I like Vex-net's sig, it looks so adorable, but I don't know whose in it, omg, i wanna know so bad *wails*
Anyway, what anime is it?
I give you a 9/10 Vex, just because you have good taste in sigs, and if you screenshot that your self, I give you kudos ^^
-^_^- Arcademan's are nice, but look squished. 7/10.
*sniff* noone has rated me yet.... I'll give me an 8..... -^^-
i think little wolf's avy deserves an 9.3/10~ :D coz the small size spoilt it and the border can be improved with the wee-est bit of lightening~ :P other than that, i like the tint of bronze in the theme (really suits syaoran: determined, strength, defender, etc) the touch of thin deep-red border brings out the extra-surge of contrast, nice really~ :D if the size is not the prob, i'd giv it a perfect 10 coz the border wont be quite the prob then~ :)
Takeru: Can you not see my avie? O.o I've never had trouble with it before.
Arcademan: I feel all special now! X3 And I do love your siggy image. I stared at it for a good two minutes when I first got online today.
arcademan's new sig (or old 1~ :P) is worth *beep* ::9/10:: coz it doesnt have a border ~ :P
tis a sad avie, but its still cool ^_^
but ya have no siggie >.>
and i love that lil sakura gif. from a tennis racket to the magical girl
Another person in another forum gave it to me...and you're correct...it is a tennis racket. The girl in the gif. is NOT Sakura...it's from a video game however I don't know which one. Her special attack is a parody of Sakura activating a Clow Card :)
Wow! I like your avatar! I think you're the first person I've seen with Touya....it's kind of hard to read the writing though....
Hmm, whoops, didn't know this was an avatar rating too.
Fai D. Flowright: Love the avatar and signature. Touya's a favorite character to me, so that may be a contributor. However, your signature is kinda... small. Text is hard to read, but then that may just be me. If it were bigger I'm sure it would definitely look better. Of course, image size is a limitation on the forums (one I'm not really fond of), so...
Pretty face shot of Sakura in your avatar...9.75 / 10 :wave:
You need to get yourself a sig pic and you'll be complete 1 / 10 :sweatdrop:
I think itエs Hanon from MMPPP
Your avatar is really nice, Fai. ^_^ So it's 9/10 for you. As for your sig, it's 8.5/10. It's elegant and simplistic with the text and pic. Although, it needs more pizzaz. xD
I love your sig Syaokura! 9/10!!!
And Nyoko-chan... 9/10 as well! xD I love your SIG!!!!! kawaiiness! ^-^
Cblossom 10/10 to your ava coz it´s S&S on it :D
I would place the pic here so ppl can see it bigger but I dont know how. :cry:
I like ur avy :P JSRF right? 9/10
your sig looks really nice to 9.5/10 :D
Vexnet, I love your sig, even though I don't know who they are!
they are two original characters, not all animé people are copyright characters ya know :hehe:
ooh cool avatar there ^^ Tomoyo fan then ?
8 for you also because i love the way you put the two pictures of tomoyo together^-^
Thanx! karen did thosereally, i taugh it was you ^o^
whoo chibirosie.. yours is really nice.. i'll give it a 10/10 HAHA!! it's so pretty.. tomoyo is one of my fav characters.. XD
haha i wanted to see what people thought of y avatar.. hehe.. it's from GSD.. and i just changed it and wanted to know people's reactions.. HAHA
Your sig pic's cute...and I love the quote as well. But what's the writing on ur avy?i pick a peome, and copy it on it, i don,t remember wich one><
your avatar have headphones like u, loll :greengrin: :greengrin:Yup Yup :D thats why he's my fav JSRF character ^^ its one of my fav games, it has awesome music :D and i love Music XD
xx_Chibirosie_xx I give u 10/10 urs is neat and cool. :okay:
xx_Chibirosie_xx, I give yours a 10/10 too, it's certianly original ^^ I really like it :D
Fisha I give u 10/10 bcuz urs is different It has two pics to it .I like how at first it said fivals then it swich pics and said lovers. :)
More top-notch avatars and sigs...well done everyone :wink:
oo I didn't rate bLuetopaz yet!! I give you a 8.5/10 ^_^
o.o I relly love your avatar, although the series annoys the stuffing out of me, haha.^^; I give a 10/10. It is very unique!
6/10: Nice pictures, but they lack anything good to them. ^^;;
I think I've rated the one above...if not, I think it's great, although it's kind of hard to see Kyo and Tohru (I think its them)
Sakaki, your ava is perfect! Simple, yet mysterious looking! :okay:
Cblossom 10/10 S&S ^^Ur welcome Zedi and thx for rateing mine :)
and thanx
avatar and sig, 10/10!! they're so wonderful :DO for whos r u rateing?
rapyon_gals a 9/10 to u
yea did u rate 2 me or 2 cblossom? ^^
oh thanx!
You have a very pretty avy..it has a nice, unusual shape, and I think it's the first I've sen with that particualr pic...congrats!
::ka::, your ava is awesome. xD Ruby Chan, did you make that ava? It's pretty cute. Just like your sig. =3 8/10.
Um...thats going toward me, right? :XD: if so, thanks! :keke:
um..is there anyone else to rate? XD
I dunno who to rate :sweatdrop:, everything is now scattered...
well they are cool pictures but they are a little squished.
6/10 avy, that image is awsome
sig 5/10, unsquished it would be more
so whos do I rate now? the person above you? ^^;
umm.. 6/10? your avatar has a bit of pixellation on it.. :P
Me...I went back to 'old school' since there were the ones I started with about 3 years ago in my other groups and forum. No need to make new ones just to impress the masses :wink:
its for u cblossom cuz u r above me
For vexnet i will give yr avatar 10/10. I have seen yr photo in another thread seeing the avatar remind me of you. It some how looks like you esp witl yr earphone.
It was actually a pic of the hanged man of a tarot card. Should say a hanged woman in this case :hehe:
Some explanation: The Hanged man suspend from a living tree of life. He is bound by duty and necessity. He must surrender to a higher source within. Bymeans of meditation the hanged man overcomes temptation and become enlightened. The gold butterflies around her head in this pic symbolised soul power, rebirth and enlightenment. His crossed legs reveal hidden language of limitation and expansion available to all of humanity. Note the hanged man is bound to the tree by his ankle.
How to: Read the taroy by slyvia Abraham
Published by Llewellyn.
Important note: No means or attempt to promote Tarot here so Original soucre of the picture and links are not posted
Who is the girl holding the disk in your signature?
Thats Roll from the Rockman series, (like Rock and Roll, get it ? lol)
but most people know it as Megaman. she's a robot created by Dr.Light :keke:
xx_chibirosie_xx I give u 10/10 it is soo cool. :keke:
Thankies very muchies :sweatdrop: :keke:.
xx_chibirosie_xx Thanks from me too.
k i just saw this and i HAVE to say...
ARCADEMAN, You have the Most AWESOME Avatar !!
that episode clip was hilarious !!
Oh no... Oh No.. Oh NO.. OH YEAH !!!!
XD so random but very funny ....
cblossom i give you 10/10. Your sign says it all that what a big Mulan fan you are.
Arcademan your touya sign is really kawaii. i give it 10/10.
cblossom: 10/10 i wuv Mulan too~! :DThanks you two I give you both 10/10!! They are very pretty and so cool! :D
zeldi i think i rated you before.. ^^ but i give your avatar a 9/10 and sig a 10/10 pretty pics and really clear.. XD
arigatou lika-chi and Ruby-chan ^_^ I think I rated Ruby-chan's...but I dunno about lika-chi...:sweatdrop: oh well, I still give a 10/10 ! ^_^ And Zeldi, you whole 'Tokyo Mew Mew' thing is awesome!oh Thank u
I love your Tokyo Mew Mew avatar and signature!
I think Lettuce is my favorite Mew Mew. Nya!
I give Ruby-chan's new one a 8/10, dunno what anime it is, but it still looks cool...:XD:
Dragonia, I think your avatar and signature are both so cute!
chibirosie, I LOVE your avatar! Fai and Kuro-chi are so adorable.
I made a new avatar tonight.
It's the same character as before, Dark-san, but a different pose.
Kawaii, ne?
You all are definitely a creative bunch :)
You know though, it makes it REALLY hard to change them because you feel so bad about the taking the other guy off because he is so cool looking.:haha: i know how that is, you want to keep them up but you can't have all your pics up, not enough room :(
I was thinking of putting some of lines to Krad's song on my signature.
I love the song and the words.
lovely Colorful set Zeldi :D at least 8/10 :keke:
and woohoo, i was finally in the mood for an avatar change.
but even tho it won't let me have the transparency effects... like (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v504/VexNet/Mac-Anime-1.png)
Sometimes change is good though I'll miss your old avatar. As I scroll through messages, your old av always made me stop and read what you had to say :)
I give everyone a 10/10...no wait take that back...100/100 (if possible :sweatdrop:) everyone has good avatars n' sig's...:XD:
chibirosie got new stuff.. *starry eyes.. AH!! so cute your avatar..
10/10 for it.. and sig is good too.. but a bit too big.. hehe.. 9/10 still.. XD
princess_kakurine i really like your avy and sign they are Kawaii 10/10.
Li fan-Kyoko your sign gets 10/10 ( did you make it yourself, nice effects) and avy 8/10.
xx_chibirosie_xx you get 9/10. and I don't think your sign is too big. Its okay. or have you already resized it?
avatar: 10/10 - the cuteness!!
sig: 7/10 if I'm being picky the line on the right side doesn't have to be there, but it's a nice pic. o_O;;
I just changed mine, wanna know what someone thinks.. ^_o;;;
what do u all think about my new ava?
the sign have i already uesed but i didn´t have time do a new so the sign will come up soon
yeah I know...does this mean I have to change it again? T_T fine, I will...eventually...Ah, sorry, I just tend to be picky about things. You don't have to change it, it still looks nice. ^^;;;;;
pikari, 10/10 thats kute ^ ^
and ani. that's another harry potter avy. so your a draco+ hermione fan. 10/10. i wish their faces were more clear.yupz it is! *grins* in the when Snape teaches DADA in the PoA. ^^ I'm not only a D+Hr fan.. tehe..
I like the color in ur avatar bluetopaz ^_______^ It's brownish and the word 'love' shining is so cool !!!
i saw it somewhere else and i went. COOL!! haha.. go syaoran!! haha.. 10/10.. the animation is really flowing and not slow or choppy.. XD
great animation there :D
alright quote too in sig
I really like the text in your sig, VexNet! Dis you make that up urself?thanks :D teh girl is Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII, she is wearing a Double Ring Necklace
And the winking girl is kawaii! 9/10 for it! Nice and subtle!
arigatou ^^ um...I rated yours...right VexNet? :XD:and nope, dun think you've ever rated mine, or you avoided me. like always :hello2:
and nope, dun think you've ever rated mine, or you avoided me. like always :hello2:
What? 'Like always????' does that mean I have been? *starts panicking* I didnt know!! :cry: I'll rate urs now then! I give it a 10/10 :keke:
Li fan-Kyoko who r u talking too? me or Ruby?
and Thanx again Ruby ^___^
haha.. thanks.. ^^
@ .::ka::. I like your avy and sig 10/10
@ Zeldi i think i rated your already but.. i like the piccie you used! colourful.. 9/10
@ lika-chan i love that scene.. ^^ syaoran's so good at fighting! ^^ 9/10
for the rest: overall 9/10! ^^ :D
what syaoran.. :sweatdrop: i don't have syaoran for anything right now. technically i never did either. haha
sakaki.. really cool kurogane stuff.. hehe.. avatar 9/10 and sig 10/10.. XD
Okamirei:10/10!THat picture is soooo kawaii!!!!!!!! :inlove: :noteworthy:
Danke schön! ^^ I really like your sig, also, that is such a cute picture! ^_^Thank you^^.
Thank you^^.
Sakaki-sama 10/10, nice avatar :keke:
chibirosie-sama and lika-chi sama also both 10/10! :D
Dragonia I'd rate you 7/10.
Don't know who the avatar/sig is, but it's really cute.
hehe, plus i want to have somebody rate my avatar if they find it as adorable as i do. ^^
how is this topic still going ?
I love everyone's!
Like Arcademan said, they are all awesome because they mean something to each person who made them. Well..he said something like that anyway. :lol:
cardcaptor519 10/10 4 u!!!!!!!!
:sweatdrop: Actually the one in my avy is a boy... He's from "Matantei Loki Ragnarok" He kinda reminds me of Syaoran and a little of Sakura for some weird reason :heh:
Sorry for double posting :sweatdrop: Anywayz 10/10 for Zeldi very nice~! :okay:Thanks ^-^
I love your new avatar, lika chi-sama! kawaii-ne! 10/10 KirakiraInu-sama, I give yours 8.5/10, the text is kind of hard to read and it intercepts with the picture
Thank you. I like your bunny Syaoran, Okamirei.arigato!
I give it 10/10 XD hehe
If you really want to. I like all your avatars. XD haha You can never take away that sig from now on eh? It's because of the EARRING ON FAI!! LOLZ!!
luvya, I like your stuff. 8/10 for you avatar and a 10/10 for your sig. XD
Haha! I haven't rated Angel's new Syaoran thing. It's cool but a bit too plain. xD
9/10 XD :sweatdrop:
It's because of the EARRING ON FAI!!Oh Yeah!! Fai with an earring! And he looks so deliciously evil!! :lol:
hm...it kinda reminds me of one of those ipod commercials...XD
love your new sets, ruby-sama and S. Espoire-sama! 10/10
lol, about the ipod avatars and sigs..someone in livejournal made these :lol:
(http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/iyellow.jpg) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/ipink.jpg) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/igreen.jpg) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/iblue.jpg)
lol, about the ipod avatars and sigs..someone in livejournal made theseLOL! Those are great!!
love your new sets, ruby-sama and S. Espoire-sama! 10/10
lol, about the ipod avatars and sigs..someone in livejournal made these :lol:
(http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/iyellow.jpg) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/ipink.jpg) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/igreen.jpg) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/iblue.jpg)
love your new sets, ruby-sama and S. Espoire-sama! 10/10
lol, about the ipod avatars and sigs..someone in livejournal made these :lol:
(http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/iyellow.jpg) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/ipink.jpg) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/igreen.jpg) (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y148/okamirei/iblue.jpg)
Besides, I have a copy of everyone's Tsubasa and Sakura- based avatars and even use a couple of them in other forumsLol, Arcademan :lol:
I've already said how much I like your sig, Okamirei...but I love your avatar even more! Syaoran looks so serious! 10/10!
Out of curiousity, how many times have some of you changed avatars and sig pics since joining here? I've done about 3 but settled for my current ones and have had them for a couple of month (and no...I won't be changing them soon).
Out of curiousity, how many times have some of you changed avatars and sig pics since joining here? I've done about 3 but settled for my current ones and have had them for a couple of month (and no...I won't be changing them soon).
Guess the quest for the perfect avatar and sig pic will never stop, which is fine. Everyone has extremely creative imaginations and art here. You all should be proud and all deserve 1 PERFECT 10!!! :D
I absolutely love your avatar! 9/10! That's chibi Yukito, right?
Hmmm....I have no idea what your sig pic's from (Angel Sanctuary, maybe?) but I give it a nice 8/10 anyway.
The first set of lyrics in Moonflower's sig is from My Immortal by Evanescence. And I think that the second set of lyrics is from My Hero Is You by Hayden Panettiere...is that right?
Oooh, sweet avatar! I think.....7/10?
By the way, what's the image from?
lika-chi Wow thats naruto. A fanart. 8/10. Did YOU made it yourself?
xx_chibirosie_xx .. hmm .. your avatar and sig, they get like.. really annoying watching everything change over and over and over again. but i like how you included soo many anime characters so, 6/10.
hehe yeah...they do..T_T is that bad? >.< I'm sorry -__-
Chibirosie, I LOVE your avatar and signature!
Those are so so kawaii!!
And it's really funny to watch for a while, it looks like they morph into each other.
ha! I love ur ava chibirosie !!!! But I can't see all the faces though ^^" It's just... fast :heh:
ka 9/10. Yeah it is fast maybe you should do something about its speed and i don't recognise a few of them
xx_chibirosie_xx .. i'm really sorry. it's just constructive criticism. i hope you're not mad.
better `=) before i'd stare at them trying to figure out which character, and i'd sorta get dizzy. i like! sorry again, xx_chibirosie_xx
whats the sorry for? Is it still bad? @.@
Okamirei 10/10 thats a kute avie :keke:
noo it's not bad, i'm just saying sorry because i feel bad for being mean. `=(
WOW I really like yours, charme.*!! 10/10!!! :keke:thankss! ^_^ yours 2
charme.* I love your Avatar and your sig. 10/10 sound OK to you?of course ^^ yo too.. 10/10
Who's avatar/sig hasn't been rated yet?
Everyone gets 10's here? Do I see a trend?!!
Again, we have some of the most creative people around here. We are so fortunate :)
if the avatars and signatures are cute what can we do?
but i would give u arcademan 6.5/10 :)
meh, i've stopped rating people's Signatures and Avatars because if your happy with them, why bother letting others bring you down by giving them lower scores when you yourself think they are good...
Did you see the latest set of sakaki. Its really kawaii. 10/10.
New Set..Made by Bluetopaz-Sama..Arigatou!
aishiteru 10/10 . . . Was that that same avi & sig you had before???
9/10 for you, Angel..Yeah it´s scary... :sweatdrop: 9½/10
when i first saw your set.. i jumped a little.. its scary... :sweatdrop:
lika-chi 10/10
Aww . . . GSD is about to end . . .
YES!!! I know. T___T SO SAD!!!
bLuetopaz. I love your sig!!! So funny. 10/10
I give you 10/10 for your avatar, Arcademan! (I LOVED that part!)
*Wide eyes* Arcademan/PixieP has change his/(her?) avy! Wowess!
What is it from? *star is clueless*
That is a picture of Arcademan and PixieP. Told you we were real LOL!!! :D
you know what? Im willing to make a bet you're going to see this image of Syaoran everywhere on this forum within the week. LoL. and after about 1 hour of not know what fonts to use, this is my new set result~ if i ever change it, you guys could use it if you want. lol
bLuetopaz cute signy.
Xiao_Lang nice signy and that avy pic is in endoh's sign too.
AkaiYuki what is the japanese text in your avy. (though i think i can guess).
Angelic-Essence nice. thats a new set but its that pic again. Is that pic a latest release?
Okamirei nice sign. what's shiruko?
My new set. Its nothing artistic. just for a change.
Zeldi I think i've rated you before but if i haven't: I love it. I specially like the way your name is on the sign. the color is really good. What is the text beside it?Thank you.. I really don´t know .::ka::. did the set. And i forgot to ask ><
xx_chibirosie_xx- 10/10 i dont know who is in you sig and avatar but they're cute and sweet ^_^
Lika: Daisuke-Chan *drool* 9.5/10 a siggy would make it even better :3
OH! It´s from Ceres right? 10/10Thanks, I give 10/10 to yours, your Yue pic is nice :keke:.
there's no need to tell me they rate a 6 out of 10, which is what someone actually told me, thus my total hatred for this thread: that's the thanks I get for saying nothing but nice things about everyone else's avatars and sig-picswas that me? :sweatdrop: I'm very sorry if it was...-bows-
Arcademan, i hate this thread aswell.Then this is just like LSS Right? It´s almost the same thing... but anyway if this is about Post count then.. um.. yeah. i don´t care if have 1 or 1000 posts is just a fun thing.. but that´s me.
I think the only reason you should post here is when you actually change your Avatar/Sig, but the majority of people posting here are just rating sigs and avatars that everyone has already done. I mean you don't need so many people rating signatures above you, if anything this thread should be in a no-post section because none of these posts are intellegent conversations... at all
Then this is just like LSS Right? It´s almost the same thing... but anyway if this is about Post count then.. um.. yeah. i don´t care if have 1 or 1000 posts is just a fun thing.. but that´s me.
LOL, I was thinking the same thing! I mean, there aren't any conversations happening there, either, just lists...BOW TO YUKI! *Bows* Yeah if LSS is left then "Rate the ava & Sign thingy" would be left too
BOW TO YUKI! *Bows* Yeah if LSS is left then "Rate the ava & Sign thingy" would be left too
(( My english is on the bottom today. ))
lol, i changed it again, I love that Character, His name is Mac, from SSX3, He is a HipHop Freestyler, a DJ and a Snowboarder.Love your new sig, it also reminds me of eminem only he ain't blonde :lol:. Anyway, I give you a 10/10.
I now have him as my Avatar and Signature!
Artist for both pics is Adam Warren.
lol, i changed it again, I love that Character, His name is Mac, from SSX3, He is a HipHop Freestyler, a DJ and a Snowboarder.
I now have him as my Avatar and Signature!
Artist for both pics is Adam Warren.
MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!! :tongue:thanks!
Another great sig-pic, VexNet my man :D
Notice that everyone is afraid to rate mine :tongue:
Since I haven't changed my sig pic in several months and switched to my personal avatar, there's no need to tell me they rate a 6 out of 10, which is what someone actually told me, thus my total hatred for this thread: that's the thanks I get for saying nothing but nice things about everyone else's avatars and sig-pics :(
And anyways, i meant "The Master Creator Ruler of the Kingdom of CLOW" seemed random, and didn't fit in the sig. I said that the quote at the bottom, "We wanted her to be more than just a witch with a wand..." fit with the picture.
Pretty, Fye-chan! A yellow border around the signature and it would be perfect! 9/10 :okay:
I've allready rated yours, haven't I Chibirosie?
I've allready rated yours, haven't I Chibirosie?[/color]
Well...a new month, a new set for me....
Anyone have any comments on it?
Well...a new month, a new set for me....
Anyone have any comments on it?
wii I like it! *-* 10/10
what's the name of the font that you used o.o?
ooooh you know what? I'm liking *everybody's* sig's and avvies! They're all so pertiful! (yes, that is a word hehehehe) Everybody gets a 10!
What I don't get is why mine has gotten squished (my sig...). Maybe it's just my computer? meh. I need an actual non-"Microsoft Paint" art program :-D
Just to let the Mass majority of people know I changed my Sig and Avatar to these. (if you hadn't noticed already)
the guy in my avatar is called SPIDER one. He is the leading frontman for the band Powerman 5000
Also the whole band can be pictured in my Signature with SPIDER one standing out the most.
I also have one line from my fav song by them above the signature picture.
I'm willing to accept any criticism on how they look or what looks good or not. Since i made them both myself.
Vex...you have one of the best looking sig pics in the whole forum. As you know by now, I find color vastly overrated. Black...white...shades of gray...works best for me :)Yeah I totaly get what you mean, That's the exact style I was going for.
New set! What do you guys think? :keke:
vexnet! street figher! i love street figher. but you know, i'm one of those girls that love to use only girls in the game so i'm a chun li person. hah.well you'll be glad to know that Chun Li IS actually the best character in the game! (*AHEM*She has a One Combo Instant Kill)
thats spelled right!
i just can't spell the move where he does the spinning kick XD
Chun Li would look good with a similar sig to Ken's but Blue!
and i have a Chun Li card (same style as the one i have in my avatar)
and those people who say Chun Li sucks? are definatly newbies and don't know much about the fighting genre.
8/10 for vexnet's set ^^
Vex, awesome set! But... Ken's pose isn't for the Shoryuken, was it? Lol, looked like his kicking combo special :P (I forgot the name... it was really long. oO)lol, no its not! i'm pretty sure it's his Dragon Kick or just a normal Kick, lol.
10/10 xx_chibiroise_xx :) who are the ones in your avatar? :)
^siggie 10/10 ITS SO CUTE..did you draw it??
avvie..i dont like flashy soo i'll hafta take points off >.>" 8/10
Arcademan! it was like you did that out of spite XD
But yeah those classic ones still look cool :D
Arcademan! it was like you did that out of spite XD
But yeah those classic ones still look cool :D
You changed your avatar, sig pic AND user name :tongue:well i thought they all gotta match right!? lol
That is sweet VexNet-san! Sorry, still have a habit of calling you by your old name. :sweatdrop: 10/10!
That is sweet VexNet-san! Sorry, still have a habit of calling you by your old name. :sweatdrop: 10/10!No Problemo! I still like the name, You could say i'm just going through an "Identity Crisis"!? XD
hehe.. i thought one of Vexnet's new nick.. Black Diamond Rock Star is much cooler~ :haha: 9/10 for the new set. :okay:hehe, Thanks! I'll probably go back to BDRS when i get more SSX On Tour pictures in (thats the game where the names from) I have this idea in my head on what to do as a Sig and Avatar, I just need the pictures to do it.
Only reason I knew it was still Vex was his insane post count...plus a quick peek into his profile :Dhaha.. yeah that is a giveaway! Especially my Post Count XD No n00b can rack up that much!!
haha.. yeah that is a giveaway! Especially my Post Count XD No n00b can rack up that much!!
And man, That sig RULES Arcademan!! :D
Kind of flashy but it's only a fill-in until I come up with a new sig-pic and avatar. I only do this once in awhile. I try and not make it a habit changing mine every week like a few others here :tongue:haha, i fall victim to that! What can I say? I succumb to boredom XD
I like your siggy, arcademan... but i get a little bit dizzy *sweatdrop* so i'll have to say 8/10
I really like it ^^
Oooh! I like the set, Crystal_Wings! Especially the avatar! What does your sig pic say? .....Hearts?
But anyway, 9/10!
Sorry Arcademan! But I thought it was for the best!
Still love your avatar and sig sis, thats the mascot from angelic layer on your avatar right? :keke:.its actually from TRC: in Piffle World.. it just reminds me so much of Kero!
Oh, who am I kidding, I can't give everyone seperate scores. I love all your work. ^_~
10/10! Kool-Aid Man rocks! :okay:
so what does the signature squad think of my new set?
Glad to see that vexnet is back ( I mean the name).heh thanks, I actually used VexTech as a parody of the actual picture, Since if you see the full version you will see the word ReiTech in almost the same place ;)
Nice set. I specially like the avy. and yes you have written vextech in the sign but I think you should keep vexnet.
Glad to see that vexnet is back ( I mean the name).
Nice set. I specially like the avy. and yes you have written vextech in the sign but I think you should keep vexnet.
thanks, arcademan/pixiep ^^Thanks :)
8/10 for the avvi and 10/10 for the sig ^___^
And yes I agree, That is great detail! I saw a big 3D model aswell that looked pretty real as Sakura! freaky XD
I like them Arcademan!
I think your sig is cute so I'll give that a 9 and your avatar a 8.
I didn't get a 10 on mine!!!
My life is over!!!
Everyone here is so mean!!!
Like I really care what people rate mine and you can quote this for truth :D
OooH! I've been waiting to rate yours Moonflower!
10/10, totally! I just ADORE your set!
I'll rate chibirosie-chan's cause i've rated yours, moezy-chan, alerady a few times before ^_^
10/10 that pics from that calender, right?
yup! :keke:MINE TOO!! ^_^
For this week only...my tribute to the late, great Eddie Guerrero.R.I.P. Eddie...
Don't rate it. My thanks to another of my forums for allowing me to use the pictures.
R.I.P. Eddie...
hm.. I might get myself a WWE DvD today.. not sure which to get tho ..
new Naruto craze for me
nice set as always Star! but I'm still confused at why your saying 'Thank You' to me still o.O lolAnd you shall be confused for awhile! Muwahaha!
Eddie Guerrero? never heard about him, but must be your idol or something, god bless him *a minute of silence*
10/10 in his honor
He was a very popular professional wrestler for the WWE who died suddenly this past Sunday due to heart failure. Thank you for your honor :cry:I was watching his remmemberence videos online today.. :cry: so sad, I really wanna see some of his matches now..
9/10 to Arcademan
whatever AND YES I DONT READ.....god...
For this week only...my tribute to the late, great Eddie Guerrero.
Don't rate it. My thanks to another of my forums for allowing me to use the pictures.
I was waiting for you to finally post your avi and sig in here cute_me-chan! I love Syaoran-kun! 100/10! CCS Syaoran will always be my favorite!Moezy-chan 10000/10! episode 57 is one of my favorites.
Moezy-chan 10000/10! episode 57 is one of my favorites.
were u really waiting me? sorry for been late... :) Syaoran is the best anime character ever, i love him.
arigatou for your score in my sign and avi. :)
@SasukeRocks: Please just say something about it and who's you are rating.
xx_chibirosie_xx - kawaii! remembering sailormoon my first fav anime ^_^ 9/10
Just posting so I can break in the 100TH PAGE!!!
When will the insanity ever end? As always...continue on and be proud of your creations of avatars and signature pictures...and as always, everyone gets a perfect score because the avs and sig-pics are a reflection of your personalities here.
Congratulations on this milestone :)
This topic has reached its point I think.
I'm seriously thinking of closing it.
Oh please don't close it!
By the way I have a new set... the quality of the pics is not really good (I try to find better ones) and it's colour-less ^^
What do you think?
This topic has reached its point I think.
I'm seriously thinking of closing it.