
CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Manga Chapter Discussions => Topic started by: KatanaJon on March 16 2006, 05:25 am

Title: Chapter 109.
Post by: KatanaJon on March 16 2006, 05:25 am

Have fun.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Okamirei on March 16 2006, 05:31 am
su.go.i! >___< wah, I love the colour page!
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: bie liao on March 16 2006, 05:57 am
Mwaahaa, I haven't even gotten past the third page, but I have to say "SQUEE AT THE COLOR PAGES."  I especially like 2 and 3, so far...
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Becster on March 16 2006, 06:33 am

Page so cool.

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No Fai or Sakura in this chapter. Oh well...

Kurogane's face on page 15 though. Despite having just been tossed into a wall, he looks like this is a cakewalk...and then BOOM, Kamui hits the ceiling. Bwha.

Annnnnnd, there's Fuuma. Yay. <3

Roll on Chapter 110!
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Mina on March 16 2006, 06:38 am
The color pages... :inlove:  Syao and Syao2 pic was simply amazing... love it so much! I can't stop staring at them....

I was tad bit disappointed by the chapter....
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Instead of explaining what Kamui meant by "E", they just went straight on fighting.... and I have feeling we won't find out what he meant by "e" in next chapter... I've never fully read X but this Kamui looks kinda.... scary o.O
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: AkaiYuki on March 16 2006, 07:18 am
Oh my GOD!!! Kamui is so beautiful!!!! Why does everyone think he looks scary??!?! I'm not kidding I think he's even more beautiful now than he was in X!!! And his outfit under that cloak... Sexay... O.O

I'm so happy for his return I could cry!! I LOVE the way his eyes are drawn in Tsubasa!! ((Most people just get black holes but his... *sighs* They are teh beautifulness...)) And his hair and lips.. So cute!!!! *fangirl squeal*

His poses are also so cute.. and his facial expressions... I'm so happy CLAMP brought him back this way! I was scared I wouldn't like him, but he's... Gorgeous!! O.O In chapter 108 he was almost plain-looking, but now that we get to see him over and over and over in all of his lovely glory... *sighs* Ureshiiii!!!! XD

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KYAAA!!! Fuuma!!! OMG!!! He's so cute!!! His infamous sunglasses have returned!!! I'm so happy Fuuma is here, too.. That was another thing I was afraid of.. With all of CLAMP's weird mixing of characters in TRC I was scared he may not show up even though Kamui is here... ((Since they showed Seishirou without Subaru.. WTF??))

And sorry die-hard Kurogane fans, but Kamui totally pwned him!! XD Don't get me wrong, I love Kurorin, too, but Kamui is my LIFE!!!!

Phew, OK, all fangirl-isms aside, I can't wait to see who is under those cloaks!! I HAVE to know!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Pikari on March 16 2006, 07:59 am
This chapter is interesting. And conveniently, nothing explained at all. XD

Kamui is very very pretty in this chapter. But...
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Ergh. Is it just me or does Kamui vs. Kurogane seem way too much like a cheap "CLAMP Crossover Showdown"? *gets whacked with pineapples* Okay, okay, I know that's the whole point of Tsubasa. ^^;; That's just the weird feeling I got while reading it. And I was so cheering when Kurogane smacked Kamui into the ceiling. ^___^

So Kamui is black and Fuuma is white? Interesting. And as soon as I saw Kamui's necklace, I thought - Seishirou! I had to check, but they're different. I wonder if Fuuma has a necklace too. *counts guys behind Fuuma* Hmm... yep, seven. I'm really curious to know who's who now.

And those color pages are just awesome. Best part of the chapter.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: AkaiYuki on March 16 2006, 08:03 am
LOL, actually Pikari, now that you mentioned it, it WAS almost kinda cheap!! XD But so was the Seishirou one waaaay back in Outo! XD Either way, I still loved it!! I don't mind watching Kamui having to jump in smexay ways no matter what the reason!! XD I still wanna see it!!! ((Heh heh, of course I wish he was fighting with Fuu Fuu, but maybe we'll see some of that in the next chapter...)) There had BETTER be some FK ((Not KF, you guys!!)) fluff soon!! And those people under those cloaks had BETTER contain a certain onmyouji and a certain Sakurazukamori!!! Or Yuki will be teh MAD...
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Chang on March 16 2006, 08:09 am
YAY! i can't read it at the moment coz I'm not on my home computer...but I will when i get home! =)
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: AkaiYuki on March 16 2006, 08:24 am
Ohhh... shoot.. I just noticed something:

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Kamui-chan doesn't have his cute little scars on his hands anymore!! I'm depressed, now!!
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Mina on March 16 2006, 08:29 am
Haha, I did it... I took the colored images, fixed the skins on both Syaorans (because they look... messed up from the text of previous page), put them together (in a rush, so there is big fat line down the midde  :sweatdrop:), shrunk it, and now it's my wallpaper, lol.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Pikari on March 16 2006, 09:29 am
LOL, actually Pikari, now that you mentioned it, it WAS almost kinda cheap!! XD But so was the Seishirou one waaaay back in Outo! XD

Heh, that's true. ^^ I guess Seishirou's didn't seem so weird because I hadn't yet read TB at the time. At least they ended as a draw. I bet CLAMP would get pounded with fangirls from either side if one or the other lost. XD I know why else it seemed so weird - because Kurogane and Kamui are so off-balance, it seems, even if they were equal strength. Kurogane and Seishirou were more equals - in size, weapon, etc... Kamui is so little compared to Kuro, it's almost cute. XD But he's also super-feisty. ^^ Now what *I* want to see... is Fai vs. Kamui. Heh... battle of the angsty pretty-boys. They'd dodge and never hit each other once.
<--- *wants to see Fai make Kamui cry*  Okay, I'll shut up before the Kamui fangirls kill me. XD I don't hate Kamui, really. He's too pretty to hate.

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Kamui-chan doesn't have his cute little scars on his hands anymore!! I'm depressed, now!!
Yeah, I figured this wouldn't be the "real" X world. The crossbows kind of gave away that from the beginning. *comforts Yuki-chan*

Oh, if I didn't have a pretty new KuroFai fanart on my desktop, I'd so want that wallpaper too, Mina. ^^;;
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: AkaiYuki on March 16 2006, 11:08 am
KYAAA!!! Fai couldn't make Kamui cryyy!!! Kamui is WAY more powerful than Fai!!! But... Since I'm like that I actually kinda want Kamui to cry... So maybe it wouldn't be bad if that happened...

But then again, has anyone noticed Kamui hasn't used any psychic power? O.O Does that mean he doesn't have any?? Maybe Fai COULD kick Kamui's butt, at least in the Tsubasa universe.

And about the fight, the size difference is what makes me prefer it to be Kamui vs. Kuro instead of Kamui vs. Fai!! It's so CUTE to see Kamui's cute little body cutely jumping around all over the cute place!! XD ((Wait, the place isn't cute...))
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Jeannette on March 16 2006, 11:41 am
YES! (hyperventilates) This completely made my day, along with xxxHOLiC Chapter 101. (dies of happiness)
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Doumeki's grandfather is... too awesome for words. I just love that he's checking out his grandson's future husband like he is. XD Or at least that's my fangirl interpretation. Yeah. And now back to Tsubasa.

And Fai vs. Kamui would be fascinating, methinks. I'm thinking Fuuma vs. Kurogane would rock hard, and nobody's mentioned that. And the Kamui vs. Kurogane didn't feel -that- cheap to me.

I agree with Pikari- if either lost or won, CLAMP would be pounded by the fangirls on both... all four... all six... sides. Yeah. It's pretty hard to please us fangirls in some ways, and yet so easy in others.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: suu_no_clover on March 16 2006, 12:05 pm
Suu got herself grounded for waiting up for this chaptire at 3 AM... XD I shouldn't be here. ^^"

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Nyaa! Kuro-pon got his *** kicked! This is certainly a first for our dear ninja. And at last we see Fuuma and the rest? Hyuu!
Not to mention the splach page! *fangirl squeals* It's been a while since the last color splash!

This is certainly a chapter I'm going to buy.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Hira on March 16 2006, 12:10 pm
WOW! I feel relieved...
This world ISN'T the actual X world... I mean, flying motorcycles...
The logos, too... Intsead of having the emblem of "Seven Stars" and "Tree of Life" printed on their cloaks, it's "Tokyo Tower" and "Devil and Angel Wings surrounding an Arrow"
This looks more like two factions of normal people who ARE affected by Sakura's feather instead of 14 superheroes crushing the planet.
I guess I'm happy about that because if this REALLY is the doing of the feather, then chances are, the planet may have a chance to be restored if they retrieve Sakura's feather... Unlike the actual X, where
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Either way, humans are gonna die, by their own pollution or by the Dragon of Earth

And, Fuuma doesn't have the sentence "I'm a sick, perverted, sadistic bastard" written on his forehead, which makes me like him now.
I guess what makes Kamui looks "better" in Tsubasa than in the actual X is the fact that CLAMP doesn't make him look so feminine... Poor kid, CLAMP actually admitted that they wanted to make Kamui nothing more than a poor puppy for people to kick around ever since
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Kotori gets diced into French Fries
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Hack on March 16 2006, 02:10 pm
Pikari's translations^^
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Hack on March 16 2006, 02:15 pm
wow...that's interesting chapter..but they won't tell us everything in one chapter eh?
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Senefen on March 16 2006, 02:52 pm
BETTER contain a certain onmyouji and a certain Sakurazukamori!!!
[fangirlism]Yes SUBARU!!!!! ;_; *love* He was good looking in TB he was uber hot in X what's he going to be like in Tsubasa!????!![/fangirlism]

About "E" I think its the same as in xxxholic prob, there "E" ment bait if you go by BYWS translations and "game" (as in prey) in the offical Del Ray.

Lots of nice Kamui moments but not enough other nice things like Fai, hurt Syaoran, Doh/DoE, things being explained. The fight was cool, maybe a little cheap but I didnt mind. I would have liked more substance tho.

If Kamui keeps being so Hawt Subaru is gonna have comptition :D he's so much better looking than X-Kamui. Love the new eyes.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: svclover on March 16 2006, 06:03 pm
oh dear oh dear oh dear~~~~~ so excited to see kamui!! but...

Where is Subaru???????? hopefully he's under one of the cloaks
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Faye-chan on March 16 2006, 10:44 pm
This chapter was sugoi ^o^
(I waited for it until the 1:00 a.m. XDDD)
Kamui is awesome *___*
The color page too,
and, have you noticed?
on the colors page Dark Shaoran hasn't the tatoo! °_°
may is connected to the fact that he's awake?
*Spoiler End*
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: ishiyaki on March 17 2006, 01:35 am
I´ts cool!
I don´t know :hello2: kamui enough, but I see that he isn't very nice with foreigns...
colored pages about 2 syaorans are so  cool.....!!!!!!!!! :inlove:
I´d like tell more, but I can´t reach put a spoiler! are there some special bottom or some words?
thank you Sakaki, but with
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that you told me I can´t do it. :cry:
please, could you give me an example about how to do it? arigato gozaimas :noteworthy:
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Sheepworld on March 17 2006, 02:21 am
I like what Kamui's wearing. In fact, I think that I'll like pretty much everything in this arc (fingers crossed) He did look better than in X too.

At first, I thought that it was the X scenario but with Kamui choosing the dragons of earth instead of heaven but I guess that it doesn't seem that way. I think that the people in the hoods are the dragons of heaven (the little hooded figure seemed a lot like Yuzuriha to me) but I guess I'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out (hopefuly)
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: AkaiYuki on March 17 2006, 03:04 am
Wow, I didn't think about that!! What if all of the DoH and DoE are the same EXCEPT for the two Kamui?! How crazy would that be!!! XD
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Xiao_Lang on March 17 2006, 04:12 am
^__^ Kamui's outfit was really nice. He looks SO nice on page 16, very cute, but on page 18 he looks SO scary! ^^;

I ADORE the colour pages o_o CLAMP should do more of those <3

all in all an ok chapter. I can't believe Sakura hasn't woken up yet, lol, she can sleep through anything!
Also, Syaoran can still stand even after his injuries! wow. o_o
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: AkaiYuki on March 17 2006, 04:26 am
I can't believe everyone thought this chapter was only "ok"!! I must be the biggest X fan here, or something, because for me this was the best chapter EVER!!! EVERRR!!!! *is sedated*

Seriously, though, I've loved X for *years* now and it was what officially got me into all things CLAMP! XD

My favorite Kamui pic from this chapter was page 20. The one where he's standing all cute-like!! My second fav was probably 16 ((KAWAIII!!)) and then I loved page 18, too!! ((Everyone else says "scary," but Yuki says it's CUUUTE!!!))

EDIT: Ahhh, wait! I forgot I also adore page 5 with Kamui's thinking face!! XD So cute!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Xiao_Lang on March 17 2006, 04:39 am
I can't believe everyone thought this chapter was only "ok"!! I must be the biggest X fan here, or something, because for me this was the best chapter EVER!!! EVERRR!!!! *is sedated*

Seriously, though, I've loved X for *years* now and it was what officially got me into all things CLAMP! XD

My favorite Kamui pic from this chapter was page 20. The one where he's standing all cute-like!! My second fav was probably 16 ((KAWAIII!!)) and then I loved page 18, too!! ((Everyone else says "scary," but Yuki says it's CUUUTE!!!))

EDIT: Ahhh, wait! I forgot I also adore page 5 with Kamui's thinking face!! XD So cute!!!

lol! When I said ok I meant Super ok! you know, like WHOOOO! ^^; lol
Don't get me wrong I've been waiting fot the whole X crossover too. ^^;
I'm just a Huge Syaoran fan and wanted him to fight... lol
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: KatanaJon on March 17 2006, 04:41 am
There was a page missing from this chapter. Ladydarkmoon updated with the missing page 8, which can be found here.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: AkaiYuki on March 17 2006, 04:46 am
lol! When I said ok I meant Super ok! you know, like WHOOOO! ^^; lol
Don't get me wrong I've been waiting fot the whole X crossover too. ^^;
I'm just a Huge Syaoran fan and wanted him to fight... lol

Ha ha, don't worry, Xiao_Lang, somehow I can tell you're a Syao Syao fan! XD *points to user name*

To anyone who hasn't guessed this yet, my user name is a reference to X! Akai = red, Yuki = snow. Since the battle of 1999 is supposed to take place at the end of the year ((meaning snow for a lot of places)) I thought of the red as blood and the snow as.. snow! XD I figured the battle of 1999 would be quite the bloody one, so that's how it happened. ^_^

Ah, the secret of Yuki's user name is revealed!!! O.O

AH!! I'm getting off-topic! Start talking about Kamui, everyone!! You all love him!! O.O You do... You just don't all know it, yet...

EDIT: Whoa, thanks for that, KatanaJon!! Looks like we were all missing something! XD ((Heh heh, but there ish no Kamui on that page, so I didn't miss a thing!)) ^_^ Here's a cookie!
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on March 17 2006, 06:41 am
Pikari's translations^^

Thanks! Pikari-san thanks!!
*-* OMG I LOVE the color pages!!! They're just wonderful! The first one is great! Syao & Kamui looks great! and also  Syao and Syao 2  >.<

ahh.... wow! Kuro-rin and Kamui are great! Yeah I miss Sakura and Fye >.<
*reading it again*
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Pikari on March 17 2006, 08:05 am
Eep.. *bows* I never meant to say I thought the fight was *cheap*, not that way. It was just too weird to see them fighting together. Okay, and maybe I was a little pissed at Kamui's scrawny little cute butt for knocking Kuro into the wall when I wrote that. XD XD Heh, the fight itself was pretty cool, and Kamui had some nice moves. Overall this was a better chapter than most of the ones we've been getting lately, but I was just disappointed at first with the lack of explanation... and those hoods that still haven't come off. Oh well... and chibiyuuto says CLAMP's postponing the next chapter for another week. They're so evil to us... ><;;

And Jeannette, Fuuma vs. Kurogane would be too awesome. Especially since they're practically physical clones. ^^;; I can't see either one of them winning that battle either.

(Oh, and I updated the translation with the missing page now) ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Mina on March 17 2006, 08:24 am
No chapter next week? Nooo! That's simply a torture! >_<
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Jeannette on March 17 2006, 10:05 am
Eep.. *bows* I never meant to say I thought the fight was *cheap*, not that way. It was just too weird to see them fighting together. Okay, and maybe I was a little pissed at Kamui's scrawny little cute butt for knocking Kuro into the wall when I wrote that. XD XD Heh, the fight itself was pretty cool, and Kamui had some nice moves. Overall this was a better chapter than most of the ones we've been getting lately, but I was just disappointed at first with the lack of explanation... and those hoods that still haven't come off. Oh well... and chibiyuuto says CLAMP's postponing the next chapter for another week. They're so evil to us... ><;;

And Jeannette, Fuuma vs. Kurogane would be too awesome. Especially since they're practically physical clones. ^^;; I can't see either one of them winning that battle either.

(Oh, and I updated the translation with the missing page now) ^^
Everybody keeps talking about how Kamui was fighting like Seishirou... and he was. XD That might be evidence that the Dragons situation is all mixed up from how it was in X- perhaps Seishirou taught Kamui to fight too?

(snort) Kamui's scrawny little cute butt. Perfect.

I'm going to have dreams tonight about Fuuma and Kurogane fighting. XD While Kamui and Fai watch on. Then Subaru unveils himself, and the three have themselves an Uke Pow-Wow.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: AkaiYuki on March 17 2006, 12:31 pm
Hmm, you guys are right... He WAS fighting like Seishirou.. O.O How strange.. Especially considering that Outo Seishirou looked a LOT like TB Seishirou, ((and not just any TB Seishirou, but pre-TB Seishirou.. Like when he first met Subaru...)) So what could that mean?

And OMG Jeannette, your Fuuma vs. Kuro thing just made the cutest scene pop into my head!! I'm PMing it to you, ok?
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: mizunotsubasa on March 17 2006, 02:12 pm
All I can say is WOW. I can't even wait to see the next Chapter and there is no chapter next week*chibiyuuto*
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Jenx on March 17 2006, 03:30 pm
No chapter next week either? Bummer. T_T
I LOVED the fight. I mean, I have never done the fangirl squeal for Kuro-tan before, but DAMN. That was GOOD. And sorry, Kamui still doesn't look like Kamui. He is dead to me. ~_~ Even though the color pages were amazing.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Senefen on March 20 2006, 10:43 am
Awww they're skipping a week again ;_;. *sigh*
I new another manga to become obessed with. TRC and holic keep skipping weeks, FMA is monthly and no one will hurry up and scanlate Fruits Basket *sigh*. Any recomendations?
*sits back and waits impatiently*
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: KatanaJon on March 20 2006, 10:50 am
Awww they're skipping a week again ;_;. *sigh*
I new another manga to become obessed with. TRC and holic keep skipping weeks, FMA is monthly and no one will hurry up and scanlate Fruits Basket *sigh*. Any recomendations?
*sits back and waits impatiently*

One Piece.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Okamirei on March 20 2006, 01:29 pm
Awww they're skipping a week again ;_;. *sigh*
I new another manga to become obessed with. TRC and holic keep skipping weeks, FMA is monthly and no one will hurry up and scanlate Fruits Basket *sigh*. Any recomendations?
*sits back and waits impatiently*

Bleach!  :keke: One piece is good too though.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Senefen on March 20 2006, 03:24 pm
I used to read bleach but I got sick of it >.> got too repedative with their battle of the month style, ditto with Naruto. Will try one piece.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: envyofthestage on March 22 2006, 04:52 am
Awww they're skipping a week again ;_;. *sigh*
I new another manga to become obessed with. TRC and holic keep skipping weeks, FMA is monthly and no one will hurry up and scanlate Fruits Basket *sigh*. Any recomendations?
*sits back and waits impatiently*
FAKE! If you're into that thing.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Gabys! on March 22 2006, 11:41 am
"Awww they're skipping a week again ;_;. *sigh*
I new another manga to become obessed with. TRC and holic keep skipping weeks, FMA is monthly and no one will hurry up and scanlate Fruits Basket *sigh*. Any recomendations?
*sits back and waits impatiently*"

Marmalade Boy (this manga is alredy completed and it's really nice).
Hunter x Hunter (although I have never read the manga before, but I read that is pretty good, even more than the anime).
Death Note (this is a really interesting manga!!).

Well, I think that's enough...

I'm also waiting for Fruits Basket!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Becster on March 24 2006, 05:13 am

Hunter x Hunter (although I have never read the manga before, but I read that is pretty good, even more than the anime).

Definitely. So...definitely.

HunterXHunter = Amazing. I LOVE the manga <3 (and the anime. <3)
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Smile_For_Me on March 28 2006, 07:00 pm
Has anyone noticed that Kamui and Seishiro have almost the same looking necklase? Is it a link or a key, and will Fuma and Subaru have one later on I wonder? If Subaru ever shows up.....and Fai's past becomes clearer...CLAMP, your are driving your fans crazy.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Hack on March 29 2006, 05:25 pm
SO agree with you, smile for me- san.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: -.CheRrYPriNcesS.- on March 30 2006, 12:34 pm
Hi, just a little question, is there a version of chap 109 translated, and where can i download it?
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Ashlee on March 31 2006, 12:41 pm
Hi, just a little question, is there a version of chap 109 translated, and where can i download it?

Ya I was wondering the same thing.
Title: Re: Chapter 109.
Post by: Senefen on April 01 2006, 03:23 pm
Check the last couple of pages of the scanlation topic, someone else (not nectar rain) has put it up.