
Fan Work => CCS Fan Creations => Topic started by: kawaiigurl on March 17 2006, 08:33 am

Title: a n avvie and sig i made xD
Post by: kawaiigurl on March 17 2006, 08:33 am
i was bored so i made a avvie and sig.. it kinda simply but its ok   :heh: lol! i maybe make more but not sure.. well comment on it!  :okay:

u can use them just credit it by me!  :greengrin:


Title: Re: a n avvie and sig i made xD
Post by: Wolf Blossom on March 17 2006, 08:45 am
I like it Good Job!!!!! :okay:
Title: Re: a n avvie and sig i made xD
Post by: kawaiigurl on March 17 2006, 08:57 am
thx xD
Title: Re: a n avvie and sig i made xD
Post by: Shiunu on March 17 2006, 11:06 am
Aww cute! I really like it! Nice work! Please make more!
Title: Re: a n avvie and sig i made xD
Post by: Monse-chan on March 17 2006, 11:09 am
Nice!!! Please create more!
Title: Re: a n avvie and sig i made xD
Post by: bie liao on March 17 2006, 11:32 am
Completely cute!  What program do you use?
Title: Re: a n avvie and sig i made xD
Post by: kawaiigurl on March 17 2006, 01:02 pm
thx ill try my best to make more  :greengrin: and bie liao i made it wit adobe photoshop 7  :D
Title: Re: a n avvie and sig i made xD
Post by: soujiro_chi on March 19 2006, 04:26 pm
Very cute!! ^^ I love the blurry style! ^^ Keep up the good work! ^__^