
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: ChibiChocobo on June 11 2006, 02:42 pm

Title: First anime you ever watched
Post by: ChibiChocobo on June 11 2006, 02:42 pm
(I dont know if this topic was already made if it was just delete it or something  :sweatdrop:)

Whats the first anime you've ever watched?

I first watched pokemon when i was 5  :XD:
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Senefen on June 11 2006, 02:44 pm
Watched - probably sailor moon.
Really liked - Pokemon
Respectable thing you'd admit to watching - Neon Genesis Evangelion :D
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Chibikawa on June 11 2006, 02:46 pm
Either Pokemon or Sailor Moon. My brother introduced me to Pokemon... oh, so long ago. I guess I just simply started watching Sailor Moon(can't remember). Ah, the good ol' days... *goes into reminiscing mode*
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on June 11 2006, 02:48 pm
first ive wathed: Sailor Moon
Most i know about: Sailor Moon
fav Sailor Moon and Tsubasa chronicle
best sofar: Tsubasa Chronicle.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Chibikawa on June 11 2006, 02:51 pm
Now that I think of it, Cardcaptor Sakura was also one of the first anime I've ever watched(dubbed)... but I didn't watch it that much then.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Arcademan on June 11 2006, 02:55 pm
There was a similar thread awhile back but it's been archived so it's cool.

First anime I watched: Battle of the Planets...otherwise known as the classic GATCHAMAN!!![/b]
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: ChibiChocobo on June 11 2006, 03:27 pm
Now that I think of it, Cardcaptor Sakura was also one of the first anime I've ever watched(dubbed)... but I didn't watch it that much then.

yeah i watched cardcaptor sakura (dubbed also )right after pokemon becuase my sister went crazy over it ^^
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on June 11 2006, 03:39 pm
cardcaptors was my second anime, Yue was the first bishi i fell in love wioth (even before i knew what a bishi was :P)
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Arcademan on June 11 2006, 03:46 pm
Okay...there was no English dubbed version of Cardcaptor Sakura...that was the horrible Crapcaptors. There IS a difference!!!
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on June 11 2006, 03:50 pm
Okay...there was no English dubbed version of Cardcaptor Sakura...that was the horrible Crapcaptors. There IS a difference!!!
i thought there was a second dubb, where they DIDNT screw it up 100% and they kept episdes intact and dubbed them all?
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Chibikawa on June 11 2006, 03:53 pm
Okay...there was no English dubbed version of Cardcaptor Sakura...that was the horrible Crapcaptors. There IS a difference!!!
Hence why I'm currently downloading CCS subbed. But now we're getting off-topic.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: mela on June 11 2006, 04:13 pm
If you count Sailor Moon when I was in second grade or Pokemon when I was in 5th grade, then those were my firsts.

But if we are talking about the first show you saw that led you to watch more and more anime, it was FLCL and Full Metal Alchemist (I say both of these because they'd air right after the other last summer on Adult Swim, yeah I am still a relative newbie to anime, but the amount that I have watched in that time is embarrassing XD) I only watched those and then in January I watched Tsubasa and it made me extremely obsessed with the genre, even though the anime is kinda crappy. But at least it led me to the manga, which is great! :P
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Chibikawa on June 11 2006, 04:16 pm
But if we are talking about the first show you saw that led you to watch more and more anime
If we're regarding that, then mine would be Inuyasha. That definately led me to watch more anime and read more manga.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: ~Emethyst~ on June 11 2006, 04:41 pm
Hmmm... first ever.....?

Etto... Yu Yu Hakusho, Magic Knight Rayearth (although the one I've seen is rerun), Zenki... and two other animes as well... Hopefully I remember the titles :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Kuro-pipi on June 11 2006, 07:42 pm
Like so many people, after I started watching the Sailor Moon dub, I was hooked from there. xD

I don't think my fandom branched out until maybe a year later, though ... the second series I tried was Utena ... then CCS ...  x3
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Arcademan on June 12 2006, 03:09 am
i thought there was a second dubb, where they DIDNT screw it up 100% and they kept episdes intact and dubbed them all?
Okay...let's try this again...there is NO OFFICIAL English dubbed version of the series.

This is off-topic. Let us not speak no more of this here. Thank You.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: SasukeRocks on June 12 2006, 05:31 am
It was either Sailor Moon or Pokemon.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: moezychan on June 12 2006, 06:01 am
My first dubbed anime was Digimon: Digital Monsters (Digimon Adventure) but my first subbed anime was Card Captor Sakura.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master on June 12 2006, 05:04 pm
Very first? I don't know...I had watched many animated shows when I was a kid and it was just recently that I found out they were anime...

But I recognize Yu Yu Hakusho as the first anime I ever watched though there were many others before it
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: c3d on June 12 2006, 05:13 pm
Well first anime would be tehno man ^^ (if that's the right name, been ages) then pokemon, Cardcaptors *which lead me to fall in love with CCS*, Evangelion *which made me hooked into anime*
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: sanlyn on June 12 2006, 10:30 pm
First anime - voltes V or Daimos or candy-candy,  Robot anime was popular in that time.
Anime that make me fanatic --- Sailor moon.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Strawberry on June 13 2006, 03:42 am
I can't remember what was the first Anime I watched because I was about 5 years old or something, but I think it's probably Doreman.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Asuka on June 13 2006, 10:37 am
Sailor Moon XD
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: wishingstarx on June 13 2006, 11:20 am
My first, I'm not sure but I think it was Pokemon... That or either Sailor Moon or Digimon...  :keke:
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Star Wings on June 16 2006, 01:39 pm
I think that Pokemon was the first anime I ever watched.  At think that I saw it when I was about 5 years old so that was about 7 years ago.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Anime4you on June 16 2006, 05:21 pm
My first anime was Sailor Moon  . And when I watched I was very young , but I know I realy LIKED that anime...
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Airashii on July 23 2006, 10:40 am
I first watched Sailor Moon on cartoon network, and then pokemon, my two first favorite anime. Hehehehe!
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Becka-Chan on July 23 2006, 11:32 am
Sailor Moom! wow alot of people have said that. After that I got in to Pokemon. ^_^
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Konata Izumi on July 23 2006, 11:34 am
Sailor-moon... o.0
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Capella on July 23 2006, 11:40 am
Wow, yeah, I also watched Pokémon and Sailor Moon first. I was utterly obsessed with them, as well. Mewtwo...Zoisite...
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on July 26 2006, 11:41 pm
First anime i ever watch: Salior Moon when i was 6

i guess we all belong to the same era?
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Sanmine on July 26 2006, 11:58 pm
I think the first anime I watched was either Sailor Moon or Vision of Escaflowne, both dubbed. I had no idea at the time that they were anime.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Arcademan on July 27 2006, 03:26 am
I mentioned the first anime I watched was Gatchaman (like many, I had no idea it was anime: it wasn't even called that back in the 70's) and the first SUBBED anime I watched was Robotech.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Rekall on July 27 2006, 08:35 am
DBZ, I *think*.  It might have been DB since they were airing one right after the other at the time.  But I'm pretty sure I started on DBZ and then the next night I started on DB.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Sailor Yue-chan on August 04 2006, 08:17 pm
wow, looks like alot of people started otu as moonies ^_^
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: quimmy on August 05 2006, 06:02 am
I think it was Shinzo, that very weird card anime in which everyone died at least twice. Pokemon came after that, then Digimon (<3) and then Cardcaptors.
DNAngel was the first subbed one I saw though, but it was awful. xD
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Jade-chan on August 05 2006, 06:37 am
I was going to say my first was CCS but then I remember I saw Pokemon before that. And Yu-Gi-Oh and Digimon. But CCS was the first anime I finished watching all the way through.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: gilly on August 05 2006, 07:56 am
honestly i cant remember XD but my guess would be Doraemon (the cat robot) lol.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: marielaure on August 27 2006, 05:23 am
My first anime I ever watched was Dragonball Z.Thenit was Cat's eye,Pokemon and Card captor Sakura
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: mellie on August 27 2006, 07:40 am
Mine was in 1983-84: Voltron, then Rainbow Brite. I knew they were both Japanese, too. <3

I'm so old...
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Chibi on August 27 2006, 08:39 am
Either Sailor Moon or Dragonball Z. I forget which one I watched first.
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on October 03 2006, 12:05 am
hm...mine was Fushigi Yuugi or was it Sailormoonor Azuki Cha Cha or something like that time , I didn't know that it was called anime...
Title: Re: First anime you ever watched
Post by: Sandra-chan on October 03 2006, 12:49 am
My first anime was Sailor moon or pokémon, that i watched when i was 10-13 years old or something. I watched them dubbed on tv but after awhile I started to watch original sailor moon and after that i've watched many series :D.