It's understandable, I have a friend who doesn't like the Manga, though...
Actually, he just prefers the first part of the series over the second.
I guess it's that surprise...Show content
instead of saving the princess from the bad guys, you are supposed to kill her in order to liberate her. I was kind of surprised... then again, at that age, I was taught with the crappy value of Good vs. Evil and Good always prevail
To me, the plus in the anime is the addition of Nova makes the plot more... exciting?
Not to mention that Show content
Alcyone, at least, has a chance for salvation/epiphany/enlightenment(?) before death
What brings about the downside of the anime for me is that Show content
Eagle dies T_T and unlike the manga, the girls can't go back to Cephiro anymore...
I also find that there are more spells in the manga than in the anime... I really wanna hear some of the characters voicing out some of the spells in the anime.
I like MKR because it was the 1st time I got in touch with CLAMP... and it helps me getting rid of the Hero/Villain concept... Everyone is only carrying out their own wishes... makes you think, whether it's the manga or the anime.
Yeah, unfortunately, I don't like the OVA, either... I felt that it wasn't as developed as the manga and anime... And some of the allies are actually villains here, and the concept behind the story is simplified, which disappoints me
I watched the first anime season and bought the manga and honestly couldn't get into it. I just felt that something was missing. The anime just seemed really slowly paced and not much going on besides the main quest. I huess it was too basic for me. Though the first opeing kicks arse.
The second series of the manga I found to be paced WAY to fast. There was no time for character or plot discussion. Everything just happened way to quickly! Only 3 volumes??? And that last page... Show content
where they talk to the reader
really took me out of the world and was a big mistake.
Okay...finally watched both seasons of MKR. Okay...not bad...could've been better. The difference in the 2 seasons are as night and day. For the price I paid for both boxsets (under $30 from it's worth the price. Now all I need to do is get the manga series and do the comparisons :)
there are some differences between them Show content
for one Eagle doesn't die in the manga