
CLAMP's Famous Works => Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE => Manga Chapter Discussions => Topic started by: cherry_blossomVNM on March 30 2006, 11:47 am

Title: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: cherry_blossomVNM on March 30 2006, 11:47 am
Well since no one posted for Chapter 110, here it is! It's updated on ladydarkmoon's site! :hello2:

Enjoy ^-^
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: charcoalz on March 30 2006, 11:58 am
arigatou gozaimatsu!!! yay, it's finally out!
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: bie liao on March 30 2006, 12:08 pm
Arigatou!  I've been waiting so long! (or so it seems)

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Hm...we've got those same repetitive characters.  Arashi and Sora (dargh, thats the names, ne?  I have no references and never really read their original anime) reappear, and then we've got all those new people and some old ones.  And the fighting idea whats going on there.  Question, does anyone recognize all of the un-hooded people?

And thank goodness, Fai and Sakura are back.  I was gonna freak if they didn't come back soon.  Love the first scan.
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: suu_no_clover on March 30 2006, 12:14 pm
YESH!!! *strangle strangle strangle* Download, curse you! Download!! ><
edit: ack! No spoiler tags? >< Hmm. I thought this one was supposed to be longer. *sigh* I'm disappointed.
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Okamirei on March 30 2006, 12:43 pm
I thought I died today when Ladydarkmoon-sama posted there was a delay...demo, I was soon resurrected  :sweatdrop:

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the dragons....have changed sides?? o_o
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Jeannette on March 30 2006, 12:48 pm
GAH! So awesome! The Kamui/Fuuma fangirl in me was squeeing the whole time.

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So they're fighting over water. Interesting. And why no Seishirou and Subaru! Gah!
So, this does seem to be the world where Kamui choose to be a Dragon of Earth, because the groups are switched.

List of groups, because somebody asked:

Fuuma's Group
Karen Kasumi
Seichirou Aoki (NOT to be confused with Seishirou XD)
Yuzuriha Nekoi
Daisuke? (Originally Seichirou's nephew and associated with Kamui, but not originally part of the Dragons in X; he seems to be taking Subaru's spot)

Fuuma's Group
Yuuto Kigai
Unknown Little Girl (?)- I'm theorizing the little girl is going to be called Kazuki- to make a long story short, in X, Nataku is a re-built human body, combining a little girl named Kazuki and her father. Kazuki died as a small child, so to revive her, her father killed himself and the body parts that Kazuki didn't have (due to the toll the disease that killed her had taken on her body) were 'filled in' with parts from her father's body. o_O I know, I know. She seems to be taking Seishirou's place.

I'm so upset Subaru and Sei-chan aren't there! Wah!
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Spychan on March 30 2006, 01:13 pm
*gasps, faints, revives*

How I love you.........* rushes to download* MY PRECIOUS!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Jeannette on March 30 2006, 01:24 pm
Translation up at

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And it's almost certain that little girl is Kazuki. Dude. XD How awesome is that?! So what exactly is Nataku's story going to be this time around?

EDIT: :keke:

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KISSU KISSU KISSU You know you want to! You know it!



Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Jenx on March 30 2006, 02:03 pm
Fuuma's so cute, but all that smiling is freaking me out. Was he this cheery in X? Anyhoo
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This whole group mixup thing is pretty frickin cool. Not half as cool as the war for water, of course. But if they got called back cause they were getting attacked, you have to wonder... attacked by who/what?
And I wanna see Fai, Mokona Yuuto, Sora and Yuzuriha talk. It'd be the funniest thing since sliced bread, between the 5 of them.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and what the hell is up with Fai? On the last page he's all... I mean, that's the kind of face you'd expect on somebody who's just been told their mom died, not that there's water underground. Seriously weird. :dodge:
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Celesse on March 30 2006, 03:26 pm

Scanslated  :O  Enjoy  ^^
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Senefen on March 30 2006, 03:56 pm
Scanslated  :O  Enjoy  ^^
Can you be my new best friend O.O?

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Fuuma's right eye is doing something weird on page 9, anyone else notise that? Is he another Seishiro, Subaru, TRC!Syaoran, Watanuki? (also why april 1st? B'day of Sakura, !TRC Syaroan, Seishiro, Watanuki and others I've forgotten)
I think the little girl is Kazuki-chan too, she was the little one people were leaning on I guess, not Yuzuriha.
And yes, why the shock
ZOMFG! I would never guess water was precious in the desert *Shock/Depressed faces* really now CLAMP.
I guess they all have cloaks for keeping out of the rain
What a disjointed paragraph :P. I miss Subaru! Perky Fuuma is love ^^, I never liked him that much in X *killed by fangirls* but I'm liking him in TRC.
mmm 2 more days til my internet speeds up again,damn download limits.
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Hack on March 30 2006, 04:14 pm
man, syaoran never talked in this chapter...
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: svclover on March 30 2006, 06:49 pm
oh goosh... the more i see Kamui and Fuuma... the more i missed Subaru...  :sad5:
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Xiao_Lang on March 30 2006, 07:12 pm
Translation up at

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KISSU KISSU KISSU You know you want to! You know it!




LOL thats what I thought too!  :XD:
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Ralea on March 30 2006, 09:57 pm

Scanslated  :O Enjoy ^^

*hugs Celesse and gives her cookie and vows to be in her debt forever*

OMFG! Makes me more impatient for future chapters! ARGH! Only missing now are Sei-chan and Subaru!
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Jeannette on March 31 2006, 01:22 am
LOL thats what I thought too!  :XD:

Jeannette (stands up)- Hello. My name is Jeannette. I am a Kamui/Fuuma fangirl.

Support Group- Hello, Jeannette.

Have you read X? Cuz if you haven't and you were thinking that, I <3 you. I still <3 you if you have read X and were thinking that, of course.
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Xiao_Lang on March 31 2006, 04:22 am
Jeannette (stands up)- Hello. My name is Jeannette. I am a Kamui/Fuuma fangirl.

Support Group- Hello, Jeannette.

Have you read X? Cuz if you haven't and you were thinking that, I <3 you. I still <3 you if you have read X and were thinking that, of course.

lol. Hello! I read a few books of X. watched the anime movie. Kamui and Fuuma are such a cute couple. ^__^
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Jeannette on March 31 2006, 09:31 am
lol. Hello! I read a few books of X. watched the anime movie. Kamui and Fuuma are such a cute couple. ^__^
They're tied with Sei/Su as the most dysfunctional couple in all of CLAMPdom. They are so lovely! They make reading X worth it to me. I can't wait to see the extent of their dysfunctionality in Tsubasa. Oddly enough, this is the second war-torn world Syaoran-tachi have gone to where the major opposing factions are led by two men deeply in love with each other. ^__^
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Becster on April 01 2006, 01:36 am
*falls off seat*


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WHAHAHAHAAHAHAH. Love the Kamui/Fuuma momentish thing Jeanette pointed out. Nyahahaha.

...Wow. So they've switched sides, huh? But it still seems like Kamui's team are...more good? I dunno. It's just Fuuma said about stealing the

But, I guess they need water to survive, huh? Oh well...all shall be revealed soon...I hope.

(Ahaha, Fai was hiding.)

And I agree with Jenx. Fai looked like someone had just told him a friend had died or something. ^^;

...*stands up along with Jeanette* Kamui/Fuuma fan too.

Oddly enough, this is the second war-torn world Syaoran-tachi have gone to where the major opposing factions are led by two men deeply in love with each other. ^__^

...Weird idea from me: I really wanna see alternate versions of Kurogane, Fai, Syaoran and Sakura already. It's gotta happen, right? ...At least, I hope it does. And, order to fit in with the whole 'two warring factions led by two guys who secretly love each other' thing...I guess Kurogane and Fai would have to be at war, huh?


Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Fye-chan on April 01 2006, 04:30 am
Jeannette (stands up)- Hello. My name is Jeannette. I am a Kamui/Fuuma fangirl.

Support Group- Hello, Jeannette.

Have you read X? Cuz if you haven't and you were thinking that, I <3 you. I still <3 you if you have read X and were thinking that, of course.

*Stands with Jeannette* X3
I absolutely cannot imagine how someone who saw this pic couldn't think that! X3
I wanted to push Kamui a little bit against Fuuma... XD
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Jeannette on April 01 2006, 04:54 am
LOL. This has turned into a regular Kamui/Fuuma love-fest, hasn't it? I'm always befuddled when someone tells me they don't see Kamui/Fuuma. It's so obvious.

*falls off seat*

...*stands up along with Jeanette* Kamui/Fuuma fan too.

...Weird idea from me: I really wanna see alternate versions of Kurogane, Fai, Syaoran and Sakura already. It's gotta happen, right? ...At least, I hope it does. And, order to fit in with the whole 'two warring factions led by two guys who secretly love each other' thing...I guess Kurogane and Fai would have to be at war, huh?


Actually, there's a fanfic like that... Hard yaoi. XD It's not to bad, all in all. Lots and lots of pron, fairly good story line.

Oh, and for a neat-o speculation drabble that will prolly be proved wrong in 111 but will still rock, go here (
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Pikari on April 01 2006, 10:22 am
Actually, there's a fanfic like that... Hard yaoi. XD It's not to bad, all in all. Lots and lots of pron, fairly good story line.
Are you talking about Reciprocity, Jeannette? Or is this a different one? *curious*

(And my translations are up now.) :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Jeannette on April 01 2006, 10:26 am
Are you talking about Reciprocity, Jeannette? Or is this a different one? *curious*

(And my translations are up now.) :sweatdrop:
Yep, I'm talking about Reciprocity. Haven't read the most recent chapter yet.

Yeah for translations!

(I think I'm half the posts on this thread. ^__^;)
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Becster on April 02 2006, 06:25 am
Yep, I'm talking about Reciprocity. Haven't read the most recent chapter yet.

Yeah for translations!

(I think I'm half the posts on this thread. ^__^;)

Well...I should've known a story like that would've already been done. Haha.

...:3 The world needs KuroFai fanfiction to keep it turning. It's like...FUEL FOR THE EARTH!!

...Or maybe I just need a fanfic or two to get my day going. Ah, the wonders of being a dork.

*bounces around waiting for Chapter 111* :3!!!
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Pikari on April 02 2006, 07:00 am
Well...I should've known a story like that would've already been done. Haha.

...:3 The world needs KuroFai fanfiction to keep it turning. It's like...FUEL FOR THE EARTH!!

No reason for not doing it again, differently. I like seeing Fai and Kuro on opposite sides.. makes it more sexy, somehow. ^___^ And Reciprocity is going in a weird direction recently. Although I haven't read the latest chapter, either.
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: Becster on April 02 2006, 07:10 am
No reason for not doing it again, differently. I like seeing Fai and Kuro on opposite sides.. makes it more sexy, somehow. ^___^ And Reciprocity is going in a weird direction recently. Although I haven't read the latest chapter, either.

Ahhh...I would write something like that. (Maybe I will...later on?)

Sadly, I got caught up in a Fullmetal Alchemist story, and have a million one shot ideas that I STILL HAVEN'T TYPED UP. My KuroFai day offering is going to month late!

...I'm sorry ._.
Title: Re: Chapter 110 is here!
Post by: syao_syao on April 08 2006, 08:42 pm
Arigatou !!
XD I'm so happie !