
CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Topic started by: Ruby Chan on April 15 2005, 06:51 am

Title: Tsubasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 15 2005, 06:51 am
So, which is better? The TRC anime, or the manga?
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Nyoko on April 15 2005, 06:57 am
-^^- It really isn't fair to ask that question untill we have seen more of the anime, don't ya think?
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Fai D. Flowright on April 15 2005, 06:57 am
I enjoyed both but if I had to pick....the anime, I loved the animation and the seiyuu a lot. But the manga will always be adorable because it's CLAMP.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Lexi on April 15 2005, 08:01 am
The anime is great because of the joy of seeing everything in motion with BGM. The manga is much better tho~ because it's the original :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Ralea on April 15 2005, 09:24 am
Yeah, probably anime. It's nice to hear BGMs.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: tornwings on April 15 2005, 12:38 pm
The anime is great because of the joy of seeing everything in motion with BGM. The manga is much better tho~ because it's the original :sweatdrop:
i agree. the manga just has more life to it. i know that's kinda crazy to say when you have the anime that's actually in motion. but eh. :D love the manga
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Cherry tiger on April 15 2005, 12:45 pm
Manga for me... because it's the originally from CLAMP. Most animes tend to veer off from the manga after a period of time... @.@

But I still like the anime for the music.  :keke:
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: lumizstar on April 15 2005, 02:35 pm
I suggest the comic :D Well, maybe the comic has adorable artwork, and also in the anime series it skipped some of the details, whereas in the comic, it just sounds....clearer. I think the reason why I don't prefer the anime more, it just I think maybe NHK hasn't done such a superb job, that I was a little bit disappointed (the ending was ...funny....reminded me of GSD :P). Maybe...its just that I haven't seen enough of it....
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Bao_Nhia_Yang on April 16 2005, 08:21 am
i really like the anime and manga... they both are similar... it's like a fanfic that's similar..  but some parts are changed just to see what will happen if something else happened instead of that... get what i mean?  kinda like writing a fanfic.. you want this to happen.. but what'll happen if this happens instead?
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Cherry tiger on April 16 2005, 12:51 pm
You're right... Even if the plot in the anime were to change a little bit, it might be even more interesting. Kinda like 'Full Moon wo Sagashite', both the anime and manga are totally different but the same plot, so I think Tsubasa might be capable of pulling the same thing off... but that depends on how good Bee-Train is.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: .::ka::. on April 16 2005, 02:22 pm
I love both ^^ :D Because it's a work for S&S :D I love them :D
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Jess on April 16 2005, 05:09 pm
Love them both!! but... Manga is BETTER... coz they r drawn by Clamp themselves :P
and.. they change some stuffs in the anime... say the part that the castle guards were looking for sakura.. and syaoran took her to run away.... errr.. tat's a bit off.. i think..coz syaoran is supposed to be the shy one... err i think... at least the quiter one...
but still love it though... soo much Sakura n Syaoran moments :P
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Bao_Nhia_Yang on April 16 2005, 05:15 pm
oh yea.. somehow i like the manga better too.. cause the art looks better! :D and..............  the anime doesn't make them as good looking! :\
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 05:36 am
I agree with Bao_Nhia_Yang - the artwork in the manga is way better. Plus, I feel closer to the characters than I do in the anime...somehow they seem less vibrant, despite the excellent voice actors and music.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Lexi on April 17 2005, 05:56 am
I agree with Bao_Nhia_Yang - the artwork in the manga is way better. Plus, I feel closer to the characters than I do in the anime...somehow they seem less vibrant, despite the excellent voice actors and music.

I feel the same way about the anime. I'm closer to the characters in the manga than in the anime. I just can't seem to relate with the anime that much......
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 05:59 am
Plus, there isn't any passion. When Sakura was getting captured and enchanted and stuff in the first episode, Syaoran seemed to just be there. He didn't seem as frantic as in the manga.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Lexi on April 17 2005, 06:02 am
Plus, there isn't any passion. When Sakura was getting captured and enchanted and stuff in the first episode, Syaoran seemed to just be there. He didn't seem as frantic as in the manga.

Ya exactly! I was really mad about that. It appeared as if he didn't care all that much... Oh well, I guess Bee-Train was too lazy to show him panicked :dodge:
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 06:03 am
The next episodes better be better....or I'm gonna hav to give up on the series and stick to the manga.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Lexi on April 17 2005, 06:08 am
:lol: I'll continue watching it for the sake of it, but of course I'll always love the manga more :wink:
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Bao_Nhia_Yang on April 17 2005, 06:14 am
i can do both.. and i will stick to both! ^-^  i can say that the anime is awkward... seems like he's running more than what's needed.. and jumping longer than how close he is to sakura.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 06:15 am
I'm gonna keep trying....but I can't stand watching animes that mangle mangas!
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Bao_Nhia_Yang on April 17 2005, 06:20 am
i guess both the anime and manga has their own side to which is better...

(hey ruby-chan.. i can't personal message you!)
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 17 2005, 06:24 am about now?
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Cherry tiger on April 18 2005, 12:35 am
I think there will be pros and cons in both the manga and anime, and to say that we don't feel close to the characters in the anime... somehow I don't feel it's right to judge just yet. We've only watched one episode (two for most of you who has more time to download than me... ^^) so I think it's too early to relate to the characters just yet. (It took a while for me in the manga as well... they just... grow on you sooner or later.)
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Spirit0 on April 18 2005, 03:17 am
I like the manga better because... I don't know (I hate answering the question of 'WHY???') I just do! (It is the original, I suppose?)

The anime is addicting because of the music.... I definately want the soundtrack more than the actual anime, lol!
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Fai on April 18 2005, 09:28 am
I think I would choose both...manga is good to take with you when traveling and anime is just GREAT! XD Also not to mention the animation and music.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Kasumi on April 18 2005, 11:01 am
I.. I... I have to say manga! O.O and that's a first! xD I'm always a devoted anime fan xD but this was the firts manga I read before watching its anime!!!! so i'm fond with the original concept :P though it is nice to have an anime to watch and love... the music was great... I want Fai's song!!! xD (i want him to have one xD)
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Okamirei on April 18 2005, 01:14 pm
Too hard too choose! Obssesed in both  :sweatdrop:.
Title: Tsubasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: sugarblossom on April 19 2005, 10:13 am
Um, for me, manga is always first priority. Why? Well, anime is always based off the manga, and although its entertaining to watch, it was originally based off the manga, which I think has the more original, thorough plot and ideas. Plus, we are paying for their artwork. Also, manga is much more affordable compared to original anime -- unless its bootlegs, in which I hate, cause it doesn't support the artists.

Secondly, look at Tsubasa Chronicle, sure its great it got turned into an anime, but its only got 26 episodes while the manga is still ongoing. Plus, they didn't explain a lot of stuff, and some of the characters drawn/personalities are horrid. Yes, its great. But manga...better =^^=
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: bLuetopaz on April 20 2005, 10:28 am
i prefer the anime.. short and easy to 'digest' though i will miss out a lot of stuffs from the manga! *boo*
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: lollipops47 on April 22 2005, 08:21 am
i havent seen the anime yet and was looking for a way to see it! you know where i can get it?
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Pure Heart on April 22 2005, 08:31 am
You need it in bittorent or wmv?
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Sya0ran on April 22 2005, 08:35 am
I prefer the manga albeit I do love and adore the anime a lot.  The manga just seems more orginal and if I were to ever fall in love with the anime (besides all the upcoming kawaii scenes of S+S together) it would only be for the music.  I simply love the music.   :inlove:

Lol.  Anyway, weve all only seen like 2 episodes or so and there are more coming so we shouldn't really choose which one we like best right now.  Its far to early to decide.   :keke:
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Pure Heart on April 22 2005, 11:54 pm
I appreciate the manga more than the anime, because i can have the story in the hand, and i don,t know, it seems, to me, original to read the manga because i love to know a story when i read it^-^
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Ruby Chan on April 23 2005, 02:24 am
i havent seen the anime yet and was looking for a way to see it! you know where i can get it?

Little Wolf has a thread with the epsodes for download here...
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Kuro-puppy on September 28 2005, 09:14 pm
depends on personal taste so i go for anime
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Star on September 28 2005, 11:05 pm
Manga  ( That way I can take *Fai*  Tsubasa with me where ever I go!)
 But It's nice to see the anime too because of the music
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: sofiacardcaptors on October 02 2005, 02:54 am
@_@ mmmm both T_T it's difficult sorry o_o i like both.. manga it's interesting and the anime it's great! >.<
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: tsubasa10 on October 03 2005, 09:06 am
i prefer the manga cause syaoran looks mooore cute ^-^, atractive(grrr), and well drawn (no offence...), well its just better the syaoran-manga than the syaoran-anime(but i like the syaoran anime too, hehe) 
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: tsubasa10 on October 03 2005, 09:10 am
well not only syaoran but also all characters and stuff (...)
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: moezychan on October 03 2005, 09:21 am
For the longest time I loved the manga because they go into depth on everything, and the anime was lacking alot from the anime, but lately, the episodes have taken a different turn from the original manga, and adding things that weren't in the manga. So if your asking me if I like them recently I would say both, but if you ask overall from the last 6 months I would say manga.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: ~anime spirit~ on October 03 2005, 09:42 am
Well, I personally prefer the manga.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Kitsune-chan on October 03 2005, 10:14 am
I should say both. The manga is more fast paced and better plotted and all, but I love the anime's music and animation.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Kay Hearts on October 03 2005, 10:20 am
Manga without much thinking. Though the anime has it´s good points such as music, songs and listening to how your favorite characters would sound ^^
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Strawberry on October 09 2005, 06:58 am
I like both the anime and manga, but if I had to choose then it would be definitely the Manga because I thought the Anime was abit rushed and besides, I am more of a Manga person.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Xiao_lang_Li on October 10 2005, 01:58 pm
I say manga cause I don't really see much of the anime. >_< The anime is still awesome though. ^^
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: riku-chan on October 16 2005, 08:13 am
I like the manga best. I've seen a few episodes of Tsubasa but I still have to see the rest. I might change my mind when i see the whole anime but for now im sticking with the manga. aahh.. Syaoran oh how much i wish he was mine... :cry:
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Kyo on October 21 2005, 03:49 am
Puh~ difficult xD
I like both...
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Meowzy on October 21 2005, 03:56 am
I like the expressions in the manga. and the drunk scenes! but the music in the anime is sooo good!
oh, i know! reading the manga, whilst listening to the OST! that would be perfect!
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Mizumi on October 27 2005, 02:45 am
Anime or manga...
Well, that's a tricky one... Mostly I'd choose for the manga, because that's the exact way the creators wanted it to be. But I also really like the TRC anime, because the style, story, music and all match the manga quite well (I've seen worse, let's say that). Still, I think I'd say the manga, because it just has that x-factor or whatever they call it ^_^
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Fye-chan on October 27 2005, 04:50 am
I like the expressions in the manga. and the drunk scenes! but the music in the anime is sooo good!
oh, i know! reading the manga, whilst listening to the OST! that would be perfect!

Yeah!!! Meowzy-sama you're sooo right!!! That's the best! XD
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: penelopeshl on October 29 2005, 12:18 am
Where do u download the manga???
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Moon on October 29 2005, 04:07 am
I love both. I can't choose between the two. I'm hoping that within the two years that Tsubasa Chronicles is going to run, that it can be somewhat depth. It's probably hard to fit everything into a 30 minute lenght and thats why it's not exactly "in-depth". Yet, for what it's worth, I'd say it's pretty damn well-done. No anime follows it's manga conterpart exactly.

Anyway, both. ^^;
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: KanameChan on October 30 2005, 12:18 pm
definitely the's so much funnier, the mood is lighter, the art is better (the anime is way too plain, even for an animation....) and the story is just done better.

Really the only redeeming quality of the anime is the music.....which is awesome.

But I watch it because I must uphold my title of being someone who has seen every animation to every CLAMP title out there, lol.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: *Keru* on November 02 2005, 11:24 am

I have to say the manga.  Is so much better.  And the art work is great.

I don't know if it's just me.  But the manga is like full of live and the anime is like...  I don't know how to put it.  The manga is better.

But I have to give some credit to the anime it's a good work, but if you ask me not my favorite anime in the art part.

Well that is my opinion.  BYE...
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: babypigggy on November 03 2005, 09:32 am
I say manga =\ i dont know why..but i think the animations a bit plain >.<
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Hayama on November 04 2005, 11:51 am
I love the music and it's cool to see everything in color and all.... But for me it's not even a hard decision.  I LOVE the manga.  CLAMP's art is so beautiful, I just don't think anime could ever live up to it.  They have a style (especially in TRC) that lends itself to still drawings much better than moving ones.  I love them both!  :keke:
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Juny on November 10 2005, 02:14 am
Both, actually. I love the music in the anime and the art itself (though it wasn't as good in the beginning as it became later) but I'm very much addicted to the manga... I think I'd pick the manga, because that was what CLAMP created itself and the anime contains very many scenes that were not in the manga.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: SasukeRocks on November 14 2005, 07:35 am
I have to say manga because I've never seen the anime.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Fye-chan on November 16 2005, 06:02 pm
After the last few episodes which were really good I must say both not only the manga... but Clamps stile is the best! No question about that!
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: fisah on November 17 2005, 01:54 pm
Manga XD Not being a Clamp fanbrat, but the manga was definetly a little better than the anime, probably because you feel more attached to the characters, and I also love the art, the humourous/romance scenes, not to mention the art XD

Wait I said that already ^^;
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Sabrina on November 18 2005, 06:12 am
I like manga version more than anime (Oh I hate anime but still I watch it XD)
In anime there is music..
In manga you can dream/imagination some acts better than anime.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: VeNeSiA on November 27 2005, 02:22 pm
i say... anime because for manga, I have only read the 1st book... Mangas sold here are damn expensive!! If you want the original manga that is translated to english cost about RM39.90 (per book!!) There is the chinese version that is cheaper of course... but I can't read chinese!!! ='(
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: oneofthethree on December 02 2005, 02:00 pm
I would say both Equally. I've seen the anime which has come out which is totaly alsome . I just love the music. I've read all  the manga out in english thus far, and  so far the anime has followed very well with the manga. With the exception of the ending of the first season which I have no clue about but it's anime and needed to end someplace on a high note I guess. Can't wait for more of the anime and the manga to come out though.
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Little Puppy on December 11 2005, 10:23 am
I would have to say Anime.

I think its better than the manga
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Meza on December 13 2005, 12:32 am
I prefer manga over anime.
I'm more manga, than anime, person in general, that may affect my decicion too.

Anime has mainly two things I like about it:
1) those mostly awesome BGMs.
2) Fai in the intro (what? I love how he moves in it when fightin' >D It's so againts all anatomy, I think, but still so cool, lol. )

But still, I gotta see rest of the episodes some day (I have currently 17).
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: * i z z y * on December 14 2005, 02:25 pm
I like the manga better as well because the anime is really making everything a drag. Nevertheless, I like the anime as well. But I think the manga is better for TRC =)
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Yukitoyue on December 15 2005, 05:20 am
I totaly agree the manga is som much better
Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: syvonair on December 20 2005, 04:30 pm

I prefer the manga. The anime is nice and all especially coz of the music but I think the manga's drawn better (there aren't any blushes in the anime! -- my friend pointed this out to me) and I just prefer the manga better. Besides, Yuko looks weird in the anime @.@

Title: Re: Tsuabasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: ishiyaki on January 13 2006, 01:08 am
I really prefer manga :noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy:, but sometimes I preffer anime. Drawing is better in manga than in anime (sometimes syaoran's eyes are too big or they're a bit separates... :hmp:)
Title: Re: Tsubasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Kitra on January 18 2006, 02:13 pm
:okay: I prefer manga best and it's because the drawings are much more better than the anime, and the story it's a little different.  It doesn't changes, but in the manga the story is more clear and they explain every fact in the story....mmm....but the anime is cool also...they just need more good drawings and more fighting!!!   :wink:
Title: Re: Tsubasa; Anime Or Manga?
Post by: Kuro-puppy on January 18 2006, 06:59 pm

I prefer the manga. The anime is nice and all especially coz of the music but I think the manga's drawn better (there aren't any blushes in the anime! -- my friend pointed this out to me) and I just prefer the manga better. Besides, Yuko looks weird in the anime @.@


there are blushes in the anime but they are rare and you need to look real carefully