
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Hira on February 22 2006, 12:54 am

Title: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Hira on February 22 2006, 12:54 am
I've been watching Magic Knight Rayearth again, recently... The first time I watched it was in Taiwan when I was only in 4th grade... Now I watch the one originally made for Japanese, wow... the openings and closings are so much better than the Chinese ones. (Yeah, you allow transformation scene to happen in Sailor Moon, but not for MKR?)

Anyway, I want to open a topic to discuss MKR partly for the sake of nostalgia... feel free to talk about it.
Yes, I know there was a thread asking for a download of MKR, but my purpose for this topic is merely to talk about the character&plot.
If there's already one somewhere else, notify me, though.
Thanks (Furio & Lankaru all the way!!)
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: ~*~Lunar Eclipse~*~ on February 22 2006, 01:50 am
I've never seen MKR, but I've seen a couple episodes of Rayearth-MKRs english dub (oh why can I not get and original Japanese stuff here *cry*) so I dont know very much of the plot...Idont even know where the episodes I have seen are located in the series! It did look quite good though, I must say
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Strawberry on February 22 2006, 04:41 am
I have seen all episodes and read all 6 volumles of the manga and I must say the MKR anime is not as good as the Manga, especially the Rayearth OVA really sucked.... no offence, but it was hard to understand what was going on until you read the manga and watched the OVA several times.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Shiunu on February 22 2006, 09:55 am
I really like MKR. I bought the first dvd in like 2002-2003 or something. I have yet to see all the series but I really want to. I heard its supposed to be really good. I've seen like the first 12 episodes and I've loved what I've seen so far. I really wanna watch it some more but I need to buy the rest of the dvds.. But yeah I always loved Hikaru and Umi. I couldn't ever decide which was my favorite. ^^
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: sanlyn on February 22 2006, 11:28 am
i haven't started read the manga but finished watching the entire series long ago.  I like the second season than the first one because there is Lantis.  Clef is also cute.  The plot of the story touches some theory from Jungian psychology.  The most obvious part is the concept of shadow which is portrayed in Nova's character.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Hira on February 22 2006, 12:09 pm
It's understandable, I have a friend who doesn't like the Manga, though...
Actually, he just prefers the first part of the series over the second.
I guess it's that surprise...
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instead of saving the princess from the bad guys, you are supposed to kill her in order to liberate her. I was kind of surprised... then again, at that age, I was taught with the crappy value of Good vs. Evil and Good always prevail

To me, the plus in the anime is the addition of Nova makes the plot more... exciting?
Not to mention that
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Alcyone, at least, has a chance for salvation/epiphany/enlightenment(?) before death

What brings about the downside of the anime for me is that
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Eagle dies T_T and unlike the manga, the girls can't go back to Cephiro anymore...
I also find that there are more spells in the manga than in the anime... I really wanna hear some of the characters voicing out some of the spells in the anime.

I like MKR because it was the 1st time I got in touch with CLAMP... and it helps me getting rid of the Hero/Villain concept... Everyone is only carrying out their own wishes... makes you think, whether it's the manga or the anime.

Yeah, unfortunately, I don't like the OVA, either... I felt that it wasn't as developed as the manga and anime... And some of the allies are actually villains here, and the concept behind the story is simplified, which disappoints me
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Sabrina on February 24 2006, 05:54 pm
I have all manga books and I have seen first episode of anime. Well, what I have read about what happined in anime (anime's 3rd season is kind  of different than manga versio and second season? what was about that plot? and then there was that OVA....hoh..oh yeah, and were first seon kind of different than manga versio?)
Well I liked manga lots of :)
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: LSD on February 27 2006, 05:52 pm
this was one of my first animes .. and sice y sux with remembering thigs .. i cant remember if i watched all the serie @_@

my fav character was that girl of red hair.. she is so cool >< and brave.. it made me scream .. yay for woman. we rocks..! when i saw them ^^

and lantis was a little hot..
and i feft so bad for that pricess.. poor of her.. *hugs*
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Eriol on March 09 2006, 11:56 am
Oh well,I'm little nostalgic about it but I finished watching it last 1996-1997 when I just high school student and still remembered their names even it's revised or original and my fave character also is Hikaru(Luce in Filipino version),she really no fear in every battle. :okay:
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Brad on March 10 2006, 10:49 am
I watched the first anime season and bought the manga and honestly couldn't get into it. I just felt that something was missing. The anime just seemed really slowly paced and not much going on besides the main quest. I huess it was too basic for me. Though the first opeing kicks arse.

The second series of the manga I found to be paced WAY to fast. There was no time for character or plot discussion. Everything just happened way to quickly! Only 3 volumes??? And that last page...
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where they talk to the reader
really took me out of the world and was a big mistake.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Strawberry on March 10 2006, 11:23 pm
Ah yes, i agree with you Brad (refering to the spolier) I thought it was also wierd at the end too,

In Japan they are re-releasing all the Magic Knight Rayearth DVD's again and right now I really want this boxset, but it is really pricey, but anyway it's out of print

Full size pic ~

Full size pic ~
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Kuro-puppy on March 10 2006, 11:58 pm
the anime was great, only too bad that some couples got like no development (Caldina and Lafarga for example), the girls didn't have a lot of spells and that you could see the transformation sequences only in the OP's and not in the anime....

those transformations really bugged the crap out of me in Sailor Moon since they took like minutes to finish and you had to watch them every ep but with MKR i was like "come on, show the transformations for godsake, they look great and they only take 10 seconds to show anyway"

definetly a lot better than other magic girl anime's and therefore gets the 2nd place in the magic girl top 5 :noteworthy:

and if you guys excuse me, i'm gonna watch some more MKR.....Go Hikaru! :D
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Eriol on March 16 2006, 11:42 am
Yeah!!!In 1st season,their armors need upgrading till they find the mashins but 2nd season(mostly this my fave one)they completed but they can automatically changed their costumes.One thing,I hate to say that the OAV got me creeps 'cause inside their mashins(I don't   
like to tell),Sigh!!!
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Jeannette on March 16 2006, 11:46 am
I just read the manga a few days ago. It was pretty good- not my favorite, but definitely worth reading. But the ending was awkward- really awkward. I've read a few things about the anime, and while I've been told it's good, the spoilers I've heard make me wonder if it really would be worth it. XD I'll probably end up watching it anyways. And the artwork towards the end of the series totally made me think of Angelic Layer, and I only read Angelic Layer once years and years ago. Hikaru also made me think of Misaki from AL.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Arcademan on March 16 2006, 02:14 pm
We'll see what it's like...I have the entire first season DVD coming soon. Once I've seen it all, I'll add my 2 cents on the subject :wink:
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Strawberry on March 18 2006, 05:14 am
Quote from: Jeannette
And the artwork towards the end of the series totally made me think of Angelic Layer, and I only read Angelic Layer once years and years ago. Hikaru also made me think of Misaki from AL.
Ah! Hikaru from MKR and the Hikaru from AL (Misaki's Angel) looks alot like each other because if you read vol.1 of the Angelic Layer Manga it states that Misaki named her Angel after the Heroine from MKR.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Jeannette on March 28 2006, 02:07 am
CLAMP is obsessed with crossing over their own series. -_- I just read Angelic Layer, and Hikaru in AL is indeed modeled after the Hikaru from MKR. Jeez. Hikaru and Misaki are total dopplegangers of each other. And Angelic Layer is apparently also something of a prequel to Chobits, which also takes place in the same world as all but two or three of the other series CLAMP has done. Will the insanity and crossovers never end?! Yet we love them so much. NOW I have to go read Chobits. Jeez.

I'll get the MKR anime one of these days. Now I'm going to enjoy going back through Tsubasa and finding all the Angelic Layer and Magic Knight Rayearth crossovers I heard of but didn't recognize.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Kuro-puppy on March 28 2006, 04:11 am
obsessed with can say that again!

just discovered a new one in TRC, Fai's homecountry (Celes) has the same name as Magic Knight Umi's Mashin
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: wishingstarx on March 28 2006, 09:26 am
Magical Knight Rayearth? ^^' Haven't seen it...
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Elazul on March 30 2006, 08:03 am
Well, Rayearth is one of my favorite animes, and my favorite manga. ^^
IMO, the manga is a lot better than the anime version. The anime is much more centered in Hikaru, and because of her ''heroine syndrome'' and impulsive attitude, can make she a bit annoying...
New characters are added in anime too, some can be interesting, but others, like a main villain that was appeared in the second part of series, are unnecessary... u.u''

Ah ,The ending in manga version is better...
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: cute_me on April 08 2006, 03:25 am
i really like MKR i´m thinking to download all the epiosdes cuz i was never able to see the end of the serie.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Brad on April 08 2006, 03:22 pm
I've heard there's an English version of the MKR first season opening. Does anyone have it? I can't find it ANYWHERE!  :(
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Kuro-puppy on April 08 2006, 10:40 pm
I've heard there's an English version of the MKR first season opening. Does anyone have it? I can't find it ANYWHERE! :(

i don't know where to get the mp3 of it but here you can watch te english intro
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Jeannette on April 09 2006, 09:32 am
Okay, I'm wondering why the licensed English Magic Knight Rayearth OVAs are no long available anywhere. I've looked on a bunch of sites, and Manga Entertainment did a release of the OVAs on one DVD in 2003, but NOBODY is selling it, except for ONE person on Ebay. It's not even listed on the Manga Entertainment website! Is there some explanation, or is it simply suppy and demand?
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Kuro-puppy on April 09 2006, 02:04 pm
supply and demand i guess
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Brad on April 09 2006, 08:26 pm
Kuro-puppy! You're a legend! I've been on YouTube for the last few days and never thought to look for that! Doh!

Interesting how they tried to imitate the warped singing in the original Japanese song.


p.s. has the OAV I think.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Jeannette on April 10 2006, 02:18 am
p.s. has the OAV I think.
Nope, they don't. I check, using like five different search terms. -_- I searched on like 10 different sites, including Nobody has it except that person on Ebay. Plus, like I said, it's not even listed on the Manga Entertainment website. It's weird how it could disappear like that.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Kuro-puppy on April 10 2006, 02:35 am
Kuro-puppy! You're a legend! I've been on YouTube for the last few days and never thought to look for that! Doh!

thanks for the compliment :D

Nope, they don't. I check, using like five different search terms. -_- I searched on like 10 different sites, including Nobody has it except that person on Ebay. Plus, like I said, it's not even listed on the Manga Entertainment website. It's weird how it could disappear like that.

at least you can download it here

i haven't watched it because it looked really weird in the trailer i didn't even recognize my favorite character Hikaru until she used flame arrow. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Jeannette on April 10 2006, 02:39 am
thanks for the compliment :D

at least you can download it here

i haven't watched it since well i don't know, but it looked really weird in the trailer i didn't even recognize my favorite character Hikaru until she used flame arrow. :sweatdrop:
Kya! Cookie for you! Thank you. ^^
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Kuro-puppy on April 10 2006, 02:41 am
Kya! Cookie for you! Thank you. ^^

thankx for the cookie, enjoy the OVA's!
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Arcademan on June 11 2006, 02:54 pm
Okay...finally watched both seasons of MKR. Okay...not bad...could've been better. The difference in the 2 seasons are as night and day. For the price I paid for both boxsets (under $30 from it's worth the price. Now all I need to do is get the manga series and do the comparisons :)
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 11 2006, 04:21 pm
Okay...finally watched both seasons of MKR. Okay...not bad...could've been better. The difference in the 2 seasons are as night and day. For the price I paid for both boxsets (under $30 from it's worth the price. Now all I need to do is get the manga series and do the comparisons :)

there are some differences between them
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for one Eagle doesn't die in the manga
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Eriol on June 12 2006, 12:20 am
Of course,there are really many episodes that never seen in manga version of it!!(okay)
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Emiko on June 13 2006, 12:10 pm
I've read the first two books, and while it's not my favourite CLAMP series, it's cute. I agree with the comments made about it being too rushed... everything happens so fast, there's no time to settle in and develop characters! I really like the character of Fuu, though. She's awesome.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 13 2006, 12:51 pm
Of course,there are really many episodes that never seen in manga version of it!!(okay)

and Debonair and Nova don't excist in the manga
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Senefen on June 13 2006, 01:32 pm
*edit* uh.... yeah..... sorry

EDIT by Arcademan: Direct link to licensed scanlations of MKR not permitted!!!
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Fuu-chan on September 29 2006, 07:45 am
My user nameis from this ^^ I like fuu and ferio they are soooooo cuuuuute ^^ This series is good though I hafta see the very last DVD is the 1st season yet. it sucks lol n my comp is dial up so im not doing you tube haha xD
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on November 10 2006, 10:43 pm
I've only watched the anime , never seen the manga ( thanx to the limited manga shops here )
why is Hikaru and Lantis's romance not blossoming ?
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Sabbe-chan on November 10 2006, 10:48 pm
I've read the manga but I've not seen the whole anime, I didn't like the animation that much, so I bought the OVA and watched that instead. =)
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Eriol on November 10 2006, 11:14 pm
I've only watched the anime , never seen the manga ( thanx to the limited manga shops here )
why is Hikaru and Lantis's romance not blossoming ?

Oh well,I remembered that being a pillar(like a powerplant that needs energy),she mustn't love to another person.This from season 2 of it but I don't remember where..... :okay:
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Sandra-chan on November 11 2006, 02:39 am
Well I like the manga (it was the first manga I ever bought  :tongue: ) but the anime isn't(In my opinion) as nicely drawn as clamp's manga. I haven't seen the hole anime (because I didn't find a site where you could download the last episodes  -_- ) but I have watched the OVA, and even though the OVA's story might not be the best, it's much better animated than the anime series I think.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Arcademan on November 11 2006, 10:22 am
The anime was good...the second season much better than the first. The ending to the manga was different than the anime and there was a special character created exclusively for the anime (second season) by one of the CLAMP members :)
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Eriol on November 12 2006, 10:42 pm
The anime was good...the second season much better than the first. The ending to the manga was different than the anime and there was a special character created exclusively for the anime (second season) by one of the CLAMP members :)

I argee w/ that because second season was the best one than the first. :okay: :noteworthy:
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on November 15 2006, 05:50 pm
Do you think Hikaru and Eagle would make a good couple ?
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Kuro-puppy on November 15 2006, 07:30 pm
Do you think Hikaru and Eagle would make a good couple ?

nope XD HikaruXLantis ftw! ^^

but EagleXGeo would be a funny couple x3
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: sanlyn on November 17 2006, 12:54 pm
i prefer hikaru x lantis.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Jeannette on November 17 2006, 01:10 pm
Lantis/Eagle all the way. ^_^
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Eriol on November 19 2006, 05:22 pm
There a hitch in couple in MKR noticed: Umi x Guru Clef or Ascot.Pretty weird!!!
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Chibi on November 26 2006, 09:11 am
I just read this series today (and I'll probably watch the anime when I have time) and I liked it. ^^ I just feel like it could be longer, especially the second part. It just felt too short and a bit rushed to me.
Title: Re: Magic Knight Rayearth
Post by: Kuro-puppy on November 26 2006, 02:26 pm
I just read this series today (and I'll probably watch the anime when I have time) and I liked it. ^^ I just feel like it could be longer, especially the second part. It just felt too short and a bit rushed to me.

most people think that 2nd season of manga was rushed...