This has got to be one of the best series I've seen for ages...it's got action, adventure, romance, humour, suspense...everything you could want in an anime!
Sasuke is so cool! I love him! And the episodes where he leaves Konoha are some of the best in the series! (If you don't count when he protects Naruto from Haku, and fights Gaara with chidori)
This is like..what? My third favorite anime of all-time! But CCS is still the best for me... *biased* :D
I love and adore the series!! I can't wait until they release chapter 256. ^^ Also, until they release episode 130! I saw the raw version and its so cool. Naruto has got to be one of my favorite animangas besides Chrno Crusade, Inuyasha, Ranma 1/2, Tsubasa, CCS, XXXholic, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Escaflowne, Magicc Knight Rayearth, Gohou Drug...and I can go on and on. lol
Which kinda reminds me, which couple pairings do you guys support? I'm a SasuSaku fan all the way, along wth NaruHina! ^__^
Sasuke and Sakura for me. I don't like pairing Naruto with anyone and I don't like Hinata either... sorry.
but hey, remember that episode where Naruto and Sasuke kissed? I was like "wha...?" :rotfl: don't get me wrong though..I don't like yaoi pairings..I was just shocked to see something like that in Naruto. Totally unexpected... :dodge:
Yay!! A SasuSaku fan! ^__^ Oh, its totally fine if you don't like Naruto or Hinata with anyone. I'm just a huge romantic and believe me, I have other favorite couples in the animanga. xD
Yaoi? I think its cool but I don't support it in Naruto. Too weird for me. >>; [is a diehard SasuSaku fan] :keke: Yeah, the episode when
they both accidentally kissed kinda freaked me out. It was cool since it was just an accident but SasuNaru fans took it the wrong way. I don't blame them though.
As the famous old quote from CCS, "Expect the unexpected..." :XD:
yeah..that's what I thought. I'm just a huge Sasuke+Sakura shipper so I wasn't amused when they did that in the anime? I've never read the manga but is it also in the manga? I mean the kiss thingy..just wondering.
Yeah, it was. All the SasuNaru shippers went ballistic over one tiny, accidental kiss. ><; I've been reading the manga since it started and you wouldn't believe what my poor, virgin mind was thinking when it happened. :sweatdrop:
Lol. Well, I scanned in pic of it from chapter 3 so in all its glory (or not!!! XD) here it is.
What the... Thanks..I didn't ask you to post it though..oh well.. :lol:
Oh, its fine. It was easy to scan in and upload to my site server. ^^ [shudders] I never thought I'd see it again... :haha:
naruto's no.1 anime on my list~ :D coz itz juz too dramatic~~ but i dont quite like sasuke coz he lives on his past too much i think....naruto's pranks juz make me tumble over the floor laughing~ :D i'm still waiting for aone's episode 129 (arg...whats taking so long??)
whats everyones problem with guy - guy relationships o.O
I personally have no problem in guy+guy relationships. I think ts pretty cute actually! ;P I just don't like it when its Sasuke and Naruto together since I'm a diehard SasuSaku fan. Believe me, I have no problem with gay people. I actually think ts hott anyway... :wink: lol
I came across naruto when the cable tv broadcast its anime. It soon became one of my fav animes. The pairing i like is Sasuke x Hinata. I know it sound strange and almost impossible but i really like this couple.
I love them together too. They're so cute! xD I also love Neji/Sakura, Shika/Sakura, Shika/Ino, Temari/Shika, Gaara/Sakura, Kaka/Sakura and loads of others. lol What can I say? I'm a downright, obsessive romantic. :lol:
:hello2: I found another person who also like sasuhina. :hello2:
I just love SasuNaru! Yaoi Naruto all the way!
But I guess SasuSaku is cute too...I'm just a fan of rivals become more than just good friends...*cough* Cardcaptor Sakura* cough*
gah your all confusing me cos you keep puting Naru down, and Naru is off Love Hina o.O
but now i see you mean NARUTO... ^^;
Yeah, it's abbreviated in pairings...have u seen Naruto?
only read 2nd manga, if it was on tv i'd watch it ... *cruses at my 5 channel tv* >.<
No, I don't think it's even on sky or cable...it's fairly new still in America. The best bet is to download it off somewhere. Games Getitfido.com and Naruto Chaos are prob your best bet for downloading WMV files. And there are loads of places that have torrents.
i prefer to download them in AVI
i think teh quality is better and the picture just seems better ^_^
There are some good music vides around too. A lot of them do tributes to episodes, so you can get a rough idea of the plot.
^^ well i think naruto looks cool, but i'll probably wait a few years till its in DVD boxsets
As for me....I've already used up about a gigabyte by downloading Naruto! :headbang:
how big is your pc in space ?
26.2 GB....and I've used 24 GB on anime....ooops
o.O whoa.. thats not a lot of space... how do you cope ?
By saving stuff to CD and DVD every month...man it takes ages
lol, *hugs my pc with 200GB storage*
OMG I'm so jealous *glares at stupid computer with titchy storage space*
^^ *hugs custom made pc with 200GB storage*
Anway, back to Naruto....what's your favourite episode?
The Gaara VS Lee fight, most definitely. A close runner-up is Naruto VS Gaara and Drunk Lee VS Kimimaro. ^^
By any chance are Gaara and Lee your favourite characters?
I defintiely prefer most Sasuke episodes (like the bridge scene in the first arc, or when he betray Konoha) - probabaly because he's my favourite character.
Lee is my all-time favorite character, haha. Always awesome to see the underdog do something absolutely insane. ^^
By any chance are Gaara and Lee your favourite characters?
I defintiely prefer most Sasuke episodes (like the bridge scene in the first arc, or when he betray Konoha) - probabaly because he's my favourite character.
Seriously?! Your a Sasuke fan too?! WAIIIII~!!! I adore him. ;D My other favorite characters have got to be Naruto because he's hilariously sweet, Sakura because she's just so awesomely cool, Neji cause he's hott, Gaara cause he's powerful and hott and Kakashi...because I just do..=]
xD Naruto is like the best! Besides, Tsubasa and Cardcaptor Sakura of course. >.<; lol
yeah i like sasuke...omg why don't i remember them kissing !!!! i've only read the manga...reading
my fav scene is when sasuke and naruto are fighting at that rock place...so sad...
I love the way Sasuke has been developed as a character! Betrayed by the only Uchiha he truly loved and trusted, Sasuke has grown up with nothing but hate in his heart...he only lives to kill Itachi.
It's so sad how he said he was willing to let Orochimaru possess his body if it meant he could kill Itachi....it shows how little he values his own life.
Some people say he's a cold menaie because he keeps trying tos hut Sakura and Naruto (especially Naruto) out, but I think he's only doing it because he can't trust himself to truly care about someone...not just ebcause it interferes with his goal, but because he's worried they will get hurt in the process.
oh man...
i love Kakashi.. he's just so cool.. love his cant-be-bothered attitude! wondering when will we be able to see his full 'hansamu' face (or has it shown? im outdated..)
Hm, I don't believe it has. They even had a filler episode in the anime about it, but all it revealed was that Kakashi wears like multiple layers of masks. O_o
i think i saw that episode too.. it was so funny!
he's like so crazy about his mask.. and he has the ability to eat his ramen in a flash! hehehe...
the 1st portion was very funny, the ramen treat & the stalking, but later on, when the moya (i think thats their name) brothers kick in, it became a li' lame~ :D i agree that gaara vs lee was 1 of the best episodes~ :D i certainly like that episode, great deal of action~ :P
I like Naruto as well, only problem is that I only have the first manga comic of it!! :cry: But it ispretty good XD
there are many scanlations for naruto, this is 1 i normally go to since they have quite regular links:
has anyone else seen the Narutard Flash Movie !?
Info about being a Narutard (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=narutard&r=f)
how about...
i have to say NARUTO is a tight anime.. all the effects and everything... i'm at the part where naruto is chasing after sasuke after he just woke up from that thing he was locked inside.. :S i forgot what it was called.. anyone know if the manga is better or the anime?
well.. for me, the anime is better.. because its more or less the same as what's in the manga.. the only bad point is that the anime is way too slow..
how about...
Along with http://www.narutochaos.com/ that's the best Naruot site online, I think....
I hate cartoon network. cuse Naruto is airing in sept. They are going to ruin it like they did to the db, dbz, and dbgt series. (I have them all in japanese english sub :)) I also have been collecting naruto but I only have the 1st season
And yes i have seen all 3 eps of the naruto flash movie :greengrin: :rotfl: They are verry funny :haha: :hehe:
...you are 1 rich kid SYA0RAN/SAKUR-A .....
personally, i think that the manga was better coz the fight between naruto & sasuke @ the valley place was much more...action-packed than the anime...the anime seems like a patched up job imo~ :P
and sometimes, the anime has weird graphics, like when sasuke entered the main tornament to vs gaara, his hair was wayyyyyyy too long, i'm short-sighted but i can see that much~ :P
the only pity that i recalled is the anime episode of finding out kakashi's face~ :P call me weird but it was really comical relief~~!!! :D too bad it was not on the manga...there is a special chapter but it only covers till at the ichiraku ramen stall~ :P
Haven't read the manga....but I love the anime episodes. Sasuke is so cute!
*Sasuke holds kunai to Ruby Chan's neck* :heh:
Erm...I mean he's fierce..and strong...and very very un-cute
*Kunai grazes skin* :sweatdrop:
Cute, but mainly good looking!
*Kunai is removed* :haha:
aww me wanna see, i don't know any way i can get access to the anime tho, howd you do it Ruby Chan ?
though i'd prefer that since sasuke will leave the leaf, he'll at least not be really siding wif orochimaru in the end....
Ok...here are some links.
All these sites have downloads availble..both bittorrent and direct. You may have to join as a member though...but it doesn't cost anything
yay coolness ^_^
*tosses cookie Ruby-Chan's way*
Thanx VexNet!
Oooh, thanks for the links Ruby-chan! Â ^^ Â I have a few sites I suggest you guys visit too. Â These are my favorite ones since they are in my favorites list. Â xD
http://animedownloadlist.com/ Â - Â That's the best list of anime sites out there for you to download anime and manga! Â highly recommended.
http://animenuke.com  -  You have to register but its free.  Its also just 1 download a day but who cares?  xD
http://www.mystic-chambers.com  -  Dude, practically the best out there since National Anime hasn't worked in awhile.  >>;  I've been a member for a long time so I guess its my duty to tell you guys about this site.
They are undergoing bandwidth things but if you join today you can download 5 episodes! Â All of them are in rm format (realplayer). Â On May 1st is when they'll have all kindds of new thinngs lke a new server, new anime (yep, read the news and you'll see Tsubasa chronicle there..;P), and new other thinngs. Â Just join, its free. Â ^__^ Â love this site! Â <3 Â They have the most recent of Naruto by the way! Â :wink:
Oh yes, one more site  recommend you guys visiting.  =D
http://www.animecrave.com  -  Mostly dubbedd episodes but there are a few subbed here and there. LOTS of animes here ad registration is free.  Not to mention that you don't download the episodes.  Its already on the site.  You'll see what I mean when you go but lately Anime Crave has been having problems.  ><; Â
there another place to download the manga..
but the site is temporarily down.. bandwidth exceeded.. *oops*
Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto,
Heh heh..sorry about that. I just love this anime!
i just saw the movie!! it's alright...
The movie was good! Thought Naruto was adorable and Sasuke was hot! hehehe
I love Naruto, so damn hilarious, and the fight scenes are awesome, and the Bishie <3 surpasses all! Okay, maybe not since CCS had Syaoran >_>
i just thought how it was weird.. cause they're all learning from a little kid like naruto! :P
I know, but Naruto's past is so sad though, and I feel like huggling him till he dies because people treated him like crap in the first few episodes, except Sensei that is. Forget his name though, but I shall dub him the "Ramen Dude" hehehe
That'd be Iruka. Go Mr. Dolphin! Despite the fact that you could probably get owned by Konohamaru's crew. >_>
That scar is sweet, though.
seems like everyone in naruto has a sad past...
Sasuke has the worst one though...in some ways, it's even sadder than Naruto's...afterall, watching something like that happen to your fmaily, doen by the person you loved/trusted msot, must have been terrible...no wonder he grew up so cold and power hungry.
Itachi took his innocence, and changed him into something just like him.
sasuke was soo cute when he was small.. and yes i can say he's innocent.. he looks up to itachi as his role model and that's how it is... sasuke gets it from his older brother.. unless sasuke was taught well then he would have chosen a different path.. but no one was there to even help sasuke..
Sasuke deserves what he gets. I mean, if he wasn't such a total ***, I might feel bad for him and his slaughtered family. But then I look at how rediculously rigged the Sharingan is and remember why they all got killed off. And Sasuke was arrogant from the beginning, so I fail to see how a role model could have helped him out. He has a superiority complex, and he can't take the fact that he really isn't that good in the grand scheme of things. And Itachi...well, he's quite possibly the least fleshed out villain ever. I mean, even Sephiroth had a better reason for going insane. And Sephiroth's reason really, really, really sucked. O_o
Kakashi is the only sharigan user who isn't a retarded angst bucket. :\
oh naruto ^_^ im naruto fan! ....heheheee i like gaara alot
Gaara is teh best! There are alot of Gaara and Sakura shippers out there too.
I personally like Sasuke, and if anyone's watching the show currently, the recent episodes pwn! ^^
Sasuke deserves what he gets. I mean, if he wasn't such a total ***, I might feel bad for him and his slaughtered family. But then I look at how rediculously rigged the Sharingan is and remember why they all got killed off. And Sasuke was arrogant from the beginning, so I fail to see how a role model could have helped him out. He has a superiority complex, and he can't take the fact that he really isn't that good in the grand scheme of things. And Itachi...well, he's quite possibly the least fleshed out villain ever. I mean, even Sephiroth had a better reason for going insane. And Sephiroth's reason really, really, really sucked. O_o
Kakashi is the only sharigan user who isn't a retarded angst bucket. :\
You forget, Sasuke was innocnet and sweet as a child. And watching your whole fmaily dying would turn anyone into a right arrogant, stroppy ***. Afterall, Sasuke doesn't wnat to be seen as weak.
He's let his hatred for Itachi consume him...which just proves his love for him. Afterall, it was Itachi (the borther who Sasuke adored) who told him to hate him. So Sasuke is juts doing what he's been told.
Besides, Sasuke hasn't gone insane. He's just a little bit desperate for power,..the insane lose sense of reason...Sasuke knows exactly what he's doing, and how to gte what he wants.
i got that hunch that Sasuke will turn good in the end.. wont end up being Orochimaru No.2.. *lol*
I think that Sound will attack Konoha, and Sasuke will finally remember his loyalty by refusing to attack. Or Naruto will follow him to Sound, and Sasuke will take an attack for him to save his life.
I read a really good fanfic about something like that....only Orochimaru had taken over Sasuke's body already, and Sasuke regained control in order to stop himself attacking Naruto....
We won't know for awhile. My (sexy, arrogant, cold-hearted yet hott) Sasuke is a good person. He's just chosen the wrong path in life to avenge his family. He feels like he owes it to them...his own brother killed the whole clan and he feels responsible for it. He'll turn out good and if not, I'l still forever love him because I know he's really hurting under that cold exterior. Its a lot like Shinn Asuka from Gundam Seed Destiny really. Hm. xD :sweatdrop:
I'll be frank: there is honestly nothing at this point that could ever redeem Sasuke in my eyes. Well, maybe one thing...but I can guarantee that will never happen. *dreams fondly of him eating a full-powered rasengan and finally realizing how much of a stupid loser he really was before being ripped apart in an explosion of energy*
He's betrayed his friends, betrayed his village, and betrayed them for what? Power. I really just keep getting the feeling that he's decided "zomg, I am the genious sharingan user, I have no need to train like everyone else does to get more power." Naruto trains, Lee trains...hell, even Sakura trains. They've all ended up as badass ninja, but Sasuke is busy spending his nights with his bestest buddy Orochimaru. Will he show up and do a few nifty things? Yeah, cause his fans would riot if he didn't. In any case, Naruto needs to summon more frogs.
i just watched the movie umm 2 days ago.. SO GOOD!! i loved it.. hehe the backround music was great too.. hehe.. but there wasn't enough sasuke and sakura.. *sigh.. LMAO!!
i stopped watching this.. i think i mentioned.. LMAO at the funniest episode.. 101!!! YEA!! that episode where they try to see what's under kakashi's mask.. SO FUNNY..
planning on watching it again.. but it's just going to be a long long long time.. maybe i'll buy it all.. O.O haha worth buying.. umm sort of
my friend said that the anime series is going to be like never ending # of episodes.. is that true.. O.O haha i mean like the manga is super long too.. O.O LMAO!!!
if the anime is everlasting.. it better not be like pokemon.. and yugioh.. which is getting BORING!! i stopped watching those two LOOONG ago...
another thing about sasuke... their clan was known to be strong.. so sasuke can't be shown weak.... or else they'll tease him more.. and cause more trouble than it is now..
It will probably get long but only up to episode 160 or so. Just like how they did it to Inuyasha. ^^;; Sasuke has his reasons and you can't really blame him. I truly believe if I were in Sasuke's positon and saw my own big bro whom I'd looked up to for years and years and was my idol massacre the whole Uchiha clan then yes, I'd seek Orochimarru for power too.
Sorry...I sound evil but I understand how Sasuke feels. I honestly would've chosen Orochimaru instead of stay in Konoha and what he said in one of the eps was true. Konoha is holding him back from his goal. ^^;; Well, I'm not saying I completely agree with how he worked things out nor am I saying that I don't agree its just he needs someone to be there for him.
He has nobody in the world left except Itachi, his ex-idol (and brother). He needs someone to be there for him (*cough* SAKURA! ;D *cough*) XDD I watched the Naruto movie weeks ago and it was hilarious (and cute!). You're right Lika-chan...not enough SasuSaku moments. ;____; BUT, there shall be more...someday. >>;
I just saw episode 136 today and it was a filler ep. It was fine I guess. I was surprised (*cough* yeah right...) Sakura had the intention to look for Sasuke and bring him back herself. e-e;; Now THAT'S devotion...[sigh] They're holding the anime up with filler episodes becausee its already at the same pace as the manga. =/
And I wanted to see kickarse Sakura so bad too (trans: the NEW Sakura..;D). She looks so cool and powerful in the manga after 3 years pass. I've loved her since the beginning really but now it makes me love her even more. ^^ Wow, I would just love to see Sasuke's expression once he see's the new (and more beautiful looking) Sakura. HANYAAAAN!! :inlove: lmao
:O sakura changed??
Indeed. That's why you train instead of going off and hanging with Orochi. >_>
Hey did any of you read the latest manga chapter of naruto.
Spoiler highlight to read:
In that chiyo was explaining that the akatsuki is extracting the bijuu from the jinchiruku (shukaku from gaara) and that will cause gaara's death and in the end of the ep the akatsuki was saying that it is done. what does that means? It can't mean that Gaara died can it? noooooooooooooo . he is my fav character from that series. :( :(
anyone has any idea what happened to Rin?
dont you think that
Jiraiya - Tsunade - Orochimaru, Naruto - Sakura - Sasuke, Obito - Rin - Kakashi
their characters like a little similar somehow..
also.. i just have this thought that Naruto may be related to the Yondaime (the 4th Hokage)? hehe.. they both have yellow hair and looks a little similar.. *lol*
wonder who is the leader of the notorious Akatsuki club...
i'd just finished reading Chapter 260 of the manga.. *woooh* and sad to say.. i think Gaara's gone?
Well, I'm not sure if Rin ever died in the Kakashi Gaiden, but she has been stated to be officially dead.
Yes, it has been mentioned that Sasuke is like Orichimaru, Naruto is like Jiraiya, and Sakura is like Tsunade - Team 7 is following the same path as years ago, what with Sasuke betraying Konoha in the search for power.
And as for being related....yup, it's very likely that Naruto is related to the Yondaime. That would explian the choice of Kyuubi vessel, and why Naruto is orphaned.
I agree as that will also explain why we aren't told anything yet about the main hero's parents because if the forth was related then it can b the big secret.
I think Rin died but maybe well have to wait to know how.
Oh i can't believe Gaara is dead. :cry: :cry: :cry: :sad5:
Actually we should wait a little while before coming to that conclusion.
Oh Gaara...you died! OH NOEZ! *sobs in corner*
I really want to know whats' happening next, the manga takes forever with their battles >.<
is it possible that Rin is now in ANBU? because i remembered seeing a girl talking to Kakashi when he was at the 'stone' thinking about his pal, Obito... in earlier series..
Hmm..it could be possible...but wouldn't Kakashi have recognised her? Plus, a ninja must be registered (remember Naruto episode 2), so wouldn't everyone know who the ANBU was? She couldn't just go back and become a new person, without credentials!
Yeah, I agree too, but anything can happen, she can be and no one could've noticed her, even Kakahashi. I guess its all about expecting the unexpected ^^
I doubt Gaara's dead. He's stronger than that and don't the Akatsuki need him but if he did die........[weeps and wails out in sadness] Lmao. Anyway, Rin isn't dead or maybe she is. We won't know for awhile I guess since Kakashi and Itachi are taking so friggin' long to battle it all out. >>;
LOL, I mentioned that earlier, the chapters are so short too. You think they will finally battle all out, but then something happens, and it drags out >.< yeah, I am an impatient person.
initially i thought the fight between Gai and Kisame was fast.. it was a bluff... *doh*
Sigh....I read a chapter, and think the bit I'm waiting for will be next...but instead it's another three or four chapters away....
anyone watching the anime as well?
the current episode (139) is different from the manga right?
yes, the anime is now...almost completely different from the manga :sweatdrop:
does anyone know where I can download the naruto movie?
Hey did any of you read the latest manga chapter of naruto.
Spoiler highlight to read:
you still have to learn how to use the spoiler tags
yes, the anime is now...almost completely different from the manga :sweatdrop:
does anyone know where I can download the naruto movie?
have you tried http://www.narutochaos.com ? they have it there, both direct link and bittorrent.. but you need to register first...
WEEEEEEEEEEEE! Naruto is probably my fav anime tied with TRC :inlove: Its sooooo uber.... One of the best animes ever for sure...
Yup. The plot's fairly original too.....of course since it's ninjafied, there's betrayal, death, etc.....but the plots overall are much more developed and well carried out than in other anime!
I LOVE itachi!!! heheheheh despite him being evil and all!! HE's SOO waY COOL!!! aHHH! :inlove:
yeh naruto is exciting..though its sorta long
I like the fact that it's long. Far too mnay anime's deal with short one shot stories, with no depth to their plots. Naruto spends time dealing with the underlying issues, and making sure that the storylines are the best that they can be, in my opinion.
And it had wonderful comparisons. Some characters (eg. Gaara) become more humane, and discover better sides to themselves. But then the writers contrast it with people turning away from the side of good to join evil. Take Sasuke for example. He spent the first few seasons getting sorta nicer and beginning to value his friends more...and now he's betrayed them for power, going back to square 1.
The series just makes sure that all these points are dealt with as best as they can.
Lol, trust me, I love the series but I dont bother watching the anime anymore. Its turning into another DBZ/Inuyasha. So I just read the manga. XD
I don't watch the anime too. Its going very different from the manga as they are showing filler eps. If they keep going on the manga story line then they are going to catch up to the manga in no time.
hehe... anyone saw the latest epi on Fujin and Raijin.. arent they irritating? and the episodes on Iruka chasing after Mizuki.. are getting on my nerves..
It's nice to see Iruka getting more screen time, but the action is being too thinly stretched....nothing's really happening, so yes, the episodes are getting annoying.
WAH! I'm watching Naruto again. I watched like 10 episodes today. XD Trying to catch up. XD!! YEA!! I'm on 116-117 special. XD hehe.
Show content
Choiji (or however you spell it) died. T_T SO SAD! I was going to cry. WAH!! NO FAIR!
o.O Sasuke is trying EVIL!! lolz.. Like he wasn't before. -_- Not that I don't like him or anything, just I didn't know he would go this far.
Ok, I'm putting out a plea for help, guys! Anyone who likes Naruto, come over to the Naruto RPG I'm running! We're already doubling up roles over there, and we need more players! If you want a character that's taken under temp, it's yours, since we're only playing those extra characters out of necessity.
Please! We're getting desperate over there!
PLUS! For the RP. You have to at least be on once a day. I mean like even 5 minutes is enough to post a little something for the RP. Well even if you're on like 4 times a week, I think that's ok too. XD
The Naruto RP is going pretty slow too. WE NEED MORE PEOPLE!!!
I would love to help but I don't come online for long enough and i am no good at RPGs so i don't want to end up messing something that can be really great.
It's ok. You come on at least once a day, I think. Well we just need someone that comes on more then twice a week. XD hehe
And if you need help, you can always ask me or Ruby-chan, XD yup yup.
Oh yea. I finally finished watching the season of when
Show content
Sasuke leaves and Naruto and the gang go and try to bring him back. So many sad things and funny things. T_T I was crying through some episodes
OMG Episode 124, I think it's that, is such jokes. If you haven't watched it, GO! It's so funny. ROFL I was laughing so hard.
haha! i'm trying to make up my mind right now whether this one is funnier than epi 101
well..i still don't think i should as i have only seen two eps (ep142 and another one). and the movie1 so i don't know much about their way of speaking etc which is important for RPG. I've been reading either summaries or manga(just the last few). So sorry about that but really i'm not the right person.
Heh...another Naruto fan whos' been reading summaries? That's what I do! I've only seen episodes 1-11 and 127-128! :rotfl:
Who needs to watch the episodes when you can read them? :sweatdrop:
Heh...another Naruto fan whos' been reading summaries? That's what I do! I've only seen episodes 1-11 and 127-128! :rotfl:
Who needs to watch the episodes when you can read them? :sweatdrop:
erm.. animated sasuke? plus, the voice of sasuke.. that .japanese dude who voices him has SUCH a, erm nice (sexy, hot) voice.. :heh:
Heh...another Naruto fan whos' been reading summaries? That's what I do! I've only seen episodes 1-11 and 127-128! :rotfl:
Who needs to watch the episodes when you can read them? :sweatdrop:
Where do you read the summaries form coz i lost the site name and it wasn't even updated often enough.
I read the summaries here...they're pretty good and detailed too.
I do love animated Sasuke.....although he comes across differently in the anime than the manga, I think. But he's very very cool....especially when he turns traitor.
Now, I've only seen some episodes of this anime. I like it okay. I have a poster of Sakura and Sasuke on the back of my bedroom door. ( I like 'em as a couple.. especially after reading fanfics and looking at fanart, and then of course the infamous obsession Sakura has over him. So, it all works out. Hehe. )
Besides that... it has good music, and storyline is interesting.. and characters are funny. So, yes, and I've been told that I act like Sakura. I have my general sweet side and then there is the inner evil side when I tend to bring out sometimes. nn;
hehe.. just finished viewing the manga till #271.. Sasori looks so innocent but deadly.. :sweatdrop:
and anime ep. 146.. finally something for a change! though its still about Iruka and Mizuki...
I still have to download episode 146. I finally caught up. XD haha
haha! i'm trying to make up my mind right now whether this one is funnier than epi 101
SO TRUE!! Lolz. Episode 101 was such jokes. It was a super funny filler episode. I think I like episode 124 the best though. OMG!! I deleted, I just realized that. O__O NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUPID ME!!! *hits self 10000 times*
heehee i like sarunaru! they make a good couple if they would stop fighting. :inlove: :rotfl:Â lol
hey I've made 3 sasuke and 1 kakashi mavign sign so where should i post them. Here or a new topic. I'll post them only if they turn out well coz last time when i had uploaded the gif file it was completely ruined. bad quality.
ok i tried but i am not able to upload it. Photobucket doesen't allow any heivier than 250kb and mine are 750 kb nearly so it is resized and messed up. Can you help me with that. somewhere else i may be able to upload.
ok i tried but i am not able to upload it. Photobucket doesen't allow any heivier than 250kb and mine are 750 kb nearly so it is resized and messed up. Can you help me with that. somewhere else i may be able to upload.
why not try rapidshare?
The 147/148 episode is friggin' odd.
Furry Mizuki? Magic-Girl Hinata?! o_O;;;
ok thanks for the help. here they are... but using rapidshare i won't be able to upload it as a sign if i want to, right?
1: http://rapidshare.de/files/4143872/cool_sasuke.gif.html
2: http://rapidshare.de/files/4144251/kakashi_raikiri.gif.html
3: http://rapidshare.de/files/4144519/lion_combo.gif.html
4: http://rapidshare.de/files/4148303/sasuke_jutsu.gif.html
Ok I found it. this is the site from where i read the ep summaries. It is more detailed and i like it that way.
naruto is overrated beyond belief. not as overrated as sailormoon or dragonball, but DAMN its overrated.
the only reason i still stick with it is because of akatsuki (theyre so badass its unbelievable).
seriously showing narutos past and reshowing it everytime he meets another badguy IS NOT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! everytime someone meets naruto after a long time they go "oh hes gotten stronger" NOOOO WE DIDNT KNOW THAT. i mean he goes training and u expect him to come back the same?
not only that he changes every badguy the EXACT SAME WAY. he fights a enemy, gives a heart wrenching speech about how the bad guy is "just like him" and that he used to be lonely too and if the bad guy is a important character he turns into narutos freind and looks up to him, if not he loses and you never hear from him/her again.
if it wasnt for akatsuki naruto woulda been dead to me long ago
after i saw ep. 147-148.. im so amazed with Tsunande-sama!! no doubt, she's one of the legendary sannins.. *lol* love the part when she 'rescued' Chouji-Ino-Shikamaru..
ep. 149.. are they focusing on Hinata now? Hinata + Naruto = Hilarious moments.. hehe..
Whoo.. NO one has posted here in a long time. Well that's good. More ranting for me.
Well firstly, I want to warn you. I'm unstable right now after watching the dubbed version of Naruto. Boy I need to rant A LOT right now. >__< Ok So I suggest you guys back away from your computer. Ok wait nevermind. That's only if you guys had sound and I was recording my voice. ROFL!! You would hear my yelling! Seriously! Anyways.. let's start. XD!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!! HOW COULD THEY DO THAT!?!??!?!?!?!
Do you know that they DESTROYED Naruto!!! O___O HOLY CRAP! Seriously! Firstly, Naruto's last name is.. Uzumaki (Is that the right spelling) Anyways.. They say it as... Oooozumaki. AH!!!!! And then Sakura is Sa-kooo-ra! AH!!! *pulls hair out*
And then the voice. OMG! When I first heard Naruto speak, I was like *drops jaw* I think if I was standing and holding something, it would have fell onto the floor along with my jaw... O__O OMG!!! That's just not fair. AH!!!!!!!!! Naruto's voice is RUINED!!!! And then Sakura's voice. O__O Her inner Sakura is weird.. -__-" And then Iruka's voice. AH!!!!!!!!! THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
What else. AH!!!!!!! They took away all the lovely openings!!! They made this one just for the dubbed version. I mean like they already show Garaa in the opening. O__O WTF!! *sigh* THIS is SO disappointing!! >___< :angry: AH!! And then the ending is just crap! *sigh* T___T I'm so sad right now!!!!!!!!
And then the way they talk is so choppy.. @__@ AH!! This stinks!!! It's so bad... T___T lolz. Naruto's voice is the worse part. *sigh* I'm so disappointed. They totally destroyed the Naruto people all love. T___T *sigh* Thankfully I still have Naruto on BT that's in JAPANESE!! Thank goodness!! haha. ^__^
Well I think my ranting is done. I think. I'm probably forgetting something. But whatever. lolz. It's all good. I'm pretty sure that's all I really wanted to say. XD hehe
I saw the tv show on cartoon network last saturday I didn't like their voices either.
The story looks interesting though. America needs to get new people for voices I swear.
I heard Naruto's voice and died! I was so disappointed. He has a really weird voice. They could have had a much better voice. :angry:
The story is amazing. lolz. I love Naruto. haha. XD I heard the manga is awesome too. But the manga is like on chapter 200 something. ROFL!! It's long!!! I mean like the anime is already on over 150 episodes. Think about it. lolz. Plus the anime is filled with a bunch of spoilers. *sigh* lolz.
My friend told me once that the author of Naruto, said there's going to be an infinity of episodes for the anime. O__O lolz.
infinitey of THAT voice on tv! I don't think i could stand it. They also killed One piece That story was interesting too but voices were too painful to listen to.
Who's the guy with the black hair I like him already.
Black hair.... there's a lot of guys with black hair in Naruto. lolz. Which one are you talking about??
But then I think you're talking about Sasuke. lolz. The guy always dressed in blue right?? And then all the girls are in love with him?? lolz Is it that guy.
Everyone seems to love Sasuke. I like him, but I love Naruto more. ^__^ hehe.
Yeah I think that's the one but that was only first impression.
I guess I'll find out more tomorrow. (saturday cartoonnetwork)
haha. I see. Sasuke is this dude... Let me find a picture.. lolz
lolz. I don't love Sasuke but he's a good character. I love the younger version of him. SO CUTE! lolz. ^__^ But then when he Show content
left Konoha
, I didn't like him as much. He was sort of acting like an a**.. lolz.
Naruto is just the same old Naruto. And he's so funny. HAHA!! Episode 147-148 was SO FUNNY! HAHA! Hinta and Naruto. Funny stuff! XD
Yup that's him.
I haven't judged his personality yet seeing as we really didn't meet him yet.
He just looked really cool.
i just saw Ep. 151.. Naruto in it was funny and you will be surprised to see how much Hinata has improved!
Oh yeah, Hinata has definetly improved! The hand thing made me all fangirlishly gleeful, and a tad bit scared as well XD And all those pro HinaNaru should be pleased XD
So, whose seen the dub? Sexy jutsu anyone? Or perhaps a gay sounding Iruka? Your pick XD
Episode 151?!?!? WHERE?!?!? I need it NOW!!!!!!!!!! Need it to help me recover from the shock of the dubbed. O__O lolz
Hinata and Naruto scenes are SO FUNNY!!! HAHA!! The blushing and fainting. ROFL!!!
*groans* The dubbed. I just want to kill the people who made the dubbed. At least keep the songs like Inuyasha!!! >__< STUPID!! Naruto has some pretty good songs. xD haha
if you are using bittorrent..
the link for Naruto Ep. 151 is up..
they upload the wrong link last week! i download something called Prince of Naruto 151 and it turned out to be Prince of Tennis instead.. :shifty:
ME TOO!! lolz. I thought it was just for jokes, the Prince part. Turns out it was Prince of Tennis. ROFL!!! haha
I'm downloading already. Thanks for the link though. XD
Naruto is so kool i just started watching it yesturday
WAH! I just watched episode 151. OMG! That's such an awesome episode. I love Hinata more now!! And Neji, for some reason. There's going to be MORE Neji in the next episode. :inlove: ROFL!!
I have a feeling that Naruto is going to go on a mission with all the other groups and then do whatever. Well that's what's happening right now. First it was group 8?? Like Shiho, Kiba, and Hinata. And then next episode is with group ??? lolz. I don't know the number. It's the group with Neji, Rock Lee, and that girl. What's her name again?? ?__? lolz. I don't remember either. HAHA!! What bad memory!!! lolz..
Anyways. OMG! Episode 151's ending is SUCH JOKES!! ROFL! I knew there was going to be a reason they can't find Sasuke, I just knew it. They're not going to find him so easily, I know it!!! haha. Because if they do, then the story is pretty boring. -__-" lolz
that girl's name is Tenten..
OMG!! I found out how Kakashi sounds in the dubbed. Not bad. Sakura makes me want to... *grabs barf bag* Yea.. lolz. But I think it's better than Lacus' VA in GS!! ROFL!!
There.. you can hear Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura. I mean like Sasuke is in it but he doesn't make a sound.. at least not that I heard. ROFL!!
i just saw Ep. 152... its a new mission..
if you like Rock Lee.. you should watch it!! his conversations with Naruto were funny!
im not sure if this mission also involves another member of the Akatsuki.. :confused:
lika chi I love your naruto sign.
Haha! I love Lee.. :inlove: He was so funny when he was drunk. ROFL!! Too bad I deleted that episode. T__T I'm so sad about that. I deleted it and didn't notice until a while after. *sigh* lolz
Thanks S.Espoire! lolz. XD
OMG!! I found out how Kakashi sounds in the dubbed. Not bad. Sakura makes me want to... *grabs barf bag* Yea.. lolz. But I think it's better than Lacus' VA in GS!! ROFL!!
OMG! I think that they really ruined Kakashi's voice. He doesn't sound so in control anymore, or mysterious/dangerous. He just sounds like an ordinary guy. And Sakura and Naruto? Terrible! Sakura's voice sounds like she's a real posh princess (sort of like how they made Kagome's from Inuyasha in the dub) Naruto's voice....is just plain annoying and immature.
It makes me gald that I'm downloading the Naruto episodes. Sure I may only have episodes 1-12 (LQ) and 105-108, along with 127-128......but they're so much better than the dubbed version.
True.. true.. true!
OMG! Episode 152 is the FUNNIEST!! Haha. Rock Lee, I LOVE YOU!! He's so funny in that episode. :rotfl:
Haha! The curry. XD! Funny episode. Must watch!
yeah.. i was laughing when i saw the colour of the curry! plus those reactions on their faces...
HAHA!!! I know what you mean!! ROFL!! Lee was so happy to see the curry. Oh man.. I think I would be like the rest of them if I ate curry like that. O__O HAHA!!! So funny.
And then the part where Naruto and Lee were talking in the Ramen stand!! HAHA! And the whole Tsunada part was so funny! The chair! ROFL!!! I loved this episode. XD
yeah, i will be like them if i ate that curry!!
the part where Rock Lee talking to Naruto at the Ramen stall was funny.. Naruto is forever slow.. hehe.. yeah yeah, Gai was so funny too...
did you see what happened to the poor chair?
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after when the chair was threw out of the window.. there was a sound like someone being hit by the chair.. and when it was carried up to Tsunade's office, there was a bump on the chair.. i think the sound was from the chair itself..
i nearly faint from laughing..
YEA! I just rewatched it and I saw something
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The guy carrying the chair has blood on his head!! ROFL!! Poor guy and chair!! haha
At least I think so. I have to rewatch it. My favourite part was when
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Tenten gave the glass of watch to Neji.
I have a new liking to these two!! HAHA!! XD
yeah, i edit my spoiler... go and read it.. :haha:
yup, i think we will learn more about them next episode..
HAHAHA!! They made a sound?? I didn't hear! I can't really hear the backround sounds. The people are talking too loudly!! ROFL!!!
HAHA!! I'm taking screenshots of episode 52! Just too funny!! HAHA!!
WHOO!! I got a lot of the funny scenes done. xD HAHA! Now to upload them. Next post!!!
lika-chi.. i think you are right about it..
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about the chair and the poor guy.. the sound was from the poor guy.. *lol*
as for the sound, try viewing from 8:15 to 8:17 of the ep.
I HAVE THE SCREENSHOT for it bLuetopaz! ROFL!! Man the screenshots were fun to take. ROFL!! Every shot was the funny shots! ROFL!! Let's see then!!
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The Dango Scene!! lolz. When Tsunada first gets mad
Oh man I LOVE Tsunada-obaa-chan's reaction!! lolz. XD SO FUNNY!!
Gai Sensei!! ROFL!
HAHA!! After Tsunada adds Naruto, Gai goes crazy!! ROFL!! Look at all that spit. xP HAHA!!
Naruto and Tsunada
When Neji upsets her!! lolz
Tenten tries to apologize!! haha
Tsunada BLOWS!!!
Naruto and Sakura
Lee drags away Naruto!!! haha
THE CHAIR!!!!! lolz
The Ramen stand!
The last picture is the best! The 'good guy pose'!!! haha
The Curry story starts!!!
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/ryuuki/screenshots/_DB__Naruto_152__854DEBEA_066_0001.jpg (Is that even a person?? It doesn't look alive!! Lee swinging her like that O__O) lolz
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/ryuuki/screenshots/_DB__Naruto_152__854DEBEA_088_0001.jpg (The black curry!! ROFL!!)
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/ryuuki/screenshots/_DB__Naruto_152__854DEBEA_089_0001.jpg (His reaction is such jokes!! ROFL!!)
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/ryuuki/screenshots/_DB__Naruto_152__854DEBEA_091_0001.jpg (HAHA!! Naruto you're so funny!!)
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/ryuuki/screenshots/_DB__Naruto_152__854DEBEA_091_0002.jpg (Tenten and Neji!)
Lee eating the curry!
The others eat it!
Continue of screenshots! The limit was close to 0!! HAHA! :sweatdrop:
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The reactions!! haha
Tenten and Neji!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!
Well that's it!! Hoped you enjoy!! hehe. Anyone mind making me some icons or something for any of these! Mostly with the Tenten and Neji scene. XD!! I will love you to death and hug you vitrually to death. XD hehe
great work, lika-chi!!
*toss a cookie to lika-chi*
Ep. 153 was not as funny as Ep. 152... -_-
its me again...
just saw Naruto Ep. 154.. and im wondering.. whats up with the Hidden Mist ninjas.. first, there were Zabuza and Haku.. now, there were Raiga and Raimaru... :hehe:
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i thought Raimaru was a girl due to the soft voice.. and in this episode, it reveals that 'she' was a guy... somehow, its like Haku *faints* :lol:
I was downloading episodes 1-25 in bittorrent...and after several days which got me to 20%......it aborted. -_-
The file had been taken offline, so all that was for nothing - I got zilch. However, I have now downloaded most of the Sasuke's betrayal episodes - sugoi! Although I preferred Sasuke's demon form in the manga to the anime......especially his wings.
Come on...clawed hands?!
Come on...clawed hands?!
yeah, i find it very lame too... :sweatdrop:
... lolz I haven't read the manga before. -__-" lolz
I watched episoe 154 today. xP Blah what a boring episode. *sigh* I want more funny stuff! XD hehe. OMG! That kid is so cute. xD HAHA!! But with his glowly red eyes. *backs away* lolz. XD
I watched episoe 154 today. xP Blah what a boring episode. *sigh* I want more funny stuff! XD hehe.
i think only ep. 152 (with Neji, Tenten and Rock Lee) was the funniest.. :hehe:
... lolz I haven't read the manga before. -__-" lolz
If you go here, you can download the Naruto manga. It has
Movie Manga
And most can either be directly downloaded, or by torrent. All you have to do is register (It's free!)
just want to add...
Ep. 157 of Naruto was funny!
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its the end of the current filler and a new filler episode is showing next week! juniors are joining them in mission.. i guess its going to be another funny filler episodes :hehe:
YEA! I caught up with the anime finally. XD hehe. Episode 156 and 157 were funny!! HAHA!! Lee is my new favourite character. I love Lee. lolz. XD He's so funny. And then the end of episode 157 is funny with Ramaru cooking the curry. HAHA!! Funny funny.
o.O The next episode looks cool. I can't wait to see that grandson. I don't rememeber how to spell his name. hehe.
YEA! I caught up with the anime finally. XD hehe. Episode 156 and 157 were funny!! HAHA!! Lee is my new favourite character. I love Lee. lolz. XD He's so funny. And then the end of episode 157 is funny with Ramaru cooking the curry. HAHA!! Funny funny.
o.O The next episode looks cool. I can't wait to see that grandson. I don't rememeber how to spell his name. hehe.
yeah, the ending part was funny! they were so eager to get away from the Life of Curry house! :hehe:
the grandson's name is Konohamaru
The black curry was bad enough and now there's bright red. I think I would drag Lee away if I were Neji and Naruto too. ROFL!! That was funny! haha.
Konohamaru! Oh yea! I love that little guy. It was sad to see how sad he was when the 3rd Show content
died T__T
*looks around* am i the only neji fan here??? everyone's so hooked up with sasuke... never mind... woot~! neji x tenten rules!!!
oh, i just read the other entries. rin isn't that girl who appeared beside kakashi during sandaime's funeral. that's actually hayate's girlfriend, you know, the jounin who has SARS, the one kabuto killed. yeah! sasori's cool!!! cool!!! yeah! and the akatsuki didn't need gaara anymore. that's why they killed him. they had already gotten his demon using sasori's summon. sasuke's wings look disgusting... why is it that the level 2 of orochimaru's cursed seal never created bishies...? just look at sasuke and kimimaro and the other sound nins... eurgh~!
the curry episode was way too funny! i never imagined neji-sama's face could contort like that! woot~!
hehe... yeah, i never knew Neji's face will be in a shock and comical look.. because he's always so serious.. :hehe:
i like Konohamaru too! he's always tagging along Naruto.. he's like Naruto's little brother
kraehe > yup! i thought Sasori looks cute too! he's like a small kid!
lolz. Neji and Tenten are cool. xD haha
I loved Konohamaru since like the 2nd episode. He's so cute and cool. Especially in the special about the red clover. HAHA!! It was so cute. XD
Konohamaru....he's cute, but something about him just gets under my skin. I really didn't like the first episode with him in it......but he comes across a lot better in the fics I read, so I'm all for fanfic Konohamaru!
lolz. So only fanfics?? Awww... lolz.
Oh well Konohamaru is one of my favourite characters. But he gets really annoying at times. lolz.
i remembered the first time Konohamaru using the transformation jutsu to change into a girl.. i nearly died from laughter.. :hehe: after a few practices, 'she's' cuter than Naruto's! :lol:
i love konohamaru, especially when he tried helping naruto to go to the stadium [the place where the finals would take place]. it was really hilarious! then, i got annoyed at him when he tried to lock himself up in his grandfather's office when tsunade came. the boy definitely got issues but still.... it was touching though to see him crying during Sandaime's funeral [orochimaru should go to hell...]
i remembered the first time Konohamaru using the transformation jutsu to change into a girl.. i nearly died from laughter.. :hehe: after a few practices, 'she's' cuter than Naruto's! :lol:
AH!! I forgot how Konohamaru's sexy jutsu was. O__O *hits self* NO! lolz. But I remember it was as good as Naruto's. XD haha. Konohamaru is so cute!! lolz. XD
This has got to be one of the best series I've seen for ages...it's got action, adventure, romance, humour, suspense...everything you could want in an anime!
Sasuke is so cool! I love him! And the episodes where he leaves Konoha are some of the best in the series! (If you don't count when he protects Naruto from Haku, and fights Gaara with chidori)
Yeah^^ I think so too! I'm 100% with you!
anybody saw Ep. 158 yet?
it was very funny! as long as there's Tsunande-sama + Naruto OR Team Konohamaru + Naruto.. that episode is going be funny.. :hehe:
O__O It's out? *runs to download* I can't wait to watch it. I love all the funny moments in Naruto. They're the best! HAHA!!
The curry episodes with Lee were the funniest. XD haha. Most of the episodes with Lee are so funny. XD hehe
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The curry! lolz. And then whenever Lee is drunk is really funny! HAHA!!
yeah yeah! its out!!
hehe.. i like the curry + Lee filler episodes too! but i definitely wont eat the curry!! :lol:
True! lolz.
I watched episode 158 yesterday. HAHA!! That was a funny episode. ROFL!! Man.. seeing as how Naruto isn't all that great of a leader was funny. XD hehe. And especially the part when the other ninjas test out how well Naruto's team was doing. OH MY GOD!! HAHA! That was funny. XD haha
Lee's scene was nice too. ROFL!! "Lee-sensei" :rotfl: haha.
Editted : I took some screenshots from episode 157 XD hehe. I need to make some shots for 158!!! XD hehe
ENJOY!!! lolz. XD
wow! i like your avatar!! haha.. Naruto eating his giant ramen.. so cute! :okay:
remember the scene when Konohamaru and his team scolded Naruto for bringing those food which need water? i was like.. even Konohamaru knew that why not Naruto.. so embarrassed! :hehe:
I watched some dubbed ones..they didn't dub taht much
just the voices are skrewed beyond skrwed -_-
Anyways..I LOVE NARUTO..<3
wow! i like your avatar!! haha.. Naruto eating his giant ramen.. so cute! :okay:
remember the scene when Konohamaru and his team scolded Naruto for bringing those food which need water? i was like.. even Konohamaru knew that why not Naruto.. so embarrassed! :hehe:
HAHA! Thanks! I like it too. xD hehe. I want a Rock Lee avatar right now. xD hehe.
Yea! It was pretty sad how the kids knew more things than Naruto in survival skills. HAHA!! Naruto, you must learn! lolz. XD But towards the end it was good. xD hehe.
its a pity that there was only 1 episode of such filler.. no more Konohamaru-chan :(
the next filler looks more serious~
Hmm...as much as I like comedy in Naruto, I have to admit, I like the more serious episodes better......any idea what the serious filler will be about?
And when will they get back to Sasuke?!
HAHA! I actually want to see Sasuke again. Even though they mention about him, I want to see him. xP lolz.
WHAT!! No more Konohamaru!!! O__O NO!!!! How could that be?!?!?! *sniff sniff* ARG!!!!
The next episode?? I don't even remember the preview.. *sigh* I'll go check *goes to watch preview for 159*
Oh yea.. doesn't the new ending theme remind you guys of a song. It reminds me SO MUCH of this song I know but I just can't tell which one. T___T It reminds me of some english christmas song.. I think. O__O lolz. I don't remember!!!
Oh yea. The next episode is about some bounty hunter looking for a thief or something. o__O lolz. I'm not sure but that's what I'm getting from the preview. XD hehe
i cant remember where i read from.. and if im not mistaken.. now till the end of the season will be showing the filler episodes.. so which means in the mean time, Sasuke wont be appearing...
the current anime is so different from the manga.. at least in the manga, they are still finding Sasuke via Akatsuki..
Lika-chi > the new ending theme reminds us of a song?? need to go and re-listen!
Sasuke is so cool! I love him!
Oh my god!!! another sasuke lover? I've got competitors!!! I love sasuke-kun he's mine!!!!!! Naruto is my favourite anime but sadly, i'm still on eps 97 waaaa!!!
ONLY on episode 97. *tsk tsk* You need to catch up. XD hehe. Just kidding. Take as much time as you want. The episodes are all so good.. xD hehe
O__O More filler episodes until the end of the season. *faints* Oh my god. As long as they're good and funny. With more Rock Lee and Tsunada, I'm happy. XD hehe
YEA!! What song is it?!?!?!?! *pulls out hair in frustration* lolz. XD
ONLY on episode 97. *tsk tsk* You need to catch up. XD hehe. Just kidding. Take as much time as you want. The episodes are all so good.. xD hehe
*cries* i'm only on episode 10
(totally offtopic)
Congratz, lika-chi! That was CapturedWings comment nr 80000! :occasion18:
Honto ne?? WOW!! lol How do you know?? lolz. XD
Awww.. It's ok Vex, you have pently of time to catch up. xD hehe
Honto ne?? WOW!! lol How do you know?? lolz. XD
It's written at the bottom of the board index! :greengrin:
dammit... i'm practically dying to know what would happen to the akatsuki! i want sasori!!! sasori!!! sasori's so cool and so innocent-looking! you'd never expect him to kill you... wahahaha! sasori rules... well, after neji, that is.
wow.. Rukia watched till ep. 97 and VexNet till ep. 10?! yeah.. its a long way before you can watch the current ep.
the other time my friends and i spent a few days (nearly 24/7) watching Naruto.. its so fun!! :hehe:
kraehe > i also thought Sasori is so cute and innocent looking.. but i just stopped reading the manga for a while.. its time for me to catch up..
lika-chi > i re-listen to the song but i dont know which song it reminds me of.. just found it very soothing.. :okay:
anyone saw the ep. 159?
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did you saw Hinata made those 'Naruto'-shaped sushi?? its so cute!! :hehe:
HAHA! I did last night. It was funny. I want some of those.
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It was funny how Naruto went like "It's hard to eat myself." ROFL!! That part was the best. xD hehe
HAHA! I did last night. It was funny. I want some of those.
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It was funny how Naruto went like "It's hard to eat myself." ROFL!! That part was the best. xD hehe
yeah.. i laughed at that part too!!
a random thought... why are the bad guys so ugly in Naruto? :hehe:
well i'm done on Episode 37... I can Catch up!! I can!!! >:[
anyway, Dunno if you guys have seen these cool pictures by an artist names Risachantag
Halloween Special, DBZ Goten and Naruto (http://www.deviantart.com/view/11789370/)
DBZ Teen Goten and 15 Year Old Naruto... Coincidence!? (http://www.deviantart.com/view/14882038/)
MERRY CHRISTMAS from NARUTO!!! (http://www.deviantart.com/view/13323077/)
NARUTO Rendan Volleyball (http://www.deviantart.com/view/12495727/)
STOP CARRYING THOSE KUNAI IN YOUR MOUTH!!!! (http://www.deviantart.com/view/12026964/)
NARUTO and GOKU Similarities!! (http://www.deviantart.com/view/8686234/)
And this one by Tagailog
Uzumaki Naruto... Alone (http://www.deviantart.com/view/10158567/)
I like all the pictures! I epecially like the volleyball one. That's so Naruto and so Sakura! ROFL!! XD haha..
The last one is sad.. T___T Lonely Naruto.
those pictures were so funny!
Some pictures are good.By the way lika-chi i love your avatar :inlove:
well still on 97...as the *** sites won't allow me to download for some reason SOOOOOO annoyin!!!! don't worry lika-chi, i'llcatch up got a CD of the eps from my friend 125 and above but anyone know where i can get direct downloads not bittoreant? for tsubasa as
I watched 90 and my computer broked down for 5 days it'd be really bad if the site my brother downloads Naruto do that, i've been waiting for two weeks.
I can't watch any as it is impossible for me to download then with this pathetic internet speed but I read the summaries and view screenscaps so I've read till ep 150. I've just seen two eps till date (randomly) and the movie one (it was great).
just saw ep. 160..
thats the end of yet another filler episode.. :keke:
i think ep. 161 is going to be very funny.. Show content
because there are Gai sensei, Lee and many of Gai-wannabes!!! :lol: :haha: :hehe:
I just done episode 70.. I still think my fav fight so far is the Lee vs Gaara, Man that was intense!!
Episode 160 was ok. Wasn't exactly a funny episode. A more serious episode. -__-" Next episode looks like jokes. ROFL!!
o.O Vexnet, you're on the good episodes. All the fights are so cool. xD HAHA! I have the urge to download everything again just for the fun of it. xD hehe... Just because Naruto rocks!!!
yup, they were nice.. but sometimes they tend to be too draggy..
Ep. 162 was ok.. but seeing Naruto getting scare was really funny!
I've just done episode 100 and the first movie ^^
I felt so sad for Lee in that episode, He's done so much hardwork. and I love that Gai and Kakashi moment ^_^ ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!! rofl
And Kakashi's reaction at the end of the first movie, that made me laugh so much!! LMAO
Movie. I want to download that again! Got a lot of graphics from the movie just a while ago. hehe.
Episode 101 is really funny Vexnet. lolz
Episode 162. Why have I not finished watching it. O__O I watched a bit of it and then stopped! That's weird! lolz. I'll go back to it. It's been pretty boring, the fillers. Episdoe 161 was really weird. -__-" Naruto is super smart, ne? lolz.
yeah, i cant believe that Naruto was so 'smart'.. everyone knew except him..
did anyone read this?
More Naruto coming to North America
D3Publisher and Tomy to bring over GameCube, Game Boy Advance editions of Shonen Jump's ninja action series.
Just last week, Bandai announced that it would be bringing the ninja-anime-of-the-moment, Naruto, to the PlayStation 2 in North America. Now Tomy's Japanese Naruto titles for Nintendo systems are being brought over, as D3Publisher of America today announced that it is localizing four Naruto games for release next year on the GameCube and Game Boy Advance.
Next year will see the release of the Naruto: Clash of Ninja and Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 on the GC (originally titled Gekito Ninja Taisen in Japan), and the beat-'em-up Naruto: Ninja Council (Saikyuo Ninja Daikesshu) on the GBA, as well as one more game for the GBA. Assuming that last GBA game is going to be a localization of an existing Japanese game, it could be the sequel to Naruto: Ninja Council, the turn-based strategy title Naruto: Konoha Senki, or the role-playing game Naruto RPG: Uketsugareshi Hi no Ishi.
Naruto, Shonen Jump's ninja manga, debuted in Japan in 1999, but now the series has made its way to US shores with episodes on the Cartoon Network, and all manner of licensed fare from VIZ Media. It follows the story of ninja-in-training Naruto Uzumaki and his classmates, Sakura and Sasuke, as they learn the value of suspiciously un-ninjalike values of friendship, loyalty, and right versus wrong.
By Brendan Sinclair
Posted Oct 17, 2005 2:39 pm PT
thats so awesome!!
I have Naruto Gekito Ninja Taisen 3 for the Gamecube (or I will in a few days, It's being sent to me)
I love those type of games, They look just like the DBZ Budokai games so it should be good ^_^
Naruto is going to be extremely popular soon. Well before the fillers come pouring in in the States and Canada. :lol: They won't know what hit them. *is hit* lolz. xD
So more games being made is not a big surprise, to me at least. I just want more non-filler episodes of Naruto. Naruto fights too!!! I miss those! Even though we have to wait a week after the next to see what happens next. -__-" lol
yeah, i cant believe that Naruto was so 'smart'.. everyone knew except him..
Exactly! Naruto is super smart. :rotfl: I just don't get how Naruto could not see the difference. :dodge: and think that everything was for training! lolz. But the imposters were pretty smart in saying that everything was for training. :lol: They're smart!
How can you not like the filler episode? those are the ones that makes it so good.
Do you not remmember DBZ? thier main huge problem was the LACK of filler episodes and just Fights.
And yes, Episode 101 was very funny :haha:
I never actually watched all of DBZ! *runs beofre gets hit for being off topic* lol
Well fillers are nice for a while. But over a season of fillers! It's gets a bit annoying and boring. I want the serious stuff to come back!
Too much freakin filler-episodes...mur! >.<
I haven't watch anymore episodes because I don't like those fillers....murh...I must wait when the "original" episodes will air (and there will be very loonngg time.... snif)
Hee, I love that episode where Naruto and other want to know Kakashi's true face XD (was it 101?)
I still love the fillers. XD They're funny but I want the 'original' episodes to come back soon. T___T Must see more action and fighting. XD hehe
Yea! Episode 101 was the one about what's under Kakashi's mask. I love that episode!
I always wonder why the anime never follow the manga as exact. There is always some kind of twist and change. -_-
why do you say that? from what I know the manga and Anime are a LOT closer than the majority of other Manga to Anime shows.
I'm just done watching episodes 110 & 111 now..
I always wonder why the anime never follow the manga as exact. There is always some kind of twist and change. -_-
From what I hear, it's more exact than most other series. Besides, IMO if the anime was exactly the same as the manga, there would be no point in either reading the manga or watching the anime together.
I know they had to change the symbol on Neji's head because the Manga's symbol looked like the Nazi's Sign ( i forgot the name)
I just saw episode 115.. Man .. Chouji and Shikamaru are two cool guys..
I think Shikamaru is one of my fav characters now.. Right up there with Naruto and Kakashi.
yeah yeah.. Shikamaru is one cool and lazy guy!
VexNet > i think its called Swastika
yeah yeah.. Shikamaru is one cool and lazy guy!
VexNet > i think its called Swastika
yep thats it!!
and here's an awesome pic chronicled for Chouji after episode 114 (http://www.deviantart.com/view/10425121/)
Chouji is so cool in those episodes. xD Same with everyone else! hehe.
Those episodes made me like all the characters more. Especially Shikamaru! He's such an awesome person! xD
yep thats it!!
and here's an awesome pic chronicled for Chouji after episode 114 (http://www.deviantart.com/view/10425121/)
wow!! that picture of Chouji is so cool!
initially i didnt realise the reason why Chouji has those butterfly wings.. and later, i realised that the Japanese for butterfly is called Choya..
Those episodes made me like all the characters more. Especially Shikamaru! He's such an awesome person! xD
That's right, lika-chi-san! :D Shikamaru is a wonderful person! He's smart! even if he's not that cute as Kakashi & sasuke, I like him! :inlove: especially that episode when Shikama-kun & Tema-chan fight in the chuunin exams! what great strategist is that Shikamaru! HE ROCKS!!! :okay:
well hey!! u guys are talking about filler episodes and i'm still on eps 97 but i'll get up to where u are this holiday i'm gonna watch anime all day long!! merry xmas
I Just watched episode 135.
The animation fighting of Episode 133 was truly awesome. One of my fav fights, Up there with Gaara vs Rock Lee and Kimamaru vs Rock Lee. lol
I've also found myself to really dislike Sasuke now. I don't know what Sakura see's in him. He's an arrogant loser. Naruto is true in heart.
Those episodes made me like all the characters more. Especially Shikamaru! He's such an awesome person! xD
haha.. sounds like your repeating exactly what I said in that convo XD
hey Vexnet.. can you refresh my memory on Ep. 135? who was fighting with Rock Lee? by the way.. you have a very cute Gaara avatar! it just makes me want to turn with him! :keke:
cant wait to watch Ep. 163 and 164... tomorrow! :okay:
hey Vexnet.. can you refresh my memory on Ep. 135? who was fighting with Rock Lee? by the way.. you have a very cute Gaara avatar! it just makes me want to turn with him! :keke:
Gaara's so cute as a chibi XD
Rock Lee was fighting that boney guy Kimimaru in episode 124
But Ep 135 isn't any fighting really.. Just the Hospital scenes...
Now I'm just done on Episode 140 :D
Hey! is choji really dead?! I don't know what episode it is but its the saga where the 5 of them are trying to rescue sasuke from the outo people! I don't want him to be dead!
Hey! is choji really dead?! I don't know what episode it is but its the saga where the 5 of them are trying to rescue sasuke from the outo people! I don't want him to be dead!
Yep.. You even get to see his dead body rotting with blood splattered everywhere... It's a horrific scene.. *shudder* lol
oh! that's very sad!!!!
Yep.. You even get to see his dead body rotting with blood splattered everywhere... It's a horrific scene.. *shudder* lol
*lol* yeah right~ (he's joking)
whew!!! I thought he's dead... I watched another episode of Naruto juz yesterday, I neji dead? and another question! Will Shikamaru die? (please say no! please SAY NO!!!)
yeah.. EVERYONE ON THE TEAM DIES, except for Naruto. Because it's Hiis Show!!
It's awesome how they all die!
I just watched episode 142, Man Jiryai is a funny guy XD I love that scroll he gave Naruto XD
I really like Hinata too.
Kiba is really really cool too, He looks so cool with his hood down XD
This is the first Naruto episode I saw in English:
Episode 16 (http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=AF8fHG4IZHk&feature=Views&page=3&t=t&f=b)
Man the voices all sounds so bad..
listen to how FLAT thier voices are.
Oh My God.. it's terrible... :cry:
demo... vexnet-san.... bluetopaz said that choji is not dead. and now you're saying that all of them in the team died except for Naruto.. Im confused :confused: :sweatdrop:
Don't worry I'm kidding.
Just watch it and find out :P Had me on teh edge of my seat tho, That's for sure!
I finally saw episode 144 .. But thats all I had downloaded!!
Luckily I found a download for all of season 7 (episodes 136-150) And It's finished downloading, So I'll get back to watching them soon. Now I gotta find another batch download of the rest.. I hate downloading them one by one.. but I fear thats what I might have to do -_-
yeah, its true that the series are a little addictive! it just makes you want to continue watching it regardless the time!
i have not watch Ep. 163-165!! :cry:
demo... vexnet-san.... bluetopaz said that choji is not dead. and now you're saying that all of them in the team died except for Naruto.. Im confused :confused: :sweatdrop:
I've only read the manga but if anime is faithful to manga, then this is what happened...(spoiler, so i'll put it in spoiler tag)...Choji is the "fat" one in the team, right? :sweatdrop:
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Choji and Neji were critically injured and everyone else in the team were injured but not as bad.... well, Naruto was injured severely after the fight with Sasuke. Thanks to the 5th Hokage(forgot her name), Choji's life was saved and Neji was also saved by the young woman that's with 5th Hokage constantly (the dark haired woman with a pet pig wearing pearl necklace... former apprentice of 5th hokage, I think...)
So they are all alive in the end...
I embedded a Naruto AMV into my Family Page (http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/dan_1/CW-Family)
I've only read the manga but if anime is faithful to manga, then this is what happened...(spoiler, so i'll put it in spoiler tag)...Choji is the "fat" one in the team, right? :sweatdrop:
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Choji and Neji were critically injured and everyone else in the team were injured but not as bad.... well, Naruto was injured severely after the fight with Sasuke. Thanks to the 5th Hokage(forgot her name), Choji's life was saved and Neji was also saved by the young woman that's with 5th Hokage constantly (the dark haired woman with a pet pig wearing pearl necklace... former apprentice of 5th hokage, I think...)
So they are all alive in the end...
Whats the point in telling someone whats going to happen?
The entire point of what I was saying so it would be a surprise.
thanx for the link Vexnet. ure right the voices are SOOOOO bad!!!
well i'm catching up..i'm on eps 143...nearly there!
thanx for the link Vexnet. ure right the voices are SOOOOO bad!!!
well i'm catching up..i'm on eps 143...nearly there!
I think this FanDub (http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=HhPaPIBH3SM&search=Naruto%20English%20Dub) is better than the actual dub on TV.
whew Im relieved.. they're not dead... and thanx for making that surprise for me VexNet-san :lol:
I embedded a Naruto AMV into my Family Page (http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/dan_1/CW-Family)
Whats the point in telling someone whats going to happen?
The entire point of what I was saying so it would be a surprise.
That's why I put it in spoiler. If they want to spoil the surprise, then they can read it. If they don't want to spoil the surprise, then they don't have to read it.
No one dies! Whoops did I give it all away?? lolz. Oh well.
Well episode 165 is called, 'Naruto's death'. Nice episode too! I won't say anything about the episode. hehe
The next episode looks exciting. Can't wait. Too bad there's no Naruto next week. T__T
N-N-N-...NARUTO'S DEATH?!?!?! 0o0o0o0o... why is it titled like that? is it because...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
N-N-N-...NARUTO'S DEATH?!?!?! 0o0o0o0o... why is it titled like that? is it because...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh why you wonder. Because Sakura will take all show and then Naruto-show will turn in to Sakura-show... Myahahahhahaha!
Okay, let's hope not..
Hoo, this was my first time when I heard those english dups....awful, indeed. I really hope they never dups in finnish, because that would be more awful than english dups ^.^:
Jiryai 4ver, hehehehehe *laugh*
Oh why you wonder. Because Sakura will take all show and then Naruto-show will turn in to Sakura-show... Myahahahhahaha!
Okay, let's hope not..
Hoo, this was my first time when I heard those english dups....awful, indeed. I really hope they never dups in finnish, because that would be more awful than english dups ^.^:
Jiryai 4ver, hehehehehe *laugh*
Yeah.. hope not as well... I don't like sakura that much.. for me, she's so.. flirty (sorry) And jiryai is funny! really! hehe.. that pervert old man!
No one dies! Whoops did I give it all away?? lolz. Oh well.
Well episode 165 is called, 'Naruto's death'. Nice episode too! I won't say anything about the episode. hehe
The next episode looks exciting. Can't wait. Too bad there's no Naruto next week. T__T
wooohh.. welcome back, lika-chi!
just saw Ep. 163 to 165.. sometimes i just wonder why was Naruto so uncool~ :shifty:
yeah, too bad there is no Naruto next week.. that should be the final ep. of that particular filler episode..
I've only been reading the manga but I'm like on chapter 245 or soemthing, I don't remember.
I saw this episode of Naruto where Rock Lee uses drunken fist coz he has mistaken his medicine to a sake... And then GAARA, Temari, Kankorou (?) showed up!!!
GAARA WAS SO KAWAII!!! I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T LIKE HIM BEFORE BUT NOW I WAS GOING HANYAAN ON HIM!!!!! demo, why did they help shikamaru, kiba & Rock Lee
wooohh.. welcome back, lika-chi!
just saw Ep. 163 to 165.. sometimes i just wonder why was Naruto so uncool~ :shifty:
yeah, too bad there is no Naruto next week.. that should be the final ep. of that particular filler episode..
o.o Thanks!
hehe. I know! There should an episode.. wait there should have been an episode yesterday! T__T No anim this whole week! >_<
I saw this episode of Naruto where Rock Lee uses drunken fist coz he has mistaken his medicine to a sake... And then GAARA, Temari, Kankorou (?) showed up!!!
GAARA WAS SO KAWAII!!! I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T LIKE HIM BEFORE BUT NOW I WAS GOING HANYAAN ON HIM!!!!! demo, why did they help shikamaru, kiba & Rock Lee
I had the same feeling! About Gaara that is. I hated him before but after seeing him in that episode I went crazy for him!! ^__^
Rock Lee RULES! lolz. When he's drunk it's sooo funny! hehe.
And one last thing. Careful of your caps. I'm not a mod or anything but caps like that aren't allowed. :sweatdrop:
OMG. Were getting close to the end of the filler-episodes...^^ I can't remember when they end but uhh...hell yes! XD When Lee is drunk its hilarious
and hot . . . lol
That was pretty funny.
And one last thing. Careful of your caps. I'm not a mod or anything but caps like that aren't allowed. :sweatdrop:
Oh.. alright.. sorry..
OMG. Were getting close to the end of the filler-episodes...^^ I can't remember when they end but uhh...hell yes! XD When Lee is drunk its hilarious and hot . . . lol
ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Whoops sorry about the caps! lolz. ^__^ WHOO! I can't wait until the filler-episodes are over! But I want to see more Konohamaru! Or however you spell his name! And more Rock Lee drunk! Rock Lee is the best! ^_^ hehe.
Hell yes I'm serious!! *drools*
Lmao. Nah, no. I was kidding! ^^; I find Lee alright, he's really sweet and funny but nope. XD Still love the guy though~ Konohamaru is adorable! Hehe. I think the filler episodes end at uhh...aw crap! I was wrong! ;___;
The fillers don't end until around Spring (around when TRC and XXXHolic come out...woot!) ...NO! Blood needs to be shed... lmao.
Do you know the guy called Kimimaru? the white haired guy who is loyal to orochimaru? it's not kabuto.. the one who uses his bones as his weapon? isn't he juz adorable? and handsome too!
He's hot! *drools* XD Oh yeah, chapter 290 is out now! OMG...amazing chapter. I can't wait until the next. Its gonna be exciting! ^^
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Turns out Kabuto is still loyal to Orochimaru. He slices through "Sasori" and out appears Yamato. The team captain beckons for his team to come out of hiding. And that's where it ends. Heh...oh and I just love Sai, Naruto and Sakura's pose in the end when they are found out. lol
Yep. Here's a scanlated version for you all~
How far is the Naruto Manga actually released in the UK? I've seen upto volume 8 in stores. I'm thinking about reading them too.
I also saw Hinata in episode 148&149. That girl is sooo cute! She Is definatly one of my fav girls in the show! I wonder what kind of relationship Hinata and Naruto have after the three years after the current series (when they are 15)
Do you know the guy called Kimimaru? the white haired guy who is loyal to orochimaru? it's not kabuto.. the one who uses his bones as his weapon? isn't he juz adorable? and handsome too!
god I found that guy so annoying, He looked like a freak too >.<
Kimimaru is creepy.
god I found that guy so annoying, He looked like a freak too >.<
Kimimaru is creepy.
But he's still a hottie, right? even if he's creepy, you still cute..
But he's still a hottie, right? even if he's creepy, you still cute..
cute ...as in ugly? XD
I just downloaded the rest of the Naruto episodes.
Yay, I have every single Naruto episode ever released now :D
cute ...as in ugly? XD
Waaa!!! he's cute he's cute! Kimimaru is cute!
Waaa!!! he's cute he's cute! Kimimaru is cute!
uh.. we're talking about this guy right? (http://www.naruto-kun.com/images/characters/Kimimaru.jpg) Cos that's a bad site, lol!
~On a seperate note
Has anyone seen Akamaru three years after the current storyline!? WOW.. that kinda shocked me when I saw him, lol XD
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Here is the pic: Kiba (15 Years Old) and Akamaru (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Kiba.jpg)
Hinata looks really cool too: Here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Hinata.JPG)
and not to soudn rude or anything.. But Hinata sure did.. "grow" LOL
He ain't bad Vex! XDD (Or maybe its just me...? *nods*) Ahaha.
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And yes I know about Kiba, Akamaru and Hinata! How amazing ne?! Their transformations from being "innocent" young preteens into adults...kindof. Lmao. And Hinata...damn girl! What have YOU been doing for the past 2 and a half years?! @.@; lmao.
I've now watched all 165 so far.
I wanna read the manga now but I don't want the scanlations.. I WANT THE MANGAS!!!
Hell yes I'm serious!! *drools*
Lmao. Nah, no. I was kidding! ^^; I find Lee alright, he's really sweet and funny but nope. XD Still love the guy though~ Konohamaru is adorable! Hehe. I think the filler episodes end at uhh...aw crap! I was wrong! ;___;
The fillers don't end until around Spring (around when TRC and XXXHolic come out...woot!) ...NO! Blood needs to be shed... lmao.
WHAT! No! Spoilers until Spring! That's like around 3 more months of fillers!
Ah.. It's alright! ^__^ lolz. More funny stuff! Yet I want more serious stuff too! Maybe I should start reading the manga! O__O It seems really interesting! WAH!
*runs to find scanlations*
it said in the actual Anime on the opening that it would last 23 more episodes (from that episode) so that would be till about episode 175.
I don't know why people here complain about Fillers. They rock! But I don't see what else they can do.. I thought once Ero-Sennin comes back theres a Three year gap.. oh well.
Fillers are awesome! Up to 175? That's only like 10 more episodes! THAT QUICK!!! O__O
The fillers are super funny and awesome to watch! ^__^ hehe. But I want more fighting stuff.
There's Naruto today! Whoo! Since there wasn't an episode last week.
err.. I thought that episodes 166 and 167 are coming out on January 4th. At least thats what the site said.
I think my fav episode so far is 133. That fight is just so freaking awesome. Kick Sasuke's A$$!!
How come I'm the only one who thinks Sasuke is a complete prick?
He Is! He's just an arrogant kid who needs the hell kicked outta him.
How come I'm the only one who thinks Sasuke is a complete prick?
He Is! He's just an arrogant kid who needs the hell kicked outta him.
he's definitely arrogant. :hmp:
and he definitely needs to get it kicked outta him.
but he's still hot anyway :inlove:
He is an absolutely bastard, Vex. I know but I can't help but love him. His angsty and broody self is amazing and without him in the Naruto plotline I don't think Naruto and Sakura could have gone as far as they could have in their skills than before. Did that make sense? @.@ XDD I even have a shrine to him! (Well, him, Sakura and their relationship *is a Sasu?Saku fan*) ;P www.angelic-skies.net/sasusaku/ (http://www.angelic-skies.net/sasusaku/)
I know he is needed in the Anime, But I really hope he dies or something.
I can't stand that people like him just cos he's "hot", That's really low (no offence) But this guy has like virtually no good qualities at all..
Naruto should end up with Hinata :D
I can't stand that people like him just cos he's "hot", That's really low (no offence) But this guy has like virtually no good qualities at all..
haha, none taken. :D am quite fan-girly about him because i LOVE the seiyuu's voice, not to mention the whole dark-brooding-angsty-anti-hero-hero thing he's got going :inlove:
i don't know if this is fact or fiction.. but read somewhere that Naruto was first written without Sasuke... but the manga writer couldnt find a direction or contrast to Naruto, so Sasuke was born. and so one of the best rivalries EVER was born :okay:
i dont want him to die or anything, but he DOES deserve to get his cute head slammed against a wall to get him to think 'right' again. :D
I've never liked him.
I really hate people like him (IRL and in Animes) that's why I can't stand him.
I hope the three years later in the Manga Naruto kills Sasuke. Sakure gets over herself realising what an obnoxious prick Sasuke is, Naruto notices Hinata and they get together and Shikamaru hooks up with Temari (you know theres chemistry there!) lol
I've never liked him.
never? not even in the first couple of episodes? or their tag-team versus the mist guy (forgot his name.. the one whose prodigy is Haku)?
Naruto notices Hinata and they get together and Shikamaru hooks up with Temari (you know theres chemistry there!) lol
:nods: Shikamaru and Temari definitely gots the chemistry :okay:
I think some episodes where Sasuke did appeal to me would be..
Probably the first time you see him and Naruto when they kiss. That was just plain hilarious. Then.. in the Jungle part where Naruto outdid Sasuke and did the Scaredy cat line towards Sasuke.. Then In the Chuunin Final Exam where after he thought Gaara in the forest he got all scared and amazed at Naruto's power.
Then I enjoyed seeing him telling Sakura it was Naruto who saved her. And I also enjoyed any pain Sasuke got :D
and Episode 133 was one my fav fights so far!!
did you see his scared look in Sasukes eye after naruto slammed him into the wall after sasuke did his fireball attack. man he looked scared.
I think some episodes where Sasuke did appeal to me would be..
Probably the first time you see him and Naruto when they kiss. That was just plain hilarious. Then.. in the Jungle part where Naruto outdid Sasuke and did the Scaredy cat line towards Sasuke.. Then In the Chuunin Final Exam where after he thought Gaara in the forest he got all scared and amazed at Naruto's power.
Then I enjoyed seeing him telling Sakura it was Naruto who saved her. And I also enjoyed any pain Sasuke got :D
and Episode 133 was one my fav fights so far!!
did you see his scared look in Sasukes eye after naruto slammed him into the wall after sasuke did his fireball attack. man he looked scared.
agree on the naruto/sasuke kiss.. that was HILARIOUS!!
I like the other episodes you listed.. they show how much stronger Naruto has become! :hello2: i like the one where they fought on the rooftop of the hospital and both used their 'ultimate' attacks at the time. and Naruto's Rasengan blew off the back of the water tank...
that ultimately triggered the 'bad' Sasuke right?
anyway, episode 133? :sweatdrop: i need to rewatch that one.. :heh: the FIGHT that comes foremost on my mind right now is the kimimaro versus rock lee one.. it was just.. :okay:
i'm up to eps 165 now!!! But i hate the filler episodes. Where's all the action? what happened to sasuke? COME ON i need to know!!
Sasuke ain't bad but wishing him death Vex?! lmao. Whoa! Its ok though, its your opinion after all. I thought the Naruto and Sasuke kiss was funny as hell. Man, ah...you don't get good comedy like that these days. :P I'm such a Narutard~ <3 lol
i like the one where they fought on the rooftop of the hospital and both used their 'ultimate' attacks at the time. and Naruto's Rasengan blew off the back of the water tank...
that ultimately triggered the 'bad' Sasuke right?
anyway, episode 133? i need to rewatch that one.. the FIGHT that comes foremost on my mind right now is the kimimaro versus rock lee one.. it was just..
I think that just fueled his jealousy, He was starting to get Jealous ever since naruto saved him in the jungle I think.
That Rock Lee fight was really cool but not as good as the Rock Lee vs Gaara fight. Wow .. I mean when I saw that my Jaw ACTUALLY Dropped. I love how thier animation style changes for the fights.
I'm such a Narutard~ <3 lol
I've been one since I first saw it.. I actually got to talk to the guy who came up with the term Narutard too. He's really cool!! He's in the Army now, I believe he is in the Ninja unit (tho they arn't actually Ninja, It just happens to be its name, lol)
Come on Sasuke isn't that bad, he could be a b****** but he doesn't deserve death.
a good beating will do, like episodes 133 area.
If they can fight that well as 12 year olds.. Then the fights when they are 15 are gonna be TOTALLY AWESOME!!
Am I Right.. Or Am I Right!?
Yeah! Three years of training, god only knows what they'll be capable of.
Just watched episode 166
LMAO @ The ending credits of episode 166. They all dress up as dogs (and wow, Sakura, Hinata and Kurenai sure are the sexiest dogs i've ever seen, LOL)
am i the only one in thinking the action was kinda slow in that episode too?
ooh, And I did a Fan Character for Naruto.. I Turnd Vex (http://www.deviantart.com/view/27329237/) Into a Naruto Character, lol
Yeah! for me, sasuke has to die too! I mean, he wants to hurt naruto juz because he got dtronger than him? that's unfair to naruto! I oove the bad guys but sasuke really gives me the reason to hate him.
i saw Ep. 168 two days ago...
never know that their skills can be so 'useful'.. the end was very funny! poor ojii-san!
filler episodes to continue for 12 weeks.. happy counting down~
I thought it was... amusing...
Are they going to show the Kakashi Gaiden Animated?
ooh, And I did a Fan Character for Naruto.. I Turnd Vex (http://www.deviantart.com/view/27329237/) Into a Naruto Character, lol
sorta like kakashi but without the mask :D
sorta like kakashi but without the mask
I suppose so.. Except I made my character before I had even head of Kakashi or watched Naruto.
I also found out that my character looks basically exactly the same as some white haired kid on Bleach. -_-
Are they going to show the Kakashi Gaiden Animated?
you mean as part of the filler episodes?? hopefully yes~ (in that case, the filler eps can finish faster) :keke:
uh.. no..
after the filler episodes they should show the animated Kakashi Gaiden, I'm sure the fans would rather see that.
I'm quite content with the Naruto Filler episodes at the moment. It's a much better look into a Ninja's missions than the main story. I like it.
have to agree with bluetopaz. wish the fillers would end soon.
its nice to have a look at some of their missions once in a while, but a whole season?
i couldnt bear watching some of the episodes (but i still keep downloading) because it's like they're dumbing down Naruto. I mean, he's NOT a genius, but he knows his strengths, and he's pretty smart about what to use when.
and now, look at what they've done to him in the filler episodes. gah.
then again your talking about the kid who painted over and defaced the giant heads of Konoha, He's no Genius but he is an idiot.
But depending on the situation (like any of us would) he becomes serious and plays to his strengths.
I guess i'm like the only one who thinks it's going ok ^^;
probably this season, they have these filler episodes to further introduce some characters like Anko-sensei. and i like the idea that they mixed different characters to form a group.. like what they did in Ep. 169.. (Ino, Shino and Naruto)
Ano.. I know I'm a bit late. I love Naruto. It's so funny and cool all the same! I currently only own the first manga volume but I'm working on collecting them. I totally love Sasuke *dreamy* and I think he and Sakura are so cute together.
probably this season, they have these filler episodes to further introduce some characters like Anko-sensei. and i like the idea that they mixed different characters to form a group.. like what they did in Ep. 169.. (Ino, Shino and Naruto)
uh.. they introduced Anko-Sensei way back in like the first or second season ^^;
First season (as they're showing the gawd-awful dubs on Cartoon Network every Saturday night)
I think they should show more or Kurenai Sensei!!
She's really cool :) plus she has Hinata on her team <3
it would be great to see more kurenai!
i think i've seen her do a total of.. 1 jutsu in the whole of Naruto that i've seen so far. the tree jutsu to fight off one of akatsuki who came to konoha..
has she done more than one?
uh.. they introduced Anko-Sensei way back in like the first or second season ^^;
yeah yeah.. she was one of the tester during the Chuuin Exams..
then hopefully the filler episodes will feature Kurenai-sensei soon~
I really really like Kurenei's Hair.. I think she's really pretty :)
I'm not sure how many more Jutsu's she's done... I can't think right now, But I thought I saw more than one.. maybe not XD my memory is crud >.<
just ... *forgets what he was writing about so instead just walks off*
I'm not sure how many more Jutsu's she's done... I can't think right now, But I thought I saw more than one.. maybe not XD my memory is crud >.<
seriously, i cant remember either~ :hehe:
Some flashes :)
Naruto dating sim:
Strong and Strike
Naruto: deleted scene
(This Naruto-type rule XDDD)
Well, I'm really hope they animate Kakashi Gaiden..
i read the manga up to chapter 291 this past weekend.
now im REALLY REALLY impatient for the spoilers to finish so we can get back to the storylines. i WANT to see them animate all those!!
and sakura.. all i can say is.. FINALLY...
:heh: cant figure out how to use the spoiler tags
jeje i love that part
i love that part but i hated it too. coz sasuke almost killed naruto! Sasuke should die! *sorry fangirls*
careful, I'd say that post is near a spoiler.
but that was a ******* awesome battle I must admit. one of my fav fights (the onne on episode 133)
i juz saw this epi of Naruto where the team of hinata & naruto are trying to find a bikochu (spelled right?) to find sasuke. Kyaa! Hinata's new technique is really cute! so strong!
This is my second fav. anime. Plus, Sasuke is so cool (I love him) and my favorite shows are pretty much any epi when Sasuke uses the Sharingan.
i juz saw this epi of Naruto where the team of hinata & naruto are trying to find a bikochu (spelled right?) to find sasuke. Kyaa! Hinata's new technique is really cute! so strong!
yeah, that filler was funny! especially the last episode of that particular filler.. something happened and i laughed till i fell off my chair!
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naruto released some bad ait in front of bikuchu?
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and in the end, the bikochu follow Naruto all the way even when he was in the disguised mode
i have only seen the first episode so i really don't know what it's about, but i can tell that this anime is really funny and long, about 125 episodes i believe
its way more than 125 episodes!
There 171 episodes of Naruto now, right?
Yeesh...I'm still only partway through...downloading 51-75 right now. I can't wait for the scenes about Neji's past! And the last episode where Lee got hurt by Gaara...wow!
There 171 episodes of Naruto now, right?
Yeesh...I'm still only partway through...downloading 51-75 right now. I can't wait for the scenes about Neji's past! And the last episode where Lee got hurt by Gaara...wow!
the Rock Lee vs Gaara fight is one of my favs <3
well i havent seen to many episodes.. i cant remember how many @_@
but i love sakunaru ><
i have become a sasunaru doushinjis fan -_-
for yaoi fans--> Show content
i have lots of pervi ones if anyone is interesting
well i havent seen to many episodes.. i cant remember how many @_@
but i love sakunaru ><
i have become a sasunaru doushinjis fan -_-
for yaoi fans--> Show content
i have lots of pervi ones if anyone is interesting[/url]
haha, I think you didn't use the Spoiler tag right :P
But I used have a Hentai Yaoi Doujinshi that's sexy AND funny, shame I lost it XD
damn ><... i didnt notice it -_- (now change it ><)
and there is too much hentai with sakura ..eww~
and with naruto being a girl XP
Some of that hentai with Naruto as a girl is pretty amusing XD
and Sakura's alright :D
That reminds me of a pic I found: SasuNaru (http://www.deviantart.com/view/7710666/)
here are some more pics for the hell of it :D
OH YEAH (http://www.deviantart.com/view/23164451/)
NO WAY (http://www.deviantart.com/view/23164562/)
Sakura new Outfit (http://www.deviantart.com/view/22574842/)
SasuNaru Yaoi (http://www.deviantart.com/view/21772610/)
Table Photo (http://www.deviantart.com/view/21754178/)
Sasuke Bike (http://www.deviantart.com/view/21281414/)
Sasuke Naruto Fight (around epi 133) (http://www.deviantart.com/view/19939889/)
Rock Lee Basketball (http://www.deviantart.com/view/18774074/)
Genma (http://www.deviantart.com/view/18700725/)
Naruto at the Beach (http://www.deviantart.com/view/18180993/)
Naruto 15 years old (http://www.deviantart.com/view/17759006/)
Naruto and Gang write letter to Sasuke (http://www.deviantart.com/view/14371685/)
Naruto Christmas (http://www.deviantart.com/view/13323077/)
Hinata Kicks *** (http://www.deviantart.com/view/12954932/)
Hinata Cosplay as Neji (http://www.deviantart.com/view/11878167/)
SasuNaru Shonen-Ai (http://www.deviantart.com/view/8301851/)
SasuNaruKura (http://www.deviantart.com/view/4914138/)
KAKASHI (http://www.deviantart.com/view/5115410/)
I have to admit, when it comes to Naruto, I prefer boyxboy couples rather than the usual 'canon' ones like NarutoxHinata and SasukexSakura.
I like NaruSasu, NejiSasu and KakaIru much better. (Have you noticed that Sasuke's always uke?)
I read loads of hilarious fanfiction where Sasuke used the Sexy No Jutsu to fool Naruto into going out with him. :rotfl:
There 171 episodes of Naruto now, right?
Yeesh...I'm still only partway through...downloading 51-75 right now. I can't wait for the scenes about Neji's past! And the last episode where Lee got hurt by Gaara...wow!
yup! currently, since yesterday.. there is Ep. 172 on bittorrent.
Neji's past was kind of sad.. and he's really cute when he was a little boy! so kawaii!!
i just love Naruto's Sexy no Jutsu.. Konohamaru's SnJ is catching up though~
for me, i like SakuraxSasuke and KakashixKurenai or KakashixAnko
mm.. Kurenai.. she is so hot <3 <3
Some of that hentai with Naruto as a girl is pretty amusing XD
and Sakura's alright :D
That reminds me of a pic I found: SasuNaru (http://www.deviantart.com/view/7710666/)
mmm.. =/ i like more sasunaru when naruto is a boy...
and i hate sakura T_T specially when she is trying to get the attention of sasuke, hello girl.. he belongs to naruto!! T_T###
This is being used by a guy on another forum and I thought it was really cool/funny:
That is so great! Especially the little hearts in his eyes and the subtitles!
My favorite character is Gaara, and i was crying when i saw the episode when he was remembering his past it was so sad, and he is so cool and in my opinion cute.
when now gaara is stonger then ever. u guy's should download the aniem and the manga. right now. in th manga. there is 302 chapters. we are with sasuke.
for verybody who has seen the japanise version of naruto and can't download the new episode here is the newest theme song.
before this song it's this one
it's just pure fillers for the whole 7th season
hint: don't give spoilers out.
sorry about that. anybody see last saturday epsidoe of naruto
no prob, I just think that more people watch the anime rather than the Manga.
(like me, I'd love to read the Manga but they are not released that far in the UK (since I like having them in book form more than scanlations), and I don't know where I can get them online without having to pay for them)
It's cool to see a real Naruto fan around here tho :P
what episode does Season 8 start on tho?
Because I stopped watching Season 7 after episode 174, I guess I was waiting for the story arch to begin so I could just watch the rest in a row leading to the story.
I don't know. count all the episode that have come out for season 7. if there is 25. then that mean's season 7 is over. then they are starting season 8. I am sorry to say this. but my friend kata. told me that they are going to make more fillers.
man that sucks, They should at least put in Kakashi's Ninja Gaiden instead of the fillers.
But I suppose they have to do this because If they continue at this fast pace, The anime would actually overtake the Manga. Shame really.
about that. one episode is suppose to show naruto leaving with jiraya adn then kakashi going to uchiha obito's grave. then it start's. NO more fillers and we see kakashi past. how obito dies and all. I wnat to hear there voices. rin's. the forth hokage ( me) and obito. and I want to hear how kakashi talks when he's small. two last things. one. this is how the 3rd hokage died.
plus for all the people who want to know how naruto and sasuke looked like fighting. here
about that. one episode is suppose to show naruto leaving with jiraya adn then kakashi going to uchiha obito's grave. then it start's. NO more fillers and we see kakashi past. how obito dies and all. I wnat to hear there voices. rin's. the forth hokage ( me) and obito. and I want to hear how kakashi talks when he's small. two last things. one. this is how the 3rd hokage died.
plus for all the people who want to know how naruto and sasuke looked like fighting. here
sounds good, and those two pics are from probably one of the best fights thus far I think!! no doubt about it! 'cept maybe Rock Lee vs Gaara, that's still uptop
yondaime...trim down your sig pic...it's way too big and we have rules for that...a friendly warning :)
oh sorry about that
hi. I've recently discovered naruto as we don't have anime on TV down here. Hell, I only got 4 channels.
So i've been watching it online and reading it.
Just did episode 100 and volume 25 ^^
I rather like Naruto, he's funny, and I love Hinata, Kakashi and Iruka ^_^ They're all cool.
I'm afraid I reckon Sasuke is a bit of an arrogant a## at times, and Saukra annoys me. But most other characters I like.
I even did fanart! ^_^ http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/31891912/
hi. I've recently discovered naruto as we don't have anime on TV down here. Hell, I only got 4 channels.
So i've been watching it online and reading it.
Just did episode 100 and volume 25 ^^
I rather like Naruto, he's funny, and I love Hinata, Kakashi and Iruka ^_^ They're all cool.
I'm afraid I reckon Sasuke is a bit of an arrogant a## at times, and Saukra annoys me. But most other characters I like.
I even did fanart! ^_^ http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/31891912/
same here!! We have only 5 tv channels tho, none get anime >.>
and Sasuke really does seem like an arrogant you know what.. :D yay finally someone who agrees with me, Yosha!!
Awesome Fanart too (added to my favs :P )
Here's some trivia: The charaters Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru in the anime series Naruto are actually based of a ancient japanese folktale. Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari which spoke of a Ninja from the Kyushu clan named Jiraiya who was a master in Shapeshifting magic and could turn into a toad. Tsunade was Jiraiya's lover, a beautiful madain who can turn into a snail. Orochimaru is his arch-rival, who was once one of his followers, who is a master of snake magic. Basically, Jiraiya prevails over Orochimaru with a huge gun and saves his fellow toads from being eaten. This story further stipulates the old prejudice that snakes are evil creatures, a story that goes back to Genesis in the bible.
Here's some trivia: The charaters Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru in the anime series Naruto are actually based of a ancient japanese folktale. Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari which spoke of a Ninja from the Kyushu clan named Jiraiya who was a master in Shapeshifting magic and could turn into a toad. Tsunade was Jiraiya's lover, a beautiful madain who can turn into a snail. Orochimaru is his arch-rival, who was once one of his followers, who is a master of snake magic. Basically, Jiraiya prevails over Orochimaru with a huge gun and saves his fellow toads from being eaten. This story further stipulates the old prejudice that snakes are evil creatures, a story that goes back to Genesis in the bible.
hm, I think I read that on Wikipedia too, A lot of japanese animés are based of mythology (for example my fav animé: Evangelion).
Naruto relies strongly on a lot of tragedy and angst, especially notable in almost all the kids having traumatic pasts, and the ones without sad pasts are not even focused on nearly as much as the 'disturbed' kids. One of my fav pasts has got to be Shikamaru and Choji's team up, That hit a spot with me unlike any other of the childrens pasts. Mainly because instead of traumatic tragedies. It's a form of friendship and understanding, those episodes made me really like those two characters a lot.
hmm....................the only sad people i know are gaara, sasuke, kakashi, naruto, and iruka
no prob, I just think that more people watch the anime rather than the Manga.
(like me, I'd love to read the Manga but they are not released that far in the UK (since I like having them in book form more than scanlations), and I don't know where I can get them online without having to pay for them)
It's cool to see a real Naruto fan around here tho :P
what episode does Season 8 start on tho?
Because I stopped watching Season 7 after episode 174, I guess I was waiting for the story arch to begin so I could just watch the rest in a row leading to the story.
I read the manga. Its still being made in Japan right now. So far their are 302 chapters. go to http://narutofan.com/ You have to set up accont though. But its a really good site. Every week, second week, or so on, they get the lastest chapter, translate it, and put it on their site. I love it. I do have a account there, but I only use it to download the next chapter.hmm....................the only sad people i know are gaara, sasuke, kakashi, naruto, and iruka
to me, the sad people in the manga is gaara, sasuke, kakashi, naruto, sakura, well about every one has some thing that makes their past real. but I think, to me. It really depends on how the person acts now. If they have a bad past, they learn to overcome it. Just like naruto did. It still haunts him today, but he learns. Unlike sasuke Show content
who runs off to Orochimaru to get more power
I love this show!
You don't pay on Narutofan? or is that just the episodes, o well.
and yeah It's obvious they are still making the manga, thats why I said thats probably why so many filler episodes have been made, if it was true to manga, the anime would of overtaken the manga by now.
you think only those kids are sad? I think there are much more than that. Just off the top of my head I can think of Rock Lee, Hinata, Neji, Haku, Choji, Sakura etc... There are more.
You don't pay on Narutofan? or is that just the episodes, o well.
and yeah It's obvious they are still making the manga, thats why I said thats probably why so many filler episodes have been made, if it was true to manga, the anime would of overtaken the manga by now.
you think only those kids are sad? I think there are much more than that. Just off the top of my head I can think of Rock Lee, Hinata, Neji, Haku, Choji, Sakura etc... There are more.
I don't pay for the manga download, i think its only for anime. Also I was just naming a few kids that are sad. I think, to me, that every one has a sad past in their own way.
I like naruto's partner! :tongue:
I like naruto's partner! :tongue:
who sasuke?
I don't pay for the manga download, i think its only for anime. Also I was just naming a few kids that are sad. I think, to me, that every one has a sad past in their own way.
oh I know, I wasn't talking about the kids directed at you anyway, And I guess I thought you had to pay for manga too, but I remmember downloading a manga a long time ago from there too.
who sasuke?
lol, If we want to get technical, it could be several people, Like Sakura, Sasuke, Choji, Shikamaru, Hinata, Neji or anyone else who has been in Naruto's group for any other variants of missions, haha.
lol, If we want to get technical, it could be several people, Like Sakura, Sasuke, Choji, Shikamaru, Hinata, Neji or anyone else who has been in Naruto's group for any other variants of missions, haha.
Ya even Show content
I think he mean's ethir sasuke or sakura. yeah. oon naruto fan u do have to pay for the anime which suck's. and it's free for the manga. naruto-kun.com u can download all the episodes free
I think he mean's ethir sasuke or sakura. yeah. oon naruto fan u do have to pay for the anime which ****'s. and it's free for the manga. naruto-kun.com u can download all the episodes free
Sweet. The episodes are really free. Kool. Chapter 304 is up in narutofan. I have to check up in naruto-kun. How much do they update their site any way? Also, I'm playing the new naruto game on game boy. Its really fun. I just bought it today. Its the naruto ninja council for gameboy
i luv naruto
i luv naruto
who doesn't :lol: I can't beleive what is happening now in the manga
u mean chapter 309. with sasuke and naruto as 16 year olds
Previous post deleted. NO SPOILERS!!!
what chapter did the anime finish on? I mean the latest chapter the anime got to before switching over to filler hell.
Previous post deleted. NO SPOILERS!!!
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Ya, I can't beleive that sasuke would go to the evil side. >_> I hate sasuke because of that. I would never do what he did. And now o.O he is still trying to kill Naruto. >_> and now what he is doing. Also, he looks werid...
I like Naruto better, because he doesn't turn to evil to get power, ya maybe getting the nine tail fox, but he doesn't really have control over it. Like when the 4 seal is broken. o.o
what chapter did the anime finish on? I mean the latest chapter the anime got to before switching over to filler hell.
Right Now
episode 187
I couldn't remember what I put up earlier....
The last episdoe is interesting at least.
"Hears fangirls giggling." - Yep!
I don't particulary like Sasuke, but that's not because of him being an arrogant little b*stard - such traits has never prevented me from liking a character before - rather than being the guy whom we are all supposed to like, in one way or another. The boys are supposed to relate to him, thinking that he's strong and cool and that they'd like to be like him, whereas girls are supposed to go "squeeeee! OMG he's so hawt!". I admit to having a hard time not liking characters like Sasuke, Gaara and Neji - the angsty-angsty cool guys, but I shall not be manipulated... *shifty eyes*
No. Go Rock Lee, the forgotten, over-looked and neglected one! Now why isn't anyone ever fangirling him? Him being so sweet, determined and dedicated, isn't he the guy every girl would want?
Kakashi always reminded me of Fye. Always showing a fun side, keeping his serious side hidden but in reality the serious side is more 'true'.
But then again a lot of things remind me of Fye. ^^;;
Now, that you say it, Kakashi does remind me of Fay. There both hidden within masks (Kakashi both phisically and emotionally :hehe:) But I guess, that since I'm a fan of both Kakashi and Fai, I find them both equally the same.
FYI, Naruto rocks, I'll have to say that it is my second fave anime. After Tsubasa of course! :okay:
No. Go Rock Lee, the forgotten, over-looked and neglected one! Now why isn't anyone ever fangirling him? Him being so sweet, determined and dedicated, isn't he the guy every girl would want?
That's true, but girls tend to be drawn to a character or perseon with good looks, Rock Lee, isn't particularily good looking despite his kind demeanor and upbeat attitude. I like him myself, but I'm more drawn to character that as you put are "angsty" but, everyone is different, I'm sure there's some cult for Rock Lee lovers out there that we don't know about.
I like the lastest manga chapter of naruto. I certainly raises a few possibilities, and shows Tsunades determanitaion. I cant wait to see Naruto finish his training :D
Naruto and his intense training with Kakashi. Yes! XD He'll get even more stronger. I miss my SasuSaku though...;_; </3 lol
I like that training....cutting leaves......like lol.
i want to see the episode when naruto leaves to train, because lately naruto's episodes have been a little bit boring in my own opinion.
The Naruto arc II began on manga, and I'm looking for the download!!!
Anyway, did anyone see the Naruto ending 15? It shows Naruto grown up!!! That means the filler are going to be over soon and that the Kakashi Gaiden will be soon on anime!! Yay!!!!
eh?whaa??ending 15 shows Naruto grown up??what ep??yes,im too lazy to watch it...
better read the manga.......
but,want to watch it... *goes searching the ep*
Not the episode, just look it up in youtube.com by naruto ending 15, it will automatically appear. Also opening 9 is great!
yeah!!i like the ending!! :okay:
cant wait for the full size!! >_<
and the opening is...good too... :keke:
The opening and ending were really good.
It's going to be fun seeing them all grown up!! :keke:
Oh, yes, Naruto is more mature, but still pervert as ever, and Sakura is VERY strong!
I like this anime, but I think it's kinda plottless [from what I've seen; 1-91 eps. Source: Friend, exported DVD] This kid wanting to be Hokage and be strong. I just watch it because I like fighting scenes :tongue3: and for the humor, mild-low romance, and suspence[I'm too much like a guy]. If I compare the plotlessness to the other stuff, the other stuff wins.
Naruto seems to me as one of the most unique anime ever made...it gave a new mix to the whole ninja thing...heck, the characters had hairstyles and clothing styles! I've never seen any anime that seeked to make a ninja's life as colorful as those of the characters in Naruto!
i don't really like the anime but i recently started watching it to see Tsunade in action (my favorite character in the Naruto game) ^^
I am a big fan of Naruto. Kiba is my favourite character. And yes it is very unquie
I really like the manga, and I've watched all the anime episodes exept the fillers. I'm still waiting for them to end. I've read somewhere that they're going to end in episode 209, but I'm not sure it's true. Does anyone else know?
my fave character here is Shikamaru!!
next is Itachi then Gaara
*watches the fight between Tsunade and Orochimaru for the 100th time XD*
long live brute strenght! ^^
....i really hate to waiting the anime until they become adult... -_-
(eheh,even the manga i don read it more... :sweatdrop:)
BUT,i want to read it!!ganbatte tsubasaHime!! :keke:
this is the coolest anime among all the animes... :wink:
if compared to Bleach,which is better!?
OFF-TOPIC:hmm..looks like i have to read Naruto & Bleach manga from the previous volume!!! >< (volume 1)gaah!!really dizzying me... -_-