
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Ruby Chan on April 14 2005, 04:19 am

Title: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 14 2005, 04:19 am
I'm fed up with people calling this a kid's anime! It has great characters, and excellent sub plots! Afterall, it has a lot of touching storylines;

Matt leaving the group because he's scared of harming them, and wnats to strike out on his own
Ken losing his brother, becoming the Digimon Emperor and searching for redemption
Impmon's tamers fighting all the time, until he ran away
Koichi searching for Koji and his father, becoming evil, and giving Koji his darkness spirits when he gets deleted, before almost dying in the real world.

And that's just the start....
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on April 14 2005, 07:15 am
I'd hate to say this, but Digimon IS a kid's anime.  Even in Japan it's for kids.  The difference is in our cultures.  What Japan considers to be for kids isn't always what America considers to be for kids.  That's why a lot of anime series get so heavily edited when they're brought over to the U.S. because the American companies are trying to keep the same target audience that series had in Japan (like with Sailor Moon).   But just because a series has a lot of touching moments in it doesn't mean it's not a kid's anime.

 If Digimon weren't a kid's anime, there would be tons of violence with bodyparts flying all over the place, tons of nudity and sexual content and stuff like that, but Digimon is an innocent series that can be watched by all ages because it's for kids.  That's why Digimon has been aired no such networks like Fox KIDS, ABC FAMILY, and Toon Disney.   Disney movies have a lot of touching moments in them too and those are kid's movies.  However, just because a series is made for kids doesn't mean that it can't be watched by adults.  Nobody ever said that adults can't watch children's anime, but Digimon IS a children's anime.  I like Digimon and I'm an adult but I'm not afraid to admit that it's for kids.  If people have a problem with me watching kid's shows, then they can just stuff it.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 14 2005, 07:25 am
Yeah! Down with narrow minded 'grown up' people!

I really hav to stop eating so much sugar.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 14 2005, 09:57 am
If Digimon weren't a kid's anime, there would be tons of violence with bodyparts flying all over the place, tons of nudity and sexual content and stuff like that,

HATE to break it to you but THAT is a terrible explanation of a anime for teens or adults. i believe Digimon to be a anime for Teens, NOT kids. i think a majority of the anime is aimed for teens. 10 year olds minimum, 13 year olds and up its basically aimed at.

and i've been a fan of the series for years, i always thought it knocked the socks off pokémon
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Nyoko on April 14 2005, 10:02 am
*nods* I definitly agree, eventhough I have about five boxes of pokemon cards and no digimon cards whatsoever. lol...
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 14 2005, 10:03 am
urgh... the pokémon cards >.>
i sold all mine for like £300
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Nyoko on April 14 2005, 10:07 am
lol.... no one will buy mine, so I'm waiting till they are retro andd worth alot.... -^^-
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 14 2005, 10:10 am
i sold mine in the height of the hype, so i got the most out of the money ^^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Little Wolf on April 14 2005, 10:47 am
I tried watching Pokemon when it was so popular and I hated it. Digimon is so much better! It has a better story and I like the animation when they go 3D. :D

Pokemon was only made to get money off the parents of little kids..
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 14 2005, 11:49 am
yup true true, it was a nintendo game first too, i believe, then they made the show
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Kasumi on April 14 2005, 12:26 pm
that is correct! I did liked pokemon though xD and I loved Digimon, but when ig ot more and more seasons I stopped watching >.<

I wanted Tai to be with Sora T-T
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 14 2005, 12:36 pm
i wanted Tai to be with Yamato :D

i am a proud Taito Fan!!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Tune on April 14 2005, 12:51 pm
i liked digimon too~ i dont see the eng dub coz its as good as rubbish (sg dubbed it--duh) but i see the chinese version (hk i think)~~and it was great~ :D i like all the openings but tamer's "biggest dreamer" is my fav~~though frontier's storyline is the most dramatic imo~ i dint quite like digimon 02 coz the graphics got outa my liking~ :P have any1 seen the digimon movies? i think that the tamer's train troubs is the best coz i juz like the song ruki sang~~i dint know she could sing seriously....but when she does, itz really nice~ :D
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 14 2005, 12:55 pm
O_O the english dub was great
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Tune on April 14 2005, 01:04 pm
i was refering to singapore's eng dub, its really un-nice~ :P
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 14 2005, 01:59 pm
they made more than one english dub ?
i think the dub voices were great, i love all thier voices in series one and two
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: SandSLover on April 14 2005, 10:53 pm
i agree- i watched digimon before ccs, and though i love ccs more!!- digimon was another gr8 animation- tho i didnt like the english subbed at all- they cut too much out!  hoping to see the chinese version- and see what it is abt. like for the movie- the ppl cut the main storyline out and- it wasnt till i read the back intro  on the vid that i realised that it didnt match what was on the video- it  get me!! i love digimon- but im a takari fan!!! why didnt they get together?? -_- tho i prefered the season 1 and 2- the origina digidestined then the newer ones! Digimon, i believe is more action then romance. well, thats my opinion- i dont care if its a kids anime- i love it!! ^_^ lolzz hee hee
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Tune on April 15 2005, 01:01 am
i saw WB's dub before and it was very nice compared to sg's

if WB is nice, sg's crap, really~ :P
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Shinigami Zero on April 15 2005, 01:08 am
I can still remember the saturday that they started showing the first season over here. O_o

Oh, and Season 1 is definitely my favorite. ^^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Tune on April 15 2005, 01:11 am
but its really a pity that digimon adventures fared better than digimon02 coz digimon02 is suppose to be the sequel or somesort~ :P
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Shinigami Zero on April 15 2005, 01:14 am
Yeah, it was kinda wierd seeing everyone all "grown-up." And the ending to 02 was very odd. Especially the pairings they established in it. O_o
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Tune on April 15 2005, 01:19 am
not juz "grown up" but the changes in personalities fr adverntures....i thought hikari was great in adventure but she soon dropped in my fav in 02....yea, they were so young in adventures and now much older but their inner personality seems to hav faded...
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 15 2005, 01:35 am
A lot of my friends think that this show is really babyish, but I don't care, because they haven't even watched it! I think Season 2 was the best, although Season 4 came quite close.  It beat Pokemon no prob, because that show used the same storyline for every episode!

Ken was prob the greatest character.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Tune on April 15 2005, 01:41 am
i think takato fr tamers was the best coz his personality was different fr the google-leaders in adventure, 02 & frontier~ :D
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 15 2005, 02:27 am
Ken i thought was a Great character, i loved it when he started blushing when he was finally starting to be accepted into the group, i just thought they were sweet moments..
and Season 1 is always and will always be the best Digimon series, season 3 onwards all just plain sucked
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 15 2005, 02:30 am
I prefer Season 2, maybe because of Ken being there!

Seriously, I just loved how the characters got developed in season 2, but I do have a special place in my heart for season 1. Season 3 was just tacky, but Season 4 was good...except for the Digidestined actually becoming Digimon
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 15 2005, 02:50 am
they became digimon .. ok thats sad...
*sticks with 01 and 02*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 15 2005, 03:18 am
Yeah....I'd stick with 01 and 02 too.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on April 15 2005, 08:27 am
HATE to break it to you but THAT is a terrible explanation of a anime for teens or adults. i believe Digimon to be a anime for Teens, NOT kids. i think a majority of the anime is aimed for teens. 10 year olds minimum, 13 year olds and up its basically aimed at.

and i've been a fan of the series for years, i always thought it knocked the socks off pokémon
I'll give you a better explanation.  As I was saying, America's culture and Japan's culture are different from each other.  America is heavily influenced by Christianity, so we have a lot of "soccer moms" who complain about every little thing they see in a cartoon show that they don't like.  Meanwhile, Japan is more influenced by multiple religions such as Shintoism, Buddihism, etc., so they have less strict ratings and censorship regulations than America, and can "get away"  with showing more controversial content in children's shows.  Digimon was originally designed for children, but the series ended up gaining more popularity among young teens, but it was still designed as a children's anime.

Both Digimon and Pokemon were also made to be toy commericials for a popular toy product.  Digimon originally began as a handheld electronic game from Bandai, which eventually spawned the manga series V-Tamer, and later on the Digimon anime from Toei, but Digimon has a better storyline than Pokemon, regardless of whether it was made to be a toy commercial or not, although I still like Pokemon (to a certain extent).  As for my fav season of Digimon, I like Tamers the best.  I liked its darker storyline and I found the characters to be most interesting during that season, and One Vision is such an awesome song.  My second fav season is Adventure, with Frontier falling into third place, and 02 being my least fav.  And has anyone else seen the new Digimon CGI movie?
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Lexi on April 15 2005, 08:39 am
Wow, it's really been a long time since I've watched Digimon :sweatdrop:  (I guess because I've become a CCS and TRC fan now). My favourite seasons in Digimon are definitely 1 and 2. Anything after those seasons was too boring... *I'm a big Takari fan!*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Shinigami Zero on April 15 2005, 09:29 am
And has anyone else seen the new Digimon CGI movie?

I saw it. Pretty weird stuff, man.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Takeru on April 15 2005, 01:02 pm
Digimon: X-Evolution was... odd. Yggdrasil seems to be an overused name for silent overlords. Animation was pretty nice too, but I still have my complaints. Halo 2 has better-looking graphics, and it's a freaking videogame. The story plot seems kind of cliche - I'm not a fan of shows that have a luminous enemy, a "nemesis" if you will.

Nevertheless, with all its bad insights, it's still a good movie. I'm just hoping it's good enough to save the show from total obliteration.

And yes, it is a kid's anime. Just a really, REALLY darn good kid's anime. Think LEGO Star Wars. It's a kid's game. Just a really, REALLY darn good kid's game.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Little Wolf on April 15 2005, 01:22 pm
I cleaned up this thread, removing flame posts. Please behave properly, people...  :)
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 16 2005, 07:12 pm
I haven't seen Digimon X-Evolution.....what do you mean by weird?

But I think that Digimon isn't a kid's anime....there are such things as teen anime, as I think someone said before.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 17 2005, 02:41 am
I haven't seen Digimon X-Evolution.....what do you mean by weird?

But I think that Digimon isn't a kid's anime....there are such things as teen anime, as I think someone said before.

^^ ehe
am i the only one who thought Tai was the best character in the whole series ?
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 02:53 am
I preferred Matt/Yamato over Tai/Taichi....
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 17 2005, 02:59 am
Yamato was cool, but he was a bit .. i dunno, his attitude i think
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 03:19 am
I liked the episodes when he fought Taichi and left the made me sad because he was so confused about his life and purpose....

I think that's when I began to like him so much. He was also really nice to Ken when they had to go to Spain (?) during the world tour episodes.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on April 17 2005, 03:29 am
the world tour episodes bored me a bit.
but when yamato left the group, i liked those bits too ^_^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 03:31 am
The world tour was alright in parts....the Spain episode with Matt and Ken were the funniest, especially when Rosa got a crush on Ken and made Wormmon jealous!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Fight_Card on April 17 2005, 02:50 pm
Personally I didn't like season 3 of Digimon. I liked season 4 the best . My favourite characters from this was Takuya!!!! ButI disliked Izumi and Junpei. However, in season 1 and 2 I loved Tai and Sora as a couple and TK and Kari as a couple. I really disliked the ending to season 2 (eng dub) Sora should've married Tai not Matt. Even though the bit where Oikawa  died was sad and  I was confused at the bit with the adults because I didn't  know whether or not TK and Kari got married or not.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Sya0ran on April 17 2005, 03:00 pm
Hmm...I haven't watched Digimon for the longest of time!!  The last time I watched was around July of last year.  [cough]   :heh:  Well, I loved Sora and Tai together but I also loved Sora and Yamato together.  Even Mimi and Tai but also Mimi and Yamato.  lol  I love waay too many couples.

I can't remember the ending of season 2.  ;__;  I only remember season 4 right now.  xD  I love Izumi and Takuya together, so cute!  Takuya is such aa determined and strong-willed young man.  Izumi was just trying her real self.  Junpei irked me to no end and to the point where I wanted to slam my tv onto the ground (but I couldn't anyway, too heavy. lol)

Kari and TK were adorable too and Daisuke was just too cute.  The Digimon series to me was really cool, maybe even to the point where its better than Pokemon because at least the makers knew when to actually stop making Digimon series (not that its bad but after 4 season...come on! XP)

Pokemon has gone on for long enough and not many people are that hyped up about it anymore.  I must admit, I was a diehard fan waaaay back then, when I was like 8 or so but not anymore.  Its SO last century.  x_X;   :keke:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 06:11 pm
Yeah, the ending for season 2 was weird....and before that it had been my favourite season too....I don't think Sora should have gone with Tai OR Matt....those two made a really cute couple. I loved Ken adn Yolei, though.

Not a big fan of 04....I like Kouji and Koichi (and their trgaic past) but I don't like the way the Digidestined turn into Digimon - they went too far
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Spirit0 on April 18 2005, 02:53 am
Yay, finally, other people who won't think I'm crazy for liking Digimon! *Sobs in joy*

I liked season four the best for the longest time, but I never saw the last episode (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! My life search goes on!) But then again, I liked season three a lot too (I think it made me cry...) And of course, gotta like season one! I guess the only season I really didn't like so much was two, haha. Don't know why...
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 18 2005, 02:59 am
The last episode of 4 was good, I think it was when Koji went back to the real world to find Koichi dying in hospital...

Aaaah! You don't like my fav series!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: bLuetopaz on April 30 2005, 08:36 am
i think Digimon is cute (like Pikachu).. and i still remember asking my little bro to wake me up early in the morning just to watch it.. *lol*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 30 2005, 08:38 am
I still rmemeber the exact episode that was on when I came back from shopping about three years ago in the summer....
The one where the Emperor was defeated and became Ken again.

Even after all this time, I can still remember which episode....hmmm. I'm not obsessed! *sidel out*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on May 01 2005, 04:55 am
Yay! I just found a site that has sscripts for most of the first three season episodes! I'm reading Genesis Of Evil right now! (That's when Ken was in the coma)
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: s+s on June 29 2005, 09:57 pm
i like tai + sora
koji + koichi
matt + mimi
thats good
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: aLie-ChAn on June 30 2005, 12:14 am
LOL digimon was one of my first anime ^____^ watched till season 2 *disliked da ending* wen me saw season 3 it waz like sooo borin 2 mee then me dropped it ^^ liked season 1 most! tai N sora were cute together ^^ but me disliked her a bit in season 2 dunno y..-____- haven't seen season 4 though....

digimon is DEFINETLEY better dan pokemon *URGH!!* hated POKEMON mainly bcuz it ONLY revolves around ash...he's ALWAYZ da hero in every eppy....*cough* though it waz my fav. wen me waz 9 years....
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on June 30 2005, 12:28 am
LOL digimon was one of my first anime ^____^ watched till season 2 *disliked da ending* wen me saw season 3 it waz like sooo borin 2 mee then me dropped it ^^ liked season 1 most! tai N sora were cute together ^^ but me disliked her a bit in season 2 dunno y..-____- haven't seen season 4 though....

digimon is DEFINETLEY better dan pokemon *URGH!!* hated POKEMON mainly bcuz it ONLY revolves around ash...he's ALWAYZ da hero in every eppy....*cough* though it waz my fav. wen me waz 9 years....
i agree !! but i've always supported Taiora, she made a big mistake when she went out with Matt.

Yay! I just found a site that has sscripts for most of the first three season episodes! I'm reading Genesis Of Evil right now! (That's when Ken was in the coma)

ooh ooh, post the link puh-lease :D
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on June 30 2005, 07:50 am
I love Digimon, it totally pwns! There is no  comparing it to Pokemon though..I dont know why but people always do.

I like the first 2 seasons the best, namely because it actually made sense! I dont know, everytime I try to understand the other seasons, I end up getting my self a headache ><

I support Taiora too! I really didn't understand Sorato at ALL! I mean, it so stereotypical for the girl to go to the most coolest guy in the group. It just makes Sora look shallow >.< I also support Takari as well.

And Taichi is my favourite character ^^

Also, I dont think Digimon is a kids anime. Saying that is like saying CCS is a kids anime too. Just because something doesn't have nudity or sexuality doesn't make it for kids, like many other animes, its for all audiences, and even though I watched it when I was a kid, I'm still very fond of it.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: kagome on July 01 2005, 02:17 am
Takari is my favourite character too
i personally love this show its my second fave show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 01 2005, 07:10 am
Takari is my favourite character too
i personally love this show its my second fave show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Takari isn't a character, its a coupling of T.K (Takeru) and Hikari

in otherwords a theoratical couple. i also like this couple :keke:

Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 01 2005, 07:21 am
kawaii! I love this couple too. I always thought that they were adorable together.

Season 02 and 01 are the best seasons ever! ^_____^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: victoria on July 01 2005, 11:41 pm
Quote from: kagome on Today at 02:17:51 AM
Takari is my favourite character too
i personally love this show its my second fave show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Takari isn't a character, its a coupling of T.K (Takeru) and Hikari

in otherwords a theoratical couple. i also like this couple

 thats wut kagome meant!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 02 2005, 01:18 am
Quote from: kagome on Today at 02:17:51 AM
Takari is my favourite character too
i personally love this show its my second fave show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Takari isn't a character, its a coupling of T.K (Takeru) and Hikari

in otherwords a theoratical couple. i also like this couple

 thats wut kagome meant!
Takari is my favourite character too

didn't need your opinion Victoria. i was just saying it IF anybody finds it confusing. i know there are a lot of people who don't understand the combining of names to create couples.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 02 2005, 04:30 am
So true, there's alot like Sorato [Sora + Yamato] and Taiora [Sora + Taichi] Mimato [Mimi + Yamato] and of course Takari [Takeru + Hikari] so it can get confusing, especially with the combining of the names.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 02 2005, 06:26 am
So true, there's alot like Sorato [Sora + Yamato] and Taiora [Sora + Taichi] Mimato [Mimi + Yamato] and of course Takari [Takeru + Hikari] so it can get confusing, especially with the combining of the names.

lol, and Taikari. Taichi and Hikari
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Okamirei on July 02 2005, 12:26 pm
is Ken Ichijoji with anybody? I forgot.. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 02 2005, 12:45 pm
is Ken Ichijoji with anybody? I forgot.. :sweatdrop:
he ended up with Yolei
(terrible couple i thought)
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Okamirei on July 02 2005, 12:46 pm
Yolei? ... interesting  :sweatdrop:
I agree, Takari is so cute!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 02 2005, 03:07 pm
You know what peeved me? The ending of 02 was so horrible, and well, unexpected. Like Ken and Yoliei, I mean, yeah, she seemed to like him, but I doubt there was much proof to actually make them a couple...that gets married! Sora and Yamato is another, so random as well, sure, she wanted to give him a damn present, and then there marred! And Yamato becomes an astronaut! Yeah, throw his entire singing career in the drain! *groans* And Takeru and Hikari dont get married -_-

That was the worst epiosde for me ><
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: kagome on July 03 2005, 01:21 am
hell ya hes cute :inlove:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: kagome on July 03 2005, 01:25 am
i mean takari is damn cute
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 03 2005, 01:37 am
Takari isn't a person, its a coupling name, unless that's what you mean ^^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 03 2005, 01:54 am
yea thats right, if you mean 'they are cute'

but i was pretty dissapointed with that last episode too.
i liked season one the most out of all of them!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 03 2005, 02:03 am
I liked the first season the best aswell, it actually seemed like an actual, good plot >_< The second season was good in terms of humor and Takari *^____^* but other than that, it seemed well, boring, and the season after that aren't even worth mentioning -_-
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Okamirei on July 03 2005, 02:04 am
how many seasons are there in Digimon now? 4?
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 03 2005, 02:08 am
I think so, I stopped watching it after season 3, I do know there are alot of movies though, around 8 I think ^^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Okamirei on July 03 2005, 02:09 am
seriously? I only saw one digimon movie  :sweatdrop: The second one I think. When lopmon turned evil...
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 03 2005, 02:10 am
you know they are doing all teh digimon movies into english now right.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 03 2005, 02:11 am
Oh yeah, really? There are alot of movies though, think one came out recently, its done in CG, but I havent seen it yet. I dont know much about the movies either -_-

However, I'm a season 01/02 nerd, seriously, ^^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 03 2005, 02:17 am
However, I'm a season 01/02 nerd, seriously, ^^

Amen ;)

are they all out on DVD yet ? like as a boxset
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 03 2005, 02:21 am
Oh, I dont really know, hehehe, I'm pretty sure there wasn't one here in Canada, not a subtitiled version though, just the dubbed, *which sucked by the way* I have like the first to video cassettes *cough* of season one, don't think there was one for season 2 though, hehehe
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 03 2005, 02:45 am
oh hell NO!!
the Dubbed Rocked!!
i loved ALL the voices. the japanese one can't stand up to it at all!!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 03 2005, 02:55 am
Really? You did? I meant how some episodes were cut up, just a bit though, like a few scenes that were in the sub *a little inapporipiate humor* ^^ I have no problem with the voices at all XD

I didn't like Hikari's japanese voice, it kept changing througout the show -_- I like everyone elses though ^^

I actually think the voice acting for the dub was much better than some dubs that were on during that time *Sailor Moon + CC *cough*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 03 2005, 08:19 am
I actually think the voice acting for the dub was much better than some dubs that were on during that time *Sailor Moon + CC *cough*

haha true, i loved Joshua Seth's voice.
i was surprised to hear him then in Akira shouting F**K and i thought to myself :...
"o_o ... Tai just shouted F**K !!!"
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 03 2005, 08:46 am
LMAO, seriously XD That's the thing with some dubs, you hear some of the va's in a completely different dub saying something else, hahaha, Inuyasha is a perfect example XD

Tai saying the f word, lmao, something to look forward too XD *havent watched akira yet -_-*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 03 2005, 11:13 am
LMAO, seriously XD That's the thing with some dubs, you hear some of the va's in a completely different dub saying something else, hahaha, Inuyasha is a perfect example XD

Tai saying the f word, lmao, something to look forward too XD *havent watched akira yet -_-*

Akira is AWESOME !!

and Inuyasha was Quicksilver in X-Men Evouloution !! lol XD
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 03 2005, 11:30 am
LMAO, yes, I know, also Tolle in GS, lmao XD
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 03 2005, 02:54 pm
XD we need more skilled English Voice Actors...

but did anybody play that Digimon games on the Playstation ?

i didn't like it since it confused me and it had nothing to do with Season 1 + 2 -_-
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 03 2005, 03:04 pm
I didn't play them, Im not much of a fan of the Digimon games, also, I like roleplay, and I think there was one that was just fighting, hardly any dialog, and it bored me and my friend to death, so yeah. The other ones are a little better, but there not Season 01/02 XD
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: kagome on July 05 2005, 03:44 am
yes we do when i had my old tv it was peer japanese i had to put on captions
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 05 2005, 08:23 am
yes we do when i had my old tv it was peer japanese i had to put on captions

...what the ?
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 06 2005, 04:31 am
People who asked if Ken was with anyone....officially he's with Yolei. But there are several Daiken (Daisuke/Ken) pairings out there too.

Yes, the last 02 episode was so rubbish....I hated it. As for movies....there's at least 7, although the first 2 got compressed into Digimon:The Movie for Western viewers. Not a big fan of the less detailed drawings in the movies though.

And wow! First no one posted here, then boom! Yay!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 06 2005, 04:47 am
Oh wow, I know what you mean, some of the pairings were out of the blue, like a product of the crews crack or something -_-

Either way, theres fanfiction out there with a much better ending ^^

Ken/Yoliei is okay, though I sorta kinda like Ken/Daisuke as well *shot for such yaoi-ness*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 06 2005, 05:10 am
If you're shot, then I was crucified a long time ago! No Sora and Yamato, Taichi and Sora, Mimi and Jou for me!

Taito, Daiken and Joushiro all the way for me! Although I do kinda like Kenlei.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 06 2005, 06:34 am
LMAO, Ken/Daisuke is the only yaoi paring I like, also Joushiro is okay I guess. *hahaha, to nerds make the perfect match* :sweatdrop:


But, I'm not really liking the Digimon fandom, so kudos for you ^^ You can like whatever you want, and I use to like Taito a while, since Taiora was totally bashed and hit and totally thrown by the producers, but I'm going back to my roots ^^ I'm a sucker for het as well :lol:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Kyle Rondart on July 08 2005, 12:46 am
Ruby Chan said that she was tired of people saying Didgimon is a kids show. People that have said that obviously haven't seen uncut episodes. Also Mayumi Yamaguchi (Gabumon, Lee,) was once asked if she watched Digimon. Her response was that she didn't because she felt it was a kiddy show, but the majority of voice actors that have done interviews about Digimon seem to like & watch it.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on July 08 2005, 02:16 am
I give up trying to explain the differences between foreign cultures and their censorship regulations.....
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 08 2005, 03:53 am
Yes, but even though the dubbed version of Digimon was shown on kids channels, it doesn't mean that it was a kid's show. They really tackled some things, like divorce, insecurities, fear, helplessness....and the slow development of Tai and Matt from enemies to mere rivals to best friends. And think about Adventure, in the last few episodes. Tai was getting so hurt in the battle against Piedmon, but he wouldn't give up.

And 02 dealed with sibling abuse, and facing the darkness inside you...and taught that everyone has the right to forgiveness. Tamers had Jeri's insecurities, and Impmon's lack of purpose (and the way the Digidestined reacted over Leomon's death).

And Frontier had divorce, evil inside yourself, and dying (think Kouchi in hospital)

If you just think back, you can see issues that are normally shown in older programmes.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 08 2005, 06:48 am
Well said Ruby Chan, Digimon is a show that talks about real life problems, and how it impacts the characters.

However, I think people are always comparing Pokemon to Digimon, its always compared, and its depressing and annoying, because they are completely different shows, even though Pokemon is a little more kiddy, Digimon is in another whole league, it just doesn't have them battling digimon, it shows them have character development, and many different situations that shows them develop and interact.

Also, the dub and the original are a little different, that being said, the angst and soul searching was more up in your face than the dub, and also, the dub was actually suppose to be aimed for kids, while the original was for everyone. People have to think about that before comparing the shows, because the dub and the original have some differences.

I like Digimon, I use to watch it as a kid, but I still love it, mind you, it had nothing to do with the digimon or the battles, at all. I liked it because of the characters, the dynamics, how they changed, how close they were, there pasts, everything. For example, the Takeru and Yamato's subplot had to be the most intersting thing in all of Digimon. I loved how they showed Takeru and Yamato's relationship, and the family problems, and the reason why the acted the way they did.

Sora was another one, they showed how she didn't want to work in the flower shop with her mom, how she fought with her mom alot, and how it affected her abilities as a digidestined.

I also love how they interacted, how Taichi seemed to worry about everyone, how Yamato tried to act cool, but his care for his friends made him a better person. Even their crests was a big thing since it showed why they got it, and how they reacted. It suprised me at first why Yamato got friendship crest, but as its character developed, you see the reason why, and it intrigues you.

Digimon is for all ages, even the dub can be watched by all, the point is that Digimon has many hidden messages and morals, and that's why it makes this anime memorable and loved.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Kyle Rondart on July 08 2005, 03:10 pm
If you ask me Tamers wasn't for kids in the first place. It was really violent. Also I didn't mean to sound like I hated Digimon. I love Digimon Tamers. And has anyone seen Digimon X-evolution yet?
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on July 08 2005, 10:17 pm
Yet kids watch Dragonball Z in Japan which is a heck of a lot more violent than Digimon....
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on July 09 2005, 01:02 am
Yet kids watch Dragonball Z in Japan which is a heck of a lot more violent than Digimon....
and oh BOY do they swear a lot in DagonBall Z!!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Kyle Rondart on July 09 2005, 02:01 am
I hate DBZ!! It's gotten really old.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 09 2005, 03:31 am
If you ask me Tamers wasn't for kids in the first place. It was really violent. Also I didn't mean to sound like I hated Digimon. I love Digimon Tamers. And has anyone seen Digimon X-evolution yet?

Nope, not yet. Know anywhere where I can download it? I can't seem to find it anywhere?

Plus, anyone seen the newer Digimon manga, Digimon Chronicles? It's meant to be good....
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ralea on July 10 2005, 11:05 am
LOLZ, I'm watching Digimon now!

Season 01 thoough. Bah, I can't watch season 02, it's on weekdays when I'm at school.

Digimon Chronicles? 0.o
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 10 2005, 06:04 pm

Go to the section in the top right corner, and it'll tell you all about it. And the site's great anyway...I love it!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on July 11 2005, 04:14 am
i loved digimon.. lolz.. i have watched all seasons.. except all of the 4th.. -_- lolz i want to watch it again..

i saw some jap episodes before.. it was confusing. the digimon names are all different.. o_o

but i have seen all episodes of 1-3 seasons and all movies except the one for the 4th season. lolz.. i'm such a digimon freak.. LOLZ!! but i love it.. and i still do. xD i want to watch it again. but the downloading will take forever..

so there's a new digimon.. it looks umm interesting lolz..

has anyone noticed that as digimon has more and more seasons.. in each season.. there are less digidestined kids.. ?_? lolz
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 11 2005, 04:20 am
Hmmm.....oh yeah! From 8 (adventure) to 6 (zero two) to 3 main and 7 overall (tamers) to 6 (frontier)

So I guess they kinda went down a frotnier, you know how Kouchi was evil before joinging up with Kouji and the others? And then he went through the whole guilt trip thing? Can anyone else say Ken Ichijoji, season 2? The plot was so popular the first time, they recreated it.

But it was a nice touch, with them being estranged brothers, and the coma thing.

Hmm...Matt was a brother, Ken was a brother, Kouichi was a all the outsiders who are brothers turn evil? LOL
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on July 11 2005, 04:29 am
haha yea they all had brothers.. o_o!! lolz and the ken and kouji thing are alike.. even if i haven't watched most of frontier.. i knew about it..
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Blaze on July 12 2005, 01:57 pm

iv wach seson 1-4 but i only saw the season 2 the movie not the others ; ;
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on July 12 2005, 11:25 pm
Fronteir was okay, but I thought that the plot got really repitive after that. I'm more old school anyway XD
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 13 2005, 03:58 am

iv wach seson 1-4 but i only saw the season 2 the movie not the others ; ;

Do you mean season 2 and the movie? Or just the season 2 movie?

That was my favourite season..Ken Ken Ken Ken Ken!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on July 14 2005, 12:03 pm
anyone know where you can download digimon.. i want to see it again.. lolz

i was hooked.. and i just stopped like a year ago.. lolz.. so yea.. i want to get hooked again.. i want to see the whole series of the 4th season. i saw the openings and endings in jap.. and i put them on repeat.. ~_^ lolz..
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 26 2005, 09:45 pm
Yeah, I'd like to download it too. I only have the last 8 episodes of Zero 2 and the first 6 of season 1 on tape, plus the movie. I need more!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on July 27 2005, 01:52 pm
I finished watching Digimon Frontier. lolz. Such jokes. I love Kouji. He reminds me of Sasuke. I'm looking at Ruby-chan's sig and I'm like KOUJI?? lolz. xD He's wicked.

Umm. I don't remember the site. When I do, I'll post it up. XD
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: KirakiraInu on July 31 2005, 05:40 am
I still like Digimon. I've watched serie 1-4 and I'd have to say my favorite seasons are 1 and 4! I liked season 1 because it was original, and the plots were pretty good. I think it was the longest season too. I didn't really like season 2, it was far too short and kinda boring, and season 3 was okay I guess. I liked season 4 because it had a change of pace since the digidestined didn't have Digimon anymore, and I liked the thing with Koji and Koichi (I like Koji more though, I like Wolves ^_^)

I haven't seen any of the movies execpt for the junkie english movie ugh. I want to see the frontier movie, wahh.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on July 31 2005, 07:53 pm
I didn't really like season 2, it was far too short and kinda boring, and season 3 was okay I guess. I liked season 4 because it had a change of pace since the digidestined didn't have Digimon anymore, and I liked the thing with Koji and Koichi

Funny, Season 02 was my fav, because it had the original plot of one of the Digidestined being a black sheep. Yeah, Matt kinda went off, but Ken just went that bit further - I fell in love with him from the moment I saw the episode with him in a coma!

Koji and Koichi are cool - but I prefer Koichi, because of the whole evil, then redemption thing (sensing a pattern here? Matt, Ken, Koichi...heh all my fav characters are bad boys!)
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on August 01 2005, 02:50 am
Ken was in a coma?? ?_? Is lost. lolz.

WAH! I love Season 2. So cute and there are so many relationships. :inlove: lolz. Just look at my avatar. SO KAWAII!!! :inlove: hehe. I just want to get a plushie of demiveemon and hug it. XD hehe. I don't know the jap names.

Watching Season 4 all over again has made me fall in love with digimon all over again. lolz. ^_^ I want to watch season 2 right now really badly. lolz. But the downloads take TOO LONG!!

Mostly every season, there's a bad person that changed to go on the good side. I mean in the first season, Gatomon. Second seasons, Ken. Fourth season, Kouichi. lolz. XD I don't know about Season 3 though. I can't think of anything. Umm how about Impmon? lolz. He sort of changed right?
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 01 2005, 03:04 am
Mmm...and Takato kinda lost himself to rage after Leomon was killed. In 01, I guess you could say Matt as well, since he attacked Tai and left the group.

After he stopped being emperor and went home, Ken just fell into a deep sleep and wouldn't wake up. He was searching for his heart (remember, Wormmon was dead) and nothing anyone did would make him wake up. Remember now? The episode he was in a coma for was Genesis Of Evil.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Alexiel on August 01 2005, 03:10 am
Wait, just how many seasons were are there now? I stopped after finishing season 4 *i dont think i liked it all that much. I still prefer season 3. Lol. Well, only because it related cards. =P season 2 was OK....
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 01 2005, 03:17 am
4 seasons of anime, and about 5 of manga.

Zero Two

All above seasons, plus Digimon Chronicles
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: jengness on August 01 2005, 06:25 am
ahh. I remember when i was in love with TK for Digimon..i never got to watch the original (jap) of the series. T_T. I was Kari/Hikari for Halloween once! It was funny! I had the clip, the camera, and everything! The cutest digimon to me was i think Tokomon. *poke**poke* ..or was it Yokomon?

...I dont remember. I didnt like the fourth season that much ....i sort of liked the concept of having digimon as partners better....

the third season was okay. Rika rules! Renamon was cool, too. Henry was a nerd but he was school. Takato was a bit ...ah-hah...but my all-time fave was.....

...okay, my mind just went blank.  :confused:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 01 2005, 06:32 am
Maybe you're thinking of Ryo? Cool guy who was able to skip dimensions, and had Cyberdramon as a partner? He was my fav in season 3. Frontier was cool, especially with the Koji/Koichi storyline....but I preferred them to have Digimon partners too.

Funnily enough though, I came up with the idea of Digimon merging with humans when I was playing it with my old dolls once (ahem...yep, I was very sad. Maybe I still am - I don't know! LOL)....and that was about two years before I saw Tamers!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Alexiel on August 01 2005, 06:35 am
Eh? They had names for each season? I just know them by seasons. Lol.

I'm pretty much a Takato fangirl for Season 3 for some reason. >_>
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 01 2005, 06:40 am
In Japan, they had names for their seasons, yes. Elsewhere, most places just dropped the names and called 1, 2, 3, and 4. In truth, I wouldn't have even known about the names if I hadn't been looking up Digimon on the net.

Season 3....bugged me. That's all I can say. I never felt like we ever got a deep enough, or long enough plot line. I think moving the main action to the Real World was a mistake. I much preferred the seasons where they fought in Digiworld, with maybe a LITTLE  bit of fighting in the Real World.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on August 01 2005, 11:00 am
4 seasons of anime, and about 5 of manga.

Zero Two

All above seasons, plus Digimon Chronicles
The Digimon manga that follows the anime series is actually a manwha, that is Korean comics and it's based on the anime rather than the other way around.  And don't forget V-Tamer. ^^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on August 01 2005, 12:13 pm
Season 3 was just a weird plot. It didn't really make scene to me when I watched it. I just don't know why but my love for it just isn't as strong as season 2 or 4. XD hehe

Season 1 is just  a bit too boring now. It's the oldest and the season I've seen the most. lolz
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 02 2005, 03:54 am
Like I said before, I loved Season 2, and disliked Season 3. I still like Season 1, although I've watched it several times - but I prefer the second half, when they're up against the Dark Masters.

I haven't seen Season 4, but I've read the episode guides, character profiles and stared at the pcitures and I still love it.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: jengness on August 02 2005, 05:16 am
OMG! I remember the Dark Masters..I think I remember their names.  :sweatdrop: Piedmon, Machinedramon, uhh....there were four right? ...uhh...Puppetmon...and...MegaSeadramo n? or was it ..MetalSeadramon?
..oh, well!  :haha: but the saddest was Puppetmon  :cry: ..HE MADE MATT GO NUTS!  :hmp:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 02 2005, 05:17 am
It was MetalSeadramon. And yeah, it was all Puppetmon's fault that Matt was missing for the latter half of the first season. Although, it was actually Cherrymon who spoke to Matt, and showed him Tai's face in the water. So I guess it was really Cherrymon's fault, even though he was doing it under Puppetmon's orders.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Star on August 02 2005, 05:18 am
I've only seen the 1st and 2nd seasons  and a small bit of the 3rd  but i do have the 1st digimon movie and soundtrack  Matt was my most favorite character on the entire show!!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: jengness on August 02 2005, 05:21 am
i loved his hair.  It reminds me of Cloud Strife from FFVII.  :hehe: that was hot.  :haha: Tai's hair was sorta funky stuck up everywhere. I remember at the end of the second season, he chopped it all off but then his son had the same habit.  :dodge: ...I will never accept the marriage between Matt and Sora. It's supposed to be Tai and Sora. *takes a knife* DIE MATT DIE! ...oh wait, you have pretty hair, nevermind.  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Alexiel on August 02 2005, 08:29 am
Lol, an exaggeration XD

Matt was alright. Though I SLIGHTLY didnt like his attitude but I cant blame him. >_> Rough history, especially relating to his little bro and of course his parents. but it always nagged at me how he acted towards others on a few occasions.. and sadly i cant recall. lol

I didnt notice until you mentioned it Itsukani, he DOES have Cloud's hair doesnt he? rofl
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on August 02 2005, 10:20 am
Matt and Sora would've been okay if it had some development! Yes, I'm a development whore, there has to be some proof for me to accept and ship something. I know Sora 'liked' him in the second season, but they had no history, just biyomon and some cookies >_> I like Taichi x Sora just because they looked like they liked each other. Sicne the 2nd move too. Then all of a sudden "LOL, Tai, I like Matt *giggle*" and I was like "...WTF?" because he asked her out! >_> I was so sad for Taichi...him and his unloved hair, lol. I kinda like his hair, its original.

I love Yamato too, and his angst was so sad, however, he seemed too 'cool' for my liking. I could never relate to the guy, I also thought he treated people like crap, but he had hot hair ^^ He's my second fav character, next to Taichi...WHO IS UNLOVED BY ALL!

I mean, who the hell did he marry? And all the digidestined children's scared me. They looked identicle to either the father, or the mother. I'm starting to think Taichi never did get married >_>

I also like Hikari x Takeru, which was even WORSE, considering, how all hints pointed too "CANON", and all we get is some pathetic monolouge about being a writer and a kindergarted teacher >_> Bandai really ruined the ending of Digimon, I swear >_>
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on August 02 2005, 11:19 am
I like Tai and Sora better. XD hehe. Sora likes Matt though. I had the exact same reaction. She was like "I like Matt." I was like O__O WTF!! lolz. And Tai was like "Oh, ok" SO SAD! T_T lolz

I love Tai's hair. I never liked Matt much. XP He isn't my favourite character at all. XP Sorry. lolz.

ROFL! I know. I loved Kari and TK too. XD My favourite couple in the Digimon series. XD Ever since the first episode of season 2, I was like "That's the couple that I'm going to love from now on." ROFL!

They don't tell us who married who. We only know that Yolei and Ken married each other. -_- No offense, but they don't look that good together. ROFL!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 02 2005, 07:38 pm
Yeah, but if you look at Mimi's children, they look like Michael could be the father. So that may be another couple, apart from Kenlei and Sorato. Although, I thought Kari's kid looked a bit like a mini Takato...scary.

I agree, Kari and TK should have been together, and Season 2's ending was totally screwed up. But I quite like the pairing Kenlei and Sorato. If it can't be Daiken and Taito, then those are the best straight couples for them, I think.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on August 03 2005, 12:16 am
I think I need to see a picture of the kids right now. lolz.

Uh no. I don't have the website with all the screenshots. O_O I'll go find them and see how the children look like. lolz. XD
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: SandSLover on August 04 2005, 09:08 am
yeah- me a big Takari fan as well!! Tk and Kari were soo made for eachother, hints everywhere- but didnt end up together??  :sad5:

well, i prefer season 1 and 2, they contained the original digidestined and i prefered them- neva watched after that. yeah, loved the 2nd half of season 1, esp when they were all searching for Kari, under their noses, and beating...shoot i forgot that vampire digimon's name- but yeah that one!! lolzz
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Alexiel on August 04 2005, 01:10 pm
Oh lord, I think I missed something here. They showed them when they had children? *gets shot* Lol screenshots if any would be greatly appreciated. XD

TaixSora is what I vouched for. And yes I had the same reaction when she said 'I like Matt'. It doesnt make sense if they don't show you the development damn it! High five fisah and lika-chi! Lol
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on August 04 2005, 01:21 pm
High five back.

lolz. XD I know. How can you like Matt better than Tai. Ok he's a rock star and in a band and hot looking but STILL!! Looks at Tai. He's a soccer champ and hot looking too. -_- Just don't make scene to me.

Lolz. I can't find the screenshot for that episode. T_T NO!!! MUST FIND THE PICTURE!!! T_T
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 04 2005, 08:48 pm
esp when they were all searching for Kari, under their noses, and beating...shoot i forgot that vampire digimon's name-

You mean Myotismon, and his Digivolved form, VenomMyotismon? Heh...I'm so sad....I know basically all the Digimon names.

Oh yeah, and here are all the pics I could find of the grown up Digidestined and their kids.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on August 04 2005, 10:57 pm
Remember to set your VCRs everyone!  The dub for Diabolomon Strikes Back, the fourth Japanese Digimon movie, will premiere on Toon Disney this Friday at 7:00 p.m.!  And if you miss it then, the movie will be repeated Saturday morning on ABC Family at 9:00 a.m.!  I actually can't wait to see this dub even though I already have it fansubbed!  I just hope they'll keep all the old English VAs...
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on August 05 2005, 07:14 am
WAH!!!!! Ruby-chan I LOVE YOU!!! *gives cookie

Where's Davis and TK?? -_- lolz. Sora lookes like she's with Joe. -_-. AH!!! lolz. But Sora's kid lookes like Matt. O_O lolz. I'm getting weird. ROFL!!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 05 2005, 07:20 am
Yeah, Sora and Matt are together. It just looks from the pciture like Sora's with Joe, and Tai is with Matt.

Did anyone notice, it was the GIRL who had Matt's face and looks? It was like Mini-Matt with a skirt!

And thanks for the cookie, lika-chi!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on August 05 2005, 07:23 am
THEY ARE!?!??!?!! OMG! *faints

Izzy and Mimi look like they're together but their kids don't look like each other so yea... lolz They should have shown the wives and husbands of the others. lolz. XD I would have want to see that. lol
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: jengness on August 05 2005, 08:29 am
LOL. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW. that pic is SOOOO Cute. I swear, since Tai and Sora didnt hook up, THEIR KIDS WILL! I DEMAND IT! DEMAND IT! DEMAND IT! *clears throat*  i mean ...yes, they will be together. I only got to see ...the first digimon movie. T_T. anyone know where i can get the others? i always wanted to see that one with the third seasons kids in it.  :hehe:

kari looks good with long hair. *poke**poke* hey, tk's not in the group pic ..oh yeah, they were late or something.  :dodge: i remember ken and wormmon became detectives. *muffles laughter*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on August 06 2005, 07:10 am
It's on tonight, it's on tonight, IT'S ON TONIGHT!  I'm so excited that I can't wait for it!  Everyone, remember to watch the dub of Diablomon Strikes Back, the fourth Japanese Digimon movie, tonight on Toon Disney at 7:00 p.m.!  And if you accidentally miss it, you can catch it again tommorow morning at 9:00 a.m. on ABC Family!  I can't wait for it!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: jengness on August 06 2005, 10:50 am
first of all, they changed tai's voice and patamon's ..and i think a couple others but i cant remember right now. and then ..wait, isnt sora going out with matt? itz weird...because at the end when the wind blew, she leaned over to TAI not MATT.  :surprised: and they both ran to her when shez all like, "I finally made it!!!" lol. sighhh..who sora likes will always stay a mystery to me.  :heh:it was a really short movie but it was okay.  :haha:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 06 2005, 07:11 pm
Well, she's best friends with Tai, so maybe that's why she leaned his way. And they changed some of the voices? Tai's? OMG! I still haven't seen it, since I'm UK bound, but I watched clips on an amv.....

The lower quality drawing on the Digimon movies (compared to the series) always cracks me up when it comes to characters....I mean, Ken looked really weird in the movie......
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on August 07 2005, 12:38 am
I caught the dub last night and it was really good.  I kind of expected them to change some of the old VAs but I still wish they had kept them.  I also wish they had kept the Japanese music but I guess that would have been too much to ask for.  For the most part, the translation was really accurate to the original when I compared it to my fansub copy.  There were only a few lines that were different and that was mostly a few corny jokes they inserted into the dub, which I personally think was a nice touch.  The only major visual cuts they made were removing some Japanese text and cutting out a part near the end where Omegamon stabbed Diablomon in the head with his sword, but other than that nothing was cut.  They even aired the dub in widescreen!  Overall, it was a very good dub that I was quite impressed with.  I'm really looking forward to seeing the dubs of the rest of the movies now.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on August 07 2005, 01:48 am
i liked the original VA so i don't think i could put up with the new ones...
But it looks quite good. Big Bad Diaboromon.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on August 09 2005, 03:22 am
Does anyone know where I can get it online? *puppy eyes*

Yea, I missed the thing >_>
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on August 10 2005, 12:37 am
I found a torrent of the dub of Diablomon Strikes Back for download via Bittorrent! I hope this helps!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on August 10 2005, 02:06 am
Thank you! *huggles* I really appreciate it ^^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on August 10 2005, 02:08 am
It's a pity, but I don't think the UK will get anymore dubbed Digimon movies...not after the first few were mixed into one dubbed movie for us.

If the show hasn't been top of the ratings for a year or two, they forget all about it.....*sigh*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: fisah on August 10 2005, 02:13 am
Yeah, this movie wasn't even in Canada to be honest *laughs* It was shown in the US, and we get the channels. Also, the movies for us were all mixed as well, I think that was international now that I think about it ^^; I'm just glad they did a full length movie again.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on August 13 2005, 05:54 pm
Yeah, this movie wasn't even in Canada to be honest *laughs* It was shown in the US, and we get the channels. Also, the movies for us were all mixed as well, I think that was international now that I think about it ^^; I'm just glad they did a full length movie again.

No no. It was on YTV. lolz. I've seen it like a billion times on YTV. I've never watched it on a US channel before. -___-" lolz
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: kagome on August 21 2005, 11:10 am
*No no. It was on YTV. lolz. I've seen it like a billion times on YTV. I've never watched it on a US channel before. -___-" lolz*

(dont know how to do quote)um i have never watched us channels niether but ya it is on ytv
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: cute_me on August 27 2005, 09:49 am
i love seasons 01,02 and 04 but i didn't like that much season 03
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: charcoalz on September 19 2005, 01:25 pm
hahaha, digimon was so cool...xD :okay: :hehe:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: moezychan on September 21 2005, 03:32 am
This thread really brings me back. It's been so long since I've seen this show. Digimon was actually the very first anime I ever watched. Personally my favorite season was Season 1. Especially after Kari arrived. I also liked Season 2, but I hated how Season 2 ended. It made no sense at all to me. I was like what the he** did they do to it?! I hate it when there is no closure.

Season 3 was ok, but I missed Takeru and Kari. They are by far my favorite characters. For Season 1 my favorite episode was a toss-up between My Sister's Keeper and The Crest of Light.

For Season 2 my favorite episode was also a toss-up between His Master's Voice, when Kari was taken to the world of Darkness and Takeru came to save her, and Ghost of a Chance. Wizardmon came to visit them in the real world, but he was a ghost. Probably one of the saddest episodes in all of Digimon. I'm crying now just thinking about it.  :cry:

I completely hated Season 4. I can take it when a digimon dna-digivolves with another digimon; I also can take it when a human digivolves with a digimon, but the minute a human actually becomes a digimon is where I draw the line. I refuse to watch that season. I quit watching it after episode 3.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 25 2005, 08:24 pm
Yes, Season 2's ending was strange......but I still apprecitaed it, since I had to fight tooth and nail for it to be broadcast!

For some reason the channel that broadcast it stopped 10 episodes before the end of season 2, and went straight into season 3. So I joined the general outcry that was going up, and joined one of the many petitions going around the, I sent in letters. So, because it took so much effort to finally get to see the last few episodes (and at Christmas - yay!) I truly still love them...even the last one.

Season 2....I loved the Darkness Before Dawn (Wormmon's death) and the one where Ken was in a self-inflicted coma. After that, I just loved all episodes where angsty Ken had centre at certain points during the Isect Master's House episodes, or when he went in the van to 'help' the children, who were being held as 'hostages'.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on September 26 2005, 02:52 am
This thread really brings me back. It's been so long since I've seen this show. Digimon was actually the very first anime I ever watched. Personally my favorite season was Season 1. Especially after Kari arrived. I also liked Season 2, but I hated how Season 2 ended. It made no sense at all to me. I was like what the he** did they do to it?! I hate it when there is no closure.

Season 3 was ok, but I missed Takeru and Kari. They are by far my favorite characters. For Season 1 my favorite episode was a toss-up between My Sister's Keeper and The Crest of Light.

For Season 2 my favorite episode was also a toss-up between His Master's Voice, when Kari was taken to the world of Darkness and Takeru came to save her, and Ghost of a Chance. Wizardmon came to visit them in the real world, but he was a ghost. Probably one of the saddest episodes in all of Digimon. I'm crying now just thinking about it.  :cry:

You're making me want to buy Season 1 and 2. I LOVE THOSE! I love TK and Kari too. XD hehe. I don't like Davis and Kari. xP *sigh* Too bad YTV doesn't show old Digimon episode anymore. I would so watch them. Maybe I could buy the seasons somewhere. *ponders*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 26 2005, 02:55 am
You can buy the first 15? episodes of Digimon Adventure dubbed...but only the first 3 of Digimon 02 dubbed, I think. Which is really annoying, because otherwise, I would have bought all of season 2!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on September 26 2005, 02:56 am
I love season 1 and 2 as well  :inlove:. I'm also a big TK fan as well ("TK" Takeru+Kari). I'm currently rewatching season one again since its playing on Animax asia  :keke:.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: moezychan on September 26 2005, 02:58 am
You're making me want to buy Season 1 and 2. I LOVE THOSE! I love TK and Kari too. XD hehe. I don't like Davis and Kari. xP *sigh* Too bad YTV doesn't show old Digimon episode anymore. I would so watch them. Maybe I could buy the seasons somewhere. *ponders*

Same here; I couldn't stand Davis. He was a shallow jerk in my opinion with no respect for others. Takeru was always so kawaii! I loved him.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on September 26 2005, 02:59 am

Well the anime I get aren't the real copies. :sweatdrop: But then again I've never really noticed them selling Digimon Dvds. *sigh* That's just sad!!! T___T
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 26 2005, 03:03 am
If they ever broadcast Digimon over here again, I'm recording it. I did it with Cardcaptors, I did it with Beyblade, and I WILL do it with Digimon!

Davis....yeah, he was shallow and a jerk sometimes. But I still liked him, especially since he was the first one to really trust Ken, and he seemed to be the only one who really tried to stop Ken virtually committing suicide by trying to stop his base exploding.....

Cody on the other hand.....uggh. Can you say serious, uptight, and holds grudges? And what was up with his voice? It sounded like he always had a sore throat.

Scary to think that the same person who voiced Mimi also voiced Cody.  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: moezychan on September 26 2005, 03:06 am
If they ever broadcast Digimon over here again, I'm recording it. I did it with Cardcaptors, I did it with Beyblade, and I WILL do it with Digimon!

Davis....yeah, he was shallow and a jerk sometimes. But I still liked him, especially since he was the first one to really trust Ken, and he seemed to be the only one who really tried to stop Ken virtually committing suicide by trying to stop his base exploding.....

Cody on the other hand.....uggh. Can you say serious, uptight, and holds grudges? And what was up with his voice? It sounded like he always had a sore throat.

Scary to think that the same person who voiced Mimi also voiced Cody.  :sweatdrop:

Oh, if there was anybody I couldn't stand more than Davis, it was Cody. Way too serious for a little kid. He always acted like he was in charge of the group.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: lika-chi on September 26 2005, 03:33 am
O__O OMG! Mimi's VA did Cody. O__O Holy! That's hard to believe. Now that you mention his voice is weird, IT IS!! lolz. I never liked his voice or character! xP So bratty at times. *sigh* HAHA!!

I recorded bit of CCS! If Digimon aired here again! I would so record it but then the thing is, my tape recorder doesn't work with the TV!! T___T AH!!!!! And I doubt they'll air Digimon AGAIN!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Tooya_Mizuki on September 26 2005, 03:37 am
O__O OMG! Mimi's VA did Cody. O__O Holy! That's hard to believe. Now that you mention his voice is weird, IT IS!! lolz. I never liked his voice or character! xP So bratty at times. *sigh* HAHA!!

I recorded bit of CCS! If Digimon aired here again! I would so record it but then the thing is, my tape recorder doesn't work with the TV!! T___T AH!!!!! And I doubt they'll air Digimon AGAIN!
Good thing its on air on Animax asia  :lol:. Dont worry, i'm sure they'll play it again sometime  :keke:.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on September 26 2005, 03:40 am
O__O OMG! Mimi's VA did Cody. O__O Holy! That's hard to believe.

I know. That was my reaction when I happened to watch the Digimon movie credits....and since they used the same VAs....0.o
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: cute_me on October 01 2005, 12:33 pm
the only character i can't stand is Kari she is so annoying!
mimi and matt are my favorite couple (Digimon 1 and Digimon 2) or TK and mimi, they are a cute couple! in Digimon Frontier my favorite couple is Takuya and Soe. :)
i didn't like digimon 3 the story was complety different to the others.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: moezychan on October 01 2005, 12:37 pm
the only character i can't stand is Kari she is so annoying!
mimi and matt are my favorite couple (Digimon 1 and Digimon 2) or TK and mimi, they are a cute couple! in Digimon Frontier my favorite couple is Takuya and Soe. :)
i didn't like digimon 3 the story was complety different to the others.

I want to say, "How can you not like Kari?!" but we're all entitled to our own opinion. If that's how you feel, who am I to persuade you. Question though, why don't you like Kari? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: cute_me on October 01 2005, 01:27 pm
I want to say, "How can you not like Kari?!" but we're all entitled to our own opinion. If that's how you feel, who am I to persuade you. Question though, why don't you like Kari? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
maybe my answer will be not enought for u but anyway: for example in Digimon 1 she seems to be so delicate Tai has to worry about her all the time, thats not  fair. Tai was blame by his parents when kari got sick and had to go to the hospital (when they were little) his mother even hit him just beacuse kari was so special that if something happens to her everyone has the foult. She is supposed to be the light how Ridiculous, she is not the light.  what i mean is that in digimon the creators wanted to show her like someone extremaly special in the story and tryed to give less importance to the other characters for example mimi, izzy,sora.
In digimon 2 she was suposed to be called by the dark or something like that but she didn't had a sad past or anything, so why would the dark side want her, i didn't get it. she depends on others to move foward she can't do it alone.
 she is supposed to be pretty but she is ugly and why does everyone have to like her: Davis, the three brother of... (i don't remember the country). but most important SHE CAN'T BE LOVED BY TK. TK and her are an horrible couple but i have seem many pictures of them together i hate that. TK is to much for her.
sorry about the grammar, and its ok if u think that my answer is not enought to hate kari but that's how i think
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: moezychan on October 01 2005, 01:43 pm
Like I've said, we're all entitled to our own opinion. And thank you for telling me. I may not agree, but thank you for telling.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on October 02 2005, 12:13 am
maybe my answer will be not enought for u but anyway: for example in Digimon 1 she seems to be so delicate Tai has to worry about her all the time, thats not fair. Tai was blame by his parents when kari got sick and had to go to the hospital (when they were little) his mother even hit him just beacuse kari was so special that if something happens to her everyone has the foult. She is supposed to be the light how Ridiculous, she is not the light. what i mean is that in digimon the creators wanted to show her like someone extremaly special in the story and tryed to give less importance to the other characters for example mimi, izzy,sora.
In digimon 2 she was suposed to be called by the dark or something like that but she didn't had a sad past or anything, so why would the dark side want her, i didn't get it. she depends on others to move foward she can't do it alone.
 she is supposed to be pretty but she is ugly and why does everyone have to like her: Davis, the three brother of... (i don't remember the country). but most important SHE CAN'T BE LOVED BY TK. TK and her are an horrible couple but i have seem many pictures of them together i hate that. TK is to much for her.
sorry about the grammar, and its ok if u think that my answer is not enought to hate kari but that's how i think
Hikari is a little girl.  Of course she's delicate and of course Taichi has to worry about her.  It's not about being fair or not; He's her big brother.  What kind of big brother wouldn't worry about his sister?  Maybe it was cold for Taichi's parents to blame him for letting Hikari get sick, but it was sort of his fault.  He did take Hikari outside to play when he knew that he shouldn't.  That's why Taichi tries to protect Hikari.  Because he doesn't want something bad to happen to her because of him ever again.  And why does the dark only have to call for people who have sad pasts?  Wouldn't the darkness want to try and target someone who's in the light more than someone who isn't?  Wouldn't that be a bigger victory for the side of darkness if they were able to succeed?

You say she depends on others to move her forward but don't all the Chosen Children do that?  It's a thing called "friendship."  Yes, Hikari couldn't do it on her own, but nobody else could do it alone either.  And to answer your question as to why everyone loves Hikari, there's a thing called "personality."  And just because you don't think Hikari is pretty doesn't mean anyone else will and remember these are anime characters.  Anime characters always tend to do some things we will never understand because they're anime characters.  And just because you think Takeru and Hikari can't be together because you don't like them as a couple doesn't mean that they won't.  In the end, our opinions on who should be together doesn't matter because it's the creators' decision that decides whether or not they end up together.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: moezychan on October 02 2005, 12:49 am
Very good post Cardcaptor Takato. You summed it up perfectly! Hai, cookie.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on October 02 2005, 04:15 am
i agree!! way to go Takato!!
I like Hikari too :D she's really nice.

Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: LSD on October 26 2005, 04:42 pm
well i desagree with all of u, she really socks.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Monse-chan on November 01 2005, 09:04 am
Well, I really like Hikari. Of course that is MY point of view.  :sweatdrop:

Anyway, for those who love TAKERU AND HIKARI together (just like me  :greengrin: ) maybe you have heard the song *Focus* sang by Takeru's seiyuu......

I will give TWO COOKIES to the person that can tell me where I may get that mp3. So please, please, please tell me!!!  :sad5:

 I would look for it, but I don't have the time, nor the patience....  -_-
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: LSD on November 01 2005, 10:19 am
ok ,  try this page . U have to register and make some post to download something, it its not there, there are also some people who can help u.  Sorry that is the only page i know it could be.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Monse-chan on November 01 2005, 11:48 am
Thanks for the link, but sadly, there is no *Focus* song....anyway, thank you.  :wink:

Remember people!! I am giving TWO COOKIES for the song!! If you can, please help me  :)
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on November 01 2005, 12:54 pm
Thanks for the link, but sadly, there is no *Focus* song....anyway, thank you. :wink:

Remember people!! I am giving TWO COOKIES for the song!! If you can, please help me :) has a torrent that contains all the Digimon character image and drama cds for download via Bittorrent and one of the mp3s included in this torrent is Focus.  It contains a karaoke version of Focus, too.  I hope this helps.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Monse-chan on November 01 2005, 01:42 pm has a torrent that contains all the Digimon character image and drama cds for download via Bittorrent and one of the mp3s included in this torrent is Focus. It contains a karaoke version of Focus, too. I hope this helps.

I don't have Bittorrent.

Maybe I will download it, though. I mean, I can always give it a shot. But I still don't understand how it works....
I have to download a special program for using bittorrent, right?

What program do I have to use?
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 01 2005, 07:28 pm
I got it! Here's a site with practically all of them! Direct download!

Go here for bittorrent:

Click on the Latest relese version, select your nearest mirror (eg, I'm in England, so mine is Kent, UK) and your download will start shortly. That's how you get the bittorrent programme! But once the file's opened, it should play on your Media Player!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on November 02 2005, 08:12 pm
Sorry for the double post, but since they're entirely different, I couldn't help it!

For anyone who likes Ken Ichijoji (  :inlove: ) here are all the wallpapers I've collected of him so far....I couldn't remember where I got them, so I had to upload them instead!










Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: LSD on November 03 2005, 07:06 am
LoL  .... THANK U, GRACIAS; GRATZIE, ARIGATO !!! (and i don't other way to say it but thanx a lot!!)

  He is just so cute and handsome !!!
This is my favorite pic of him , but yours are awesome too.
  Love him, but i think he is the second in my heart because Fye is my number one.!!! but Ken is so cute !!!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Marina-chan on November 09 2005, 11:51 am
Wow! I personally prefer Takerou!But I find myself somelike Ken(muahaha to dominate the world!! jk! :lol:)
I started to watch anime with digimon!(around 7 years I don't remember well)
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Monse-chan on November 09 2005, 11:54 am
Ken is awsome!!!!!  :hehe:

But, Takeru...I don't know, I guess I still prefer him.  :heh:

But Syaoran and Nigihayami are my no.1 for the moment!!!! Hanyaaaan  :inlove:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: CrystleFlows on November 09 2005, 11:14 pm
If any digimon fanz out there is intrested in joining a digimon forum there's 2 great forum here
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on November 10 2005, 01:15 am
By the way, the dubs for Digimon movies five through seven have been aired on TV and I didn't know about it!  There wasn't any announcement for it like there was for the fourth movie dub!  That makes me mad because I really wanted to see them!  Luckily, I found a forum that has the dubs of these movies for download via Bittorrent. You have to join the forum before you can download but you don't have to post anything to download any torrents if you don't want to.  So, if anyone missed the dubs for Digimon movies five through seven, you can download their torrents here.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Kyle Rondart on November 12 2005, 02:59 pm
FINALLY!! I have seen Digimon X-evolution!!! Twas a great movie. I now know that Alphamon rules all digimon in the digital world.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on November 12 2005, 03:25 pm
I like Ishida Yamato (my number 1 in all digimon series!!!!!)

2nd is Ichijouji Ken!!!!!

3rd is Kouji or Koji in frontier

Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Monse-chan on November 13 2005, 12:39 am

Yeah, he is really cool....I guess it runs in the family. (points at a Takeru picture)
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: LSD on November 13 2005, 02:25 pm
Yeah Matt is great, and so cool looking!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Marina-chan on November 21 2005, 12:11 pm
Which digimon do you prefer?
I like Tailmon! :wink:(aka:Hikari's digimon)
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: moezychan on November 21 2005, 01:00 pm
Which pokemon do you prefer?
I like Tailmon! :wink:(aka:Hikari's pokemon)

You mean digimon. Pokemon is another anime. And Tailmon is also my favorite!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on November 21 2005, 01:01 pm
My favorite Digimon is Guilmon!  But then I also like's hard to choose.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: LSD on November 21 2005, 01:24 pm
Mine is angemon!!  :hello2:
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on November 21 2005, 07:48 pm
holyangemon!!!! or is it metalgarurumon? OH!!!!!!!! those two brothers and their digimons are so great!!!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Monse-chan on November 22 2005, 06:10 am
I like Patamon, Angemon, Tailmon and Birdamon (isn't sure she spelled them correctly)
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: quimmy on November 22 2005, 06:17 am
Digimon was the programme that started me drawing manga-style. Oh my, oh my! I was completely obsessed with it! Season one will always be my fav, Matt, Mimi, Tai, Izzy!  :inlove: Oh, that epiode when Cherrymon convinced Matt that TK didn't love him... I cried like a baby after that ep. How could people even compare this genius to Pokemon?
Series 2, I didn't like too much. It just wasn't the same without the old favs, even if Matt and Izzy grew up to be quite cute!  :keke: I liked Ken, but I really didn't like Davis, Yolei and ugh, I hated Cody. Brat.
Season 3 I quite liked but it was on before I finished school so I missed a good bit. I think I saw up until the guy with the visor got his digimon, then it was moved to half 6 weekday mornings. >.< And then it got cancelled. And I haven't seen Digimon since.

And Joshua Seth is love!!!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: LSD on November 22 2005, 08:42 am
I kinna dislike season 3, get bored after seen few episodes,
And my favorite was season 1, matt is so cool looking. and i notice that the colours in this season were more brighters and the backgroud was so cool. I think the creators dedicate more time in this season, every detail in the drawings were really cool.
Like the 2nd season, everyone except Kari and Yolei
Digimon Frontier was great, especially Kouji.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on December 04 2005, 04:27 pm
Yeah! Kouji and his brother Kouichi (is that his brother's name?) They're the only reason I watched Digimon Frontier!!!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on February 10 2006, 08:54 am
According to this site, Toei is working on a new Digimon TV series entitled "Digimon Savers." The new series is slated to premiere on Japanese television sometime this April. There are some rumors floating around on the Internet that it could be a Tamers sequel, but nothing official has been confirmed about that yet. However, it has been reported that humans will definetly be in this new series and it looks like Toei will be going back to having Digimon partners for the humans for this anime. And even though no news has been made yet if any dubbing companies plan on licensing this series, WolfPack Productions ( has announced that they will fansub it when it's aired. I for one am very exicited about this development. I'm even more exicited that this new series will feature the return of human characters, so here's hoping for another good season of Digimon.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: LSD on February 10 2006, 10:51 am
really o_O
lets see how they will impress us
and thankies for the links ><!
hope they are not to many episode... to much chocolate palls...
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Ruby Chan on February 20 2006, 09:34 pm
I've just finished watching Digimon Frontier, and I was not disappointed! The Kouji/Kouchi plotline was fantastic, and without it the whole series would have fallen apart.

I'm in love with Kouchi's theme song - With Broken Wings. Does anyone know where to download it?
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: monkey on February 22 2006, 05:17 am
what is V-Tamers? that looks pretty cool (I see Taichi)
anybody tell me what it's about?
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: moezychan on February 22 2006, 06:49 am
Since yesterday I've been watching Digimon in the Japanese version, and I have a newfound love for it! I've only ever seen it in the American version before, but now, thanks to Ruby Chan, I can see the original!

I won't give away any spoilers, but in comparison of the 2 versions, the Japanese has such a maturity to it that you wouldn't find in the American. The characters are much more composed, and the show is so much more enjoyable! It's just fantastic! Oh! And the music! The songs are so vibrant, and they outline the show so perfectly. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the series!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on February 22 2006, 08:01 am
what is V-Tamers? that looks pretty cool (I see Taichi)
anybody tell me what it's about?
V-Tamer is the original Digimon manga.  I haven't read it yet since it hasn't been released in the U.S., but from what I've heard it's completely different from the anime, and I believe Taichi is the only human character in it.  Taichi also has a different partner than Agumon and his character's personality is a lot different than his anime counterpart, but I haven't read any of it, so I don't know much of the details about it.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Smile_For_Me on April 03 2006, 05:48 pm
A new Digimon is coming, its called Digimon Savers, can't wait for it to come out, but it won't have my fav old chara's, but new one's for sure.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Mina on April 04 2006, 01:54 am
A new Digimon is coming, its called Digimon Savers, can't wait for it to come out, but it won't have my fav old chara's, but new one's for sure.

I saw preview for it and I wasn't really impressed... looking at the opening theme... it seems as if the three main characters are part of military or some sort of group fighting "bad" digimon.... i'm not looking forward to it now... to be honest...
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: envyofthestage on April 05 2006, 03:29 am
I never knew that the Japanese Digimon existed, can someoen tell me where I can download it? Is it the same characters?

I loved the first and second season of Digimon, although, I only liked the second because of Ken and you got to see Tai & co older. I think the new characters in the second season where...I dunno...a bit crappy. I didn't liek them that much.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Mina on April 05 2006, 09:58 am
I never knew that the Japanese Digimon existed, can someoen tell me where I can download it? Is it the same characters?

I loved the first and second season of Digimon, although, I only liked the second because of Ken and you got to see Tai & co older. I think the new characters in the second season where...I dunno...a bit crappy. I didn't liek them that much.

Digimon is originally Japanese  :sweatdrop:  You can see some episodes in but there aren't many...

I liked 1st season as welll... and 2nd season for the same reason you liked it, lol.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: kagome on May 14 2006, 11:20 pm
number 2 was really good i seen it like 4 times becuz mi friend has the movie
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Magical Angel 101 on May 23 2006, 03:17 am
Digimon Rules! I used watch everymorning, untile Jeix took off the  air! :(
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 23 2006, 03:35 am
i only watched season 1 and 2 but i liked it
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Magical Angel 101 on May 23 2006, 03:36 am
[quote I wanted Tai to be with Sora T-T
Me too I wish they were *Frowns*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Takeru on July 10 2006, 11:20 am
And I just found out that Takeru and Hikari did get married at the end of season 2. It was cut from the American version for unknown reasons...

<3 Takari <3
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: princesslore on July 11 2006, 12:00 pm
No personal
But I hate it... better not to comment more....
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: tg on July 11 2006, 01:29 pm
Am I the only one here who is following and enjoying Digimon Savers?   O_0

Oh well.    Spoiler for Savers below since I feel like it.  Heheh... :D

Show content
We're now on the episode where the DATs gang finally goes into the Digiworld and encounters........Ikuto!!   I can see why he's starting "to change" on his opinion of humans but it'll be very slow.   He's a very good fighter and handles that boomerang of his pretty well.   Wonder how he got into the Digiworld in the first place?    I bet Mecurimon is Masaru's father.  Maybe?   :confused:   And Falcomon's digivolution is pretty interesting.   

Touma's episode is up next!!   Can't wait!   "Memories of my Mother".   Oohhh..  I bet we find out what happens to his Mom and see why he ends up "growing up" too fast.   But I wonder, will Masaru have some memories too when both boys get knocked out?  Err..., guess not since Touma needs to "Perfect Evolution" his Digipartner to Ultimate. 
Too bad that it's not coming on this Sunday though.  >_<   
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: twilight_star on September 11 2006, 01:28 am
I haven't seen Savers but I really enjoyed The 1st, 2nd and 4th season, I didn't like the 3rd season very much :D
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Smile_For_Me on September 13 2006, 03:58 pm
Sorry, I wish they were, But T.K. and Kari never married in Digimon 02, which made me mad, along the lines that Tai and Sora never got married P-d me off,
and Yolie and Ken.........thats just it........LeMeGod
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 13 2006, 04:01 pm
the only digimon ive seen is MOST of the first one (i think...with TK and kari etc) the one following i strated, but got mixed up because of JETIX.

that digimon "tamers" one is very confusing...i keep missing eps so im seriously messed on the plot there.

didgimon frontiers is the only one ive watched begginning to end straight thru.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on September 13 2006, 04:17 pm
And I just found out that Takeru and Hikari did get married at the end of season 2. It was cut from the American version for unknown reasons...

<3 Takari <3

OMG.. there is a marriage thing at the end of season 2?!?! how come i wasn't aware of it?! anyway i only liked Season 1 and 2 the ones after that.. Tamers and Frontier weren't that nice
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: tsuki on September 19 2006, 05:50 pm
hey!this anime is good lol!(i don really like watch it)actually,i just like the songs......if anyone know where to download digimon(all series) songs,PM me......plez........  T__T
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Kuro-puppy on September 19 2006, 06:06 pm
hey!this anime is good lol!(i don really like watch it)actually,i just like the songs......if anyone know where to download digimon(all series) songs,PM me......plez........ T__T

just use the downloadprogram Bearshare, it has quite a lot of Digimon songs
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: tsuki on September 19 2006, 07:06 pm
ano....kuro-puppy sama,do u have the site where to download digimon(all series) songs??
and i don know downloadprogram Bearshare...gomen....  ^__^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Kuro-puppy on September 19 2006, 11:49 pm
ano....kuro-puppy sama,do u have the site where to download digimon(all series) songs??
and i don know downloadprogram Bearshare...gomen.... ^__^

i don't have a site for it but.....

^download the free version of Bearshare from this site, install it and then run it and then you just have to type "Digimon" in the searchbar of Bearshare

Bearshare is really good for finding songs from certain anime's ^^

i hope that helped
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: tsuki on September 20 2006, 05:26 pm
wajuu!!hyuu,hyuu!!arigato kuro-puppy sama!!  ^__^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Kuro-puppy on September 20 2006, 08:16 pm
wajuu!!hyuu,hyuu!!arigato kuro-puppy sama!! ^__^

you're welcome ^_^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: twilight_star on September 25 2006, 10:19 pm
Digimon was one of the first animes I've seen:) I especially love the 1st, 2nd and 4th seasons!:)
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Arcademan on September 25 2006, 10:59 pm
I enjoyed it early on however when they decided to take the fights from the Digital World to the real world, I lost interest fast. When humans began to merge into Digimon themselves, that was it for me and the series.
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: tsuki on September 25 2006, 11:17 pm
i don understand why everyone always say didimon is for kids??this anime also have love-love a bit.and,if everyone keep saying the same thing,what about crayon shin chan & doraemon anime??isn't that anime is for kids??i know the adults also like watching these anime.give reasons!!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: twilight_star on September 26 2006, 10:08 pm
I don't think Digimon is for only kids!(although Most animes are) I'm 14 and I absolutly adore Digimon!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on September 27 2006, 06:13 am
im serioualy lost with what jetix is runnig right now, with the second group of digidestined (ken, cody, etc) that grey skinned guy and the evil spores...its gotten seriously confusing -_- maybe if jetix wouldnt keep switching their schedule id be up to date :P
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: twilight_star on September 27 2006, 08:22 pm
Jetix sometimes show the episodes in random order and it's very annoying :(
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Kuro-puppy on September 27 2006, 08:40 pm
Jetix sometimes show the episodes in random order and it's very annoying :(

there was one episode of 2nd season they never showed in my country and it was an important one story-wise, it made the anime very confusing *glares at Jetix*
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: twilight_star on October 12 2006, 10:17 pm
yeah it is
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 14 2006, 05:34 pm
can i just ask one thing? WHAT THE HELL IS MOMENTAI !?
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Cardcaptor Takato on October 15 2006, 01:00 am
Momentai is Chinese for "take it easy."
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 15 2006, 06:37 am
Momentai is Chinese for "take it easy."

oh. ok. i just heart hat said like a hundred times in Tamers and didnt know what it wqs :P
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: twilight_star on October 15 2006, 11:36 pm
I don't think I've heard that word In tamers before
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: tsuki on October 15 2006, 11:57 pm
I don't think I've heard that word In tamers before

ne???you haven't heard of it??jenrya's digimon (green in colour, sorry,forgot its name) always said that!!
really cute...momantai...
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on October 16 2006, 12:46 am
yuppx.. it appeared in tamers.. here it is.. with it's tamer but i still prefer culumon.. ^^
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on October 17 2006, 08:35 am
in the dub he was called terrier mon in his weakest form
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: twilight_star on October 20 2006, 02:14 am
Yep I forgot some of the names since I haven't seen it in ages
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Tsu-girl on February 09 2007, 09:37 am
I really don't like the new season of Digimon >.< I mean, where is our google boy, as the main character?!
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Smile_For_Me on February 09 2007, 04:14 pm
I love the new season, have you seen season 2 of the new epi's yet? Besides,
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some one dies, causing major character angst
Title: Re: Digimon
Post by: Tsu-girl on February 09 2007, 09:27 pm
I love the new season, have you seen season 2 of the new epi's yet? Besides,
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some one dies, causing major character angst

I'm on episode 15 so far :)