No-ones posted this yet, right?
Ooh, nice text-y chapter.
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So now Mommy knows about ebil Syaoran. ^^ He has an interesting reaction. I can't wait to see what he says.
Oh no, the chapter 113. :cry: I can't download it. I hate school computers. They block the site. I can't wait until I get home!
...so. much. to. say.
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Well, Syao2 is most definitely a 'take over my other halfs body at interesting times' kinda person, I'm guessing. Â Bad for relationships, I'll bet, too. Â But, Fai knowing makes things a bit more complicated. Â How exactly did he snap him out of Syao2's control? Â I can't understand if he said something or just grabbed him and that got Syaoran back. Â
Color pages, my god, when I get back on my computer I'm so using those for something. Â They were awesome. Â And the Syaoran in the grass was a very very cute opening. Â I'm so monotonous, sorry. Â
Also, Sakura's finally woken up! Â Despite Fai's wishes, I really did want her to wake up. Â Not to see the evil around her, but because somehow, it gets more boring to me with all the guys up and about and her just...doing nothing.
If I weren't sick, I'd be more enthusiastic. Â And the sad thing is, I'm really excited about this. Â
nice chapter; need TRANSLATION!
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now fai know about the EVIL syaoran haha...wonder why Sakura's in water??
eeee! i cnat DL yet eother, but icant wait for translations!!!!
Can't wait to see what it's about! *bounce*
downloading right now...let's see what the evil Syaoran can do :D
Woo, I'm not late for this chapter! ^^
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Cool! Fai knows now about the other Syaoran. Now that he knows, I wonder if he and Kuro will be able to find out about him more.
Sakura is underwater?? Maybe she's having a vision about the underground water below the Tower and the Tokyo Government Office building. Or it could be the memory she regained from the last feather (although, there probably wasn't much water in Clow Country, ne?).
Also, Fai was cute in this chapter, asking for a favor from Kuro (I think that's what he did) and riding on that bike wearing a hood! ^^
Can't wait till the next one!
interesting...very interesting
.... Oh my. I'm not entirely sure how to react to this chapter. I'll probably have a better idea after there's a translation, but... yeah.
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I looked back, and the first time Syaoran went into Creepy Trance Thing, he ALSO snapped out as soon as he got near Fai. What the hell is up with that? But when Syaoran DREAMED about Other!Syaoran in Lecourt, Fai wasn't nearby when he woke up... Just wonder what snaps him out of these trances. If it IS when Fai's there, it probably has something to do with his magic. (The fangirl bit in me is saying because his magic is so powerful it scares off Other!Syaoran, but the rest of me is calling the fangirl a dumbass)
In any case, Posessed!Syaoran is almost as good as Emo!Fai. Great chapter.
First I thought Syao Syao in the grass was cute.. But then I saw Syao Syao and Fai on a scooter!! XD XD Oh my god, this chapter is love!!
By the way, my fellow KF fangirls:
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Why do you think Kuro's and Fai's clothes look so messy and undone at the moment? As if they just put them back on? XD XD Hmm... I wonder! XD
Ah, the only bad thing, though, is that now I'm having Kamui withdrawels... TT___TT Kamuiiii....
Yes I'm back home now, what is going on with this chapter....
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AAAHHHHH first I thought this was going to be a cute chapter because of Syaoran laying on the grass, then I was totaly wrong!!Evil Syaoran took over. Kuro now knows there some thing up, and so does fai! Wait, Syaoran shap out of it when fai came in right, fai saw it. Maybe this happen to him before. Maybe ashera(can't spell), was under a spell, and fai knows how to shap them back out......
But i need to really to know what is going on. I need translation *cry*
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I was just reading over and thinking, what happen to Syaoran fever
Totally need atranslation! But this every good one! creepy how evil syoran possed syoran! *Shifty eyes* by the Kurogane really yummy in this one! and of coures Fai looks always Yummy! I so happy Sakura finally is wakening up! it's about time, she's missed so much! and thier need more S&S moments anyways lol
Not a bad chapter, and wow.. more actual plot. XD Go CLAMP. Should be interesting to see what happens with the other Syaoran and what Fai and Kuro decide to do about it.
Is it just me, or is Fai overly-happy-smiley in the last part of this chapter, like he's trying to make up for the angst in the last chapter?
And omg, Yuki... you're so right. ^_____^ I bet Kuro found a nice secluded part of that building to 'get some more answers' out of Fai. ^^;; Hmm.. or maybe make up a little for being so mean?
*falls over* Yaaaaaaaay!!!
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ZOMG, Syao2 took over Syaoran's body again? ...Little brat ¬¬ Although I, like everyone else, wanna know why he snapped out of it when Fai showed up.
The little fangirl in me also took note of the sort-of half dressed state of Kuro-tan and Fai and started giggling like a lunatic until I told it shut up.
And Fai on the scooter was just <3 He looked like he was having so much fun. Syaoran just seemed a little scared XD
And where is Sakura? Is she in a dream? ...Maybe a vision...o.o Considering this is X world, maybe Hinato (that's the sleeping princesses name, right?) is there and feeding her a vision? (I remember there being a lot of water around Hinato...o.o)
Oh shut up Becci. Stop theorising crap XD
Oh was smiling like an idiot as I read this chapter because I was so excited, haha
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Some clearification(sp?). It wasn"t Fai that broke the other Syaoran"s control over our Syaoran. See how Syaoran was holding onto Kurogane's arm? There is another hand on Syaoran's arm. I *think* it's Kurogane's hand... Kuro squeezed the hand tightly and snapped Syaoran from the control.
I'm loving Kuro and Fai lately... Kurogane quickly realized it wasn't our Syaoran the moment the other Syaoran grabbed his arm. And Fai too. The moment he came into the room, he instantly knew it wasn't our Syaoran....
Do you think our Syaoran might have been a "failed experiment" by Fei Wong Reed? Like he made our Syaoran to get close to Sakura, but because they developed relationship, Fei Wong Reed lost control over our Syaoran, so he made the other Syaoran to get back control and get what he wants (i.e. Sakura's powers)
Oh was smiling like an idiot as I read this chapter because I was so excited, haha
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Some clearification(sp?). It wasn"t Fai that broke the other Syaoran"s control over our Syaoran. See how Syaoran was holding onto Kurogane's arm? There is another hand on Syaoran's arm. I *think* it's Kurogane's hand... Kuro squeezed the hand tightly and snapped Syaoran from the control.
I'm loving Kuro and Fai lately... Kurogane quickly realized it wasn't our Syaoran the moment the other Syaoran grabbed his arm. And Fai too. The moment he came into the room, he instantly knew it wasn't our Syaoran....
Do you think our Syaoran might have been a "failed experiment" by Fei Wong Reed? Like he made our Syaoran to get close to Sakura, but because they developed relationship, Fei Wong Reed lost control over our Syaoran, so he made the other Syaoran to get back control and get what he wants (i.e. Sakura's powers)
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Hmmm...now that you mention it...o_o Who knows what snapped Syaoran out of it...
But I was wondering that too about a failed experiment thing...I also wondered if perhaps Syao2 is the Syaoran with the past memories? (Sorry if this has already been brought up or confirmed or anything. I haven't read much past Shurano XD;; And Piffle. Save for these new chapters 106 up) Because, well, he can see out of the eye Syaoran can't see out of (I think ¬¬) but his other eye is covered...
Oo-eeeeeeer. It's all very exciting. Ohohohohohohoho...
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i looked back in the first few pages...you know how syao2 was grabing syaoran's arm? maybe kuro twitched it off so syao2 would let go...
ah, what do i know? it doesn't make sense :dodge:
I love us KuroFai fans. What? Who cares the evil Syao took over Syao's body? Kuro wasundressed for goodness sake! I had the same thought - What the hell happened to his cloth....oh, huhuhu..... :greengrin:
Edit: I realized it was just Kuro who had lost items of clothing since the last chapter, so I changed my statement a little.
Can't say that i'm really impressed... i didn't expect anything very serious from this chapter though. BUT may be that's just because i need translation 'cause i hardly understood anything :sweatdrop:
Oh, by the way, Znuese, thank you for the link ^_^
thank you for the link
still no translations? ill wait then.....
nah. ill look first then read the trans!
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Hmm... I see watcha mean about Kuro-pon grabbing his arm, but I'm just looking for things in common between the 2 times. First time he snaps out of it, no one touches him at all- he was alone in that hole thing with Kuro and the beast and as soon as that falls away and they're all together, he snaps out of it. That rules out Kurogane cause he's been there both times, and Sakura cause she was there while he was in the trance the first time, and also, I think, physical contact because no one touched him the first time. Course, to make things MORE complicated, the first time Syaoran was actually physically standing with the entire group, and him being in the hole with Kuro was just an illusion. But I could be wrong on that because I just sort of skim-read translations.
In any case, Kurogane's lack of clothes didn't escape me, but my train of thought went more like "...He went off to talk to the guys from X... o.O..."
...I like your ideas better. XD
haha..i finally understood what they were saying
bless Jamie-san!
EDITED: i just used the wrong code!!! :confused2: sorry! it works now
Yay! Can't wait to read it. Thanx!
Ano, the link isn't working for me, it says, "http not found" when I click on it. Is anyone else having this problem?
Gomen, I fixed it. The "#cuteid1" has to come off the end of the address.
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Hanyann! Two Syaorans! XD! Although, I just was thinking, " Omg! He took over his body! Nuuuuu!!! " but then he snapped out of it. Although, I'm guessing he could shift over again. Probably. It's kinda scary, but makes it interesting too. I can't wait to see more! What's the deal with Sakura? I'm glad she's awake, but, odd way to end the chapter. Stupid cliffhangers! D:
Ohh, dear. Just got around to posting about this....
*fangirl squeal*
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Evil Syaoraaaaan!! *prances* Like Syaoran, but more angsty! :D Yaaay! The motorcycle riding was rather nice too. And while Fai and Kuro-tan were talking, I think we got to see the closest thing to topless Syaoran. He was getting dressed, and out of those dirty clothes... :keke: That was awesome.
So! What's Syaoran's trigger! What made him snap back to the loveable Syaoran who we.... love! :sweatdrop: Is it his name? Or... being touched? Or talked about? Or is it Fai? xD Dang. Can't think straight. Too much fangirling.
pretty good chapter. i got a bit confused about sakura tho, she was dreaming about being under water? ah well. cant wait for the next one ^_^
Ohh, dear. Just got around to posting about this....
*fangirl squeal*
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Evil Syaoraaaaan!! *prances* Like Syaoran, but more angsty! :D Yaaay! The motorcycle riding was rather nice too. And while Fai and Kuro-tan were talking, I think we got to see the closest thing to topless Syaoran. He was getting dressed, and out of those dirty clothes... :keke: That was awesome.
So! What's Syaoran's trigger! What made him snap back to the loveable Syaoran who we.... love! :sweatdrop: Is it his name? Or... being touched? Or talked about? Or is it Fai? xD Dang. Can't think straight. Too much fangirling.
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haha , i know syaoran changing  :inlove:
Yay, new chapter! Scanslation coming soon ^^
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Sakura is so obviously under water because that's where her feather is :P She's still technically asleep, but she is being called by her feather and is being shown a vision of it's location, which is in one (or both) of the water reserves of the country.
Ohh, dear. Just got around to posting about this....
*fangirl squeal*
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Evil Syaoraaaaan!! *prances* Like Syaoran, but more angsty! :D Yaaay! The motorcycle riding was rather nice too. And while Fai and Kuro-tan were talking, I think we got to see the closest thing to topless Syaoran. He was getting dressed, and out of those dirty clothes... :keke: That was awesome.
So! What's Syaoran's trigger! What made him snap back to the loveable Syaoran who we.... love! :sweatdrop: Is it his name? Or... being touched? Or talked about? Or is it Fai? xD Dang. Can't think straight. Too much fangirling.
dunno. Show content
the last time he snapped out of it was when sakura grabbed his arm(i think...), this time it was when kurogane grabbed his wrist(that was gripping his own) so maybe thats what does it.
Celesse - Hmm, that's an interesting thought...
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In my confused state about the whole chappie, I had this weird thought that some Evil-Sakura was pulling her into the water, or something, like what happened with Syaoran. XD Your theory makes a lot more sense.
this chapter reminds me of an Erementar Gerad scene, this could be an interesting scene to use in TRC, with a little bit of editing
*again posessed Syaoran walks into Sakura's bedroom*
Sakura: *wakes up from the weird dream*...."Syaoran-kun, what's wrong?!*
Syaoran: *climbs on top off Sakura till they're face-to-face*
Sakura: "....Syaoran-kun?.....*Sakura is getting a bit scared here*
Syaoran: *suddenly grabs her by the throad* "you're coming with me!"
Fai and Kuro just returned, heared something and went to the bedroom.
Kuro: what the?! *quickly gives Syaoran a hit on the head*
Fai: *in typical Fai voice* ah, Kuro-pun, you didn't have to knock him out cold
Kuro: pheh
and now the original scene from Erementar Gerad
posessed Coud enters Ren's bedroom and climbs on top of her till they're face-to-face
Ren: *wakes up*.....Coud?
Coud: *gets closer*
Ren:.....Coud? *getting a bit scared*
Coud: *grabs her by the throath and tries to strangle her*
Rowan and Kuea just return and enter the bedroom
Rowan: *thinks Coud is trying to kiss Ren, blushes and covers his eyes* "Coud-san, i can understand your feelings but"....
Kuea: *races past Rowan* ...."that's not it!" *knocks Coud out cold and ties him up*
Scanslated :)
as for the thingy about evil syaroan and sakura,intersting idea, but could never happen cuz FWR needs her alive to harness her powers.
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I only give my opinion but, could evil syaoran be relationed with sakura's feathers? I mean that evil syaoran
could be more powerfull when sakura keep more and more feathers... :surprised:
it's curious...syaoran can see his other himself in dreams but evil syaoran talk trough him...poor syao...he can't realize!! :cry:
and...why does Fai want to go to somewhere with syao? would kurogane have a secret mission?
as for the thingy about evil syaroan and sakura,intersting idea, but could never happen cuz FWR needs her alive to harness her powers.
oh yeah, i forgot about the harness power bit :heh:
time for a little edit in my last post :D
omg omg omg!! Interesting chapter!! (For a Syaoran fan, obviously. XD)
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I agree with Celesse-chan about Sakura being in the water part. It's common sense, since she has been attracted to her feathers so many times. (Well, at least it was more obvious in the anime..)
I found the part where Kuor-rin has to stay back to take care of Sakura a little wierd but cute. :keke: Seems like Kuro-rin and Fai has switched roles. XD)
And yup, finally a little bit of explaination on the double Syao!! Dark Syaoran looks so cool with that "eye patch", but too bad his eyes aren't as warm as our normal Syaoran-kun... :cry:
this chapter reminds me of an Erementar Gerad scene, this could be an interesting scene to use in TRC, with a little bit of editing
*again posessed Syaoran walks into Sakura's bedroom*
Sakura: *wakes up from the weird dream*...."Syaoran-kun, what's wrong?!*
Syaoran: *climbs on top off Sakura till they're face-to-face*
Sakura: "....Syaoran-kun?.....*Sakura is getting a bit scared here*
Syaoran: *suddenly grabs her by the throad* "you're coming with me!"
Fai and Kuro just returned, heared something and went to the bedroom.
Kuro: what the?! *quickly gives Syaoran a hit on the head*
Fai: *in typical Fai voice* ah, Kuro-pun, you didn't have to knock him out cold
Kuro: pheh
and now the original scene from Erementar Gerad
posessed Coud enters Ren's bedroom and climbs on top of her till they're face-to-face
Ren: *wakes up*.....Coud?
Coud: *gets closer*
Ren:.....Coud? *getting a bit scared*
Coud: *grabs her by the throath and tries to strangle her*
Rowan and Kuea just return and enter the bedroom
Rowan: *thinks Coud is trying to kiss Ren, blushes and covers his eyes* "Coud-san, i can understand your feelings but"....
Kuea: *races past Rowan* ...."that's not it!" *knocks Coud out cold and ties him up*
Scary, I hope not! XD though would like if syoran kissed Sakura *Fangirl sqeal!* he he *sweatdrop*
^ Damn, I can't wait for Syaoran to beat up that other Syaoran, and fast!
I actually like the idea of a dark Syaoran. :D
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I think it may be more than the feather that's calling Sakura down there. What about Kotori? I think she'd call Sakura to tell her where her feather was as well as explain why she can or cant get it back. Sakura's never dreamed fo her feathers before has she? I think the dream gazers are doing something here - Kotori or possible Hinoto or Kanoe.
umm.. please look at this pic:
is it just me? or kuro-pon has THREE arms? please observe
umm.. please look at this pic:
is it just me? or kuro-pon has THREE arms? please observe
huh? you're right it looks like he has three arms!
O.o i see it too....weird...
hey, i just discovered something...this is the first time that we didnt see Miyuki-chan at the start of this world!
umm.. please look at this pic:
is it just me? or kuro-pon has THREE arms? please observe
gosh...is kurogane an octopus of three arms? :laughing4:
a funny mistake... :hehe:
umm.. please look at this pic:
is it just me? or kuro-pon has THREE arms? please observe
The first time I read 113 I assumed that Fai was the one who grabbed Syaoran's arm because of this frame. Then, on re-reading and reading peoples posts, I realised it was Kuro..
.__. It is a mistake right? and not that we're looking at it wrong ..and it is actually Fai?
Fai has his hands full through the whole scene. I don't think it is him.
Ohhh dear. CLAMP spaced out on that one, I think. :XD: Whee.
SailorYue - Oh! You're right, I think. Although I haven't been looking lately, as the story itself has been rather good. Perhaps I'll go back and check that.
umm.. please look at this pic:
is it just me? or kuro-pon has THREE arms? please observe
Wow it does say Kuro_Woof how did get Image big? like that on photobucket I have own account, and always want my imagens bigger if you know thanks:)
gosh...is kurogane an octopus
Ishiyaki, this is your fault. You and CLAMP. I didn't start it. >_>
Nahhh, Jenx. That one is YOUR doing. :XD:
New chappie in 38 hours, approximately. ^_^
I haven't read ch. 113 yet *curses dial-up* (in fact im just in vol. 7) and coz me and kuro_woof aren't classmates anymore, it's impossible for me to read TRC again.. Going back to the topic, nice kuro_woof! you're very observant! :lol: Jenx that was really funny!
i know a site that has them online, no dling or joining required...ill pm you the link
thanks for the link, Sailor Yue
Wow it does say Kuro_Woof how did get Image big? like that on photobucket I have own account, and always want my imagens bigger if you know thanks:)
uh.. i can't seem to understand what you are saying. :sweatdrop: what do you mean by 'how did get image big?'
wahahaha! Jenx! you made me laugh! unlike some other people
I haven't read ch. 113 yet *curses dial-up* (in fact im just in vol. 7) and coz me and kuro_woof aren't classmates anymore, it's impossible for me to read TRC again.. Going back to the topic, nice kuro_woof! you're very observant! :lol: Jenx that was really funny!
hmph! :angry:
okay.. okay.. im sorry kuro_woof... i know i shoudn't have gone and said that... sorry.. well? are we friends again?
:hehe: it's okay. just remember, here in CW, we respect each others opinion... but no insults to our opinions, okay? of course we're friends! :okay:
well, going back to the subject, i think CLAMP is so excited for the next chapter, they made that mistake *can't help tp laugh!* i wonder what's on the next chapter?
haha! Fai's reaction when he was riding the scooter was just hilarious! :lol: