
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Kuro-puppy on May 15 2006, 05:38 am

Title: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 15 2006, 05:38 am
Mine would be:

Zagato from Magic Knight Rayearth....he's cool and in ep 19 he has the coolest evil guy intro ever!!

i'll post some more later
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Arcademan on May 15 2006, 05:45 am
You know we have an Anime and Manga Forum to put these types of threads in?!!

Request this:
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Keroberus on May 15 2006, 05:57 am
That's tough:

For me, it's a three way tie between Shishio Makoto (Rurounin Kenshin)--not bad for a toasted, wrinkled mummy dude; Akito Soma (Fruits Basket)--sadistic little twerp/twerpette; Naraku/Onigumo (Inuyasha) --just die already!!! :shifty:
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: augustserenade on May 15 2006, 06:17 am
- Moved to Anime and Manga. Aghh.
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on May 15 2006, 08:49 pm
*ehem* These are some of my favorites ^_^

Muraki Kazutaka (Yami No Matsuei)
-the freakin' evil smile and his mysterious ambiance

Kougaiji (Saiyuki)
-one of the coolest villains I know

 Booty Shakers (Groove Adventure/Rave Master)
-not literally cool; they're just too funny :lol:

Seta Soujirou
-the coolest stance, the great speed, possesses awesome techniques and the person whose irresistable smile is identical to Fai's *^_^*
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Ashlee on May 16 2006, 07:14 am
Team Rocket from pokemon. Those guys are funny :lol:
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: cute_me on May 16 2006, 12:30 pm
Zagato from Magic Knight Rayearth and sojiro from Rurounin Kenshin
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: sanlyn on May 16 2006, 11:14 pm
Soujiro Seta from Rurouni Kenshin -
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an innocent boy who forgoten his real emotions

Seishiro from Tokyo Babylon/ X. - 
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so evil yet so sweet

Setshiomaru from Inuyasha -
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cold but caring. 
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Konata Izumi on May 16 2006, 11:22 pm
hmm... I say...

Sensui from yu yu hakusho (is that his real name? I only heard that name while watching the filipino dub of yu yu hakusho 0.o)
Kurei from Flame of Recca (His dark flame kurenai/scarlet [in teh english dub] pwns or bruns even XD)
Orochimaru from Naruto (Yeah, even if he looks ugly, he still pwns XD, thanks for teh correction for his name, Emythyst-sama ^_^)
Shishio and Aoshi from Rurouni Kenshin (Their cool moves can hit you in the back, literally. :P)
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on May 16 2006, 11:54 pm
hmm... I say...

Sensui from yu yu hakusho (is that his real name? I only heard that name while watching the filipino dub of yu yu hakusho 0.o)
Kurei from Flame of Recca (His dark flame kurenai/scarlet [in teh english dub] pwns or bruns even XD)
Urochimaru from Naruto (Yeah, even if he looks ugly, he still pwns)
Shishio and Aoshi from Rurouni Kenshin (Their cool moves can hit you in the back, literally. :P)

*squeaks* I forgot to add Aoshi! Thanks for the reminder, Elysia-chan! ^_^


Keith (It's really hard to spell his surname y'know) - Psychic Force
Wong - Psychic Force
Dark Syaoran - TRC (he seems to be a villain to me... -_- )
Shougo Amakusa - Rurouni Kenshin

erm... I'll add some others when I think right. My brain's malfunctioning again -_-

Off topic: From Yu Yu Hakusho, yeah.. His name is Sensui
And I think you spelled Urochimaru wrong... It's Orochimaru *don't get offensive, just pointed it out :sweatdrop: *
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Konata Izumi on May 17 2006, 12:14 am
Oh yeah... Some more... I'm too tired to edit my list:

Taguro - yu yu hakusho (he pwns, man, he psns)
Cel and Freeza - Dragon Ball Z (an android and an alien.. how nice XD)
Nakago - Fushigi Yuugi (He looks cool, but his psychic energy... 0.o)

Off-Topic:  Thanks ~Emethyst~ for those corrections and stuff, i wish I could give you a cookie... ^_^
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Akahna on May 17 2006, 12:24 am
AKITO-SAMA! (Fruits Basket) *fangirl squeal*
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on May 17 2006, 01:03 am
No problem, Elysia-kun ^_^


Nakago - FY (yes, he's one of my faves too!)
Ashura - TRC (he seemed like a villain)
Shigeru - Yakitate!! Japan (Newcomer's Battle: was a villain once)
Sephiroth - duh! FFVII (Last Order - it's an anime)
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Ando on May 17 2006, 07:51 pm
1. Akito! (spoiler for Fruits Basket, volyme 17)
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It was so sad when Kureno told Touru why he had stayed by chibi-Akito's side. "Kurenooo! Don't leave me! Don't abandon me!" I nearly cried, and I never cry. A villian who is sadistic, psycho and tragic at the same time deserves to be top of the list.

2. Orochimaru from Naruto. Who wouldn't love to have an evil boss who forced all of his employees to share his horrible taste in fashion? Besides, I love every male anime villain who does not constantly refer to himself with ore.
3. The guy with violet/blue hair in Team Rocket. Can't remember his name... but he was the only one who made the show worth watching.
4. Jedyte from Sailor Moon
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I could never forgive his succeeder. :hmp: He called Jedyte a loser the first thing he said!
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 17 2006, 08:13 pm

Zagato - MKR
Fate - MSLN (she isn't really a villain but she's Nanoha's rival, that counts as well right?)
Neflite - Sailor Moon
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy Last Order
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Fai on May 18 2006, 03:03 pm
Akito- Fruits Basket
Envy- FMA
Team Rocket- Pokemon XD

I can't really think of anymore of my favorite bad guys right now ^^; The heat must be going to my head.
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: katanax on May 24 2006, 12:28 pm
(Naruto)Orochimaru for sure.He's so....evil
Itachi as well,he killed his clan,that's so evil,I wanna be like him.
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on May 24 2006, 01:13 pm
Akito Sohma (Furuba) - this psychotic cutie is THE BEST!!!!
Uchiha Itachi (Naruto) - cutest Naruto ever
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on May 24 2006, 02:05 pm

Uchiha Itachi - Naruto
Homura - Saiyuki
Envy - FMA
Seto Kaiba - Yu-Gi-Oh! (Yugi's rival... O.o)
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 24 2006, 04:18 pm

Zagato from Magic Knight Rayearth
Signum and Zafira from MSLN A's
Akito from Fruits Basket - more psychotic than this they don't get
Dark Mushrambo from Shinzo
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on May 24 2006, 04:28 pm
Nephlite and fish eye and sailor aluminum siren from sailor moon
Duskmon from digimon frontiers
rubber-robos from medabots
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: kudan on May 25 2006, 11:27 pm
Not many I can think of...
Hao from Shaman King
And Dark Syaoran if he is a villain. X)
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Kuro-puppy on May 25 2006, 11:51 pm

Zagato - Magic Knight Rayearth
Neflite - Sailor Moon
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy Last Order
Wolx - Erementar Gerad
Signum - MSLN A's
Zafira - MSLN A's
Akito from Fruits Basket - more psychotic than this they don't get
Dark Mushrambo - Shinzo
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Ashlee on May 26 2006, 12:04 am
And Dark Syaoran if he is a villain. X)
Oh yes. he can come and take me away any time :lol:
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: ~Bloody_Rose~ on May 26 2006, 05:13 pm
Oh, yesh! i want to add Hao up in my list!!! (coolest character in SK)
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Seven_Deadly_Sin on May 29 2006, 08:42 am
Envy , Pride, Kimblee, Greed ( Fullmetal Alchemist) sorry about that

Team Rocket (Pokemon )

That's all i know
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: katanax on June 03 2006, 12:34 pm
Oh add Hao to my list as well!
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Kuro-puppy on June 03 2006, 02:02 pm

Zagato - Magic Knight Rayearth
Neflite - Sailor Moon
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy Last Order
Wolx - Erementar Gerad
Signum - MSLN A's
Zafira - MSLN A's
Akito from Fruits Basket - more psychotic than this they don't get
Dark Mushrambo - Shinzo
Dark Syaoran - TRC
Mushra *when going berserk* - Shinzo   (he's not an evil guy but hey, in that berserk state even the goodguys/badguy's were afraid of him and he looked really evil ) :greengrin:
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on June 04 2006, 04:11 pm

Ni Jen Yi - Saiyuki

Done... for now ^_^"
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master on June 04 2006, 04:29 pm
Kougaiji (Saiyuki) - an enemy yet a friend...great for a sparring partner!
Seta Soujiro (Rurouni Kenshin) - a wolf in sheep's clothing...but I love him anyway!
Yami Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh)- a completely insane thief but one with smarts and looks
Hao Asakura (Shaman King) - a cool and calm enemy
Team Rocket (Pokemon) - hopeless but persistent...traits that make them funny and likeable!
Reiji Kageyama (Gatekeepers) - so smart and cool

to be continued...
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on June 04 2006, 04:40 pm
Credits to Sayuhiro for the reminder:

Yuji Mitsuoka/Reiji Kageyama - Gatekeepers
Yami Marik - Yu-Gi-Oh!
Hao Asakura - Shaman King
Team Rocket - Pokemon

and some from Samurai Deeper Kyo

Yukimura Sanada (was a villain once)
Aijira (Kyo's apprentice)
Another one of Kyo's disciple (the one controlling the flames; orange-haired dude)

...I forgot the names of the characters in the said anime... but I will remember them :laughing4:
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Star Wings on June 04 2006, 05:27 pm
Suboshi (Fusigi Yuugi)
Reo (Gauken Alice)
Team Rocket (Pokemon)

That's all I know so far
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Rusty on June 04 2006, 05:40 pm
team rocket - pokemon
akito - fruits basket
gilgamesh - fate stay night
eriol - ccs
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: PnaiAnimeLover on June 05 2006, 09:14 am
Akito Sohma [Fruits Basket]
Uchiha Itachi [Naruto]
Orochimaru [Naruto]
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: rukia on June 05 2006, 02:40 pm
itachi from naruto man...he's so cool!! and envy in full metal alchemist. i like the name gluttony in fma... really suits hime but i'm not sure about his personality........
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: cute_me on June 07 2006, 07:08 am
Zagato from Magic Knight Rayearth and sojiro from Rurounin Kenshin
Zagato from Magic Knight Rayearth and soujiro from Rurounin Kenshin
Creed from Black Cat <------- at the beggining i hated him with all my heart but then i started to love him.
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master on June 10 2006, 01:56 am
Thanks to Emethyst-chan for the reminders:

Marik Ishtar and Yami Marik
Seto Kaiba (I think he became a villain once or twice...)

And thanks to PnaiAnimeLover:
Uchiha Itachi and Kabuto (Naruto)
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Kuro-pipi on June 11 2006, 10:50 am
My all time favorite villain would have to be Black Lady from BSSM ... *-* ... Sugary-sweet and annoying gone cold-hearted and dead-smexy .. xD
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on June 11 2006, 02:05 pm
Add up:

Kabuto - Naruto
Fate Testarossa - MSLN :XD:
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: ChibiChocobo on June 11 2006, 02:24 pm
Sephiroth - last order
Greed,Envy - FMA
Sesshomaru -  inuyasha   the one only I ever watched Inuyasha
Akabane - GetBackers

thats all i can think of for now :keke:
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: SasukeRocks on June 12 2006, 05:45 am
Itachi Uchiha - Naruto
Envy - FMA
Krad - D.N.Angel
Sesshomaru - InuYasha
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: katanax on June 14 2006, 12:43 am
Sess is!
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Capella on June 21 2006, 11:34 pm
Akito Sohma (Fruits Basket) -So psycho it's beautiful.
Shinobu Sensui (Yu Yu Hakusho) -I hate the guy, but he's an excellent villain.
Seishirou Sakurazuka (Tokyo Babylon/X) -Even knowing how horrible he is, it's so hard to hate him. :sweatdrop:
Kharl (Dragon Knights) -Crazy = awesome.
Saabel (Dragon Knights) -He's so pathetic, it's adorable.
A lot of the villains from the last season of Sailor Moon, particularly Sailor Lethe.
Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter) - Creepy + Crazy = All Around Win
Emperor Kura (Planet Ladder) -...He was just awesome.
Favorite at the moment:
Dark Ashura (RG Veda) - Prima Donna of Destruction comment.
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Okamirei on June 22 2006, 01:00 am
Ichimaru Gin and Aizen Sousuke from BLEACH
Seishirou Sakurazuka from TRC, x/1999, and Tokyo Babylon  :keke:
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: marielaure on August 27 2006, 05:29 am
Aion-Chrno crusade
"The fantom"-MÄR
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Rekall on August 27 2006, 06:42 am
Seishirou from Tokyo Babylon and X
Fuuma from X
Creed from Black Cat
Aoshi from Rurouni Kenshin
Muraki from Yami no Matsuei
Schuldig from Weiss Kreuz
Yami Malik from Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Monsters
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Eriol on August 31 2006, 06:44 pm

Bakura Yami-->Yu-Gi-Oh(oversadistic this guy)
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Kirtai on September 01 2006, 03:57 am
Well, if you must call him a villian, it'd have to be Sesshoumaru.  He's the only reason to watch/read Inuyasha (anybody read teh most recent chappies?)

If they have white hair, yes.
+ glasses- drool
* wings- *die*
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: Celestial on September 02 2006, 06:21 pm
Itachi Uchiha - Naruto
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: monkey on April 14 2008, 12:02 pm
Kid Buu, Perfect Cell and Baby Vegeta from DBZ
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII Last Order
Anti-Spirals from Gurren Lagann
Marionette King from I''s
Light from Death Note
Title: Re: Who are your favorite Anime Villains?
Post by: KeroFaria on July 29 2008, 04:01 pm
Envy (FMA)
Lyra/Dante (FMA)
Creed Diskenth (Black Cat)
Robert Hydan (The Law of Ueki)