Fan Work => TRC Fan Creations => Topic started by: Time-Machine on February 18 2006, 07:20 pm
I was feeling video-editing withdrawal and so, despite my loathing for Windows Movie Maker, I set out to make a music video.
It's...okay...I guess...
Well. I don't know. Maybe you should judge for yourself.
UPDATE: To download the file you can go to (you must first be an member, but registering is really easy)
ANOTHER UPDATE!?!: I wanted to try out something a little different with the sequence at the end, so I changed it a bit. Decide for yourself which version you like best (there's very little difference)
Check out the Alternate Version HERE
or download it HERE
I have another music vid that I made for KuroxFai Day, but now that the celebration is complete, I am releasing the vid to the general public. Enjoy!
Check it out on YouTube at
Or download it at (you need to register, but it's free).
I've made a new video. It's a sort of character profile on Fye. I like it, actually. And I never like my stuff. Anyway, watch it here:
Or download it here:
Wow! That is sooo good! I love all the pretty effects. For some reason I really enjoyed that effect you see when Fai swipes at that acid bubble, and the bubble splits apart, and you see these pretty flashes before Kurogane knocks him out of the way. ^_^
It really summarises the anime very well. Good job!
Wow, the song really fits the anime well. You did a great job editing as well, especially considering the software you have. (Don't feel bad- all I have is Windows Movie Maker as well. xD )
WHEEE! That was so cute! I'm gonna have to bookmark it and watch it again and again and again! Good job, Time-Machine.
Wooww~ I really love your video-making skills! X3 You picked a great song, the transitions were good, and the S & S and some K & F moments were so sweet!
Cookie! ^_^
That was really good! I know Windows movie maker can be....annoying. BUT you did a really great job! I wish I was that good at making music videos.
Aw that was very cute ^^ the song really did fit in with the anime well-congrats on a rather nice creation :)
Time-Machine, is there any way I might be able to download this to my computer?
Time-Machine, is there any way I might be able to download this to my computer?
Yeah. I have an AMV account, so if you go the video page here and click the link in the table that says "LOCAL" (and then possibly skip over a dumb advertisement asking you to pledge) then it'll take you to a page where you can download the vid.
It's cool to hear you liked it so much. To be honest I'm kind of surprised by the positive response from everyone. Thank you very much!
Yeah! Thank you! Note to anyone else who want to download the video: in order to download a video from, you must first register there. It's pretty easy to do so, though.
And don't be so hard on yourself, Time-Machine. You did a great job; a lot better than I could have ever done. So many amv's seem like a bunch of random clips stuck together to music, but yours actually tells a story and has a point.
I made an alternate version, for anyone who cares. :tongue3: (lol, probably no one) so now you can choose which one you like best! hehe.
Hey, my third post on this thread. Quick question: what's the difference between the versions?
And I decided that I'll give you a cookie for this video. You should be honored. It's the first cookie I've given. Worship me for my generosity.
Hey, my third post on this thread. Quick question: what's the difference between the versions?
And I decided that I'll give you a cookie for this video. You should be honored. It's the first cookie I've given. Worship me for my generosity.
wow~! I really do feel honoured. That is so cool! And really nice of you! I bow to you, Mighty One!!!
The difference is at the end, in like the last thirty seconds or so. After Syaoran grabs Sakura and runs, instead of showing them flopping over on that big rock formation, I show the scene w/ Kurogane and Fai in Outo where Kuro points a sword in Fai's face, and changed the timing at the end a little so the clip would work. That's really about it.
I thought, considering it's an AMV about the whole group, and not just S+S, that the end was getting a little S+S heavy, and so changed it. I can't decide which version I like best, but I think the second one seems a little more balanced.
Nyaan! Switchfoot! Very nice music for the clips. Good job!
Hi guys! Some of you in the KuroxFai thread know this, but I made a KuroxFai vid. You should check it out, especially if you didn't celebrate KuroxFai day!
Download it at
I've made a new video. It's a sort of character profile on Fye. I like it, actually. And I never like my stuff. Anyway, watch it here:
Or download it here:
I finally got around to watching your Fai character profile video- it's very good. The lyrics fit Fai, and the editing is fantastic. <3 And the fact that you used 'Moonlight Densetsu' at the end killed me a bit. XD
I finally got around to watching your Fai character profile video- it's very good. The lyrics fit Fai, and the editing is fantastic. <3 And the fact that you used 'Moonlight Densetsu' at the end killed me a bit. XD
XD I'm glad you liked it. ^_^ And the "Moonlight Densetsu" actually made me giggle a bit as well.
WOW!!! nice job!
I'd already found one on without knowing who did it!