. Nice job :)
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: bLuetopaz on November 24 2005, 12:43 am
This topic has reached its point I think.

I'm seriously thinking of closing it.

well, i think its better to let it hang around.. after all, its a thread to display your latest avatar and sig.. a moment to be proud of..
Title: Re: Rate the avatar and sig of the person above you
Post by: D.J.P on November 24 2005, 12:45 am
well then, since we have a test board, I vote it should be used.

Topic locked.