I'm looking for any X 1999/X TV/ X 1999 manga fans out there!
Personally, I thought the X 1999 movie was a bit rushed and depressing (and annoying for killing off Subaru so soon) but I've heard that the tv series was much better. Is that true?
*waves my hand* Here ^^. I'm totally in love with the x 199 comic and anime ^^
Yes, the anime was better than the movie in a lot of ways, for example, the plot of the anime was more logical and reasonalbe, especially the ending, The anime was also more detailed, and this is very important as you know, x 1999 is very complex. Whereas my friend told me she didn't understand at all whats happening in the movie compared to the anime.
I know what she means. If I hadn't read a couple of guides before watching the movie, i probably wouldn't have understood it either. I was surprised to find out that CLAMP did it, though. It's so different from what they usuallly do.
OMG! I'm so happy there's an X section!!! My favourite character is sooo obvious - <3 Kamui <3Â It's only because of Kamui that I love X so much :tongue:
I didn't like X anime nor the movie that much... They were good in their own places, but nowhere close to how amazing the manga is. I can't believe that CLAMP hasn't finished it yet -_-Â Â It's ok tho~ because I'm very patient *for more Kamui cough cough*
Ohhh, how I wish I had a Kamui plushie!
*raises hand* X/1999 and Fuuma fan here! I also kind of like Seishirou too~ *gets whacked* x_X; But I'm glad to see a X topic, yay!
I like Subaru and Kamui the best....Fuuma was good, but he went a bit OTT after he changed into the other Kamui.
Never seen Tokyo Babylon....but from the pics I've seen and the fanfic I've read, it was pretty cool. Subaru isn't yours....share him with the rest of us pelase! Ha Ha!
Ok, but only from the tv series...he was only in the movie for about a minute....
Syaoran(TRC or CCS) Subaru(TB) Daisuke(D.N. Angel) Sakataki(TSK) and my boyfreind is mine! *Sorry if you think i´m crazy*
Syaoran is just going too far! You can steal my Subaruy, but you can't steal our Syaoran!
I think I'm addicted to him....I have about 300 pics and a couple of posters....
Wish I had as many of Subaru...
yes she can
Zeldi has at least 800 posters and things like that on Syaoran Subaru and Daisuke in her room!
but she isn´t crazy! :)
Thankyou! Does anyone else other than Zeldi and me think Subaru's the best?
yea some1 in sweden she adore Subaru and Kaumi and so do I ! ^^
I love Kmaui's eyes...I got about 30 wallpapers of him just so I could look at those golden orbsof power...
...Ahem. The Clamp Warehouse at www.vequinox.net/wallpaper has some nice wallpapers of Kmaui and Subaru....from both X and TB
r you kidding! from www.vequinix.net/wallpaper
i have all pic on Kaumi Subaru Syaoran and many more! i can´t help it
Um yeah...I like them all, but I think I prefer this one. www.vequinox.net/wallpaper/xff8.jpg
I also got loads of wallpapers from Otaku.com...I think. I surf so much, I forget where I get things!
Anyway, if that's the right site, they have more anime X wallpapers. When you search for wallpapers, you'll have to log in to view the correct size, but here's a little secret -
Copy the preview picture, and it should work fine as a wallpaper anyway! : ) ha!
I adore all three versions of X - the manga, the TV series and the movie.
The TV series is probably my favourite version. I love the style of the animation, and the music is awesome (the piece that plays in nearly every episode, "Sadame" (Destiny), sends shivers down my spine and sets the perfect mood for the series). It's depressing in parts and uplifting in others, and I love the fact that it has so many characters who are all so well-realised (even the "villains", though there are a couple they didn't get round to).
The original manga is also beautiful, but I don't like the art quite so much. The story fits together a little more logically than in the TV series, and everything gets explained in more detail. I've only actually read up to about halfway through, but I have up to vol 17 sitting on my shelf, and I look forward to reading them. It's a shame it's not looking like CLAMP are going to do any more work on the series anytime soon.
Finally, the movie. It's a beautifully animated movie about a load of pretty people dying horrible deaths. It also has a story to accommodate this - one with a lot of concepts that really interested me and made me really, really want to get the manga and TV series (the movie was the first version of X I saw). I love the movie but recognise that it has major flaws. It's style over substance. (However, I don't understand how people can say it didn't make sense. The plot is paper-thin... what's to not make sense?)
The series was so much better than the movie, and a lot less confusing....but the movie was still very good.
Ok, coming right up!
There! Say if I've missed anyone important out....please. I'm sure I forgot someone.....
voted 4 Shogo Asagi&Sorata Arisugawa
i voted 4 Subaru & Kaumi of course
Same here! Subaru and Kamui are the best!
I voted Fuuma and Shogo.
I've never seen the series, but i must say its intresting... *thinks*
Should i get hold of it?
YES! YOU SHOULD! It's really good especially if you like CLAMP.
Since ur in England like me, the X series will be hard to get hold of - you'll have to order from american and pay import tax. Ur best bet is to buy the movie (good, but very confusing) or the manga (first vol strange, rest better)
Sorry. Locked for routine cleaning (some off-topic here). Will be opened again ASAP.
Ok. Sorry that I forgot to unlock it after cleaning ><. But a reminder for all, please don't just post "I love him !!" etc, one liners (refer to LW's rules page). :) I mean...I think all of us would like to read what you think about those characters :)
Yippee! The topic's back! Pity that everyone's stopped posting again, though.
Does anyone know where I can download this series? Being in England, I have to pay a huge import tax if I want to watch the series, so I've had to put up with just the movie. Any ideas, anyone?
Ok...so no one said anything about the downloads....but doesn anyone know places to dowload scanlations? Because Be With You is pretty poor when it comes to X....
anyone know where I can download the X/1999 movie bittorent? I couldn't find it in animesuki...
I love X! ^_^ I've seen every episode and read the whole series too. XP I can't wait until CLAMP is able to continue it again.
Anyway, I know that this site: http://anime.roel.no-ip.info/X%20TV/ has all the episodes but the server is a bit slow. ^^; I don't believe it has the movie though. I've never seen any english scanlations for X though besides the ones done by Be With You. ^^;
But they come out as mkv files...and my comp don't recognise them...what are those anyway?
Does anyone have any other sites? Arigatou
i think i have 1.. wait a sec...
Read the episode summaries today...oh man, they made me wanna cry. I only had vague ideas of the overall X tv series plot before, but now I know.....poor Subaru! What's the betting that the thing Seishirou whispered to him was "I really loved you?" *Remember, all viewers got to hear was "I really..."*
And the ending, when Kamui realises how to save Fuuma and the world together....sob!
Oh yeah, and I edited some pics today...
Here's the original - a clip from Rainbow Bridge
Then I erased the blood....
Moved them a bit closer, and....
And voila! A happy ending for Subaru and Seishirou at last!
so the movie is different from the tv series? oO;
I saw the movie last month..(many thanks to Zak-kun!) it was a little..strange :sweatdrop:
Kamui ended up killing Fuuma :cry:
Kamui ~ I'm wondering if anyone can tell me something about him.
Seki Tomokazu does his voice and he has a lot of roles that are shounen-ai.
Is this one also?
I don't know anyting about Kamui since I haven't read the books yet.
Kamui is the destined one for the fate of Earth. He could either choose to become a dragon of Earth and destroy earth with the other 6 dragons of earth, or he could become one of the 7 dragons of heaven and save Earth. But if he chooses a side, then his closest friend, Fuuma, would have to become the other. Which means they'll have to fight each other, even though Fuuma had promised to protect Kamui forever. It's sort of Shounen-ai I guess.
I'm confusing myself.. :sweatdrop:
Sounds like a pretty heavy plot going on in that series!
Looks really interesting, but it's not finished yet, is that right?
no, CLAMP reached up to the 18th volume I think, but they had to stop it to work on xxxholic, TRC, and Kobato. It's too bad...I wanted to see how it ended. I think they had to stop Gohou Drug too?
so the movie is different from the tv series? oO;
I saw the movie last month..(many thanks to Zak-kun!) it was a little..strange :sweatdrop:
Kamui ended up killing Fuuma :cry:
In the anime, Kamui releases his kekkai, and I think he dies saving everyone and purifying Fuuma...all I know is, you never see him, but you do see the other survivors. And in the anime, Kusanagi, Nekoi, Seichiro, Arashi and Fuuma survive. Subaru nearly survives, but gives his life to help Kmaui in the final episode - he pushes Kamui out of the way of an attack, and his wound opens up.
Shonen-ai? Hmm...many people (inlcuding me) have interpreted Kmaui as liking Fuuma as more than a friend, and vice versa, but it was never significantly proved...just hunches.
Yeah, the manga was stopped....the sad thing is, if they only got around to drawing a few more chapters, the whole series would be complete! Why stop, just to begin new work? It doesn't make sense to me....
I'm not sure I want to get into the whole series if there is no end!
That might drive me crazy unless I could come up with my own satisfactory end to it all!
The manga may not have an end, but the anime series defintiely did (and the last episodes, where main characters began to die, were so sad! Especially Subaru and Seishirou's episode, and the final one!)
The movie has an alternate ending, so you can choose which one you like best. I prefer the anime ending, but I wish Kamui had not died to be able to save Fuuma as well as the world, and had lived instead.
It sounds pretty sad to me.
I'm still trying to get over Tokyo Babylon.
Can anyone tell me where to find Kamui's character song, sung by Seki Tomokazu?
I'll give a cookie to whoever can find it for me!!
you mean 'Yakusoku'? I think I have that...hang on, I'll put it up on rapidshare :keke:
I'm pretty sure it's this song :keke:
I think they've actually declared that they won't continue X anymore because the topic was too hard to continue or something along the line like that. Plus, it's the year 2005 by now, it would not make sense according to the ending prophesized by Hinoto- dono:
The Dragons of Heaven (for some reason, not including Arashi and Sorata) gathered at the Tokyo Tower as the world is being immersed in water.
Thanks SO MUCH!
A cookie for you, Okamirei!
Okamirei, do you have the other X OST songs too?
The manga may not be continued for another reason too...both the movie and series have given it endings,and the tv series one was particularly good. CLAMP may be worried about coming 2nd best to the anime series with their manga ending.
I think they've actually declared that they won't continue X anymore because the topic was too hard to continue or something along the line like that. Plus, it's the year 2005 by now, it would not make sense according to the ending prophesized by Hinoto- dono:
The Dragons of Heaven (for some reason, not including Arashi and Sorata) gathered at the Tokyo Tower as the world is being immersed in water.
Hate to break it to everyone, but there is an ending to X. However, CLAMP had a little "problem" with their publishers and they won't let them publish it without modifying it somehow. (They made them do that with Wish and I think Clover, too. But CLAMP won't change the ending for X.) But for more positive X news, did everyone know there is going to be a new X artbook released on September 30th called X Infinity? (Good news for some, bad news for me. The release date missed my birthday by three days! *growls*)
Argh, I want Clamp to finish all their unfishished works. Maybe when Tsubasa and xxxHolic end.
I've seen X the Movie, but not the anime. How many episodes are there?
I wish I could own an X artbook. The drawings are the most beautiful Clamp has ever done, in my opinion. ^^
The X anime has 24 episodes and a thirty-minute OAV that basically was just to pump people up for the series itself; it is artistically beautiful, though. I'm not sure if the OAV has been released over here; has it? I know the series has.
And just so people know, there are 18 officially released tankoubon, but the first five or so chapters of volume 19 have actually been printed as well, but just in Asuka, the magazine that was serializing X. bwsy.net (http://bwsy.net)has scanlations. Has this been said? I'm not sure. And I'm 99.99% certain the argument over X is also the reason that Legal Drug is on hold; they were being serialized by the same company. Edit: Actually, it's bwys.net (http://bwys.net)
news! X/1999 will be continued someday! truth about X's haitus (http://www.manganews.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1736)
Now I understand why they've stopped it. yokatta, I'm so glad that CLAMP's going to finish X. :keke:
Gah! Now I feel bad. I've been angry with Asuka, because I thought they'd tried to make CLAMP change the ending. (begs Asuka's forgiveness)
Oh my gosh! So for the first year or two we all called CLAMP lazy, then the next year or two we all wanted to rip every existing issue of ASUKA to shreds, and now we know the truth! They're both innocent and we've been blaming them all along!!!!
I feel SO guilty...
But I still wonder about other manga CLAMP has put on hiatus... O.O Were ANY of them their publisher's fault? Or did all of them have something to do with an existing event? Who knows...
Ooh, that makes total sense, and yet I never would have thought of that. I'm sorry for ever thinking CLAMP-sensei were being lazy now. @_@
But I still wonder about other manga CLAMP has put on hiatus... O.O Were ANY of them their publisher's fault? Or did all of them have something to do with an existing event? Who knows...
Yes... It doesn't seem that Gohou Drug has anything dealing in a touchy subject in today's society. I wonder too.
X is a wonderful manga !
Is anyone here know where I can find X's anime bittorent ? I found it everywhere but .... ;___;
X is a wonderful manga !
Is anyone here know where I can find X's anime bittorent ? I found it everywhere but .... ;___;
Hmm, I don't know for sure.. Since it's licensed I bet it'll be harder to find, now.
But about the manga: I can't believe that CLAMP is going to find a way to serialize X again!!! After half a DECADE of us fans patiently waiting it seems our reward has come!! XD XD I'm so nervous!! >_< I have NO idea what's going to happen!! I was so happy when I read on chibiyuuto's livejournal that X would be continuing I nearly cried!!! XD In fact, I bet the only reason I didn't cry was because seeing you-know-who in chapter 108 of TRC made me cry.. So maybe all my crying for the week was up! XD
hi, i wanna download x´s manga but i can´t find any page, the only one i´ve found is www.bwys.cjb.net , but they only have volumes 1, and 14 to 18 from 2 to 13 i can´t find them anywhere :(, help someone help me T_T
i´ve also read about x´s return and apparently it´s true!! kobato tough, it´s still frozen, and xxxholic and tsubasa will be slowed down because of x´s return
i have just started to see this anime and i want to say that i love it, one of the best CLAMP works. :)
Sei/Sub break my heart. Everytime I read To-babi or X my heart hurts and my throat gets tight.
But, because of the fact that they make me feel things deeper than any other pairing in existance, they are my OTP. Even if it's a sad, heartbreaking feeling it is still the strongest and most important.
That's one of the reasons I want to see Subaru and Seishirou together in Tsubasa (or even Holic since Subaru and Hokuto have been mentioned and I assume Holic isn't set in the X/TB world). A happy ending for them is impossible in X so I hope for them to have at least a little happiness in Tsubasa. It may ease my heart a little!
And Clamp are EVIL! They have proved it in many ways *cough*ch120*cough* but no evidence is larger than the X Hiatus. They couldn't have even left it on a worse page!
I liked the movie when I first saw it as I hadn't read the manga then, but I can't watch it anymore. It just doesn't compare to the manga. I managed to skim through the anime episodes (mostly the Seishirou and Subaru bits) and it seemed pretty good but, again, as I've read the manga it just doesn't compare for me. And as they left out the important Subaru plot from volume 18 I wasn't that interested in the ending.
Post edited. Use spoiler tags in the future!!! Your only warning!!!
That's one of the reasons I want to see Subaru and Seishirou together in Tsubasa (or even Holic since Subaru and Hokuto have been mentioned and I assume Holic isn't set in the X/TB world). A happy ending for them is impossible in X so I hope for them to have at least a little happiness in Tsubasa. It may ease my heart a little!
Hmm... actually, I assume that Tokyo Babylon and X DO take place in the same universe as CCS and HOLiC. Simply to save my own sanity, and to obey Occam's Razor- the simplest explanation is usually the best. There is some evidence that almost ALL of CLAMP's manga series take place in the same universe, unless you want to get really funky and say that ALL of crossover characters from series to series are AU. Which would just confuse things even more. And I've always hated the X movie. It's horrendous.
I read somewhere that at AX CLAMP said that all the non-fantasy ones take place in the same universe.
I can't remember which AX write up that was in though. >_<
Legal Drug and xxxHolic definitely take place in the same universe and it's implied that CCS does as well. Also it's definite that Chobits and Angelic Layer are both in the same universe since they crossover and it's possible they are in with the others as well (nothing says they don't).
Tokyo Babylon/X I was never sure about since it means that the other stories would have to take place before 1999 or they spoil the ending for X (since the world hasn't been destroyed) and Kamui wins (as if that was going to be any doubt).
I read somewhere that at AX CLAMP said that all the non-fantasy ones take place in the same universe.
I can't remember which AX write up that was in though. >_<
Legal Drug and xxxHolic definitely take place in the same universe and it's implied that CCS does as well. Also it's definite that Chobits and Angelic Layer are both in the same universe since they crossover and it's possible they are in with the others as well (nothing says they don't).
Tokyo Babylon/X I was never sure about since it means that the other stories would have to take place before 1999 or they spoil the ending for X (since the world hasn't been destroyed) and Kamui wins (as if that was going to be any doubt).
It's the end of the world thing that does it for me! Like you said, it means that Holic would have to take place before 1999 (in fact, 1991 since she mentions Hokuto). Unless the end of the world passes with some sort of 'make everyone forget and make everything better' spell which would really ruin the series. Otherwise I think someone would have mentioned all those earthquakes that happened a few years ago-and don't forget Tokyo flooding. But then, I suppose it could be a few years after the end of the world and it has taken civilisation a while to get back to normal (hence no huge advances). But that sort of thinking can give me a headache.
Does X class as a fantasy? That might mean it's exempt. It doesn't mean that they can't use characters and elements from the X/TB universe but I don't think the plots can align.
The things that definately appear in the same (Holic) universe are: Holic, Legal Drug, Suki Dakara Suki, CCS. Possibly in the same world are CCD/Duklyon/20Faces (Watanuki has visited Duklyon cafe), X/TB (either before or after the end of the world), Angelic Layer (Piffle Princess has featured-the hair clips Watanuki gave the Zarashi-warashi(sp) were from Piffle Princess) and Chobits (in a future timeline). I suppose Wish could slot into the same universe with little problems, Rayearth too (as most of the actual story takes place in another world). That leaves Clover (which could be another future storyline), RG Veda (which is excempt as a fantasy series and is probably why they are used so much in Tsubasa), and the historical mangasands ones that I can't remember the names of (that Chun Hyan one, the Dragon King one etc). Oh, Miyuki-chan in Wonderland is pretty inocculous as, again, most of the 'plot' (not that there is a plot!) takes place in other worlds. That could slot into Tokyo too.
For the 'possible' ones the CCD universe is the same as the X/TB universe. The Chobits universe is the future of the Angelic Layer universe. The second can slot into the Holic world pretty easily but the first has some headaches surrounding it (but any of the elements can easily be used, it's just aligning the plots that breaks you).
This got so far off topic it's not worth mentioning!
Well, X/TB definitely take place in the same universe as the three CLAMP Gakuen series, since Nokoru, Suoh, and Akira all show up in X, and the X characters go to CLAMP Gakuen. (Which would then date CGT as before Tokyo Babylon, since Nokoru, Suoh, and Akira are somewhere about the same age as Subaru. @_@)) Also, Piffle Princess merchandise shows up in X. I read that bit about 'fantasy,' too, so I assume then that what they meant was any series not set in a modern, recognizable Tokyo, since so many of their series have a fantasy element. This to me means that RG Veda, Clover, Legend of Chunyan, and Shirahime-Sho would be the series that don't take place in the same universe as the others. And X does cause the most problems,with all of the earthquakes, death, and destruction that take place in it? That would certainly cause problems for the other characters in the other series. I guess we'll just have to assume X does take place in the same world, and wait for the end of X. But it would be lame for there to be some spell to make everyone forget what happened at the end of X. Though it's an interesting thought that perhaps part of the reason there are so many persocoms in Chobits is because so many people died in the X storyline.
It's all contradictory anyway, since the characters in Duklyon watched a movie of X, at time which would have been before X had ever taken place. So perhaps it's best not to consider the crossovers too deeply.
Well since X was in 1999 and if xxxHolic took place in modern day it would be around 5 years later so it's possible that they simply rebuild and have moved on.
Also I just re-read when Subaru and Hokuto get mentioned in Holic and Yuuko said she knew them when they were kids so it probably doesn't take place before TB. She also says he hopes he can be happy but has to create his own happiness so it seems to me that Holic either takes place between TB and X or takes place after X. I get the impression that it's the latter.
I just finished watching episode 16 of X, and...
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by the end of it I was crying. This was the episode where Subaru kills Seishirou. Throughout the later half of the episode, I was on the verge of tears, but when they showed the picture at the end of Sei-chan, Subaru, and Hokuto-chan, I gave in. It was just so sad. ;__;
I'm liking X TV so far. It's been too long since I've seen the movie, so I can't compare...
She also says he hopes he can be happy but has to create his own happiness so it seems to me that Holic either takes place between TB and X or takes place after X. I get the impression that it's the latter.
I also think it's the latter. But this whole thing is just so confusing. Hopefully it'll clear up when Clamp ends X. o_o
This thread isn't ...very old.
So I guess I can reply to it?
I only really started reading X because I was getting confused in Tsubasa, and Kamui is yummy. And now that I'm hooked, I have to say:
I have never cried over a manga more.
I just read Volume 9 (and ten is soon to follow) and Show content
God its depressing. I knew what would happen to Fuuma because of spoilers and common sense, and I knew he would kill Kotori, but its one thing to hear about it and another to see it. CLAMP went all out with the expressions for this volume.
Or this series.
I loved the Subaru/Kamui moment in the dream, though. It was the only part where my tears turned happy. Though Kakyou confuses the heck out of me, and wtf is up with Hinoto and her 'selfish wish' or whatever, I'm finally understanding a bit more. Sort of.
Sorry, I just HAD to vent somewhere, and my RPG is afraid of me now. >>
Just wait, it gets much more painful. I love the series, greatly. I had started reading it and got kinda bored with the first few volumes, and then I read Tokyo Babylon, which made me finish X (if you can call that finished). If you've read TB, the later volumes will be even more painful.
Hopefully everybody can get a happy ending in TRC, but knowing Clamp I doubt it. -_-
If volume 9 made you cry, wait till volume 16...
That makes me cry everytime. (Although, I think sound knowledge of TB is needed to REALLY make your heart break.)
Mmm...Vol 16 is definitely the best for angst value. The scene where Fuuma and Subaru have their chat is also really heartbreaking.
Hopefully everybody can get a happy ending in TRC, but knowing Clamp I doubt it. -_-
Well CLAMP seems to have moved on and made Fay their new favourite to angst up so things should turn out okay for Seishirou/Subaru and Fuuma/Kamui.
KuroFay on the other hand...
I heard from someone
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that the main characters start dying off in Volume 16-18,
or something like that.
I mean, I suppose Kotori was a main character, but to me she wasn't as big as the Dragons or Kamui or Fuuma. Blah, that makes me sound mean.
And CLAMP has enough sadism in them to pass around to everyone one of their characters. They just centered it on X and TB (which I haven't read but get the general gist of?) and apparently TRC now.
EDIT: Spoilered it to be safe?
I think angst follows TB/X...or maybe just Subaru from Tokyo Babylon to X and now to Tsubasa. Tsubasa is up to it's ears in angst now...or should I say eyeballs?
I heard from someone Show content
that the main characters start dying off in Volume 16-18,
or something like that.
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Actually, they start the killing in volume 13 and then it keeps going (that one is the goriest next to Kotori). Slightly major character death in volume 13, then major characters in 16, 18, and what would be 19 whenever published.
I'd say you need to read Tokyo Babylon to truly understand Subaru and Seishirou's personalities, especially Seishirou. He's kinda like how he is in X, but much more lively? The guy can put on a mask, that's for sure.
Sei-chan's inner dork just doesn't come across in X at all, which is a pity. XD
From what I see about Seishirou, he's like...mean. But maybe thats just cause I've only seen him from Kamui's POV, and he's like...destroying the world.
I'm gonna finish up the X Volumes I have, then read TB, then reread X, and maybe that way I'll have a better understanding of the relationships. All I can is Fuuma was really what made me cry the most, because I can understand his relationships with Kamui and Kotori, at least.
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Did anyone else just keep thinking that whenever he was first getting possessed he looked like he wanted to rape Kamui? 0_o
And a death in 13? Jeez, I gotta hurry up. -runs-
Mean, I guess you could say that. He's really just indifferent, he doesn't get enjoyment out of killing. I'll quote his own words from TB, he explains himself quite well.
"I have never felt anything in particular. For the longest time now, I haven't been able to distinguish between 'people' and 'things'. Corpses...wreckage...they are one and the same to me. I suppose in that sense I'm well suited to be a Sakurazukamori."
Of course I cut out some of his dialoge as it's quite spoilerly, as you haven't read volume 16 yet and what I cut is revealed there.
Spoiler tag to be safe... Show content
Which makes me wonder, why did he attack Kamui? Seishirou only kills for hits that somebody has put on someone (he's an assassin, it's his job), he doesn't just go around killing left and right. In a volume of TB one of his hits asks him if they had offended him, and he said not at all. They then asked who and he said "I wonder". Who hired him to kill Kamui?
I have my suspicions, but that's a spoiler for later in the series, so I'll keep that to myself.
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Did anyone else just keep thinking that whenever he was first getting possessed he looked like he wanted to rape Kamui? 0_o
You're not alone! Show content
My favorite parts of the manga is when he turns evil and starts molesting Kamui. Fuuma is obviously sexually attracted to Kamui. But Kamui didn't like it because the Fuuma he likes is the normal one.
My favorite scene in X/1999 is RIGHT before Fuuma turns evil. The scene in the water where Kamui was embracing Kotori, while looking at Fuuma and touching his face and of course, with Fuuma looking back at him. They were all wet. I wonder what would have happened if Fuuma hadn't turned evil. Thta scene would have turned into some hot xxx scenes LOL
Did anyone else just keep thinking that whenever he was first getting possessed he looked like he wanted to rape Kamui? 0_o
Hehe, Fuuma's favourite thing to do is molest Kamui. And we love him for it.
For the rest of the series all their interaction consists of is fighting and molestation, that's pretty much it. Volume 13 may have a major death, but it also has Fuuma licking Kamui's tears. XD
Subaru has a more civil relationship with Fuuma than Kamui, the two of them would be better off if Kamui could control his temper. Although I wouldn't call Fuuma evil after he changed. In the beginning he is quite cold, but later he becomes warmer. He gained a personality when he switched, although I have serious doubts that he's possessed. -_-
Lets just say, X/1999 got me into everything CLAMP, and to think it started off with seeing the movie.
I was, 13? or so when I saw X the movie, and I just balled by eyes out, because I knew of TB, I had seen the OVA's and some manga at the time, so when Subaru and Seishirou showed up, and
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killed off in like 30 sec. flat
Other then those two, and Hokuto, who is only mentioned in the past, realy made me go WTF, then the other characters showed up. Being confused and having no idea who or what was going on. But as the movie went on, I sorta cared for the characters, and when they went bye bye, I was like, I need to read the manga to see the diffrence from the two. Boy was there a big diff.
Heads up, those who died in the movie, don't die till manga #13, but if you count Kotori......wait, since book 1 people have been killed off like its hunting season, which in Fuma's case it is.
I have spoilers for the X Moive, X TV, X video game endings good and bad, just I don't want to spoile anyone who hasn't read or seen anything, tell me and I'll post it.
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Which makes me wonder, why did he attack Kamui? Seishirou only kills for hits that somebody has put on someone (he's an assassin, it's his job), he doesn't just go around killing left and right. In a volume of TB one of his hits asks him if they had offended him, and he said not at all. They then asked who and he said "I wonder". Who hired him to kill Kamui?
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My impression was that Seishirou went after Kamui because he was curious. As one of the Angels, he's been hearing about this "Kamui" person who can either save or destroy the human race. I think Seishirou would want to go see and get the measure of a person like that upon hearing he was back in town, if only on a whim.
That sounds about right, at least from what I know.
Going to read the next volume today, but I was wondering if anyone knew of a place to find TB? I looove Subaru, simply for what he did for Kamui. I read on a fansite that they share a pretty close relationship, though I suppose CLAMP wanted it to be brotherly since they're twins in TRC.
EDIT: I remembered that I wanted to say Kamui is gorgeous angsty. I saved that picture where Show content
Fuuma has him pinned to that slab of wood or concrete or whatever with those pieces of glass, and Kamui has this blank look on his face while there's all this destruction and blood everywhere. I feel sadistic. XD
Haha, dunno why I spoiler, I'm the farthest person behind.
That sounds about right, at least from what I know.
Going to read the next volume today, but I was wondering if anyone knew of a place to find TB? I looove Subaru, simply for what he did for Kamui. I read on a fansite that they share a pretty close relationship, though I suppose CLAMP wanted it to be brotherly since they're twins in TRC.
EDIT: I remembered that I wanted to say Kamui is gorgeous angsty. I saved that picture where Show content
Fuuma has him pinned to that slab of wood or concrete or whatever with those pieces of glass, and Kamui has this blank look on his face while there's all this destruction and blood everywhere. I feel sadistic. XD
Haha, dunno why I spoiler, I'm the farthest person behind.
Do you mean scanlations of TB? I know a LJ group. As for Kamui and Subaru's relationship, I honestly think Kamui had a crush on Subaru but Subaru never really felt the same; so they're pretty much brotherly, or as CLAMP once said, 'sisters.' xd (I've always thought Kamui's crush on Subaru had a lot to do with just wanting someone who'd gone through a lot of pain and understood it and who wasn't going to hurt him- in other words, someone who wasn't Fuuma, the one he's really in love with.)
Ah, that makes sense! I haven't really gotten into their relationship, but the TRC one is very cute~
But I'll try to figure it out myself while I read. :D
Hi, can I have the link to the TB scanlations LJ group? I really really want to read it, thanks!
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My impression was that Seishirou went after Kamui because he was curious. As one of the Angels, he's been hearing about this "Kamui" person who can either save or destroy the human race. I think Seishirou would want to go see and get the measure of a person like that upon hearing he was back in town, if only on a whim.
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Seishirou wouldn't need to visit him personally to do that, he could just use a surveillance shikigami to observe him...and possibly attack him if need be.
I think it had to do with Hinoto, he said that she knew him well. Also given that Kamui discovered that the shiki's that attacked him when he first came to Tokyo were Hinoto's strongly points to this. Her shiki's didn't work, so what does she do but hire somebody to do it for her. Which of course failed because Sei-chan figured out what Fuuma was and gave up.
Ah well, just a theory. :keke:
Last post deleted. Do not share links publicly to Tokyo Babylon scans here!!!
I really like the X manga, The anime isn't at all as good as the manga and they made some misstakes too(Kamui don't have blue eyes, Subaru's eyes are not green etc...) I think the X anime is okay but it's very different from the manga...The movie is very good animated, but they rushed the story too much and it didn't turn out very well...But I understand that it must be hard to animate X because the manga isn't finished yet, I hope CLAMP will continue working on it soon!
I voted for Kamui and Sorata. ^^ Kamui 'cause he's so cute and a great character and Sorata 'cause he's the optimistic one most of the time and he's also a great character. :okay:
I agree with Sandra-chan, the manga is much better than the anime. And the movie has such wonderful animation, but the story isn't that great.
BTW, I voted for Subaru and Sei-chan!!! They're so cute together ^ ^, they're my favorite couple of all time. :greengrin:
I would have voted for Kamui too if I could.
Okay, I decided it's time for me to better understand the world that is X/1999 and picked up the first 5 manga books today. I'll start into it by this weekend.
Just gonna suggest you read Tokyo Babylon as well if you want to appreciate Subaru and Seishirou's story better (if you haven't already that is). Although they don't make any real major appearances until volume 6, there are mentions of Subaru and Seishirou does cause some chaos before that.
Just gonna suggest you read Tokyo Babylon as well if you want to appreciate Subaru and Seishirou's story better (if you haven't already that is). Although they don't make any real major appearances until volume 6, there are mentions of Subaru and Seishirou does cause some chaos before that.
Just finished reading that series so it looks like I'm good to go. Thanks.
Whoo! XD I'm glad Kamui beat out Subaru... XD;;;
I've now finished 16 books in the X/1999 manga. Now it's my understanding there are only 18 out in the United States? I know it's not finished but hopefully CLAMP can get back with it in the near future :)
Yeah, I have all the books so far, in Japan, Manga 19 has a few chapters released, just not as much as their should be. As of yet, Fans are waiting for books 19, 20, and 21.
You can find the 5 chapters that will be in volume 19 whenever they decide to continue the series online if you know where to look. It's the only real way to read them other than old Asuka mags or the 18.5 book that came with Clamp Newtype Platinum back in September, but those are in Japanese of course. ;)
Thanks for the information. Much appreciated. I'll be picking up books 17 and 18 this week :)
It's a pity that it isn't finished, they stopped drawing on both X and Legal drug 2002.. I wonder if they will be finished, I really hope so!!!
Legal Drug is said to return in 2007, but I want to see if first before I beleive it, and X, I hope will start back up soon....
I just got the first volume and I was like *wow, so this is X?". My Lang. Arts was stunned because I read it in one period, but I have to read it again because I need to pay more attention.