
Anime/Manga => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: minty on June 14 2006, 01:01 pm

Title: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: minty on June 14 2006, 01:01 pm
If you could choose to be a member of a family from a manga/anime series, whose family would you like to be in?

Personally, I think I'd like to be in Miki's family (Marmalade Boy). I think it's kinda strange (if not messed up, with 4 parents living together, and they all love each other, you know the plot) but they are all so happy and I think it's really fun!!  :D
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Ashlee on June 15 2006, 12:49 am
Well, I'm part of Syaoran family (TRC)

Guess who I am ^__^
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Konata Izumi on June 15 2006, 01:20 am
I'd rather be in Inuyasha's family and become Seshiomaru and fight inuyasha for his tessaiga XD :lol:
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: katanax on June 15 2006, 01:22 am
Daidouji Tomoyo's family....alot of money to spend every hours
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: minty on June 15 2006, 05:55 am
Tomoyo does have a lot of money but one thing I find missing is a fatherly figure. Her father was never mentioned in the manga.
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: AkaiYuki on June 15 2006, 06:22 am
Tomoyo does have a lot of money but one thing I find missing is a fatherly figure. Her father was never mentioned in the manga.

Heh, sounds like my family. Ha ha ha.. heh heh.. Ha ha ha ha!!!! Nn... *curls up in a ball in the corner*

*cough* Ehem... Back to the subject... If I could be in any anime character's family... I'd be in... Eiri's from Gravitation! XD They're all so crazy, I'd fit right in! (Actually, I'd probably be Tatsuha.. XD Heh heh..)
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Razeasha on June 15 2006, 09:19 am
I'd like to be part of the Sohma family from Fruits Basket. Dysfunctional never really bothered me, I just want more cousins!
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: minty on June 15 2006, 01:23 pm
yeah, cousins are cool. I kinda like a bigger family. I wouldn't really want to be the only child in the family because I would always be lonely. after all, friends are not the same as siblings. my ideal family would consist of father, mother, an elder brother and sister and a younger sister and brother. Hehehe, I would love to be in the middle. The family in Marmalade Boy is cool isn't it? Miki had this step-brother with whom she eventually falls in love with. lol.

I'd like to be part of the Sohma family from Fruits Basket. Dysfunctional never really bothered me, I just want more cousins!
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Tenkuuken on June 15 2006, 01:42 pm
I don't to be with any other family, anime or otherwise, even if I don't like my own.
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Celestial on June 15 2006, 01:46 pm
Uchia or Hyguu(from Naruto) ......sure they have family problems, but who doesnt :D, anything for those eyes
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Star Wings on June 16 2006, 01:21 pm
I guess it would be Yuri Shibuya's family from Kyo Kara Maoh.  I get two older brother and one of them is actually a demon king from a demon tribe who's kind, forgiving and easy going, hates war and love peace.  I also get a playful mother as well and also a father who is also from a demon tribe.  A pretty cool mix of members.
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: SasukeRocks on June 17 2006, 02:30 am
Uchiha from Naruto because I love the Sharingan
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: tsuki on September 20 2006, 05:57 pm
i want to be in kimihiro family!!i also want to be Watanuki's lillte sister!!  ^__^ hehe!
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Zettai daijoubu on September 20 2006, 06:10 pm
i just wanna be in a family where i would have a nice elder bro
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Chang on September 20 2006, 06:26 pm
i'd want to be in yuuko's family.... it'd be interesting to have her as an older sister or something :tongue3:
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Paccy on September 20 2006, 07:22 pm
I want to be in Haruhi's (Ouran high school host club) family! I want Ranka-san as my dad. <3
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Renaya on September 20 2006, 09:43 pm
CCS Sakura's family, nice and warm family, nice house and food, and kinda magical family....:hehe:..(being related with Clow)
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Ochibi on September 20 2006, 09:54 pm
yeah, Sakura's house would seem nice..but naaaaaaaaaaah
Im fine with the one I have right now, thankyou
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Rekall on September 21 2006, 03:52 am
Atobe's family from 'Prince of Tennis'.  I'd get to be filthy rich and my brother's hot gay friends would be over all the time.  :P
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Miescha Clayre on November 03 2006, 11:08 am
CCS Sakura's family, nice and warm family, nice house and food, and kinda magical family....:hehe:..(being related with Clow)

Ditto!!! I would love an elder bro... sometimes being an only child is beginning to be a bit lonely for me!!! but I still love my family... I have all my older cousins as my older siblings since I grew up with them and two younger ones (I'm actually the thrid youngest!!! hahaha!!!)
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: princesslore on November 03 2006, 12:25 pm
Atem's family (Royal family, Akunamukanon, Seto, Akunadin....). Being Atem's sister, why? Well... Egiptians used to marry with their sisters and brothers!!!! (LOL!!!!  :haha:  :haha: )

But I like my family already n.n
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Eriol on November 10 2006, 10:11 pm
Hmmm...Tough one but I think I'll be in Sakura's family even though I have 2 brothers... :okay:
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: Sabbe-chan on November 10 2006, 10:19 pm
Hmmm...Tough one but I think I'll be in Sakura's family even though I have 2 brothers... :okay:
Me too, Her family seem soo nice....
BTW, I've also got 2 brothers! :keke:
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: *~LostKitty~* on November 10 2006, 10:23 pm
I want to be in Kurosaki Ichigo's ( BLEACH ) family...hahah then I'll have a shinigami for a brother !
Title: Re: Whose family would you want to be in?
Post by: MJ Walker on November 11 2006, 08:26 am
Hyuuga from Naruto. Just because the special power :hehe: