If Digimon weren't a kid's anime, there would be tons of violence with bodyparts flying all over the place, tons of nudity and sexual content and stuff like that,
HATE to break it to you but THAT is a terrible explanation of a anime for teens or adults. i believe Digimon to be a anime for Teens, NOT kids. i think a majority of the anime is aimed for teens. 10 year olds minimum, 13 year olds and up its basically aimed at.I'll give you a better explanation. As I was saying, America's culture and Japan's culture are different from each other. America is heavily influenced by Christianity, so we have a lot of "soccer moms" who complain about every little thing they see in a cartoon show that they don't like. Meanwhile, Japan is more influenced by multiple religions such as Shintoism, Buddihism, etc., so they have less strict ratings and censorship regulations than America, and can "get away" with showing more controversial content in children's shows. Digimon was originally designed for children, but the series ended up gaining more popularity among young teens, but it was still designed as a children's anime.
and i've been a fan of the series for years, i always thought it knocked the socks off pokémon
And has anyone else seen the new Digimon CGI movie?
I haven't seen Digimon X-Evolution.....what do you mean by weird?
But I think that Digimon isn't a kid's anime....there are such things as teen anime, as I think someone said before.
LOL digimon was one of my first anime ^____^ watched till season 2 *disliked da ending* wen me saw season 3 it waz like sooo borin 2 mee then me dropped it ^^ liked season 1 most! tai N sora were cute together ^^ but me disliked her a bit in season 2 dunno y..-____- haven't seen season 4 though....i agree !! but i've always supported Taiora, she made a big mistake when she went out with Matt.
digimon is DEFINETLEY better dan pokemon *URGH!!* hated POKEMON mainly bcuz it ONLY revolves around ash...he's ALWAYZ da hero in every eppy....*cough* though it waz my fav. wen me waz 9 years....
Yay! I just found a site that has sscripts for most of the first three season episodes! I'm reading Genesis Of Evil right now! (That's when Ken was in the coma)
Takari is my favourite character too
i personally love this show its my second fave show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: kagome on Today at 02:17:51 AMTakari is my favourite character too
Takari is my favourite character too
i personally love this show its my second fave show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Takari isn't a character, its a coupling of T.K (Takeru) and Hikari
in otherwords a theoratical couple. i also like this couple
thats wut kagome meant!
So true, there's alot like Sorato [Sora + Yamato] and Taiora [Sora + Taichi] Mimato [Mimi + Yamato] and of course Takari [Takeru + Hikari] so it can get confusing, especially with the combining of the names.
is Ken Ichijoji with anybody? I forgot.. :sweatdrop:he ended up with Yolei
However, I'm a season 01/02 nerd, seriously, ^^
I actually think the voice acting for the dub was much better than some dubs that were on during that time *Sailor Moon + CC *cough*
LMAO, seriously XD That's the thing with some dubs, you hear some of the va's in a completely different dub saying something else, hahaha, Inuyasha is a perfect example XD
Tai saying the f word, lmao, something to look forward too XD *havent watched akira yet -_-*
yes we do when i had my old tv it was peer japanese i had to put on captions
Yet kids watch Dragonball Z in Japan which is a heck of a lot more violent than Digimon....and oh BOY do they swear a lot in DagonBall Z!!
If you ask me Tamers wasn't for kids in the first place. It was really violent. Also I didn't mean to sound like I hated Digimon. I love Digimon Tamers. And has anyone seen Digimon X-evolution yet?
iv wach seson 1-4 but i only saw the season 2 the movie not the others ; ;
I didn't really like season 2, it was far too short and kinda boring, and season 3 was okay I guess. I liked season 4 because it had a change of pace since the digidestined didn't have Digimon anymore, and I liked the thing with Koji and Koichi
4 seasons of anime, and about 5 of manga.The Digimon manga that follows the anime series is actually a manwha, that is Korean comics and it's based on the anime rather than the other way around. And don't forget V-Tamer. ^^
Zero Two
All above seasons, plus Digimon Chronicles
esp when they were all searching for Kari, under their noses, and beating...shoot i forgot that vampire digimon's name-
Yeah, this movie wasn't even in Canada to be honest *laughs* It was shown in the US, and we get the channels. Also, the movies for us were all mixed as well, I think that was international now that I think about it ^^; I'm just glad they did a full length movie again.
This thread really brings me back. It's been so long since I've seen this show. Digimon was actually the very first anime I ever watched. Personally my favorite season was Season 1. Especially after Kari arrived. I also liked Season 2, but I hated how Season 2 ended. It made no sense at all to me. I was like what the he** did they do to it?! I hate it when there is no closure.
Season 3 was ok, but I missed Takeru and Kari. They are by far my favorite characters. For Season 1 my favorite episode was a toss-up between My Sister's Keeper and The Crest of Light.
For Season 2 my favorite episode was also a toss-up between His Master's Voice, when Kari was taken to the world of Darkness and Takeru came to save her, and Ghost of a Chance. Wizardmon came to visit them in the real world, but he was a ghost. Probably one of the saddest episodes in all of Digimon. I'm crying now just thinking about it. :cry:
You're making me want to buy Season 1 and 2. I LOVE THOSE! I love TK and Kari too. XD hehe. I don't like Davis and Kari. xP *sigh* Too bad YTV doesn't show old Digimon episode anymore. I would so watch them. Maybe I could buy the seasons somewhere. *ponders*
If they ever broadcast Digimon over here again, I'm recording it. I did it with Cardcaptors, I did it with Beyblade, and I WILL do it with Digimon!
Davis....yeah, he was shallow and a jerk sometimes. But I still liked him, especially since he was the first one to really trust Ken, and he seemed to be the only one who really tried to stop Ken virtually committing suicide by trying to stop his base exploding.....
Cody on the other hand.....uggh. Can you say serious, uptight, and holds grudges? And what was up with his voice? It sounded like he always had a sore throat.
Scary to think that the same person who voiced Mimi also voiced Cody. :sweatdrop:
O__O OMG! Mimi's VA did Cody. O__O Holy! That's hard to believe. Now that you mention his voice is weird, IT IS!! lolz. I never liked his voice or character! xP So bratty at times. *sigh* HAHA!!Good thing its on air on Animax asia :lol:. Dont worry, i'm sure they'll play it again sometime :keke:.
I recorded bit of CCS! If Digimon aired here again! I would so record it but then the thing is, my tape recorder doesn't work with the TV!! T___T AH!!!!! And I doubt they'll air Digimon AGAIN!
O__O OMG! Mimi's VA did Cody. O__O Holy! That's hard to believe.
the only character i can't stand is Kari she is so annoying!
mimi and matt are my favorite couple (Digimon 1 and Digimon 2) or TK and mimi, they are a cute couple! in Digimon Frontier my favorite couple is Takuya and Soe. :)
i didn't like digimon 3 the story was complety different to the others.
I want to say, "How can you not like Kari?!" but we're all entitled to our own opinion. If that's how you feel, who am I to persuade you. Question though, why don't you like Kari? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.maybe my answer will be not enought for u but anyway: for example in Digimon 1 she seems to be so delicate Tai has to worry about her all the time, thats not fair. Tai was blame by his parents when kari got sick and had to go to the hospital (when they were little) his mother even hit him just beacuse kari was so special that if something happens to her everyone has the foult. She is supposed to be the light how Ridiculous, she is not the light. what i mean is that in digimon the creators wanted to show her like someone extremaly special in the story and tryed to give less importance to the other characters for example mimi, izzy,sora.
maybe my answer will be not enought for u but anyway: for example in Digimon 1 she seems to be so delicate Tai has to worry about her all the time, thats not fair. Tai was blame by his parents when kari got sick and had to go to the hospital (when they were little) his mother even hit him just beacuse kari was so special that if something happens to her everyone has the foult. She is supposed to be the light how Ridiculous, she is not the light. what i mean is that in digimon the creators wanted to show her like someone extremaly special in the story and tryed to give less importance to the other characters for example mimi, izzy,sora.Hikari is a little girl. Of course she's delicate and of course Taichi has to worry about her. It's not about being fair or not; He's her big brother. What kind of big brother wouldn't worry about his sister? Maybe it was cold for Taichi's parents to blame him for letting Hikari get sick, but it was sort of his fault. He did take Hikari outside to play when he knew that he shouldn't. That's why Taichi tries to protect Hikari. Because he doesn't want something bad to happen to her because of him ever again. And why does the dark only have to call for people who have sad pasts? Wouldn't the darkness want to try and target someone who's in the light more than someone who isn't? Wouldn't that be a bigger victory for the side of darkness if they were able to succeed?
In digimon 2 she was suposed to be called by the dark or something like that but she didn't had a sad past or anything, so why would the dark side want her, i didn't get it. she depends on others to move foward she can't do it alone.
she is supposed to be pretty but she is ugly and why does everyone have to like her: Davis, the three brother of... (i don't remember the country). but most important SHE CAN'T BE LOVED BY TK. TK and her are an horrible couple but i have seem many pictures of them together i hate that. TK is to much for her.
sorry about the grammar, and its ok if u think that my answer is not enought to hate kari but that's how i think
Thanks for the link, but sadly, there is no *Focus* song....anyway, thank you. :wink:Boxtorrents.com has a torrent that contains all the Digimon character image and drama cds for download via Bittorrent and one of the mp3s included in this torrent is Focus. It contains a karaoke version of Focus, too. I hope this helps.
Remember people!! I am giving TWO COOKIES for the song!! If you can, please help me :)
Boxtorrents.com has a torrent that contains all the Digimon character image and drama cds for download via Bittorrent and one of the mp3s included in this torrent is Focus. It contains a karaoke version of Focus, too. I hope this helps.
Which pokemon do you prefer?
I like Tailmon! :wink:(aka:Hikari's pokemon)
what is V-Tamers? that looks pretty cool (I see Taichi)V-Tamer is the original Digimon manga. I haven't read it yet since it hasn't been released in the U.S., but from what I've heard it's completely different from the anime, and I believe Taichi is the only human character in it. Taichi also has a different partner than Agumon and his character's personality is a lot different than his anime counterpart, but I haven't read any of it, so I don't know much of the details about it.
anybody tell me what it's about?
A new Digimon is coming, its called Digimon Savers, can't wait for it to come out, but it won't have my fav old chara's, but new one's for sure.
I never knew that the Japanese Digimon existed, can someoen tell me where I can download it? Is it the same characters?
I loved the first and second season of Digimon, although, I only liked the second because of Ken and you got to see Tai & co older. I think the new characters in the second season where...I dunno...a bit crappy. I didn't liek them that much.
And I just found out that Takeru and Hikari did get married at the end of season 2. It was cut from the American version for unknown reasons...
<3 Takari <3
hey!this anime is good lol!(i don really like watch it)actually,i just like the songs......if anyone know where to download digimon(all series) songs,PM me......plez........ T__T
ano....kuro-puppy sama,do u have the site where to download digimon(all series) songs??
and i don know downloadprogram Bearshare...gomen.... ^__^
wajuu!!hyuu,hyuu!!arigato kuro-puppy sama!! ^__^
Jetix sometimes show the episodes in random order and it's very annoying :(
Momentai is Chinese for "take it easy."
I don't think I've heard that word In tamers before
I love the new season, have you seen season 2 of the new epi's yet? Besides,Show contentsome one dies, causing major character angst